Ucse0302 Mse
Ucse0302 Mse
Ucse0302 Mse
Blooms Po
Marks CO’s
Level Level
Q.1 Attempt any three 18
A Define with examples i) We1l formed formula ii) Substitution 6 CO1 L1 PO1
Instance iii) Tautological Implications
B Define indexed set. Given S = {a1, a2…a8} , what subsets are 6 CO1 L1 PO1
represented by B19 and B29? How will you designate subsets {a6,
a7} and {a3}
C Explain the properties of binary relations in a set with examples 6 CO1 L2 PO1
D Solve to obtain the Prefix & infix form of following formulas 6 CO2 L3 PO2
respectively i) Q ( R P Q) ii) PQ QR PR
Q.2 Attempt any two 16
A Solve to obtain PCNF and PDNF of 8 CO2 L3 PO2
𝑷 → (( 𝑷 → 𝑸) ∧ ⏋( ⏋𝑸 𝑽 ⏋𝑷))
B Explain Venn diagrams. Show the following with Venn diagram i) 8 CO2 L2 PO2
𝐴 ∩ 𝐵 = 𝐴 ∩ 𝐶 𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝐵 ≠ 𝐶 i) A B A C but B C
C Explain Semigroups and Monoids with their properties and 8 CO1 L2 PO1
Q.3 Attempt any two 16
A What is Relation matrix. Let X = {1, 2, 3, 4} and R = {<x, 8 CO1 L1 PO1
y>|x>y}. Draw the graph of relation R and give its matrix.
B Define w. r. t. Algebra – i) Epimorphism ii) Monomorphism iii) 8 CO1 L1 PO1
Isomorphism iv) Endomorphism
C Explain Partial ordering Relation with example. Illustrate with 8 CO1 L2 PO1
Hasse diagram , the following sets under partial ordering relation
divides and indicate which are totally ordered
i) {2, 6, 24} ii) {3, 5, 15}
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