GP Assignment 2 Fin534 Latest

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Accounting Department Survey Data

Employee Gender Years of Service Years Undergraduate Study

Graduate Degree Age Group
1 F 17 4 N 41-45
2 F 6 2 N 26-30
3 M 8 4 Y 31-35
4 F 8 4 Y 31-35
5 M 16 4 Y 36-40
6 F 21 1 N 51-55
7 M 27 4 N 51-55
8 F 7 4 Y 26-30
9 M 8 4 N 31-35
10 M 23 2 N 41-45
11 F 9 4 Y 31-35
12 F 8 2 N 26-30
13 F 8 4 Y 26-30
14 M 26 4 N 46-50
15 F 9 4 N 26-30
16 F 9 2 N 26-30
17 M 19 2 Y 36-40
18 M 5 4 N 36-40
19 M 19 4 Y 51-55
20 M 20 4 N 46-50
21 F 14 4 Y 36-40
22 M 31 4 N 51-55
23 F 10 0 N 51-55
24 F 10 4 N 31-35
25 M 26 4 Y 46-50
26 M 28 4 N 51-55
27 F 5 4 N 21-25
For the data in the excel file Accounting Professionals, perform a chi-square test of independence
to determine if age group is independent of having a graduate degree.

H0= Age and graduate degree are dependent

H1= Age and graduate degree are independent

Significant level
α = 0.05

Count of Employee Column Labels
Row Labels 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51-55 Grand Total
N 1 4 2 1 2 2 5 17
Y 2 3 3 1 1 10
Grand Total 1 6 5 4 2 3 6 27

Count of Graduate Degree Column Labels
Row Labels 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51-55 Grand Total
F 0.6296 3.7778 3.1481 2.5185 1.2593 1.8889 3.7778 14
M 0.3704 2.2222 1.8519 1.4815 0.7407 1.1111 2.2222 13
Grand Total 1.0000 6.0000 5.0000 4.0000 2.0000 3.0000 6.0000 27


Count of Graduate Degree Column Labels
Row Labels 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51-55 Grand Total
F 0.2179 0.0131 0.4187 0.9156 0.4357 0.0065 0.3954 14
M 0.3704 0.0222 0.7119 1.5565 0.7407 0.0111 0.6722 13
Grand Total 1.0000 6.0000 5.0000 4.0000 2.0000 3.0000 6.0000 27

P-VALUE 0.4965
D.F 6.0000

Do not reject H0 because the p-value amounted 0.4965 is higher than alfa, which is 0.05
In an environmental impact study for a new airport, the noise levels of various jets were just seconds after their wheels left the ground. The
jets were either wide-bodied or narrow-bodied. The noise levels (decibels) for 12 wide-bodied jets and 10 narrow-bodied jets were

wide narrow
105 106.9
105.4 108.2
106.4 111.6
107.3 114.1
108.1 115.5
109.2 116.3
109.5 122
113.7 126.8
117.3 126.9
121.7 131.4

Describe the data

wide narrow

Mean 110.36 Mean 117.97

Standard Error 1.743189924 Standard Error 2.659910191
Median 108.65 Median 115.9
Mode #N/A Mode #N/A
Standard Deviation 5.512450554 Standard Deviation 8.411374574
Sample Variance 30.38711111 Sample Variance 70.75122222
Kurtosis 0.57088489 Kurtosis -1.231510983
Skewness 1.201673536 Skewness 0.294767886
Range 16.7 Range 24.5
Minimum 105 Minimum 106.9
Maximum 121.7 Maximum 131.4
Sum 1103.6 Sum 1179.7
Count 10 Count 10

Skewness for wide bodied jet is positive skewed with high moderate of skewness because the value is more than 1 which is 1.20
Skewness for narrow bodied jet is positive skewed with relative symmetary of skewness because the value is less than 0.5 which is 0.29

Kurtosis for wide bodied jet is a wide degree of dispersion since the value is less than 3 which is 0.57
Kurtosis for narroe bodied jet is a wide degree of dispersion since the value is less than 3 which is -1.23

t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Unequal Variances

wide narrow
Mean 110.36 117.97
Variance 30.38711111 70.75122222
Observations 10 10
Hypothesized Mean Difference 0
df 16
t Stat -2.392912181
P(T<=t) one-tail 0.014664973
t Critical one-tail 1.745883676
P(T<=t) two-tail 0.029329945
t Critical two-tail 2.119905299
Test if there is difference in the decibel levels of wide-bodied and narrow-bodied jets?

µ1= Wide Bodied

µ2=Narrow Bodied





t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Unequal Variances

wide narrow
Mean 110.36 117.97
Variance 30.38711111 70.75122222
Observations 10 10
Hypothesized Mean Difference 0
df 16
t Stat -2.392912181
P(T<=t) one-tail 0.014664973
t Critical one-tail 1.745883676
P(T<=t) two-tail 0.03
t Critical two-tail 2.12


P-VALUE 0.03
ALPHA 0.05


Reject H0 because p-value is lower than alpha, thus we have enough evidence to prove that there are
differences in the noise level (decibels) of wide bodied jet and narrow bodied jet
Anuya, a PhD student is interested the nicotine content of four different brands of cigarettes.
Within the same brand nicotine content varies. She wants to test if the nicotine content across the
brand is different. She buys 10 cigarettes from each brand and test for the nicotine content. The
observations are as follow:

BrandA BrandB BrandC BrandD

10.07 8.6 6.79 9.96
9.47 8.13 10.92 5.85
9.12 11.34 11.39 10.3
11.37 9.35 9.7 9.71
11.4 9.3 8.04 10.75
11.29 10.02 10.72 8.03
10.68 9.58 11.24 13.13
8.13 6.46 7.71 11.86
10.51 8.26 7.57 11.33
10.66 5.01 9.09 10.48

a) Help Anuya test her hypothesis.

H0= content of nicotine from each brand are dependent and no different from each other
H1= content of nicotine from each brand are independent and different from each other

Anova: Single Factor

Groups Count Sum Average Variance
BrandA 10 102.7 10.27 1.165244
BrandB 10 86.05 8.605 3.260094
BrandC 10 93.17 9.317 2.931379
BrandD 10 101.4 10.14 4.100156

Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Between Groups 18.09458 3 6.031527 2.105819 0.116612 2.866266
Within Groups 103.1119 36 2.864218

Total 121.2064 39

F= 2.106
P-value= 0.117

Based on result above, F which is 2.106 more than P-value, 0.117 so we can conclude these variance are
significant and different from each others

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