Ai Practice Paper - 1 QP

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केन्द्रीय विद्यालय संगठन, गरु

ु ग्राम संभाग
कक्षा- X Class-X
CLASS: X Max. Marks: 50
Subject: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (417) Time: 02 Hrs

General instructions:
1. This question paper consists of 46 questions grouped into two parts viz. Section
A: Employability skills and Section B: Subject Specific skills
2. Section A: EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS (10 marks)
a. Objective Type Questions
There are 6 questions of 1 mark each. (Answer any 4) (1x4=4 marks)
b. Short Answer Type Questions
There are 5 questions of 2 marks each. (Answer any 3) (2x3=6 marks)
3. Section B: SUBJECT SPECIFIC SKILLS (40 marks)
a. Objective Type Questions
There are 24 questions of 1 mark each. (Answer any 20)
(1x20=20 marks)
b. Short Answer Type Questions
There are 6 questions of 2 marks each. (Answer any 4) (2x4=8 marks)
c. Descriptive type questions
There are 5 questions of 4 marks each. (Answer any 3) (4x3=12marks)
4. All questions of a particular section must be attempted in the correct order.


Objective Types Questions: 1x4=4

Answer any 4 questions out of the given 6 questions.

Q1. Madhav gets up early in the morning and goes for walk. Then he comes home and 1
is getting ready to go to school. Before getting ready he is checking his pending
work and finishes the work if any before going to school. He does all these tasks
without asking anybody. Here Madhav is:

(i) self-motivated (ii) self-employed

(iii) self-aware (iv) self-controlled

Q2. The basis of decision-making depends upon 1

(i) The available information and experience (ii) Prejudices and Suggestions
(ii) Own beliefs and Knowledge (iv) Internet facts

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Q3. Which of the following is an example of data science? 1

(i)Social media websites (ii)Price Comparison websites

(iii) Online Shopping websites (iv)Blog web sites

Q4. Arun has naturalistic intelligence, he 1

(i) loves driving cars (ii) is a good interior decorator

(iii) enjoys working with plants (iv) works well with children

Q5. Which of the following function is not a way to protect data? 1

(i) Password (ii) Antivirus and Firewall

(iii) Secure Sites (iv) Trojan horse

Q6. If a person is well aware of self-weakness and strengths or own feelings is known 1
as _________ intelligence.

Short Answer Type Questions: 2x3=6

Answer any 3 questions out of the given 5 questions.

Q7. Write any four barriers of effective communication. 2

Q8. What are different qualities of successful entrepreneurs? 2

Q9. What is the difference between copying and moving files and folders? 2

Q10. List some factors for internal and external motivation 2

Q11. What is the significance of Recycle Bin? 2


Objective Types Questions: 1x20=20

Answer any 20 questions out of the given 24 questions.

Q12. G ive the full form of CBT. 1

Q13. An AI field which uses scientific algorithms and methods on data to extract 1
knowledge so as use it in various applications, is called .

(i) Computer Vision (ii) Data Science

(iii) Machine Learning (iv) None of these
Q14. Identify the stage of AI Project Cycle. In this stage, business objectives, 1

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expected outcomes, key resources and success metrics (parameters) of a project
are decided.

(i) Problem scoping (ii) Data Acquisition

(iii) Data Exploration (iv) Modelling
Q15. Amazon used a system for recruitment, created a situation in which many 1
eligible females were left out of the consideration. This is called _________.

(i) Misinterpretation of Data (ii) Problem of Inclusion

(iii) Gender Bias (iv) Data Privacy

Q16. A person’s ability to recognize and create sounds, rhythms, and sound patterns is known 1
as Musical Intelligence. (True/False)

Q17. When for an AI model, the predicted value is negative and actual value is 1
positive, it is known as .

(i) True Positive (ii) False Positive

(iii) True Negative (iv) False Negative
Q18. The chief guest of our annual function spoke expressively. He displayed great 1

(i) Bodily Kinesthetic (ii) Spatial (iii) Existential (iv) Linguistic

Q19.  I am all about visual data like images and video. – Who am I? 1

Q20. Who introduced the Theory of multiple Intelligence to larger audiences? 1

(i) Howard Gardner (ii) Steve Howie

(iii) Howard Johnson (iv) Jackie Robinson
Q21. Which of these domains and technologies play an important role in 1
creating human like robots?

(i) Computer Vision (ii) NLP (iii) Data (iv) All of these
Q22. What are the three main parts of a Neuron? 1

(i) Dendrit, Axon, Aoma (ii) Gamio, Samio, Dendrition

(iii) Dendrite, Soma, Axon (iv) Dendrite, Axon, Soma
Q23. Which of these plays an important role in providing interactive and 1
immersive gaming experience?

(i) Computer Vision (ii) GPS (iii) Data (iv) All of these
Q24. DataFrame is a data structure belonging to Python’s 1

(i) NumPy (ii) Pandas

(iii) Matplotlib (iv) Core Python, no library
Q25. “For hiring purposes, a big firm made use of AI based software and it resulted 1
in hiring very few women in past 5 years”. Which ethical issue is related to

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(i) Transparency (ii) Bias and Fairness
(iii) Trust, Privacy and control (iv) Automation and impact over jobs
Q26. involves collecting data from various authentic sources such as 1
reliable websites, observations surveys.

(i) Data Acquisition (ii) Data Evaluation

(iii) Data Testing (iv) Data Modelling
Q27. Which of the following is not done during Problem Scoping? 1

(i) Identifying the problems and issues

(ii) Studying and analyzing the problems/issues
(iii) Setting a goal
(iv) Collecting data
Q28 Which of these is not a valid “W” of 4Ws canvas tool? 1

(i) Where (ii) What (iii) Who (iv) Why (v) While
Q29. The data is resourced from other sources like, the internet and not 1
collected by the users themselves.

(i) Primary (ii) Secondary (iii) Structured (iv) Unstructured

Q30. What are the benefits of data visualization? 1

(i) Better analysis (ii) Identifying patterns

(iii) Exploring business insights (iv) All of these
Q31. Identify the stage of AI Project Cycle – in this stage, the most suitable AI 1
model is chosen after testing and analyzing the shortlisted models.

(i) Problem scoping (ii) Data Acquisition

(iii) Modelling (iv) Evaluation
Q32. is a learning approach that is used to identify a relationship 1
between large amounts of information from a data set.

(i) Classification (ii) unsupervised learning

(iii) Regression (iv) Dimensionality Reduction
Q33. When the sender’s message is received differently from how it was 1
intended, is known as .

(i) Physical Barrier (ii) Language Barrier

(iii) Interpersonal barrier (iv) Organizational barrier

Q34. is a technique that categorizes predicted values of an AI Model 1

and the actual result values.

(i) Accuracy (ii) Precision

(iii) Recall (iv) Confusion Matrix

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Q35 Your health insurance company has asked all its customers to regularly deposit 1
bi-yearly reports of health tests. After sometime, it is able to recommend to
your doctors by predicting your possible ailment in future. This is an example
of technology of AI.

(i) Computer Vision (ii) Data Science

(iii) Machine Learning (iv) None of these

Short Answer Type Questions: 2x4=8

Answer any 4 questions out of the given 6 questions.

Q36. How does the face lock system work in a smartphone? 2

Q37. What is Sustainable Development? Write any two need of sustainable development. 2
Q38. What do you understand by True Positive and False Negatives? 2
Q39. What are the applications of TFIDF? 2
Q40. Define AI Ethics. 2
Q41. What are the methods/techniques used during Data exploration phase? 2

Descriptive Type Questions. 4x3=12

Answer any 3 questions out of the given 5 questions.

Q42. What is NLP? What are some NLP applications? 4

Q43 Write about some popular AI apps and tools. (Any four) 4

Q44. What is a data set? What is its other name? What are data features? Give examples. 4
Q45. Nowadays Google Assistant, Cortana, Siri, Alexa, etc have become an integral part 4

of our lives. Not only can we talk to them but they also have the ability to make our

lives easier. By accessing our data, they can help us in keeping notes of our tasks,
making calls for us, sending messages and a lot more. With the help of speech
recognition, these assistants can not only detect our speech but can also make sense of it.
According to recent research, a lot more advancements are expected in this field in the
near future.

Answer the following questions:

1. Name a few virtual assistants.

2. What is the role of virtual assistants? How do they impact our life?
3. How do virtual assistants work?

Q46. What is a confusion matrix? Explain in detail with the help of an example. 4

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