Design (Metric) 5 (1) .37

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Rulmeca Motorized Pulley Power Calculation Program - Metric Version 5.


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Customer Name
Conveyor Number
Conveyor Length (m) 1000
Load (T/hour) 700 86.8 kW
Belt Speed (m/s) 2.5 1050 mm
Material Lift Height (m) 0 RECOMMENDED DRUM MOTOR
Ambient temperature (deg C) Mi -10 90 kW
Ambient temperature (deg C) Ma 40 2.5 m/s
Initial Velocity of Material (m/s) 0 JOKI Model(s):
Number of Belt Cleaners 2 800
Number of Belt Ploughs 1 $0
Length of Skirt Zone (m) 3
Depth of Mat'l in skirt zone (mm) 25
Number of Non-driven Pulleys 4 ALTERNATE DUAL DRIVE OPTION
0 Kg/m 0 55 kW/ea
2.5 m/s
JOKI Model(s):
Elevation (Km above sea level) 1.0 630, 800
Type of Material Sand, dry bank $0
Belt Width (mm) 1000 0
Belt Carcass Type Fabric
Idler Roll diam (mm) 108
Troughing (carrying) Idler Spaci 1.2
Skrt Lnth (ft)
Required Belt Pull, Te = 33209 N SPECIAL NOTES:

Engineering Design Data:

Ai 10.2304 N Tm 0N Calculated power to drive co 83.02 kW

Cs 0.1378 Tp 999 N Drive pulley bearing friction: 1.07 kW
H 0m Tpl 876 N Power at motor: 84.10 kW
Kt 1.06 Tsb 269 N Gear loss in motorized pulle 2.69 kW
Kx 0.93kg/m Ttr 0N Calculated power for JOKI 86.79 kW
Ky 0.019 Tx 9654 N Derate for high elevation 0.00 kW
L 1000 m Tyb 4671 N Required Power for motorize 86.79 kW
Q 700 mtph Tyc 2611 N
Si 1.2 m Tym 14504 N (Note: JOKI models above are based on 50 Hz power.)
Tac 2895 N Tyr 2059 N
Tam 486 N V 3 m/s Power savings for 3 shift/day, 50 week/yr operation
Tb 0N Wb 13 kg/m (JOKI pulley compared to gearmotor & V-belt drive)
Tbc 1751 N Wm 78 kg/m Save: 23876 Kw-Hrs/Yr, 1 shift/day or 71629
Te 33209 N Save: 2077 €/Yr, 1 shift/day or 6232 €/Yr, 3

638191938.xlsx 01/12/2023 03:25:26


Rulmeca Motorized Pulley Power Calculation Program - Metric Version 5.37

Specifier Sheet and Recommendation Summary

© Copyright - Rulmeca Group

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Go to Design Parameters

Project Name Conveyor Reference Go to Trajectory Sheet

Standard Loading Conditions:

Conveyor Length (m) 1000 REQUIRED POWER: 86.8 kW
Tonnage Rate (metric tons/hour) 700
Belt Speed (m/s) 2.5 BELT PULL SUMMARY: Force (N)
Material Lift Height (m) 0.0 Standard Loading Belt Pull 33,209
Ambient temperature (°C) Min -10 Extra pull for Hopper (if any) 0 ###
Ambient temperature (°C) Max 40 Extra pull for Slider Bed (if any) 0 Sand, dry, bank,
Initial Velocity of Material (m/s) 0 Extra pull for Diverter or Tripper (if any) 0
Number of Belt Cleaners 2 TOTAL Required Belt Pull (Te): 33,209 Ashes, coal, dry, 0
Number of Return Belt Scrapers 1 Bauxite, ground,
Length of Skirt Zone (m) 3 RECOMMENDED OPTIONS: Cement, Portland, Dry
Depth of Mat'l in skirt zone (mm) 25 Cement clinker,
Number of Non-driven Pulleys 4 Clay,
Coal, ceramic, dry fines,0
bitum. mined,
Elevation Above Sea Level 1.0 Km SPECIAL NOTES (if any): Coke, ground fine,
Cullet (broken glass),
Material, fric coeff 2.5 Grains,wheat,corn,etc,
Gravel, bank run, 00
Belt Width 1000 mm Go to Design Parameters Iron Ore, pulv.,dry,
Limestone, 0
Salt, rock, dry,
dry fine,
Idler Roll diameter 108 mm Power: 90 kW Models Available: Sand, dry,
Wood bank,
CEMA Type C Belt Speed: 2.5 m/s 800
Troughing Idler Spacing 1.2 meters Face Width: 1050 mm
Angle of Wrap** 420 degrees (dual) RECOMMENDED "DUAL DRIVE" MOTORIZED PULLEY:
Type of Lagging Full Lagging Power: 55 kW/ea Models Available:
Type of Take-up Manual Belt Speed: 2.5 m/s 630, 800
Type of Belt 4 ply, 440 piw Face Width: 1050 mm
Bulk Density (Kg/m3) Sand, bank, dry, Power savings - 1 shift and 3 shift per day:
Condition of Idlers & Pulley (Motorized Pulley compared to exposed conveyor belt drives) Condition of Idlers & Pulleys
well maintained
Save: 23876 Kw-Hrs/Yr, 1 shift/day or 71629 Kw-Hrs/Yr, 3 shifts/d
** This parameter is for either single or dual drive arrangement. Save: 2077 €/Yr, 1 shift/day or 6232 €/Yr, 3 shifts/day @ 0.087 €/K
Minimum Acceptable Diameter is 610 mm
*A smaller pulley diameter may cause belt carcass or fastener damage.
This calculation does not check pulley/belt traction. Theoretical Belt Strength
Belt Strength (lbs)= belt wid
Special Loading Conditions: Go to Design Parameters Belt Width=
1. For hopper feeder specify opening dimensions below. 3. Sidewall & Cleated Belt Parameters: piw =
2. For slider bed, specify bed length and type of bed mater Sidewall & cleat height (mm) 0 Belt Strength=
3. If belt has cleats and/or sidewalls show dimensions below. Thickness of sidewall (mm) 0 ###
4. If conveyor has a tripper, define tripper below. Distance between cleats (mm) 0 420 degrees (dual)
5. If conveyor has diverter(s), define below. Thickness of cleats (mm) 0 180 degrees
1. Hopper Feeder Design Parameters Extra Sidewall & Cleat Wt (incl above) 0 Kg/m 200 degrees
Hopper opening width (mm) 0 210 degrees
Hopper opening length (mm) 0 4. Tripper Design Parameters 220 degrees
Tripper length (m) 0 240 degrees
Material lift height on tripper (m) 0 360 degrees (dual)
2. Slider Bed Design Parameters No. of belt cleaners on tripper 0 420 degrees (dual)
Slider Bed Length (m) 0 Length of tripper skirt zone (m) 0
Type of Slider Bed Material None Depth of material in skirt zone (mm) 0
Slider Bed Frictional Coefficient 0 No. of non-driven pulleys on tripper 0
Estimated belt tension, Te (N) 0
Estimated factor, Ky 0.03
Bulk Density Chart Imp

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Rulmeca Motorized Pulley Power Calculation Program - Metric Version 5.37
Model Selector

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0 0
Project Name Conveyor Reference

Select Model
Standard Loading Belt Pull 33,209 320M
Extra pull for Hopper (if any) 0 Check Radial Load (to prevent 320H
Extra pull for Slider Bed (if any) 0 internal damage to pulley) Force (N) 400L
Extra pull for Diverter or Tripper (if a 0 Maximum Allowable Radial Load 73,600 400M
TOTAL Required Belt Pull (Te): 33,209 Estimated Maximum Radial Load 53,134 400H
Selected model is appropriate for estimated radial load. 500L
0 500M
Check Pulley Diameter
(to prevent belt
RECOMMENDED OPTIONS (if any): damage.) 630M
Minimum Acceptable Diameter is 610 mm 630H
Selected Diameter is 800 mm 800M
Selected diameter is appropriate for specified belt. 800H
SPECIAL NOTES (if any (This calculation does not check pulley/belt traction.)
Check Belt Tension Force (N)
Maximum Belt Tension (T1) 43,171
Go to Design Parameters Allowable Belt Tension 77,606
Power: 90 kW Models Available:
Belt Speed: 2.5 m/s 800
Face Width: 1050 mm


Power: 55 kW/ea Models Available:
Belt Speed: 2.5 m/s 630, 800
Face Width: 1050 mm
Rulmeca Motorized Pulley Power Calculation Program - Metric Version 5.37
Design Parameter Summary

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Project Name Conveyor Reference

Power Calculation Summary Return to Specifier Sheet

Calculated power to drive conveyor belt: 83.0 kW
Drive pulley bearing friction: 1.1 kW
Power at motor: 84.1 kW
Gear loss in motorized pulley: 2.7 kW
Calculated power 86.8 kW
Derate for high elevation 0.0 kW
Derate for high temperature 0.0 kW
Required Power for motorized pulley: 86.8 kW

Symbol Value Definition of Terms Return to Specifier Sheet

Te 33209 N Te = effective belt tension at drive.
ang 420 degrees ang = angle of belt wrap around drive pulley(s).
Cw 0.3
T2 9963 N T2 = estimated "slack-side tension" required to keep belt from slipping on pulley surface.
T1 43171 N T1 = Te + T2
T1 + T2 53134 N T1 + T2 = Sum of belt forces on drive pulley. NOTE: This is not a vector sum.
T_L Full Lagging T_L = type of lagging specified for drive pulley(s).
Tatype Manual Tatype = type of take-up specified to apply "slack-side tension".
Beltype 4 ply Beltype = type of belt carsass specified.
w 1000 mm w = belt width
str 17323 N str = tensile strength of specified belt.
pstr 56 % pstr = percentage of available belt tensile strength used.
btr 14 to 21 mm btr = thickness range of specified belt
Ai 10.2304 N Ai = belt tension required to overcome frictional resistance and rotate idlers.
Cs 0.1378 Cs = skirtboard friction factor.
H 0m H = vertical distance that material is lifted or lowered.
Kt 1.06 Kt = ambient temperature correction factor.
Kx 0.93kg/m Kx = factor to calculate frictional resistance of the idlers and the sliding resistance
between belt and idler rolls.
Ky 0.02 Ky = factor to calculate resistance of belt and resistance of load to flexure as they move over idlers.
L 1000 m L = length of conveyor.
Q 700 mtph Q = tons per hour conveyed. Return to Specifier Sheet
Si 1.2 m Si = troughing idler spacing.
Tac 2895 N Tac = total of the tensions from conveyor accessories.
Tam 486 N Tam = tension required to accelerate the material continuously as it is fed onto belt.
Tb 0N Tb = tension required to lift or lower the belt.
Tbc 1751 N Tbc = tension required to overcome belt cleaner drag.
Te 33209 N Te = effective belt tension at drive.
Tm 0N Tm = tension required to lift or lower conveyed material.
Tp 999 N Tp = tension required to overcome resistance of belt to flexure around pulleys and
resistance of pulleys to rotate on their bearings.
Tpl 876 N Tpl = tension required to overcome belt plow drag.
Tsb 269 N Tsb = tension required to overcome skirtboard drag.
Ttr 0N Ttr = tension required to overcome special loading condition(s.)
Tx 9654 N Tx = tension required to overcome carrying and return idler friction.
Tyb 4671 N Tyb = total of tensions due to resistance of belt to flexure as it rides over carrying and return idlers.
Tyc 2611 N Tyc = tension due to resistance of belt to flexure as it rides over carrying idlers.
Tym 14504 N Tym = tension due to resistance of material to flexure as it rides over carrying idlers.
Tyr 2059 N Tyr = tension due to resistance of belt to flexure as it rides over return idlers.
V 3 m/s V = design belt speed.
Wb 13 kg/m Wb = weight of belt per unit of length of conveyor. Return to Specifier Sheet
Wm 78 kg/m Wm = weight of material per unit of length of conveyor.

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Rulmeca Motorized Pulley Power Calculation Program - Metric Version 5.37

Conveyor Height Calculator

Inclined conveyor length (m) 0

Angle of inclination (degrees) 0
Material lift height (m) 0.0
© Copyright - Rulmeca Group
Return to Specifier Sheet
Rulmeca Motorized Pulley Power Calculation Program - Metric Version 5
Bulk Handling Belt Conveyor Terminology Return to Specifier Sheet © Copyright - Rulmeca Group

Conveyor Profile Return to Specifier

Initial Velocity of Material Return to Specifier

Conveyor Cross Section in Skirt Zone Return to Specifier

Belt Conveyor with Tripper Return to Specifier

Hopper Feeder Conveyor Return to Specifier

Cleated Belt with Sidewalls Return to Specifier

Belt Conveyor with Two Diverter(s)

"CEMA" Idler Type Definitions Return to Specifier

(Based on Conveyor Equipment Manufacurters Association Manual)

Belt Width Idler Load Ratings* (kg)

Idler Type > A B C D E
Idler (deg) > 20 35 45 20 35 45 20 35 45 20 35 45 20 35 45
460 136 136 136 186 186 186 408 408 408 - - - - - -
610 136 136 131 186 186 186 408 408 408 544 544 544 816 816 816
760 136 127 122 186 186 186 408 408 408 544 544 544 816 816 816
915 125 116 112 186 186 180 408 380 367 544 544 544 816 816 816
1070 - - - 177 165 159 386 359 347 544 544 544 816 816 816
1220 - - - 172 160 155 363 337 327 544 544 544 816 816 816
1370 - - - - - - 340 317 306 544 506 490 816 816 816
1525 - - - - - - 318 295 286 522 485 469 816 816 816
1830 - - - - - - - - - 476 443 429 816 816 816
2130 - - - - - - - - - - - - 816 759 735
2440 - - - - - - - - - - - - 794 738 714
*These ratings are for three-equal-roll idlers and are based on a 30,000 hour minimum
BU bearing life at 500 RPM. BU bearing life represents the statistical point in hours where Return to Specifier
a minimum of 90% of the bearings will still be functional with no increase in torque or noise. Return to Trajectory Sheet

Material Surcharge Angle Guide

(Based on Conveyor Equipment Manufacurters Association Manual)

Surcharge Angle of
Description of Material
Angle Repose
Uniform size, very small rounded particles, either very wet or very dry;
5 0 to 19
such as dry silica sand, cement, and wet concrete.
Rounded, dry polished particles, of medium weight, such as whole grain
10 20 to 29
and beans.
Irregular, granular or lumpy materials of medium weight, such as
20 30 to 34
anthracite coal, cottonseed meal, and clay.
25 35 to 39 Typical common materials such as bituminous coal, stone, and most ores.
Irregular, stringy, fibrous, interlocking material, such as wood chips,
30 40+
bagasse, and tempered foundry sand.

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Rulmeca Motorized Pulley Power Calculation Program - Metric Version 5.37
Bulk Handling Trajectory Calculator and Plotter
(based on CEMA 5th Edition)
0 0 © Copyright - Rulmeca Group
Phone Fax

Project Name 0 Return to Specifier

Conveyor Ref. 0

System Design Parameters: Belt Width (mm

Material Trajectory:
Belt Width 1000 mm
Small Pulley (scale: 75 mm/in-
Troughing Idler Angle 35° crement)
Pulley Lagged D
Diameter Pulley (mm) 516 mm
500 Lagging Thickn
Lagging Thickness (MM) 8 mm
Belt Speed 2.58 m/s
Actual Belt Spe
Surcharge Angle (degrees) 25 25

Tonnage Rate (MTPH) 700

Material Density (Kg/m3) 1,760
Belt Thickness (mm) 8
Distance to Chute Plate (mm) 700
Angle of Conv. Inclination (deg) 0 Surcharge angle (deg)
Alternate Belt Speed (m/s) 1.4 Tonnage Rate (metric tph)=
Belt Speed (fpm)
Print This Sheet
Material Density (kg/cu m)=
Go to Large Pulley Sheet Area A (sq ft)
Design Trajectory - solid red line; Alternate speed - dotted blue.

Go to Overview Sheet 0

Calculated Results: Pulley Diam Lagged (in)

Calc'd mat'l height at centerline 113 mm Mat'l Cross Section at Pulley Face:
Pulley radius Lagged (in)
Calc'd actual height of C.O.G.* 46 mm Small Pulley (scale: 75 mm/incre- Belt Thickness (in)
Calc'd actual mat'l cross section 4.3 sq m ment) Radius to Belt Top (in)
CEMA Max Allow. height at center 198 mm
CEMA Max Height of C.O.G.* 79 mm
CEMA Max Allow. cross section 13.7 sq m

This program uses actual C.O.G.* height above
top of belt (based on actual cross section) to plot
trajectory. Height of C.O.G. for CEMA
max. allow. cross section is given for ref. only. Design Cross Section - dotted red line; CEMA max allow. - solid black line.
*C.O.G. = center of gravity of material, shown as ∆ and ∆

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