1ST Quarter 21ST Century Literature

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First Quarter Examination in 21st Century

S.Y 2022-2023

Name: _____________________________________________ Date: _______________

Grade and Section: ___________________________________

1. Which is NOT a description of literature? 6. What element of a story is depicted in

A. Literature is a way to understand human this text: “It was 1986. The country was
nature and to know a nation. still euphoric for having ended a terrible
B. Literature came from the French word regime”?
litera which means letters. A. conflict
C. Literature is a term used to describe B. point of view
written or spoken material. C. setting
D. Literature deals with ideas, thoughts, and D. theme
emotions of man.
7. What element of a story is depicted in
2. In which period did chants, proverbs, this text: “The hero faces the fiercest
songs, and folk narratives first emerge? enemy of all- his monstrous other self”?
A. American Period A. Character
B. Post-colonial Period B. Conflict
C. Pre-colonial Period C. Plot
D. Spanish Period D. Setting

3. Who brought Protestantism to the 8. What element of a story is depicted in

Philippines? this text: “Her name is Ella, 26 years
A. American old. Her neighbors think she’s feisty.”?
B. Chinese A. Character
C. Japanese B. Conflict
D. Spanish C. Plot
D. Theme
4. What is common among these literary
genres: legends, myths, fables, 9. Which element of poetry is shown in
biographies, novels, and short stories? these lines of the poem entitled "Ang
A. They are based on true historic events. Babaing Nangarap Nang Gising" by Virgilio
B. They are all non-fiction prose. Almario?
C. They are all written in lines. Naisumpa niya noong dalagita
D. They all have stories to tell. Na siya'y aahon
Mula sa malansa at bukid na basa
5. Which cannot be found in poetry? Ng liblib na nayon;
A. paragraphs A. Alliteration
B. rhyme scheme B. Assonance
C. rhythm C. Onomatopoeia
D. stanzas D. Rhyme

10.Which is true about Philippine literature?

A. Early Filipinos were illiterate which A. Our limited access to pre-colonial
explains why there were no written literature is because of the absence
literary texts produced at the time. of a system of writing during this period.
B. Philippine literature was only introduced B. Trading with foreign neighboring
when the Spaniards came to countries resulted in the diversity of
conquer the Philippines. our cultures.
C. Philippine literature is nothing compared C. Ancient Filipinos were not influenced by
to the literary masterpieces foreign countries.
of other countries. D. Many literary forms were written during
D. Philippine literature existed even during this period.
pre-colonial period.
17. Which subject or theme was prevalent
11. What is the period before colonization of in pre-colonial literature?
a region or territory? A) Daily encounters and activities in life
A. Colonial B) Sense of nationalism
B. Post-colonial C) Poverty
C. Pre-colonial D) Religion
D. Pre-history
18. What is common about legends and
12. What is the official system of writing in myths?
the Philippines which already existing A. They both provide explanations as to the
even during pre-Spanish period? origin of something or
A) Alibata someone.
B) Baybayin B. They both tell the heroic deeds of a
C) Cuneiform certain character.
D) Hieroglyphics C. Characters both have supernatural
13. Which best describes the type of D. These are both inspired by true
education during pre-colonial period? experiences.
A. Bias
B. Formal 19. In which tradition do fables, myths, and
C. Harsh and strict legends originally belong?
D. Imitative and informal A. Classical
B. Historical
14. Which does NOT belong to the form of C. Oral
pre-colonial literature? D. World
A. Epics
B. Idioms 20.Which is true about pre-colonial
C. Proverbs literature?
D. Riddles A. Literature does not exist in this period.
B. Literature during this period was mostly
15. Which folk narrative deals with the story written.
of a mortal with supernatural power? C. Modern people still enjoy primitive
A. Epic literature.
B. Fable D. Modern people do not enjoy primitive
C. Legend literature.
D. Myth
21. What is most likely the theme of literary
16. Which is true about the pre-colonial text during the Early Spanish Period?
period? A. Equality
B. Nationalism
C. Nature A. Emilio Aguinaldo
D. Religion and morality B. Jose P. Laurel
22. Which literary theme is the most C. Manuel L. Quezon
common among the three periods of D. Sergio Osmeña Sr.
colonialism in the Philippines?
A. Daily life 28. Which Philippine literary was NOT
B. Education prevalent during the Japanese period?
C. Nationalism A. Essay
D. Poverty B. Drama and classical music
C. Short stories written in English
23. Which word best describes the type of D. Short stories written in the vernacular
literature written in English by Filipino
authors during the Early American Period? 29. What refers to a native drama popular
A. Colorful during the Spanish period that depicts
B. Imitative war between Christians and Muslims?
C. Fluently written A. Epic
D. Unique B. Komedya or Moro-moro
C. Myth
24. Which is true about literature during the D. Parable
Japanese Period?
A. Filipinos were encouraged to write using 30.Who is the writer of the first Filipino
the Tagalog language. novel in English entitled "A Child of
B. Filipinos were forbidden to write at all Sorrow" in 1921?
during this period. A. Jose Garcia Villa
C. Filipino writers began writing literary text B. Nick Joaquin
in Nihongo. C. Paz Marquez Benitez
D. Filipinos continued to write in English and D. Zoilo M. Galang
31. What subject or theme is the most
25. Being in exile during the Japanese common during the contemporary period?
period, Manuel L. Quezon wrote his A. Educational issues
experiences and thoughts in his work B. Psychological issues
entitled "The Good Fight" while he was C. Social issues
in the US. What genre of literature is this? D. Spiritual issues
A. Autobiography
B. Essay 32. Post-colonialism is a broad term that
C. Novel can also be used to study literature.
D. Short story What is the utmost concern of this term?
A. Impact of imperialism and colonialism
26. Which best describes the type of B. Establishment of own governance
literature during the later part of the C. Threat of another colonizers
Spanish D. Welfare of the writers
A. Didactic and conservative 33. Why do a lot of Filipino thinkers say that
B. Imitative and informal the Philippines remains a neocolony
C. Sarcastic and pessimistic of the U.S.A?
D. Simple and dynamic A. Because our country's economy and
foreign policy are both dependent
27. Who was appointed as the President of on American government
the Philippines during the Japanese B. Because Philippines is directly governed
period? by American government
C. Because we love Western cultures only A. Acrostic Poems
D. This belief is not true. B. Chic Lit
34. Which phrase best describes the first C. Essay
Edsa Revolution in our country? D. Proverbs
A. Bloody Revolution
B. Bloodless Revolution 38. Which literary text only existed during
C. Corrupted Mind 21st century literature?
D. The New Society A. Comedia
B. Haiku
35. Modern literature comprises both C. Myth
contemporary and 21st century literature. D. Speculative Fiction
How does contemporary literature differ
with 21st century literature? 39. Which among the poems only existed
A. It is stricter in terms of the convention during 21st century literature?
and mechanics in writing. A. Concrete Poem
B. Technology is commonly embedded in B. Lyrical Poetry
contemporary literature. C. Hyper Poetry
C. Contemporary literature is better in D. Sonnet
quality. 40.Which best characterizes 21st century
D. It is commonly written in English literature as compared to the other
language. periods?
A. The use of technology is embedded in
36. What does 21st century literature the creation of this type of
mean? literature.
A. It is any type literary text produced B. This is a literature written by
roughly from 2001 up to the contemporary authors within the last
present. decade.
B. It is the type of literary that only uses C. This literature often breaks traditional
technology. writing.
C. This is the literature of emerging genres. D. All of the above
D. Both A and C.

37. Which literary text only existed during

21st century literature?

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