PEH3 All Strand

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Green Rose Center for Academe Inc.

Purok GemelinaEstaca Compostela Cebu

Mobile No. 0933-1617936 / Landline No. (032) 425-6216
Subject: P.E &H. - 3
Topic: Nature of the Different Dances
Week: 1 Notes: 1

Ballroom Dances

• People all over the world enjoy the social and competitive nature of ballroom dancing. Ballroom
dances are partner dances enjoyed socially and competitively worldwide. The following 10
ballroom dances are popular on dance floors, on stages, in film, and on television. How many
of these ballroom dances are you familiar with?

10 Ballroom popular dances

1. Bolero is a 3/4 dance smooth, sophisticated, sentimental ballroom dance that originated in
Spain in the late 18th century. The emphasis is on smoothness, grace and communication
between partners. The dance should tell the story of a couple falling in love. The partners change
from a very close hold to solo dancing, and then come together as one.

2. Cha Cha is a vibrant, flamboyant and playful dance. The light and bubbly feel of the Cha Cha
gives it a unique sense of fun for dancers throughout the world. The Cha Cha requires small
steps and lots of hip motion (Cuban motion), as it is danced in 4/4 time.
3. Waltz is a dance very slow and elegant. Its main technique is rise and fall throughout. It’s a
dance in triple time performed by a couple who as a pair turn rhythmically around and around
as they progress around the dance floor.
4. Tango is a very dramatic dance with lots of sharp movements that is mostly danced with bent
knees the entire time. It was created in the Argentinean region of Rio de la Plata.
5. Rumba is the slowest dance in the International Latin style and its sensual character is meant
to emphasize hip and body actions. Since its creation in 1930s many types of Rumba were
created, most notably Cuban Rumba, Catalan Rumba.

6. Samba is a famous dance and musical genre that originated from the coast of Africa and land
of Brazil. This partner dance mimics the Brazilian “Carnival” feeling and there is lot of “bounce”
action created through knees and ankles.
7. Mambo is fast with lots of body actions and ticks to accentuate the Latin music. This Cuban
dance that accompanies the music of the same name was introduced in 1930s, and quickly
managed to gain popularity.

8. Quick Step is all about moving energetically across the floor with hops, skips and flicks.
Quickstep was developed in the twenties in New York and was first danced by Caribbean and
African dancers. Its origins are in combination of slow foxtrot combined with the Charleston.
9. Jive is the quickest dance in this style and has lots of kicks. The idea is to show lots of energy
and personality in this dance. The Jive is a dance style that originated in the United States from
African-American in the early 1930s.
10. Viennese Waltz was the first ballroom dance performed in the closed hold or "waltz" position.
It differs from the much more famous "English Slow Waltz" by having much faster 180 beats
per minute.

Traditional Jazz Dances

• Jazz dance developed alongside jazz music in New Orleans in the early 1900s. The steps and
essential style of this dance, however, originated from dances of Africans brought to the
Americas as slaves. Originally, the term jazz dance encompassed any dance done to jazz music,
including both tap dance and jitterbug.
1. Charleston: The Charleston was a very popular dance of the 1920s, danced by both young
women (Flappers) and young men of that generation. The Charleston involves the fast-paced
swinging of the legs as well as big arm movements.
2. Boogie-woogie: This quick and energetic style of dance became widely popular during 1930s
and 1940s.
3. Moonwalk: is a dance move in which the dancer moves backwards while appearing to move
4. Swing: This dance is today synonym for the jazz and swing music of the 1920s-1930s.Because
of the many styles of Jazz music, Swing also comes in many flavors.
5. Tap Dance: is a form of dance characterized by using the sounds of tap shoes striking the floor
as a form of percussion.
Latin Dances
• Latin dances hail from several different countries in South and Central America, and most have
influences that range far beyond this region. Some dances are easier to learn than others, but
all Latin dances have a flair that both spectators and dancers alike adore. Some of the most
popular are the Flamenco, Salsa, Argentino Tango, Lambada …
1. Lambada is a famous dance that originated from Para, Brayil became internationally popular
during 1980s.
2. Salsa is one of the hottest Latin dances out there with lots of underarm turns, hip action and
styling. This Latin dance is today one of the most popular dances in Latin America, North
America, Europe and Australia.
3. Flamenco Originally flamenco dancing was not set to music; it was only singing and clapping
of hands called “toque de palmas." Some flamenco dancing still follows ancient tradition, but
the use of guitars and other musical instruments has become more popular in modern flamenco.
Other Dances

• (Professional Performance Dance, Modern Dances & Hip-Hop/Funk Dances)

So many other types of dances exist, so let me introduce you briefly to some of the most popular.

1. Professional Performance Dance was first introduced in the early years of Italian

Renaissance when music, dance, arts and poetry started to rise in popularity after the

millennia of medieval stagnation. Refined by the efforts of the France and Russia, ballet

became the premier technical concert dance. Hailed as one of the most revered and most

complicated dance of all time, ballet continued its rise to worldwide domination. In the

modern times, many other professional dances came to be, such as Contemporary dance,

Modern Dance, Concert dance, but none of them managed to surpass the complexity,

physical strain, and heritage of ballet.

2. Modern Dances: Advancements in music technology brought the birth of many new

types of dances. Introduction of electronic and rock music brought the era of House,

Punk, Rave and Disco dance. Faraway country of India did not cared much for those

styles, and in accordance to the deeply seeded religious beliefs, they incorporated dance

of their gods to everyday life and was and profitable Bollywood movie scene.

3. Hip-Hop & Funk dance: Dancing style of Hip-Hop evolved from the music style that

was first introduced during 1970s. Powered by the great popularity, exposure in media,

movies and television programs, hip-hop dances found a great foothold in United States,

France, United Kingdom and South Korea. A very similar style called Funk was also

created during 1970s, and is today regarded as one of the most influential pieces of Hip-

hop dance styles.

PEH3 Drill 1
Name: _____________________________________ Date: _______________
Parent’s Signature: ___________________________ Score: ______________

A. (True or False) Write T of the statement is correct and False otherwise.

_________________1. Professional Performance Dance was hailed as one of the most revered and
most complicated dance of all time; ballet continued its rise to worldwide

_________________2. Salsa is one of the most popular dances in Latin America, North America,
Europe and Australia.

_________________3. Swing also comes in many flavors.

_________________4. Moonwalk is a form of dance characterized by using the sounds of tap shoes
striking the floor as a form of percussion.

_________________5. Cha Cha is a vibrant, flamboyant and playful dance.

_________________6. Tango is the slowest dance in the International Latin style and its sensual
character is meant to emphasize hip and body actions.

_________________7. Lambada was not set to music; it was only singing and clapping of hands
called “toque de palmas."

_________________8. Bolero is a dance that should tell the story of a couple falling in love.

_________________9. Hip-Hop & Funk dance brought the birth of many new types of dances.

_________________10. Boogie-woogie is a dance move in which the dancer moves backwards while
appearing to move forwards.

PEH 3 Assignment 1

Choose one type of dance based on the topic that was discussed. Find more information of the type
of dance that you’ve chosen and present it on the next session.

Green Rose Center for Academe Inc.
Purok GemelinaEstaca Compostela Cebu
Mobile No. 0933-1617936 / Landline No. (032) 425-6216
Subject: P.E &H. - 3
Topic: One’s Potential for Health – and
Dance related Career Opportunities
Week: 2 Notes: 2

Dance Related Careers

The world of dance is an ephemeral field. Maintaining a career as a full time dancer can be elusive,
difficult to maintain, and short lived. However, there are many ways to extend a career in dance and
remain active in your field or transition to something different entirely. Here are some ideas to

1. Become a dance teacher.

This is perhaps one of the most popular career choices for dancers. You can teach at a studio, in a
public school system with the proper qualifications, or a college dance program with a Master’s

Being a dance teacher allows you to remain active physically while sharing your knowledge with
others. You can also remain creative through choreographing routines for class and performances
regularly. It helps to know which age group you want to teach, as some will require extra training or
college degrees.

This is a great option that helps extend the longevity of a dance career.
Without dance teachers, the field of dance as we know it today would not exist!

2. Choreograph.

Search out grant programs in your city to fund your work. Contact local theater groups who may be
interested in hiring a choreographer for their plays or musicals. Seek out large scale entertainment
companies who may need a choreographer for corporate or commercial work. Start your own dance
company and forge a new, creative path!

3. Work in arts administration for a dance company or theater.

Your experience in the dance world will have given you a thorough understanding of the arts in
general, and transitioning to a desk job is a good option to stay involved in the field if you desire a
less physically active career.

This is a great position for those who can organize budgetary finances, schedule meetings,
rehearsals, or shows, organize fundraisers, and be a support to the artistic director and overall vision
of the company.

4. Become a yoga or Pilates Instructor.

Yoga and Pilates are not only great conditioning supplements for dancers, but they also make
wonderful second careers and additional income to full-time dancers.

The language of dance crosses over well into these fields. The breadth of kinesthetic knowledge from
dance training translates effectively when teaching these mind-body techniques.

There are several types of trainings you can take to teach either field, ranging from 200-500 hour
yoga teacher training, Pilates mat training, to full Pilates apparatus training. Most gyms and studios
will require this in-depth training in order to teach.

In addition to teaching at such facilities, you can also teach private lessons or at corporate offices.
These are great career choices for dancers who either wish to continue to dance, or transition into a
field that may be gentler on their body while allowing them to remain physically active.

5. Marketing for dancers.

This field may be closely related to working in arts administration for a company, or you could
become a full blown graphic designer.

Work in this field could entail designing and maintaining web pages, designing flyers and other
promotional materials, promoting events through social media, and more. Graphic design work may
require additional training, which you could receive through online courses, community classes, or
attending college to obtain a degree.

6. Become a dance photographer or videographer.

As a dancer, you have probably been on the other side of the lens many times. You already have an
awareness of movement when you take the leap into the photography world, giving you an edge to
predict great photo moments or video framing.

It could even lead to a bigger career in photography. Dancers and choreographers, especially, often
have a great eye for creating imagery – after all, dance is essentially creating images with our bodies.

7. Costume or clothing designer.

As a dancer, you have been surrounded by costumes either your entire life or your entire career. You
also know what feels good to practice in. With this advantage, you can create costumes, dancewear,
or clothing that is designed to be moved in or move well with the body!

Learning to sew and create your own costumes could lead into working in the costume department of
a dance company.

If you are passionate about designing your own gear, you could even start your own line. The
internet has paved the way for a booming self-employment market, with marketplaces such as Etsy
and independent online storefronts powered by PayPal or Shopify.

8. Become a physical therapist or dance medicine specialist.

As dancers, we know our bodies very well. If you have had extensive training, such as going through
a college degree program, you probably have a wide range of anatomy and kinesiology knowledge.

Injuries in dance are unfortunately common, and you may have even experienced some yourself and
gone through physical therapy.

Even if you just have the curiosity, this can be an excellent and lucrative field for a dancer to enter.
The ability to relate to a dancer and understand the dancer’s body as a physical therapist or medical
doctor will give you an advantage that is hard to beat.

These are just a few ideas to get you started on how you can either extend your dance career, or
transition into a new field. When searching for new jobs, be sure to think about all of the great things
dance has provided you, such as discipline, punctuality, dedication, creativity, kinesthetic awareness,
and more.

Know that your drive to succeed does not have to stop with dance, but you can take these many
wonderful qualities to open new doors, build new bridges, and have a successful and happy life, no
matter what you do.


Name: _____________________________________ Date: _______________

Parent’s Signature: ___________________________ Score: ______________

Direction: (True or False) Write T of the statement is correct and false otherwise.

_________________1. Injuries in dance are fortunately common.

________________2. Dance is essentially creating images with our bodies.

________________3. Being a dance teacher allows you to remain inactive physically while sharing
your knowledge with others.

________________4. Without dance teachers, the field of dance as we know it today would exist.

________________5. You can also remain creative through choreographing routines for class and
performances regularly.

________________6. As a dancer, you’ve been surrounded by costumes either your entire life or
your entire career.

________________7. Most gyms and studios will not require this in-depth training in order to teach.

________________8. If you have had extensive training, such as going through a college degree
program, you don’t probably have a wide range of anatomy and kinesiology

________________9. Dancers and choreographers, especially, often have a great eye for creating
imagery – after all

________________10. The breadth of kinesthetic knowledge from dance training translates

effectively when teaching these mind-body techniques.

Green Rose Center for Academe Inc.
PurokGemelinaEstacaCompostela Cebu
Mobile No. 0933-1617936 / Landline No. (032) 425-6216

Subject: PEH3
Topic: All about Dance
Week: 3 Notes: 3

Introduction to dance

According to baraba Mettler, 1980, " dance is an activity which can take many forms and fill many
different needs. It can be recreation, entertainment, education, therapy and religion. In its purest
and most basic form, dance is art, the art of body movement".


It is a form of art using rhythmic bodily movements expressing ideas and emotions and accompanied
by music.

• As an art form, it may tell a story, set a good, or express an emotion.

• It is also a form of recreation.
• It is also a form of socialization.


Prehistoric period

The Egyptians wear the first greet culture to infuse it society with the magic of dance; which evolved
from the simplest rituals used by hunters to find their prey.

Greek Period

Greek dance evolved from basic dramatic form which incorporated dance, music, spoken word, and

Participation in dancing drama festival was a religious exercise not merely and amusement.

There we're more than 200 Greek dances designed for every mood and purpose.

Roman Period

Done imported entertainers from Greece to perform theatrical pieces in order of gods and to amuse a
population weary from applaud. Romance where influenced by Grecian models, putting the most
emphasis on the spectacle and mime to the extent that dancing itself almost disappeared.

Medieval Period

Originally dance movements were part of dramatic rituals, the best - known of which is the latin
mass. By the middle ages this works moved from inside the churches to the out - of - doors. Another
important rite of the middle ages was known as the dance of death.

Renaissance Period

This Period saw the birth of the theatre, where such dance was used as a political machinery to show
splendor, wealth and power.

Classic Period

During the middle 17th century, become a spectacle in every chord. Public ballet performances
involved more than just dancing because they wear a mixture of poetry, music, dialogue, and
elaborate dance. Such ballet performance was known as ballets a entrees.

Modern Period

During the 20th century, jazz and tap dance became popular and musically continued to flourish.
Social dances such as the fox trot, 2hype in step, boston, charleston, castle walk, castle polka, tango,
conga, and rumba.

Benefits of dance and creative movement

• develops cardiovascular and muscular endurance

• increase self-esteem and improve body image
• helps keep the brain sharp
• decreases incidence of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, depression
• improves coordination and balance flexibility and body composition
• lowers cardiovascular disease resting heart rate
• gives sense of togetherness within a group
• enables joint flexibility promotes cultural values

The elements of dance

➢ space

Area surrounding a person in which he she is able to move

▪ shape
▪ level
▪ direction
▪ focus
▪ size

➢ time

The duration of the movement

▪ beat - the ongoing underlying pulse.

▪ Tempo - how fast or slow the movements.
▪ Accent - strong beats that usually occur at regular intervals.
▪ Rhythmic patterns - arranging long and short movement or strong and light movement.
▪ Duration - the length of time the movement lasts.

➢ Force

How body uses energy while moving.

▪ Body
▪ port
▪ shape
▪ base

What makes a good dance?

A good dance displays a significant meaning or conveys a message, it also portrays life experiences.

It has beginning, middle and end / conclusion.

Form - is the instrument by which ideas and elements are arranged or combined into a logical

Phrase - is the smallest unit of form in the whole dance. A single phrase consists of eight counts. It
is easier for building routines and carrier graphic combination with an 8 count phrase.

Motif - to be able to convey its meaning or intention to the audience.

Characteristics of a good dance

Unity - interconnected phrases of the dance are coherent and flow smoothly together. It attracts
and holds the audience's attention.

Variety and contrast - add excitement and flavor in the dance. Changing the direction, use of
energy, timing of a movement praise and avoiding repeating them in exact way our way to add
variety to the dance.

Transition - also vital because it keeps the unity and continuity of the dance. It may vary from
length and complexity.

Reputation - usually when a certain perception of theory is repeated, it is the main message of the
dance. Also the audience can see those movements again and identify its significance.

Climax - the apex of energy in the dance is reached.

Green Rose Center for Academe Inc.
PurokGemelinaEstacaCompostela Cebu
Mobile No. 0933-1617936 / Landline No. (032) 425-6216


Name: _____________________________________ Date: _______________

Parent’s Signature: ___________________________ Score: ______________

A. Identify the following sentence to its corresponding answer.

________________1. It is evolved from the simplest rituals used by hunters to find their prey.

________________2. It is during the 20th century, jazz and tap dance became popular and musically
continued to flourish.

_________________3. It is influenced by Grecian models, putting the most emphasis on the

spectacle and mime to the extent that dancing itself almost disappeared.

_________________4. It is during the middle 17th century, become a spectacle in every chord.

_________________5. This dance evolved from basic dramatic form which incorporated dance,
music, spoken word, and costumes.

_________________6. This Period saw the birth of the theatre.

____________ 7. the smallest unit of form in the whole dance.

_________________ 8. It adds excitement and flavor in the dance.

_________________ 9. It is the instrument by which ideas and elements are arranged or combined
into a logical sequence.

________________ 10. It the length of time the movement lasts.

Green Rose Center for Academe Inc.
PurokGemelinaEstacaCompostela Cebu
Mobile No. 0933-1617936 / Landline No. (032) 425-6216


Name: _____________________________________ Date: _______________

Parent’s Signature: ___________________________ Score: _____________

Criteria: Content: 6 points Neatness: 4 points Total: 10points

In your own opinion, what is the importance of dance into your life?

Green Rose Center for Academe Inc.
PurokGemelinaEstacaCompostela Cebu
Mobile No. 0933-1617936 / Landline No. (032) 425-6216
Subject: PEH3
Topic: World of Dance
Week: 4 Notes: 4

World of dance

Dance comes in different forms. All dance style is not alike and they are distinctive. In this unit, we

will explore the nature several traditional and contemporary dances. The first part will deal with answers

that are considered an art form, and the fart cover dances that may be performed and utilized for local

or national competition. We will also learn and experience some of these dances by studying and

performing their fundamental dance steps. Lastly, we will learn how to create simple dance routine

from the fundamental dance terms of each them genre.

Dance as an art

Dance is an art which deals with the emotion of human body. - James K. Feibleman, a Greek


Dance is an art of these bodily movements that projects ordered sequence of moving visual patterns

of line, solid shape, and color (Thomas Munro in Kraus and Gaufman, 1981). The postures and gestures

which today's visual patterns are created suggest kinesthetic experiences of tension, relaxation and

emotional moods and attitudes associated with them. Some this dances that are considered and our

form our folk dance, ballet, and contemporary dance.

Philippine folk dance

Folk dances are the indigenous dances of any specific "folk" for the common people. They are

traditional customary or recreational dance forms of a given country which have evolved naturally and

we're handed down across generation.

Folk dance is a related to everything of importance in our daily lives, such as customs, rituals and

occupations of the specific group of people. Most of these dances are related in origin to religious

belief, stemming from emotions, superstition, festivals, ceremonies at birth, courtship, marriage, death,

war and countless things common to all people around the world according to Duggan, Schlottmann

and Rutledge (1948), " folk dance became over expression of emotion and ideas which were peculiarly

significant or the reenactment of customs and events instituting and important part of their history and

patterns of daily living.

Lopez (2006) define Philippine folk dance as "a traditional mode of expression that employs bodily

movements of redundant patterns linked to definitive features of rhythmic beats or music."

She further stated the Philippine folk dance, to be called such, and have the following characteristics:

1. It is traditional.

2. It has an expressive behavior.

3. Simple, basic rhythm donates the folk dance and establishes the pattern of movement.

4. It is created by unknown choreographer or by communal efforts.

5. It performs a function in the life of the (folk) people.

Oftentimes, the term folk dance is being confused or used interchangeably with ethnic and national


Green Rose Center for Academe Inc.
PurokGemelinaEstacaCompostela Cebu
Mobile No. 0933-1617936 / Landline No. (032) 425-6216


Name: _____________________________________ Date: _______________

Parent’s Signature: ___________________________ Score: ______________

Directions: Site 5 examples of Philippine folk dance and provide some information in each example.






Green Rose Center for Academe Inc.
PurokGemelinaEstacaCompostela Cebu
Mobile No. 0933-1617936 / Landline No. (032) 425-6216

Subject: PEH3
Topic: Differences between Folk national and Ethnic national dance
Week: 5 Notes: 5

Let’s Learn
What are the differences between folk national and ethnic national dance?

Folk dances are traditional dances found in certain country while national dances are also
traditional folk dances but have a national scope. The Philippine dances Carinosa, Curacha ,and
Pandango, are examples national folk dances as they are popular dentist throughout the country.
Pandango, for example has several variations coming from both Luzon and Visayas islands. Even within
one locality, dancers have different place of performing it.

Examples of Pandango dances are:

• pandango Ilocano
• pandangoVisayas
• pandangoDumagueteno
• pandangoIvatan
• pandangoRinconada
• Pandangosailaw

Ethnic dances or ethnology call dances are those performed in primitive tribes and have retained
their custom. These dances may "require a certain level of special performing skills" (Kraus, 1962)
hats are symbolic in meaning, making it harder for those outside the group to understand.
In the Philippines, dances originating from the Ifugao people of the northern Luzon, T’boli tribe from
Southern Mindanao, and Tagnaua tribe from Palawan are examples of ethnic dances. Below are fe
examples of the different types of ethnic dances:

a. Ritual dances – dances depict ritual ceremonies. Examples are Dugso (Bukidnon) and Padidiwata
b. Life-cycle dances – dances relating to the cycle of human life such as birthing, courtship,
wedding and funeral. Examples are Binasuan (Pangasinan) and Daling-daling (Muslim courtship
dance from Sulu).
c. Occupational dances – dances that exhibit work and occupation of the dancers. Examples
are Mag-Asik (Cotabato) and Mananagat (Cebu) dances.
All national and ethnic dances are folk dances, but not all dances are considered national or
ethnic dances.

Green Rose Center for Academe Inc.
PurokGemelinaEstacaCompostela Cebu
Mobile No. 0933-1617936 / Landline No. (032) 425-6216


Name: _____________________________________ Date: _______________

Parent’s Signature: ___________________________ Score: ______________

Directions: Answer the following questions briefly.

1. What is the importance of Folk Dance?

2. What is the importance of Ethnic Dance?

Green Rose Center for Academe Inc.
PurokGemelinaEstacaCompostela Cebu
Mobile No. 0933-1617936 / Landline No. (032) 425-6216
Subject: PEH3
Topic: Different types of Philippine Folk Dances
Week: 6 Notes: 6

What are the different types of Philippine Folk dances?

The three major regional classifications of Philippine folk dances are from the Cordilleras,

Dances from lowland Christians, and Muslim dances.

1. Tribal dance from Cordilleras – include non- Christian dances from the Cordilleras.

2. Lowland Christian Dances – dances coming from places with western influences such

as the Tagalogs, Ilocanos, Pampanguenos, Pangasinense, Bisayans, and Bicolonas. These

dances are influenced by Hispanic and European cultures.

3. Muslim Dances – dances from the people of the Southern Islands of the Philippines such

as in Mindanao and Sulu. These dances are influenced by Arabic and Indo-Malayan


Philippine folk dances, regardless of their classification, may also be categorized as:

1. Life – Cycle Dances – dances that serve as ritual as one through a different stage in life such as

from birth to childhood to adulthood; from singlehood to marriage; and from life to death. Below are

the different dances that portray life cycle:

• courtship dances

• wedding dances

• funeral dances
2. Festival dances - dances that are either religious or secular and are connected with the

celebration of recurring events of special significance.

3. Occupational dances - dances that depict the means of livelihood of the Filipino people.

4. Ritual and ceremonial dances – this dance is performed as part of the rituals and ceremonies

of a certain tribal group of people.

5. Game dances- derivation from local folk games. One example of these dances is the Pukol dance

from aklan and capiz in the panay region. Pukol means “strike or bumped each other" (Aquino,


6. Joke and Trickster Dances - include jokes or tricks played by a denser on another or our group

of dancers who is one of them.

7. Mimetic or Drama Dances - dances that mimic animals, in a minute objects, or other people.

The itik-itik dance from surigao is an example of lunatic dance as it imitates the movements of a duck

8. War Dances - dances that expressed feud and enmity where in to male dancers engage in

physical combat with spartan-like intensity (lopez, 2006). Maglalatik (binan,laguna) is an example of

a word ends is the effects on battle between Muslims of southern Philippines of the Christian Filipinos

of the lowlands of latik (the residue after coconut boils down).

9. Social Amenities Dances - dances that express social graces, hospitality and offerings of gifts

to friends. All social ballroom dances and most of the "Filipinized" western dances that show

camaraderie merriment belong to this group (Lopez 2006).

Green Rose Center for Academe Inc.
PurokGemelinaEstacaCompostela Cebu
Mobile No. 0933-1617936 / Landline No. (032) 425-6216

Name: _____________________________________ Date: _______________
Parent’s Signature: ___________________________ Score: ______________

A. Identify the sentence if it is True or False.

_______________________ 1. Muslim dances include non- Christian dances.

_______________________ 2. War dance expressed feud and enmity where in to male dancers
engage in physical combat with Spartan-like intensity

_______________________ 3. Mimetic or Drama dances include jokes or tricks played by a denser

on another or our group of dancers who is one of them.

_______________________ 4. Life-Cycle dances serve as ritual as one through a different stage in

life such as from birth to childhood to adulthood; from singlehood
to marriage; and from life to death.
_______________________ 5. Ritual and Ceremonial Dances are either religious or secular and are
connected with the celebration of recurring events of special
_______________________ 6. These dances the Pukol dance from aklan and capiz in the panay
region are examples of Game Dances.
_______________________ 7. Social amenities dance depict the means of livelihood of the Filipino
_______________________ 8. There are 3 major regional classifications of Philippine folk dances.

_______________________ 9. Lowland Christian Dances are influenced by Arabic and Indo-Malayan

_______________________ 10. Pukol means “strike or bumped each other".
Green Rose Center for Academe Inc.
PurokGemelinaEstacaCompostela Cebu
Mobile No. 0933-1617936 / Landline No. (032) 425-6216
Subject: PEH3
Topic: The Fundamental Folk Dance Steps
Week: 7 Notes: 7

What are the fundamental folk dance steps?

Most folk dances are based on several fundamental dance steps. according to lopez 2006, philippine
folk dances should have simple, basic 3 them that dominates the dance and establishes the pattern of
movement. With this, it is imperative to review and learning the different fundamental dance steps in
order to perform several folk dances. The region of these steps varies and depends on the influences
of different cultures.

The first national artist for dance and the mother of the Philippine folk dance is Francisca Reyes- Aquino.

Francisca Reyes-Aquino is acknowledged as the pioneer of folk dancing in the Philippines. Is b bulakena
began her research on folk dances in the 1920s making trips to remote various in central and northern
Luzon. Research on the recorded forms of a local celebration, ritual and sport resulted in 1926 thesis
title "philippine folk dances and games," and arranged specifically for use by teachers and playground
instructors in public and private schools. In 1954, she received the public award of merit given by the
late president Ramon Magsaysay for "outstanding contribution towards advancement Filipino culture"
one among the many awards and recognition given to her. For her great efforts in researching and
popularizing Philippine folk dances, she received an honorary doctor of Humanities od degree from Far
Eastern University in 1949; a certificate of award from UNESCO National Commission and presidential
citation for distinguished service to the 10 th World Jamboree from the Boy Scouts of the Philippines in
1959; the Rizal Pro Patria Award in 1961 and the Ramon Magsaysay Award for government service in


Performance Task:

Execute the Fundamental Folk Dance steps. Kindly send your video to my messenger account

Green Rose Center for Academe Inc.
PurokGemelinaEstacaCompostela Cebu
Mobile No. 0933-1617936 / Landline No. (032) 425-6216

Subject: PEH3
Topic: Cheer Dance
Week: 8 Notes: 8

A. Let’s LEARN:

Dance as a Competition

Knowing and understanding the nature of a specific dance and measuring several of its techniques are
just a few steps and learning the dance as a whole. Bringing it to a different level such as a dance
competition challenges the dancer to certain extent and farther enhances experience.
Dance competition or where dancers show up and compare their skills with other dancers.
Depending on what is required of the dancers, competition is the main focus. Several dance genres
such as cheer dance, ballroom dance street dance and hip hop are done not just for entertainment but
for competition as well.

Cheer dance

Cheer dance is relatively new in the field of sports and dance as it has only emerged during the 1990’s
as part of the cheerleading events. It is one of the categories of international cheerleading competition
that focuses on dance techniques and basic elements of cheerleading, excluding stunts and advanced
gymnastics skills the performers are cheerleaders and not just dancers.
To better understand the foundation of cheer dance, it is a vital to first learn the fundamental aspects
of cheerleading.

What is cheerleading?

Cheerleading is an event that consists of cheers and organized the routine for sport team motivation,
audience entertainment, or competition. The routines contain many components of tears, jumps,
dance, gymnastics and stunting. The purpose is to encourage the spectators of invents to chair for
sports teams at games. The yellers, dancers, and athlete involved in cheerleading are called
cheerleaders. When they are grouped together as one, they are called as squad.

History of cheerleading

Cheerleading history is linked closely to the United States history of sport, it's sporting venues, as well
as the historical development of overall crowd participation at many athletic events. However, its origins
can be traced as far back as the late 19th century wear in 1868, students from Great Britain began to
cheer and chant in unison for their favorite athletes at sporting events. This event eventually reached
and influenced America.
In the late 1880s, the first organized recorded yelled and locomotive style was performed in an
American compass and was first seen and heard during a college football game. However, organized
all male cheerleading only transpired when Thomas Peebles, one of the graduates of Princeton
university, bro the yell and the football sport to the university of Minnesota in 1884. It was through the
initiative of Johnny Campbell, who was a student of the university of Minnesota, that cheerleading
officially begun and November to 1898.
Cheerleading for the first 25 years was an all-male activity it was only during the 1920s when women
sure leaders participated in cheerleading. A lot had happened then in the world of cheerleading in

What are the elements of a cheer dance routine?

Cheer dance contains dance techniques basic elements of cheer, and basic gymnastics skills.

1. Dance techniques - depending on the competition requirements, various dance techniques

may be used in a cheer dance competition. Some squad prefer contemporary dance techniques,
while others incorporate several techniques such as jazz, hip hop, modern dance, contemporary
ballet and ethnic or folk dance. However, cheerleading style dance tend to be more rigid and
sharper compared to contemporary or pop culture dance style. The emphasis is on the
placement sharpness and synchronicity of the movements.
2. Elements of cheers - cheers or coordination of organized words and movements relating to
an athletic event. These are used during a sport event when play has been stopped on the field
or court. The purpose is zero a unified response from the crowd to highlight their support for
the playing team. Share motions are also used to lead the crowd and emphasized words for
crowd response. This are made up of hand, arm and body positions. Although cheer styles may
vary according to the cheerleader’s preference, emotions origin8 from the standard basic
motions. Here are the positions of the hand arm and body for chair motions.

Hand positions Arm positions Body positions

bucket flying V dagger beginning stance

candlestick low V box
blade t motion punch cheer stance
jazz hands half t L motion
side lunge
clap touchdown diagonal
clasp low touchdown overhead clasp squat
bow and arrow K motion
muscleman check mark Kneel

3. Basic gymnastic skills – cheer dance incorporates simple gymnastics skills such as jumps and
tumbling to add to the thrill of the game and effect of routine. Also, these help sure leaders to develop
a higher spirit level and enhance proud motivation. These skills must work smoothly with a cheer

a. Jumps - jumping requires stamina, strength and flexibility and they greatly improve every area in
cheer dance routine. Every jump has four important elements, namely:

• Approach - the first stage of a jump

• Lift - occurs after a cheerleader leaves the ground.
• Execution - is hitting a jump at its peak or maximum height
• Landing - this involves weeping of the legs and feet together to end with a small rebound. Knees
are slightly bent when touching the ground to absorb the weight.

Cheer dance drum jumps

Spread eagle
Double hook
Toe touch
Side hurdler
Front hurdler
Double nine

b. Tumbling - very dynamic and excellent way to say the crowd up quickly. Properly incorporate that
tumbling can be a real orientation getter the crowd pleasure. Tumbling play be executed simultaneously
by several tumblers for the entire squad.

Green Rose Center for Academe Inc.
PurokGemelinaEstacaCompostela Cebu
Mobile No. 0933-1617936 / Landline No. (032) 425-6216


Name: _____________________________________ Date: _______________

Parent’s Signature: ___________________________ Score: ______________

Direction: Identify the following sentences whether it’s True or False.

________________ 1. Cheerleading history is linked closely to the United States history of sport.
________________ 2. Landing involves weeping of the legs and feet together to end with a small
________________ 3. Approach is the first stage of a jump.
_________________4. Jumping requires stamina, strength and flexibility and they greatly improve
every area in cheer dance routine.
_________________5. Tumbling is very dynamic and excellent way to say the crowd up quickly.

_________________6. Cheer dance is relatively new in the field of sports and dance.

_________________7. Share motions are also used to lead the crowd and emphasized words for
crowd response.
_________________8. Cheerleading style dance tend to be more rigid and sharper compared to
contemporary or pop culture dance style.
_________________9. Cheerleading for the first 25 years was an all-male activity.

_________________10. It is a vital to first learn the fundamental aspects of cheerleading.

Green Rose Center for Academe Inc.
PurokGemelinaEstacaCompostela Cebu
Mobile No. 0933-1617936 / Landline No. (032) 425-6216

Subject: PEH3
Topic: Interventions to Prevent Sports and Recreational Activities – Related Injuries
Week: 9 Notes: 9

Interventions to prevent sports and recreational activities-related injuries

Participation in sports, recreation, and exercise is an important part of a healthy, physical active

lifestyle. However, injuries due to sports and recreational activities are significant public health problem.

Injuries may occur even in informal settings, such as sports played in backyards or neighborhoods.

Because individuals engage in sports, recreation, and exercise mainly for fun and fitness, the risks

inherent in these activities may not be recognized, and injury prevention measures are often


In addition, many injuries in sports and recreation are not treated in the emergency department but

rather in acute care clinics. Orthopedic offices, sports medicine clinics, and primary-care providers’


Personal Protective equipment

In all sports and recreational activities, the use of appropriate protective gear is vital and may be the

most recognizable personal injury prevention measure. Appropriate gear use is multifaceted, which

include (1) obtaining the appropriate dear for the desired activity; (2) ensuring that it fits properly;

(3) ensuring that it is well - maintained and replaced when needed; and (4) using it consistently and


Physical fitness and conditioning

In recreation and fitness activities, as well as in team sports governed by rules and policies, participants

can take an active role in minimizing the rest of injury. The frequency, duration, and intensity of training

are directly related to both training effect and to injury risk. However, training in itself presents and

injury risk.

Some training program has been designed to prevent specific injuries in a circle high-risk sports. For

instance, anterior crucaite ligament (ACL) injuries are common in sports such as basketball, soccer,

volleyball and handball which require jumping, adding, and rapid deceleration. Training program

targeting improve balance, flexibility, strength, and neuromuscular control to avoid high risk position

in basketball, volleyball, handball and soccer have been developed and shown to be effective. Most of

these training programs were developed for a particular sport but could be adapted to other activities.

Warm-up and stretching before exercise

Are common pre- participation practices in many recreational and sporting activities. Performing the

great warm up before a strenuous activity has been shown to decrease risk of injury. Warming up

should include exercises that slowly increase participants heart rate and body temperature, and moving

through the expected range of motion of the activity.

Awareness of environmental hazards

In addition to choosing an appropriate recreational activity and preparing themselves with the

best available training and equipment, participants should also be attentive to the environment where

they will hold their shoes in activity.

Green Rose Center for Academe Inc.
PurokGemelinaEstacaCompostela Cebu
Mobile No. 0933-1617936 / Landline No. (032) 425-6216


Name: _____________________________________ Date: _______________

Parent’s Signature: ___________________________ Score: ______________

Directions: Write T if the statement is true and write F if it is false. Write the correct answer on
the space provided.

1. The use of appropriate protective gear is not vital.

2. Warm-up and stretching before exercise are common pre- participation practices in many
recreational and sporting activities.
3. Injuries may occur even in informal settings.
4. Participation in sports, recreation, and exercise is an important part of a healthy,
physical active lifestyle.
5. Participants should also be attentive to the environment where they will hold their
shoes in activity.
6. Appropriate gear use is multifaceted, which include obtaining the appropriate dear for the
desired activity.

7. Appropriate gear use is multifaceted, which include ensuring that it fits properly.
8. Appropriate gear use is multifaceted, ensuring that it is well - maintained and replaced when
9. Appropriate gear use is multifaceted, using it consistently and properly.
10. Some training program has been designed to prevent specific injuries in a circle high-risk

Green Rose Center for Academe Inc.
PurokGemelinaEstacaCompostela Cebu
Mobile No. 0933-1617936 / Landline No. (032) 425-6216
Subject: PEH3
Topic: Common Injuries in Recreational Activities
Week: 10 Notes: 10

Common Injuries in Recreational Activities

1. Bruises- on the skin caused by blood trapped under the surface. It happens when an injury
crashes small blood vessels but does not break the skin. The blood vessels break open and lick
blood under the skin.

2. Burns - is damage to the body's tissues caused by heat, chemicals, electricity, sunlight, or
radiation. Scalds from hot liquids and steam, building fires and play mobile liquids and gases
are the most common causes of burns. Another kind of burns is an inhalation injury, caused by
breaking smoke.

There are three types of burns:

• First degree burns damage on the outer layer of the skin

• Second degree burns damage the skin layer and the layer underneath
• Third degree burns damage or the deepest layer of the skin and tissues underneath burns can
cause swelling, blistering, scarring and, and serious cases, shock, and even death.

3. Dislocations - or joint injuries that force the end of the bones out of position. The cause is often
a fall or a blow, sometimes from playing contact sport. You can dislocate your ankles, knees, shoulders,
hips, elbows, jaw, and finger and toe joints. A dislocated joint is often swollen, very painful, and visibly
out-of-place. You may not be able to move it.

Dislocated joint is an emergency. If you have one, seek medical attention. Treatment depend on which
joint is dislocated and the severity of the injury. It might include manipulation to repositioned bones,
medicine, and splint or sling, and rehabilitation.
4. Fractures - is a break, usually in a bone. If the broken bone punctures the skin, it is cold and open
or compound fracture. Fractures commonly happen because of car accident, falls or sport injuries.
Other causes are low bone density and osteoporosis, which cause weakening of the bone. Overuse can
cause stress fractures, which are very small crack in the bone.

The symptoms of a fracture are:

• out- of- place or misshapen limb or joint

• swelling, bruising, or bleeding
• numbness and tingling
• limited mobility or inability to move a limb

An injured person needs to get medical care right away for any fracture. The patient may need to wear
a cast or splint. Surgery may be required to put into it, pin or screws to keep the bone back in place.

5. Sprains and strains

A sprain is a stretched or torn ligament. Ligaments or tissues that connect bones at a joint.
Falling, twisting, or getting hit can cause a spring. And cool and risk spring are common. Symptoms
include pain, swelling, bruising, and being unable to move your joint. You might be love or fear when
the injury happens.

Strain is stretched or torn muscle or tendon. Tendons are tissues that connect muscle to bone. Twisting
or pulling these tissues can cause a strain. Strains can happen suddenly or develop over time. Back
and harm strain muscle strains are common. Men people get strains playing sport. Symptoms include
pain, muscle spasms, swelling, and trouble moving the muscle. At first, treatment of both spring devices
that compresses the area, and medicines. Later treatment might include exercise and physical therapy.

Green Rose Center for Academe Inc.
PurokGemelinaEstacaCompostela Cebu
Mobile No. 0933-1617936 / Landline No. (032) 425-6216


Name: _____________________________________ Date: _______________

Parent’s Signature: ___________________________ Score: ______________

Directions: Write T if the statement is true and write F if it is false. Write the correct answer on
the space provided.

1. Bruises happen when an injury crashes small blood vessels but does not break the
2. Sprain is stretched or torn muscle or tendon.
3. A strain is a stretched or torn ligament.
4. First degree burns damage on the outer layer of the skin.

5. Burns is damage to the body's tissues caused by heat, chemicals, electricity,

sunlight, or radiation.
6. An injured person needs to get medical care right away for any fracture.

7. Fractures commonly happen because of car accident, falls or sport injuries.

8. A dislocated joint is often swollen, very painful, and visibly out-of-place.

9. Second degree burns damage the skin layer and the layer underneath.

10. Dislocated joint is not an emergency.

Green Rose Center for Academe Inc.
PurokGemelinaEstacaCompostela Cebu
Mobile No. 0933-1617936 / Landline No. (032) 425-6216
Subject: PEH3
Topic: Exercise for Fitness
Week: 11 Notes: 11

Exercise for Fitness

As you engage in moderate to vigorous physical activity, you need to observe some personal safety
precautions to avoid certain conditions related to physical activity participation. These conditions
include dehydration, overexertion, hypothermia, and hyperthermia.

Each of these conditions should be taken seriously for each poses health risks to you as an exercise.
These conditions are usually associated with exercising in different types of environment, like a hot or
cold environment. However, dehydration and overexertion may be experienced even when exercising
in environments that do not have extreme temperatures. Each condition will be discussed with ample
safety precautions to guide you as you engage in moderate to vigorous physical activities.

Dehydration This refers to excessive loss of water from the body, usually through perspiration or
sweating, urination, or evaporation. During participation in physical activities, the body regulates its
temperature depending on the intensity of the activity. More frequently during moderate to vigorous
physical activities, the body perspires or sweats and you get thirsty.

Sweating On a normal day, the body loses about 2.5 liters of water from the lungs and skin, from
urine and feces, and from perspiration. The body must replace this through proper hydration. To offset
fluid losses, it is suggested that 150 to 250ml of fluid should be taken every 15 minutes. Thirst.

Thirst is a sensation of dryness in the mouth and throat associated with a desire for liquids. Maintaining
water balance is an important consideration during exercise. Physical activity results in increased heat
production, and evaporation of sweat from the skin allows the body to dissipate this heat and maintain
a normal body temperature. The amount of fluid lost as sweat varies according to factors such as the

intensity and duration of activity and the air temperature or humidity. Most of the time, an individual
wait for thirst to kick in before replenishing lost water.

However, it is advisable to replenish lost fluids even before feeling thirsty. This is especially important
when an individual exercise in the heat or does so for an extended period of time.

Overexertion or Overtraining This refers to the detrimental cause of excessive training. Some
individuals engage in too much physical activity. Some exercisers and athletes often push themselves
too hard in their pursuit of high-level performance.

Thus, they are susceptible to a variety of hyperkinetic conditions known as overload syndrome. This
condition is characterized by fatigue, irritability, and sleep problems, as well as increased risks for
injuries. In an over-trained status, performance is known to decline sharply and this can cause
individuals to train even harder.

Essentially, an elevated morning heart rate reveals that the body has had to work too hard to recover
from the exercise and is not in its normal resting mode. When doing resistance training, an individual
is likely overtraining and may not reap the full benefits of the program if the body is not allowed to
recover completely in 2 or 3 days after maximal effort. Decrease in total number of sets or exercises,
or both, is recommended. You also need to pace your workout properly to avoid staleness. Staleness,
or getting bored or uninterested, is usually a consequence of overtraining.


This is an alarming rise in body temperature, which is an effect of exercising in a very humid
environment. It sets the stage for heat stress and even heat stroke, the potentially fatal collapse of the
temperature-regulating mechanism. In hot environments, the body is able to maintain temporary
thermal balance during exercise through circulatory adjustments and evaporation of sweat. However,
the body responds differently in a hot, dry environment. The body actually gains heat when the air
temperature exceeds the temperature of the skin. Under these conditions, the evaporation of sweat
allows the maintenance of thermal equilibrium. When humidity is also high and evaporation cannot
take place, the body temperature continues to rise, and performance is severely impaired.

Heat Acclimatization On the first day of vigorous exercise in hot weather, one may experience near
maximal heart rate, elevated skin and core temperatures, and severe fatigue. But after a few days of
similar exposure, the same task can be accomplished with a reduced heart rate, made possible by
improved blood distribution and increased blood volume. Skin and core temperatures are lower, since
sweating begins at a lower temperature.

When you exercise in hot environments, you need to be aware of heat disorders.

Heat Disorders
Problem Signs and Symptoms Treatment
Heat cramps – when considerable salt is History of exertion; muscle • Stop exercising, drink
lost in sweat. Take lightly salted foods and
cramps, usually in the fluids, and massage or
massage to relieve cramps. muscles used during stretch cramped muscles.
exercise • Cool the body. Stop
Heat exhaustion – when heat stress Fast, shallow breathing; exercising, get out of the
exceeds the capacity of the temperature weakness; dizziness; heat, remove excess
regulating mechanism. headache; moist or cool
clothing, drink cold fluids,
skin or profuse sweating;
and apply cool and/or
pale face; normal or
slightly elevated damp towels to the body.
temperature; weak pulse • Get immediate medical
Heat stroke – the temperature Noisy breathing; hot, attention, and try to lower
regulating mechanism has given up flushed skin (may be dry or body temperature.
sweaty); red face; chills or • Get out of the heat,
shivering; disorientation; remove excess clothing,
erratic behavior; high body drink cold fluids, and apply
temperature; no cool and/or damp towels to
perspiration; full, rapid the body or immerse in
pulse; altered cold water, but not to
consciousness or
induce shivering.
• Person should be placed
in shock or recovery
position. If conscious,
person may sip water.
Raise the legs.
• Fan person and use
wrapped cold packs in the
armpits and groin.

Hypothermia Excessively low body temperature, characterized by uncontrollable shivering, loss of

coordination, and mental confusion This occurs when the body begins to lose heat faster than it can
be produced. Prolonged exertion leads to progressive muscular fatigue. As exposure continues and
additional body heat is lost, the cold reaches the brain. One loses judgment and the ability to reason.
Speech becomes slow and slurred and control of the hands is lost.

Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment of Hypothermia
Signs and Symptoms Treatment
Early signs • If the victim is unconscious, open airway and check for
• Shivering breathing.
• Pale, cold skin • If the victim is conscious, bring to shelter or keep in
• Cold environment As the condition worsens warm room.
• No shivering, even though the person is cold • Replace wet clothes with dry ones.
• Increasing drowsiness • Give high energy foods and warm drinks.
• Irrational behavior and confusion • Cover the head, hands, and feet because heat is lost
• Slow, shallow breathing through the extremities.
• Slow, weak pulse • Do not let the victim lie down and rest since the core
• Walking becomes clumsy and tendency of temperature is dropping. Without treatment, one might
wanting to lie down and rest escalates. lose consciousness and die.
• Transport the victim to a medical facility as quickly as

Cold Acclimatization This refers to the metabolic adjustments done as well as the improved tissue
insulation. Large body mass, short extremities and increased levels of body fat help to get acclimatized
to cold weather.
Others Concerns:
Heat Rash – also called prickly heat, is a benign condition associated with a red, raised rash
accompanied by sensations of prickling and tingling during sweating. It usually occurs when the skin is
continuously wet with un-evaporated sweat. It is generally localized to areas covered by clothing.
Heat Syncope – heat collapse, is associated with rapid physical fatigue during overexposure to heat.
This results in dizziness or fainting. It is quickly relieved placing the individual in a cool environment
and replacing fluids. Sun protection factor (SPF). Sunscreen applied to the skin can help prevent many
of the damaging effects of ultraviolet radiation. A sunscreen’s effectiveness in absorbing the sunburn-
inducing radiation is expressed as the sun protection factor (SPF). An SPF of 6 indicates that an
individual can be exposed to ultraviolet light 6x longer than without a sunscreen.

Green Rose Center for Academe Inc.
PurokGemelinaEstacaCompostela Cebu
Mobile No. 0933-1617936 / Landline No. (032) 425-6216


Name: _____________________________________ Date: _______________

Parent’s Signature: ___________________________ Score: _____________

Directions: Answer the following question comprehensively in your own words.

(You can use the back portion of your test paper.)

Criteria: Content: 70% Neatness: 30% Total: 100%

• In your own opinion. How can you avoid those kinds of problems?

Green Rose Center for Academe Inc.
PurokGemelinaEstacaCompostela Cebu
Mobile No. 0933-1617936 / Landline No. (032) 425-6216
Subject: PEH3
Topic: Personal and Social Development
Week: 12 Notes: 12__________________
Effective Teams

Effective teams are the foundation of every successful organization. Companies without teams that
work well together often struggle, while effective teams help to improve quality, facilitate the
completion of projects and increase productivity and efficiency. For a company to work at optimal
levels, you must develop a team in which each member brings his or her talents and skills, which
contribute to the overall success of the group.

5 tips how to build effective teams

1. Understand What a Great Team Is

Flawless teamwork doesn’t just occur out of the blue. It demands conscious efforts from all
individuals within the team including the leader. A great team consists of a few elements that
must be present at all times:

• Clear Objectives
• Clear Roles
• Flawless communication
• Cooperation
• Individual development within the team

2. Establish Strong Leadership

If you want to know how to build an effective team, you must learn how to be an effective leader first.
Only an effective leader has influence even when they are not around. That influence pushes the team
to work effectively throughout all group and individual activities.

• Big picture vision.

• Delegate tasks and responsibilities.
• Communicate clear goals.
• Be honest and friendly to an acceptable extent.

3. Build the Connection Between the Team Members

The leader must continuously evaluate the way the members of the team work together. Ideally,
your team should be self-sufficient and perform without you having to lead them through every
step. Your job is not done by forming the team and giving instructions, but rather guiding your
team to work well with one another more effectively.

Here are a few ways to help members of the team to familiarize themselves with each other's roles
and work styles:

• Team-building exercises.
• Improve cooperation among team members.
• Encourage them to collaborate.

4. Establish a Connection with Each Team Member

As a leader, you must get to know each team member as an individual. Each person has a
specific set of skills, as well as interests and drawbacks. When you know these things, you
can match each worker with the right task. That’s the best way to help them boost their
productivity and become more satisfied with the job.

5. Invest In Team-Building Events

Different types of team-building events will develop strong relations and the sense of community
within the team. These types of events are a great way to foster better communication and
collaboration among team members.

Consider investing in some of these activities:

• Fundraising projects, which will connect the team towards accomplishing a noble goal.
• Social events, such as picnics or bowling competitions.

• Outdoor adventures, such as hiking, sailing, climbing, and other physically challenging
activities. The challenge shouldn’t be overwhelming. It should be attainable for all
members of the team, but they should still make an effort to achieve a common goal.
• Indoor activities, such as filming an office video, playing team board games, or
inventing a social game.

There are many different leadership skills required in the workplace, but the most in-demand ones

• Active listening • Time management

• Empathy • The ability to build trust
• The ability to share clear messages and • Strong communication skills
make complex ideas easy to understand for • Positivity
everyone • Reliability
• Strategic thinking skills • Management skills
• Creativity • The ability to align the employees with
• The ability to inspire and convince others the company values and goals
• Flexibility • A strong leadership vision
• The ability to turn information into action • Recruiting skills
• Project planning • Persuasion skills
• Active listening • The ability to help employees find meaning
• The ability to assess employees’ strengths at work
and weaknesses • Strong charisma
• Business storytelling

Green Rose Center for Academe Inc.
PurokGemelinaEstacaCompostela Cebu
Mobile No. 0933-1617936 / Landline No. (032) 425-6216


Name: _____________________________________ Date: _____________

Parent’s Signature: ___________________________ Score: _____________
Directions: Answer the following question comprehensively in your own words.
(You can use the back portion of your test paper.)

Criteria: Content: 70% Neatness: 30% Total: 100%

If you have given a chance to be the leader of our country. Please answer the following questions
1. Are you able to delegate responsibilities efficiently?
2. What values are most important to you as a leader?
3. How do you measure your own performance at work?

Green Rose Center for Academe Inc.
PurokGemelinaEstacaCompostela Cebu
Mobile No. 0933-1617936 / Landline No. (032) 425-6216
Subject: PEH3
Topic: Characteristics of a Healthy Relationship
Week: 13 Notes: 13__________________

Let’s LEARN:
Characteristics of a Healthy Relationship
Healthy relationships are enjoyable and respectful and provide opportunities for many positive
experiences that affect self-esteem. We can develop healthy relationships with anyone, including
family, friends, and dating partners. It takes time, energy, and care to develop positive, healthy
relationships. Relationships made during the teenage years can become very special and may form an
important part of life. There are also many lessons to be learned from the relationships we have.
Healthy dating relationships should start with the same ingredients that healthy friendships have, such
as effective communication, honesty, and respect. Dating relationships are a little different than other
relationships, however, because they may include expressions of physical affection that may range
from hugging, kissing, or holding hands to sexual intercourse.
All healthy relationships between two partners are characterized by communication, respect, sharing,
and trust. They are based on the belief that both partners are equal and that decision making in the
relationship is shared equally.
In healthy relationships, we must maintain the freedom to be ourselves. It is important to maintain an
individual identity, regardless of the type of relationship being pursued.
Maintaining our identity in a romantic relationship also means nurturing the other relationships we
already have with family and friends. At first, dating couples may want to spend all their time with each
other, but it is equally important for couples to spend time apart so that they can maintain healthy
relationships with other people. These relationships provide perspective, and can be a valuable source
of support when a couple experiences difficult or stressful times in a romantic relationship or when the
relationship ends.
A healthy relationship should be satisfying and promote individual growth. Establishing mutually
acceptable boundaries based on personal values is important in any relationship. Romantic partners
should never pressure each other to do things they have agreed not to do. Mutual respect means not
only giving respect to a partner, but also showing respect for oneself.

Some important characteristics of a healthy relationship are identified below.
 You are caring and loyal.
 You trust your partner.
 You share your feelings.

 You support your partner during illness or during stressful times.

Shared Goals and Beliefs
 You share beliefs and values.

 You recognize and respect differences in each other.

Shared Experiences
 You share common interests and friends/acquaintances.
 You talk about your experiences and accept and respect each other’s individual interests.

 You are honest with each other.
 You listen to each other.
 You use respectful language and do not act in ways that demean your partner.
 You understand your partner’s wishes and feelings.
 You are ready to compromise—to meet your partner halfway.

 You and your partner enjoy being with each other and can laugh together.
 You show your partner you care.

 You show each other affection in many ways.

Green Rose Center for Academe Inc.
PurokGemelinaEstacaCompostela Cebu
Mobile No. 0933-1617936 / Landline No. (032) 425-6216


Name: _____________________________________ Date: _____________

Parent’s Signature: ___________________________ Score: _____________
Directions: Answer the following question comprehensively in your own words.

Criteria: Content: 70% Neatness: 30% Total: 100%

Did any of the examples seem trivial? Explain.

Green Rose Center for Academe Inc.
PurokGemelinaEstacaCompostela Cebu
Mobile No. 0933-1617936 / Landline No. (032) 425-6216

Subject: PEH3
Topic: Characteristics of an Unhealthy Relationship
Week: 14 Notes: 14

Characteristics of an Unhealthy Relationship

Relationships generally start out with good intentions. As relationships develop, disagreements and
conflicts will arise. Conflict is not necessarily negative if we deal with it appropriately. How we deal
with conflict is based on a given situation, as well as on previously learned behaviors.
In some conflict situations, people may use behaviors that are considered unhealthy or abusive, and
may include the following:
Emotional: making degrading comments, ignoring, isolating, controlling friendships and/or
activities, threatening
 Physical: slapping, pushing, punching

Sexual: unwanted touching, forced or coerced sex

Financial: taking or withholding money, controlling spending

Name: _____________________________________ Date: _____________
Parent’s Signature: ___________________________ Score: _____________
Directions: Answer the following question comprehensively in your own words.
Criteria: Content: 70% Neatness: 30% Total: 100%
Did you have any difficulty identifying examples under any of the problem areas? If so, under which

Green Rose Center for Academe Inc.
PurokGemelinaEstacaCompostela Cebu
Mobile No. 0933-1617936 / Landline No. (032) 425-6216
Subject: PEH3
Topic: Factors Affecting Relationships
Week: 15 Notes: 15

Factors Affecting Relationships

In all relationships, people experience times of difficulty. Problems often arise because the people in
the relationships have different expectations, become distracted with other issues, or have difficulty
expressing what is on their minds. Some of the issues or concerns are controllable, while others are,
or are perceived to be, uncontrollable. Common problems exist in most relationships and, if they
remain unresolved, can lead to a break-up.
Examples of issues encountered in the common problem areas in relationships are listed below.

Practical/ Logistical Compatibility Issues Commitment Issues Affection/Intimacy

Issues Issues
 Physical distance  Age/maturity Too busy with other  Communication
from partner  Values or beliefs activities/ people issues
 Financial issues  Personal character  Unsupported of  Power and control
 Family issues (e.g., and attitude partner’s needs, goals,  Attraction issues
family acceptance)  Personal goals activities  Mental-emotional
 Culture and  Issues of infidelity issues (e.g., low self-
language esteem, jealousy)
 Religion  Behaviors associated
 Intellect with demonstrating
 Emotional or
physical abuse

Steps to Loving Communication

* The following steps are ways to ensure healthy communication that is open, trusting, and
1. Have reasonable expectations. Keep in mind that partners are not mind readers. Tell each
other what you mean. There will be times when you disagree.

2. Know your own feelings. If you feel unhappy or uncomfortable, take time to think about how
you really feel and why, so you can do something about it
3. Recognize and correct communication-blocking habits. Try not to generalize with “Never” or
“Always” statements. Work at not belittling someone who disagrees with you.
4. Think before you speak. Take a deep breath so you have time to think about what you want to
say and can say it with care. Focus on the behaviour or issue and not the person. Use respectful
5. Allow the other person to save face. Don’t embarrass your partner in public by arguing or
putting him or her on the defensive in front of friends.
6. Use assertive communication. Use assertive language, such as “I” statements (e.g., I feel
frustrated when you are late).
7. Decide what is negotiable and what is not. Know where and when to compromise and when
to let well enough alone. 8. Make time for communication. Your relationship deserves time, so make
time to be together and just talk to each other.
9. Learn to listen. Don’t jump to conclusions.
10. Give each other compliments and positive comments. It’s sometimes harder to say
something to show you care than to argue.

Styles of Communication
Just as there are various modes of communication, there are also different styles of communication.
The following represent four common styles of communication:
 Passive-passive communication is viewed as non-participatory. There is very little interaction.
Passive communicators are seen as shy and withdrawn. They would much rather “go with the flow”
than face a confrontation.
 Passive-aggressive communication is viewed as manipulative. Passive-aggressive communicators
may seem to agree to avoid confrontation (passive) but will manipulate others to say things for them
or say things behind someone’s back (aggressive).
Aggressive-aggressive communication is viewed as controlling. Aggressive communicators will take
control and dominate conversations. In order to “win,” aggressive communicators feel they need to
put others down to protect themselves.
Assertive-assertive communication is viewed as open and honest. Assertive communicators are
respectful and turn potential win-lose situations into win-win or win-learn situations. Assertive
communicators will be direct, use “I” statements, and be sensitive to others. Assertive communication
is seen as the most effective style of communication.

Green Rose Center for Academe Inc.
PurokGemelinaEstacaCompostela Cebu
Mobile No. 0933-1617936 / Landline No. (032) 425-6216

Name: _____________________________________ Date: _____________
Parent’s Signature: ___________________________ Score: _____________
Directions: Answer the following question comprehensively in your own words.

These are the four common problem areas in relationships.

Practical/ Logistical Compatibility Issues Commitment Issues Affection/Intimacy

Issues Issues

Criteria: Content: 70% Neatness: 30% Total: 100%

Do any of the four problem areas seem more problematic than others? Explain.


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