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SUDHANANDA VIDYALAYA NACHIPUR, BHATAPATANA, CUTTACK-752115 BIOLOGY PROJECT Presented By = Name : Bhobit Subham Dash Class : XI Roll No: Teacher : CERTIFICATE Class: XII Name: Roll No: Exam No: Institution: Sudhananda Vidyalaya, Nachipur,Bhatapatana, Cuttack-752115 This is certified to be the bonafide work of the student in the Laboratory during the academic year. No. of practicals certified. of... In the subject of....... Teacher In-charge Examiner's Signature Principal Date... Institution Rubber Stamp (1.8: The candidate is expected to retain his/her journal til he\she passes in the subject.) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT | undertook this Project Work as the part of my Biology Course. | had tried to apply my best of knowledge is generally quite complex and time consumin# process. It requires a Systematic study, insight vision and professional approach at the time of doing this project Moreover, ‘the person always feels the need, the help and good wishes of the people near you , who have considerably experience and idea | would like to extent my sincere vote of thanks and gratitude to my teacher Lam very much thankful to our Principal for giving valuable time and moral support to complete this project. | would like to take the opportunity to extent my sinegre thanks and gratitude to my parents for being a source of inspiration and providing time and freedom to complete this project, project work. {also feel indebted to my friends for individual suggestion durin Class Xll CONTENT “INTRODUCTION “How cigarette affect your health “Dangerous chemical in tobacco smoke “Etfect of smoking tobacco on body “Elfect of smoking on the body “Effect of smoking on the sexual organs “Disease caused by long term smoking “How to quit smoking “Bibliography aT INTRODUCTION Like most people, you already know t! But do you really understand just how Tob ease and pre know that out of a group of 1000 smokers (age 30) beta metret ‘hem (250!) will die of smoking-related illnesses prior to completing middle age an additional quarter will die prematurely from smoking-related linesses shortly after retirement age, and another large group will develop debilitating chronic illnesses as a result of their smoking? Most people don't know the odds of getting sick as a result of smoking are really that bad, but when you do the numbers, that is how they come out. For many people. ‘ruly understanding the very real dangers associated with smoking becomes the motivating factor that helps them to quit. Although it can be a very difficult habit to break, smoking is ultimately a choice. it is your responsibility to choose whether or not you will continue to smoke. This article provides a brief synopsis of the risks associated with smoking, an overview of nicotine addiction, including why its so difficult to give up smoking, and an outline of the advantages and disadvantages of quiting Once you have decided to quit, you will benefit from the information in this article about the physiological, psychological, and behavioral aspects of nicotine addiction; the different methods available fo help you quit; and the steps you can take to make the process easier. Learning about and understanding the many facets of the smoking habit can put you on the right track to successful smoking cessation Dangerous chemicals in t lobacco smi joke Highly damaging components oft : obacco smok e include + tar—is the word for the g Olid partic The partich les Suspended it SK rsa cen ecg es ( Ir is sticky al . and lung tissue Y and brown, and stains teeth, fingernails carbon monoxide - 7 colourle: 'S @ poisonous gas. It is odourless and colourless and. in large doses, quickly causes death b the place of oxygen in th e Snekas tretecbon the place of oxya blood. In people who smoke, the carbon noxide in their blood makes it harder for oxygen to get to their organs and muscles . + oxidizing chemicals ~ are highly reactive chemicals that can damage the heart muscles and blood vessels of people who smoke. They react with cholesterol, leading to the build-up of fatty material on artery walls. Their actions lead to heart disease, stroke and blood vessel disease : + metals — tobacco smoke contains several metals that cause cancer, including arsenic, berylium, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, lead and nickel . radioactive compounds ~ tobacco smoke, ¢ compounds that are known to be carcinogenic. ontains radioactive Effects of smoking tobacco on the body nhaling tobacco smoke causes damage to many of the body's organs and systems. Effects of smoking .o smoke on the respira rynx. (voice BOX) Se due to swelling and ‘ mucus in the lung on the respiratory system ory system include’ The effects of tobace' an + irritation of the trachea (wing reduced lung function ane narrowing of the lung a passages 7 2 system, I e aren of the lungs clearance rane Poisonous substances, which res id-up of leading to the bul ritation and damage iid lst acts of smoking on th eu Circulato; Ty-system Ve air sacs of th of the lungs, smoke on the circ On the circulatory system incl ude pressure and heart rate ightening) of blood ve J) Of blood vessel temperatu vessels in the skin, 1 d by the blood during exercise 1 is more prone to clotting the lining of the which is thought to be a to atherosclerosis (the build-up of fatty deposts a xtremities (fingers and toes) ke and heart attack due to b ages of the ects of smoking on the immune system f tobacco smoke on the immune system include: infections such as pneumonia and influenza sting illnesses antioxidants susceptibility to i evere and longer-la et levels of protective od cts of smoking on the musculoskeletal system | system fects of tobacco smoke on the musculoskeletal ys (euch as vitamin C), 1° the include: * tightening of certain muscles * teduced bone density ¢ sexual organs 8cts of smoking On th Sanco ts of tobacco smoke o pos Fo noké id N the male Body includ 8 an increased r isk jower sperm count niger percentage of deft genetic damage to sparta sperm | jmpotence, which may be d d ue tothe and damage to the blood vessels ae sapoa 9 0n,blood flow geffects of tobacco smoke on the female body include: , reduced fertility, mer , menstrual cycle irregul Sse: ycle irregularities, or absence of . menopause reached one or {wo years earlier * + increased risk of cancer of the cervix «greatly increased risk of stroke and heart attack ifthe person who smokes is aged over 35 yeas ad taking he oral contraceptive pill g on the body e on the body include: ner effects of smokin der effects of tobacco smok fon of the stomach and intestines mmation of irtation and inflate cers along the digestive tract + increased risk ¢ . reduced ability (os! la hee " premature wi ink nds ind - hated Fperosortt + gum diseass E ing on babies smoking onan unborn baby include i Effects of 57 ternal T of ma : he effects ae _mscartiage,stilbith and premature birth se ri ung? which may have a lastin« effect of ae ae effect of the growth and “a birth weer nidren. Low birth weight is associated with an Seven mak of peart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes in 2 of ger of lett palate and cleft Ip incre er incre auth incre increased risk of attentior Al N deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) ( ) jesive smoking (exposure g of the non. woke) can also harm the fetus, on-emeking imolht}z second-hand 3 parent continu Pa eyed es to amar during their baby's first year of life, the child sk of ear infections, respiratory iiiesses such 2s monia and bronchitis, sudden une» le infancy (SUDI) and : unexpect me a pected death in infancy (SUD!) Diseases caused by long-term smoking 4 person who smokes throughout their life is at high risk of developing @ ge of potentially lethal diseases, including: . cancer of the lung, mouth, noS5, larynx, tongue, nasal sinus Sesophagus, throat, pancreas, bone marrow (myeloid leukaemia) adder, bowel and stomach vary, ureter, liver, bladder Kidney, 27% OVEN, “chronic bronchitis ‘and chronic obstructive ln eas ides obstructive bronchiolitis and ‘ase, which includes pulmonary dise emphysema s se and stro! «heart diseF igestve Sere ulcers of the S195 ip fracture and hiP 1 eet and hands, which can lead to pain and nin circulator ‘and amputation How to quit smoking cond-hand smoke are responsible for more use and exposure to set fo the ths each year in the United States, according t 000 de ican Lung Association: health risks that arise from cigarette e numerous o be the leading cause of continues t disease’ in the US. on one day; ality and duration of your ist people are aware of th ooking and yet, “tobacco use aentable death and - jis a journey. ta single event that happens ur health and the qu round you smoking is no {| improve Y° f those 4! quitting, you W! the lives ope with the ®,as well aS it you also need ur behavior and ci eed to alter YO cout nicotine, but loquit smoking, YOU not only oF ex' rienced from cutting ath toms drawal syMP! your moods: bfind other ways f° reak free from ‘le smo} king cessation. lan, you cam Se ve ways to tack With the right 92™ re fis he nabitfar goody a DECLERATION | do hereby declare that this project report entitled “HOW CIGARETTE AFFECT YOUR HEALTH” submitted by me to partial fulfillment of the requirement for the a2” CASE Biology project work carried out by me under the guidance of Further declare that the work reported in this project has been done successfully and submitted to the Management. Class Xll

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