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E Commerce Fraud in
Impact on online selling
Supervised By Prepared By:

MD.Sohel Rana Name :MD. Abrar Hossain

Assistant Professor ID-20181038101

Department of Business Department of Business
Administration Administration
North Western University, North Western University,
Khulna Khulna
Objectives of the thesis are given below:
1. To find out the factors that induce customer and
sellers in partaking in online selling or e-commerce
2. To find out the effects of online selling experiences
to the victim
3. To find out the coping mechanisms of the victims in
dealing with their demands.
Types of Research:
Descriptive report has been used for the study.
Sources of Data:
The sources of collected data are too classified, analyzed, interpreted and
presented in a systematic way. Information collected to deliver this thesis
report is both from primary and secondary sources.
I. Primary Data
 Face to face interview
 Questionnaire survey
II. Secondary Data
 National and international journals
 Newspapers, periodicals, books, etc.
 Besides this, the internet has been used as another source of information.
Population of the study
The people of Bangladesh approx. 3000000 .
Sample size
There are 195 respondents.
Sampling Technique
Convenience sampling method has been performed for selecting samples.
Tools and Techniques of Data Analysis
After collecting of entire data approaches are used to analyze and interpret
them. Qualitative approaches have been adopted for data analysis and
interpretation taking the processed data as the base.
 Pie chart
 Percentage
 Microsoft office package has been used for summarizing and illustrating
the collecting data systematically.

Do you have experience of online payment before (n=71)

Yes No I will use
Do you use online payment before? 98% 0% 1%
5.1.6 Which online payment do respondents know

In the next question respondents were asked which online payment systems they use
most regularly. 35% of respondents used debit card most frequently. PayPal and AliPay
ranked second and third, with 24% and 20%. 17% of respondents used net bank and 4%
of respondents used WeChat payment most frequently. No one chose Google Wallet,
5.1.7:Which online payment do you use most regularly

Online Payment N

Debit card 25
PayPal 17
AliPay 14
Net Bank 12
WeChat Payment 3
Authorize.Net 0
Google Wallet 0
Amazon Payment 0
Others 0
Total 71

Next question sorted out respondents’ expenditure by online payment systems. The
question was “How much do you spend via online payment monthly (percentage of
your monthly expense”. 29% of the respondents used less than 10%, 17 used between
11% and 25% on online payment. Use between 26% and 35% and between 36% and
50% were 9 and 10 respondents separately. 6 respondents used more than 50% by
online payment. Table 4 below shows the percentage of expenses used monthly via
online payment.
5.1.8How much do you spend via online payment monthly


Less than 10% 41%

11% - 25% 24%

26% - 35% 13%

36% - 50% 14%

More than 50% 8%

The respondents were also asked the pros and cons of online payment. Both questions
were both multiple choice questions. The respondents were able to choose one or
many options and also had “others” as an open option if the pros or cons were not in
the list. In pros of using online payment there were 6 options in the list: convenience,
efficiency, automatic, fast transaction speed, low risks of theft and others. The number
of respondents were 71, selected answer were 247
5.1.9:Pros of online payment

In the list of cons of using online payment there were 8 options in the list. The
options were service fee, inconvenience of offline sales, vulnerability to
cybercrime, reliance on telecommunication infrastructure, technical problem, it
may take time to get started, learning takes too much time and others. The
number of respondents were 71, and there were 157 selected answers.
5.1.10 Cons of online payment.

After sorting out respondents’ user experience, next was asked the challenges the respondents
were facing when adopting online payment was assed. This question was also a multiple choice
question. The respondents were able to choose one or many options and also had “others” open
option if their challenge was not in the list. In the list there were five options: Malware attack,
financial issues, market regulation issues, moral issues and others. The number of respondents
were 71, selected answers were 118
5.1.11 Socio-cultural environment affect the selectivity and progress of e-

Respondents also had a positive expectations of online payment system. The comments are shown below.
“Have a secure, reliable, and trustworthy website. “
“Announce online payment law to become more normative”
“I think people may have prejudices towards online payment and are informed too little about it.” “I have not considered
this issue very much but what I’m doing to improve this, is to buy most of my good from local brick-and -mortar shops to
ensure money staying here.”
 There are many reasons why people shop online. For example,
consumers can buy anything at any time without going to the store.
They can also find the same product at a lower price by comparing
different websites at the same time. They sometime want to avoid
pressure when having a face-to-face interaction with sales people.
The only resource that can rival money today is time. As a result,
“saving time” and convenience are cited as a reason for shopping
online. People that are shopping online are knowingly trading
immediate gratification of getting the product now for time savings
and the other benefits of online shopping.
 We chose to order via online because of faster delivery of product,
Time saving, discount offer and most especially price is cheaper.
 We do not need to go physically in a store to buy something but
through this online shopping they will be able to deliver in our
houses, especially in this time of pandemic where we should limit
ourselves in going outside of our houses.”
 We do not have time to go out and shop because we have tons of
work to do. If we have an extra time, we prefer to stay at home and
 the customer service is not available or reachable, customers will
perceive that companies are trying to hide something or not
intending to solve their problems.
 I experienced receiving a different shoe size, I immediately
messaged customer service of the online selling platform.
 1. Additional security mechanism should be devised to protect
both the interest of buyer and seller and prevent them from being
 2. Continuous improvement of the customer services of online
sellers in order for shops to maintain their credibility and gain the
trust of their consumers.
 3. Proper information dissemination to those involved in e-
commerce, especially on how online shopping works. The seller and
the buyer must both be properly informed about this.
Based on the findings, the following conclusions are drawn:
1. The factors that induce customer and sellers in partaking in online selling or ecommerce
are the following:
a. Convenience. It is convenient for both buyer and seller. They can shop while at home or
at work. The same thing applies to the seller who can sell their products at the comfort of
their own home. In addition, the seller does not have to rent or have a store to sell their
b.Time saving. The buyer does not need to go to physical store to buy something thus
saving time which can be used in doing other things 2. The effect of online selling
experiences to the victim, aside from the stress that they suffer, is categorized into two: the
financial and social impact. The financial impact refers to the money lost as a result of the
bad online selling experience. Conversely, the social impact talks about the behavior of the
buyer towards buying products online. Because of the bad experience, the consumer
becomes more vigilant as they thoroughly check the product first, while taking into
consideration other consumers’ feedback before doing actual shopping.
3. Victims have become security conscious by preferring “Cash on Delivery” as their mode
of payment. This constitutes their defense mechanism in response to their victimization.
They insist on physically paying for the products, instead of using the online payment
system because of the traumatic experience. In addition, they check the legitimacy of the
shop in order to have assurance that what they will purchase is legitimate and with quality.

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