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Simple and Cage rollers are available with

400 mm, 540 mm and 600 mm
As the diameter increases the load-
carrying capacity and reconsolidation

inexpensive diameters. They represent a simple

and inexpensive option for controlling
improves. This means that rollers with
the appropriate diameters can also be
the depth of implements and used in cultivation combinations on
reconsolidating the soil. light soil.

Reconsolidation is conducted in strips The 400 mm cage rollers can also be

transverse to the direction of travel. used for depth control of front-
The small diameter rollers combine mounted implements.
excellent cultivation with low weight.

Tube bar roller RSW 400 Tube bar roller RSW 540 Tube bar roller RSW 600

• Diameter of roller (apprx.): 400 mm • Diameter of roller (apprx.): 540 mm • Diameter of roller (apprx.): 600 mm

• Weight at 3 m width (apprx.): 203 kg • Weight at 3 m width (apprx. ): 346 kg • Weight at 3 m width (apprx.): 372 kg

• Characteristics: Good crumbling on • Characteristics: Good carrying ca- • Characteristics: High carrying
medium soils, low weight pacity on light to medium soils, capacity, good reconsolidation on
consistent smooth running very light soils

Light and safe to use
Double rollers consist of two rollers The excellent tilling, levelling and The use of a cage roller with a
with diameters of 400 mm each or one reconsolidation create the best diameter of 540 mm in the double
roller with a diameter of 540 mm and conditions for use in a minimum rollers significantly improves their
one with a diameter of 400 mm. tillage system. load-carrying capacity and drive, in
particular, on light soil and for heavy
The rollers are suspended on a pendu- Depending on the soil conditions, the implements
lum system to ensure uniform weight double rollers are available as flat,
distribution on undulating soil. They tubular or cage roller combinations
also ensure that the soil cultivation for lighter soil conditions.
implement has accurate depth

Double roller tube/flat Double roller tube/tube
DRF 400/400 DRR 400/400

• Diameter of rollers (apprx.): • Diameter of rollers (apprx.):

400/400 mm 400/400 mm

• Weight at 3 m width (apprx.): 381 kg • Weight at 3 m width (apprx.): 404 kg

• Characteristics: Good crumbling, • Characteristics: Good crumbling,

good levelling and reconsolidation, good levelling and reconsolidation,
exact depth control good carrying capacity with heavy
implements in light soils, recom-
mended on light soils

Double roller tube/flat Double roller tube/tube Following harrow

DRF 540/400 DRR 540/400

• Diameter of rollers (apprx.): • Diameter of rollers (apprx.): • Weight at 3 m width (apprx.): 65 kg

540/400 mm 540/400 mm
• Characteristics: additional levelling
• Weight at 3 m width (apprx.): 451 kg • Weight at 3 m width (apprx.): 474 kg of the soil surface, root weeds are
transported to the soil surface for
• Characteristics: Good crumbling, • Characteristics: Good crumbling, drying out
good levelling and reconsolidation, good reconsolidation, exact depth
exact depth control control, especially good carrying
capacity with heavy implements in
light soils

Versatile and reliable

Knife roller Flex ring roller Rubber ring roller

MSW 600 FRW 540 GRW 590

The knife rollers are made up of rings The reduced rolling effect, of the The rubber ring rollers consist of indi-
set 125 mm apart. flexible steel sections, makes the flex vidual rubber rings set 125 mm apart.
ring roller especially suitable for wet The rollers can be used together with
Located between the rings, the knives heavy soils, which tend to be sticky. a seed drill, with 125mm row spacing,
ensure that the rollers are cleaned well The weight of the roller is ideally to consolidate soil in line with the
and they also boost the reconsolida- suited to mounted machines. seed rows.
tion effect.
• Diameter of roller (approx.): 540 mm They are not susceptible to sticking
The rollers operate on a strip basis; and clogging and therefore particu-
they are not susceptible to sticking or • Weight at 3 m width (approx.): larly well-suited for deployment in
clogging and therefore they are 387 kg sticky soil and mulch sowing.
particularly well-suited for heavy soil
and for mulch sowing. • Characteristics: insensitive to • Diameter of roller (apprx.): 590 mm
sticking and insensitive to stones
• Diameter of roller (apprx.): 600 mm (optimal weight), suitable for wet • Diameter of tube (apprx.): 406 mm
heavy soils
• Weight at 3 m width (apprx.): 515 kg • Weight at 3 m width (apprx.): 551 kg

• Characteristics: Good crumbling and

cleaning via knifes between the
rings, especially suitable for mulch
seeding, insensitive to sticking

Double profile ring roller Packer profile roller Packer double roller
DPW 540/540 PPW 600/540 PDW 600/600

The dual-profile ring rollers have a di- When cultivating down to a depth of The packer double roller has two rows
ameter of 540 mm and they excel on 30 cm the soil is intensively loosened of rings designed to consolidate the
account of their high load-carrying ca- and needs good reconsolidation soil at depth and is ideally suited for
pacity on light and medium soil. throughout the cultivation depth. use with a semi-mounted Karat. The
rings leave soil ridges, allowing a
They are excellent at levelling the soil The packer profile roller for the semi- weathering process on heavy clay
while also reconsolidating close to the mounted Karat is specifically designed soils.
surface. for these conditions.
The enlarged soil surface enables the
Dual-profile ring rollers are also ideally The front roller with its packer profile wet soil to dry off more quickly.
suited for the mulch sowing method. consolidates the soil at depth, while
the rear roller with its W-profile • Diameter of rollers (apprx.):
• Diameter of rollers (apprx.): provides surface consolidation. 600/600 mm
540/540 mm
• Diameter of rollers (apprx.): • Weight at 3 m width (apprx.): 984 kg
• Weight at 3 m width (apprx.): 467 kg 600/540 mm
• Characteristics: optimum reconsoli-
• Characteristics: Good levelling, • Weight at 3 m width (apprx.): 984 kg dation effect of top soil and subsoil,
especially good carrying capacity, easy to pull, quick drying of wet soils
consistent smooth running, for light • Characteristics: optimum reconsoli- due to extended soil surface
and medium soils, good reconsoli- dation effect of top soil and subsoil,
dation of the surface, suitable for easy to pull
mulch seeding

Precise and unsusceptible
Trapezoidal rollers The trapezoidal ring rollers have an
excellent load-carrying capacity on
Characteristic of the trapezoidal rollers light to medium soil with low weight.
is the reconsolidation of the soil in
strips by the trapezoidal rings, which With the trapezoidal disc rollers, the
operate exactly at the distance of the trapezoidal ring consists of plastic
following drill rows. The soil retains a rings with plastic scrapers.
rough surface with a great deal of fine Trapeze ring roller
soil and is therefore less inclined to The overall weight of the rollers is low TRW 500
sludging or capping. and the low internal diameter reduces
consolidation of the soil between the • Diameter of roller: approx. 500 mm
The trapezoidal rollers are available as rows.
trapezoidal packer rollers, trapezoidal • Weight at 3 m width: approx. 499 kg
ring rollers and trapezoidal disc rollers. All closed trapeze rollers are
distinguished by a good load-bearing • Characteristics: Good carrying
Because of their enclosed roller core, capacity on medium and heavy soils capacity on light to medium soils,
the trapezoidal packer rollers are less and to a large extent prevent soil from in-line reconsolidation of the seed
inclined to clogging and the central sticking to the rollers. rows
tube restricts the rollers from sinking
too far in to the soil.

Trapeze packer roller Trapeze packer roller Trapeze disk roller

TPW 500 TPW 600 TSW 500

• Diameter of roller: approx. 500 mm • Diameter of roller: approx. 600 mm • Diameter of roller: approx. 500 mm
Diameter of tube: approx. 406 mm Diameter of tube: approx. 323 mm
• Weight for 3 m width at 125 mm
• Weight for 3 m width at 125 mm ring spacing: approx. 683 kg • Weight at 3 m width: approx. 513 kg
ring spacing: approx. 611 kg
• Characteristics: As standard with • Characteristics: Plastic rings with
• Characteristics: As standard with hard metal scrapers in short or long plastic scrapers, low weight, line-
hard metal scrapers in short or long version, high carrying capacity on wise reconsolidation of the seed
version, high carrying capacity on medium to heavy soils, universally rows with the distance of the seed
medium to heavy soils, universally adjustable, high line-wise reconsoli- coulters, good carrying capacity on
adjustable, high line-wise reconsoli- dation of the seed rows with the di- light to medium soils, insusceptible
dation of the seed rows with the di- stance of the seed coulters to sticking
stance of the seed coulters

Toothed packer roller Crosskill roller Nockenring crumbler
ZPW 550

Toothed packer rollers are available Crosskill rollers provide ideal reconsol- The cam-shaped ring roller, with its
with a diameter of 550 mm. idation with an additional tilling effect large supporting surface, is particu-
and they can be used with seed bed larly well-suited for light soil condi-
The shape of the toothed packer roll- combinations or trailing packers for tions.
ers ensures that reconsolidation is ploughs.
achieved across the entire area. Good The roller ensures that excellent
scrapers make the toothed packer They are also available for light reconsolidation is achieved with a
rollers ideal on medium and heavy locations as cam-shaped ring rollers low traction requirement.
soils, even when wet. with a wider supporting surface.
• Diameter of roller (apprx.): 450 mm
The hardened scrapers are attached to • Diameter of roller (apprx.): 400 mm
brackets, can be easily adjusted and • Weight at 3 m width (apprx.): 506 kg
they ensure optimum cleaning of the • Weight at 3 m width (apprx.): 470 kg
rollers is achieved. Additional hard • Characteristics: Good recon
facing or hard metal plates guarantee • Characteristics: Optimum reconsoli- solidation effect on light soils
maximum service lives. dation with additional crumbling
The toothed packer rollers can be
universally used in heavy-duty
cultivation combinations

• Diameter of roller: approx. 550 mm

Diameter of tube: approx. 406 mm

• Weight at 3 m width: approx. 499 kg

Exact and intensive

Tooth bar crumbler Tube-tooth bar crumbler

• Diameter of rollers (apprx.): • Diameter of rollers (apprx.):

330/270 mm 330/270 mm

• Weight at 3 m width (apprx.): 242 kg • Weight at 3 m width (apprx.): 250 kg

• Characteristics: Intensive crushing • Characteristics: Intensive crushing,

and crumbling of clods good crumbling of clods and good
carrying capacity on light soils, exact
depth control

Following harrow Compact Disc Harrows

Heliodor 9 KA

Rubin 10 KUA

Rubin 12 KUA
Heliodor 9 K

Rubin 10 KU
Rubin 10 U

Rubin 12 U
Heliodor 9

RSW 540        
RSW 600        
FRW 540        
DRR/DRF 400/400        
DRR/DRF 540/400        
DPW 540/540        
MSW 600        
PPW 600/540 - - - - - -  
PDW 600/600 - - - - - -  
Following harrow Cultivators
Kristall 9 K(U)A

Karat 9 K(U)TA
Kristall 9 K(U)

Karat 9 K(U)A

Karat 12 KUA
Kristall 9 (U)

Karat 9 K(U)
Karat 9 (U)

RSW 540        
RSW 600        
FRW 540        
DRR/DRF 400/400        
DRR/DRF 540/400        
DPW 540/540        
MSW 600        
PPW 600/540 - - - - - -  
PDW 600/600 - - - - - -  
Possible Combinations

Karat 9

Kristall 9
Karat 9 K

Rubin 12

Korund 8

Rubin 9 U
Karat 9 KA

Kristall 9 K

Heliodor 9
Rubin 9 KU
Karat 9 KTA

Zirkon 8/12
Kristall 9 KA

Heliodor 9 K
Rubin 9 KUA
Rubin 12 KUA

Heliodor 9 KA

Zirkon 12 K/KA


Diameter (approx. mm)

Diameter (approx. mm)
Gigant 10/800 Smaragd

Gigant 10 S/800 Rubin 9

Gigant 10/1000 Smaragd
Gigant 12/1200 Smaragd

Gigant 10/800 Heliodor 9

Gigant 12 S/1000 Rubin 9
Gigant 12 S/1200 Rubin 9

Weight (3 m large approx. kg)

Gigant 10/1000 Heliodor 9
Gigant 10/1200 Heliodor 9
Gigant 12 S/1600 Heliodor 9
Roller Tube
Technical data

Tube bar roller RSW 400 400 - 203 X X X X

Tube bar roller RSW 540 540 - 246 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X

Tube bar roller RSW 600 600 - 372 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X

Double roller tube/flat DRF 400/400 400/400 - 381 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X

Double roller tube/tube DRR 400/400 400/400 - 404 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X

Double roller tube/flat DRF 540/400 540/400 - 451 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X

Double roller tube/tube DRR 540/400 540/400 - 474 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X

Double profile ring roller DPW 540 540/540 - 467 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X

Flex ring roller FRW 540 540 - 387 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X

Toothed packer roller ZPW 550 550 406 499 X X X X

Trapeze packer roller TPW 500 500 406 565 X X X X X X X X

Trapeze packer roller TPW 600 600 506 683 X X

Trapeze disc roller TSW 500 500 323 458 X X X X

Trapeze ring roller TRW 500 500 - 499 X

Knife roller MSW 600 600 - 515 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X

Rubber ring roller GRW 590 590 406 551 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X

Packer profile roller PPW 600/540 600/540 - 984 X X X

Packer double roller PDW 600/600 600/600 - 984 X X X

Crosskill roller 400 - 470 X X

Nockenring roller 450 - 506 X

Double Tooth bar crumbling rollers 330/270 - 242 X

Double Tube-tooth bar crumbling rollers 330/270 - 250 X
Weseler Straße 5

[email protected]
Phone +49 2802 81-0
46519 Alpen, Germany
LEMKEN GmbH & Co. KG Your LEMKEN dealer:

LEMKEN . 12/19 . 175 0192/en All specifications, dimensions and weights are subject to continuous technical development and are therefore not binding. The
weight specifications always refer to the basic equipment. Subject to change.

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