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The banking sector is the lifeline of any modern

economy. It is one of the financial pillars of the
financial sector, which is plays a vital role in the
functioning of an economy.It is very important
for economic development of a country that is
financing requirements of trade, industry and
agriculture are met with higher degree of
commitment and responsibility. Thus, the
development a country is integrally linked with
the development of banking. In a modern
economy, banks are to be considered not as
dealer in money but as the leaders of the
development.The play am important role in the
mobilization of deposit and disbursement of
credit to various sector of the economy. The
banking system reflects the economic health of
the country. The strenght of an economy
depends on the strenght and efficiency of the
financial system. A sound banking system
efficiently mobilized savings in productive
sectors and a solvent banking system ensures
that the bank is capable of meeting its
obligation to the depositors.In india, banks are
playing a crucial role in socio-economic
progress of the country after independence.
The banking sector is dominant in india as it
accounts for more than half the assests of the
financial sector. Indian banks have been going
through a fascinating phase through rapid
changes brought about by financial sectors
reforms, which are being implemented in a
phased manner.The current process of
transformation should be viewed an as a
apportunity to convert indian banking into a
sound, strong and vibrant system capable of
playing its role efficiently and effectively on
their own without imposing any burden on
After the liberalization of the indian economy,
the goverment has announced a number of
reform measures on the basis of the
recommendation of the Narasimhan committee
to make the banking sector economically viable
and competitively strong.The current global
crisis that hit every country raised various issue
regarding efficiency and solvency of banking
system in front of policy makers.Now, crisis has
been almost over, Goverment if India (GOI) and
Reserve Bank Of India (RBI) are trying to draw
some lesson. RBI is making necessary changes
in his policy to ensure price stab ility in the
economy. The main objective of these changes
is to increase the efficiency of banking system
as a whole as well as of individual instituions.
So, it is necessary to measure the effeiciency of
indian banks so that corrective steps can be
taken to improve the health of banking system.
The Housing Development Finance Corporation
Limited (HDFC) was amongst the first to receive
an ‘in principle' approval from the Reserve Bank
of India (RBI) to set up a bank in the private
sector, aspart of the RBI's liberalization of the
Indian Banking Industry in 1994. The bank was
incorporated in August 1994 in the name of
'HDFC Bank Limited', with its registered office in
Mumbai, India. HDFCBank commenced
operations as a Scheduled Commercial Bank in
January 1995.
HDFC is India’s premier housing finance
company and enjoys an impeccable track record
in India as well as ininternational markets. Since
its inception in 1977, the Corporation has
maintained a consistent andhealthy growth in
its operations to remain the market leader in
mortgages. Its outstanding loan portfolio covers
well over a million dwelling units. HDFC has
developed significant expertise in
retailmortgage loans to different market
segments and also has a large corporate client
base for itshousing related credit facilities. With
its experience in the financial markets, a strong
marketreputation, large shareholder base and
unique consumer franchise, HDFC was ideally
positioned topromote a bank in the Indian
environment.HDFC Bank began operations in
1995 with a simple mission: to be a
“World Class Indian Bank.” We realized that
only a single minded focus on product quality
and service excellence would help us getthere.
Today, we are proud to say that we are well on
our way towards that goal.HDFC Bank Limited
(the Bank) is an India-based banking company
engaged in providing a range ofbanking and
banking and treasury operations. The Bank has
anetwork of 1412 branches and 3295
automated teller machines (ATMs) in 528 cities
and totalemployees are 52687.


segment provides loans non-fund facilities and
transaction services to corporate public
sectorunits government bodies financial
institutions and medium-scale enterprises. The
treasurysegment includes net interest earnings
on investments portfolio of the Bank.The Bank's
ATMnetwork can be accessed by all domestic
and international Visa/MasterCard Visa
Electron/MaestroPlus/Cirrus and American
Express Credit/Charge cardholders. The Bank's
shares are listed on theBombay Stock Exchange
Limited and The National Stock Exchange of
India Ltd. The Bank's American Depository
Shares (ADS) are listed on the New York Stock
Exchange (NYSE) and theBank's Global
Depository Receipts (GDRs) are listed on
Luxembourg Stock Exchange.HDFC BankLtd Was
incorporated on August 30 1994 by Housing
Development Finance Corporation Ltd. Inthe
year 1994 Housing Development Finance
Corporation Ltd was amongst the first to
receive an'in principle' approval from the
Reserve Bank of India to set up a bank in the
private sector aspart of the RBI's liberalization
of the Indian Banking Industry. HDFC Bank
commenced operationsas a Scheduled
Commercial Bank in January 1995. Ramon
House Churchgate branch wasinaugurated on
16 January 1995 as the first branch of the bank.
In March 1995 HDFC Banklaunched Rs 50-crore
initial public offer (IPO) (5 crore equity shares at
Rs 10 each at par)eliciting a record 55 times
oversubscription. HDFC Bank was listed on the
Bombay StockExchange on 19 May 1995. The
bank was listed on the National Stock Exchange
on 8 November1995.In the year 1996 the Bank
was appointed as the clearing bank by the
NSCCL. In the year1997 the launched retail
investment advisory services. In the year 1998
they launched their firstretail lending product
Loans against Shares. In the year 1999 the Bank
launched online real-timeNet Banking. In
February 2000 Times Bank Ltd owned by
Bennett Coleman & Co. / Times
Groupamalgamated with the Bank Ltd. This was
the first merger of two new generation private
banksin India. The Bank was the first Bank to
launch an International Debit Card in
association with VISA (Visa Electron). In the
year 2001 they started their Credit Card
business. Also they becamethe first private
sector bank to be authorized by the Central
Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) as wellas the RBI
to accept direct taxes. During the year the Bank
made a strategic tie-up with aBangalore-based
business solutions software developer Tally
Solutions Pvt Ltd for developing andoffering
products and services facilitating on-line
accounting and banking services to SMEs. On
20July 2001 HDFC Bank's American depositary
receipt (ADR) was listed on the New York
StockExchange under the symbol HDB. Also
they made the alliance with LIC for providing
onlinepayment of insurance premium to the
customers. During the year 2002-03 the Bank
increasedthe number of branches from 171 Nos
to 231 Nos and the size of the Bank's ATM
networkexpanded from 479 Nos to 732 Nos.
They also expanded their presence in the
'merchantacquiring' business. During the year
2003-04 the Bank expanded the distribution
network withthe number of branches increased
from 231 Nos to 312 Nos and the size of the
Bank's ATMnetwork increased from 732 Nos to
910 Nos. In September 2003 they entered the
housing loanbusiness through an arrangement
with HDFC Ltd whereby they sell HDFC Home
Loan product.During the year 2004-05 the Bank
expanded the distribution network with the
number ofbranches increased from 312 Nos to
467 Nos and the size of the Bank's ATM
network increasedfrom 910 Nos to 1147 Nos.
During the year 2005-06 the Bank launched the
'no-frills account' abasic savings account
offering to the customer. Also the distribution
network was expanded with the number of
branches increased from 467 Nos (in 211 cities)
to 535 Nos (in 228 cities) and thenumber of
ATMs from 1147 Nos to 1323 Nos.During the
year 2006-07 the distribution networkwas
expanded with the number of branches
increased from 535 Nos (in 228 cities) to 684
Nos (in316 cities) and the number of ATMs from
1323 Nos to 1605 Nos. They commenced direct
lendingto Self Help Groups. Also they opened a
dedicated branch for lending to SHGs in
Thudiyalurvillage (Tamil Nadu). In September 28
2005 the Bank increased their stake in HDFC
SecuritiesLtd from 29.5% to 55%. Consequently
HDFC Securities Ltd became a subsidiary of
theBank.During the year 2007-08 the Bank
added 77 Nos new branches take the total to
761 Nosbranches. Also 372 Nos new ATMs were
also added taking the size of the ATM network
from1605 Nos to 1977 Nos. HDB Financial
Services Ltd became a subsidiary company with
effect from August 31 2007. In June 2 2007 the
Bank opened 19 branches in a day in Delhi and
the NationalCapital Region (NCR).During the
year 2008-09 the Bank expanded their
distribution network from761 branches in 327
cities to 1412 branches in 528 Indian cities. The
Bank's ATMs increasedfrom 1977 to 3295
during the year. As per the scheme of
amalgamation Centurion Bank ofPunjab Ltd was
amalgamated with the Bank with effect from
May 23 2008. The appointed datefor the
merger was April 01 2008. The amalgamation
added significant value to HDFC Bank interms of
increased branch network geographic reach and
customer base and a bigger pool ofskilled
I.World Class Indian Bank
II.Benchmarking against international
III.To build sound customer franchises across
distinct businesses
IV.Best practices in terms of product offerings,
technology, service levels, risk management
andaudit & compliance.
The HDFC Bank is committed to maintain the
highest level of ethical standards, professional
and regulatory compliance. HDFC Bank’s
business philosophy is based on four core
values such as:
-1.Operational excellence.
2.Customer Focus.
3.Product leadership.
The objective of the HDFC Bank is to provide its
target market customers a full range of
financialproducts and banking services, giving
the customer a one-step window for all his/her
requirements.The HDFC Bank plus and the
investment advisory services programs have
been designed keeping inmind needs of
customers who seeks distinct financial
solutions, information and advice on
variousinvestment avenues.
I.Increasing market share in India’s expanding
II.Delivering high quality customer service
III.Maintaining current high standards for asset
quality through disciplined credit risk
IV.Develop innovative products and services
that attract targeted customers and
addressinefficiencies in the Indian financial
Hdfc Bank profit and loss account for the Year Ending 31st March (in Rs.)

Review of Literature
A literature review is a description of the
literature relevant to a particularfield or topic. It
gives an overview of what has been said, who
the key writers are,what are the prevailing
theories and hypotheses, what questions are
being asked andwhat methods and
methodologies are appropriate and useful. As
such, it is not initself primary research, but
rather it reports on other findings. Cooper H.M
defines literature review as one which uses as
its database reports of primary ororiginal
scholarship itself. The primary reports used in
the literature may beverbal, but in the vast
majority of cases reports are written
documents. The types ofscholarship may be
empirical, theoretical, critical, analytical or
methodological innature. Second a literature
review seeks to describe, summarize, evaluate,
clarify and integrate the content of primary
reports. A literature review may be purely
descriptive, as in an annotated bibliography or
it may provide a critical assessment of the
literature in a particularfield, stating where the
weakness and gaps are, contrasting the views of
particularauthors or raising questions. Such a
review will not be just summary but will
alsoevaluate and show relationships between
different materials, so that key themesemerge.
Most often associated with academic-oriented
literature, such as theses, a literature review
usually precedes a research proposal and
results section. A well-structured literature
review is characterized by a logical flow of
ideas, current andrelevant references with
consistent, appropriate referencing style,
proper flow ofterminology and an unbiased and
comprehensive view of the previous research
onthe topic. This chapter aims to provide a
general overview of the literature relevantto
this thesis. The Internet is the driving force
behind the new global economy,with Internet
Banking allowing banks to revolutionize services
and giving theircustomers more options than
even before. This is because so many banks
world-wide have launched Internet sites in the
last few years, banks can no longerdifferentiate
themselves by merely having an Internet
presence. Online servicessuch as Internet
banking transactions, online credit card
applications and online bill payment are
becoming the global industry standard. To
differentiatethemselves in the future, banks will
need to continuously evolve such services to
better meet customers

needs, capitalizing on new technologies to
build strongercustomer relationships. Literature
on marketing banking service is abundant. But
these works aregeneral in nature indicating
mostly the government policies and their
commitmenttowards the operation of banks
only. However, few of the studies are reviewed
here,as they would facilitate a clear backing for
carrying out the present study.Specifically, this
study investigates the individua
perception on the adoption inInternet banking.
In other words, the investigator ’s study is
focused onindi
intention to use Internet banking in handling
their banking issues.This study is the first of its
kind and no study on this topic had been
attempted so far. However there were certain
studies undertaken at the individual
andinstitutional level relating to Internet
banking. The literature reviewed for this study
includes theses, dissertations,articles, papers
and books related to Internet Banking. The
findings of thesestudies had enabled the
researcher to formulate the problem and to
prepare thedesign of study. The following
related studies have enabled the researcher
toidentify some variables as well as the position
of the present study. Baldinger and Rubinson
in their article, perceived that customerloyalty
was concerned with the likelihood of a
customer returning, making business referrals,
providing strong word-of-mouth references and
publicity.Loyal customers were less likely to
switch to a competitor due to priceinducement,
and these customers made more purchases
compared to less loyalcustomers. However,
customers who were retained may not always
be satisfiedand satisfied customers may not
always be retained. Customers may be loyal
dueto high switching barriers or the lack of real
alternatives; customers may also beloyal
because they were satisfied, thus wishing to
continue with the relationship. Millson, F. and
Kirk-Smith, M. (1996)
in their article, indicated thatmembers of
Quality Committees (QCs), were positive in
their views towards
effectiveness. A change in actual performance
was the most relevant measure. Royne, M.
in his article, provided the initial direction
indetermining the proper SQ attributes to focus
on promotional efforts when bankshave a
target market at
Review of literature aims to summarize major
studies that have been published on the topic.
It provides theoretical knowledge on the selected
Empirical Literature
Empirical literature deals with past research studies
which includes facts and figures
identified through various experiments.
1. (Dr K Sreenivas, L Saroja 2013): Entitled a
comparative study of financial performance of HDFC
Bank and ICICI Bank. Study revels there is no
significance difference in the performance of HDFC
Bank and ICICI Bank, but they conclude that HDFC
Bank financial performance is slightly shows an
increase in compared with ICICI
2. (Dr B Sudha, P Rajendran 2019): Conducted
astudy on financial health of Axis Bank
& HDFC Bank for the time period of 2013-2014 to
2017-2018 by using various statistical
tools and ratio analysis for analysing data. The study
conclude that overall financial
performance of Axis Bank is less compared the
HDFC Bank.
3. (A Jaiswal, C Jain 2016): Conducted a
comparative study of financial performance of SBI &
ICICI Bank in India. This study evaluates the financial
performance of Indian Banks with help of CAMEL
MODEL. The result of the study clarifies that the
financial performance of SBI is little bit more than
ICICI Bank and also market position is high,but in
other terms ICICI Bank is performing well in terms of
4. (Nandini Thakur 2020): Conducted a study on the
financial statement analysis of HDFC Bank. The
study is conducted over past Five years (2015-2019).
The study conclude that financial performance of
the bank was strong during the period of the study.
5. (Dr R Malini, Dr A Meharaj Banu 2019): This
study examined the financial performance of Indian
Tobacco Corporation Ltd. Objective of the study was
to analysis the liquidity, profitability, Solvency
possession of the firm within the period from 1st
April 2013 to 31st March 2017. Study reveals that
the financial performance is better.
6. (Mabwe Kumbirai, Robert Webb 2010): This
Study Investigate performance of commercial bank
in South Africa for the period 2005 to 2009.This
study reveals that the performance of the bank is
better in the first two years but later its
performance fall is noticed due to the global
financial crisis in 2007.The study conclude that the
performance and profitability is falling down.
7. (Dr. Gagandeep Sharma, Dr. Divya Sharma 2017)7
: Analysed the financial
performance of top three Indian Private sector
bank. Their aim was to study the ratio of
profitability of top three private sector bank (HDFC,
ICICI, AXIS). The study finalizes
that HDFC bank is found to be consistent.
8. (Dr B Sudha, P Rajendran 2019)8
: Analysed the financial performance of HDFC Bank
with the period of 2015 to 2019.The data was
analysed by using ratio analysis. The study
implies that the performance of bank satisfactory.
9. (Dr. Seema Pandit, Jash Gandhi2021)9
: Study compare the performance of SBI and
HDFC Bank by applying CAMEL Model. The results
shows that the SBI Bank performed
well on the parameters of Capital Adequacy, Asset
Quality and Management whereas
HDFC Bank performed well on the parameters of
10. (Pawan, Gorav 2016)10: The study entitled to
compare financial health ICICI Bank and
Axis Bank. Objective of the study was to measure
and compare financial performance of
Axis an ICICI Bank. The study conclude that the
performance of Axis Banak is better
compare to ICICI Bank.
11. (PriyankaJha 2018)11: A study Examined the
financial performance of public sector
bank (PNB) and private sector bank (ICICI Bank) in
India. Objective of study was to
compare financial performance of both banks. Study
concludes that ICICI bank
Performed better PNB in comparison.
12. (Dr Mukund Sharma 2014)12: Conducted a
study to investigate financial performance
of Indian public and private sector bank based on
stated that private banks are better than public
sector banks.
13. (Sanjib Kumar Pakira 2016)13: Examines his
research growth performance analysis a
comparative study between SBI and HDFC Bank
Limited. His objective was to analysis
the growth rate in SBI and HDFC Bank limited as
both the banks are giant banks in
public and private sector. In this research work the
researcher found that HDFC Bank has
performed much better than the SBI Bank.
14. (Dr Ahmed Arif Almazari 2012)14: This study
attempts basically to measure the
financial performance of the Jordanian Arab
commercial bank for the period 2000-2009
by using the DuPont system of financial analysis
which is based on analysis of return on
equity model. Arab bank had less financial leverage
in the recent years, which means the
bank is relying less on debt to finance its assets.
15. (Befekadu B. Kereta 2007)15: This study
examines that the industry’s outreach rises in
the period from 2003 to 2008 but the MFIs reach
the very poor. The study finds that the
MFIs are operational sustainable and also financially
16. (Aminul Islam 2014)16:This study investigates
the financial performance of National
Bank Limited with in the period 2008 to 2013.This
study also determine specific areas for
bank to work to attain sustainable growth.
17. (Shewta Yadav, Jonghag Jang 2021)17: The
objective of the study is to investigate the
impact on the financial performance of HDFC Bank
before and after the merger by
CAMEL Analysis. The period of the study includes
five-year prior merger (2003-2008)
and five year of post-merger period (2009-2014).
The study states that the performance of
HDFC Bank is increased after the merger.
18. (Dr. Anurag.B. Singh, MS. Priyanka Tandon
2012)18:This study examines the
financial performance of SBI and ICICI Bank with in
the period 2007-2008 to2011-2012.
The study concludes that the SBI is performing well
than ICICI Bank but in terms of
deposits and expenditure ICICI Bank is better than
19. (Vijay Hemant Sonaje, Dr Shriram S.
Nerlekar2017)19: This study analyses the
performance of COMMERCIAL Bank in India during
the period 2013 to 2017 using
CAMEL approach. The study reveals that the KOTAK
and HDFC perform better than
SBI and PNB.
20. (Ch. Balaji, Dr. G. Praveen Kumar2016)20: The
study analyses the financial
performance of selected public and private sector
banks in India. The study covers a p.
period of five years (2011-2012 to 2015-2016). The
study conclude that the public sector
banks must redefine their strategies by considering
their strength and weakness.

1. L.Saroja, D. a. (2013, 7 2). Comparative Financial
Performance of HDFC Bank and ICICI
Bank”. Scholars World-International Refereed
Multidisplinary Journal of Concemporary
Research, 1(2), 107.
2. B.Sudha, D., & Rajendran, p. (2019). A Study on
Financial Health of Axis Bank & HDFC
Bank., 8(11), 15.
3. A. Jaiswal, C. J. (2016, June). A Comparative Study
of Financial Performance of SBI and
ICICI. International Journal of Scientific Research in
Computer Science and Engineering,
4(3), 1-6.
4. Thakur, N. (2020, June). A Study on Financial
Statement Analysis of HDFC Bank. Mukt
Shabd Journal, 9(6), 2343-2353.
5. Dr. R. Malini, D. A. (2019). A Study on Financial
Performance Analysis of Indian
Tobacco Corporation Limited. Indian Journal of
Applied Research, 9(2), 4.
6. M. Kumbirai, R. W. (2010). A Financial Ratio
Analysis of Commercial Bank Performance
in South Africa. African Review of Economics and
Finance, 2(1), 30-53.
7. Dr Gagandeep Sharma, D. D. (2017, June).
Comparision and analysis of Profitability of
top three Indian private sector Bank. International
Journal of Engineering technology
Science and Research, 4(6), 173-186.
8. P Rajendran, D. B. (2019). A study of Financila
Analysis and performance of HDFC Bank.
Studia Rosenthallana(Journal for the study of
Research), 11(11), 37-44.
9. Dr.Seema Pandit, J. G. (2021). A Comparative
Study on the Financial Performance of SBI
and HDFC Bank based on CAMEL Model.
International Journal of Scientific Research in
Engineering and Management, 5(5), 11.
10. Gorav, P. a. (2014). A Comparative Study on
Financial Health of ICICI Bank and Axis
Bank. nternational Journal of Marketing and
Financial Management, 4(9), 87-101.
11. Priyangajha. (2018, August). Analyzing Financial
Performance (2011-18) of Public
Sector Banks (PNB) and Private Sector Banks (ICICI)
in India. ICTACT Journal of
Management Studies, 4(3), 793-799.
12. Sharma, D. M. (2014). Performance of Indian
Public and Private Sector Banks: A
Comparative Study. EPRA Internal Journal of
Economic and Business Review, 2(3), 27-32.
13.Pakira, S. K. (2016). Growth performance analysis
- AComparative Study between SBI
and HDFC Bank Limited. American Journal of
Theoretical and Applied Business, 2(1), 1-7.
14.Almazari, D. A. (2012). Financial Performance
Analysis of the Jordanian Arab Bank by
Using. International Journal of Economics and
Finance, 4(4), 6-94.
15.kereta, B. B. (2007). Outreach and Fiancial
Performance Analysis of Microfinanace
Institution in Ethiopia. African Economic
Conference, 1-31.
16.Islam, A. (2014). An Analysis Of The FInanacial
PerformanceOf National Bank Limited
Using Finanacial Ratio. Journal of Behavioural
and Transport, 2(5), 121-129.
17.Shweta Yadav, J. J. (2021). Impact of Merger on
HDFC Bank Financial Peformance: A
Camel Analysis Approach. International Journal of
Economics and Finance, 13(8), 31.
18.Dr.Anurag.B.Singh, M. P. (2012). A Study of
Financial Performance : A Comparative
Analysis of SBI and ICICI Bank. International Journal
of Marketing,Financial Services and
Management Research, 1(11), 17.
19.Vijay Hemant Sonaje, D. S. (2017). Financial
Performance Analysis of Selected Banks
using CAMEL Approacjh. 11(2), 8.
20.Ch. Balaji, D. G. (2016). A Comparative Study on
Financial Performance of Selected
Public and Private Sector Banks in India. 11(2), 8.


Sr.No. Name of Director Designation

1 Mr. Atanu Chakraborty Part-Time Chairman and Independent Director

2 Mr. Malay Patel Independent Director

3 Mr. Umesh Chandra Sarangi Independent Director

4 Mrs. Renu Karnad Non-Executive Director

5 Mr. Sanjiv Sachar Independent Director

6 Mr. Sandeep Parekh Independent Director

7 Mr. MD Ranganath Independent Director

8 Dr. (Mrs). Sunita Maheshwari Independent Director

9 Mrs. Lily Vadera Independent Director

10 Mr. Sashidhar Jagdishan Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer

11 Mr. Kaizad Bharucha Executive Director


Ratio analysis
One of the most powerful tools in financial
analysis is the ratio analysis. It is the procedure
for calculating and understanding different
ratios. The ratio analysis is used to investigate a
company's liquidity, profitability, and solvency.
The financial statements may be analysed more
clearly with the use of ratios, and decisions can
be taken based on this analysis.
Liquidity Ratio
(a)Current Ratio
Current Ratio = Current Asset (Ideal Ratio = 2:1) Current
Year Current Asset Current Liability Current Ratio
2016 - 2017 48952.1 56709.32 0.86
2017 - 2018 122915.08 45763.72 2.69
2018 - 2019 81347.64 55108.29 1.48
2019 - 2020 86618.72 67394.4 1.29
2020 - 2021 119470.4 72602.15 1.65
Mean 91860.79 59515.58 1.59
Standard Deviation 30437.73 10603.62 0.68
CV 33.13 17.82 42.6
CAGR -0.51 -0.74 -0.62

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