Spartan Fitness Program V2

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The information provided in this book is for educational purposes only. I am not a doctor
and this is not meant to be taken as a medical advice. The information provided in this book
is based upon my experiences as well as my interpretations of the current research

The advice and tips given in this course are meant for healthy adults only. You should
consult your physician to insure that the tips given in this course are appropriate for your
individual circumstances.

If you have any health issues or pre-existing conditions, please consult with your physician
before implementing any of the information provided in this course.

This product is for informational purposes only. Justine Acebo will not accept any
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this information.
"Give them nothing, but take from them everything"
 -King Leonidas

Sparta was a region that forged warriors and centered on loyalty and military service. They
began training vigorously at the age of seven to put together a Spartan boy to be of
service. By the time they are full grown, they were prepared for battle.

Is being strong and lean well worth it?

It depends on how you want to lead your life. If being “normal” means being a "couch
potato" while eating chips and binge watching Netflix but looking horrible in the mirror?

Or you may want to emerge as something heroic, an authentic Spartan that is far from being
regular and appears and feels so awful lot better inside and out? Our body is your temple
that you should take care.

Your choice.

If you choose the second option, you must commit to follow the  everything that I will share
in this book to be more desirable and fit.

Unlock your true potential!

Introduction 5
About the author
I am Justine Acebo, I was once confused like you.

There are a lot of fitness recommendation on the internet. Some might work and some
don't. The difference is knowing where to focus and how to apply.

I have tried listening to free advice and invested in training programs. I have discovered
what works over the past three years. I have figured out fitness misconceptions and
devoted my life to be a guide to those who want to achieve their fitness goals.

This book is geared towards beginners who are confused on what’s going in the fitness
industry. In subsequent chapters of this book, you will learn the basic nutrition and training,
fitness myths; the superb route in building muscle and losing fat easily. I am not going to tell
you to avoid "bad foods" but I'll show you how to stick with it but still make massive
progress. You don't need to tire yourself out to work out 5-6x per week but to work out only
3x per week effectively.

There are free information you can look up in the internet but the truth is, you don’t know
where to find information. You are one step forward and one step backward.

This book will help you consistently achieve your fitness dreams and make sure you are
constantly making progress and deserve the physique that you ever wanted.

Becoming a Spartan is more than just a name. It is not about competing as professional
bodybuilder. This is all about fitting your fitness goals to your lifestyle. This is about
changing your habits. This is about building muscle and reducing fat in the most
sustainable way.

Introduction 6
Think about the Greek statues and the Spartan warriors before us— they are lean and
muscular but not overly muscular. They are proportion to their height and physique, making
them appear aesthetic. This is what the book is all about.

This book won’t work if you don’t put in the effort. Your actions will create your own reality.

Forget everything you learned about fitness. Treat this book with an open mind and heart.

Read and evaluate each chapter of this book and be patient!

Are you ready?

2019 CUT 2020 BULK

Justine Acebo, RPh

Introduction 7
tools to make this work
Before engaging to a war, a Spartan king prepares himself beforehand. He sharpens his
spear, grabs his shield and gives a momentous speech to his fellow Spartans. He then
climbs to the mountains and speaks to the ephors priests to the old gods to seek advice for
the upcoming war.

Just like in this current time, we have to also prepare our tools to acquire our goals– to build
muscle or lose fat. These specific tools will aid to your fitness goals and help you stay

Tools for the Spartan Warrior:

1.     Digital Food Scale

2.     Workout only 3x per week
3.     Food Awareness
4.     Consistency

There are no far better than sticking to DWFC (Digital Food Scale, Workout, Food Awareness,
Consistency) in reaching your goals. These tools will take you to places that you have never
imagined. I guarantee you if you stick with DWFC

You will succeed!

Introduction 8
Digital Food Scale
The most important tool that you can use to achieve your goal. How? By measuring your
food (more on this later). There are different varieties of food scale that you can find in the
internet (Facebook Marketplace, Shopee and Lazada). Get the cheapest one that would only
cost you around 250-450 pesos. You don’t need a fancy one. Make sure it works and you’re
good to go!

Workout Only 3x A Week

What if I told you that you don't need to sacrifice your time and spend several hours in the
gym for 5 days per week and you can do it more effectively by just working out only 3x per

Working out only 3x per week will make you more likely to stick with your training and can
do so much in your lifestyle without spending hours in the gym.

We don't need to complicate things on how many days you need to work out. Just stick with
3x per week with enough intensity to push your body and transform into a true Spartan.

If Greg from kinobody, Martin from leangains, Rusty from VIF, and Cho from lazy lifter
transformed their amazing physique by just working out only less than 5-6x per week. Why
can't you?

It has been the holy grail from the people I mentioned above to build muscle and lose fat in
a minimal effort.

Food Awareness
If you track your daily expense in order to save more money, why can't you track your food in
reaching your fitness goals? Don't worry. We won't be tracking our foods forever. This is just
a tool that we can use for the meantime to build our habits on auto-pilot so we can create
awareness to our daily food intake.
We will apply it by tracking your food using an app which logs your daily food intake to
determine whether you are losing weight or gaining weight. You might be thinking that
tracking your food is hard.
My answer to you is: It depends. It depends on what your lifestyle is and how often you
cook your own meals or at least eat home-cooked meals.

It might be intimidating at first but you’ll get the hang of it. This book will teach you how to
track your food in a simpler way.

Introduction 9
Listen: you got all the information and tools you need but if you don't have the right attitude
to it, you will still fail.

You need to stay consistent even if you feel like giving up. Having a bad mindset leads to
bad progress. If you feel like giving up, remember why you started. Even if you feel like
you're not making progress, just keep going. You are in the right path.

Remember, right attitude leads to right results.

Introduction 10
The Underlying Truth

High Reps are a Waste of Time

You cannot build a powerful muscle if you will only chase a “pump” by executing tons of
exercise in endless reps with light weights. Pumps are satisfying feeling that will fade in the
period. The only thing you need to do to build permanent muscle is to focus on the opposite
which to discuss in the next chapters.


Shift Your Focus with Compound Movements

Isolation exercises have a place in bodybuilding but this is not what you should put your
focus on. To build muscle and lose fat, you will shift your focus with compound movements
that target multiple muscle areas by performing only one exercise. Compound movements
are primed to build more muscle mass than a series of isolations exercise. Spartans
focused on pull-ups, squats, and push-ups-- minimum effort leads to maximize results.

Source :

Don't Follow the Typical Fitness Magazine Workout Program

You can see in most fitness magazines that you get to perform weird isolation exercise
splits that only works with the use of steroids. This book will give you the most effective
program for turning into a Spartan warrior naturally.

Fitness magazines are most owned by fitness supplement companies that will lure you into
buying their line of supplements.

Introduction 11
Meal Timing is Irrelevant
You don't need to eat every 2-3 hours or eat at least 8 small meals per day. You should eat
whenever and as much as you want. If you're a busy person, eating every 2-3 hours will be is
a waste of time. Eat as much as you need that fits in your schedule! Adherence is key.

Fat Will not Turn Into Muscle

For God’s sake, you should stop dreaming that fat will turn into muscle. Fat Cells are
different from Muscle Cells. They have unique structures. You either lose fat or build

Post Workout Shakes are Unnecessary

Yeah, I heard this too, “to build more muscle, drink a protein shake." The truth is–it doesn’t
matter. Just consume any lean protein source after your workout. Treat protein shake as
food. You can drink it in your snacks, at bedtime, or whenever you feel the need to boost
your protein.

Gaining More Weight Doesn't Yield More Muscle

This typical saying “Eat Big to Get Big” needs to stop. Obviously, you will get big but your
body can only add so much muscle per month! If you gain weight at a faster rate, it is mostly
from fat. The more fat you gain, the less muscle you can maximize from your bulking

Introduction 12
Following a Bro-Split
I get this a lot, majority of people follows a 6 day bro split. This is not the case. However,
hitting a body part per day for a week is not ideal, and not the most effective way for
naturals to make decent progress. You can make better progress with just doing less but
effective workouts.

You Can Still Get Fat for Eating Healthy and Clean Foods
Eating healthy food is amazing but you also need to watch your overall calories because
that is the number we should look out when we are dieting. Too much excess in calories will
store as fat.

You Can't Build Muscle and Lose Fat at the Same Time Optimally
This has been the goal of most people in the gym. It just don't happen easily. You need to
choose whether in a caloric surplus (to gain muscle) or be in a caloric deficit (to lose fat)
optimally and effectively.

Although, this is possible for beginners or long lay off from the gym.  But if you try to do
both, it may or not happen. 

Whey Protein is Not a Magic Supplement to Gain Muscle

I used to believe supplementing a whey protein would build muscle at a faster rate. But the
truth is, whey protein is considered as food. The difference is that it is much easier to drink
whey protein rather eat whole foods.

Introduction 13
Stop Listening to the Big Guy in your Gym
Just because he is massive means you should listen to his training and nutrition advice. You
can listen and move on. It might work for him because he is using steroids and might not
work for you.

Stop Following "High Reps for Cutting & Low Reps for Bulking"
Cutting and Bulking only depends to your caloric intake. Whether you consume more
calories, you will gain weight and vice versa. It has nothing to do with switching rep
schemes. You can try to do both. But if your nutrition is not on point, you will never reach
your goals. Training only stimulates more muscle and helps reduces fat. Nutrition plays a
big role in changing your body composition.

Consume Slow Digesting Protein To Avoid Catabolic During Sleep

It is a myth and needs to stop. Don’t stress yourself that you need to consume slow-
digesting or you will lose your muscle gains. The only thing you need to be concern about
is to hit your target protein per day. That’s it! You will not lose your progress! There is more
to put a focus on rather than this tiny irrelevant detail.

Peanut Butter is not a Protein Source

If you can look up every protein butter’s nutritional fact, it only has 4-8g of protein and has 8-
12g of fat per serving. Therefore, Peanut butter is a better fat source.

Introduction 14
There is No Perfect Timing to Drink Whey Protein
As much as you can drink pre or post-workout, you can drink any time of the day regardless
of working out or not. Take any time as long as you need protein.

There is No Such Thing as Spot Reduction

Losing your belly fat means losing all other body fat areas in your body.

We have different fat distribution. Some individuals can lose belly fat faster. Do not compare
yourself yet accept that there is some part of our body that is stubborn to lose. You need to
be patient when it comes to losing fat. 

Sweating Doesn't Mean Increase Fat Loss

Sweating doesn't indirectly indicate weight loss drive since it is influenced by temperature
progressive with time by epidermal hydration.

There is no Bad Genetics

Stop comparing yourself just so because others have perfect abs symmetry. Each one of us
has unique genetic code. It doesn't mean he has an amazing set of abs you delude yourself
that you think you have a bad genetics. The truth is, you don't. You have your weak points.
Best is to focus on your genetics and get better with it!

Introduction 15
Whey Protein is not for Cutting Only
Treat whey protein as food. I recommend whey protein to hit your intake as the  most
convenient way to consume. Taking one scoop of whey protein gives you around 25g of
protein which is the same with eating 100g of chicken breast that will also give you a
similar protein boost. 

Which is much more convenient to consume?

You know the answer: Protein Powder

Why? Because it is easier to drink a scoop of protein blended in water or milk rather than
eating a 100g of chicken breast. See my point? It’s a food supplement and must take it
when you need to.

You can take whey protein anytime if you are bulking or cutting.

Over Fatiguing the Muscles is Not a Good Indicator For Muscle

If you have probably heard the saying "No Pain, No Gain" then throw it back to the big guy in
the gym. Although this is quite true but if you're fatiguing the muscle too much, it will take a
toll on your recovery, and you cannot make progress.

Smart training, superb nutrition, and good recovery is a good indicator of muscle gains.

Introduction 16
“Come and take them”
- King Leonidas

They were only 300 Spartans battling against a thousand Persian armies. Did they back
down? Hell no. Instead, they fought and gave their whole. Can you Imagine? one Spartan
warrior could take on several Persian army in a single blow.

What is the secret?  Strength. 

A thing that most of us lack. We have neglected strength these days. Instead, we give our
best to pump our muscles only to be discouraged after our gym session. We end up
unsatisfied. The key to building permanent and dense muscle is to focus on getting

You can see the Greek statues sculpted in the times of ancients. They based these statues
on physique crafted through hard work and smart training, not through weird modern
bodybuilding ideas. These warriors trained to be healthy and function well on the battlefield.
Their physique shows the results of their training. Similar training to embark within this

Want to build muscle long term? Get Stronger!

I have come across different local gyms that most people focus on hitting every angle of
their muscle, pumping the muscle and fatigue-ing the muscle incorrectly.

The reason you can’t build dense and hard muscle long term is that you don’t give your
muscle the reason to grow, and that is neglected in building strength with the right

strength as the ultimate weapon 18

Two Types of Hypertrophy 
Hypertrophy - the increase and growth of the muscle cells
Myofibrils - is a basic rod-like unit of a muscle cells

Sarcoplasmic Hypertrophy
It refers to an increase of fluid in the muscle cells labeled as “pump” in the modern
bodybuilding. This hypertrophy will give your muscle a fuller look temporarily. It achieves
within the range of 12-15 above reps. Our goal is to build dense muscle and want to keep it
permanently. This muscle growth only accounts for 20% of muscle gains. Therefore, we will
not be focusing much on this hypertrophy.

Myofibrillar Hypertrophy
Think of gymnasts and warriors. They are lean, and muscles are much more dense and
fuller. It achieves with lifting heavyweights in a brief period to low rep training by focusing
within 4-8 reps with more extended rest periods. As you lift heavy weights, your muscle
fibers will increase force, meaning—more strength. Muscle is the side effect of strength.
Therefore, we must focus on this hypertrophy. This type of hypertrophy will barely give you a

To achieve great results, we will combine both hypertrophies and emphasize more with
myofibrillar hypertrophy.

strength as the ultimate weapon 19

Main Lifts for a Spartan Warrior
Spartans do not have gym equipment back then, focusing on bodyweight compound
movements such as push-ups, pull-ups, and bodyweight squats. These 5 exercises will
undoubtedly work your whole body. Given by these modern times, we will incorporate much
better with these variations of exercises.

Incline Bench Press

There is nothing wrong with doing a flat bench press. To give our chest a fuller look, we will
focus on incline presses that emphasize more to our upper chest for a plated-armor

The ultimate upper body exercise which builds more substantial bigger triceps and
our lower chest. It indirectly hits your shoulder and back. Therefore, including this in our
routine will build a powerful Spartan physique.

Overhead Press
The most superior in building strong and muscular shoulders. It also hit your triceps hard
and fills in the top area of the chest under the collarbone.

Pull Ups & Chin Ups

The only back exercise that builds a V-Taper back which visually impacts a Spartan

Squats & Deadlifts

Squats or Deadlifts is the only leg exercise I will include in this routine as no better leg
movement that builds muscle mass. These two exercise increases your testosterone,
therefore increases your muscle growth and accelerates fat loss.

strength as the ultimate weapon 20

You are probably thinking, “where is the perfect arm exercises?”

Doing only those five main lifts will build your arms more effective than doing many
isolation exercises.

Focusing on the right compound movements demands your entire body to put in use, which
enables you to move more weight and thus overload your muscle than doing a series of arm
isolation exercises. Getting stronger with compound movements builds muscle mass fast,
including your arms.

You are doing a lot of pressing and pulling compound movements. These compound
movements indirectly hit your triceps and biceps so hard to make a series of arm isolations

Substitute Exercises From the Main Lifts

Incline Bench Press

Bench Press,Dumbbell Incline Press, Machine Incline Press, Elevated Push ups

Close grip bench press, Tricep Pushdowns, Skullcrushers, Diamond Push ups

Overhead Press
Seated dumbbell shoulder press, Arnold press, Behind the neck pull ups, Pike push
ups/elevated pike push ups, Handstand Push ups

Pull Ups & Chin Ups

Barbell Rows, Seated Cable Rows, Inverted Rows, Lat Pulldowns

Squats & Deadlifts

Leg press, Lunges, Goblet Squats, Bulgarian Split Squats, Jump Squats, Pistol Squats,
Romanian Deadlifts, Stiff- Leg Deadlifts.

Note : You can substitute these lifts from time to time but thought you should know that the
primary main lifts will always be superior.

strength as the ultimate weapon 21

The Anatomy of a Spartan WARRIOR

strength as the ultimate weapon 22

Is the spartan physique worth it?
The truth is, most men don't want to get massively huge. They want to look like Greek
sculptures or men in the movie 300 because these physiques indicate a strong presence to
the opposite gender while building better eating habits and choices that influence
impressive body and health! The physique is like an art; they are proportionate with their
height while builds a relative strength that impacts aesthetics. There is no need to become a
mass monster when you can look like this naturally.

A Spartan physique has relative muscle mass on Shoulders, Deltoids, Back, and Upper
Chest Emphasis. When building it correctly, these muscle groups will make you look more
masculine and give you that visual impact that looks similar to a Spartan Warrior.

Imagine gaining only 15-20 pounds of pure muscle to those muscle groups than gaining
mostly to your hips and legs. Which look achieves pure aesthetic? I think the first one! Don't
get me wrong! We will never neglect our leg training, but we will focus more on our upper
body that visually impacts a Greek warrior.

Focus on getting stronger with the prescribed compound movements and do not waste your
time on weird bodybuilding isolation exercise!

strength as the ultimate weapon 23

“Tonight we dine in hell”
-King Leonidas

The Spartans, as they were warriors, they were also hunters. They would hunt for food such
as pigs, goats, and sheep –  a great protein source. Barley was used to create bread –  a
good source of carbs and milk from goats – a fat and protein source.

As they dine for victory, they would drink wine – a staple in ancient Sparta but never indulge
in. The Spartan diet inclines with their attitude towards war and excellence. It was treated as
a lifestyle as the other greeks stood before us.

The problem with our society nowadays is that most foods are composed of junk, lack of
nutrition, and fruitful chemical substances.  In order to eat like a Spartan warrior, we must
practice self –discipline. Eat only nutritious and high satiety foods that will supplement your
physique to function.

Do not be fooled by marketing strategy food companies that only hinder your results. Sparta
does not have one. Focus on whole foods rich with vitamins and minerals and enjoy a little
dessert or snack from time to time.

I do not have a bad rep about lousy food choices since we are not perfect, but we must
know how to balance and be self- aware of what we are eating.

Before everything else, we must unlock nutritional terms and determine how much we need
to eat, depending on our goals.

Eat like a spartan 25

Eat like a Spartan
Is a unit of energy. When you see a certain food that contains 100 calories, it's a way of
expressing how much energy your body could get from it. Calories in food provide energy
and every food mostly has calories. Your overall calorie intake will determine whether you
are losing or gaining weight. For a more straightforward sense, If you are eating too high in
calories than your body only needs, it will be stored as fat—you gain weight. Also, eating low
on calories will make your body adapt and find energy sources such as fat, which
commences weight loss.  

Counting your calories will help create awareness of where you are currently at your
nutritional goals. (More on this later)

Macronutrients/ Macros
Calories are composed of macronutrients-- Protein, Carbohydrates, and Fat.

Fat has nine calories per gram, and both Carbohydrates and Protein have four calories per

Every time you eat food with calories, those calories come from protein, carbs, and fat. 

Example 1: 1 cup of rice (cooked) has 200 calories.  The 200 calories in which a  1 cup of
rice has 3.8g of protein, 0.3g fat, and 46g of carbohydrates.

Example 2: 100 g of chicken breast (raw) has 110 caloriesThe 110 calories in which a 100g
of chicken breast has 31g of protein, 1g fat, and 0g carbohydrates.

Each food has a rich source- Protein, Carbohydrates, and Fat.

You may think as rice is a carbohydrate source because it is  rich in carbohydrates. Fish,
chicken and other meats are a protein source because they are rich in protein and oils, you
guessed it, a fat source.

Eat like a spartan 26

It is an essential macronutrient to  build, recover, and  preserve muscle mass. Consuming
high protein has been the holy grail for most bodybuilders, fitness enthusiasts, and sports
athletes. It improves your overall body composition. Performs in the gym better and helps
to increase, build, and preserve strength. As a general rule, if you’re lifting weights—
consuming 1g of protein per body weight in pounds is optimal to improve performance
and overall composition. If you’re 150 lbs, you need to consume at least 150g of protein per
Protein is composed of amino acids – the building blocks of protein.

There are two protein types: a complete protein with all the essential amino acids and an
Incomplete protein with only limited amino acids. To support and maximize muscle growth
and preservation, you need to focus on eating complete protein sources such as chicken,
beef, eggs, pork, fish, and protein powders.

It plays a significant impact on our hormone, testosterone, because it drops if you go too
low on fat. Somewhere in the middle should be the sweet spot in maintaining our hormone.

It stores energy and protects our skin and vital organs. It also helps absorb vitamins,
protect your heart and brain health. Fat intake should be around 20-30% of your target
calories. It would be best if you always prioritized healthy eating fats such as peanut butter,
nuts, oils, and avocados. For health purposes, stay away from high saturated and trans fat

The macronutrient which the body’s primary source of energy. It composes of chain sugars,
starches, and fibers. It improves your performance in the gym and elevates your serotonin
levels (the happy hormone). Just like all the other two macronutrients, we also need
carbohydrates for our bodies to function well in the gym or our daily life.

Recommended carbohydrates intake is the rest of the calories remaining from protein and

There are two types of carbohydrates:

Complex Carbohydrates – it has long chains of sugar, which takes longer to break down,
which provides long-lasting energy and does not cause a spike in insulin such as brown
rice, wheat bread, oats, and grains. 
Simple Carbohydrates  – are sugars and syrups. They cause a spike in insulin and cause
you a spurt of energy in a short period such as white bread, white rice, candies, syrups,
juice, and sugar.

Eat like a spartan 27

Unlike the other macronutrients, alcohol has 7 calories per gram—the trick with alcohol is
moderation. You might experience during your college days where you can drink all you
want until you pass out. We will eliminate that bad habit. What we would do is to flexibly
insert alcohol to our fitness goals.

Moderation means that you don't feel the alcohol's effect by the next day, so it would not
hinder your progress in your performance.

When drinking out, you should focus on hitting your protein first and leave spacious
calories for your alcohol intake. This way, you've still met your number one goal of energy
balance and have ensured enough protein.

I would recommend light beers and hard drinks. Stay away from cocktails or mixed
beverages that have extra additional calories. Also, Do not forget to stay hydrated
throughout the drinking sessions.

Just like eating out at a fast food, I would recommend limiting your alcohol intake to
drinking only once per week because what's the point of building a Spartan physique when
you cannot enjoy it?

Eat like a spartan 28

Maintenance Calories
The number of calories consumed that our weight remains the same.  It is one of the  first
steps to determine whether you will decide to bulk (to gain weight/build muscle) or to cut
(lose weight/ fat loss).

The easiest way to determine your maintenance calories is to  determine your TDEE  (total
daily energy expenditure)- this is the number of calories you consumed or burned in a day
dependent on your age, height, and activity level.

To calculate your TDEE. Use this calculator.

Let’s take this for an example:

I am a 136 lb Male who workouts 3x per week.

My TDEE based on the calculator is 2,255 per day.

Conclusion : That means I need to eat 2,255 calories per day consistently to maintain my

Setting Up Macros
Now that we have determined our maintenance calories, we must distribute our calories to
our macronutrients intake per day. If you are asking how much protein, carbs or fat, are you
going to eat per day?
The answer is here.
Let’s use our example equation here:

Our maintenance calories is 2,255 /day

First, we should leave our protein intake fixed daily! (carbohydrates and fat may change its
ratio according to your daily intake but leave protein as fixed as possible, If your goal is to
consume 1g protein per bodyweight in lbs then you should stick to it)

As a general rule: 0.8g–1.3g of protein per bodyweight in lbs intake should be set daily!
Higher body fat individuals may start with 0.8g of protein per day.

Example:136 lb x 0.8g = 108g of protein/ day

For leaner individuals, you can consume 1g–1.2g of protein per day.

Example:136lb x 1g = 136g of protein/day

Eat like a spartan 29

Second, our fat intake should be around 20-25% of your daily intake. The reason for this is
that fats are caloric- dense. Meaning they are typically high in calories with only small

Other individuals favour higher fat at 25-30%


Let’s say you have decided your fat intake will be 25%

2,250 (Maintenance Calories)2,255 x 0.25 (25%) = 563 CALORIES/ 9 (fat has 9 calories per
gram) = 62g of fat intake per day.

Third, we fill up our remaining calories with carbohydrates

108g of protein x 4 ( protein has 4 calories per gram) = 432

Our fat intake has 563 calories

So,563 calories + 432 = 992 –2255 maintenance calories that gives us 1,261 calories for

1261 / 4 (carbs has 4 calories per gram) = 315g of carbohydrates intake per day.

To put all together:

Eat like a spartan 30

What Food to Eat?
There are many food sources that you can choose from. Choose only what sticks to your
schedule and what you can adhere. Basic foods will always be the best you can stick with.
Beginners tend to over-complicate their meals. They think if eating a specific food, they will
gain more muscle or lose fat faster. Each specific food has calories composed of protein,
carbohydrates and fat. There is nothing special about it. Find what works for you.

As a general rule, you must eat nutritious food as possible comprising lean protein sources,
carbohydrates and a suitable amount of fat of your choice. There are no better meal plans
that you enjoy eating. Find something you can sustain and stick to it.

Pick one to two primary food sources that you can stick with; this will account 60-70% of
your food intake. The 40-30% remains from other foods that you can flexibly eat day by day.
It is for adherence purposes. If you can eat one to two primary food sources consistently, it
is more likely you will succeed in your fitness goals. Adherence and Consistent is both a
powerful word that drives us to our goals.

It will ensure you are getting the most macronutrients and micronutrients of each food and
flexibly insert other foods that you also enjoy.

Below is the example of list to each macronutrient source with its calories and serving size
per 100g. It is just my recommendation as there are many food sources that you can
choose from.

Eat like a spartan 31

The Primary FOOD Sources I Recommend



Eat like a spartan 32

I chose these kind of food sources for a purpose:

You can cycle those foods depending on what you like and how your schedule is structured.
Now, if the above foods mentioned are not in your favour. You can always choose a wide
range of list that you can see below. It does not matter what food is best to eat. Stick to
what you can adhere and make sure to hit your target calories and protein intake
consistently per day.

Eat like a spartan 33

Pre - workout meal
This is the meal you eat before an hour to your workout. Don’t stress about this. You need
not to consume magical supplements to boost your workout.
Just eat complex carbohydrates such as oatmeal, wheat bread and grains along with lean
protein sources–whey protein, chicken, lean meats. This ensures you are getting a good
energy source before your workout.

It helps boost energy and fight mental fatigue during workouts, thus aids in increasing lifts.

Coffee and other energy drinks have caffeine as their key ingredient. If you can tolerate
caffeine, take caffeine 20-30 minutes before the workout. I suggest drinking or take 150-
200mg caffeine. If you are sensitive, start with 50-100mg or a cup of black coffee.

Do not go over 300-400mg of caffeine. It will cause jittery, sleeplessness, and anxiety or,
worse, palpitations. Some people tolerate within the above range, but as for beginners trying
to start with caffeine is not advisable.
Caffeine can be in any forms—powder, capsules, ready combination drinks. Choose
whatever you enjoy. I like to enjoy Black Coffee with no sugar and cream.

Fasted Workout
Some prefer nothing to eat and only consume zero-calorie energy drink during workouts. It
does not mean that it will burn more fat if you workout fasts—clearly, a myth. Working out
fasted and burning 400 calories is the same as working out non- fasted and burning 400
calories. The overall calorie intake per day will dictate fitness goals. You can either workout
fasted or non- fasted. The only benefit of working out fasted is time sufficient. Some people
do not prefer a fasted workout because they feel dizzy and lack energy. Choose what you

Eat like a spartan 34

Post workout meal
Is the time you eat after the workout–hence "Post–workout meal."During training, muscle
glycogen depletes–energy stored in the muscle.

It makes perfect sense to consume high carbohydrate intake to replenish muscle glycogen
fast after the workouts. 

Consume simple carbohydrates after the workouts such as  White Rice, Banana, Juice,
Honey along with lean protein sources such as protein powders, chicken, lean beef, or

Obsessing about the "Anabolic Window" is a myth which it needs to stop. You can eat
whenever you feel after the workout. However, it is best to eat 30-1 hour after training since
it might feel more fatigue for extended periods. 

The overall calorie target will dictate fitness goals—lose fat or gain muscle.

This is essential for the gut and nutrient absorption. It helps the body move the food through
the digestive tract. Some carbohydrate source are high with fiber such as whole-grains and
beans. The suggested intake for adult male would be around 38g/day

Is a mineral found in most foods or basically table salt. Obviously, the body needs sodium
for normal muscle functions and avoids muscle cramps. It also plays the role of keeping our
body fluids in balance. However, excessive intake of sodium will hold more fluids in the
body that will lead to high blood pressure, kidney diseases and other health related disease.

Suggested intake would be less than 1,500 mg per day. However, some cases you might
increase sodium from time to time. This is not the case. As long as you are healthy and
drink tons of water, the excess sodium will flush out. The salt will follow the water. Make
sure to drink atleast 4 liters of water per day.

Eat like a spartan 35

The Flexible Spartan: "If IT fits your macro"
He knows his way and focuses on what matters most -is to hit your overall calories and
macros regardless of what food. What if I tell you that you don’t have to stop eating
pizza,ice cream,pancit canton,cakes,milk tea,samgyupsal and all other temptingly delicious
dishes while looking all chiseled and lean?

I believe life is all about balance and finding that, is what creates a sustainable and
succesful plan to achieve your fitness goals. Being restrictive with food choices is bound to
fail with your fitness plan and end up being in a yoyo diet— you’re back to square one.

We will still focus on eating 80% nutritious food as possible but what If you get to eat a
fastfood meal mostly from your overall calorie intake?

If you’re a healthy individual (no underlying disease and no maintenance medicines) you can
consume fast foods and all other tempting foods while still achieving your spartan
What you need to look out for is your calories. If you go overboard with your target calories
especially when you are cutting, you will not lose fat.

What makes more achieving is you get to eat the foods you love and still hit your daily
calories per day— a skill needed to adapt. By all means, Do not restrict yourself as long as
you hit your target calories, you will still attain your goals without feeling guilty.

I believe that there are no such thing as foods for fat loss or muscle gain. No good foods or
bad foods, only nutritious or not. And calories and macronutrient proportions.
Most people tell you to avoid such foods because that will make you fat but the truth is, It’s
not. What makes you fat is eating more calories than you burn which I’ve been telling you
this whole time.
What’s the point with being too restrictive when that’s the only thing that hinders your

Eat like a spartan 36

Good calories which comes from food offers you nutritional benefits while bad calories has
little or no nutritional benefits. You should change your relationship with foods because
calories is calories.

Let’s take a comparison of good calories and bad calories from a Carbohydrate source.


Both Carbohydrate sources have similar calories and macronutrients. Therefore, it will still
achieve the same results to your progress!

The only difference is that:

Complex Carbohydrates provide more fiber and other micronutrients compare to Simple
Carbs. Obviously, you will more likely choose Complex Carbs for added micronutrient which
is the fiber.
All the same with Protein and Fat Sources.

When food enters your body, it’s not processing whether this is a good food or not. It only
breaks down the food‘s calories,macronutrients and micronutrients. Not enough
micronutrients in your body will cause problems in health function and longetivity

Eat like a spartan 37

The SPARTAN Principle: Skip breakfast
There is no secret that nutrition plays an 80% role in our body transformations. "You cannot
out-train a bad diet."

To become a Spartan, one will need to apply the principles I will share in this chapter.

The Spartans do not eat breakfast, but they do not know intermittent fasting. Do we need to
fast? Not necessarily. I'm not going to say that you will fast because It makes you anxious
about the fasting window and the feeding window.

What I say is this, skip breakfast. That's all

For the first 4-5 hours of upon waking up, do not eat breakfast. Drink only water, tea, or
black coffee. This will curb your appetite and pushes your meals later of your day!

Skipping breakfast has been so much easier to fit in busy schedules and can eat a sizeable
portion of meals that can get to enjoy! By making things simpler, you can sustain and make
the diet more enjoyable.

For cutting, it is much easier to create a calorie deficit and comply to eat bigger meals.
You can also do this while bulking, the only difference is you can space out bigger caloric
meals suited to your goals!

Even if skipping breakfast while bulking, the overall calories will tell dictate your progress.
It might feel uncomfortable for the first two weeks, but it is a skill that must learn and adapt
in the journey. After it becomes a habit, It will become easier.

Eat like a spartan 38

The Nutrition protocol
Step 1: Determine your Maintenance Calories First. Then you can decide whether you bulk
or cut in the next chapters.
Step 2: Distribute Protein, Fat, and Carbohydrate Intake from your Calories.

Step 3: Choose your primary protein source–This is the protein source from which most of
your protein intake comes from. You don't need to complicate in choosing more protein
sources per day. Stick to what you can adhere to.

Step 4: Now that you have chosen your protein source, you can be as flexible in choosing
your carbohydrates and fats. Stick to what you enjoy eating. It doesn’t matter what food is
the most effective in your goal. Adhere to what you enjoy eating. 80% nutritious and 20%
"bad" foods.

Step 5: Chase the process!

Understanding Energy Balance

Eat like a spartan 39

There are other Food Tracker App you can use, But I recommend using the myfitnesspal.
Myfitnesspal app has a huge food database that you can search from almost anything.

It also has other features like activity level, water intake, setting your macros and calories,
goal weights, etc. But let’s focus on using the app for tracking your food.
The first, you need to do is download the app.

1. Sign up for the app. Take Note: You don’t need to go premium for the app; use the free
version, and you’re good to go!
2. We’ll customize your Macronutrients and Calories Intake per day! Remember the one you
computed earlier? We’ll follow that and disregard the app’s computation.
Open your Myfitnesspal, Click the three dots(More) that you can see on the lower right on
your screen. Click GOALS

The art of tracking your food 41

Tap in “ Calories & Macronutrient Goals

Input your computed calories by tapping the “ Calories “ section and customize your
macros by percentage to make it 100%. Use the one you computed earlier.
You will now see your Calories and Macronutrients. Make sure to hit the target number
every day consistently.

The art of tracking your food 42

Measure your food
Logging your food for the first time can be quiet intimidating at first, but you'll get the hang
of it. I recommend cooking your food or at least eat a home-cooked meal.

You should always weigh your food "raw" to avoid discrepancies and add up each ingredient
with calories. If it is home-cooked or cooked, you must search in the app as "cooked."

Chicken Breast Cooked and Chicken Breast Raw has different macronutrients and calories.
Raw chicken breast holds more weight than cooked chicken breast. So when logging your
food, make sure it is labeled as cooked, fried, boiled, or raw.

You don't need to track condiments that you use in your food but always include the oil
you're cooking. It can add up to 100-200 calories if you are trying to fry your food.

Here's a step by step example of how you will track your food.

1.Turn on your Digital Food Scale and place your food on top of it to

The art of tracking your food 43

2. Once you have weigh your food, open myfitnesspal

Take note : I recommend to set your digital food scale to grams or oz..

The art of tracking your food 44

The art of tracking your food 45
The art of tracking your food 46
When logging your food, look for the most common one and be done with it. If you're
unsure, compare other food data that is close that you can get. You don't need to get it all
perfect. This is not accurate, but it helps to edge where your calories and macros are at.
Awareness is better than being a calorie/macro junkie.

The art of tracking your food 47

There are no grams in serving size. However, 1ml is equivalent to 1g

The art of tracking your food 48

To conclude, My Ice Cream has 162 calories, 19 grams of carbohydrates, 7.5 grams of fat,
and 2.5 grams of protein. This will now add up to your total calories and macros per day
that you can see in your app's diary

Note : There are foods that only set to per piece.

Do not be obsessed about it and just set to what is given. If you eat wheat bread, set it to
the amount of slice that you consume.

The art of tracking your food 49

For brandless food: Look for “Generic” or "Homemade" If there is none, look for the most
similar one. Or if you are cooking your food, make sure to weigh it “Raw,” there are tons of
food data in the app labelled as raw.

For branded food: You can scan the barcode beside/below the nutritional facts of a specific
food. Note: Some food has barcode but doesn’t exist in the app. Adjust and Search for the
most similar or resembles your food.

You don’t need to get it all perfect. Track your food and be done with it. True Progress starts
by being consistent, and it means tracking and measuring your food everyday.

Tracking Less Serious

You don't need to track every single macronutrient and obsessed about tiny details. It will
not hinder your gains and progress. You don't need to hit your Carbohydrates and Fat
according to your computed number earlier. Just make sure only to hit your Protein and
Calories per day! You can adjust Carbohydrates and Fat according to your needs as long
as the Calories and Protein remain to fix.

If you have to go out to restaurants or fast food, you can ask the waiter how much it weighs
or searches the app's food. If all else fails, overestimate the carbohydrate and fat while
underestimating the protein.

For God's sake, Do not bring your food scale when eating out! Enjoy the little things and
move on. I think you always get to eat out most of the time. Just be consistent with tracking
and using the app

You will never get the perfect number but self awareness is the key here. It's not optimal,
but it is better than not tracking your food.

The art of tracking your food 50

To view your macronutrients per day:

Go back to Diary

Click “Nutrients”
You can now see your Protein, Carbohydates, and Fat target number per day.
Use the app only for tracking your food!

Don’t rely on the app’s computation and follow the one you computed earlier in this book.

The art of tracking your food 51

The Spartan Bulk
Have you ever wonder why most Spartans were muscular? Infact, they only pack 15-20 lbs
of muscle in the right areas and look more aesthetic visually. The secret would having a low
body fat but what if you have little or no muscle mass?

The answer is here.

In this chapter, you will learn how to pack on 15-20lbs of muscle in the right areas to look
more aesthetic. Suppose your starting body fat is 20% and above, you shouldn’t be bulking.
If you try to bulk with high body fat, It will accumulate more fat, which will extend more of
your time in cutting. Our goal is to gain quality muscle fast. 

For naturally skinny individuals, below 15% of body fat is the suitable range to start, and at
least six months of bulking as a minimum. Gaining more weight doesn’t yield more muscle!
For us naturals, we can only gain a maximum amount of muscle in a month to years; excess
of it will be stored as fat. It makes perfect sense to avoid following the principle “Eat big to
get big” or “see food eat food diet.” Gaining muscle means you need to be in a state of
slight caloric surplus effectively so you’ll be eating slightly above to your maintenance

How long should I bulk?

As a rule, you need to stop bulking until you have reached 20% bodyfat ideally. Going more
than that will be counterproductive. It may cause health-related issues and inflammatory
increases, which means gaining muscle will not be effective before the body fat is marked.
We should bulk at low body fat percentage to maximize our time in gaining muscle without
stopping and worrying about getting fat in the long term.

the spartan bulk 53

You need to add 300 extra calories to your maintenance. That will yield 2lbs of muscle gain
per month, that’s 0.5lb per week.

Beginners tend to get impatient when it comes to building muscle and what they do is crash
their diet and consume a higher caloric surplus. You must know that a 5lb of muscle is
much harder, leaner, and denser than a 5lb of fat.

You might think you have gained weight easily, but thought you should know the more
weight you gain at a faster rate is equal to the amount of fat you accumulate.

If your natural skinny, gaining 15-20lbs of muscle in the right areas will achieve a Spartan
physique. That will take you 6-8 months of being consistent. Patience is key.

2,255 is your maintenance calories

2,255 + 300 (Surplus) = 2,555 calories daily

You’ll be eating at least 2,555 calories per day to gain 0.5lb muscle of per week.

the spartan bulk 54

Minimal Fat Gains
We can’t deny that we also gain fat at a minimal rate, but you can compensate for it during
your cutting phase.·

Increase Strength
When in a higher calorie diet, it increases your energy hence—makes amazing progress in
the gym.·

Mood Levels Are High

Study shows higher calorie intake along with high carbohydrate diet increases serotonin
hormone which is responsible for our mood levels.·

You Can Eat More

Best thing about bulking is you can space out your meals to a much larger portions.

Look Bigger In Clothes

You will look more jacked in clothes overtime because of increased muscle mass.

The secrets for effective bulking

Skinny beginners are not geared to eating huge calorie intake yet, and I get why most of
them are dependent on mass gainer powder. Mass gainer powder is a food supplement with
higher calories, carbohydrates, and a moderate protein ratio that is readily available in
powder to drink. However, mass gainer powders are useful but not necessary.

If you wish to do so, You can consume mass gainer during only post-workout meals or
breakfast since it responds better than taking it any day. But I always recommend making
your own Mass Gainer Shake so you can adjust the protein to carb ratio. It is a much
cheaper and healthier choice.

You should consider and prioritize always eating nutritious whole foods. I included this topic
since I’ve witnessed a lot of beginners struggling to gain muscle properly. I don’t
recommend prioritizing supplements as whole foods will always be superior.

Below are your options to ensure you’re hitting your bulking calories without using/buying
any mass gaining powders.

the spartan bulk 55

Drink Your Calories
There is no other convenient way to put on muscle as convenient by drinking your calories.
It has to be real food that is blended to your taste. Making your mass gainer shake is much
more flexible and more nutritious than consuming the powder form. Make sure to include
calorie-dense food ( food that’s in high calories per small servings) in your smoothie.


This will give you a 700-800 calorie boost to your daily intake. Ingredients are cheap and
easy to buy and find in any supermarkets.

Choose High Caloric- Dense Food

Calorie dense foods have higher calories per small amount of servings. To hit our calorie
target easily, we must incorporate eating foods that are in high calories with minimal

the spartan bulk 56

It’s so much easier to hit your target calories if you choose the right food for bulking without
forcing yourself to eat an unrealistic amount of food that you can’t even consume in one

Incorporate Snacks
Assuming you have hit your protein and still lack in calories. A good snack is optimal to
ensure you hit your target calories. Let’s say you have 500 calories left in your tank. I like to
incorporate high-calorie snacks before I go to bed strategically.

Here are some other example snacks that I recommend to hit that extra calories.

Constructing your BULKING meal plan

You don't need to follow a specific meal plan for whatever goal you are trying to attain. If
you're bulking, adjust and add the calories to a sizeable amount to reach your target
calories. Please pick out the main protein sources that I have laid out for you. Be flexible in
choosing the foods you love. This is just an example since I only eat two large meals and a
snack. Choose what you can adhere as to how many meals you can consume at your own

the spartan bulk 57

The Spartan Cut
The secret in achieving the Spartan physique is low body fat. Having a low body fat with the
right amount of muscle will make you look chiselled and aesthetic. You cannot see any
Spartan warrior that has high body fat.

If your body fat is above 20%, you should cut first.

Losing fat is much easier than gaining muscle. For this to happen, you need to be in a state
of a caloric deficit. You’ll be eating below your maintenance calories which you will burn
more rather than eating.

Deduct from your maintenance calories by at least 500. This will yield losing 1lb of body fat
or 0.5-1% weekly. That’s 4-5 lbs per month. You might think it’s slow, but it’s not. It is
considered a healthy and steady fat loss, which means it is sustainable. If you go too low on
your calories chances are, you cannot progress well in the gym, your mental health will take
a toll, and you cannot sustain therefore fat loss will not take its place. 

How long should I cut?

It depends on where your current situation. For 20-30% above body fat, it will take around
6-8 months or more. For 20% and below, it will take 3-5 months to get leaner and
sustainable body fat. Time will tell to your goals. Our goal here is to cut until 12-10% body
fat. This range is considered healthy and sustainable. Getting in that range of body fat will
reveal your chiselled physique. Veins are popping, and abs are visually showing and your
overall body composition changes. This book is made for that.

The Spartan Fat loss 59

2255 is your maintenance calories.
2255- 500 = 1755 calories
That means, in order to lose 1lb of fat per week, you need to consume 1755 calories per

In a state of caloric deficit, you will lose fat, but you will lose minimal muscle as well. It
makes perfect sense to boost our protein intake to 1.2g of protein per bodyweight in lbs. 

If you're 136lbs multiply by 1.2= 163g of protein. It would be best if you were consuming
163g of protein to preserve your muscle mass. 

But if you are starting with high body fat and low muscle mass—1g of protein per
bodyweight in lbs is a good starting point to start with and should not consume below of
the suggested protein intake. 

Higher body fat individuals don't need more than 1g of protein per bodyweight in lbs. As you
can get leaner, you will need more protein to preserve your muscle; therefore increasing it to
1.2g /lb protein intake is optimal.

The Spartan Fat loss 60

What to Expect During Fat Loss
I want to be completely honest with you about fat loss; it’s not all about the sweetest victory
that you have seen in a couple of body transformations. It’s all about the hardships and
consistency in the journey that one has put on.

Low Energy
By consuming lower calorie intake, we cannot deny the fact that our energy levels will drop.

Minimal Risk of Muscle Loss

We must accept the fact that by eating a lower calorie food, our muscle is also at risk. Do
not be afraid to lose a little muscle size because our goal is to lose fat. We will then
compensate it during bulking.

Strength Cannot Progress or Slow

Because of lower calorie intake, strength progression is slow or impossible. But we will still
apply the “getting stronger” principle regardless if we can make progress or not. There are
times that, as your weight goes lower, your strength remains the same. Therefore, you are
still making decent progress from your lifts.

Mood Levels Are Low

Accept and embrace the effects of your mental health. During your first weeks to embark on
your fat loss, your mental health is also at risk. This is the reason that your body is not yet
used in consuming lower calories, and the hormone ghrelin (the hunger hormone) will tell
you to eat.
This is part of our human nature to survive. Please do not fret about this as it is normal in
the first two weeks or could be longer to your fat loss journey. Consistency is the process.
Fat loss is the goal. It would be best if you were in control of your body, not the other way

Recovery Rates are Diminished

Our recovery rate drops down because it cannot support muscle recovery due to a decrease
in calorie intake. Lowering the volume of the workout will help you recover and progress
week by week.


The Spartan Fat loss 61

The Secrets for Effective Fat Loss 
In your first weeks of cutting phase, you might lose more than 1lb of fat because most of it
will be water weight. In a few weeks, you should be losing 1lb of fat. When it comes to
dieting for an extended period, leptin levels take a big hit. Leptin is a hormone that controls
the metabolic rate and appetite. When leptin levels go down, the metabolic rate slows down
and appetite increases. It is managed by caloric intake. When leptin is reduced, fat loss
becomes more difficult or maintain low body fat.

Glory is yours, Refeed Days

.By applying to refeed days or overeating once per day in a week or months.Our leptin levels
increase significantly, which in turn boost our fat loss and anabolic response.
Carbohydrates should be the main macronutrient during refeed days since it has a big
impact on your leptin levels. Fat has nothing to do with leptin; therefore, we should keep it
low. On refeed days, You should add 20% to your caloric intake.

Suppose my cutting calories is around 1755. I should be eating at 2,100 calories for my
refeed days

If you have high body fat, you may not need a refeed every week. You can do this every 2-3
weeks of your dieting. For leaner individuals, you may incorporate at least one refeed every
1-2 weeks from dieting.

I suggest having your refeed days during the weekend that you can look forward. For six
days straight, you will consume 1755 calories, and on the 7th day, you will consume 2100
calories (refeed). 

Strength loss is also a significant concern during a deficit. Therefore, we need to keep our
protein high. Strength loss, gain or maintain. Fat loss will always be the goal.

As long as we are losing fat and hitting our protein target, we are still making impressive
gains. It may happen or not; there is no need to be rattled about strength loss because we
will make it up during our bulking phase.

The Spartan Fat loss 62

Skip Breakfast
To make fat loss much more manageable, you can skip breakfast when dieting. Skipping
breakfast is not a fad diet. It is a way of eating pattern to compress your meals, leaving you
eating less. A restricted time pattern of eating will help you aid in your fat loss journey. To
make it easier for you to understand and to avoid complications—skip breakfast. That’s it.
There is no magic about it, nor increases your fat loss utilization. A calorie deficit will always
be the one to drive fat loss with or without skipping breakfast. Stick to it. 

Upon waking up, consume only black coffee, tea or zero-calorie beverages to curb your
appetite and water to keep you hydrated during fasting. You can train fasted or after. It
depends on what you prefer.

I recommend skipping breakfast during your fat loss so you can eat a sizeable portion of
meals keeping you full and satiated. It makes so much easier to eat two large meals and a
snack while hitting your target calories and protein.

If you’re consuming 1755 calories to your deficit, skipping breakfast and spacing out two
enormous meals comprising 880 calories is much more filling rather than eating small
meals every 2-3 hours. You have a choice.

Add More Food Volume with Low Calorie Choices

Another trick to make fat loss much easier is to increase your food volume composing with
leafy green vegetables. It has zero to low calories so you shouldn’t be caught up overeating
greens. Eating a lot of veggies will keep you full and satiated. It help slows down the
absorption of your meals.

Always choose low-calorie foods such as oats, chicken, egg whites, lean meats, veggies
etc. so you can eat more without feeling guilty.

If you are struggling with hitting your protein intake, incorporate chicken breast, lean meats,
egg whites, fish and whey protein–they are the leanest protein sources you can
eat.  Suppose you don’t like skipping breakfast. You can eat most of your protein sources
first thing in your day so you can keep your hunger at bay. Lean protein sources are high
satiety and filling. Find what works on your schedule.

I recommend leaving 300-400 calories for the snacks of your choice to make your fat loss
much more enjoyable and sustainable. If you don’t prefer snacks, focus your calories from
your main meals.

The Spartan Fat loss 63

Supplement with Protein Powder
If the budget allows, you can consume protein powder as your go-to protein source. It is low
in calories and high protein content. It will easily hit your protein target without sacrificing a
massive number of calories.

Therefore, you can easily insert delicious carbohydrates and moderately fat sources to your
diet. The only downside of consuming protein powder is low in satiety. Please do not
mistake me that consuming protein powder is harmful. You will also need to eat nutritiously
and balanced meals. What I’m trying to tell you is it gets the job down conveniently in hitting
your target protein, which means a more effective fat loss process.

Take Caffeine
 Ditch off your fat burners and try caffeine instead. It’s a powerful and useful stimulant when
on a diet. It suppresses your appetite, will increase your metabolic rate and energy. It makes
dieting more effective. 

I suggest consuming a cup of Black Coffee (no creamer, no sugar) at some point of the first
hour upon waking up. It makes caffeine more sensitive, amplifies your intellectual state and
boosts energy throughout your day! Only consume coffee throughout the first hour without
food. After your first meal, you won’t be needing a coffee, limiting your caffeine
consumption will enhance your sleep, and it is crucial when it comes to fats loss.

 If you are not a fan of caffeine, I won’t force you. Just make sure to drink zero energy all
through the first hour without food as long as it helps curbs out your hunger. But if you love
coffee like me, two cups per day is a sweet dose consuming at least 150-200mg of caffeine
every day is beneficial.

Constructing your fat loss meal plan

If you're cutting, adjust or reduce the calories to a sizeable amount to reach your target
calories. Please pick out primary protein sources that I have laid out for you. Be flexible in
choosing the foods you love. It is just an example since I only eat two large meals and a
snack. Choose what you can adhere as to how many meals you can consume at your own

The Spartan Fat loss 64

What about recomp?
Body Recomposition or "Recomp" means gaining muscle and losing fat at the same time. I
don't recommend putting your focus with recomp as you can optimize and maximize if you
are in one phase at a time-- build muscle or lose fat. But there are some cases that recomp
is possible! If you are an inexperienced trainee in the range of 13-18% bodyfat or labeled as
"skinny fat," it is advisable to do recomp! For recomp to happen, only eat at maintenance,
leaving protein as 0.8g to 1g of bodyweight fix.

Most inexperienced trainees gain so much muscle and lose fat at a faster rate regardless of
caloric intake because the body is highly responsive to the "new" stimulus that resistance
training provides. You can take advantage of this if you are still starting. The longer you
train, the slower the rate of muscle gain naturally. Eventually, You will end up choosing one
phase at a time-- bulk phase or cut phase.

Should you cut,bulk, or recomp Summary

The Spartan Fat loss 65

How named diets work for weight loss

The Truth About Fad Diets!

Obviously which way works but our mental health will take a toll in the long run. Take, for
example, the famous fad diet going on around today, "The Keto Diet". It's a common-sense
that they will lose weight quickly by just eating fewer meals comprising mostly high fat and
moderate protein because they "subconsciously" create a calorie deficit.

You might think keto is a faster route for weight loss because they claimed they lose a
couple of kilos per week. Still, the truth is this: Once you start depleting your carbohydrates
and shifting it to a higher fat intake, you will begin to lose more water weight in your first
weeks of depleting carbs. That's how it works, and water weight is not our actual weight.

See my point? People mostly follow fad diets because they are impatient and start weight
loss aggressively. Yes, it works, but because of this mentality, it doesn't create that
sustainable and healthy weight loss that allows you to continue and maintain the loss long
term. What will more likely to happen is to crash their diet and gain back the weight they lost
from day one. We are not doing that in here! You need to follow what works. And following
the principles behind this book indeed works!

It goes to show that any weight loss diet works because you create a calorie deficit. That is
why there is no need to follow a fad diet. I recommended choosing food sources that you
enjoy. That is because I want you to be flexible in what you do and is sustainable to the test
of time.

The Spartan Fat loss 66

As the Spartan warriors leave for Sparta, each of their wives and kids says their farewell as
they might never to return. They marched to the land of Persia. They would plan for a
strategy to open up a possible opening. What happens next is: they are patiently waiting for
a counterattack.

It tells us that both preparation for war and in the gym is quite similar. We need to be
prepared in our workout routine. To focus on what truly matters – to perform better, execute
better and gain strength.
Back in 2012, I was doing a five-day bro- split workout. It focuses on hitting one body part
per day for five straight days.

(Example of a bro-split)

Although hard work will always beat talent, this time, too much hard work will beat the shit
out of you. I’ve never favoured a 5-day bro split as the Spartans did. Instead, they focus on
hitting the same muscle groups twice-thrice per week while incorporating compound
movements. Going a 5-day bro split as a beginner is not suitable for progress and gains. In a
natural lifter perspective, you will progress more with focusing on compound movements
and hitting the muscle groups twice- thrice per week in a minimal approach. You need to
stop the practice; more workout doesn’t mean more gains!

prepare for war 68

the way of a spartan : full body workouts
It focuses on hitting the whole body every session while working out 3x per week.
Full-body workouts have been typical in the old school bodybuilding, John Grimek, Leroy
Colbert,Steeve Reeves trained the whole body during their training before the birth of
training splits. The greeks have been incorporating full-body workouts without being self-
aware. The birth of bro-split and hitting only the muscle once per week were synergistic with
steroid use. Therefore, they keep their muscle protein synthesis high throughout the week.
It is not achievable with natural lifters as they need to hit their muscle twice to thrice per
week to increase muscle protein synthesis. It’s makes perfect sense to incorporate full-body
workout in our routine.

Full-body workouts focus with compound movements and a minimal to none accessory
lifts. It increases our muscle mass fast than doing a bro-split. You don't need to work out
more than 5x in the gym. You only need to work out thrice per week doing a full-body
workout while still making massive gains. Full-body movements are far superior to doing
any splits, in my opinion. It is not a based theory but rather an experience which I have been
incorporating for years now. I'm not anxious if I'm missing a muscle group since I am hitting
the whole body twice to thrice per week—a reason on why you should switch to full body
workouts. You will have a life both in and out from the gym while building a spartan
physique along with eating the foods you can adhere. You can have the best of both worlds!

If you’re wondering, “What’s the best routine for cutting and bulking?” My answer to you is:
There are none. First of all, your body cannot process if you are doing a cutting/bulking
workout plan. It only knows one thing: The amount of intensity and volume you put and how
it responds to recovery. Bulking and cutting is only in nutritional difference; it means your
overall calories and macronutrient composition will determine whether you are losing or
gaining weight. Each individual responds differently with intensity and volume they put in
their workout plan. For example, if you’re cutting, you may only need a lesser workout
volume because recovery is reduced. That is why if you’re bulking, you can handle higher
volume workouts due to increased caloric intake.

prepare for war 69

Warm ups
It is essential to prepare your muscle for lifting, prevent future injuries and to fire up your
nervous system. You don't need to go all-out fancy with warm-ups, make sure you are giving
a good stretch to be used in heavy lifting.

Dynamic stretching should be done before the workout. It is not the usual "static stretching"
that you always do before because that makes your muscles weak and should be done after
the training correctly. Dynamic stretching strengthens your muscles before the workout
making you ready to lift hard. Here's a quick example of Dynamic Stretching Video.
There is no need to go fancy, just do it quick and perform warm up sets before the lift!
Example, Working Set; Squats 300 lbs for 5 reps

You would do proper warm ups for the main lifts. And rest in between for at least 2 minutes.
For accessory lifts, you can directly lift without a warm up.

prepare for war 70

It refers to how fast we can lift the weight—concentric. And how quickly we can lower the
weight—eccentric. You probably heard that you need to “lower the weight very slowly” to
contract your muscles and can probably add extra muscle gains? It sounds too good to be
true, but it is irrelevant.

Study shows that from 0.5 to 8 seconds, rep durations show no difference in hypertrophy.
And for more than exaggerated 10 seconds and above rep durations causes more than
harm. Too much of a muscle sore can be detrimental to your recovery. When that happens,
you cannot progress and train well in the gym. Therefore, no room for muscle to grow.

As a general rule, you should lift with control and a full range of motion. The tempo will
take care of itself depending on how heavy your loads are.

Rest Periods
We may need to rest every set of our lifts. It is optimal so we can recharge our muscle able
to lift again. For the first three compound lifts, 3 to 4 minutes of rest is best. The more you
lift heavy, the more it increases your rest periods. Suppose you try to shorten your
prescribed rest time, you may not lift the same weight with the last prescribed rep range at a
given value. For accessory lifts, you can rest for 30 seconds to 1 minute.

To do this effectively, you need to time your rest making sure your muscles are recharged
ready to lift again.

Suppose you probably think that gains are made inside the gym. Let me tell you that it isn't.
Surprise surprise! The hard truth is you grow outside the gym. When you are resting and
recovering from your workouts. Now that we are only lifting three times per week. It makes
a suitable fit to lift hard and recover hard! Both are one of the essential things aside from
proper nutrition. You need to sleep at least 7-8 hours of sleep per day, stay hydrated and
consider cold showers. These are the three things that improved my recovery rate.

During your rest days, you may perform low-intensity cardio or not depends on your
preference. A good recovery leads to better performance in the gym, which stimulates better
muscle growth!

prepare for war 71

Is the total amount of work performed. It also refers to as "volume load" (sets x reps x load)
or to put it simply, as the number of sets. You will tell a particular workout plan that
incorporates high reps as a high volume workout. We would not be incorporating high
volume work as it leads to too much fatigue accumulation. We will always be smart enough
to handle such a volume without sacrificing our daily activities in life. If we would still
incorporate a given high amount of volume load every single session, chances are we
cannot make linear progress and that we would give up the whole plan. Sticking to what you
can adhere is always be the key to making consistent progress. It would be best if you still
remembered that increase in fatigue leads to a decrease in performance in the gym. Give
yourself a favour and leave your ego at the door. Smart programming and listening to your
body will give us a stand to how much we are putting a specific stimulus in our body.

As for the minimum volume to increase and drive muscle-hypertrophy is to incorporate at

least 10-20 sets per muscle group in a week. Enough volume will lead us to a balanced life
and fitness to make consistent progress. Think long term!

It means the intensity of the effort on how much you are lifting. It often describes as your
one-rep max (a percentage of how much you can lift for one rep in a maximal effort)

Intensity helps us decide what load we can take on and how heavy we should take. Intensity
can be measured by a percentage of your one-rep max and RIR (more on this later). Both are
great tools to measure. But we will be focusing on RIR(reps in reserve) to determine the
intensity of our lift. It auto-regulates your workout depending on how you feel on that day.
Since, there are times that we are feeling stressed, sleep-deprived and sometimes,
weaker. It is considered normal and part of our human nature. In this way, the intensity gets
managed, leading you to a better linear progression and increased recovery rate.

It refers to how frequent we are hitting our muscle group. It compacts the volume and
intensity as a whole. It goes to show that hitting 2-3x per week muscle group is much more
optimal than doing a body split solely hitting 1x of muscle group per week.
We will be sticking to hitting our muscle group thrice per week with enough volume and
intensity to drive muscle growth to make consistent progress.

prepare for war 72

reps in reserve (RIR)

Means the number of reps that is left in your tank before going to failure. It is a form of
relative intensity which determines what you are capable of and what you can lift. Let's take,
for example; you can perform six reps from a load that is eight rep max. So you have 2
repetitions remaining for you to go failure. Or 2 RIR
We would incorporate RIR per set in our lifts to avoid fatigue accumulation so we can
continue consistent progress and recovery easy to perform better in the next workout

Since we are doing full-body, we are not risking our workouts to go to failure because we will
hit the whole body again in the next session. There is no need to worry about going failure.
You may think it recruits more muscle fibre which is true but what we are aiming here is the
number of volume, intensity and frequency of our workouts. Therefore, We would improve
our recovery rate, increases our strength and condition and more likely to stick in the next
"Finishing strong" is better than "No pain, No gain", which you need to stop that kind of
mindset by the way.
Below 6 RIR is considered as warm up weight. So we would maintain 3-1 RIR. Meaning you
need to pick a weight that is heavy enough to perform a rep while leaving 3-1 rep left
before going to failure. Never go failure! Quality reps over quantity weights!

Take note:  You need to complete your last rep as perfect form similar on your first rep!
Finish it strong!

prepare for war 73

3 days per week full body workout
The time has come to introduce you to three workouts per week. You see, there is no other
better number of days, In my opinion than working out only 3x per week. It is time-wise,
energy-wise. And still get massive results. You don't have to worry about missing a muscle
group since you will be hitting it all. It makes it more a natural sense, slamming it as a whole
and recovering your muscle groups as a whole the same day.

You don't have to sacrifice your time since you'll be in and out from the gym for only at least
an hour.You need to know that we also keep our intensity a little higher because of fewer
days of working out. But enough to stimulate muscle growth. We will have rest days in
between and workouts will be divided as Workout A and Workout B. We will rotate those
days week by week. First week should start with Workout A, B, A then a second week would
be Workout B, A, B and vice versa.

One of the best feelings of working out only less is because you will be more likely to stick
with it. That means you will stay consistent and stick to your goals. Adherence is something
we should aim to. Not the best workout plan.

This is how your week is structured:

You will be working out non- consecutive days and having a rest day in between. Hitting your
muscle groups thrice will be far way better than doing a bro-split. It ensures it will keep our
muscle protein synthesis high that stimulates muscle growth naturally.

prepare for war 74

The Becoming a Spartan Workout Plan
Now that you have unlocked the basic principles of the training in this book. I will now
introduce to you the workout plan! The workout plan is split into three phases: Forged Steel,
A True Spartan, and Leonidas Phase.

Forged Steel
This phase is considered Introductory. The volume is lesser to give you enough intensity to
stimulate new muscle growth as beginners without sacrificing intensity and higher volume.
As you adapt and gain strength with the introductory lifts: Bench Press, Deadlifts, Pull-Ups,
Rows and Squats. This phase is your base foundation from the basic compound
movements. Get to learn the proper form before deciding to go all out. Before moving on to
next, make sure you have added at least 50% strength gains. Until then, We will now
proceed to the next Phase: A true Spartan.

A True Spartan
Now that you have made past the previous phase. We will now enter a slightly challenging
phase. This phase is still focused on compound movements with added accessory lifts
such as Face Pulls, Side Lateral Raises and other arm isolations. This phase is quite
challenging than the previous phase due to added volume work. But we need to enter this
phase so we can continue progress and avoid strength stalls. Before moving on the next,
make sure you have earned decent strength gains from the compound lifts.

The last phase! As you leave the previous two stages. You will feel like a King! Enter
Leonidas Phase. This phase focuses with two strength workout days with Pushing and
Pulling focused days and a volume day on the last workout session.

It is a three workout splits A, B, C. Workout A focuses with added bench press set while
Workout B focuses on higher back intensity. Lastly, Workout C focuses on volume work
comprising mostly higher reps than the latter. Of all the three workout A, B, C we will still
hit all our body part thrice per week.

becoming a spartan workout plan 76


Workout A

Workout B

becoming a spartan workout plan 77


Workout A

Workout B

becoming a spartan workout plan 78

Leonidas PHASE
Workout A

Workout B

Workout C

becoming a spartan workout plan 79

Notes On The Workout
Follow the prescribed RIR per given exercise. Do not let your ego take control of your mind
and decided to go max out every set in your lifts. It is made with a purpose to manage your
intensity and fatigue. This phase is introductory. Take things lightly and try to learn each
compound movement with perfect and quality form. Quality rep than weight always!

For example, Squats 3 sets for five reps with 3 RIR. You need to pick a weight that you can
perform for clean and quality of five reps. But can still max out for another three reps. And
so on. Never go failure with compound movements to continue consistent progression. Like
a swimmer trying to increase oxygen output, they don't try to go full drown, won't they? They
make sure they have enough energy reserve before going drown and progress again by the
next session. Same with lifting weights, you don't max out your lift every set. Chances are
you will not make consistent progress and cannot perform the prescribed rep in the next
set. RIR is merely a guide on what you need to lift.

Move on each phase if you perform and adapt the lifts with perfect form and have added at
least 50-60% strength gains of your lifts. But if you are still starting out or a complete
beginner, take time to learn the proper movement first before adding a weight or rep. This
will help in maximizing your muscle contractions from the lift and avoid unwanted injury
over time.

For abs exercise, Feel free to choose what you enjoy the most. I prefer Hanging Leg Raises,
Lying Leg Raises, Ab wheel roller, Planks, Weighted Crunch, Hanging Side to Side Leg Raises.
There is no need to do a series of abs exercise. Compound movements such as Squats,
Deadlifts, Pull-Ups, Bench and most compound movements, indirectly hits your abs as you
engage and brace your core when performing the movement.

If you cannot perform full pull-ups, you can start with negative pull-ups as you progress or
substitute it with Lat pulldowns or any other back exercise. Still, I highly suggest learning to
do full pull-ups as it will always be superior and can give you more back and biceps
development than the other movements.

There are times that your leg grows at a faster rate and want to put more focus in building
your upper body, you can perform once a week with deadlifts or squats routinely and add
extra sets with the upper body movement. Be flexible.

If you're cutting, the recovery rate is diminished. You may reduce one set for exercise that
is prescribed for four sets, or you may remove isolation exercise and focus only with
compound movements. You can do both if you are not responding well with recovery but If
you can still progress and recover, there is no need to reduce or remove isolation exercise.

becoming a spartan workout plan 80

Bodyweight Version
The people have been in isolation and don't have access to the gym. Then this is for you!
With what's going around in this pandemic. We have no choice but to make consistent
progress with or without a gym. We are not persuaded. We will focus on what we can
control: Ourselves. By taking full control of ourselves, we are flexible given these times to
continue with our fitness goals while being independent with weights.

I wouldn't write a fitness program without a bodyweight version of it. Still, you can make
decent gains by doing only bodyweight exercises. These bodyweight exercises consist of 5
phases from a total beginner to advanced. Pick out your current level and make no
judgement until you can perform with a given rep at a perfect form. The goal here is to
move on the next step by step phase. But before that, we need to aim to perform quality
rep until we can move on the next phase.

For each phase, aim to perform at the last prescribed rep of each exercise. If it's easy
enough, then feel free to move up. Evaluate each movement and listen to your body. For
example, The given prescribed rep range for side to side push up is 8-10 reps. For the first
week of your workout, you would perform the first prescribed rep range eight each set.
Then by the next session, you would be doing nine reps for each set. Then until ten reps.
Suppose you could perform at the higher rep range of each exercise with a full range of
motion and perfect form on all workout session. Then it's time to move on the next phase.
And so on.

Same with gym workout version, Do not go failure and perform each movement with full
ROM and perfect form.

becoming a spartan workout plan 81


This is just your first test in your plan. Evaluate yourself if you can perform each movement
for full prescribed rep without making subjective judgement yet. It is your base to prepare on
the next phase. You will be performing this workout session repeatedly for 3 non-consecutive

Test your strength first. If you can perform each movement with more than the prescribed
rep with the perfect form, then you may now move on to the next phase!

becoming a spartan workout plan 81

Real Strength
Workout A

Workout B

As you start to work out this phase, make sure to start at the lower end of the prescribed rep
range. For example, Lunges 3 sets 10-15 reps. As your first week of the workout. Perform
only ten reps for three sets. Progress by increasing the rep week by week until you can
perform at the higher end of the prescribed rep range. 15 reps.

Apply the principle for the whole exercise. Suppose you can perform all the exercises at the
higher end of the prescribed rep range. You can move onto the next phase. Do this in every
phase until you can move onto the last phase. Rinse and Repeat.

becoming a spartan workout plan 83

Forged STEEL
Workout A

Workout B

I coined the term "Backpacked". Since we are only doing bodyweights, we only have limited
equipment. You can use your backpack to place inside with heavy stuff such as books or
any item that is considered heavy. This will be our substitute for weights. Make sure to be
flexible with placing heavy stuff that you can only perform with the "prescribed rep range".

becoming a spartan workout plan 84

Workout A

Workout B

becoming a spartan workout plan 84

Workout A

Workout B

Congratulations! I am confident that you have made impressive gains during the last 4
phases. Now that you are entering the Leonidas Phase. You don't have to go over to the first
phases anymore since you can now perform more advanced bodyweight workout.
What's Next?
Perform the workout following the prescribed rep range. Time will tell it will become easier
to perform the training over time. You can always use your backpack to put heavy stuff that
you can serve as weights.

For Side to Side Push Ups, You can progress to Elevated Side to Side Push-ups to One-
Armed Push-ups. For Assisted Handstand Push Ups, You can carry your backpack while
performing one. For Chin Ups/ Pull Ups, You can progress by executing Side to Side Pull Ups
to One-Armed Chin Ups. For Dips, You can progress by Weighted Dips or "Backpacked" Dips.

To avoid getting injured, Follow the principle of dynamic stretching and reps in reserve. Be
humble but strong. Do not let ego dictate your workout session.

becoming a spartan workout plan 86

Progessive Overload and Deloads for
massive muscle growth  
The Spartan is known mainly for being superb at fighting, that they can conquer enemies
that are massive in numbers comparing only a hundred Spartans warriors. We can recall
when they fought in the battle of Thermopylae. Although they lost the war, they were able to
seize a large number of the enemy.
Progressive Overload
This is to remind us that quantity isn’t always the best weapon but to keep us in mind that
strength will still outplay numbers. We can compare this in our fitness goals, to get stronger
plays a massive role in building muscle. Pumping for high reps won’t strive for greatness.
Strength will. In a bodybuilding overview, progress in your lifts means adding reps, weights,
reducing rest time or increasing your sets in a workout. The most effective way to progress
strength is by adding reps and weights. For this to happen, we need to be consistent in
tracking our progress in our main lifts.

You need to download “Strong app” in your app store. It is a free and hassle-free way to
track your workouts to evaluate and analyze what you should be doing the next time you
The prescribed rep range in the program is usually 6-8 reps
For example, you can perform 100lbs of Incline Bench for 3 sets of 6 reps

For other prescribed lifts that doesn't have rep range. For example: Squats 3x5. Just add
directly atleast 5-10 lbs of your lifts week by week.

becoming a spartan workout plan 87

For small muscle groups, biceps, triceps and deltoids. They cannot progress faster than the
major muscle groups in the body. With this in mind, we will be increasing our reps by set to

The prescribed rep range for most isolation exercises is 10-12 reps.
For example, you can perform 45 lbs of Incline Bicep Curls for 3 sets of 12 reps

Add only weight when you can perform the higher end of the rep range with perfect form
and full range of motion.

becoming a spartan workout plan 88

For there comes, a time that our progress will start to plateau and strength cannot progress.
We would incorporate a deload week where we will decrease the volume of our training. It
will help refreshen our nervous system and increases our performance in the gym.

You must incorporate one deload week if you feel like strength stalls and fatigue
accumulates very high. Deload when you need to!

For deload to commence, you must reduce 60% of your one-rep max in all lifts. If you can
perform 100 lbs Incline Bench Press for six reps, you will be lifting 50 -40 lbs of Incline
bench press for six reps during your deload week.

It will ensure you are consistently progressing and avoiding plateaus in the coming weeks of
your training. By the time you are done with your deload week, you can go back to your

What about cardio?

Cardio is just a tool to increase your energy expenditure. Suppose you would incorporate
cardio in your routine. You would increase your calorie requirement to achieve your goal,
whether you are bulking or cutting.

I wouldn't recommend cardio as a primary means of fat loss or weight loss. What I would
recommend is to focus with calorie deficit to as the primary driver for fat loss. But if you feel
to include cardio in your routine as a means for health purposes, then feel free to do so.

I recommend to increase your walking steps or perform low-intensity cardio of your

choice. Just don't overdo it.

I only suggests cardio to increase your oxygen output, increase heart endurance, good for
the joints, boost your mood and improve stamina. But if you think cardio is the main focus
on fat loss/weight loss, then you are wrong because you can lose fat by just focusing only
with calorie-deficit.

becoming a spartan workout plan 89

The Spartan warriors didn’t have resources back then. For sure they don’t depend on fitness
supplements as it didn’t exist in their time. In preparation for war, they don’t have creatine,
whey protein, BCAAs, fat burners, mass gainer powder and glutamines. These things didn’t
exist, but still, they function well and look aesthetic than most of us today. This reminds us
they don’t need supplements to achieve our goal body. You only need the right principles
and follow what lies in this book.

Back in my early days, I used to depend on supplements thinking that it would shortcut my
way to my goal body. There was this supplement store I used to visit all the time. I used to
buy a handful of amino for a hundred bucks for ten tablets and a packet of mass gainer.
Desperately that’s all I took. Without knowledge of proper nutrition and training, there was
no difference. Not only I lose my money for nothing. I also didn’t reach my goal. Back to
square one, I suppose.

As time goes by, I have learned the hard way. Supplements only account 5% of your goal.
The other 95% is from your nutrition, training and recovery. You shouldn’t put a focus on
supplements if you do not know proper nutrition and training. Supplements intend for one
reason: is to supply your diet and training. Not a basis for shortcutting your muscle gains. It
will only work if your nutrition and exercise are on point. Nonetheless, there are also useless
supplements that only marketed from large companies to trick you and milk you out from
your wallet.

My advice will be, don't use supplements if you are getting enough from whole foods.

supplements 91
Useless supplements

Fat burners and CLA

They say: They burn fat effortlessly and maintain weight loss.
The truth: Fat burners are over caffeinated which is not suitable for caffeine – sensitive
individuals along with other harmful ingredients that will hinder your progress.
My recommendation: If you need to use one, I prefer to use caffeine pills or drink black
coffee instead and focus on calorie deficit consistently.

They say: It increases protein synthesis and reduces protein break down which aids to
build muscle.
The truth: There is no much evidence to support the claims in which they build muscle for
healthy individuals. Glutamines only boost in muscle building for individuals that has
suffer physical trauma.
My recommendation: To hit your target protein per day and focus with strength training
will build muscle and increase muscle -protein synthesis.
BCAAs or Amino Tablets
They say: BCAA supplements builds muscle and decrease muscle fatigue and soreness.
The truth: It doesn’t matter if you’re supplementing BCAA or not. The only thing that
builds muscle is to create a calorie surplus.
My recommendation: Focusing with a calorie surplus and hitting your target protein
intake and prioritize rest days.
Testosterone Boosters

They say: It promises to boost your testosterone levels in which in builds muscle, lose fat
and improves performance.
The truth: They only boost your sex drive. There is no supporting evidence that it boosts
your testosterone.
My recommendation: To focus on strength training, hit your target protein intake, sleep 7-
8 hours per day and take zinc. It will naturally boost your testosterone without spending a
lot of money.

supplements 92
my top TIER LIST of recommended supplements

Protein Powder

It helps hit your target protein conveniently and quickly, especially when dieting. Treat
protein powder as food. There is no magical timing as to when you should drink protein.
Take it when you need to.

Different Types of Protein Powder

Whey Protein Concentrate- The cheapest and most common form of protein powder.

Whey Protein Isolate - It contains 90% of protein and contains less lactose than WPC. It is
slightly expensive than WPC.

Hydrolyzed Whey Protein - Protein that has already been broken down into peptides so that
the body can easily absorb it. More expensive than the other two.

Casein Protein- A slow digesting dairy protein. It releases amino acids slowly during sleep.

Vegan Protein  - A plant based protein powder primarily consist of pea protein, pumpkin
seed protein, brown rice protein and all other plant protein sources.

Do I need a protein powder?

It depends. Sometimes hitting your target protein every day can be quite intimidating at first.
Protein powder helps boost it quickly. But if you can switch your protein with whole foods.
Then Protein powder is unnecessary. It all boils down to your preference. For cost-effective
purposes, Buying protein powder in bulk can save you tons of money rather than buying a
couple of kg of chicken. It's a matter of which brand you buy.

supplements 93
How to determine if your Whey Protein is trusted and legit?

1. You need to check leucine content is listed in the back label. If none, Ditch it.
2. If yes. Is the leucine content is 2.75 g per 25g of protein? If no, Ditch it.
3. Is it worth the price? If it is suspiciously cheap, then ditch it.

If it has the three good indicators then it's a good protein powder.

supplements 94
Creatine is found naturally in muscle cells. It aids your muscle to produce energy during
high-intensity resistance training. If you're looking for a supplement that can improve your
performance in the gym. Creatine is the most studied supplement that boosts performance,
aids in muscle growth, especially during bulking and saturates your muscle.

Your body stores 90-95% in your muscle in the form of "phosphocreatine". Kidney, liver and
brain has only 5%

When you supplement creatine, it saturates as phosphocreatine. This energy is formed in

your cells aiding you to produce more high energy called ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) -
The powerhouse of your cells. When you have more ATP, you have more energy.

You can found creatine mostly in red meats and fish, but you need to take a sizeable
amount of red meats and fish to produce a single serving of creatine. But that is not
realistic. Supplementing creatine in powder form is cheaper and convenient.

Other Creatine Benefits such as; Increase Anabolic Hormones, Increase Cell Hydration,
Reduced Protein Breakdown, and Boost Memory.

Suppose you're thinking of getting a creatine supplement. Make sure it is in powder form.
Much cheaper compare to capsule forms.

supplements 95
Different types of creatine

Creatine Monohydrate
It's the most common form of creatine. It is also the form that has been most studied,
researched and tested by clinical studies. It scientifically means that the effects you have
observed are with this form.

Creatine Monohydrate has been labelled most part as "micronized". This means it has better
water solubility, which leads to faster absorption in your body.

You don't need to choose other creatine forms. Choose creatine monohydrate because it is
backed with scientific studies and research than any other creatines.

But for this book, There are also other creatine forms that you need to know.

I might forget mentioning other forms of creatine. But the point is, there is no well-studied
research as to how effective the form is.
My recommendation would be to choose Creatine Monohydrate over the other forms. It is
cheap and effective. Make sure to buy the powdered and unflavored form. And you're good
to go!

supplements 96
How much creatine do I need to take?
This has been the most debate about creatine and needs to address this once and for all.
Just keep it simple. It would be best taking only 5g every day. A loading dose is
unnecessary. The only difference is that it takes longer to saturate your muscles with
creatine by just taking 5g only per day. If you wish to do so, you may want to incorporate
loading dose by taking 10-20g of creatine for the first week then shift into 5g every day by
the second week and so on. But it is unnecessary.

Now, If you wish to supplement creatine, take 5g of it every day. Even on rest days. I take
creatine during breakfast on my rest days and post-workout on training days.

Studies have shown that it is superior to take creatine during post-workout with high
carbohydrates than taking it before a workout on training days.


When should I take creatine?

I always suggest taking creatine, especially when you are bulking since creatine holds more
water. Your weight fluctuates from time to time. It will be challenging to track your weight if
you are cutting.

Bulking's goal is to gain muscle mass and strength. Creatine is the perfect supplement to
stack with. It will boost power and performance in the gym while aiding to your bulking
You can mix your creatine powder with your protein shake or any beverage of your choice.

Do I need creatine?
It depends. You will still gain strength and muscle mass during bulking if you hit your
calories right with smart recovery and training without the aid of creatine. Suppose you feel
the need to supplement with. Then feel free to do so. But the purpose of this book is to
educate at your own whether it's worth your money or not. But supplements will always be
unnecessary to your goals. You have your choice.

supplements 97
Is creatine safe?
Although creatine can help increase muscle mass. It also increases your water retention. It
shows that it is safe and no unwanted side effects for healthy individuals using it for an
extended period as long as you stay within your limit.
5g per day should be sufficient .You should not supplement creatine if you have pre-
existing kidney disease.


Brands That I recommend and used

349 PHP for 60 servings 500 PHP for 60 servings

Source: Source: Wheyl Nutrition Co.

I included only these two since it came from a reputable local brand and more importantly,
cheap and effective.There are other trusted brands that you can choose from. As long as
you are getting from a reputable brand, then you're good to go! Just go for unflavored and
powdered creatine.

supplements 98
A natural stimulant that is commonly found in coffee, tea, cacao and mostly from energy
drinks. It usually works by stimulating your brain and CNS that aids you to boost mental and
physical energy and to avoid tiredness.

In a bodybuilding sense, Caffeine is widely used to boost workouts and fights mental
fatigue. Caffeine can be in the form of coffee, tea and from other pre-workout supplements
that is mix with other energy-boosting properties.

Caffeine is also a natural fat burner; it suppresses your appetite and increases your mental
focus. If you're not used to supplementing Caffeine. You can start by drinking black coffee
(no sugar and creamer).Or start with 50mg-100mg. But don't go over 300-400mg. You will
experience anxiety, palpitations, faster heartbeats and paranoia for individuals that are not
well tolerated with Caffeine. 100-200 mg of Caffeine is a sweet spot for those who are
looking for a boost. If you still experience the unwanted side effects of Caffeine at a lower

You may supplement it with L-Theanine Capsules. Caffeine + L- Theanine is a synergist. You
can experience alertness and focus but still has the calming effect of L-Theanine. You will
reap all the caffeine benefits without the side effects! You can start with 100mg Caffeine
and 100mg L-theanine or 200mg L-theanine. 1:1 ratio or 1:2 ratio. Find what works for you.

Overall, Caffeine is worth buying as a supplement. It is cheap and effective. On the plus side,
drinking Black Coffee provides your B vitamins and Antioxidant properties!

supplements 99
other optional recommended supplements 
For your overall general health. But if you can get enough micronutrients from whole food,
then it is unnecessary. You can take it after meals.

Fish Oils
Contains Omega 3s that is good for the heart, joints and brains. It also has Anti-
Inflammatory properties that can aid boost recovery from a workout session. You can take
it with or without meals.

Vitamin D
A fat-soluble vitamin that boosts and regulates calcium in the body. This vitamin helps keep
bones and muscle health. It also shows that supplementing Vit D boost your testosterone.
Make sure to take Vitamin D after meals.
Pre Workout Powder
A powder form that boosts energy for high-intensity workouts. It typically contains; caffeine,
arginine, citrulline, creatine, b vitamins and all other substance that boosts energy,
endurance and strength from your workout. You can take it 20 -30 minutes before your

It helps off fight bacteria and viruses. Boost the immune system. It is also responsible for
making proteins and DNA necessary for growth. Zinc boosts its efficacy with Vitamin C.
Take zinc before your meals. 10-20mg of zinc has shown benefits.

Vitamin C
Also known as Ascorbic Acid or Sodium Ascorbate. It also helps the formation of collagen
and boosts your immune system. 1500mg - 2000 mg vitamin c shown more benefits to fight
off diseases that hinders your immune system. You can take with or without meals.

Citrulline Malate
It is taken before your training that increases your blood flow to your muscle which is
responsible for a greater degree of pump.
It improves fatigue and muscle soreness from training. Citrulline is present naturally in
watermelons but commercially added mostly in Pre-Workout Supplements.

supplements 100
The Spartan Mindset
“The problem with us as humans is we tend to complicate the simple things. We want the
perfect routine, the perfect food and the instant things. We are simple creatures that has
simple needs. You don’t need more.”
- Justine Acebo

As the 300s marched towards Persia, they are clueless whether they will succeed or not but
one thing for sure, they will give them hell! You will never be a true Spartan if you give up
easily. Spartans doesn’t back down; they find a way in every obstacle they faced.

We can apply this in our modern life. If we always dwell on the outcome of our goals, we will
never truly succeed in our plans. You will never know the result if you don’t shift towards
your focus on the process. “Chase the Process “ I said. It has always been my motto. You
will fail mostly in your fitness goals as I did, you will feel like you are going to give up and
things will not go in your favour all the time. But know this, tough times last. Tough people
dont. When you feel like giving up, know that you only need to stay on the road. Never lose

Walk a path that forges you to become the better version of yourself. There are no
butterflies towards success but a rough road to take on. This book will serve merely a guide
to your fitness goals, to end your confusion and go through the straight path. This will never
work if you don’t put an equal effort to make this efficient. I will not bullshit you about
everything. The journey is meant to be hard. There is no more tremendous success and a
positive feeling to conquer your failures and fears. You will stumble a couple of times, but
you have the guide –this book. Habits will determine your success, whether in fitness or life.
If you commit to making good habits consistently, the ROI is even greater. But what if you
don’t have good habits yet? Here is the routine that I have done in my personal life to use
failures as my guidelines to achieve my goals.

The Spartan Mindset 102

The 7 Habits of a Spartan Warrior

Wake up early
Do not check your social media first. Prioritize yourself to wake up and drink 3 glasses of

Drink coffee or tea

It helps me boost my energy in the morning and focus on what’s important

Get a journal
Write down your thoughts every day- ideas about what’s going on in your head, things that
you wish to accomplish, something that you fear and things that you are thankful. Do this
every morning or before you go to bed. Which way works. This will help you track down your
habits and thoughts while you are also evaluating your personal life.

Download headspace app, or any meditation app. Do this at least 10-15 minutes. It will help
you clear your thoughts and focus on what’s important – your goals. Meditation reduces
your anxiety and gives you a clear-thinking head.

Read a book
Focus on one title before moving to another book. You can read 2-3 chapters per day if you
are not used to reading.
Books that I recommend: The subtle art of not giving a fck , think and grow rich, the
obstacle is the way, stillness is the key, 4 hour work week, habits, side hustles , atomic
habits, the power of habits, awakening the giant and other self help books.

Quit social media

You have to escape yourself from that “scrolling hole”. The problem with social media,
especially Facebook, is you end up scrolling through news feed without any reason. You are
just wasting your time for nothing.
I suggest doing social media detox once in a while. Delete your Social Media Apps for a
week. Shift your bad habits into reading a book, meeting a friend, have coffee by yourself.
Reconnecting with the world is so much better and give you a clear-thinking mind. You will
feel peace of mind. Away from toxic people’s post about government rants and useless fake
news you participate in Facebook. Give your mental health a favour.

The Spartan Mindset 103

Workout and hit calories consistently
I have been doing this for over two years now and it has a huge difference in regards to my
approach in life and inclined with my fitness goals. You can replicate this and observe that
you are subconsciously changing your habits.

Your life may be in fitness or in general, will dictate according to your habits.

The Spartan Mindset 104

My Final Thoughts
The time has come to an end. It's time to give this throne to you. It's your time to build the
Spartan Physique. To forged your own story and to make your empire. Our brothers are
waiting on the other side. It's now or never. This journey is now on your own. I can't write
other's legacy. I can only give you the blueprint. Take these principles that you have learned
in this book with you as always. I will guide your journey. Time will tell that you will build a
better version of yourself. The authentic Spartan that I have been preaching all this time.
Take action, and you will succeed.

This isn't goodbye but rather a new beginning. A pack united forged by blood!

Take your starting weight and log it day by day. Photograph your starting physique:
The Relax pose
Flexed Pose
Back pose.

This is your basis from your starting journey. Beat the old version of yourself and greet the
better you. Make sure you inspire others. Be grateful. Know that your transformation will
serves as a motivation to others. Keep inspiring!

Conclusion 106
Online Coaching

Suppose you wish for a customized workout plan and nutritional plan. We offer online
coaching that tailored to your needs. It would be constant 24/7 online support via chat or
video call: weekly check-ins and unlimited changes according to your needs.

Just message the facebook group or contact me directly at this link.

resources that have helped me

The Greek God Program
The program made by Greg O'Gallagher, the CEO of Kinobody. This program is also about
transforming your body into a greek god similarity. It packs on solid muscle foundation by
just doing workouts 3x per week. The program is designed for high intensity but low volume
workouts that focus on Reverse Pyramid Training. I have been following the principles back
in my early days of lifting.
The Minimalist Fitness
The program owned by Cho Lim who founded The Lazy Lifter. This program will teach you
the fundamentals of nutrition and training only 3x per week with only a few exercise that
lazily transformed your body. This is one of the books that I grew fond of and helped me one
of my journey in fitness.

The Muscle and Strength Pyramid : Nutrition & Training

This is where I learned the essential proper nutrition and training principles that you can
apply whether you are a recreational bodybuilder or looking to compete on stage. It teaches
you the basic to advanced nutrition and exercise backed by science and citations from one
of the experts in their field. This has guided me to tailor my programs with science-backed

Conclusion 107
Join our VIP Members Community for 24/7 Online Support!

Connect With Me!

Daily Alpha Fitness



If you have made this far, I want to thank you for all your efforts, and I wish you all the best!
Congratulate yourself! For you will transform the best of your physique in the coming
months to years! Cheers!

If you could do me one last favour before we depart, please leave me a review on my
facebook page that can help others who haven't decide yet to purchase this amazing

I want to thank you! See you on the other side!

Conclusion 108
The End

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