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Hi good afternoon everyone, my name is Nur and today

I would like to spread love among us and not hate.If all

of u realize, there is very less nice and good things in
media thses day. When I look at social media, all I can
see a lot of hate, anger and negatif vibe. I not sure if its
because I am growing up and experiencing more thing
but I really feel like this world is in desperate need of
love and peace. Yeah I know it sound cliche bt the more
I have through this life and deal with more kind of
people the more I have noticed how awful some people
can be and how we actually really need this reminder.
Even with just scrolling my sosial media such as
instagram facebook even do in whatsapp, I noticed how
unkind & rude some people can be to each other event
to someone that their never meet personly and it really
doesn’t make sense to me. Just imagine if you are that
person who receives hate for no reason especially it
come from someone that you never meet. I understand
that some of us might be going through certain
situations or you have something to truly be angry with
life about but if that you can take some time and reflect
on it. Being cruel to other people is just going to create
more anger and hatred in your heart. Trust me it’s so
much easier to be nice to someone than to be mean and
of the day it will make you feel better too. Loving other
will make you a more positive and happy person. The
only way we can make this world a better place is by
being kind to one another. Just remember that others
have it worse than you and maybe you can make
someone day a little bit better and at the end of the it
will benefit you to.