Lab 4
Lab 4
In the lab, we have been introduced on how to do tracing on PCB workspace. From
this we can see how to connect different component to another component using
tracing wire which ressembles wiring on PCB board. We also acknowledge that by
using holes and tracing wire, we can connect point to point using wire and the
point is appointed by the holes which also ressembles point on the component on
real life situation. We can connect these point using tracing manually just by
clicking our desired location and all is done when everything is connected as per
schematic diagram. We also learned how to convert a schematic diagram into a
PCB diagram. By using both workspace, we first insert and connect all components
on the schematic diagram and then we open the PCB workspace, we just insert and
connect all the points on the components as on the schematic diagram. As we already
done in part 1 and 2, we can convert this schematic diagram into PCB without any
difficulties as long as we know the basic of the connection and everything is
1.1 To familiarize with PCB drawing software.
1.2 To be able to use the software independently after guided.
At the end of the experiment, the student has been able to get familiarize with PCB
drawing software.
Proteus is used to come out with a PCB drawing out of a pre-designed schemkatic
layout. Student also
being able to use the software independently after guided. In the making of PCB
board, student can
choose from a number of option of the size of copper trace to be used and component
that is suitable
according to schematic diagram that also comes with a PCB component.