Sostac 4 Enterprise

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0 INTRODUCTION The marketing Technique that will be used to address Enterprise Rent a cars Recruitment Problems will be the Integrated Marketing Communication Plan using the SOSTAC+3M model as the cause of this Recruitment problem has been seen to be as a result of poor Brand equity of enterprise Rent a car as some of these young Graduates have not even heard about the company and do not have any knowledge about the existing opportunities of working with Enterprise Rent a car. The IMC is also used to correct the image, perception and awareness problems. 2.0 SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS 2.1 Organizational analysis Enterprise Rent a car has an impressive growth matrix as it has been able to grow from 17 cars to more than 3,000 cars with sales of $3.1billion in sales and $5billion in assets, all between 1962 and 1997 with about 3000 locations now as against single locations with its inception. Enterprise Rent-car has a strong management culture coupled with the most recent technology for their information system as enterprise is the only home city rental company with the capacity of 23 IBM AS/400 computers connected in real time to via satellites to each branch worldwide, a key strength depicted by the SWOT analysis conducted. 2.2 COMPETITOR ANALYSIS The competitor analysis conducted in the analysis shows several competitors in the replacement car rental industry but Enterprise has carved a niche for itself by focusing on the Home city market which has given it a competitor advantage. Enterprise is the market leader in the entire replacement car rental market with total revenue of $2.61billion as against that of the closest competitor ford and Chrysler systems with total revenue of $490million, this has prompted competitors like Hertz to restrategise and are now planning to enter the Home city market as well. A total of $384.4million was spent on advertising in the car rental industry in 1994 representing about 2.8% of the industrys total revenue. With this enterprise spent $22million as against Hertz spending $47million,$31million by Alamo and $24million by Avis. This shows that, enterprise has not done much in terms of investment into advertising as compared to its competitors. 2.3 CONSUMER ANALYSIS Enterprise consumers/customers include those individuals who wake up in the morning going to work only to experience a car wreck or as well as families deciding to take a vacation and realizes the family car is too small or want to save km.

another aspect of Enterprise Rent-a-car consumers is the Businesses and corporate organisations who dont want to maintain a company bus because its less expensive to rent than to keep one. Consumers look out for reliability and responsiveness from the rent a car company in their choice of where to rent their cars. 2.4 MARKET ANAYSIS enterprise is currently the market leader in the car rental market without direct competitors in the Home city segment. Companies like Hertz are now planning to enter this segment of the market. The replacement market however has several players with huge resources. There is still an opportunity for enterprise to grow as there is rapid growth in the discretionary and leisure/vacation segment as well as a 10-15% growth of the Homecity market. 2.5 PRODUCT ANALYSIS The level of professionalism with which enterprise deals with its clients and the swiftness with which they respond to their calls and the proximity of their locations within the neighborhoods deliver a lot of value to their customers. 3.0 OBJECTIVES 3.1 Marketing Objectives Ultimately want to increase the number of branches from 3000 to 3150 in 12 months To grow and increase market share by 20% in 12months

3.2 COMMUNICATION OBJECTIVES To increase awareness of Enterprise in the market by 40% in 12months Make 60% of college Students aware of the existing career opportunities at enterprise within 12 months To attract and recruit 1,500 college graduates by the 12th month To increase the business from our referrals by 30% in 12 months

4.0 STRATEGY The IMC strategy will be based on AIDA model by creating the awareness of the target group, stimulating their interest and desire and ultimately get them to act. The core strategy will be based on messages aimed at the two target groups that is;

Target 1 (Prospective Employees): communicate to them Fun and friendly work environment as well as Great Earning Potential and Learn a Business. Target 2 (Customers): Communicate to customers about Enterprise been Customer Focused and Providing Safety and Convenience way of travelling 5.0 TACTICS The communication tools or techniques utilised in the communication plan will be used to convey the messages across both groups. These tools include; Advertisement using Television, Radio, Newspapers, Magazines, Souvenirs, Stickers and Flyers as well as Sales Promotions and Personal Selling. Documentary The Documentary will feature the Beginnings of Enterprise Rent-a car and how far they have come with some employees given testimonies about how they have developed and benefited from working with Enterprise rent car and the opportunities that exist within and the excitement derived from working with Enterprise Rent a car. Billboards Giant and Large Format Billboards will be mounted at strategic places and on highways and social places as well as on College campuses. This is meant to attract passerbys and travellers. Public Relations (PR) To create awareness and maintain the goodwill and positive interactions with the public. Public Relations will be an effective Branding tool for Enterprise Rent a car to create and improve upon the public perception. 6.0 ACTION PLAN The action will be developed using the 3M model where we shall consider the money that is the financial commitment involved, Men which looks at the officials responsible for the execution of each task and Minutes looking at the timeframe for each action. ACTIVITIES MONTHS (Minutes) BUDGET (GH) (Money) RESPONSIBLE (Men)

7.0 CONTROL Enterprise rent a car will contract a full service agency to track and monitor the performance of its communication activities. We shall also monitor the performance through the sales figures and returns after the roll of the communication plan. We shall also monitor through the number of hits and clicks on the website and also implement pre-purchase and post purchase survey. 8.0 CONCULSION This integrated marketing plan if appropriately planned would help enterprise Rent a car deal with awareness problems and increase the public knowledge and understanding of its product and services. By increasing the awareness, the recruitment problem will also be solved as the major reason found in the case study and as depicted by Rachel shows that they have difficulties in Recruitment because they have not been able to communicate effectively the opportunities that exist for Graduates who decide to work with Enterprise Rent a car. This integrated communication Marketing plan also intends to help enterprise rent a car improve upon its Brand equity.

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