Junior School Weekly Term 3 Week 9 2022

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VOLUME 68 • September 16, 2022

Be Safe!
At Bellfield
we walk on the


Arbaeen of Imam
Hussain (a.s.)
Monday 19th September

National Day of
Public Holiday
Thursday 22nd September

Last Day of Term 3

Friday 23rd September

First Day of Term 4

Friday 10th October

Assalamu Alaykum
Dear Parents and Carers,
Public Speaking Competition
This week it was my pleasure to host the Public
Speaking Competition Finals!!
This was the first Public Speaking Competition
that we have held in a few years due to Covid,
and it was very impressive to see everyone’s
efforts. Our thanks and appreciation goes to Ms
Harold and Mrs Charles who adjudicated the
Students in Year 3 to 6 were asked to prepare
a persuasive speech on a selected topic. Their
goal was to convince you to agree with their
point of view on the topics listed below.
A special congratulations to the Grade Winners!
Year 3: You Simply MUST Go!
Year 4: Looking After Australia They will each receive a trophy at Presentation
Year 5: Is Space Travel Really Worth it? Day at the end of the year.
Year 6: Difficult Journeys Make Us Stronger

I would like to congratulate the Grade Finalists


Coming Up in Week 10
This term in Science & Technology, students explored
the Earth’s dynamic structure and its place in the
universe. We focused our learning on the observable
changes that occur in the sky and on land.

Students in Year One have been learning about

Changing Landscapes. They had great discussions
about whether landscapes such as mountains,
schools, houses, parks and the sky were built by
either Allah (SWT) or people. Below are some
examples of the students' artworks depicting all
types of changing landscapes.
As well as landscapes, students have been looking at
the sky! Particularly the night sky and stars.
Constellation was a word students were able to add
to their vocabulary and it was so intriguing for them
to explore the shapes and pictures stars create.
Students particularly took an interest in the
Southern Cross as it has a connection to the
Australian flag. After research and exploration,
students created their own constellations using
playdough and paddle pop sticks.
Please see class reports from year 6 students.
What has been going on in 6S during Term 3
In 6S English we have been learning about a novel
called a Ghost in my suitcase by Gabrielle Wang.
During the term, we read the novel and explored
the different themes. We also did comprehension
questions and summaries about each chapter.
Throughout this term we also did a lot of story
starters and creative writing based on images to
express our imagination and creativity. We also Term 3 6K Report
learnt how to put together information reports and In English, 6K has been swotting about a novel
how they are structured. We also learned about called, “A Ghost in my Suitcase”. We've extensively
narratives which we also displayed in our science read the book and are focusing on specific notions
projects. 6S really enjoyed English this term because manifested in the book. We’ve written revisions over
we found it very interesting and educational with each chapter and emphasised on key points in the
the help of Mr Reitmans. books. Overall, everyone enjoyed the book and we
learned lessons and lectures that the book wants us
In 6S maths this term we looked over fractions, to assimilate and take into our daily lives. These
decimals and percentages. We also expanded on include trust, generosity, culture and
addition, subtraction, division and multiplication predominantly, family. Overall, the class enjoyed
and how could I forget simplifying. This term maths the book and we hope to read another story-telling
was very educational and Mr Reitmans taught us and well written book. This is 6K, signing off.
easy and simple methods to understand and Al i y an
remember maths solutions.
In class 6K term 3 for maths we are learning about
In 6S Science we have been learning about Space. fractions, percentages and decimals. We have been
We got to choose our own topic to research more subtracting, multiplying, dividing ,converting and
deeply. We wrote an informative text about the simplifying these maths terms. We have also learnt
topic of our choice. We also had to do a narrative about angles, 2D shapes and how to count the
about our topic and also make an art piece. Then perimeter of a 2D shape. We solved missing angles
we had to present our powerpoint to the whole class. in 2D shapes by finding the exterior and interior
In 6S geography we have studied the continent of angles then adding them up to get the answer. We
Asia and its countries. In the north-east of Asia some also integrated sport to our maths lessons by seeing
countries are China, Japan,and North and South what angles we kick the balls at also by measuring
korea. In the south-east some are Indonesia, how far the student or teacher kicked the ball. The
Malaysia,and the Philippines. In Central Asia there is maths and sport incorporation engaged students to
India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. In Western Asia learn angles and how to measure. My personal least
there is Kazakstan, Turkmenistan and moving favourite maths lesson is division but after my hero
further West is Iraq, Lebanon and Turkey. Asia is Miss Al-naji I was able to confidently solve division
such an amazing continent. We would need years to problems! A huge thanks to miss Al-Naji.
study it fully. Zahra J amal
By Amir Knan and Sara Fouani
Konichiwa (hello in Japanese), In 6K we have been
learning about the country of Japan. We have been
learning about Japan's sport, culture, food, art and
much more. In term 3 we have been writing facts
about the highest mountains, the capital city of
Japan, the population of Japan and the different
sports, kimono clothing and much more. Did you
know that the population of Japan is 127,000,000

J ennah Hami di

In science we have been learning about the solar

system and the environment. Let's start with the
environment. We have learnt what has been
happening ,how to stop littering and pollution and
how to protect our current environment. We also
learnt what things you can use over and over again
for example:coconuts, you can use it for milk, food
and shelter. Next, the solar system we have learned
about the names of the planets and also worked
together to see all the facts we know about space.
This helped other students understand more things
about space.

Ay a Al -Samaweti

These students were Safe, Respectful Learners.

They walk on the footpath.

Jood Baalbaki & Hussein Haideri – KB

Zahra Elsayed & Atina Almesraji – KM
Aaliyah Awada & Jannah Al Thafiry – KP
Nouh Al-Darraji & Samaraa Boussi – 1A
Sara Najar & Paaris Ali – 1B
Ismail Al-khazaali & Alina Himmati – 2A
Deeba Hussain & Mustafa Raza – 2C

Peer Nominated PBL Award – Amal Zeinab Ali 2C

I am pleased to announce our 2 newest members of the Bellfield College Junior School student
leadership team. Please join me in welcoming our student representative council member and Prefect

Reza Petr 6K - Year 6 SRC Zakaria Farhat 6T - Prefect

I look forward to working with our newest members of the team for the remainder of 2022.

Kind regards
Miss R. Chokr

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