Img01/09/2023 - 0001 Updated Affidavit: Name Change Declaration, Correction, Proclamation, and Publication of My Appellation

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Ba & at & S) empire estate of morocco united states for morocco moorish national republic federal governments so ~ societas republicae ea al maurikanos ~ moorish divine and national movement of the world northwest amexem - morocco / southwest amexem - morocco / central amexem - morocco / all adjoining atlantis and al moroccan islands > ~is.La.m. ~ updated affidavit: name change declaration, comection, proclamation, and publication of my appellation to all elected, all non-elected, and to all appointed united states republic officials, and to all appointed united states officials operating under a democracy, as opposed to operating under an organic constitutional republic form of government; to all Public Servants, and appointed Officers of Trust, ¢tc., and to those who are operating lawfully and unlawfully on our land, for the Federal, State, City, and all other Corporate Municipal Governments; including their Personnel, their Contractors, and their other associates appointed as Corporate Entities doing business here at northwest amexem / america; and to all appointed ‘Third Party Interlopers’ or Contractors, etc., concerning their fiduciary obligations, their official and unofficial oaths, and duties that are enumerated in the constitution for the united states of america, that are adopted for governance of the united states republic; to recognize binding treaty agreements; international law; the established supreme law of the land; and statutory and civil law codes that are made in pursuance to the supreme law of the land, etc. January 9, 2023; Gregorian Calendar / 1442 me. all rise and stand; — and remain standing into perpetuity. this is a “sovereign living ancient article iii consular court action.” i, al malik ben bey, am the sovereign living justice. my name on the “Corporate New York State Birth Record” is Berlin Allen Smithson, and my free chosen “allodial al morocean/moorish national appellation” is al malik bem bey. i assume that all concerned UNITED STATES CORPORATIONS and all UNITED STATES CORPORATE AGENTS, do know that according to U.S. Supreme Court Case Law: (S.C.R. 1795, Penhallow vs, Doane’s Administrators, 3 U.S. 54; 1 L-E.d. 57; 3 Dall. 54, Supreme Court of the United States 1775) that “The legal manifestation of this, is that no government, as well as any law, agency, aspect, court, etc... an concern itself with anything other than corporate artificial persons and the contracts between them.” i, al malik ben bey, formerly known as Berlin Allen Smithson, do hereby rebut and refute the fraud and corporate liability that were forced upon me against my personal consent, that compelled me against my will to be responsible for the initial CORPORATE NOM DE GUERRE DEBTOR: [BERLIN ALLEN SMITHSON / SMITHSON, BERLIN ALLEN] and the present CORPORATE NOM DE GUERRE DEBTOR: [AL MALIK BEN BEY / BEY, AL MALIK BEN] = [UNITED STATES CORPORATION COMPANY ARTIFICIAL PERSONS}, that are associated with the assigned [Social Security Number]. i, al malik ben bey, in propria persona sui juris, in proprio solo, and in proprio heredes, who's initial free moorish national appellation was spelled as Al-Malik Ben Bey, do hereby rescind all signatures/autographs and fraudulent contracts made without full disclosure with all acting UNITED STATES CORPORATIONS, including all acting CORPORATE COMPANY CITIZENS. aboriginal and indigenous peoples’ documents: nonhwest amexem / north affica / noth america /‘the moroccan empire’ ~ continental united states: temple ofthe moon and sun: non ~ domestic, non — resident, noo-subject ~ being the rightful heirs and inheritors of the land ‘updated affidavit: name change declaration, correction, proclamation, and publication of my appellation &: & malik ben bey, formerly known as Berlin Allen Smithson, am exercising all of my divine rights at this time, and at all times as an ancient aboriginal indigenous divine natural living being. i, al malik ben bey, and all other allodial al moroccan/moorish american nationals, are the executors, administrators, creditors, claimants, and beneficiaries of ‘our own estate, and we are exercising all our rights at this time as “one sovereign nation” on our own land, see following document attachment concer ig our inherited birthrights posted on Scribd: h Zodiac Constitution by C.M. Be ‘AA222141-Library-of-Congress-Washington-D.C. United States Republic: Department of Justice Free Moorish-American Zodiac Constitution Moorish American Credentials: AA 222141- Truth A-I Library of Congress, Washington, D.C., by CM. Bey. (Zodiac Constitution and Birthrights of the Moorish-American, the Bey’s and EI’s); Article two (2), Paragraph two (2): “The Moorish-American Nationality and their sir names, Bey and El, are their inherited birthrights without a legal due process of the Union Society, U.S.A.” -- What our Moorish forefathers were, we are today without a doubt or contradiction, namely, (Moorish)! Resolution Number Seventy-five (75): dated April 17, 1933 A.D. (Moorish-American Society of Philadelphia and the use of their names affixes). Bey, El, Al, Ali, Dey, ete. i declare for the public record, that i am returning the fictitious misnomers: the initial CORPORATE NOM DE GUERRE DEBTOR: [BERLIN ALLEN SMITHSON / SMITHSON, BERLIN ALLEN] and the present CORPORATE NOM DE GUERRE DEBTOR: [AL MALIK BEN BEY / BEY, AL MALIK BEN] = [UNITED STATES CORPORATION COMPANY ARTIFICIAL PERSONS], back to the colonial possessors that created these legal fictions. i am now rightfully declaring, re-publishing, and proclaiming my free “allodial al moroccan ‘moorish national appellation,” as al malik ben bey, affirming my actual, rightful, and civil “in full life status”, conjoined to my al moroccan / moorish american consanguine pedigree and national honor. let it be declared, known, Published, and resolved that i, al malik ben bey, in propria persona sui juris’ (being in my own proper person), by birthright inheritance without the foreign, imposed color-of-law, or assumed due process of the union states society. the true nobles of the “al moroccan moorish empire”, of northwest amexem/america, central america/morocco, south america/morocco, mexico, canada, and all adjoining islands; are sovereign, private, and are to be self-governed by ‘right-law principles and customs”. i, al malik ben bey, furthermore, assert my full birthright inheritance, sovereignty and substantive rights and claim to hereditaments by being a (sundry free moor) and a (natural being). so mote it be! notice to agent is notice to principal and notice to principal is notice to agent. i, al malik ben bey, the sovereign living justice, in capitis diminutio nolo, in propria persona sui juris, am exercising all of my inherited birthrights at this time, and at all times as an ancient aboriginal indigenous divine natural living being. i, al malik ben bey, and all other allodial al morocean moorish nationals of northwest amexem / north america / morocco of the far west, are the executors, administrators, creditors, claimants, and beneficiaries of our own estate. we “al moroccan nationals” are exercising all of our birthright at this time as one sovereign nation on our own land. day: 9 + month: January + year: [2023] Gregorian Calendar / 1442 me. coom: al malikder hy £ are all sovereign original indigenous moorish a mor jutographs for this, and all sovereign united states of morocco government documents are on the public record at morocco. justices/vizirs/ministes in propria persona sui juris, are in proprio solo, and in proprio heredes. all sovereign rights exercised at al times. aboriginal and indigenous peoples’ documents: northwest amexem / north affica / north america /‘the moroccan empire’ ~ continental united sates: Temple ofthe moon and sun’: non ~ domestic, non ~ resident, non-subject being the rightful heirs and inheritors of the land. ‘updated affidavit: name change dec! ‘publication of my appellation, Ba Cc cd AS sr Ss © empire state of morocco united states for morocco ‘moorish national republic federal government squam pomack province al malik ben bey c/o: 30 South Broadway, Suite 810 — Box 16 Near, [Corporate YONKERS, New York union state republic] land of nod, northwest amexem / aftica, / north america / al morocco / al maghreb universal natural area code: 817131 psmxr3 latitude 40.932760, + longitude 73.898500 ‘nothing in this lawful affidavit, nor our spoken affidavits, nor our silent affidavits, shall be interpreted or construed as Consent to any jurisdiction that is not in the jurisdiction of our ancient ancestral inherited estate at any point in time. aboriginal and indigenous peoples’ documents: northwest amexem / north afta / north america /‘the morocean empire’ — continental united stats: temple of the moon and sun’: non ~ domestic, non ~ resident, non-subject—being the rightful heirs and inheritors ofthe land ‘updated affidavit: name change declaration, correction, proclamation, and publication of my appellat

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