Peer Assessment Feedback For Trev

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Questions on feedback communication:

Name of peer assessed student: Fletcher Rosenthal

Name of peer assessor: Sean Taylor
Date of peer assessment: Mon 17 Oct. 22

Was the feedback presented in a clear manner? Give at least three examples of why/why not.
1. Yes, the ticks were very clear

2. Yes, the writing is very clear and understandable

3. Questions were quick and simple

Was the feedback presented in a polite manner? Give at least three examples of why/why not.
1. Yes though it was a bit blunt.

2.Yes questions weren’t intrusive about things I hadn’t completed.

3. Yes Sean was very kind.

Was the feedback accurate? Give at least three examples of why/why not.
1. yes, the feedback was accurate.

2. the ticks are all accurate with the work I have done

3. Sean spelt my name correctly

What suggestions were given for completing/improving the work? Give at least three
examples and say whether you understood them fully or not.
Add the work to the weebly page.

Make sure all the work is in detail and not in bland points.

Add more detail to task 2

Write a little about how the experience of getting peer feedback could have been
improved by the person delivering it? Think about the questions above if this helps.
(Minimum 200+ words)
The feedback I got could have been more detailed by adding what I did not do instead of
putting N/A for the stuff I had missed. Adding more detail could have made it easier for
me to improve my work. Putting N/A for the stuff I missed did not make it clear on what I
could have improved, so I could not improve on anything. I feel like Sean could have
added some more information, giving me some tips on what I could add to the documents
and the web page or what I did wrong/could have changed, so that I could have added
improvement to them.

And finally, think about how the experience of both delivering and receiving
feedback/verbal/written communication can be applied to Esports. Think about team
dynamics, fostering a positive environment, giving clear and measurable targets, etc.
(Minimum 300+ words)
Giving team feedback in Esports is important when it comes to dynamics in a team. It can
help create a positive environment where people can talk to other about how to improve
their gameplay, positioning and team contributions. Speaking up if someone is doing
something that is hurting your team is a good thing and shouldn’t be discouraged by the
fact if they’ve played the game for longer, are a higher rank, playing a different/harder
role or are the team leader. It is important to discuss everyone’s high points but also the
low points too and how to improve. If they go undiscussed, then they may happen again
which is bad for the team. Fostering a positive environment for the team is a good thing
as it helps build more trust and a better, stronger relationship between everyone which
helps with a team’s synergy.

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