LIT 1 Module 3

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ENG 1/11
Instructor: Francis Hue T. Salomon
Facebook Account: Francis Hue Salomon
Email Address: [email protected]


(Week & Topic

st nd
1 (1 -2 ) NOrSU Preliminaries
2 (3rd–4th) Lesson 1 – Introduction to Literature
3 (5th–6th) Lesson 2 – Divisions of Literature
4 (7th–8th) Lesson 3 – Importance of Philippine Literature and Time Frames with a touch of
Philippine Mythology
5 (9th–10th) Lesson 4 – Periods of Philippine Literature under Spanish Colonizers


6 (11th–12th) Lesson 5 – The American Regime

7 (13t –14th) Lesson 6 – The Japanese Period
8 (15th–16th) Lesson 7 – Literature Representatives in the Rebirth of Freedom, Activism, New
Society and Third Republic
9 (17th–18th) Lesson 8 – Representative Compositions through Time (1989 – 2020)




 Learning Activities
 Practice Task
 Assignments
 Project/virtual presentation
Major Examinations:
 Midterm Examination
 Final Examination

Blended Mode of Instruction (BMI): 75% technology mediated sessions and 25%
modular sessions.

GRADING SYSTEM Breakdown of the 100% final grade into at least 4 specific grade- components
as agreed by the concern faculty members in the department/ program/ college
ENG 1/11
Instructor: Francis Hue T. Salomon
Facebook Account: Francis Hue Salomon
Email Address: [email protected]

or school.

Evaluation Criteria
Midterm Grade Final Grade
Learning activities -15% Learning activities -15%
Practice task - 15% Practice task -15%
Assignments - 10% Assignments -10%
Project - 20% Project -20%
Midterm Exam - 40% Final Exam -40%
100% 100%
Computation of Final Grade

50% of Midterm Grade + 50% of Final Grade = 100%

ENG 1/11
Instructor: Francis Hue T. Salomon
Facebook Account: Francis Hue Salomon
Email Address: [email protected]


The American Regime and the Japanese Period


At the end of the course, the learners are to (A) Respond to strategies that
develop critical and creative thinking, and/or other higher-order thinking skills.;
Internalize an understanding of the range of verbal and non-verbal classroom
communication strategies that support learner understanding, participation,
engagement and achievement.;Value understanding of learning environments
that promote fairness, respect and care to encourage learning.; (S) Embody
teaching strategies that are responsive to learner’s linguistic, cultural, socio-economic
and religious backgrounds.; Perfect knowledge of providing timely, accurate and
constructive feedback to improve learner performance.; Articulate the
relationship of language, literature, culture, and society in teaching-learning process.; (K) Apply an understanding of supportive learning environments that nurture
and inspire learner participation.; Evaluate knowledge and understanding of
differentiated teaching to suit the learner’s gender, needs, strengths, interests and
experiences.; Synthesize original compositions in expository and creative

All these are achieved through delivering excellent instruction, relevant and
responsive research and extension services, and quality assured product through
competent and highly motivated human capital; perfecting the core values of
SAPPHIRE (Spirituality, Accountability, Professionalism, Patriotism, Harmony, Integrity,
Respect, Excellence) as an embodiment of a true NOrSUnian.; and become a
dynamic, competitive and globally responsive


This module contains the following lessons:

Lesson 5: The American Regime

ENG 1/11
Instructor: Francis Hue T. Salomon
Facebook Account: Francis Hue Salomon
Email Address: [email protected]

Lesson 6: The Japanese Period


In order to benefit profoundly from this module, please be guided by all the key
points presented below.

1. This module contains two ( 2 ) lessons. Each lesson i s explained

substantively. Read the explanations thoroughly so that you would
understand the lesson entirely.

2. On the f i rst page of each lesson, you will find the specific learning
outcomes ( SLOs) of each lesson. SLOs are knowledge and skills you are
expected to acquire at the end of the lesson. Read them heartily.

3. You must answer the Learning Activities/ Exercises ( LAEs). The

LAEs are designed to help you acquire the SLO

4. Feel free to chat, call, text or send me an email i f you have questions,
reactions, or reflections about the module’ s contents or activities.

5. The Practice Task/ Assessment and the Assignment shall be checked by


Lesson 5 & 6 – The American Regime and the Japanese Period


At the end of this module, you will be able to:

1. Discuss the historical background of Philippine Literature during the

American-Japanese Period.
2. Enumerate the three period emerged during the American Period.
3. Explain the characteristics and features during the American Period.
4. Illustrate the Filipino poetry during the Japanese period.
5. Value the changes of Philippine literature during the Spanish
ENG 1/11
Instructor: Francis Hue T. Salomon
Facebook Account: Francis Hue Salomon
Email Address: [email protected]

Philippine Literature during American-Japanese Period

American Period (1898-1941)

Over the years, Philippine literature has been into its emergence. From our
pre-historic times until modern day, there were several discovery, creativity and wide
range of imagination. All these things happened because of the experiences of our
country whether slavery, freedom, poverty and independence.

With a certain degree of freedom of the press from Spanish Slavery, the writers
in tagalong began to express themselves more freely.

Characteristics and Features of the Period

1. Zarsuelas- it started during 1893; however, Severino Reyes popularized new

dramatic form and soon old forms slowly disappeared. In the first period of the
American regime, theme was no longer more about Christians and Muslims but between
Filipinos and Spaniards.

Nationalistic writers took heart and during the first decade of the American Colonial
Regime, wrote stage plays that were critical of the United Staes or advocating

Example of Stage Plays: Juan Abad’s Tanikalang Ginto, Aurelio Tolentino’s Kahapon,
Ngayon at Bukas and Luhang Tagalog, Tomas Remigio’s Malaya and Juan Matapang
Cruz’s Hindi Ako Patay.

There were also less critical and revolutionary plays, like Sandugong Panaginip, the
tagalong translation of a play in Spanish Written by Pedro Paterno, Tatlong pung Salapi,
Kalahi, and Pulong Pinaglahuan.

All these plays helped fortify nationalistic spirit of the Filipino; as a result, US authority
ordered an arrest to writers whose play result to riots. Thus, harmless plays were
ENG 1/11
Instructor: Francis Hue T. Salomon
Facebook Account: Francis Hue Salomon
Email Address: [email protected]

showed such as Roman Reyes’ Salamin ng Pag-ibig, Severino Reyes’ Walang Sugat,
Amobrosio De Guzman’s Maga Karaniwang Ugali.

2. Tagalog Prose Fiction- Lope K. Santos’ Salawahang Pag-ibig, Modesto Santiago’s

Pagsintang Naluoy, and Valeriano Hernandez Pena’s Unang Bulaklak. Authors of these
prose were sentimental and opted more for romantic escapades than for burning issues
of the day.

3. Novel- Lope K. Santos’ Banaag at Sikat. This novel showed the sentimental character
of each Filipino using the tents of provinces.

4. Poetry- Noteworthy names in this field include Marcelo de Gracia Concepcion, Jose
Garcia Villa, Angela Manalang Gloria, Abelardo Subido, Trinidad Tarrosa Subido and
Rafael Zulueta da Costa. They turned out not only love poems but patriotic, religious,
descriptive and reflective poems as well. They wrote in free verse, in odes and sonnets
and in other types. Poetry was original, spontaneous, competently written and later,
incorporated social consciousness.

5. Short Story (1925-1941) because of the incentives provided by publications

like the Philippine Free Press, The Graphic, The Philippine Magazine and college
publications like the UP Literary Apprentice, poetry and the short story flourished
during these times.

Other writers during this time include Osmundo Sta. Romana, Arturo Rotor, Paz
Latorena’s Sunset, and Jose Garcia Villa’s Mir-in-isa. From 1930 to 1940, the Golden
Era of Filipino writing in English saw the short story writers “who have arrived,” like
Jose Lansang’s The Broken Parasol, Sinai C. Hamada’s Talanata’s Wife, Fausto Dugenio’s
Wanderlust, Amando G. Dayrit’s His Gift and Yesterday, Amador T. Daugio’s The
Woman Who Looked Out of the Window. Characteristics of the short stories during
these times: There were still remnants of Spanish influence in the use of expressions
that were florid, sentimental, exaggerated and bombastic. The influence of the Western
culture also was already evident.


ENG 1/11
Instructor: Francis Hue T. Salomon
Facebook Account: Francis Hue Salomon
Email Address: [email protected]

(1) The Period of Re-orientation (1898-1910) The word of reorientation came into
existence during this period. English as a literary vehicle came with the American
occupation in August 13, 1898 and as they say, a choice bestow on us by history. By
1900, English came to be used as a medium of instruction in the public schools.

(2) The Period of Imitation (1910-1924) by 1919, schools particularly the UP

College Folio published the literary compositions of the first Filipino writers in English.
They were the pioneers in short story writing. They were then examining their way into
imitating American and British models which resulted in a mannered, artificial and
unnatural style, lacking vigor and spontaneity. Their models included Longfellow and
Hawthorne, Emerson and Thoreau, Wordsworth and Tennyson, Thackeray and
Macaulay, Longfellow, Allan Poe, Irving and other American writers of the Romantic
School. Writers of this folio included Fernando Maramag (the best editorial writer of
this period) Juan F. Salazar, Jose M. Hernandez, Vicente del Fierro, and Francisco M.
Africa and Victoriano Yamzon. They pioneered in English poetry.

(3) Period of Self-Discovery and Growth (1925-1941) By this time, Filipino writers had
acquired the mastery of English writing. They now confidently and competently wrote
on a lot of subjects although the old-time favorites of love and youth persisted. They
went into all forms of writing like the novel and the drama.

Japanese Period (1942-1945)

• Encouraged of tagalong writing. Many of the works focused on everyday life were seen
and untouched by war.
• Literature performed by the guerillas through satirical skills, and the people who are
fighting against Japanese movement.
• The significance of cultural activities lies not in the quality of output but by the guide
post of the Filipinos.

The war years, 1942-1945 set back the development of Philippine literature in
English. The Japanese conquerors discouraged the use of English; moreover, freedom of
speech and freedom of the press was denied. Such an atmosphere did not provide the
impetus for writing. Primarily, however, the writers were concerned more with survival
in the face of war, famine, and disease than with writing.
The post-war reorientation period was marked by a rapid rise in journalistic
writing. Most of the books published in the years immediately after the wars were
ENG 1/11
Instructor: Francis Hue T. Salomon
Facebook Account: Francis Hue Salomon
Email Address: [email protected]

collections, anthologies, or second editions of pre-war or wartime works. Recently,

however, our contemporary writers have been prolific in producing quality literature in
English. The Filipino author has at last mastered not only the language but also the form
and standards of English literature.


BETWEEN 1941-1945, Philippine Literature was interrupted in its development

when the Philippines were again conquered by another foreign country, Japan.
Philippine Literature in English came to a halt. Except for the TRIBUNE and the
PHILIPPINE REVIEW, almost all newspapers in English were stopped by the Japanese.

This had an advantageous effect on Filipino Literature, which experienced

renewed attention because writers in English turned to writing in Filipino. Juan Laya,
who use to write in English turned to Filipino because of the strict prohibitions of the
Japanese regarding any writing in English.

The weekly LIWAYWAY was placed under strict surveillance until it was
managed by Japanese name Ishiwara.

In other words, Filipino literature was given a break during this period. Many
wrote plays, poems, short stories etc. topics and themes were often about life in the


The common theme of most poems during the Japanese occupation was
nationalism, country, love and life in the barrios, faith, religion and the arts.

Three types of poems emerged during this period. They were:

(1) Haiku – a poem of free verse that the Japanese like. It was made up of 17 syllables
divided into three lines. The first line had 5 syllables, the second, 7 syllables and the
third, five. The haiku is allegorical in meaning, is short and covers a wide scope in

(2) Tanaga – like the Haiku, is short but it had measure and rhyme. Each line had 17
syllables and it’s also allegorical in meaning.
ENG 1/11
Instructor: Francis Hue T. Salomon
Facebook Account: Francis Hue Salomon
Email Address: [email protected]

(3) Karaniwang anyo (Usual Form)


Identify the following sentences whether it happens during the American Period or
Japanese Period.

1. Nationalistic writers took heart and during the first decade of the American
Colonial Regime, wrote stage plays that were critical of the United States or advocating
2. By this time, Filipino writers had acquired the mastery of English writing.

3. This had an advantageous effect on Filipino Literature, which experienced

renewed attention because writers in English turned to writing in Filipino.

4. Philippine Literature in English came to a halt.

5. In other words, Filipino literature was given a break during this period. Many
wrote plays, poems, short stories etc. topics and themes were often about life in the
6. From our pre-historic times until modern day, there were several discovery,
creativity and wide range of imagination.
7. Primarily, however, the writers were concerned more with survival in the face
of war, famine, and disease than with writing.
8. There were still remnants of Spanish influence in the use of expressions
that were florid, sentimental, exaggerated and bombastic.
9. They now confidently and competently wrote on a lot of subjects although the
old-time favorites of love and youth persisted.
10. The significance of cultural activities lies not in the quality of output but by
the guide post of the Filipinos.
ENG 1/11
Instructor: Francis Hue T. Salomon
Facebook Account: Francis Hue Salomon
Email Address: [email protected]


 The teacher created a students’ directory that includes the student name, home
address, preferred learning delivery mode, available gadgets, contact number,
email address and connectivity. The students are opting to pass their
answers/output and ask queries regarding the subject matter via email,
messenger, text message, or they can drop their modules at the guard house/
NORSU gate.

1. What are the characteristics and features of Philippine Literature during the American
Period? (15 pts)

2. Explain the three periods emerged during the American Period. (15 pts)

3. What are the types of Filipino poetry during the Japanese period? (10 pts)

4. Explain the historical background of Philippine literature during the Japanese Period.
(10 pts)

3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Spanish colonization in our literature?
(50 pts)
ENG 1/11
Instructor: Francis Hue T. Salomon
Facebook Account: Francis Hue Salomon
Email Address: [email protected]

Please be guided with the following criteria in answering your learning activities
and practice task.


1 2 3
Assessment 0
Partially meets
Ratings Score
Meets Exceeds
Expectations Does not meet
expectations expectations expectations
Response Response to
adequately assigned topic
addresses thorough and
Response . Response
some aspects well written,
consists of thoughtful and
of the with varied
unsupported fairly well
assigned sentence
Content opinions only written; most
topic; structure and
marginally opinions
opinions vocabulary;
related to the supported
sometimes opinions
topic with facts
based on always
incorrect supported
information with facts.
Incomplete Good reliance
Excellent use
development upon
of examples
Ideas not of ideas; examples and
Idea and details to
clearly stated details and details to
Development explore and
or developed. examples not illustrate and
develop ideas
always develop ideas
and opinions.
evident. and opinions.
Quality Journal is The response Responses Response is
completely off is not focused. are adequate. well thought
topic. No There is no There is a out and well
personal personal little personal prepared.
connection connection. connection. There is a
ENG 1/11
Instructor: Francis Hue T. Salomon
Facebook Account: Francis Hue Salomon
Email Address: [email protected]

connection to
the content.
The topic is The topic is
somewhat focused and
was made.
focused and clear. You
The topic is
The topic is somewhat have used
not clear. No
not clear. No clear. Some, vivid,
detail or
descriptive not a lot of descriptive
thought was
language or descriptive details when
put into
detail was language, or necessary to
content. The
used. detail. Some capture the
reader is
details are reader’s
explained at attention.
length. Details are
well thought
out and
Organization The journal is The journal is The journal is Journal is well
not organized. not organized. organized. organized.
There is no The start The start There is a
start or finish and/or finish and/or finish clear start and
to your entry. to your entry to your entry finish to your
Your is not clear. is somewhat entry.
explanations Your clear. Most Explanations
are unclear explanations explanations or events are
and do not are unclear or events are sequenced in a
make sense. and illogical. sequenced in logical way.
You have not You have used a logical way. Explanations
used 1 or 2 Explanations and details
transition transition are adequate. and show time
words. Events words. Events You've used and effort. You
are not in any are not some have used
sequential sequenced in a transition transition
order. The logical way. words and words and
reader cannot The reader has other writing other
understand a difficult time elements in necessary
your entry. understanding your entry. writing
your entry. The elements that
organization add to your
has some writing.
ENG 1/11
Instructor: Francis Hue T. Salomon
Facebook Account: Francis Hue Salomon
Email Address: [email protected]

glitches but
overall the
reader can
your entry.
Near Target
More Work Goal The journal is
Needed Getting There at the required
length. You
The journal
have given
The journal is The journal entry is
more than the
only 1-3 entry is short almost the
sentences and shows required
length but
long and does little effort put length. Entry
not show any into it. shows some
high quality.
effort. effort put into
The journal
reflects time
and effort put
into it.
You had You had a
You had some You had no
Grammar numerous couple of
errors in error in
and errors in errors in
spelling, spelling,
Mechanics spelling, spelling,
capitalization, capitalization,
capitalization, capitalization,
and and
and and
punctuation. punctuation.
punctuation punctuation.


Research more about American-Japanese Period.
ENG 1/11
Instructor: Francis Hue T. Salomon
Facebook Account: Francis Hue Salomon
Email Address: [email protected]

REFERENCE influences-on-filipino-culture.html

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