DS Lab 2 - List Implementation Using Arrays

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Lab Manual for Data Structures

List Implementation using Arrays

Page 17
Lab 2: List Implementation using Arrays

Table of Contents
1. Introduction 19
1.1 Lists and Dynamic Lists 19
1.2 Relevant Lecture Readings 19

2. Activity Time boxing 19

3. Objectives of the experiment 19

4. Concept Map 20
4.1 Dynamic Lists in C++ using Arrays 20

5. Homework before Lab 22

5.1 Problem Solution Modeling 22
5.2 Problem description: 22
5.3 Practices from home 23
5.3.1 Task-1 23
5.3.2 Task-2 23

6. Procedure& Tools 23
6.1 Tools 23
6.2 Walk through Tasks [Expected time = 20mins] 23

7. Practice Tasks 24
7.1 Practice Task 1 [Expected time = 15mins] 24
7.2 Practice Task 2 [Expected time = 15mins] 24
7.3 Practice Task 3 [Expected time = 20mins] 24
7.4 Out comes 25
7.6 Testing 25

8. Evaluation Task (Unseen) [Expected time = 60mins for two tasks] 26

9. Evaluation criteria 26

10. Further Readings 26

10.1 Web sites related to C++ tutorials related to dynamic lists 26
10.2 Web sites containing supporting material 26

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Lab 2: List Implementation using Arrays

Lab3: Dynamic List Implementation and Stack ADT

(Abstract Data Type)

1. Introduction

In this lab, you will learn about the dynamic list implementation using arrays in C++,
ADT (Abstract Data Types) and Stack ADT. A list is a collection of items of the same type. The
list can be based on numbers (natural or floating-point), text, dates, times, or such values as long
as the items are of the same type.An abstract data type (ADT) is a precise model for a certain
class of data structures that have similar actions; or for definite data types of one or more
programming languages that have similar semantics. Stack is a data structure which allows
placement of elements in Last in First out (LIFO) fashion.

1.1 Lists and Dynamic Lists

Lists are such data structures which are used to maintain elements of same data type in a
linear/sequential way. A list or series is an abstract data type that implements an ordered
collection of values, where the same value can occur more than one time. Static list structures
allow only inspection and enumeration of the values of its elements. A dynamic list may allow
items to be inserted, replaced, or deleted during the list's existence. Size of dynamic lists can be
changed during program execution.

1.2 Relevant Lecture Readings

a) Revise Lecture No. 5 and 6 available at \\dataserver\jinnah$\ in instructor’s folder.

b) From books: C++ Data Structures by Nell Dale (Page 196-199) and Data
structures using C++ by D. S. Malik (Page 396-399).

2. Activity Time boxing

Table 1: Activity Time Boxing

Task No. Activity Name Activity time Total Time
5.1 Design Evaluation 20mins 20mins
6.2 Walk through tasks 20mins 20mins
7 Practice tasks 15 mins for task 1,2 and 20 mins 70mins
for task 3,4
9 Evaluation Task 60mins for all assigned tasks 60mins

3. Objectives of the experiment

 To get basic understanding of dynamic lists using arrays in C++

 To write programs related to dynamic lists using arrays in C++ using Microsoft Visual
Studio 2008 environment.
 To get an understanding of identifying basic errors in a C++ program by using debugging
techniques from program representing dynamic list using arrays.

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Lab 2: List Implementation using Arrays

4. Concept Map
This concept map will help students to understand the main concepts of topic covered in

4.1 Dynamic Lists in C++ using Arrays

Dynamic list in c++ can be designed using arrays. We may add or remove elements from
this list during execution of program and arrays size can controlled at program execution time.

Following code segment represents a list using arrays:

constintMaxItems = 20;
double Item[MaxItems];


You are required to count the number of elements in list after performing each add or
delete operation on list.

double Item[MaxItems];
int Size;

int Count() const;

Size = 0;
intCListOfNumbers::Count() const
return Size;

Creating a list consists of adding elements to it. Elements are usually added one at a time
and easiest way to do this is to add an item at the end of the list.

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Lab 2: List Implementation using Arrays

To add an item to the list, you first need to test whether the list is already full or not. A
list is full if its count of items is equal to or higher than the maximum number you had set. If the
list is not empty, you can add an item at the end and increase the count by one. Following code
segment represent this functionality.

boolListOfNumbers::Add(double item)
if( size < 20 )

Item[size] = item;

return true;

return false;

After adding elements to a list, you can retrieve them to do what you intended the list for.
To retrieve an item, you can locate an item by its position. By using index of this array, you can
check if the position specified is negative or higher than the current total of elements. It means
index is out of range. If the index is in the right range, you can retrieve its item against that
index. Following code segment represents this functionality.

if(pos>= 0 &&pos<= size )
return Item[pos];

return 0;

Inserting a new item in the list allows you to add it at a position of you chooses. To insert
a new element in the list, you must provide the new item and the desired position. Before
performing this operation, you must first check two conditions. First, the list must not be empty.
Second, the specified position must be in the valid range. Following code segment provides
implementation of this method.

boolListOfNumbers::Insert(double item, intpos)

if( size < 20 &&pos>= 0 &&pos<= size )
for(int i = size; i > pos-1; i--)
Item[i+1] = Item[i];

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Lab 2: List Implementation using Arrays

Item[pos] = item;


return true;

return false;

Another operation you may perform on a list consists of deleting an element. To delete an
item from the list, you need to provide its position in the list. Before performing the operation,
you can first check that the specified position is valid. Following code segment provides

if(pos>= 0 &&pos<= size )

for(int i = pos; i < size; i++)

Item[i] = Item[i+1];


return true;

return false;

5. Homework before Lab

This homework will help students to study the concepts of topic before start of lab.

5.1 Problem Solution Modeling

After studying the introduction and concept map sections you should be ready to provide
the solution of following problems. Design the solutions of the problems in C++ and
bring your code to lab so that lab instructor should access and grade it.

5.2Problem description:

Design a dynamic list using array whose each element is an object of “person” class.
“person” class should have some privately defined attributes: per_id (int),

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Lab 2: List Implementation using Arrays

per_name(string) and per_age (int). Some member functions which are defined publicly
are: constructor function which should initialize the attributes of “person” object using
blank and zero values, input() function which should allow user to provide input for
attributes of object, output() function which should allow user to display the values of
attributes of object. This dynamic array should allow insertion, removal, count of total
element and displaying the values of elements of list.

5.3Practices from home

5.3.1 Task-1
Make a list of at least 5 benefits we may get while using dynamic lists.

5.3.2 Task-2
Provide comparison between implementation of lists using static and dynamic arrays.

6. Procedure& Tools
This section provides information about tools and programming procedures used for the

6.1 Tools
Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 with Visual C++ compiler configured.

6.2 Walk through Tasks [Expected time = 20mins]

Dynamic list using array can be implemented in visual studio 2008. Following figure 2
shows screens containing this code.

Figure 2: Dynamic list using array in Microsoft Visual Studio 2008.

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Lab 2: List Implementation using Arrays

Operations related to list such as addition, removal, element count and element retrieval
are implemented in this program as well. Figure 3 shows some of these operations.

Figure 3: Insert operation on lists using arrays in Microsoft Visual Studio 2008.

7. Practice Tasks
This section will provide information about the practice tasks which are required to be performed
in lab session. Design solutions of problems discussed in each task and placesolution code in a
folder specified by your lab instructor.

7.1 Practice Task 1 [Expected time = 15mins]

Partial solution of a List Class is given below. Complete the missing code in the functions to run
the program properly.

int *elements;
int size;
int length;
////////////////////////////////// Constructor
List(int maxsize)
elements=new int[size];
/////////////////////////////////// Destructor
~List ()
delete []elements;
/////////////////////////////////// Output the list structure
void showStructure ()

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Lab 2: List Implementation using Arrays

for(int i=0;i<length;i++)
cout<<"Display: No items to be displayed. List is empty\n";
////////////////////////////////// List manipulation operations
// Insert after cursor
void insert (int newDataItem)
cout<<"Insert: Cannot insert more items. List is full\n";
// Remove data item
int remove ()
return elements[length];
cout<<"Remove: Cannot remove the item. List is empty\n";
// Replace data item
void replace ( int newDataItem, int position )
//Condition: List contains at least position+1 data items.
//Result: Removes the data item present at the position from a list and
replace the number requested by user at its position.
cout<<"Replace: Cannot replace the item. Invalid position requested\n";
//implement your logic here
// find any number

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Lab 2: List Implementation using Arrays

bool find ( int searchDataItem )

//Condition: List is not empty.
//Result: Check if the number is present in the list or not

for(int i=0;i<length;i++)
//implement your logic here

/////////////////////////////////////// List status operations

// check if List is empty

bool isEmpty ()
// implement your logic here

// check if List is full

bool isFull ()
// implement your logic here

7.2 Practice Task 2 [Expected time = 20mins]

Implement List class with the following functions:
1) Sequential insert in the list
2) Sequential delete in the list
3) Insert a value at a specific index and adjust remaining list afterwards
4) Delete a value at a specific index and adjust remaining list afterwards
5) Show all values present in the list
6) Show the length of the list

7.3Practice Task 3 [Expected time = 20mins]

Create a list of at least 10 students. Program should save the following information for each
student: Name, Reg. No., CGPA and Semester. Now perform the following tasks:
a) Display only those students whose CGPA is greater than 3.0
b) Display the students of 3rd and 4th semester
c) Display the students alphabetically

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Lab 2: List Implementation using Arrays

7.4Out comes

After completing this lab, student will be able to understand the concepts related to dynamic list
using arrays and stack abstract data type. They will be able to develop programs related to
dynamic lists using arrays in C++ using Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 environment.

Test Cases for Practice Task-1
Sample Input Sample Output
Delete an element from
location: 3
Enter a value to search in Element deleted
list: 9 9 is at location 3 in list

Test Cases for Practice Task-2

Sample Sample
Inputs-1 Outputs-1
Concatenated value is: ahmadalijunaidjaved
Input a value to Value found at location 2
find in list: junaid

Test Cases for Practice Task-3

Sample Sample
Inputs-1 Outputs-1
Input elements in list:
Bookno : B123
Title: C++ programming
Price: 234.95
Bookno: B345
Title: Object Oriented Programming in C++
Price: 235.95
Bookno: B133
Title: Data Structures using C and C++
Price: 400.35
Enter a book to search in list: Book with bookno:
Bookno: B133 B133 is found at
Title: Data Structures using C and C++ location 2 in list
Price: 400.35

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Lab 2: List Implementation using Arrays

8.Evaluation Task (Unseen) [Expected time = 60mins for two tasks]

The lab instructor will give you unseen task depending upon the progress of the class.

9. Evaluation criteria
The evaluation criteria for this lab will be based on the completion of the following tasks. Each
task is assigned the marks percentage which will be evaluated by the instructor in the lab whether
the student has finished the complete/partial task(s).

Table 2: Evaluation of the Lab

Sr. No. Task No Description Marks
1 4 Problem Modeling 20
2 6 Procedures and Tools 10
3 7,8 Practice tasks and Testing 35
4 8.1 Evaluation Tasks (Unseen) 20
5 Comments 5
6 Good Programming Practices 10

10. Further Readings

10.1 Web sites related to C++ tutorials related to dynamic lists

1. http://cplus.about.com/od/learning1/a/online-cpp-tutorial-lesson-five-dynamic-
2. http://www.functionx.com/cpp/Lesson14.htm
3. http://www.element14.com/community/community/code_exchange/blog/2013/03/20/c-

10.2 Web sites containing supporting material

1. http://www.utm.edu/staff/jguerin/courses/325/slides/ch03%20-
2. www.cs.ucr.edu/cs12/cs12_04win/slides/savitch12.ppt

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