Employees Management On Sport Developmen

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Research Article

Employees Management on Sport Development in Amhara

National Regional State, Ethiopia

Daniel Getnet Admit*

Sport Science (Specialization, Sport Management) Department, Bahir Dar University, Ethiopia

*Corresponding Author: Daniel Getnet Admit, Sport Science (Specialization, Sport Management) Department, Bahir Dar University,
Received: September 08, 2020

Managing sport organizations at the start of the 21st century involves the application of techniques and strategies clear in the
corporate, government, and non-profit sport organizations. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of employee man-
agement on sport development in Amhara National Regional State, Ethiopia. A cross-sectional descriptive survey was used. The study
participants included 108 sport experts in the study area. Correlation analysis shows that r (108) = .308**, p < 0.001, between choice
and hearing and sport development, r (108) = .411**, p < 0.001, between working condition and sport development r (108) = .502**,
p, < 0.001, between training and sport development r (108) = .638**, p, 0.001, and r (108) = .505**, p < 0.001 between performance
appraisal and sport development. The employees’ management was a positive behavioral association on employees’ performance.
The regression model predicts expert’s management behavior has n (108) r2 = .46, p < 0.001, on can predict the development of
sport. Eventually, it recommended that the sport commission should have to design inclusive manual to motivate the employees.
Furthermore, the researchers recommend that the office should design and exercise a sound human resource management structure
that helps sport development.
Keywords: Employees Management; Sports Experts; Sport Development

Sport employs many millions of people around the globe, be played or watched by the majority of the world’s population and at the
elite or professional level, has moved from being an amateur pastime to a huge industry. The growth and professionalization of sport has
driven changes in the consumption, production and management of sporting events and organizations at all levels of sport (Russell., et
al. 2009). Managing sport organizations at the start of the 21st century involves the application of techniques and strategies evident in
the majority of modern business, government and non-profit organizations. Sport managers engage in strategic planning, manage large
numbers of human resources, affect broadcasting contracts worth billions of dollars, manage the welfare of elite athletes who sometimes
earn 100 times the average working wage, and work within highly integrated global networks of international sports federations, national
sport organizations, government agencies, media corporations, sponsors and community organizations (Russell., et al. 2009).

Citation: Daniel Getnet Admit. “Employees Management on Sport Development in Amhara National Regional State, Ethiopia”. EC
Psychology and Psychiatry 9.12 (2020).
Employees Management on Sport Development in Amhara National Regional State, Ethiopia

Sports development is the process that enhances opportunities for people of all ages, degrees of interest, and levels of ability to take
part get better and excel in their chosen sporting activities [1]. Besides, sport development is about facilitating opportunities for people
to get involved in sport and physical activity (Taks., et al. 2014). More specifically, sport development refers to the policies, processes
and practice of facilitating opportunities for involvement in sport, from mass participation to elite performance [2]. Sport development
is “a process whereby effective opportunities, processes, systems, and structures are found out to enable people altogether or particular
groups and areas to require part in sport and recreation or to enhance their performance to whatever level they desire” [1]. This all acti-
vates were performed by sport experts. Therefore, those experts need different techniques, tactical and interpersonal skills.

Employees are one of the foremost important assets or resources of a corporation because they contribute to its growth and success
[3]. While a corporation needs human empowerment to get its objectives, this may not allow it to realize success at the end of the day [4].
Employees are not aware of the big picture of the organization to which they belong. Therefore, human resource managers guide or super-
vise employees for effective and efficient performance to achieve the organization’s goals and objectives. Nowadays, sports organizations
use a strategic approach to human resources as a critical method for managing their human resource for effective and efficient operation.
It is becoming increasingly important to try this [5]. Organizational effectiveness may be defined by the organization’s set of goals, its
acquisition of resources, and the efficiency and effectiveness of its processes [6].

Today, governments have funded private sports and recreational organizations that competitively provide their service to the over-
all public. Other privately-operated sports and leisure businesses are increasing in number and scope. Globally-oriented organizations
have emerged from locally-initiated enterprises. Volunteer administrators are replaced by salaried professionals and lots of sports or-
ganizations have transferred their core business from amateur to professional sports. Therefore, sports and leisure organizations must
recognize and plan for both volunteers and paid staff when managing their HR [7]. HR planning is especially focused on the longer-term
recruitment of HR, which may be incorporated with both the qualitative element of HR and therefore, the quantitative element of man-
power planning [8]. HR planning is largely the process of facing changes and uncertainty, considering and planning for factors such as
recruitment, selection, training, and development, orientation and rewards, etc., to survive with a competitive advantage. Before planning
for these scenarios, HR managers must also consider the financial, external, and internal environment [9].

Sports development refers to the gradual increase, attainment, and advancement of sport from low-level strata to a better level or
strata with due cognizance and consideration of the indices that enhance the belief and actualization of sports development [10]. These
indices include sports policy, sports personnel, sports program (training and competition), funding, facilities and sponsorship. However,
this study focused on sports personnel management. Plenty of studies were conducted in the area of football, athletics, volleyball, swim-
ming, etc. that focused on the coaching process of each game at a regional level, but they didn’t show the challenges regarding ensuring
the region’s sport development vis-à-vis the employees’ management. Thus, to fill these gaps this study was aimed to investigate the effect
of employee’s management for the development of sport in Amhara National Regional State, Ethiopia.

Objectives of the Study

The main objectives of this study were
• Is there a relationship between employees management and sport development.

• How much employees management can predict the development of sport.

Citation: Daniel Getnet Admit. “Employees Management on Sport Development in Amhara National Regional State, Ethiopia”. EC
Psychology and Psychiatry 9.12 (2020).
Employees Management on Sport Development in Amhara National Regional State, Ethiopia

Conceptual framework

The conceptual framework means that concepts that relate to one another were used to explain the research problem. Since sport
development is influenced by human resource management practice factors, sport operators need to understand what influences them to
reach peak performance or sport development. To align the conceptual framework with the research objectives sport development is the
dependent variable whereas human resource management practices (employees hiring and selection, working condition, performance
appraisal, employee training, and reward system) are independent variables. An extensive literature shows that there is a significant
correlation between the above-mentioned variables and employees’ work motivation, satisfaction, work efficiency and it leads to or-
ganizational success or sport development. Independent variable dependent variable (Figure 1), Conceptual farm work of the study on
independent and dependent variables source.

Figure 1: Conceptual farm work of the study on independent and dependent variables.

This study was conducted in Amhara National Region State, Ethiopia. The study data was gathering from 108 sports expertise.

The major purpose of this study is to examine the employee’s management of sport development in Amhara national regional state.
To accomplish the objectives of this study, a mixed research design was employed since combining qualitative and quantitative methods

Citation: Daniel Getnet Admit. “Employees Management on Sport Development in Amhara National Regional State, Ethiopia”. EC
Psychology and Psychiatry 9.12 (2020).
Employees Management on Sport Development in Amhara National Regional State, Ethiopia

in the social inquiry will offer understanding more comprehensively, developing more complete portraits of our social world through the
use of multiple perspectives and lenses [11].

The research was used 42 close-ended linker scale type questionnaire from 108 participants in the specific days of 18/06/2010 to
28/06/2010 E.C by the researcher. The reliability showed that all questioners show greater than (α = .889) which is reliable.

Methods of analysis and the model

Percent, Correlation, and the model fit of regression analysis were employed by using IBM SPSS version 25. During the analysis, the
critical value to determine the statistical significance is set to be < 0.05. Correlation analysis was discussed based on the standards of
Hopkins., et al. [12] (. < 0.1, Trivial; .>0.1----0.3, Small; .> 0.3--- -0.5, Moderate; .>0.5---0.7, Large; .>0.7---0.9, Very large; .>0.9--1.0) Almost

Employee’s management was started from human resource policy, manual, and organizational strategy. Different scholars agreed that
hiring and selection mechanisms, working conditions, on work short and long training, reward/motivation mechanism, and work-related
performance measurement/appraisal were significant impacts on the development of the organizations [13,14]. This model is depicted

SD = ά + β1 (SH) + β2 (ET) + β3 (PA) +β4 (RS) + β5 (WC) + EIT.

• SD = Sport Development

• ά = constant

• SH = selection and hiring

• ET = employees training

• PA = performance appraisal

• RS = reward system

• WC = working condition

• EIT = is the residual error of regression.

Result and Discussion

Basic information regarding gender, age, and educational level are provided hereunder (Table 1) they were 91 (76.58) male and 17
(23.41) female on their gender.

Variable Frequency Percent

Gender Male 17 15.74
Female 91 84.26
Age category 20 - 29 18 16.66
30 - 39 66 61.11
40 - 49 14 12.97
50 and above 10 9.25
Educational level Masters 6 5.55
Degree 77 71.29
Diploma 25 23.14
Table 1: Participants of the study.

Citation: Daniel Getnet Admit. “Employees Management on Sport Development in Amhara National Regional State, Ethiopia”. EC
Psychology and Psychiatry 9.12 (2020).
Employees Management on Sport Development in Amhara National Regional State, Ethiopia

Age was measured by their birth up to know by categorizing. They were 18 (16.66) aged from 20 to 29, 66 (61.11) 30 to 39, 14 (12.97)
40 to 49 years and 10 (9.25) were < 50 years. And their educational background was 6 (5.5) masters, 77 (71.29) first-degree holders and
25 (23.14) of the participants of this study were diploma holders.

The relationships between employee’s management and sport development were analyzed by using Pearson product-moment cor-

Selection Working Performance Reward Training Sport
and Hiring Condition Appraisal Development
Sport Pearson Correlation .308** .411** .502** .638** .505** 1
Development Sig. (2-tailed) .001 .000 .000 .000 .000
N 108 108 108 108 108 108
**: Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

Table 2: Correlational analysis.

The result of Pearson product correlation matrixes is observed that there is a significant correlation. r (108) = .308**, p, < 0.001,
between selection and hiring on sport development, it means that there is a moderate degree of correlation, r (108) = .411**, p < 0.001
moderate degrees of correlation between the working condition and Sports development, r (108) = .502**, p, < 0.001) means that there is
a large degree of correlation between performance appraisal and sports development, r (108) = .638**, p < 0.001, there is a large degree of
correlation between reward system and sports development and r (108) = .505**, p < 0.001, it means there is a large degree of correlation
between employees training and sports development. Recent findings on the mater come across similar findings [15] indicates that there
is a positive relationship between HR management practice and employee performance. Still, other recent findings witnessed that there
was a significant relationship [16,17] even though the study area, magnitude varies.

To examine how much employee’s management can predict the development of sport as the model specifies. The cumulative analysis
of model fit was used.

SD = ά + β1 (SH) + β2 (ET) + β3 (PA) +β4 (RS) + β5 (WC) + EIT.

Adjusted R Std. Error of Change Statistics

Model R R Square
Square the Estimate R Square Change F Change df1 df2 Sig. F Change
1 .680 a
.462 .436 .11478 .462 17.530 5 102 .000
a. Predictors: (Constant), Employees Training, Working Condition, Performance Appraisal, Selection and Hiring, Reward System
b. Dependent Variable: Sport Development

Table 3: Model fit.

Citation: Daniel Getnet Admit. “Employees Management on Sport Development in Amhara National Regional State, Ethiopia”. EC
Psychology and Psychiatry 9.12 (2020).
Employees Management on Sport Development in Amhara National Regional State, Ethiopia

The result of the model fit shows that (F = 17.5388, R2 = .462, p < 0.01) which means that sound employees management can 46.2%
predicts sports development is due to the proposed model. Therefore, it is proved that all independent variables together contribute
positively towards change in the dependent variables. However, the remaining 53.8 percent is not depicted in the model. This variance
has highly significant as indicated by the (F = 17.530, P, < 0.01). Recent findings on the mater come across with similar findings [18-20].

When the hiring and selection mechanism free from any biased, quality candidates were applying and requites in the position. These
were increased to gain competent candidates to assign in the position. This has a positive impact on the development of sport. In addition
to good working conditions, appropriate and work-related training, reward/motivation mechanism and specific, measurable, attainable,
realistic, and time frame (SMART) performance evaluation mechanism.

When this all independent variables were predicted 46.2% on the independent variable. This means that the satisfaction of the em-
ployees on the management system (i.e. on selection and hiring, working conditions, training, motivation mechanism, and performance
appraisal system) was not appropriate in sport commission. Since the result shows that below 50%. This means that the remaining 54%
did not depict in this study.

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Citation: Daniel Getnet Admit. “Employees Management on Sport Development in Amhara National Regional State, Ethiopia”. EC
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Employees Management on Sport Development in Amhara National Regional State, Ethiopia

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Volume 9 Issue 12 December 2020

©All rights reserved by Daniel Getnet Admit.

Citation: Daniel Getnet Admit. “Employees Management on Sport Development in Amhara National Regional State, Ethiopia”. EC
Psychology and Psychiatry 9.12 (2020).

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