Emtech L3

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What I Need to Know

Welcome to another fun filled adventure as we take another

journey to the world of Information and Communication Technology.

Researching is a tedious activity if the researcher doesn’t possess necessary skills. Almost all
information can be found in the internet. However, to find it, one must use necessary researching skills.
Internet is the first option when it comes to finding information. The birth of internet has made books
and other references obsolete. Books are still part of the system but others find internet as the easiest
to use. We research based on certain situation.

Content Standard: The learners demonstrate an understanding of: ICT in the context of global
communication for specific professional track.

Performance Standard: The learners shall be able to: independently compose an insightful reflection
paper on the nature of ICT in the context of their lives, society, and professional

Most Essential Learning Competency: use the Internet as a tool for credible research and
information gathering to best achieve specific class objectives or address situational (CS_ICT11/12-

Learning Targets: At the end of the lesson, the student should be able to:

1. Use precise keywords to improve online searches; and

2. Evaluate website’s credibility.

Address: Nicolasa Virata, General Mariano Alvarez, Cavite

Telephone No.: (02) 808-7139
Email: [email protected]
Contextualized Online Search and
3 Research Skills


Good Day! After having been informed on the objective of this module, let
us have the first activity that will gauge your understanding on online
search and research skills

Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet of

1. A reliable source is ________________.

a. Biased b. Trying to sell you something c. Trusted d. Google

2. To broaden your search on advertising, you will search the term ___________.
a. advertising OR commercial c. advertising BUT commercial
b. advertising AND commercial d. advertising NOT commercial

3. Which of the following do you not need to include in a citation?

a. author, if available c. date of publication
b. title of the article d. call number

4. Any information coming from these domain types are usually reliable except
a. .com b. .org c. .edu d. .gov

5. What symbol will you use to search for the exact term or phrase?
a. ( ) b. “ “ c. & d. –

What’s In In previous lesson will discussed and give importance in online safety, security, ethics and
etiquette that we must take into consideration in using internet. Technology such mobile
phone, laptop, computer, and other electronic gadgets connect us to world through
different online platforms. Security and safety have been taught to us so that we can avoid
risk and danger online. With that I believed that you are ready to explore the online world.
This lesson will teach you online search and research skills.

Address: Nicolasa Virata, General Mariano Alvarez, Cavite

Telephone No.: (02) 808-7139
Email: [email protected]
Let’s get started!
What’s New

Internet Research is a research method in collecting and gathering information via internet by using
search engine such as google.
Search Engine is a program that allows users to search for content on internet.

Examples of Search Engine

Google Aol Search Wow Baidu
Web Crawler Yahoo! Search MyWebSearch Wolframalpha
Bing Info Dogpile DuckDuckGo
Ask Infospace Contenko Internet Archive

Searching the Web

Getting the correct and reliable information is our goal in internet research. We may rely on the
capability of search engine but sometimes it may not give us the correct information because of the
keywords we entered into a search engine. There are techniques in searching information that can be
applied in search engine in order to get a better result. Some search engines allow combination of
words and logic connectors of AND, OR, and NOT.
Tips for Effective Internet Research by George Mathews

1. Know what kind of research you want to do.

2. Make a list of keywords you will use in your search.
3. Enclose keywords in quotation marks.
4. Use the minus sign (-).
5. Try specialized search engines.
6. Skim through search results web pages.
7. Bookmark
8. Review your bookmarks.

Online Research Skills by Hannah Trierweiler Hudson

1. Check Your Sources

2. Ask Good Questions
3. Go Beyond the Surface
4. Be Patient
5. Respect Ownership
6. Use Your Networks

Copyright Issues

There are millions of information that we can get from the internet. Some of this information are free
but others are not. They are protected by a copyright law.

Address: Nicolasa Virata, General Mariano Alvarez, Cavite

Telephone No.: (02) 808-7139
Email: [email protected]
What is Copyright?

Copyright is a protection given to the owner of the rights in an original work such as books,
musical works, films, paintings, and other works, and computer programs. This original work is called
intellectual property which is protected under Republic Act 8293 known as the “Intellectual Property
Code of the Philippines”.

Copyright Infringement

This happens when the copyrighted work is use by other person without permission of the author
or copyright holder.

Fair Use

Research is important to the students and other people. Most of them rely on the information
that they can get online. Although this information is protected by a copyright law but we can still use
this information without permission in a limited way under certain condition and purpose.

Fair use is the use of copyrighted material for comment, teaching, criticism, news reporting,
research, scholarship, and other similar purpose is not an infringement of copyright.
Example of this is when you post a quote from a person in your Facebook wall. Include the name
of person who owns the quote in your post. Another example is when you copy image from internet,
give credit to the creator of image. The copied image should be use for educational purpose not for
commercial use.

In fair use, 5% of the content of reference can only be copied. If 20% or less of reference
copied, there must be a secondary use agreement and fee. And if 20% or more of reference copied, it
requires purchasing of creative work.

Guidelines for Fair Use

1. Majority of the contents created must be yours.

2. Give credit to the owner.
3. Don’t make profit of the copyrighted work.

Address: Nicolasa Virata, General Mariano Alvarez, Cavite

Telephone No.: (02) 808-7139
Email: [email protected]
The information that we need is more likely already on the internet. It is
What is It just a matter of how to look for it and how to use information from the
most credible source. Here are some tips in conducting online research!

Key Concepts:

10 Google Search Tips to Use Google More Efficiently (Hindy, J., n.d.)
(use google as search engine)

1. Use the tabs

The first tip is to use the tabs in Google
search. On the top of every search are a
number of tabs. Usually you’ll see Web,
Image, News, and More. Using these tabs,
you can help define what kind of search
you need to do.

2. Use quotes
When searching for something
specific, try using quotes to minimize the
guesswork for Google search. When you
put your search parameters in quotes, it
tells the search engine to search for the
whole phrase.

3. Use a hyphen to exclude words

Sometimes you may find yourself searching for a word with an ambiguous meaning. An
example is cars. When you Google search for car, you may get results for all cars around the
world. If you want to cut one out, use the hyphen to tell the engine to ignore content with one
of the other. See the example below.

4. Use the asterisk wildcard

When you use an asterisk in a search term on Google search, it will leave a
placeholder that may be automatically filled by the search engine later. This is a brilliant way
to find song lyrics if you don’t know all the words. Let’s look at the syntax:

“Come * right now * me”

To you or me, that may look like nonsense. However, Google search will search for
that phrase knowing that the asterisks can be any word.

More often than not, you’ll find they are lyrics to The Beatles song “Come Together”
and that’s what the search will tell you.

Address: Nicolasa Virata, General Mariano Alvarez, Cavite

Telephone No.: (02) 808-7139
Email: [email protected]
5. Use Google search to do math
Google search can actually do math for you. This is a rather complex one to
describe because it can be used in so many ways. You can ask it basic questions or
some more difficult ones. It will also show a calculator that you can use to find answers
to more questions.

6. Search for multiple words at once

Google search is flexible. It knows you may not find what you want by searching
only a single word or phrase. Thus, it lets you search for multiples.

By using this trick, you can search for one word or phrase along with a second
word or phrase. This can help narrow down your search to help you find exactly what
you’re looking for.

7. Keep it simple

Now we’re getting into the general tips. Google search knows how to search for a
lot of things. What this means is you don’t need to be too specific. If you need a place to
stay nearby, use this to search.

Hotels nearby

Google search will grab your location and deliver a variety of results about hotels
that are near you.

8. Gradually add search terms

There will come a time when Google search doesn’t shovel out the results you
expect. In this instance, keeping it simple may not be the best option.

As Google itself suggests, the best method is to start with something simple
then gradually get more complicated. See the example below:

First try: job interviews

Second try: prepare for job interviews

Third try: how to prepare for a job interview

9. Use important words only

The way Google search works is to take what you search for and match it with
keywords in online content.

When you search for too many words, it may limit your results. That means it may
actually take you longer to find what you’re looking for. Thus, it is apropos to use only the
important words when searching for something. Let’s see an example:

Don’t use: Where can I find a Fast food restaurant that delivers.

Instead try: Fast food restaurants nearby.

Or: Fast foods restaurants near me.

10. Spelling doesn’t necessarily matter

Google search has gotten a lot smarter over the years. These days, you don’t
even need to spell words correctly.

As long as it’s pretty close, Google can usually figure out what it means.

Address: Nicolasa Virata, General Mariano Alvarez, Cavite

Telephone No.: (02) 808-7139
Email: [email protected]
Activity 1: What Matters in a query

Direction: On the next opportunity that you have an Internet connection, do the following “What Matters
in a Query” search tips. To validate the results of your search, get a screenshot of your activity then
send it your teacher via Facebook messenger.

1 Every word matters.

Try searching for [who], [the who], and [a who]

2 Order matters.
Try searching for [blue sky] and [sky blue]

3 Capitalization does not matter.

Try searching for [barack obama] and [Barack Obama]

4 Punctuation does not matter.

Try searching for [red, delicious% apple&] and [red delicious apple]

Nice one! You did great today. Let’s do this test to check your learning!
What’s More

Activity 2: Short answers

Direction: Write your best answer to the question below.

1. What is a search engine? Give 3 examples.

2. What keyword would you type if you are looking for related literatures about “Why students fail?”
Type your keywords in google search and capture a screenshot of your search. Send it to your
3. Which will yield better search result: correct spelling of incorrect spelling of keywords? Explain
your answer.

Address: Nicolasa Virata, General Mariano Alvarez, Cavite

Telephone No.: (02) 808-7139
Email: [email protected]
Activity 3: Acrostics

Direction: Create an acrostic of GOOGLE in relation to searching. Your work will be evaluated by the
criteria given below.

Creativity-10 Uniqueness-5 Impact-5








What I Have Learned You are learning a lot! The best way to improve skills and get the
proper direction to express your feelings about your learning is to write
a self- reflection. Let’s do it.

Activity 4: My Reflection

Directions: Answer the following questions below.

1. Is research online reliable? Why or Why not?


2. How can you show respect of other’s intellectual property?


Address: Nicolasa Virata, General Mariano Alvarez, Cavite

Telephone No.: (02) 808-7139
Email: [email protected]
What I Can Do

When to make searching an easy task, I will……






Prepared by: Noted: Approved by:


Teacher II Head Teacher III Principal III

Address: Nicolasa Virata, General Mariano Alvarez, Cavite

Telephone No.: (02) 808-7139
Email: [email protected]

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