The Supreme Alphabet

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The passage discusses the historical use of letters from various alphabets to represent numbers and the mystical meanings associated with numbers in religious texts.

Numbers in religious texts like the Quran often had mystical or esoteric meanings. Theologians and mystics saw significance in the numerical values associated with letters. Certain numbers below 40 were thought to have specific spiritual meanings.

Before the modern number system, letters from alphabets like Arabic, Hebrew and Greek were used to represent numbers in written texts. The current Arabic numerals emerged around 600AD and came into widespread use in Europe in the 13th century.

The Supreme Alphabet

By:Ishmail Abdul Haq

Above is the Arabic alphabet. There are 28 characters, that correspond to the cycles of the moon approximately, which comprise the Arabic alphabet. A character may have different forms, depending on whether it's used by itself or comes at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of a word. This alphabet is arranged above from left to right. But remember that Arabic writing starts from right to left. Each letter has its numerical value. The current Arabic usage of figures (or number symbols) to express numbers (called Gematria) is relatively modern, the ancient peoples had no such symbols to express numbers (i.e. 1,2,3,...), and used letters of the alphabet instead. When the Quran was revealed, over 14 centuries ago, the numbers known today did not exist. A universal system was used where the letters of the Arabic, Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek alphabets were used as numerals. The number assigned to each letter is its "Gematrical Value." The numerical "Gematrical" values of the Arabic alphabet are shown in table below.

The Arabic numerals that we use as ciphers to represent our numbers (1,2,3,4, etc.) were influenced by Indian mathematics around c. 600 A.D. They were first used in the Middle East by the mathematician alKhwarazmi (c. 875), along with the zero. Though some Europeans were aware of these "Arabic" computational symbols as early as the 10th century, they did not come into general use until the 13th century in Europe. The point being that up until this time, written texts in Greek, Latin, Hebrew/Aramaic, Arabic/Persian, etc. used letters of the alphabet to represent numbers (the Latin equivalent is Roman numerals). That is why it is unlikely that the prophet of Islam, Muhammad (PBUH), being a successful businessman, that he was illiterate. He had to make use of computations which where done with Arabic letters. However, just because the letters were no longer generally used as numbers, this does not mean that the numerical associations died out. Among poets the numbers were used to write chronograms (a word that contains a numerical value; poets frequently tried to find words with a numerical equivalent to the year of someone's death to write an elegy, for example). Theologians and mystics preserved the letters and their associated numerical values with the mystical significance. The mystical or esoteric meanings of numbers can be found since the early man. When numbers were used with the primitive man associated with religious value. This science was further developed by the Pythagoreans, and Mystics, Gnostics, and Theologians.

There were an unwritten set of rules that typically governs Mystical Numerics:
1) All numbers from 1-40 have some sort of specific spiritual meaning attached. 2) Only certain numbers above 40 will have special spiritual meaning applied. 3) Compounding numbers by doubling, tripling, etc. will generally carry the same spiritual meaning intensified. 4) Compounding numbers by adding 2 simple numbers usually carry both meanings - bringing out a deeper truth. 5.) All compound numbers reduce to single numbers.

6.) When a compound number is able to be divided by several factors, usually the spiritual meaning is in the simplest factor. 7.) The first use of a number in scripture usually gives a clue to the number's spiritual meaning. 8) Every place a number appears there does not have to be a spiritual truth there - especially applies to verse #, chapter #, etc. 9.) Letters converted using numbers 1 to 9. 10.) Either words or phrases may convey spiritual value in at least 5 ways: actual use of a #, # of times a word/phrase is used, numeric value of a word/phrase, placement values of a letter, total value of a letter/word/phrase.

The numeric value of a word is the sum of the numeric values of its letters. The placement value of a letter is the number of the place the letter occupies in the alphabet. The total value of a letter, word, or phrase is the sum of its numeric and placement values.


Numbers set a boundary or measure to the immeasurable, and numbers form the true nature of things and that all concepts can be expressed in numbers. And we will elaborate on the qualities and relative relationships between each of the 9 numbers. The lost Islamic science of the mystical meaning of numbers I refer to as ciphering. Ciphering is but 'the science of numbers'. Numbers have power. But numbers do not affect reality, they do not determine who you are, they do not foretell the future (gayb). Numbers just are. Ciphering is concerned with the allocation of properties to numbers . Numerology takes that one step further. It asserts that everything happens because of numbers. If a number (lets take 2 as an example) is connected with a property (e.g. lets say that 2 is associated with confusion), and if your personal number is 2, therefore you are confused! Not a real science. To use the ciphering system, you must convert the Arabic letters in a name or word to a number. The Quranic conversion table is as such:










Of course the numbers only correspond to Arabic letters not to the English Alphabet. The true Supreme Alphabet is in Arabic because it is through it Allah chose to reveal his final message. The number that is not listed, the zero (0), has no letter that corresponds to it but serves as a multiplier of ten (10) or represents nothingness. We will detail this further in our lessons later.

Alif - A Unity - Number 1:

Quran [2.163] And your God is one God! There is no god but He; He is the Beneficent, the Merciful.

The number one (1) is the first of the numbers. The number one is the generator of all numbers, and the number of reason. Before him: nothing. After him: all the series of the numbers. It is the origin, the creator: any number results from the precedent by adding 1. In the beginning, the single one, the undifferentiated one, the symbol of Allah (God) of the religions monotheists, the root of all things, the Big-bang. The number one means independence, loneliness, creativity, originality, dominance, leadership, and unity. Allah as the number one is whole and complete and represents the staring point to all creation. Allah at the number one is the divine potential becoming kinetic (active), going from darkness into light. There are two words that mean one in Arabic namely Ahad and Wahid. One (Ahad) represents His uniqueness and independence (unity), and the other (Wahid) indicates the source and first cause then creation (1,2, 3, 4, 5. . . )

The Unity

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

Say: He, Allah, is One (Ahad). Allah is He on whom all depend (Samad). He begets not, nor is He begotten. And none is like Him.

Allah is one, that is He is not begotten, which is a lower animal act of siring, nor does He beget, and there is none like unto him. Begetting suggest that Allah needs to procreate, or reproduce Himself sexually. Mankind procreates to continue their existence as a species. But Allah has no need because He is eternal and absolute. Some may even argue that God begets spiritually, but how does a spirit beget? Even if there is such a thing of a spirit begetting it suggests that God needed another spirit to sire another. Allah is unique and independent whom all depends and whom needs no one. The number as it relates to man, historically, represent Allahs Khalif, or His earthly Supreme Being, the aboriginal Black man. Allah is the abstract and the Black man is the concrete. That is why it is important for man to maintain a good relationship with the creator because we are connected; Allah is the Macro and we are the micro. The Geometrical form of the number one is the circle. The circle which has neither beginning nor end is the figure symbolic system of the ONE. The circle and its center, a point, which is the ' center of the world', the place of focusing which unifies all the parts and makes them leveling, since which globality is perceived. The round, the sphere, the seed, the nest symbolize the unit, eternity. Allah is one and we are His beloved one first. Our thirst is for the one who created the earth moon, stars, and the sun.

Ba B Diversity - Number 2:
Quran [51.49] And of everything We have created pairs that you may be mindful.

The Ba or the #2 is the principle of opposition or duality. Its the first even female number, and the number of opinion. At this stage one can think of the equivalent Chinese concept of Yang and Yin, the dualistic principle of male and female, positive and negative, the container and the contained, thesis and antithesis, life and death, etc. It was through the principle of duality that matter was created. 5

As it relates to Allah, His name expands to include the famine and masculine principles. He, being genderless in His essence then becomes male and female in His attributes thus Rahman & Rahim. The first name Allah is the common Arabic word for God. It is a word that has no plural and has no gender. It is a uniquely specific word in the Arabic language. The second name is ar-Rahman. This means the Most Gracious. This is in comparison with ar-Rahim meaning the bestower of grace. The names are derived from ar-Rahma (Mercy) in a way to express intense and exaggerated meanings. And ar-Rahman (masculine) is more intense than ar-Rahim (feminine) because ar-Rahman is the one endowed with Mercy which extends to all of the creations in this world and to the believers in the Hereafter. Rahman is the Beneficent an acts as a father providing for his family, but Allahs gives to all creation, to the Just & the unjust. Rahim is the One endowed with Mercy which extends to only the believers on the Day of Judgment. We sense this duality of Allah throughout the Quran. Ba as it relates to man represents the differences in the sexes or reproduction. For Allah, the essence or the Nafs made us from His essence then MADE us twain (2) to procreate. Without such, procreation is impossible. It also represents the free will and choice; each choice having its positive and negative results. The free will is driven by two contrary impulses from the higher spiritual self and the lower animal self also known as the inner jinn (evil spirit). Only in the subduing the lower animal self do we submit to Allah in Islam. When our will becomes Allahs will, not just obeying legalisms, but truly understanding Allahs plan, do we become His viceroy in the earth. The Ba also represents the law of correspondence, that is what ever is on high is also below. This represents the macro UNI-verse and the micro Uni-verse. The Quran speaks of the companions of the garden stating that the rewards of paradise are similar to what we had in this life. We build our heaven and hell on earth. Whatever we do in the world manifest, or the physical world will have its effect in the spiritual world and visa versa. The number ONE is static, motionless. The unfolding of the ONE, its duplication, it and its image create TWO, the duality, differentiation. Thus the light is separated from darkness, Water of in Top from Water of in Bottom, Yin from Yang, the two poles between which will run out creative energy, dynamism of the multiplication. The geometric shape of the number two is the rectangle for it represents

the passage of the ONE to TWO by the double square, the rectangle on sides

Two can come together to create change or continue our history, thru you two can we bring us back to our destined glory.

Jim G Harmony -Number 3:

Quran [56.7] And you shall be three sorts.

The Jim is the first true male number, the number of harmony, being composed of unity and diversity. This represents the next phase is the reconciliation of duality to form the Triad 3, containing an ordering or unifying principle connecting the two opposites. At this level Allah is conceptualized as abstract Divinity, the Creator. Better expressed, the # 3 is the "First, out of the Indivisible (The same) and the Divisible (the other), God made Essence. He then took the three elements of the same, the other and the Essence, and mingled them into one form, compressing by force the reluctant and unsociable nature of the same and of the other. When He had mingled them with the Essence and out of the three made one, He again divided this whole into as many portions as was fitting, each portion being a compound of the same, the other, and the Essence." In the Muslim prayer life we mention this essence and the duality in our five daily prayers as Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim. (Allah + Rahman + Rahim.) (If this confuses you allow me to explain further.) Allah is the essence (Expressed by the # 1) and He expressed two attributes, namely Rahman & Rahim (Expressed by the #2), Then Allah combined the two with his essence to make a whole, Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim (#3), expressed numerically as 1+2=3. This is in no sense like the Christian trinity. These are not three persons, but three expressions of the Infinite Divine Mind, but yet only one GodAllah. For the Christian formula to be possible; Father, Son, Holy Ghost are three separate persons but one only can be expressed in fractions (1/3 x 1/3 x1/3=3/3=1). Which means 1/3 is dependant on the other 2/3s for it to be whole and complete. Even Christians recognize that the Father does not need the Son and Holy Ghost but they depend and rely on Him as their source.

Quran [5.73] Certainly they disbelieve who say: Surely Allah is the third (person) of the three; and there is no god but the one God, and if they desist not from what they say, a painful chastisement shall befall those among them who disbelieve.

The numerical value of Bismilah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim is 786. When we compound this number to 7+8+6=21, compounded further to 2+1=3. The number 21 is also a multiple of 3 which is 7 x 3. 786 is also a multiple of 3 which is 269 x 3. Thus the # 3 is a very important component to the primary names of Allah. It expresses that Allah became three dimensional, thus three is the number of harmony which is unity and diversity together. After diversity (#2) come 3. The # 3 is the number of family or procreation. When two people come together from diverse history and unite they can produce children. For a child to come into the world, we need diversity of the sexes. That is why Allah does not beget children because Allah needs none for He is genderless. Children are the natural consequence of a sexual union. God-Allah begets with his word Kun or BE then it is, this is Gods spiritual sperm. But to be a family, the union of the parent must stay united (marriage) or there would be disharmony (3-1=2.) That is why most religious systems encourages marriage and discourage fornication and adultery (zina). Further, homosexual acts are also considered zina since a family can not be produced naturally (2+1=3). Homosexual acts are fornication since Allah does not recognize union of male on male unions in marriage. Thus they can not be punished as adulterers. But Homosexuals can create a similitude of a family through adoption or some sort of genetic exchange with a female like sperm banks and maybe even genetic cloning then the equation would be complete (2+1=3) but this is a synthetic & unnatural union, however harmony can be built. The geometric symbol for the # 3 is the triangle since it is formed from three points that are interconnected. The Union of family and the Union of Allah makes the six pointed Star of David. We will discuss this in more detail when we discuss the # 6. God and his two Mercies, He forbids disharmony and enjoins family.

Dal Justice Number 4:

Quran [9.36] Surely the number of months with Allah is twelve months in Allah's ordinance since the day when He created the heavens and the earth, of these four being sacred; that is the right reckoning; therefore be

not unjust to yourselves regarding them, and fight the polytheists all together as they fight you all together; and know that Allah is with those who guard (against evil).

The next development is the Tetrad or the # 4.This is the number of justice, and retribution, indicating the squaring of accounts. It also means order, discipline, practicality, dedication, and the material world. It is the "crossing" or product 2 x 2 and represents the formation of the world of man from combinations of the dyad or pair. One geometric symbol of the Tetrad is the square since it is formed by 4 points. The square confines thus symbolize restraint and discipline. 4 also symbolize solidity or volume, since 4 points are the minimum number required to define a volume, that is, a tetrahedron or triangular-based pyramid. The numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 were combined in the Tetraktys (#10) of Pythagoras, a sacred symbol of certain ancient mystery cults
. . . . . . . . . .


This symbol was treated as the key to understanding the whole of life. Theou of Smyrna (first century AD) enumerated ten sets of four things that the Tetraktys was held to symbolize.
Numbers: Magnitudes: Elements: Simple bodies: Living things: Societies: Faculties: Seasons: Ages: 1, 2, 3, 4 point, line, surface, solid fire, air, earth, water pyramid, cube, octahedron, icosahedron. seed, growth in length, growth in breadth, growth in thickness. man, village, city, nation sensation, opinion, knowledge, reason spring, summer, autumn, winter infancy, youth, manhood, old age

Human being:

body, mind, soul, spirit

In summary, the number four may be described geometrically as the first solid: It has length, breadth, and thickness. It takes us into the third dimension. It has been described as the first descent into matter. Hence we find the occurrence of such descriptions as the four winds of heaven, foursquare firmness of Earth, four corners of the Earth, four points of the compass, and the ancients four elements.
Look up, down, right, left - God is their in the world manifest. When youre a babe, youth, adult, and aged God is there four you, He never rests.

Ha Inspiration The Number 5:

Quran [58.7] Do you not see that Allah knows whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth? Nowhere is there a secret counsel between three persons but He is the fourth of them, nor (between) five but He is the sixth of them, nor less than that nor more but He is with them where-so-ever they are; then He will inform them of what they did on the day of resurrection: surely Allah is Cognizant of all things.

Five (5) is the number of marriage, the union of the first true male (3) and (2) female numbers (3+2). The number five brings us to the expansion beyond three dimensions. It is raising the potential of matter. It is breathing life, and giving intelligence to matter. It mirrors unity. Symbolically, it is unity added to matter. (1+4).
Quran [15.29] So when I have made him complete and breathed into him of My spirit, fall down making obeisance to him.

When man is expressed as a pentagram or the number five, man symbolically joins heaven and earth. In symbolic language, five and its natural geometric constructs (pentagram, pentagon, dodecahedron) have been used to demonstrate the fundamental relationship between man, nature, and the creator for over 2,600 years. There are also the five Lataifs, or concentration points, (which are not to be confused with the Chakra system of the Yogis.) In Sufism the Lataif are located thus: Mind (qalb), color yellow, location left side of body; Spirit (ruh), color red, location right side of body; Consciousness (sirr), color white, location solar plexus; Intuition (khafi), color black, location forehead; Deep perception of consciousness (ikhfa), color


green, location center of chest. Order of activation practiced: Yellowred-white-black-green. Five (5) is inert matter, the mineral world organizes of crystal structures with symmetries and rhythms where numbers 3, 4 or 6 are recognized but never 5. On the contrary this number appears in abundance in the organic life, since the first marine organizations until in the fingers of our hands. And in the vegetable world where many are the families of plants with flowers presenting their 5 petals and their cheese cloths radiating in a regular figure. The number FIVE is thus associated to biological phenomena. FIVE is a fundamental number in civilizations as various as Chinese, Islamic or Maya for which, with the representation of an opened hand, Very widespread like symbol, it is found on the flags of multiple nations.
Red, Black, Green, Gold, and White the colors of our being, The union of God in me, five is what I am seeing.

Waw Creation The Number 6:

Quran [7.54] Surely your Lord is Allah, Who created the heavens and the earth in six periods of time, and He is firm in power; He throws the veil of night over the day, which it pursues incessantly; and (He created) the sun and the moon and the stars, made subservient by His command; surely His is the creation and the command; blessed is Allah, the Lord of the worlds.

The number six is the number of creation. The number six is the number of creation because Allah created the UNI-Verse in 6 days. This is the basis of the Muslims day of worship called Jumah (which is on Friday) because it is the birthday of mankind. Abu Huraira reported that the Holy Prophet, (PBUH), as saying: "The best day on which the sun has risen is Friday; on it Adam was created, on it he was made to enter Paradise, on it he was expelled from it. And the Last Hour will take place on no day other than Friday." The Holy Prophet also said on the occasion of Friday: "We who are the last shall be the first on the Day of resurrection, except that every Ummah (nation) was given the 11

Book before us and we where given it after them. It was this day (Friday) which Allah prescribed for us and guided us to it and the people came after us with regard to it, the Jews observing the next day and the Christians they day following that." Six is the number of perfection, not imperfection as in Christian mystery systems. Six is a perfect number because the sum of its divisors is itself: 6 = 1+2+3. The number six illustrates the six directions of extension of all solid bodies. The interlaced triangles picture the union of spirit and matter, male and female. The Star of David is a hexa-angular star, also called hexagram. As a light shining in the darkness, the star is often considered a symbol of truth, the spirit and of hope. "Every man and every woman is a star" the star is a symbol of the divine spark within each of us. Their nocturnal nature leads stars to represent the struggle against the forces of darkness and the unknown. Thus the hexagram or Star of David is a potent symbol of the interaction of the Divine with the mortal, of God with Humankind. It is no wonder that ancients associated the hexagram with mystical properties. In medieval times, both Christians and Moslems used the six-pointed star, as well as a five-pointed star. The hexagram is the true symbol of Islam.
Can you see Allahs creation in awe, and notice there is no mistake in it. He is lord of the wide, lord of the thin, lord of the short, lord of the tall.

Za Power The Number 7:

Quran [71.15] Do you not see how Allah has created the seven heavens, one above another,

Seven is the masculine number of creation. Seven, in the most ancient rules of mystery systems, we find the rule laid down that the number 7 is the only number capable of dividing the number the number of Eternity, and continuing in itself as long as the number representing Eternity lasts, and yet, at every addition of itself producing the number 9, or in other words it produces the basic number on which all materialistic calculations are built and on which all human beings depend and the whole edifice of human thought finds expression. The number 1 is the first number. It represents the First Cause, The Creator, and Allah. A circle of the zero, 0, has always been taking as 12

the symbol of endlessness - otherwise Eternity. Place the 1 and the figure zero by its side, and you get the significant symbol of eternity such a figure as 1,000,000. Divide by the mystic number 7 and you get the number 142857.
7)1,000,000 ----------142857.

Add as many zeros as you like, and keep on dividing by the 7, and you yourself may go on through all eternity and you can only get repetitions of the same 142857, which from time immemorial has been called the sacred number. Now add this number whenever you find it by natural addition, it will give you the figure 27, and as you have seen by the rule of natural addition described previously, you keep adding till only one number remains, to arrive at what is known as the root of the number. You add again 27 by natural addition and a 2 plus 7 equals 9, or in other words, you get the full range of the first series of numbers on which all materialistic or human calculations can be built. The number 7 is the base of our days of the week which is a multiplied by 4 (7x4) equal 28 days of the lunar calendar corresponding to the 28 Arabic numerals/letters. 7 Being the sum of 3 and 4, it can represent the union of heaven and earth. 7 Can also represent the power of Allah over creation (1+6=7).
Quran [25.59] Who created the heavens and the earth and what is between them in six periods, and He is firmly established on the throne of authority; the Beneficent God, so ask respecting it one aware.

7 In the Quran can also mean light and understanding. We have seven visible colors - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet- before starting a higher level or octave of vibrations, such as infrared and ultra-violet. The Quran is based on seven verses; witch is the opening chapter of the Quran called Al Fatiha.
Quran [15.87] And certainly We have given you seven of the oftrepeated (verses) and the grand Quran.

The word Nur for light in Arabic has the numerical value of 250. When further compounded 2+5+0=7. The number seven has relevancy with the world of sound. The easiest and most familiar way to study vibration is through sound. Any musician will tell you that all vibrations 13

of sound are grouped into octaves, and we know that oct means the number eight. In an octave there are seven fundamental "nodes" of vibration followed by an eighth. The eighth note has two purposes, in that it not only completes one octave but it also begins the next. Interesting enough it is by the sound (more accurately vibration) of Kun or Be the world came into existence. The numeric value of Kun is 70 compounded as (7+0=7). The decree of Allah before speaking the word Kun is Amr which has the numerical value of 241 compounded as (2+4+1=7). The geometric shape of the number seven is the Heptagon.
Allah has power over all, good to have this knowledge and humble yourselves. He is not a tyrant, no not at all.

HHa Judgment - The Number 8:

Quran [69.17] And the angels shall be on the sides thereof; and above ) I them eight shall bear on that day your Lord's power.

The number eight is the first cube, that is to say, squared in all senses, as a die, proceeding from its base two, and even number; so is man four-square, or perfect. The ancients thought of the # 8 as a shape with 8 sides and 8 corners. Such shape is called an octagon, a name that means "eight corners". The ancient Greek mathematicians discovered that every odd number above 1, when squared, results in a multiple of 8 plus 1, thus . They also found that all squares of odd numbers above 1 differed from each other by a multiple of 8, thus , or number 8 was the symbol for wisdom. . To the Greeks, the

The number eight composed of the four, the number of justice, when multiplied by two (4x2=8) it represent Allahs judgment. The law correspondence (#2) dictates that what is on high is also below. When this law is applied to justice (#4) it represents divine spiritual justice. The Day of Judgment is when all mankind is returned to Allah. Also the number eight is universal symbol of regeneration or resurrection. The number of creation (#6) plus duality (#2) expresses the two worlds or systems of knowledge; spiritual and the material. The number eight is also made from marriage (#5) and the family (#3) means a God centered family.


The Muslims believe that there were 8 paradises and this idea is suggested by the title Hasht bihisht, "8 Paradises", found several times in many Persian literature. But in all its applications the number eight is a holy number.
Thy shall not judge, means I will put my head in the ground and ignore what is around me. Thy shall not judge, try an act as if the guilty do not bother me, all I am doing is deceiving me.

TTa Awareness -The Number 9:

Quran [17.101] And certainly We gave Moses nine clear signs; so ask the children of Israel. When he came to them, Pharaoh said to him: Most surely I deem you, O Moses, to be a man deprived of reason.

Number 9 is the harmony of harmony" or 3x3=9; it is held unbounded" as it contains all the numbers within itself including zero through nine. The shape of 9 as a shape is called the nonagon or that with 9 sides and 9 corners. Man is a full chord, or 8 notes and the spiritual comes next. Twice 3 is a perfect dual , and 3 times 3 is a perfect plural ; thus the number three, being Harmony, nine represents a perfect harmony. It symbolizes the union and reconciliation of all mankind's concepts back to the one God - Allah. Being the largest number less than the decade, 9 also represents the highest unity. Allah used the number nine to warn Pharaoh through Moses. The significance of this is that nine is man, but if man exceeds the limit as Khalifa (#10) and acts as a tyrant then Allah will reduce him back 9 steps to the #1 (Unity) to recognize that Allah, the Lord of all the worlds is whom we all depend. In our position as Khalifa (#10) we are not to think that we are independent and act on our own accord without consideration of Allahs limits. The number 9 also symbolizes mankind, being that it takes 9 months for a human to actually come into being. Thus the number nine is awareness because it is when man became conscious and aware. This explains why 9 is a mystical number.
How Egypt shouldve headed the nine signs, they thought they had nine lives, but their civilization took a dive. Nations heed the nine and stay alive.

Ya Completion -The Number 10:


and whoever brings an evil deed, he shall be recompensed only with the like of it, and they shall not be dealt with unjustly.

Quran [6.160] Whoever brings a good deed, he shall have ten like it,

The number 10 is the fulfillment or completion of the Divine promise, and intent. The number ten is the start of a whole new order of numbers and the culmination of the numbers that come before it. This may seem to be merely a distinction given to ten under our decimal numbering system. However the numbering system in use in the time that the Quran was revealed was based on the number ten (10). A look at the number values assigned to the Arabic letters will show that the letters were given values from one to ten, then increasing in tens to 100 then increasing by 100's and so on. Thus in ancient times as in modern times ten is the start of a whole new order of numbers and the culmination of the numbers that come before it. Thus wherever ten is found this completeness of order is also seen. Ten implies completeness of order, nothing lacking and nothing over. It signifies that the cycle is complete and that everything is in its proper order. Thus ten represents the perfection of divine order. The shape for the number 10, is a shape with 10 sides and 10 corners called a decagon, which means "ten corners". It is also thought of 10 as a triangle made out of the sum of the first four natural numbers (1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10). This could be shown with 10 dots to form an equilateral triangle. Other meanings for the number10:
Symbol of the matter in harmony - 4 + 6. Represent the Creator and the creation, 3 + 7, the Harmony resting in the expressed universe. 10 is the symbol of the universe and it also expressed the whole of human knowledge. Sum of 5 + 5, the number 10 represents the two opposite current directions of the conscience: involution and evolution. 1 followed by 0 indicates the column and the circle, meaning the principle of the mail and female, and this symbol would refer Allah, being at the same time male and female. The zero in the form of circle is a symbol of unit, completing then the meaning of the number 1 to show that the number 10 contains all preceding numbers as a whole contains its parts. Represent the first couple, the marriage: 1 = the man, 0 the egg fertilized by the 1.


The number ten is regarded as the most perfect of numbers, because it contains the Unit that did it all, and the zero, symbol of the matter and the Chaos, of which all came out; it then includes in its figure the created and the non-created, the beginning and the end, the power and the force, the life and the nothing. It represents the straightness in the faith because it is the first number "in extension" (of two digits). Ten is called the number of all or universal, and the complete number marking the full course of life; it is totality, the achievement, the return to the unit after the development of the cycle of the first nine numbers. It represents the end of a cycle and the beginning of another. The ten was regarded as being the number of the life and the death.

Finally, the ten (10) symbolizes Allahs Khalifa. Once man has mastered himself (involution), and mastered his environment (evolution) he becomes the proper expression or ambassador of Allah on earth. Allah intended to create a Khalifa in the earth.
Quran [2.30] And when your Lord said to the angels, I am going to place in the earth a khalif, they said: What! Wilt Thou place in it such as shall make mischief in it and shed blood, and we celebrate Thy praise and extol Thy holiness? He said: Surely I know what you do not know.

Allah created the ab-original black man with this intention in mind:
Quran [15.26] And certainly We created man of clay that gives forth sound, of black mud fashioned in shape. . .

Walaqad khalaqna alinsana min salsalin min hamain masnoonin

Quran [15.28] Surely I am going to create a mortal of the essence of black mud fashioned in shape. . . .

Waith qala rabbuka lilmalaikati innee khaliqun basharan min salsalin min hamain masnoonin

Quran [15.29-30] So when I have made him complete and breathed into him of My spirit, fall down making obeisance to him. So the angels made obeisance, all of them together.


These group of verses refer to the Khalifa mentioned in Surah 2:30 whom Allah was to create in the earth. The operative words in Arabic here are hamain masnoonin which literally means Black Mud molded into shape. Many English transitions just translate it as mud but it is really black or dark mud. We often imagine an old man reaching into a mud puddle and shaping a human figure and performing CPR by breathing into his mouth. This image of Allah is childish in the least sense, but in a greater since is very anthropomorphic and contradicts physical evidence of our origins. We evolved, by Allahs will, through and evolutionary process guided and measured (Qadar) by Allah. Yes we were created but through an evolutionary means. We did not create ourselves.
Quran [38.75] He said: O Iblis! What prevented you that you should do obeisance to him whom I created with My two hands? Are you proud or are you of the exalted ones

The Hands of Allah? Are they physical hands like Human Beings? Allah answers:
"There is nothing like unto Him and He is the All-Hearer, the All-Seer." (42:11)

There are those who would like to take the Hand literally. But that is clearly wrong for the following reasons: 1. Taken literally, a hand means a forelimb, with a palm and dorsum, fingers and nails. To attribute that to Allah would be to ascribe a shape to the Almighty (Tamtheel wa Tashbeeh). 2. In the hadith we find references like "The Hand of Allah is on the Jamah (Party of believers)," and "Allah accepts Zakat and takes it in His Right Hand." Having knowledge of the fundamentals of faith is necessary to explain certain analogies. The literal meaning of an ayah referring to the Almighty Allah "The hand of Allah is over their hands" is not the correct one. Only by knowing about the article of faith concerning Allah's non-corporeality can the erroneous assumption that Allah has physical hands be prevented. If Allah doesnt have physical hands then He could not literally be molding a human shape but by evolutionary means.


What about the black mud? It is obviously a reference to our lowly evolutionary beginnings in East Africa. The Homo sapiens species originated in East Africa before slowly spreading across the world can be traced by the variations in the male sex chromosome. This suggests that modern man first appeared on the scene in Eastern Africa about 150,000 years ago, leaving between 35,000 and 89,000 years ago on a relentless push in which the species eventually conquered the planet. There are 167 identified genetic markers specific genetic sequences called alleles located in the Y chromosome, one of the two sex chromosomes (X and Y) which only men carry. Variations in these markers corresponded astonishingly to the geographical location of where the men live. In other words, the markers reflected the waves of human migration that unfolded across the world over tens of thousands of years. Each ripple caused a tiny disturbance in the male gene pool as the species intermingled and the Y chromosome adapted to the process of natural selection. And these can be assembled into 10 types, called haplogroups. Like branches off a family tree, the aboriginal black man migrated from Eastern Africa into the Middle East, then Southern and Southeast Asia, then New Guinea and Australia, followed by Europe and Central Asia. Some modern-day men in Sudan, Ethiopia and Southern Africa are the closest lineal descendants to the first Homo sapiens who set out on that great trek. "A minority of contemporary East Africans and Khoisan (people from Southern Africa) represent the descendants of the most ancestral patrilineages of anatomically modern humans that left Africa between 35,000 and 89,000 years ago. Its always been Allahs intention to evolve the hued man (human) into the imam or leader of the nations of the world. This is the indication of the number #10. It began with Black people and shall end with them so that they can usher in the new order set forth by Allah.
Its time for us to be completely truthful and honest ten times over. God always keeps His promise, much of which we need to discover.

Kaf Being -The Number 20:

Quran [8.65] O Prophet! urge the believers to war; if there are twenty patient ones of you they shall overcome two hundred, and if there are a hundred of you they shall overcome a thousand of


those who disbelieve, because they are a people who do not understand.

The number 20 or Kaf is 10 (Ya) plus 10 (ya) therefore the kaf represents the Divine in both its potential and actual manifestations. When He created this world in its outer appearance, it had a beginning. As the word kun which means be, the word has a beginning and an end. It begins with kaf and ends with nun; the letter kaf representing the body and nun, which can be found within kaf, the soul. But what is behind this word is another thing. When He puts His last word into manifestation, actually these people will be continuing always, never stopping. Even after their bodies go their spirits are still going to Allah. Know that the world of unification lies beyond sense, if you want unity, march in that direction. (Rumi: Mathnavi) For example, if he brings a jar of honey, many see the jar of honey and say, this is honey; but who tastes the honey, knows the real meaning of the honey. Two letters (Kaf & Nun) are needed because all creatures come together in pairs in order to reproduce; this represents a fundamental law of the universe. The letters k and n are important because of their numerical values. The value for k is 20 and that for n is 50, giving a total of 70 which further compounds to just 7 (7+0=7) or Power of Allah. As a side note: Allah is not a being or a by product of the divine utterance KUN or be. Therefore Allah should not be referred to as the Supreme Being because He is not a result of his own words. The Supreme Being properly should be applied to the ab-original Black Man. The # 20 is related to the number of proteinogenic amino acids that are encoded by the standard genetic code. The placement value of Kaf is also very significant, which is the number eleven. It symbolizes enlightment.
Quran [12.4] When Yusuf said to his father: O my father! surely I saw eleven stars and the sun and the moon-- I saw them making obeisance to me.

Eleven sometimes represent sin; transgression and peril. Ten being the perfect number, eleven represents the exceeding of both. It is interesting to note that eleven when broken down (1+1=2) comprises the Two of duality. But, if ten is ordinal perfection, then eleven is perfect organization plus one more, one extra, something more than only what is required. The number eleven for eons has been known as the number of enlightenment ... in fact a gateway to enlightenment that's often seen symbolically 20

represented by twin pillars erected on either side of an entrance to ancient mystery temples. The left hand pillar as representing strength, whilst the right hand pillar is set up to establish righteousness ... so figuratively we find eleven possesses a dual characteristic, for strength plus established righteousness equals stability. Eleven is a master number, meaning that it is not reduced to a single digit, positioned at the beginning of a master sequence of numbers. In other words; 11 is a Master Number, as are all double digit numbers, such as 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, and 99. Eleven and each alternate eleven in the series are considered "as above" numbers that are more spiritual in nature, whereas the rest are regarded as "so below" numbers, reflecting the physical plane.

Eleven is a power number as is 22, 33 etc. The number 11 represents the vision. The number 22 combines vision with action. The number 33 offers guidance to the world. The master numbers 11, 22, and 33 represent a triangle. A triangle of enlightenment or illumination:

33 11 22

The 11 in the Soul's Urge of the Conscious Self - United. There are three major master numbers; these numbers are 11 and 22; by the addition of these two we get the third number of 33. This system of assigning mastery ends with 33 because the number 3 is the root of creativity and therefore sufficient for all else - just like all manmade colors come from the three primary colors even though the full color spectrum displays in seven colors. Eleven is considered the indication of master knowledge of the material (physical) plane - how to make use of all that is around us. Twenty-two indicates master knowledge of the cosmic plane - how everything operates together and in harmony -- the All. The number thirty-three therefore indicates a master knowledge of both. Whether or not such knowledge of any


plane has been brought forward to the conscious mind is a matter of personal experience and reflection. As it seems, all rules have their "exceptions". There is a point where you do NOT reduce the double number and that is when you arrive at a Master Number. BUT keep in mind that 11 & 22 do reduce to a single number (i.e; (11) 1+1=2, (22) 2+2=4). Thus master numbers are under the influence of the single digit numbers. The Master Number however, has spiritual meaning at a higher level. Master Numbers have such high intensity that a rest is needed in its base (reduced single number) digit. Eleven, according to the Arabs, represents the knowledge of Allah, this one passing by 11 steps. In our final analysis: Eleven is the symbol of - Illumination, revelation, intuition, visionary leader, sensitivity, creativeness, inspirational, revelation, uplifts humanity, brings light, and Spiritual Light Messenger.


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