Estados Financieros Mercadona ... Navarro

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Company Fundamentals - Income Statement

Company Name Mercadona SA (4296134927)

TRBC Industry Group Food & Drug Retailing
CF Template IND
Consolidation Basis Consol. Priority
Scaling Millions
Period Annual Pronósti co de ventas
Export Date 19-02-2022 30,000
Statement Data 2020.00 2019.00 2018.00 2017.00 2016.00 2015.00 2014.00
Period End Date 31-12-2020 31-12-2019 31-12-2018 31-12-2017 31-12-2016 31-12-2015 31-12-2014
5.19% 4.89% 5.92% 6.11% 3.90% 3.35% 25,000 f(x) = 1048.74964285714 x − 2094117.96392857
Income Statement - Standardized (Currency: As Reported) R² = 0.98859750313216
Field Name 31-12-2020 31-12-2019 31-12-2018 31-12-2017 31-12-2016 31-12-2015 31-12-2014
Revenue from Goods & Services 24,556 23,344 22,256 21,012 19,802 19,059 18,442 20,000
Sales of Goods & Services - Net - Unclassified 24,556 23,344 22,256 21,012 19,802 19,059 18,442
Revenue from Business Activities - Total…. INGRESO POR VENTAS 24,556 23,344 22,256 21,012 19,802 19,059 18,442 ventas
Operating Expenses 30,000
Cost of Operating Revenue …. COSTO DE VENTAS 17,932 17,237 16,659 16,025 15,007 14,377 13,908
25,000 f(x) = 56.7694047631828 x² − 227959.02917182 x + 228859999.893053
Cost of Revenues - Total 14,377 13,908
R² = 0.997287623526036
Material Expenses 14,377 13,908 20,000
Material Expenses - Materials, Inventory, Own Work & Utility - Unclassified 14,377 13,908 10,000

Gross Profit - Industrials/Property - Total….UTILIDAD BRUTA 6,624.1 6,106.3 5,596.5 4,986.3 4,795.3 4,682.2 4,534.0 15,000
Selling, General & Administrative Expenses - Total 3,897.9 3,840.3
Selling, General & Administrative Expenses - Unclassified 1,134.4 1,180.6 5,000

Labor & Related Expenses including Stock-Based Compensation in Selling, General & Administrative Expenses 2,391.4 2,329.4 5,000

Depreciation in Selling, General & Administrative Expenses 372.1 330.4 0

Other Operating Expense/(Income) - Net 5,623.0 5,310.4 4,829.2 4,590.8 4,016.0 -14,335 2013.00 2014.00 0 2015.00 2016.00 2017.00 2018.00 2019.00 2020.00 2021.00
-13,871 (Inconsistencia) 2013.00 2014.00 2015.00 2016.00 2017.00 2018.00 2019.00 2020.00 2021.00
Other Operating Income - Total 14,375 13,907
Other Operating Expense 5,623.0 5,310.4 4,829.2 4,590.8 4,016.0 39.56 35.81
Operating Profit
Operating Profit before Non-Recurring Income/Expense…. UTILIDAD OPERATIVA 1,001.1 795.9 767.2 395.4 779.3 744.8 657.8 15,119.5
Non-Operating Expenses
Financing Income/(Expense) - Net - Total 44.90 62.65
Interest Expense - Net of (Interest Income) -44.90 -62.65
Interest Income - Non-Bank 44.90 62.65
Other Non-Operating Income/(Expense) - Total -79.18 -33.75 -7.98 6.62 23.57
Normalized Pre-tax Profit 808.0 737.6
Non-Recurring Income/Expense
Non-Recurring Income/(Expense) - Total 2.28 0.36
Non-Recurring Income/(Expense) - Other - Total 2.28 0.36
Pre-Tax Income
Income before Taxes… UTILIDAD ANTES DE IMPUESTOS 921.9 762.1 759.2 402.1 802.9 791.9 720.8 810.27
Income Taxes 194.7 139.4 166.7 79.84 166.7 198.9 194.7
Net Income After Tax
Net Income after Tax…. UTILIDAD NETA 727.26 622.78 592.53 322.22 636.26 593.02 526.15

After Tax Income/Expense

Income before Discontinued Operations & Extraordinary Items 727.3 622.8 592.5 322.2 636.3 611.4 543.3
Net Income before Minority Interest 727.3 622.8 592.5 322.2 636.3 611.4 543.3
Minority Interest 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Net Income after Minority Interest 727.3 622.8 592.5 322.2 636.3 611.4 543.3
Net Income
Income Available to Common Shares 727.3 622.8 592.5 322.2 636.3 611.4 543.3
Share/Per Share - Basic
Net Income - Basic - including Extraordinary Items Applicable to Common - Total 727.3 622.8 592.5 322.2 636.3 611.4 543.3
Income available to Common excluding Extraordinary Items 727.3 622.8 592.5 322.2 636.3 611.4 543.3
Share/Per Share - Diluted
Net Income - Diluted - including Extraordinary Items Applicable to Common - Total 727.3 622.8 592.5 322.2 636.3 611.4 543.3
Diluted Income available to Common excluding Extraordinary Items 727.3 622.8 592.5 322.2 636.3 611.4 543.3
EBIT/EBITDA & related
Earnings before Interest & Taxes (EBIT) 1,001.1 795.9 767.2 395.4 779.4 15,119 14,564
Earnings before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation & Amortization (EBITDA) 1,616.0 1,340.4 1,193.1 753.8 1,092.3 15,492 14,895
Depreciation/Amortization - Income Statement
Depreciation & Amortization - Supplemental 614.9 544.5 425.9 358.4 313.0 372.1 330.4
Depreciation/Amortization - Total
Depreciation, Depletion & Amortization - Total 614.9 544.5 425.9 358.4 313.0 372.1 330.4
Labor & Related Expenses
Labor & Related Expenses - Total 3,227.1 3,064.4 2,861.5 2,731.5 2,502.3
Labor & Related Expenses - Supplemental 3,227.1 3,064.4 2,861.5 2,731.5 2,502.3 2,391.4 2,329.4
Normalized after Tax Profit 727.3 622.8 592.5 322.2 636.3 609.1 542.9
Normalized Net Income from Continuing Operations 727.3 622.8 592.5 322.2 636.3 609.1 542.9
Normalized Net Income - Bottom Line 727.3 622.8 592.5 322.2 636.3 609.1 542.9
Earnings before Interest & Taxes (EBIT) - Normalized 763.1 674.9
Earnings before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation & Amortization (EBITDA) - Normalized 1,135.2 1,005.3
Cost of Revenue including Operation & Maintenance (Utility) - Total 17,932 17,237 16,659 16,025 15,007 14,377 13,908
Operating Expenses 23,555 22,548 21,489 20,616 19,023 3,939.7 3,877.4
Selling, General & Administrative Expenses excluding Research & Development Expenses 3,897.9 3,840.3
Company Fundamentals - Balance Sheet
Company Name Mercadona SA (4296134927)
TRBC Industry Group Food & Drug Retailing
CF Template IND
Consolidation Basis Consol. Priority
Scaling Millions
Period Annual
Export Date 19-02-2022
Statement Data 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014
Period End Date 31-12-2020 31-12-2019 31-12-2018 31-12-2017 31-12-2016 31-12-2015 31-12-2014

Balance Sheet - Standardized (Currency: As Reported)

Field Name 31-12-2020 31-12-2019 31-12-2018 31-12-2017 31-12-2016 31-12-2015 31-12-2014
Current Assets
Cash & Short-Term Investments …EFECTIVO 2,211.9 1,854.1 2,099.2 2,084.2 2,461.8 3,331.7 2,917.4
Loans & Receivables - Net - Short-Term… CUENTAS POR COBRAR 92.83 74.52
Inventories - Total…INVENTARIOS 679.1 648.7 704.4 747.8 716.4 654.6 612.5
Prepaid Expenses - Short-Term…. GASTOS PAGADOS POR ADELANTADO 5.64 3.74
Other Current Assets - Total…. OTROS ACTIVOS 444.4 425.0 838.5 1,100.2 1,070.7
Total Current Assets… TOTAL DEL ACTIVO CIRCULANTE 3,335.3 2,927.8 3,642.2 3,932.3 4,248.9 4,084.7 3,608.1
Non-Current Assets
Investments - Long-Term… INVERSION A LARGO PLAZO 466.0 542.2 593.9 524.1 478.3 82.67 112.5
Investments - Available for Sale/Held to Maturity - Long-Term 67.27 97.36
Financial Assets - Long-Term 15.40 15.14
Investments in Associates, Joint Ventures and Unconsolidated Subsidiaries 65.86 63.57
Receivables & Loans - Long-Term 168.0 229.4
Loans - Long-Term 168.0 229.4
Property, Plant & Equipment - Net - Total… PROPIEDAD, PLANTA Y EQUIPO 6,488.8 6,023.7 4,760.7 3,892.5 3,352.7 3,106.2 2,912.9
Property, Plant & Equipment - excluding Assets Leased Out - Net - Total 3,106.2 2,912.9
Land & Buildings - Net 2,308.9 2,104.6
Buildings - Net 2,308.9 2,104.6
Plant, Machinery & Equipment - Net 712.2 760.4
Property, Plant & Equipment - Other - Net 85.12 48.00
Other Non-Current Assets - Total… OTROS ACTIVOS A LARGO PLAZO 45.52 38.55
Intangible Assets - Total - Net…INTANGIBLES 193.1 192.7 139.8 101.7 114.7 107.1 95.29
Intangible Assets - excluding Goodwill - Net - Total 107.1 95.29
Intangible Assets - Other - Net 107.1 95.29
Total Non-Current Assets…TOTAL ACTIVO FIJO 7,147.9 6,758.6 5,494.4 4,518.3 3,945.7 3,575.4 3,452.3
Total Assets
Total Assets… TOTAL ACTIVO 10,483 9,686.4 9,136.6 8,450.6 8,194.6 7,660.1 7,060.4
Current Liabilities
Trade Accounts Payable & Accruals - Short-Term…. CUENTAS POR PAGAR 3,200.4 3,025.3 2,859.9 2,651.9 2,605.9 2,921.2 2,806.9
Trade Accounts & Trade Notes Payable - Short-Term 3,200.4 3,025.3 2,859.9 2,651.9 2,605.9 2,594.9 2,477.3
Accrued Expenses - Short-Term 326.4 329.6
Other Current Liabilities - Total….. OTROS PASIVOS CORRIENTES 565.3 534.8 626.8 602.6 585.2 239.8 233.8
Other Current Liabilities 565.3 534.8 626.8 602.6 585.2 239.8 233.8
Total Current Liabilities …. TOTAL DE PASIVO CORRIENTE 3,765.7 3,560.1 3,486.7 3,254.5 3,191.1 3,161.0 3,040.7
Non-Current Liabilities… PASIVO LARGO PLAZO
Other Non-Current Liabilities - Total 43.27 49.71 66.48 82.80 91.74 106.9 135.5
Provisions - Long-Term 12.18 17.17
Provisions - Other - Long-Term 12.18 17.17
Other Non-Current Liabilities 43.27 49.71 66.48 82.80 91.74 94.71 118.3
Total Non-Current Liabilities…. TOTAL PASIVO A LARGO PLAZO 43.27 49.71 66.48 82.80 91.74 106.9 135.5
Total Liabilities
Total Liabilities…. TOTAL PASIVO 3,808.9 3,609.8 3,553.2 3,337.3 3,282.8 3,267.9 3,176.2
Shareholders' Equity…. PATRIMONIO
Shareholders' Equity - Attributable to Parent Shareholders - Total…. CAPITAL SOCIAL 6,674.3 6,076.6 5,583.4 5,113.3 4,911.8 4,392.3 3,884.2
Common Equity Attributable to Parent Shareholders 6,674.3 6,076.6 5,583.4 5,113.3 4,911.8 4,392.3 3,884.2
Common Equity - Contributed 15.92 15.92 15.92 15.92 15.92 17.66 17.66
Common Stock - Issued & Paid 15.92 15.92 15.92 15.92 15.92 15.92 15.92
Common Stock - Additional Paid in Capital including Option Reserve 1.74 1.74
Equity - Non-Contributed - Reserves & Retained Earnings 6,658.3 6,060.6 5,567.4 5,097.4 4,895.9 4,374.6 3,866.6
Retained Earnings - Total 614.5 546.4
Other Reserves/Equity - Total 6,658.3 6,060.6 5,567.4 5,097.4 4,895.9 3,760.1 3,320.1
Common Equity - Total 6,674.3 6,076.6 5,583.4 5,113.3 4,911.8 4,392.3 3,884.2
Total Shareholders' Equity… TOTAL PATRIMONIO
Total Shareholders' Equity - including Minority Interest & Hybrid Debt 6,674.3 6,076.6 5,583.4 5,113.3 4,911.8 4,392.3 3,884.2
Total Liabilities & Shareholders' Equity
Total Liabilities & Equity….PASIVO + PATRIMONIO 10,483 9,686.4 9,136.6 8,450.6 8,194.6 7,660.1 7,060.4
Long-Term & Short-Term
Investments - Total 466.0 542.2 593.9 524.1 478.3 997.3 991.5
Loans & Receivables - Total 260.9 303.9
Other Assets - Total 444.4 425.0 838.5 1,100.2 1,070.7 45.52 38.55
Payables & Accrued Expenses 3,200.4 3,025.3 2,859.9 2,651.9 2,605.9 2,921.2 2,806.9
Trade Account Payables - Total 3,200.4 3,025.3 2,859.9 2,651.9 2,605.9 2,594.9 2,477.3
Accrued Expenses 326.4 329.6
Debt Related
Net Debt -2,211.9 -1,854.1 -2,099.2 -2,084.2 -2,461.8 -3,331.7 -2,917.4
Accruals - Short-Term -2,642.2 -2,486.4 -1,943.8 -1,406.5 -1,403.9 -1,493.3 -1,471.0
Asset Accruals 8,271.3 7,832.2 7,037.4 6,366.3 5,732.8 5,075.1 4,792.6
Cash & Cash Equivalents - Total 2,211.9 1,854.1 2,099.2 2,084.2 2,461.8 2,417.0 2,038.4
Cash & Short Term Investments - Total 2,211.9 1,854.1 2,099.2 2,084.2 2,461.8 3,331.7 2,917.4
Investments - Permanent 466.0 542.2 593.9 524.1 478.3 148.5 176.1
Net Book Capital 4,462.4 4,222.4 3,484.2 3,029.0 2,450.0 1,060.6 966.8
Net Operating Assets 4,462.4 4,222.4 3,484.2 3,029.0 2,450.0 1,060.6 966.8
Provisions - Total 12.18 17.17
Shareholders Equity - Common 6,674.3 6,076.6 5,583.4 5,113.3 4,911.8 4,392.3 3,884.2
Tangible Total Equity 6,481.2 5,883.8 5,443.5 5,011.6 4,797.2 4,285.2 3,788.9
Tangible Book Value 6,481.2 5,883.8 5,443.5 5,011.6 4,797.2 4,285.2 3,788.9
Total Book Capital 6,674.3 6,076.6 5,583.4 5,113.3 4,911.8 4,392.3 3,884.2
Total Capital 6,674.3 6,076.6 5,583.4 5,113.3 4,911.8 4,392.3 3,884.2
Total Long Term Capital 6,717.5 6,126.3 5,649.8 5,196.1 5,003.6 4,499.2 4,019.7
Total Fixed Assets - Net 7,147.9 6,758.6 5,494.4 4,518.3 3,945.7 3,407.4 3,222.9
Working Capital -430.3 -632.3 155.4 677.8 1,057.9 923.8 567.4
Working Capital - Non-Cash -2,642.2 -2,486.4 -1,943.8 -1,406.5 -1,403.9 -2,407.9 -2,350.0
Working Capital excluding Other Current Assets & Liabilities -309.4 -522.4 -56.28 180.2 572.3 1,163.5 801.2
Book Value excluding Other Equity 15.92 15.92 15.92 15.92 15.92 632.2 564.1
Employees - Full-Time/Full-Time Equivalents - Period End 98,161 95,142 89,500 84,485 79,563 75,381 74,228
Employees - Full-Time/Full-Time Equivalents - Current Date 98,161 95,142
Distribuidora Internacional de Alimentacion SA | Ratios - Key Metrics                                07-Mar-2022 04:31

Ratios - Key Metrics

Annual Standardised in Millions of Euros
Industry Median 2020 2019 2018
Earnings Quality Score 40 90 2 1

Same Store Sales
Inventory per Square Ft (€)
Net Sales per Retail Square Ft (€)
Operating Expense per Square Ft (€) -  - - -
# Stores 1,973  6,169 6,626 7,438
Rent Exp as % Retail Sales -  - - -
Rent Exp per Square Ft (€) -  - - -
Customer Visits -  - - -
Merchandise Margins 25.0%  - - -
Gross Margin…MARGEN BRUTO 25.1% 
EBITDA Margin 8.0% 
Operating Margin…MARGEN OPERATIV 3.6% 
Pretax Margin 1.4% 
Effective Tax Rate 18.9% 
Net Margin…MARGEN NETO 1.1% 
DuPont/Earning Power
Asset Turnover..ROTACION DEL ACTIVO 1.56 
x Pretax Margin 1.4% 
Pretax ROA 2.1% 
x Leverage (Assets/Equity) 3.33 
Pretax ROE 12.8% 
x Tax Complement 0.82 
ROE 11.0%  3.3% ROA
x Earnings Retention 0.64 
Reinvestment Rate 6.6% 
Quick Ratio… PRUEBA ACIDA 0.47 
Current Ratio…RAZON CIRCULANTE O C 0.79 
Times Interest Earned 2.2 
Cash Cycle (Days) (0.7) 
Assets/Equity 3.33 
Debt/Equity 1.07 
% LT Debt to Total Capital 30.6% 
(Total Debt - Cash) / EBITDA 2.81 
A/R Turnover 21.6 
Avg. A/R Days… DIAS DE COBRO 16.9 
Avg. Inventory Days… DIAS INVENTARIO 35.0 
Avg. A/P Days… DIAS DE PAGO 53.2 
Fixed Asset Turnover 3.63 
WC / Sales Growth 0.2% 
Bad Debt Allowance (% of A/R) 3.9% 
Revenue per Employee (€) - 

2020 2019 2018

Indice de liquidez 0.89 0.82 1.04
Prueba ácida 0.71 0.64 0.84
Rotación de inventario 26.41 26.57 23.65
Dias de cobro 0 0 0
Dias de pago 65.03 64.27 62.82

Compras 17,962 17,182 16,616

Rotación del activo 2.34 2.41 2.44

Indice de deuda 0.36 0.37 0.39
Cobertura intereses deuda #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0!

Margen Bruto 27.0% 26.2% 25.1%
Margen Operativo 4.1% 3.4% 3.4%
Margen Neto 3.0% 2.7% 2.7%
ROA 22% 21% 16%
ROE 11% 10% 11%
Rotación del activo

2.50 18,000
2.10 12,000
1.70 6,000
1.30 0
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
2013 2014 201

La capacidad que tiene mis activos para generar ventas en promedio >2 y estamos por encima del sector.

Indice de deuda Co
0.50 0
2013 2014 2015
0.45 -2
0.20 -10

0.15 -12
0.10 -14
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 -18

La deuda esta disminuyendo y eso se considera que la empresa no es riesgosa y puede solicitar crédito









2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2

El margen neto de ganancia esta por encima de 2 y eso esta por encima
El margen operativo esta por encima de 3 y estamos bien comparado co
El margen bruto esta en promedio de 25 en los años y estamos dentro d
2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011
86 89 3 75 82 41 81

- - - - - - -
6,101 7,420 7,718 7,306 6,463 5,821 6,670
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -

2017 2016 2015 2014 1.20


1.21 1.33 1.29 1.19 0.80

0.98 1.11 1.09 0.99
21.43 20.95 21.96 22.71
0 0 1.78 1.47
60.28 63.12 73.95 70.56

16,057 15,069 14,419 14,520 0.00

2013 2014 2015 2016

Esta empresa ha ido bajando su

2.49 2.42 2.49 2.61

0.39 0.40 0.43 0.45
#DIV/0! #DIV/0! -16.59 -10.50 25.00


23.7% 24.2% 24.6% 24.6% 15.00

1.9% 3.9% 3.9% 3.6%
1.5% 3.2% 3.1% 2.9% 10.00
8% 15% 15% 15%
6% 13% 14% 14% 5.00

2013 2014 2015 2016



2013 2014 2015 2016
Se esta rotando el inventario > 2

Compras Dia
20,000 18
18,000 16
16,000 14
4,000 4

2,000 2

0 0
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2013 2014 2015 2016

ncima del sector. Las compras han ido aumentando en el tiempo y eso es bueno. Se demora menos de 2 dias en c

Cobertura intereses deuda Di

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

-4 60.00

-6 50.00

-8 40.00

-10 30.00
-12 20.00
2013 2014 2015 2016

Quiere decir que cada año tengo buena capacidad para cubrir los intereses de deuda y esto mSe esta demorando en promedi









2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 El ROA está por encima del sector. Siendo más eficiente y reportando un rendi
El ROE está por debajo del promedio del sector, eso quiere decir que la utilidad
or encima de 2 y eso esta por encima del sector.
a de 3 y estamos bien comparado con el sector.
de 25 en los años y estamos dentro del promedio del sector
2010 2009 2008
96 N/A N/A

- - -
6,373 6,094 -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

a empresa ha ido bajando su promedio de liquidez conforme a años anteriores, pero aún se encuentra con liquidez en promedio con las ot

Rotación de inventario

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
esta rotando el inventario > 20 veces en el año y eso quiere decir que cada años se esta vendiendo más y esto es un buen indicador.

Dias de cobro

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

demora menos de 2 dias en cobrar y eso es bueno a comparación de las otras empresas.

Dias de pago

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

esta demorando en promedio para pagar > 60 dias. Pero esta dentro de los plazos establecidos y eso nos conviene en demorarse en paga
2018 2019 2020 2021

ciente y reportando un rendimiento sobre activos mayor.

so quiere decir que la utilidad que se esta generando de capital social de la empresa esta por debajo del promedio del sector.
on liquidez en promedio con las otras empresas; sin embargo desde el 2019 su liquidez es <1, comenzando a tener un problema de liquide
y esto es un buen indicador.

s conviene en demorarse en paga por conservar más tiempo el efectivo en caja.

promedio del sector.
ener un problema de liquidez.

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