BBNutrition Guide

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Bikini Body

o lose body-fat you need to cut The Bikini Body Nutrition plan follows an

carbohydrate consumption. It’s that alarmingly simple schedule and caters to your
simple. It’s the tried and true method busy lifestyle. To put it as simply as possible, you
used by thousands of physique competi- will fast for 14 hours every day and eat 3 meals
tors worldwide for over sixty years. evenly spaced over the next 10 hours. Don’t
freak out at the thought of fasting for 14 hours
Legendary fitness expert, Vince Gironda, once per day. The majority of that time is going to be
said that physical transformation was 85% diet. when you are sleeping. If, for example, you have
And he was right; at least when it comes to your last meal of the day at 8pm, your first meal
building muscle. But for fat loss it’s almost 100% the following day will be at 10am. In fact, just
diet. As the saying goes, abs are made in the think of it as having a late breakfast.
There are small tweaks we’ll make depending
Luckily for you, we’ve taken care of the nutrition on your energy demands for the day, but what
aspect for you in this guide and have taken all of we have laid out above is the general outline. If
the guesswork out of the picture. All you have to you are confused as to what your “energy
do is forget everything you’ve been told about demands” are, don’t worry, it’s simple.
fitness nutrition and follow these very simple
guidelines. If you can do those two very simple
things, you will achieve mind-blowing results. We
guarantee it. All your friends will be asking you
what you are doing, compliments on how you
look will become a daily occurrence, and all the
guys will be drooling as you walk down the

Copyright © 2013 Jason & Jen Ferruggia. All Rights Reserved.

The food you eat is the energy your body uses to

function every day. Think of it like gasoline for In order to lose fat, you must eat
your car. The more you drive your car, the more
less food than your body uses for
gas it needs to run. The same is true for your
body. With your body, however, when you overfill energy on a daily basis.
the tank (overeat) instead of the tank overflow-
ing you will store the extra energy as fat. The The food you’ll be eating every day depends on
more active you are on any given day, the more what kind of exercise you are doing that day and
food (energy) you can have without gaining fat. your goals. It is split up into two categories:
training days (days you are lifting weights in the
In order to lose fat, you must eat less gym) and non-training days (days you are not in
food than your body uses for energy on a the gym: off days and conditioning days).
daily basis. When you put your body in an
energy deficit, it gives it the chance to burn off We’ll start with days that you are not lifting
the stored fat that you have accumulated. The weights in the gym because those days stay the
stored fat is like a reserve gas tank for your car. If same no matter what.
you eat fewer calories than you burn every day,
your body is left with no choice but to tap into
that reserve tank and use the stored fat for
Off days/conditioning
energy. As a result, you burn off body-fat. You
days eating schedule:
don’t have to worry about any of that though. 1) BREAKFAST: 14 hours after your meal
The way the nutrition guide is set up takes care of the night before.
that for you. a. One palm sized portion of protein
OR 4 eggs
b. Veggies
In addition to getting you leaner and more toned,
this eating schedule also fits seamlessly into your a. One palm sized portion of protein
lifestyle. We all know how busy mornings are. This b. Veggies
setup will not only let you be more productive 3) DINNER:
earlier in the day, but also make your evenings a. Two palm sized portions of protein
more enjoyable with large, satiating dinners. But b. Veggies
we will get to that later. For now, let’s get into 4) DESSERT: (Optional)
some of the specifics. a. 1 serving of fruit
When eating veggies during breakfast and lunch,
add a small amount of coconut oil or grass-fed
butter. Just enough to add some flavor; a chunk the
size of your thumb is plenty.

Copyright © 2013 Jason & Jen Ferruggia. All Rights Reserved.

f you train first thing in the morning you are

Training days going to do so on nothing but 7 grams of
eating schedule: Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAA’s) and
a cup of black coffee with a teaspoon of
1) BREAKFAST: 14 hours after your meal the coconut oil. BCAA’s are explained in the
night before.
Recommended Supplements section and
a. One palm sized portion of protein
the brand we recommend can be found in the
OR 4 eggs
b. Veggies Resources section.
a. One palm Sized portion of protein That’s it. It’s that simple. If you compare the two
b. Veggies days, you’ll notice that the only difference is that
3) DINNER: you will not be eating any starchy carbs on days
a. Two palm sized portions of protein that you are not lifting weights in the gym.
b. Veggies
c. As much starchy carbs as you want
The last modification depends on your goals. If
from the Bikini Body Shopping List
(found later in the program). you are satisfied with your current body-fat level,
4) DESSERT: (Optional) and are more interested in gaining some muscle
a. 1 serving of fruit to get toned, you will eat starchy carbs every
5) Meal immediately after your workout night instead of only on training days. This is
a. 2 rounded scoops of BioTRUST because carbs help build muscle so you’ll need
protein mixed with water more of them when that is your primary goal. In
b. 1 serving of fruit
this scenario the general rule of thumb is to have
Again, when eating veggies during breakfast and a 2-palm sized portion of starchy carbs on
lunch, add a small amount of coconut oil or grass-fed training days and a 1-palm sized portion of
butter. starchy carbs on off days.

Take note that on training days, meal 5 The best part of this diet plan is that YOU DON’T
(BioTRUST protein shake) does not come after HAVE TO COUNT CALORIES! Nobody likes to
dinner and dessert. You drink it immediately after count calories and we understand that. In order
your workout along with 1 serving of fruit. A to make this as easy as possible for you, we have
couple hours after that, have your next meal. laid out the eating schedule this way and elimi-
There are sample meal plans found later in the nated the need for you to count calories.
program that will clarify any confusion regarding
the timing of your protein shake and other meals. Simply stick to the daily eating schedule and the
approved foods list and you’ll be on your way to
getting your bikini body in no time.

Copyright © 2013 Jason & Jen Ferruggia. All Rights Reserved.

Your Daily
Eating Schedule

1 First thing in the morning fill up a

big bottle with 24 ounces of
water and drink it over the course
of an hour or so.

2 Take a ¼ teaspoon of Himalayan

sea salt with your first chug of
water. Just put it in your mouth
and down it like medicine. This helps
calm your adrenals and can combat high
morning cortisol levels. Unlike what mainstream
magazines would you believe sodium deficiency
is actually more of a problem then too much
sodium; at least for individuals who train hard
and want to transform their bodies.

3 Continue drinking lots of water

all morning.

Copyright © 2013 Jason & Jen Ferruggia. All Rights Reserved.

4 Have a cup of organic black

Bulletproof Coffee an hour or two
after waking. You can add some
coconut oil to this if you want but it
is optional and entirely up to you.

5 Your first meal of the day will

come 14 hours after you stopped
eating the night before. So if you
finished dinner at 8pm you would
start eating at 10am the next day. If you finish
dinner at 10pm you will start eating at noon the
following day.

6 If you train first thing in the

morning do so on nothing but
black coffee and 7gm BCAA’s.

Copyright © 2013 Jason & Jen Ferruggia. All Rights Reserved.

7 If you train mid-day, have a meal

with protein and green vegeta-
bles an hour or so before training.
This should be something easily
digestible like white fish and steamed kale or
eggs and spinach.

8 Have a protein shake with 1

serving of fruit within an hour
after your workout.

9 Fruit is limited to 1 serving per day

on off days (after dinner) and 2
servings per day on training days
(after workouts and after dinner).

Copyright © 2013 Jason & Jen Ferruggia. All Rights Reserved.

10 Drink at least half your bodyweight

in ounces per day of water. Add a
pinch of sea salt to every liter. If you
weigh 120lbs, that’s 60 ounces of water.
60 ounces of water is approximately 2 liters so if
you have a 1 liter canteen, fill that up and drink it at
least twice throughout the day.

11 You can’t eat too many green

veggies. Try to eat as wide a
variety as possible (bok choy
tonight, spinach tomorrow, kale the
next night, Swiss chard after that, etc.) and load
up on them.

12 Breakfast and lunch

should be small to
moderate sized meals
and dinner should be your
largest meal of the day.

Copyright © 2013 Jason & Jen Ferruggia. All Rights Reserved.

13 If you’re not pooping at least

once per day you’ve got prob-
lems. Start addressing them by
having a scoop of fiber in a glass of
water every night before bed. This isn’t a bad
idea for everyone following the Bikini Body
program to do for 30-60 days. And drink tons of
water. If you’re dehydrated elimination can get
severely screwed up.

14 Rotate your foods daily. Salmon,

chicken, lamb, beef, turkey, sea
bass, etc. And change the way you
cook eggs- hard boiled, over easy,
scrambled, etc. on a regular basis to avoid any
potential food allergies from developing.

Copyright © 2013 Jason & Jen Ferruggia. All Rights Reserved.

Training Days Sample Meal Plans:

Early Morning Training Example
7:30am • Probiotics
• 1 gm. of Vitamin C

8am • Black coffee

• 1 tsp. coconut oil

8:30am • 7gm BCAA before workout

8:45am • Workout

10am • 2 rounded scoops BioTRUST protein

• 1 scoop Athletic Greens
• 1 cup mixed berries
• 1 gm. Vitamin C
• 5000iu Vitamin D

1:30pm • 4 scrambled eggs

• 1 cup mixed veggies
• 2 Omega 3 caps

4:30pm • Lean ground turkey burger with fresh garlic & minced onions
• Mixed greens salad
• 2 Omega 3 caps

8:30pm • Fillet of rockfish (size of two palms)

• Steamed dino kale
• 2 medium sweet potatoes
• 2 Omega 3 caps
• 1 gm. Vitamin C

Copyright © 2013 Jason & Jen Ferruggia. All Rights Reserved.

Training Days Sample Meal Plans:

Mid Day Training Example
8:30am • Probiotics
• 1 gm. of Vitamin C

9am • Black coffee

• 1 tsp. coconut oil

10:45 • 1 scoop Athletic Greens

11am • 4 hard boiled eggs

• 2 Omega 3 caps

1pm • Workout

2:30pm • 2 rounded scoops BioTRUST protein

• 1 cup strawberries
• 1 gm. Vitamin C
• 5000iu Vitamin D

5pm • Two tilapia fillets seasoned with Herbamare

• Bok choy sautéed in 1 tbs. coconut oil
• 2 Omega 3 caps

8pm • London broil steak (size of two palms)

• Steamed spinach
• 2-3 cups jasmine rice
• 2 Omega 3 caps
• 1 gm. Vitamin C

Copyright © 2013 Jason & Jen Ferruggia. All Rights Reserved.

Training Days Sample Meal Plans:

Night Time Training Example
8:30am • Probiotics
• 1 gm. Vitamin C

9am • Black coffee

• 1 tsp. coconut oil

10:45 • 1 scoop Athletic Greens

11am • 4 eggs over medium

• Steamed asparagus
• 2 Omega 3 caps

3pm • Canned wild caught tuna

• Mixed greens salad
• 2 Omega 3 caps

5pm • Workout

6:30pm • 2 rounded scoops BioTRUST protein

• Large handful of blueberries
• 1 gm. Vitamin C
• 5000iu Vitamin D

9pm • Turkey cutlets (size of two palms)

• Steamed collard greens
• 2-3 cups purple potatoes
• 2 Omega 3 caps
• 1 gm. Vitamin C

Copyright © 2013 Jason & Jen Ferruggia. All Rights Reserved.

Off/Conditioning Day Sample Meal Plans:

Example 1
7:30am • Probiotics
• 1 gm. Vitamin C

8am • Black coffee

• 1 tsp. coconut oil

9:45 • 1 scoop Athletic Greens

10am • 4 hard boiled eggs

• 2 Omega 3 caps
• 5000iu Vitamin D

1:30pm • Palm sized piece of grilled chicken

• Kale salad
• 2 Omega 3 caps
• 1 gm. Vitamin C

6:30pm • Salmon fillet (size of two palms)

• Steamed rainbow chard
• Mixed greens salad
• 2 Omega 3 caps

8pm • 1 cup frozen sweet black cherries

• 1 gm. Vitamin C

Copyright © 2013 Jason & Jen Ferruggia. All Rights Reserved.

Off/Conditioning Day Sample Meal Plans:

Example 2
8:30am • Probiotics
• 1 gm. Vitamin C

9am • Black coffee

• 1 tsp. coconut oil

10:45am • 1 scoop Athletic Greens

11am • 4 scrambled eggs with spinach

• 2 Omega 3 caps
• 5000iu Vitamin D

2:30pm • Grilled chicken breast

• Steamed broccoli covered in grass fed butter
• 2 Omega 3 caps
• 1 gm. Vitamin C

6:30pm • Grass fed steak (size of two palms)

• Steamed kale
• Mixed greens salad
• 2 Omega 3 caps
• 1 gm. Vitamin C

Copyright © 2013 Jason & Jen Ferruggia. All Rights Reserved.

Off/Conditioning Day Sample Meal Plans:

Example 3
8:30am • Probiotics
• 1 gm. Vitamin C

9am • Black coffee

• 1 tsp. coconut oil

10:45 • 1 scoop Athletic Greens

11am • 4 eggs over medium

• Raw broccoli and daikon
• 2 Omega 3 caps
• 1gm. Vitamin C

3pm • Canned salmon

• Spinach salad
• Steamed asparagus
• 2 Omega 3 caps
• 5000iu Vitamin D

6:30pm • Wild caught sea bass (size of two palms)

• Steamed bok choy
• Mixed greens salad
• 2 Omega 3 caps
• 1 gm. Vitamin C

7:30pm • 1 cup frozen mixed berries

Copyright © 2013 Jason & Jen Ferruggia. All Rights Reserved.

How to Get Your Kitchen

Bikini Body Ready

H ere’s what you need to throw out imme-

diately in order to get your kitchen Bikini
Body ready:

• Plastic Spatulas
• Toxic, Non-Green
Cleaning Supplies
Any brand name cleaning spray is not healthy
and is filled with dangerous man-made chemi-
cals. Go to a store like Whole Foods and get
They melt into your food. Plastic is obviously some green, eco friendly brands such as Green
something humans shouldn’t be eating. You want Works, Seventh Generation or Meyers.
wood, bamboo or stainless steel; never plastic or
• Microwaves
They kill vital nutrients in food and alter their
• Plastic Cutting Boards chemical structure in proteins into toxic
You know all those little chunks that are missing compounds. Microwaves also expose you to
from well-used plastic cutting boards? Yeah, radiation and can cause other health issues.
they’re inside you right now causing health
problems and screwing up your hormones. Throw
them out and get wooden or bamboo cutting
• Vegetable Oils
The only oils you want to use are coconut, red
palm and olive. The first two are the only ones
safe for cooking with. Canola, corn, soy and all
• Aluminum and Teflon the other vegetable based oils will only ruin your
Nonstick Pans health and make you fat and sick.
Aluminum is a dangerous heavy metal that
accumulates in your body over time and can lead
to serious health problems like nervous disorders,
headaches, memory loss, Alzheimers, kidney and
liver problems, osteoporosis and several others.
Get stainless steel or enameled cast iron post and
pans instead. Glass Pyrex cookware is good to
have as well.

Copyright © 2013 Jason & Jen Ferruggia. All Rights Reserved.

• Dairy • All Grains & Wheat Products

Most people have at least some type of intoler- Most grains wreak havoc on your gut, which leads
ance to dairy, which leads to inflammation and a to the accumulation of body-fat and the weakening
decreased immune response. Cutting it out for of the immune system. Wheat is the biggest culprit
sixty days won’t kill you, it will help you lean out because of the gluten, which at least 80% of people
faster and will probably make you feel a lot are intolerant to. We’ve known people who have
better. The only acceptable dairy is grass fed been tested for gluten intolerance and showed
butter. none. But after cutting it from their diets for ninety
days they had life changing experiences and cured
• Packaged Goods ailments that they had dealt with for years. The
Like Jack LaLanne said, “If man made it, don’t simple fact is that gluten is good for no one and
eat it.” The only foods you should eat can be causes inflammation throughout the body. Eliminat-
killed, picked or grown. White rice is one of the ing it for sixty days will make a dramatic difference
rare exceptions to that list because it’s the in how most people look and feel.
perfect source of starch for after workouts.

If man made it,

don’t eat it.
• Sugar and Sweeteners
Sugar is probably what causes more fat gain and
immune related issues than any other food. If you
have it in your kitchen you need to get rid of it.
This also includes all artificial sweeteners like
aspartame, Splenda, agave and whatever else
there may be.

Copyright © 2013 Jason & Jen Ferruggia. All Rights Reserved.

Bikini Body Shopping List

Protein (All organic, grass fed, Vegetables
wild caught) (All organic)
• Steak (beef or buffalo) • Sea bass • Spinach • Collard greens
• Ground beef (or buffalo) • Cod • Broccoli • Leek
• Chicken breasts • Trout • Broccoli raab • Romaine lettuce
• Lamb • Oysters • Artichoke • Watercress
• Elk • Grouper • Asparagus • Endive
• Ostrich • Tuna • Boy choy • Onions
• Turkey • Roughy • Cabbage • Raw sauerkraut
• Ground turkey- lean • Rockfish • Bamboo shoots • Raw kimchi
(no more than 8gm • Turbot • Shitake mushrooms
fat per serving)
• Halibut • Portabello mushrooms
• Pheasant
• Whitefish • Maitake mushrooms
• Quail
• Sardines • Argula
• Cornish hen
• Herring • Peppers
• Free range eggs
• Lobster • Brusssel sprouts
• Salmon- both fresh
• Pesticide and • Daikon
and canned
hormone free • Kale
• Scallops protein powder

Copyright © 2013 Jason & Jen Ferruggia. All Rights Reserved.

Bikini Body Shopping List

Fresh Herbs Fruit
• Garlic • Blueberries
• Parsley • Strawberries
• Cilantro • Raspberries
• Ginger • Black cherries
• Dill
• Basil Fats
• Lemongrass • Organic virgin coconut oil
• Organic extra virgin olive oil
Starchy Carbs • Organic avocadoes
• Sweet potatoes • Grass fed butter or ghee
• White potatoes • Pharmaceutical grade fish oil
• Purple potatoes
• Red potatoes Spices, etc.
• White jasmine rice • High quality Himalayan sea salt
• Pumpkin • Cayenne pepper
• Squash • Garlic
• Tumeric
Miscellaneous • Curry
• Organic low acid, mycotoxin free coffee • Sage
• Organic green tea (optional) • Thyme
• Stainless steel bottles to drink out of • Basil
• Dill
• Herbamare
• Dulse flakes
• Kelp flakes

Copyright © 2013 Jason & Jen Ferruggia. All Rights Reserved.

Recommended Supplements
Athletic Greens
• Raw green superfood
• Boosts energy, metabolism, and immune system
• Aids against nutrient deficiencies
• Detoxifies and alkalizes your body
• Improves digestion and GI function
• Take 1 tablespoon per day in water preferably right
before your first meal

Vitamin D
• Helps intestine absorb nutrients
• Improves mental sharpness
• Boosts immune system
• Improves blood pressure
• Take 5,000 iu per day with a meal containing fat

Vitamin C
• Combats adrenal fatigue
• Boosts immune system
• Prevents free radical damage
• Helps lower cortisol
• Take one gram in the morning, one gram
after training and one gram before bed

• Improves digestion and GI function
• Boosts immune system
• Take one pill first thing in am with water

Copyright © 2013 Jason & Jen Ferruggia. All Rights Reserved.

Recommended Supplements
• Reduces muscle breakdown
• Increases protein synthesis
• Improves recovery time
• Decreases muscle soreness
• Take seven grams 15 minutes before training first thing in the morning.
If you train at night these aren’t required.

Omega 3’s
• Reduces systemic inflammation
• Improves memory and IQ
• Provides blood-thinning benefits
• Improves mood and fights depression
• Benefits joint and cartilage health
• Improves blood pressure and cholesterol
• Balances hormones
• Take three grams per day, spaced
evenly, with meals

Pesticide & Hormone Free

Whey Protein
• Good for times when you can’t get to or eat
enough real food
• Not to be used as a crutch; chewing real food
is always better
• Have no more than one shake per day

Copyright © 2013 Jason & Jen Ferruggia. All Rights Reserved.

Food Preparation Tips

Question: How should I
cook red meat?
Steaks can be broiled or cooked on the grill for
4-8 minutes per side depending on how you like

How should I cook poultry?

Boneless Chicken Breasts: 25-30 minutes in the
oven at 375 degrees.
Chicken With Bones: 45-60 minutes in oven at
375 degrees.

How should I cook fish?

Depending on the thickness of your fish filets,
bake in the oven for 20-25 minutes at 375-400 or
broil for 8-12 minutes.

How should I cook vegetables?

Wash and soak produce for at least 30 seconds
with a vegetable spray wash before cooking.
Then you can either steam them or sauté in
coconut oil. Sauté vegetables on the stovetop in
a little water for 3-5 minutes and flavor with a
little coconut oil/butter and herbamare. To steam
them place raw greens in a steamer on top of
water. Boil water and cook vegetables until
desired tenderness. Be sure to cook them as little
as possible so that they don’t lose any of their
nutritional value.

Copyright © 2013 Jason & Jen Ferruggia. All Rights Reserved.

Food Preparation Tips

Can I use spices?
Yes, any and all spices are allowed and recom-

Can I use fresh herbs?

Absolutely. Choose whichever ones you like best
and use as much as you want.

Can I use garlic and onions and do

they count toward my daily caloric
Yes you can use them and no, you don’t count
them toward your daily totals.

How do I cook rice?

An easy way to make, organic white jasmine rice
is to buy it frozen in a bag from Whole Foods or
Trader Joes. Place desired amount in a pan on
the stovetop with a ½ c of water, cook and stir
until rice is soft.

How do I cook sweet potatoes?

Preheat oven to 500 degree. Be sure to wash and
dry potatoes thoroughly. Wrap each potato
individually in tinfoil and twist at both ends.
Place on a baking sheet and bake 70-90 minutes
depending on the size.

Copyright © 2013 Jason & Jen Ferruggia. All Rights Reserved.

Food Preparation Tips

Should I eat the skin on
my potatoes?
No matter what kind of potatoes you eat we
recommend removing the skin. That part usually
contains anti-nutrients that many people have
trouble digesting. If you are going to roast or boil
them you should remove the skin before cooking.

Are there any healthy marinades

I can use to cook my protein?
Yes, here is an easy to make marinade for fish,
chicken or meat: mix 1/4 cup of raw coconut
vinegar with ¼ c of raw coconut aminos, Herba-
mare spice, lemon, all purpose seasoning, salt,
and pepper. Place your fish, chicken or meat in a
glass casserole dish and pour marinade on top,
cover and let sit in refrigerator for 30-60 minutes
before cooking.

Note: Always be sure to have a

clean and sanitized working area
and hands before preparing
any foods so as to avoid any
potential food poisoning

Copyright © 2013 Jason & Jen Ferruggia. All Rights Reserved.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: Will eating fat Question: Can I eat nuts?
make me fat? Answer: Normally, nuts, if eaten in moderation,
Answer: No. This is an old myth that refuses to are okay. The key is moderation, because more
die. A good amount of healthy fat such as that than a handful or two of nuts per day can easily
from grass fed beef, coconut oil and cage free put you over your total allowable calories or daily
egg yolks is required each day in order to main- fat intake. During the sixty-day transformation,
tain optimal hormonal status. If your fat intake however, we recommend that you avoid nuts,
drops too low you will look and feel significantly just to be safe. A lot of people have an intoler-
worse and it will be much harder to lose ance to nuts, which you might not be aware of
body-fat. without having a complete food tolerance panel
done. Any food you have an intolerance to but
still consume can make losing body-fat more
Question: Can I drink anything
other than water?
Answer: An ample amount of good, clean water
is essential for optimal health and helps you lose Question: What if I have suffered
body-fat. If you are even slightly dehydrated (as from an eating disorder in the past?
most people always are) your workout perfor- Answer: In that case a program like this might
mance will suffer. So be sure to consume at least not be for you. Only you or your doctors can
.5 ounces of water per day, per pound of body- know for sure.
weight. In order to maximize results the only
other beverages we allow during the sixty days
Question: Can I eat legumes?
are green tea and black coffee.
Answer: No. Legumes are a common gut irritant
and we recommend staying away from them

Question: Can I drink alcohol while during the course of this program.
on the program?
Answer: See the answer above. If you really
want to lose as much fat and build as much
muscle as possible in sixty days you should forgo
alcohol completely. But if you have a special
occasion that you can’t miss and you really need
to have a drink or two then go with vodka and
soda with a lime. That is the least damaging
drink for your physique.

Copyright © 2013 Jason & Jen Ferruggia. All Rights Reserved.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: What if my metabolism Question: What if I am already
is crushed from years of silly really lean and want to build
fad dieting? muscle?
Answer: Before starting the program everyone Answer: In that case you will simply increase
should take her resting morning temperature. If your portion sizes at each meal and eat carbs
your temperature is below 98 degrees you every day instead of only on training days. After
probably did some damage to your metabolism your workouts you should also have a serving of
somewhere along the way and need to fix it. Take starchy carbs in addition to the serving of fruit. At
a week or two to eat slightly above a mainte- dinner, simply increase the amount of carbs you
nance caloric intake (14-15 x bodyweight) and eat each night.
see if your temperature comes back up. Once you
get back into the 98 range you should be good to
Question: Do green vegetables
go. Note that some people may never get above
count towards my daily carb totals?
97.9 and that’s something you’ll have to live
with. But if you’re in the low 97’s there’s proba- Answer: No, you can eat an unlimited amount
bly something wrong. of green veggies each day; the more the better.
Green vegetables are an outstanding source of
fiber and essential nutrients and also slow down
Question: Do I follow this the potential insulin response of a meal. Green
diet for life? vegetables also help to keep your body from
Answer: After you have lost as much body-fat becoming too acidic, which is a possibility if you
as you’d like to you should then slowly increase are consuming a lot of animal protein. As long as
your calories. For building as much muscle as you balance your consumption of animal protein
possible you’ll want to work your way up to out with an adequate supply of greens this won’t
16-18 x bodyweight in calories per day and add be of any concern.
more carbohydrates each day, which should be Vegetables such as carrots and beets do count
eaten after your workouts and at night. toward your daily total, however. The easy way to
remember is don’t count veggies if they’re green,
Question: Can I use if they’re any other color count them.
artificial sweeteners?
Answer: Stevia is a natural alternative that is
the only one we would recommend.

Copyright © 2013 Jason & Jen Ferruggia. All Rights Reserved.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: How much coffee can I should come from animal sources. Use all other
drink per day? sources of fats such as oils and nuts in very
Answer: Caffeine increases cortisol levels but as limited amounts.
long as the timing is right this is a good thing.
That’s because elevated cortisol levels free up Question: Do you place any
fatty acids to be burned. So, because of that and restrictions on sodium use?
a number of other reasons, caffeine helps you Answer: Not unless you have some sort of
burn fat and get leaner. However, if you are pre-existing condition that would require you to
chronically over stimulated by drinking a dozen do so. You need adequate sodium levels to stay
cups of coffee per day your adrenal glands will optimally hydrated and maximize performance
take a beating and cortisol levels will permanent- levels. In fact, boosting your sodium intake
ly be much higher than normal. This leads to a during extreme fat loss dieting actually helps
loss of muscle and an accumulation of body fat, keep strength levels up which helps prevent
especially in the abdominal region. For these muscle loss.
reasons we recommend limiting coffee consump-
tion to 1-2 cups per day in the morning and/or
before training. Question: How many hours do
I go between meals?
Answer: You will be eating within a ten-hour
Question: Can I have a tablespoon
window so try to space your meals out as evenly
of heavy cream in my morning
as you can. If you start eating at 10am your
second meal might be at 2:30pm and your last
Answer: Black is best but one tablespoon of meal would be at around 7 or so. If four meals
coconut oil is fine and may even enhance fat per day works out better for you then you could
burning. do 10am, 1pm, 4pm and 7:30pm. Remember that
the ideal scenario is to have your biggest meal at
Question: What oils are safe to night. So if you’re eating 1500 calories per day
cook with? you might have two meals consisting of 350
Answer: Coconut oil and red palm oil. They are calories each and a nice, satisfying 800-calorie
very heat stable and have a high smoking point. dinner.
Any other oils are unsafe for cooking. And, yes,
that includes olive oil. Most of your fat intake

Copyright © 2013 Jason & Jen Ferruggia. All Rights Reserved.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: How much is one Question: Can I have coffee imme-
serving of fruit? diately after waking up instead of
Answer: 1 cup. waiting an hour or so?
Answer: We would prefer if you keep your
stomach empty for an hour or so after waking
Question: What kind of salad
and drinking as much water as possible, but if
dressing should I use?
that’s absolutely not possible, for one reason or
Answer: Organic, extra virgin olive oil and apple another, you can have your coffee earlier.
cider vinegar.

Question: What if I don’t drink

Question: Can I have a protein coffee? Is it an essential part of the
shake on my non-training days? program?
Answer: We’d prefer that you chew as many of Answer: Coffee does help enhance fat burning
your calories as possible on off days, but if you in the morning and also curbs your appetite, but
are hungry or are on the go and don’t have time if you’re not a coffee drinker you certainly don’t
for real food you can have a shake. Try not to have to start now.
make it a habit of it, though.

Question: What is Cortisol?

Question: What if Vitamin C makes
Answer: Cortisol is the stress hormone that eats
me nauseas when taken on an
away muscle tissue and increases body fat
empty stomach first thing in the
storage. High cortisol levels can also lead to
numerous health issues as well, a lot more
Answer: In that case you can move that dose to serious than a few extra pounds of fat around
later in the day and take it with a meal. your waist.

Copyright © 2013 Jason & Jen Ferruggia. All Rights Reserved.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: What if I’m a very
detailed person and I want to
track/count my calories?
1 gram of protein = 4 calories
1 gram of carbohydrates = 4 calories
1 gram of fat = 9 calories

Training Days:
Total calories = BW x 12
Grams of protein = BW x 1.25
Grams of carbs = BW x 1
Grams of fat = the remainder of your calories
divided by 9

Non-training Days:
Total calories = BW x 10
Grams of protein = BW x 1.25
Grams of carbs = .3
Grams of fat = the remainder of your calories
divided by 9

*BW= Bodyweight

Copyright © 2013 Jason & Jen Ferruggia. All Rights Reserved.

Athletic Greens- Y CLICK HERE


Omega 3 Fish Oil- Y CLICK HERE

Probiotics- Y CLICK HERE

Protein Powder Blend- Y CLICK HERE


Bulletproof Coffee- Y CLICK HERE

Grass Fed Beef- Y CLICK HERE

Himalayan Salt- Y CLICK HERE

Stainless Steel Food Containers- Y CLICK HERE

Copyright © 2013 Jason & Jen Ferruggia. All Rights Reserved.

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