Lets Delay - Sel - Selfcontrol - gr8 - Lessonplan - Ge

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Self-Control Grade 8

Let’s Delay
Self-control is the ability to regulate one’s feelings, thoughts, and behaviors towards a goal.
Higher levels of self-control are correlated with positive life outcomes and overall wellbeing.
Supporting students in developing their self-control sets them up for deeper learning,
improved focus, and the ability to thoughtfully navigate challenging experiences.

Students will learn strategies for delayed gratification.

Student Goal
I can delay gratification for a greater reward later.

Vocabulary Materials
delayed gratification candy (optional)
self-control Strategies for Delaying Gratification Cards
Delayed Gratification Action Plan Activity
Delayed Gratification Student Resource

Helpful Hints
Make a copy of the Strategies for Delaying Gratification Cards for each group of students for
the Practice part of the lesson. Cut the cards,

Make one copy of the Delayed Gratification Action Plan Activity for each student for the Dive
Deeper part of the lesson. Consider offering the Delayed Gratification Student Resource as
optional scaffolding to complete the activity.

During each activity, consider displaying the corresponding slide with instructions.

The Rethink Ed Self-Management Series aligns with CASEL Core Competencies: Self-Management, Self-Awareness, and
Responsible Decision-Making.
Let’s Delay
Learn (5-10 minutes)
The Delayed Gratification Video helps Show students the Delayed Gratification
students understand how delayed Video.
gratification is a choice to put off getting an
immediate smaller reward to get a greater
reward later.
The conditions of delayed gratification
• There must be a clear goal or reason
for delaying gratification.
• The reward must be worth waiting
• There must be a belief that the
reward will be received.
Some strategies for delaying gratification
• Out of Sight, Out of Mind
• Press Pause
• Positive Distraction
• Self-Talk
• If, Then
• Reward Review
• Pros and Cons List

Discussion Questions Following the video, use the discussion

questions to talk with students about the
• What are some examples of
conditions and strategies of delayed
delayed gratification?
• What are some benefits of delayed
• What can make it challenging to
delay gratification?
• Describe a scenario in which it
might be helpful to delay
gratification and one in which it
may be less helpful.
• Which new strategies for delaying
gratification would you like to try?

The Rethink Ed Self-Management Series aligns with CASEL Core Competencies: Self-Management, Self-Awareness, and
Responsible Decision-Making.
Practice (15-20 minutes)
In the Let’s Delay Activity, students analyze Organize students into groups of three or
and apply strategies for delaying four.
Provide each group with a set of the
Strategies for Delaying Gratification Cards.
Place one piece of candy on the desk of each
student without providing any initial
explanation. Tell students that they may eat
the candy, or if they choose to leave the
candy unopened, they will receive an
additional piece of candy at the end of the
class period. If candy is not accessible or
advisable, choose another reward.
Direct students’ attention to the Let’s Delay
Read the first scenario aloud. Have the
groups discuss which strategy could be used
to delay gratification.
Have each group choose a Strategies for
Delaying Gratification Card and share why
they chose that strategy.
Continue through the slides for as long as
time or interest allows.

At the end of the class period, reward the

students who chose to delay gratification
with an additional piece of candy. Then, use
the discussion questions to check in with
students about their ability to delay
gratification and their reflections on
delayed gratification:
• Did you choose to delay gratification
to receive the additional piece of
candy? Why or why not?
• If you chose to delay gratification,
what strategy or strategies did you
• Is delayed gratification always
beneficial? Why or why not?

The Rethink Ed Self-Management Series aligns with CASEL Core Competencies: Self-Management, Self-Awareness, and
Responsible Decision-Making.
Dive Deeper (15-20 minutes)
In the Delayed Gratification Action Plan Provide each student with a Delayed
Activity, students apply delayed Gratification Action Plan Activity.
gratification to a goal.
Have students write a goal and a plan for
reaching the goal. The goal should be
something they can reach within the week.
Have students track and record their
progress in the space provided.

Invite students to refer to the Delayed

Gratification Student Resource for optional
Have students reflect on their progress of
reaching their goals and whether delaying
gratification helped them to reach their
goals or not.

Tier 2 Strategies
Accommodations and Modifications
Prior to the lesson, have students watch the Delayed Gratification Video. Discuss what
delayed gratification is and the strategies for delaying gratification.

Consider providing students with access to watch the video independently on a tablet,
computer, or smartphone.

Provide students with the Delayed Gratification Student Resource to reference throughout
the lesson.

Provide students with the Delayed Gratification Student Resource to reference during the
group activity and discussion.

Consider providing preferential seating for students while slides are displayed.

Dive Deeper
Review the Delayed Gratification Action Plan Activity with students before having them
complete the activity.

Provide students with a set of options to choose from of possible goals.

Check in regularly with students on their progress and offer suggestions to reach their goal.

The Rethink Ed Self-Management Series aligns with CASEL Core Competencies: Self-Management, Self-Awareness, and
Responsible Decision-Making.

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