Module 4
Module 4
Module 4
I. Introduction – Define the issue and discuss its background with your general thesis
II. Body – State your main arguments with sufficient factual evidences such as statistical
data/reports, interviews with experts. Provide opposing arguments against possible
weaknesses of your own arguments.
III. Conclusion – Present the suggested course of action and justify why your position is
superior/better than other arguments. Restate thesis statement powerfully and
Key Points
To be able to defend your stand on an issue, you have to take note of the following:
Begin by conducting an in-depth research about the issue. Clearly identify the issue that
you believe is affecting you and your community. Identify other concepts or ideas that
you can associate with the issue.
Study the various positions or perspectives about the issue and analyze them
objectively. Reflect on your own stand/position and identify or acknowledge its
Establish your credibility and competence by citing reliable sources. Define unfamiliar
terms on first mention.
Formulate statements that will express your stand towards the issues. These statements
may convey the message that the issues are having negative effects on people and the
Base your stand on what you can prove on your evidence/s. Gather factual evidences to
support your arguments regarding the issue. Present evidences logically.
Make sure that your statements are strong enough to convince or persuade your readers
into action to address the issue.
Logical Fallacies
A fallacy is an illogical/faulty reasoning in the formulation of an argument. providing
strong and logical arguments is highly essential in academic writing. Presenting arguments
based on faulty reasoning undermines the logic of your argument and thus, weakens the
accuracy and credibility of your work. Below are some examples of commonly committed
Imagine what it was like in 1973, when the first cell phone was invented. Back then it
was a novelty and a luxury to have a futuristic technological device that could keep you
connected to the rest of the world 24 hours a day. In that time, one would never believe that in
just a few decades, the world would be overrun by technological devices such as cell phones.
Today, technology is an integral, commonplace part of everyone’s lives, however technology
doesn’t just include cell phones, it encompasses computers, the internet, videogames,
television, movies, and practically anything with a screen. Many people can’t live without these
forms of technology, and many people praise their ability to make our lives easier. However,
they are doing more harm than good, especially on youth. Technology is negatively affecting
America’s youth because it is destroying social skills and causing a dependency on constant
The first reason technology negatively impacts youth is because it is destroying social
skills. Many people believe that it has the reverse effect, and that it enables people to always
keep in contact with their friends and family through texting or social media sites such as
Facebook and Twitter. However, this interaction is very impersonal and the result of this is that
children are not developing crucial social skills. Hilary Stout of The New York Times reported
that “Americans between the ages of 8 and 18 spend on average 7 1/2 hours a day using some
sort of electronic device” (Stout, 2010, p. 1). It is shocking to think that that is nearly one third
of an entire day. In these hours and hours young people spend on various modes of technology,
they are sacrificing face to face contact and verbal conversations in the real world. Dr. Ortega,
a child psychologist at New York’s Child Mind Institute, sums up why this is such a problem.
Ortega reports that the overuse of technology is causing children to lose their ability to read
body language and facial cues, resulting in an inability to keep up casual conversations or
engage in the art of small talk (Bindley, 2011, p. 2). Because kids can check their phone for
new texts or play a mindless game as a strategy to avoid making eye contact with or talking to
the people around them, they are literally losing the ability to converse with people in the real
world. No amount of good that comes from technology can make the fact that our children are
losing their social skills acceptable.
The second reason technology negatively impacts youth is because it causes a
dependency on constant stimulation. This is especially alarming when it comes to young
children. At this young age, these children’s minds are still developing. They are learning how
to entertain themselves, how to problem solve, and how to be patient and wait for things. How
can children develop these skills when their parents are constantly stimulating them with TV
shows, movies and cell phone games? Many people believe that these forms of technology are
a valuable teaching tool; however, they are teaching young people more bad habits than good.
The worst habit of all is a dependency on constant stimulation. This dependency is caused by
an actual physiological process that happens when children use electronics, and Dr. Sigman, a
leading child psychologist, explains why. He explains that dopamine, a chemical in the brain
that makes us feel reward, is released when children view electronic devices, and then goes on
to say that “this dopamine being produced every single day for many years, through for
example playing computer games, may change the reward circuitry in a child's brain and make
them more dependent on-screen media” (Kelly, 2012, p. 2). What does this dependency mean
for the future of these children? It means that they are desensitized to dopamine from the
constant supply of it through screens and technology, which causes an inability to focus on
something like a book or a math problem that doesn’t give them that super-stimulating effect.
It is frightening to see how future generations will be affected by this over-stimulation problem.
People will always argue that technology offers so many benefits in their day to day
lives. However, it is clear that it is more detrimental than most people realize. Technology is
destroying children’s social skills and causing a dependency on constant stimulation. Think
about the future of America’s children. What good is having a smart phone with endless
knowledge at their fingertips when they can’t get a job due to an inability to keep up casual
conversation in an interview? What favors are parents doing for their children by shoving a
television in front of them the second they get a little bored instead of interacting with them
and helping them develop valuable skills? The answer to both questions is nothing. It does no
good and no favors to overuse technology in the way that Americans are currently overusing
Just as the times are very different 40 years ago when the first cell phone came out to
now, imagine what the next 40 years will bring when it comes to technology’s role in young
people and society in general. In order to avoid the frightening ramifications as discussed
throughout this paper, changes must be made in our youth and in the way this country raises
their children.
a. Read and analyze the text above and answer the questions that follow.
What is the position of the writer about the effects of technology?
What are the writer’s viewpoints in which you strongly agree and
those in which you disagree? Explain.
Write your position about the effects of technology in one paragraph.
Identify at least 5 issues which you can observe in the society today and write
possible positions for each issue. An example is provided below.
Issues Claims/Stand/Position
a. Smoking - Smoking should be banned in public places
as it protects the health of general population.
The first study by Montana (2004, in Lee et
al., 2014) found that a ban on smoking in
public places resulted in a 40% reduction in
hospital admissions for heart-related
illnesses during the six months in which a
public smoking ban was in place.
- Smoking is a choice and everyone has the
right and freedom to do what makes them
- Forcing people to quit smoking may evoke
feelings of anxiety and stress which can
affect mental health.
Identify 5 different statements from well-known personalities (e.g. politicians,
news reporters, celebrities) and spot the fallacies in their statements/claims. Make sure to cite
the legit sources. Explain briefly the logical errors in their statements. An example is provided
Choose one current issue in the community or country and write your position
paper (2-3 pages). The issue should be timely, relevant, and debatable. Refer to the rubrics
below for your guide.
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