20 Soal Bahasa Inggris

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Nama : Nabila Ghaisani Tanriadjeng

NIS : 20661
Kelas : XII MIPA 2

1. The question is based on the following passage

Supply chain weaknesses were brought to the forefront during the COVID-
19 pandemic, especially for industries relying on electronics, as the flow of raw
materials slowed or sometimes stopped. On top of that, shifting consumer values
and tougher environmental regulations have resulted in more people buying
hybrid vehicles. The batteries in these cars require rare metals that, depending
on their supplies, can have volatile and unpredictable prices. However, there are
other scarce elements and materials that may be used in smaller amounts in
hybrid models versus conventional gas vehicles, raising the question of how
these vehicles really compare with regard to supply chain vulnerabilities.
Randolph Kirchain and colleagues wanted to develop a comprehensive
comparison of the elements and compounds that go into all the parts in gas-
powered, self-charging hybrid and plug-in hybrid cars, calculating each of the
three vehicles' materials cost vulnerability.
The researchers collected information on the compounds in the more than
350,000 parts used to build seven vehicles from the same manufacturer with
different levels of electrification, including four sedans and three sport utility
vehicles (SUVs). Then, they calculated the amount of the 76 chemical elements
present, as well as a few other materials, in each car type. To develop a monetary
metric for vulnerability, the team considered the weight of each component,
along with its average price and price volatility between 1998 and 2015. The
results showed that self-charging hybrid and plug-in hybrid vehicles have twice
the raw material cost risks. The largest contributors to the increase in cost risks
were battery-related elements, such as cobalt, nickel, graphite and neodymium.
The researchers say that as manufacturers ramp up electric vehicle production to
meet demand, reducing raw material cost risks with long-term supplier contracts,
substituting some materials or recycling others will be a good idea.
The author would apparently agree that the relationship between environmental
regulations and the purchase of hybrid vehicles in paragraph 1 is similar to the
phenomenon of ....
a. cars and traffic
b. oil and gas stations
c. people and vehicles
d. gasoline and transportation
e. modern life and electric cars
Soal tersebut menanyakan analogi yang tepat dari hubungan antara peraturan
lingkungan dan pembelian mobil hibrida.
Informasi yang berkaitan dengan hal tersebut terdapat di paragraf pertama
kalimat kedua. Pada kalimat tersebut, dikatakan bahwa peraturan lingkungan
menyebabkan masyarakat membeli mobil hibrida. Analogi yang digunakan di
sini adalah analogi sebab akibat. Dengan demikian, analogi yang tepat adalah
antara cars dan traffic karena mobil menyebabkan kemacetan sehingga pilihan
A tepat.
Pilihan B (minyak dan tempat pengisian bahan bakar) tidak tepat. Minyak
tidak menyebabkan adanya pom bensin. Pom bensin didirikan karena adanya
Pilihan C (orang dan kendaraan) tidak tepat. Penyebab adanya kendaraan
adalah jarak tempuh, bukan manusia.
Pilihan D (bahan bakar minyak dan transportasi) tidak tepat. Kendaraanlah
yang menyebabkan adanya bensin, bukan sebaliknya.
Pilihan E (kehidupan modern dan mobil listrik) tidak tepat. Kehidupan
modern tidak menyebabkan adanya mobil listrik. Mobil listrik diciptakan
karena adanya masalah lingkungan

2. The question is based on the following text

Exercise is painful. As the cliché goes, “No pain, no gain.” When the body
exerts itself, pumping action out of muscles to tear them down and build their
mass, it’s left with a soreness. Doctors, coaches, and mothers all recommend
heat for tense sore muscles—warm baths, moist towels, hot-water bottles, or
heated pads as thermotherapy techniques. But how exactly does applying this
heat help the pain and relax the muscles?
While exercising, the body requires more energy than it can produce
through aerobic respiration, or the intake of oxygen. To create enough energy
for vigorous movement, the body goes through another process: anaerobic
respiration. This type of energy production burns sugars without oxygen,
producing lactic acid within exerted muscles. Overworked muscles and a
buildup of lactic acid are what cause the pain associated with exercising. When
heat is applied to a sore area of the body, blood vessels widen and blood flow
increases to transport excess lactic acid and other toxins away from tired
muscles. These muscles are also made more elastic by the heat, and nerve
endings are stimulated to block pain signals.
What is the purpose of the underlined sentence in paragraph 1?
a. highlight the process of muscle building during exercise
b. illustrate the cliché related to exercise and pain
c. explain the sources of pain while exercising
d. show the process of soreness on muscles
e. define the cliché “No pain, no gain”
Soal menanyakan tujuan penulisan kalimat bergaris bawah yang terdapat pada
paragraf pertama.
Terjemahan kalimat tersebut adalah ketika tubuh berolah raga, menuntut otot
untuk bekerja keras dan mambangun massa, tubuh akan terasa nyeri. Dengan
kata lain, kalimat tersebut bertujuan mengilustrasikan ungkapan “No pain, no
gain,” yang berarti 'Tidak ada pengorbanan, tidak ada hasil.’ (Pilihan B).
Pengorbanan yang dimaksud diilustrasikan dengan rasa nyeri pada tubuh dan
hasil diilustrasikan dengan pembentukan massa otot.
Pilihan A tidak tepat. Kalimat tersebut tidak menyoroti proses otot terbentuk
saja, melainkan juga efek yang ditimbulkannya, yaitu rasa nyeri.
Pilihan C tidak tepat. Kalimat tersebut menyebutkan bahwa sumber rasa nyeri
pada tubuh saat berolahraga adalah kerja keras otot saja. Tidak ada penjelasan
mengenai sumber lain.
Pilihan D tidak tepat. Kalimat tersebut bukan hanya menunjukkan tentang
nyeri pada otot yang diakibatkan dari berolah raga, tetapi juga terbentuknya
massa otot.
Pilihan E tidak tepat. Kalimat tersebut tidak memuat definisi dari ungkapan
“No pain, no gain”, melainkan hanya memberikan ilustrasi untuk ungkapan
Oleh karena itu, pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah B

3. Read the text below to answer the question!

A team led by UC Riverside geologists has discovered the first ancestor on
the family tree that contains most familiar animals today, including humans. The
tiny, wormlike creature, named Ikaria wariootia, is the earliest bilaterian, or
organism with a front and back, two symmetrical sides, and openings at either
end connected by a gut. The paper is published today in Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences.
For 15 years, scientists agreed that fossilized burrows found in 555 million-
year-old Ediacaran Period deposits in Nilpena, South Australia, were made by
bilaterians. However, there was no sign of the creature that made the burrows,
leaving scientists with nothing but speculation. Then, Scott Evans, a recent
doctoral graduate from UC Riverside; and Mary Droser, a professor of geology,
noticed miniscule, oval impressions near some of these burrows. With funding
from a NASA exobiology grant, they used a three-dimensional laser scanner that
revealed the regular, consistent shape of a cylindrical body with a distinct head
and tail and faintly grooved musculature. The animal ranged between 2-7
millimeters long and about 1-2.5 millimeters wide, with the largest the size and
shape of a grain of rice -- just the right size to have made the burrows.
"We thought these animals should have existed during this interval, but
always understood they would be difficult to recognize," Evans said. "Once we
had the 3D scans, we knew that we had made an important discovery."
What is the main idea of the passage?
a. the descendant on the family tree of familiar animals found in Australia
b. a team led by UC Riverside geologists
c. Australian geologists finding most animals
d. the small ancestor of familiar animals identified in Australia
e. the geologists’ discovery of a worm in Australia
Soal menanyakan ide pokok yang tepat dari teks bacaan.
Pada keseluruhan paragraf, teks tersebut membahas mengenai penemuan
makhluk yang dianggap sebagai leluhur dari silsilah keluarga sebagian besar
binatang yang ada saat ini.
Pilihan A tidak tepat karena terdapat kata The descendant yang berarti
'keturunan'. Hal tersebut merupakan antonim dari kata ancestor yang berarti
Pilihan B dan C tidak tepat karena yang menjadi fokus pada kedua pilihan
tersebut adalah tim ahli geologi yang melakukan penemuan.
Pilihan D tepat karena pernyataan tersebut sesuai dengan yang disampaikan
pada teks bacaan.
Pilihan E tidak tepat karena makhluk yang ditemukan bukanlah
seekor worm (cacing), tetapi makhluk seperti cacing . Informasinya terdapat
pada kalimat kedua paragraf pertama.
Oleh karena itu, pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah D.

4. Read the text below to answer the question!

A team led by UC Riverside geologists has discovered the first ancestor on
the family tree that contains most familiar animals today, including humans. The
tiny, wormlike creature, named Ikaria wariootia, is the earliest bilaterian, or
organism with a front and back, two symmetrical sides, and openings at either
end connected by a gut. The paper is published today in Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences.
For 15 years, scientists agreed that fossilized burrows found in 555 million-
year-old Ediacaran Period deposits in Nilpena, South Australia, were made by
bilaterians. However, there was no sign of the creature that made the burrows,
leaving scientists with nothing but speculation. Then, Scott Evans, a recent
doctoral graduate from UC Riverside; and Mary Droser, a professor of geology,
noticed miniscule, oval impressions near some of these burrows. With funding
from a NASA exobiology grant, they used a three-dimensional laser scanner that
revealed the regular, consistent shape of a cylindrical body with a distinct head
and tail and faintly grooved musculature. The animal ranged between 2-7
millimeters long and about 1-2.5 millimeters wide, with the largest the size and
shape of a grain of rice -- just the right size to have made the burrows.
"We thought these animals should have existed during this interval, but
always understood they would be difficult to recognize," Evans said. "Once we
had the 3D scans, we knew that we had made an important discovery."
The purpose of the passage is ….
a. to announce how great a team of geologists is
b. to deliver the information about several ancestors
c. to advertise an ancient animal found in Australia
d. to inform the readers about the important discovery
e. to reveal the sophisticated new science technology
Soal menanyakan tujuan penulisan teks bacaan tersebut.
Teks tersebut memberikan informasi mengenai penemuan Ikaria wariootia,
nenek moyang dari sebagian besar binatang yang ada saat ini yang dianggap
sebagai sebuah penemuan yang penting. Dengan demikian, tujuan teks tersebut
adalah memberikan informasi kepada pembaca mengenai penemuan penting
sehingga pilihan D tepat.
Pilihan A (untuk mengumumkan betapa hebatnya sebuah tim dari ahli
geologi) tidak tepat. Fokus dari teks tersebut adalah penemuan sebuah tim
geologi, yaitu seekor bilateria, bukan para penemunya.
Pilihan B (untuk menyampaikan informasi mengenai beberapa nenek
moyang) tidak tepat. Teks tersebut tidak menyajikan informasi tentang
beberapa nenek moyang, tetapi hanya nenek moyang dari sebagian besar
binatang yang ada saat ini.
Pilihan C (untuk mengiklankan seekor binatang purba yang ditemukan di
Australia) tidak tepat. Tidak ada informasi pada teks yang mengatakan bahwa
penemuan di Australia tersebut akan diiklankan.
Pilihan E (untuk mengungkapkan sebuah teknologi ilmu pengetahuan baru yang
canggih) tidak tepat. Teks tersebut berfokus pada penemuan bilateria
pertama, ikaria wariootia, oleh sebuah tim geologis, bukan tentang teknologi
ilmu pengetahuan baru.
Jadi, pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah D.

5. The text is for the following question.

Television was once the newest technology in our homes, and then came
videos and computers. Today’s children are growing up in a rapidly changing
digital age that is far different from their parents. A variety of technologies are
all around us in our homes, offices, and schools. When used wisely, technology
and media can support learning children’s relationships both with adults and
their peers.
Based on some evidence by research, there has never been a more
important time to apply principles of development and learning when
considering the use of cutting-edge technologies and new media as the so-called
interactive media. Interactive media refers to digital and analog materials,
including software programs, applications (apps), some children’s television
programming, e-books, the Internet, and other forms of content designed to
facilitate active and creative use by young children and to encourage social
engagement with other children and adults.
When the integration of technology and interactive media in early
childhood programs is built upon solid developmental foundations, and early
childhood professionals are aware of both the challenges and the opportunities,
educators are positioned to improve program quality by intentionally leveraging
the potential of technology and media for the benefit of every child.
This statement provides guidance for early childhood educators about the
use of technology and interactive media in ways that can optimize opportunities
for young children’s development. In this statement, the definition of technology
tools encompasses a broad range of digital devices such as computers, tablets,
multi-touch screens, interactive whiteboards, mobile devices, cameras, audio
recorders, electronic toys, games, e-book readers, and older analog devices still
being used such as tape recorders, record and cassette players, projectors, and
By appropriately and intentionally using the technology of his day—
broadcast television—to connect with each individual child and with parents and
families, it demonstrated the positive potential of using technology and media in
ways that are grounded in principles of child development.
How does the second sentence relate to the first sentence in paragraph 2?
a. It shows the importance of interactive media to children’s lives.
b. It argues that interactive media include digital materials only.
c. It explains the definition and examples of interactive media.
d. It states that the children and adults nowadays are familiar with digital
e. It shows that interactive media can support social engagement among adults.
Soal tersebut menanyakan hubungan kalimat pertama dan kedua pada paragraf
Kalimat pertama menjelaskan pentingnya menerapkan aturan-aturan
pembelajaran ketika mulai menggunakan teknologi baru dalam pembelajaran,
yaitu media interaktif. Kalimat kedua menjelaskan bahwa media interaktif
mengacu pada materi digital dan analog, termasuk program perangkat lunak,
aplikasi, beberapa program televisi anak-anak, e-book, internet, dan bentuk
konten lain yang dirancang untuk memfasilitasi penggunaan aktif dan kreatif
oleh anak-anak muda dan untuk mendorong keterlibatan sosial dengan anak-
anak lain dan orang dewasa.
Berdasarkan hal tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa kalimat kedua menjelaskan
definisi dan contoh media interaktif yang disebutkan di kalimat pertama.
Jadi, pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah C.
6. The text is for the following question.
Television was once the newest technology in our homes, and then came
videos and computers. Today’s children are growing up in a rapidly changing
digital age that is far different from their parents. A variety of technologies are
all around us in our homes, offices, and schools. When used wisely, technology
and media can support learning children’s relationships both with adults and
their peers.
Based on some evidence by research, there has never been a more important
time to apply principles of development and learning when considering the use
of cutting-edge technologies and new media as the so-called interactive media.
Interactive media refers to digital and analog materials, including software
programs, applications (apps), some children’s television programming, e-
books, the Internet, and other forms of content designed to facilitate active and
creative use by young children and to encourage social engagement with other
children and adults.
When the integration of technology and interactive media in early childhood
programs is built upon solid developmental foundations, and early childhood
professionals are aware of both the challenges and the opportunities, educators
are positioned to improve program quality by intentionally leveraging the
potential of technology and media for the benefit of every child.
This statement provides guidance for early childhood educators about the use
of technology and interactive media in ways that can optimize opportunities for
young children’s development. In this statement, the definition of technology
tools encompasses a broad range of digital devices such as computers, tablets,
multi-touch screens, interactive whiteboards, mobile devices, cameras, audio
recorders, electronic toys, games, e-book readers, and older analog devices still
being used such as tape recorders, record and cassette players, projectors, and
By appropriately and intentionally using the technology of his day—broadcast
television—to connect with each individual child and with parents and families,
it demonstrated the positive potential of using technology and media in ways that
are grounded in principles of child development.
The author would apparently agree on the idea that ....
a. digital media can harm learning and relationships
b. technology provides children with enjoyable experiences
c. technology may bring more good than harm when it is used wisely
d. technology can influence the relationships between children and their
e. technology minimizes the potential for children’s learning and engagement
with others
Soal tersebut menanyakan kesimpulan tersirat penulis menurut teks tersebut.
Berdasarkan paragraf ketiga (educators are positioned to improve program
quality by intentionally leveraging the potential of technology and media for the
benefit of every child), paragraf keempat (the use of technology and interactive
media in ways that can optimize opportunities for young children’s
development), dan paragraf kelima (it is demonstrated the positive potential of
using technology and media in ways that are grounded in principles of child
development), dapat disimpulkan bahwa penulis mengungkapkan tentang
penggunaan teknologi yang jika digunakan secara bijak, dapat membantu dan
mengoptimalkan perkembangan anak.
Dengan demikian, kesimpulan tersirat yang tepat adalah teknologi membawa
lebih banyak kebaikan daripada kerugian jika digunakan secara bijak.
Jadi, pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah C.

7. The text is for the following question.

Television was once the newest technology in our homes, and then came
videos and computers. Today’s children are growing up in a rapidly changing
digital age that is far different from their parents. A variety of technologies are
all around us in our homes, offices, and schools. When used wisely, technology
and media can support learning children’s relationships both with adults and
their peers.
Based on some evidence by research, there has never been a more important
time to apply principles of development and learning when considering the use
of cutting-edge technologies and new media as the so-called interactive media.
Interactive media refers to digital and analog materials, including software
programs, applications (apps), some children’s television programming, e-
books, the Internet, and other forms of content designed to facilitate active and
creative use by young children and to encourage social engagement with other
children and adults.
When the integration of technology and interactive media in early childhood
programs is built upon solid developmental foundations, and early childhood
professionals are aware of both the challenges and the opportunities, educators
are positioned to improve program quality by intentionally leveraging the
potential of technology and media for the benefit of every child.
This statement provides guidance for early childhood educators about the use
of technology and interactive media in ways that can optimize opportunities for
young children’s development. In this statement, the definition of technology
tools encompasses a broad range of digital devices such as computers, tablets,
multi-touch screens, interactive whiteboards, mobile devices, cameras, audio
recorders, electronic toys, games, e-book readers, and older analog devices still
being used such as tape recorders, record and cassette players, projectors, and
By appropriately and intentionally using the technology of his day—broadcast
television—to connect with each individual child and with parents and families,
it demonstrated the positive potential of using technology and media in ways that
are grounded in principles of child development.
The author holds the assumption that ....
a. any forms of content designed to facilitate creative children to learn will
challenge them
b. interactive media are any kind of media that include hardware and artifacts
of education
c. the integration of technology and interactive media in childhood programs
leads to improved program quality
d. applying principles of development and learning of children is secondary in
the use of the interactive media
e. technology and media can be used to facilitate learning and establish better
relationships with other children and adults
Soal tersebut menanyakan asumsi penulis.
Berdasarkan kalimat By appropriately and intentionally using the technology of
this day—broadcast television—to connect with each individual child and with
parents and families, it demonstrated the positive potential of using technology
and media in ways that are grounded in principles of child development, dapat
disimpulkan bahwa menggunakan teknologi dengan tepat dan ditujukan
untuk terhubung dengan setiap anak dengan orangtua dan keluarganya,
menunjukkan potensi positif penggunaan teknologi dan media dengan cara yang
didasarkan pada prinsip-prinsip perkembangan anak.
Dengan demikian, penulis berasumsi bahwa teknologi dan media dapat
digunakan untuk memfasilitasi pembelajaran dan menciptakan hubungan
dengan anak-anak lain serta orang dewasa. Oleh karena itu, pilihan E tepat.
Pilihan jawaban A, B, C, dan D tidak tepat karena informasi-informasi pada
pilihan jawaban tersebut tidak sesuai dengan informasi yang disampaikan pada
Jadi, pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah E.

8. The question is based on the following passage.

Around 2.8 million Indian students sat university examinations from the end
of August to September 13 as the country approached the grim milestone of 5-
million total COVID-19 cases. Despite pleas from civil society to defer
examinations, including by Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg, a Supreme
Court ruling on August 17 gave the government the green light to keep the
original schedule for the engineer and medical colleges entrance exams.
The JEE and the NEET, how university exams for those two careers are called,
are India's most competitive — they sprawl industries of their own, with
preparation courses generating millions of dollars annually. The court bench
headed by Justice Ashok Bhushan said that “the career of the students cannot be
put on peril for long, and a full academic year cannot be wasted.” The court will
not hear any further petitions regarding postponing future exam dates.
According to the Ministry of Education, 74 percent of the students registered
to the first of the JEE took the exam, while an above 80-percent attendance was
observed for the NEET exam. Students are now gearing up for the second stage
of the JEE (the JEE Advanced), which will take place on September 27. Protests
against the exam date have dwindled since the Supreme Court decision.
What can be inferred from the passage?
a. Indian students were reluctant to join university preparation courses.
b. Indian students were forced to sit the JEE and the NEET exam.
c. The JEE and the NEET are annually held by the Supreme Court.
d. The Supreme Court considered the pleas from society.
e. The university entrance tests were finally rescheduled
Soal menanyakan kesimpulan tersirat yang tepat berdasarkan informasi pada
teks tersebut.
Pada paragraf pertama, dijelaskan bahwa meskipun ada permohonan dari
masyarakat untuk menunda jadwal ujian masuk universitas terkait dengan
banyaknya kasus COVID-19, putusan Mahkamah Agung pada 17 Agustus
memberi pemerintah lampu hijau untuk mempertahankan jadwal asli untuk ujian
masuk insinyur dan perguruan tinggi kedokteran. Pada akhir paragraf kedua,
dijelaskan bahwa pengadilan tidak akan mempertimbangkan petisi apapun
mengenai jadwal tersebut. Kemudian pada paragraf ketiga dijelaskan bahwa
ujian JEE dan NEET sudah dilaksanakan dan diikuti oleh para mahasiswa.
Informasi pada ketiga paragraf tersebut menunjukkan bahwa sebenarnya
mahasiswa menginginkan jadwal ujian tersebut ditunda. Namun, pada akhirnya
mereka tetap mengikutinya karena pemerintah tidak bersedia menunda jadwal
Dengan demikian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa siswa di India mengikuti ujian JEE
dan NEET dalam keadaan terpaksa sehingga pilihan B tepat.
Pilihan A (Siswa India enggan mengikuti kursus persiapan universitas.) tidak
tepat karena pada kalimat 1 paragraf 3, dijelaskan bahwa ujian JEE dan NEET
adalah ujian yang paling kompetitif di India dan kursus persiapan untuk kedua
ujian tersebut menghasilkan jutaan dolar setiap tahunnya. Informasi tersebut
menunjukkan bahwa kebanyakan siswa India justru kemungkinan besar
mengikuti kursus persiapan untuk menghadapi JEE dan NEET.
Pilihan C (JEE dan NEET diadakan setiap tahun oleh Mahkamah Agung.) tidak
tepat karena ujian tersebut diselenggarakan oleh pemerintah India, bukan
Mahkamah Agung. Hal ini diketahui dari informasi pada akhir paragraf pertama,
yaitu ‘... putusan Mahkamah Agung pada 17 Agustus memberi pemerintah
lampu hijau untuk mempertahankan jadwal asli untuk ujian masuk fakultas
teknik dan kedokteran’. Jadi, yang membuat jadwal dan menjadi penyelenggara
ujian tersebut adalah pemerintah.
Pilihan D (Mahkamah Agung mempertimbangkan permohonan dari
masyarakat.) tidak tepat karena jelas dikatakan pada kalimat terakhir paragraf
pertama bahwa Mahkamah Agung memberi izin kepada pemerintah untuk
mempertahankan jadwal asli untuk ujian masuk insinyur dan perguruan tinggi
kedokteran meskipun ada permohonan dari masyarakat untuk menunda jadwal
Dengan alasan yang sama, pilihan E (Tes masuk universitas akhirnya
dijadwalkan ulang.) tidak tepat karena jadwal semula tetap dipertahankan.
Jadi, pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah B.

9. The question is based on the following passage.

Around 2.8 million Indian students sat university examinations from the end
of August to September 13 as the country approached the grim milestone of 5-
million total COVID-19 cases. Despite pleas from civil society to defer
examinations, including by Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg, a Supreme
Court ruling on August 17 gave the government the green light to keep the
original schedule for the engineer and medical colleges entrance exams.
The JEE and the NEET, how university exams for those two careers are called,
are India's most competitive — they sprawl industries of their own, with
preparation courses generating millions of dollars annually. The court bench
headed by Justice Ashok Bhushan said that “the career of the students cannot be
put on peril for long, and a full academic year cannot be wasted.” The court will
not hear any further petitions regarding postponing future exam dates.
According to the Ministry of Education, 74 percent of the students registered
to the first of the JEE took the exam, while an above 80-percent attendance was
observed for the NEET exam. Students are now gearing up for the second stage
of the JEE (the JEE Advanced), which will take place on September 27. Protests
against the exam date have dwindled since the Supreme Court decision.
Which statement is CORRECT based on the passage above?
a. The first stage of the JEE Advanced was held after September 27.
b. The exams may be postponed due to the protests against the exam date.
c. NEET is an entrance university test for both medical and engineering
d. Justice Ashok Bhushan wasn’t concerned about students’ academic and
future careers.
e. Many Indians demanded rescheduling the exams because of the high rate of
COVID-19 cases.
Soal tersebut menanyakan pernyataan yang tepat berdasarkan teks.
Pilihan A (Tahap pertama the JEE Advanced diselenggarakan setelah tanggal
27 September.) tidak tepat. Kalimat “Students are now gearing up for
the second stage of the JEE (the JEE Advanced), which will take place on
September 27.” menyatakan bahwa tahap kedua berlangsung pada tanggal 27
September sehingga tahap pertamanya pasti sebelum tanggal tersebut.
Pilihan B (Ujian mungkin ditunda karena adanya protes menentang tanggal
ujian.) tidak tepat. Pada paragraf pertama, disebutkan bahwa Mahkamah Agung
telah mengizinkan ujian berlangsung sesuai jadwal aslinya. Selanjutnya pada
paragraf kedua disebutkan “The court will not hear any further petitions
regarding postponing future exam dates. (Pengadilan tidak akan mendengar
petisi lebih lanjut tentang penundaan tanggal ujian di masa yang akan datang.)".
Kalimat tersebut menyiratkan bahwa keputusan yang telah diambil oleh
Mahkamah Agung tersebut tidak akan berubah dan diharapkan tidak akan ada
lagi protes.
Pilihan C (NEET adalah ujian masuk universitas baik untuk medis maupun
teknik.) tidak tepat. Terdapat kalimat yang menyatakan “The JEE and the
NEET, how university exams for those two careers are called ....” pada
teks. Karir (careers) yang dimaksud adalah karir yang berkaitan dengan teknik
dan medis (sesuai kalimat terakhir paragraf pertama). Namun, entah JEE atau
NEET merupakan ujian yang hanya untuk salah satu dari karir atau bidang
tersebut, bukan berarti JEE atau NEET masing-masingnya memuat ujian kedua
bidang tersebut.
Pilihan D (Hakim Ashok Bhushan tidak khawatir tentang akademik dan karir
siswa.) tidak tepat. Pada paragraf kedua, terdapat kalimat “The court bench
headed by Justice Ashok Bhushan said that ‘the career of the students cannot be
put on peril for long, and a full academic year cannot be wasted’. (Bangku
pengadilan yang dipimpin Hakim Ashok Bhushan mengatakan bahwa ‘karir
siswa tidak bisa lama-lama terancam, dan satu tahun akademik penuh tidak bisa
disia-siakan'.)". Kalimat tersebut menunjukkan bahwa hakim tersebut justru
peduli atau khawatir dengan karir dan akademik siswa.
Pilihan E (Banyak masyarakat India menuntut perubahan jadwal ujian karena
tingginya tingkat kasus COVID-19.) tepat. Paragraf pertama menyebutkan
bahwa siswa India tetap mengikuti ujian universitas ketika India sedang
mengalami sejarah suram 5 juta kasus COVID-19. Terlepas dari permintaan
masyarakat untuk menunda ujian, Mahkamah Agung pada 17 Agustus
memutuskan untuk menjaga jadwal asli ujian masuk tersebut. “Sejarah suram 5
juta kasus COVID-19” menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kasus COVID-19 yang
sedang terjadi itu tinggi (high rate). Lalu, “menunda ujian” maksudnya sama
dengan “mengubah jadwal ujian yang telah ada”.
Jadi, pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah E.

10. The question is based on the following passage.

Around 2.8 million Indian students sat university examinations from the end
of August to September 13 as the country approached the grim milestone of 5-
million total COVID-19 cases. Despite pleas from civil society
to defer examinations, including by Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg,
a Supreme Court ruling on August 17 gave the government the green light to
keep the original schedule for the engineer and medical colleges entrance
The JEE and the NEET, how university exams for those two careers are
called, are India's most competitive — they sprawl industries of their own, with
preparation courses generating millions of dollars annually. The court bench
headed by Justice Ashok Bhushan said that “the career of the students cannot
be put on peril for long, and a full academic year cannot be wasted.” The court
will not hear any further petitions regarding postponing future exam dates.
According to the Ministry of Education, 74 percent of the students registered
to the first of the JEE took the exam, while an above 80-percent attendance was
observed for the NEET exam. Students are now gearing up for the second stage
of the JEE (the JEE Advanced), which will take place on September 27.
Protests against the exam date have dwindled since the Supreme Court
The author’s attitude towards the civils’ protest regarding the exam schedule is
a. critical
b. positive
c. objective
d. subjective
e. informative
Soal menanyakan sikap penulis mengenai protes masyarakat tentang jadwal
ujian yang dibahas pada teks.
Penulis menjelaskan protes masyarakat tentang jadwal ujian pada paragraf
pertama. Penulis menjelaskan bahwa Mahkamah Agung memberi izin kepada
pemerintah untuk mempertahankan jadwal asli untuk ujian masuk insinyur dan
perguruan tinggi kedokteran meskipun ada permohonan dari masyarakat untuk
menunda jadwal tersebut.
Pada paragraf kedua, penulis menyebutkan dua ujian masuk universitas, yaitu
JEE dan NEET. Kemudian dilanjutkan dengan penjelasan mengenai alasan
pemerintah mempertahankan jadwal ujian yang sudah ditetapkan sejak awal
dan pengadilan juga tidak akan mempertimbangkan petisi apapun mengenai
jadwal tersebut.
Pada paragraf ketiga, penulis menjelaskan tentang persentase jumlah siswa
yang sudah mengikuti ujian JEE dan NEET. Dijelaskan pula bahwa protes
mengenai jadwal ujian sudah berkurang sejak adanya putusan dari Mahkamah
Berdasarkan topik bahasan pada masing-masing paragraf, terlihat jelas bahwa
penulis menyajikan informasi mengenai protes yang dilakukan oleh
masyarakat dan sikap pemerintah terkait jadwal ujian masuk universitas. Jadi,
dapat disimpulkan bahwa sikap penulis adalah informatif sehingga pilihan E
Pilihan A tidak tepat karena tidak ada kalimat berupa kritikan penulis
terhadap protes masyarakat tentang jadwal ujian.
Pilihan B tidak tepat karena penulis tidak menyatakan dukungannya terhadap
protes masyarakat tentang jadwal ujian.
Pilihan C dan D tidak tepat karena penulis tidak memasukkan perspektif atau
penilaian pribadinya terhadap protes masyarakat tentang jadwal ujian tersebut
sehingga tidak bisa dikatakan subjektif atau objektif.
Jadi, pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah E.

11. Topik: General Information

Read the text and answer the question!
Earthquake is any sudden shaking of the ground caused by the passage of
seismic waves through Earth’s rocks. Seismic waves are produced when some
form of energy stored in Earth’s crust is suddenly released, usually when
masses of rock straining against one another suddenly fracture and “slip.”
Earthquakes occur most often along geologic faults, narrow zones where rock
masses move in relation to one another. The major fault lines of the world are
located at the fringes of the huge tectonic plates that make up Earth’s crust.
Little was understood about earthquakes until the emergence of seismology at
the beginning of the 20th century. Seismology, which involves the scientific
study of all aspects of earthquakes, has yielded answers to such long-standing
questions as why and how earthquakes occur. About 50,000 earthquakes large
enough to be noticed without the aid of instruments occur annually over the
entire Earth. Of these, approximately 100 are of sufficient size to produce
substantial damage if their centers are near areas of habitation. Very great
earthquakes occur on average about once per year. Over the centuries they have
been responsible for millions of deaths and an incalculable amount of damage
to property.
The paragraph following the passage most likely discusses ….
a. suggestions to emerge the seismology to detect the earthquake
b. examples of the substantial damage that caused by the earthquake
c. the development of seismology to identify the earthquake earlier
d. factors that cause the earthquake and seismic wave
e. the reason why we need the seismology
Soal menanyakan topik yang kemungkinan besar dibahas pada paragraf
selanjutnya setelah teks tersebut.
Dalam sebuah wacana, topik sebuah paragraf lanjutan harus padu dengan topik
paragraf sebelumnya. Untuk menguji kepaduan ini, pembaca dapat melihat
pada bagian penutup paragraf dan bagian awal paragraf selanjutnya. Kepaduan
dua paragraf tersebut akan terlihat dari bagian-bagian tersebut.
Bagian penutup paragraf terakhir di teks bacaan adalah kalimat over the
centuries they have been responsible for millions of deaths and an incalculable
amount of damage to property. Kalimat penutup ini berbicara mengenai akibat
gempa, yaitu hilangnya nyawa manusia dan kerusakan-kerusakan properti.
Dari lima pilihan topik yang tersedia, topik yang paling padu dengan kalimat
ini adalah examples of the substantial damage that caused by the
earthquake. Paragraf dengan topik tersebut akan menjadi paragraf yang padu
dengan paragraf terakhir dalam teks bacaan.
Jadi, pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah B.
12. Topik: General Information
Read the text and answer the question!
Earthquake is any sudden shaking of the ground caused by the passage of
seismic waves through Earth’s rocks. Seismic waves are produced when some
form of energy stored in Earth’s crust is suddenly released, usually when
masses of rock straining against one another suddenly fracture and “slip.”
Earthquakes occur most often along geologic faults, narrow zones where rock
masses move in relation to one another. The major fault lines of the world are
located at the fringes of the huge tectonic plates that make up Earth’s crust.
Little was understood about earthquakes until the emergence of seismology at
the beginning of the 20th century. Seismology, which involves the scientific
study of all aspects of earthquakes, has yielded answers to such long-standing
questions as why and how earthquakes occur. About 50,000 earthquakes large
enough to be noticed without the aid of instruments occur annually over the
entire Earth. Of these, approximately 100 are of sufficient size to produce
substantial damage if their centers are near areas of habitation. Very great
earthquakes occur on average about once per year. Over the centuries they have
been responsible for millions of deaths and an incalculable amount of damage
to property.
What is the author’s attitude towards the topic of the passage?
a. Concerned
b. Critical
c. Informative
d. Satisfied
e. Optimistic
Soal menanyakan sikap penulis terhadap teks tersebut.
Sikap penulis dalam sebuah wacana dinyatakan dengan kata sifat, seperti yang
terlihat pada pilihan-pilihan yang tersedia. Supaya dapat menentukan kata sifat
yang tepat, pembaca perlu memperhatikan hal-hal seperti pilihan kata, jenis
kalimat (kalimat fakta atau opini), asumsi, kesimpulan, dan keberpihakan
penulis baik yang tersurat maupun tersirat dalam tulisannya.
Teks bacaan menunjukan bahwa topik pembicaraan penulis adalah peristiwa
gempa bumi. Di paragraf pertama, penulis memberikan definisi serta
menjelaskan proses terjadinya gempa bumi. Di paragraf selanjutnya, penulis
berbicara tentang bidang keilmuan seismologi serta terobosan yang
Dalam kedua paragraf tersebut, penulis secara konsisten memakai kalimat-
kalimat yang bersifat faktual. Selain itu, tidak ada kalimat, frasa, atau kata
yang memperlihatkan reaksi pribadi penulis terhadap topik yang
dibicarakannya. Dari lima pilihan kata sifat yang tersedia,
kata informative adalah kata yang paling tepat menggambarkan sikap penulis.
Dengan demikian, pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah C.

13. Topik: Understanding Specific Information

Read the text and answer the question!
Earthquake is any sudden shaking of the ground caused by the passage of
seismic waves through Earth’s rocks. Seismic waves are produced when some
form of energy stored in Earth’s crust is suddenly released, usually when
masses of rock straining against one another suddenly fracture and “slip.”
Earthquakes occur most often along geologic faults, narrow zones where rock
masses move in relation to one another. The major fault lines of the world are
located at the fringes of the huge tectonic plates that make up Earth’s crust.
Little was understood about earthquakes until the emergence of seismology at
the beginning of the 20th century. Seismology, which involves the scientific
study of all aspects of earthquakes, has yielded answers to such long-standing
questions as why and how earthquakes occur. About 50,000 earthquakes large
enough to be noticed without the aid of instruments occur annually over the
entire Earth. Of these, approximately 100 are of sufficient size to produce
substantial damage if their centers are near areas of habitation. Very great
earthquakes occur on average about once per year. Over the centuries they have
been responsible for millions of deaths and an incalculable amount of damage
to property.
What will happen when seismic waves pass through Earth’s rocks?
a. It will answer why and how earthquakes occur.
b. It may cause an earthquake.
c. It will store some form of energy in Earth’s crust.
d. The masses of rock will slip.
e. It may produce seismic waves.
Soal tersebut menanyakan hal yang akan terjadi ketika gelombang seismik
melewati batuan bumi.
Informasi tentang gelombang seismik dapat ditemukan dalam paragraf
pertama. Dikatakan bahwa gempa bumi 'adalah setiap guncangan tiba-tiba dari
tanah yang disebabkan oleh lewatnya gelombang seismik melalui batuan bumi.'
Berdasarkan pendefinisian tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa jika lempengan
bumi menerima gelombang seismik, gempa bumi akan terjadi.
Jadi, pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah B.

14. Topik: General Information

The question is based on the following passage.
TikTok is often applauded for its recommendation system; once it’s finely
tuned, the app becomes one of the best scrolling experiences. My personal
theory is that’s why TikTok is so addicting—everything is so perfectly curated
to your specific interests, it’s hard to put the phone down once you’re sucked
in. However, TikTok’s recommendation algorithm still has its own flaws that
the company brings up in its new blog post.
“One of the inherent challenges with recommendation engines is that they can
inadvertently limit user experience–what is sometimes referred to as a ‘filter
bubble’,” the post reads. It states that by optimizing for personalization and
relevance, there is a risk of presenting an increasingly homogenous stream of
Another issue that TikTok takes seriously is not surfacing dangerous content.
This is an issue that YouTube in particular has faced criticism over for many
years. According to TikTok, content that has graphic material like medical
procedures or “legal consumption of regulated goods,” like alcohol, may not
be eligible for recommendation because it could come across as “shocking if
surfaced as a recommended video to a general audience”. That’s why many
creators on TikTok will upload a video more than once or talk openly about
feeling shadow banned over particular content.
The writer of the passage intends to ...
A. illustrate TikTok users' concerns about the app's recommendation system
B. oppose the idea that TikTok has a sophisticated recommendation system
C. warn the readers about TikTok’s poor recommendation system
D. inform about the downsides of TikTok's recommendation system
E. explain how TikTok resolves the recommendation system issue
Soal menanyakan tujuan penulis menulis teks tersebut.
Tujuan seorang penulis tercermin dari topik dan kesimpulan yang terdapat di
dalam tulisannya. Oleh sebab itu, pembaca perlu memahami dua hal tersebut
lebih dulu supaya dapat menentukan tujuan penulis.
Dalam paragraf pertama teks bacaan, penulis memperkenalkan sistem
rekomendasi aplikasi TikTok dan menyebutkan bahwa sistem tersebut masih
memiliki kekurangan. Di paragraf kedua, penulis menyebutkan kekurangan
yang pertama, yaitu membatasi pengalaman pengguna. Kemudian, di paragraf
ketiga, penulis membahas kekurangan lainnya, yaitu ketidakmunculan video-
video tertentu yang mengandung konten yang melanggar kebijakan TikTok.
Kebijakan ini membuat para pembuat video merasa dilarang secara diam-
diam. Melihat topik-topik setiap paragraf tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa
tujuan penulis adalah menjabarkan kekurangan-kekurangan sistem
rekomendasi TikTok.
Dengan demikian, pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah D.

15. Topik: General Information

The question is based on the following passage.
TikTok is often applauded for its recommendation system; once it’s finely
tuned, the app becomes one of the best scrolling experiences. My personal
theory is that’s why TikTok is so addicting—everything is so perfectly curated
to your specific interests, it’s hard to put the phone down once you’re sucked
in. However, TikTok’s recommendation algorithm still has its own flaws that
the company brings up in its new blog post.
“One of the inherent challenges with recommendation engines is that they can
inadvertently limit user experience–what is sometimes referred to as a ‘filter
bubble’,” the post reads. It states that by optimizing for personalization and
relevance, there is a risk of presenting an increasingly homogenous stream of
Another issue that TikTok takes seriously is not surfacing dangerous content.
This is an issue that YouTube in particular has faced criticism over for many
years. According to TikTok, content that has graphic material like medical
procedures or “legal consumption of regulated goods,” like alcohol, may not
be eligible for recommendation because it could come across as “shocking if
surfaced as a recommended video to a general audience”. That’s why many
creators on TikTok will upload a video more than once or talk openly about
feeling shadow banned over particular content.
On the basis of the passage, it can be predicted that ...
a. Video creators on TikTok will avoid creating dangerous content.
b. TikTok will be considered a safer social media platform compared to
c. Videos with sensitive content can only be recommended for a specific
scope of viewers.
d. Other social media platforms will look up to TikTok for its good
recommendation system.
e. Users will be exposed to topics outside their preferences in their
recommendation feeds.
Soal menanyakan prediksi yang dapat dibuat dari teks bacaan.
Prediksi adalah simpulan tentang apa yang akan terjadi dalam kaitan dengan
sebuah informasi. Meskipun kebenaran atau ketepatannya belum dapat
ditentukan, sebuah prediksi yang baik harus berhubungan logis dengan
informasi yang melandasinya.
Pilihan A adalah sebuah prediksi yang baik karena pernyataannya
berhubungan logis dengan informasi yang disampaikan dalam paragraf ketiga,
yaitu bahwa TikTok tidak akan merekomendasikan video yang mengandung
konten yang melanggar kebijakan TikTok. Jika para pembuat video
menginginkan video-video mereka banyak ditonton, mereka tentunya akan
berusaha menghindari konten yang melanggar kebijakan TikTok.
Pilihan B adalah sebuah prediksi yang tidak baik karena pernyataannya
berkaitan dengan persaingan antara TikTok dengan aplikasi lain, YouTube,
yang tidak dibahas secara mendalam oleh penulis. Dengan kata lain, teks
bacaan tidak memberikan informasi yang cukup tentang strategi YouTube
dalam mengatasi permasalahan konten berbahaya sehingga pembaca dapat
membandingkannya dengan TikTok.
Pilihan C tidak dapat disebut sebagai sebuah prediksi. Pernyataan ini
hanya simpulan tersirat dari informasi yang sudah dicantumkan dalam
paragraf ketiga, yaitu bahwa konten bergrafik seperti prosedur medis tidak
memenuhi syarat untuk direkomendasikan karena dapat 'mengejutkan jika
direkomendasikan kepada khalayak umum'.
Pilihan D adalah sebuah prediksi yang tidak baik karena alasan yang
serupa dengan alasan pada pilihan B. Teks tidak memberikan informasi yang
cukup mengenai aplikasi-aplikasi lain untuk digunakan sebagai landasan
prediksi mengenai apa yang akan dilakukan oleh aplikasi-aplikasi tersebut.
Pilihan E juga tidak dapat disebut sebagai sebuah prediksi karena
menyatakan sesuatu yang kemungkinan besar tidak akan terjadi. Paragraf
kedua menjelaskan bahwa sistem rekomendasi TikTok beresiko menampilkan
video-video yang homogen sehingga kemungkinan para pengguna tidak
terekspos topik-topik di luar preferensi mereka
Jadi, pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah A.

16. Topic: Extracting Core Information

The question is based on the following text.
Feline chlamydial conjunctivitis is an infection caused by a bacterial organism
(called Chlamydophila felis). The most common signs of chlamydia in cats
involve the eyes or the upper respiratory tract (nose or throat), and only when
infection is not treated does it spread to the lungs. Because chlamydia lives
inside cells of the body and is not able to survive for long in the environment,
spread of infection relies on direct or close contact with an infected cat.
Following infection, the incubation period (the time between infection and
development of clinical signs of disease) is between three and ten days.
The bacteria primarily infects the conjunctiva, which are the delicate
membranes lining the eyelids and covering the edges of the eyeballs. The
infection causes inflammation known as conjunctivitis. In normal cats, the
conjunctiva is not readily visible and has a pale, salmon pink color. In cats with
conjunctivitis, the conjunctiva becomes swollen and red, making it more
visible. The nictitating membrane or third eyelid in the inner corner of the eye
may protrude partially across the eye. One or both eyes may be involved.
Affected cats initially develop a watery discharge from the eyes that quickly
becomes thicker and is usually a yellow or greenish color. The eyes are
uncomfortable and cats often keep the affected eye(s) closed. Many cats remain
bright and otherwise appear normal, but some may develop a fever or lose their
appetite. After one or two days, sniffles and sneezing may also occur. In kittens,
the infection may spread to the lungs and cause fatal pneumonia.
What does the text mainly deal with?
a. the process of chlamydia affliction in cats
b. an overview of feline chlamydial conjunctivitis
c. clinical signs of feline chlamydial conjunctivitis
d. the symptoms of feline chlamydial conjunctivitis
e. treatments for cats with chlamydia conjunctivitis
Soal menanyakan gagasan utama teks. Gagasan utama teks dapat disimpulkan
dari gagasan utama setiap paragrafnya.
Paragraf pertama menjelaskan definisi feline chlamydial conjunctivitis serta
cara penyakit tersebut menyerang kucing. Paragraf kedua dan ketiga
menjelaskan tanda-tanda klinis kucing yang terkena penyakit tersebut. Jadi,
dapat disimpulkan bahwa gagasan utama teks yang tepat adalah gambaran
umum mengenai feline chlamydial conjunctivitis (an overview of feline
chlamydial conjunctivitis).
Pilihan A tidak tepat karena hanya merujuk pada paragraf pertama saja.
Pilihan C tidak tepat karena teks tidak hanya memuat informasi mengenai
tanda-tanda klinis dari feline chlamydial conjunctivitis saja, melainkan juga
tentang proses terinfeksinya kucing dengan penyakit ini.
Pilihan D tidak tepat karena teks tidak hanya menjabarkan gejala-
gejala feline chlamydial conjunctivitis saja.
Pilihan E tidak tepat karena teks sama sekali tidak memberikan informasi
mengenai cara perawatan untuk kucing dengan chlamydia.
Oleh karena itu, pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah B.

17. Topik: Understanding Specific Information

The question is based on the following text.
Feline chlamydial conjunctivitis is an infection caused by a bacterial organism
(called Chlamydophila felis). The most common signs of chlamydia in cats
involve the eyes or the upper respiratory tract (nose or throat), and only when
infection is not treated does it spread to the lungs. Because chlamydia lives
inside cells of the body and is not able to survive for long in the environment,
spread of infection relies on direct or close contact with an infected cat.
Following infection, the incubation period (the time between infection and
development of clinical signs of disease) is between three and ten days.
The bacteria primarily infects the conjunctiva, which are the delicate
membranes lining the eyelids and covering the edges of the eyeballs. The
infection causes inflammation known as conjunctivitis. In normal cats, the
conjunctiva is not readily visible and has a pale, salmon pink color. In cats with
conjunctivitis, the conjunctiva becomes swollen and red, making it more
visible. The nictitating membrane or third eyelid in the inner corner of the eye
may protrude partially across the eye. One or both eyes may be involved.
Affected cats initially develop a watery discharge from the eyes that quickly
becomes thicker and is usually a yellow or greenish color. The eyes are
uncomfortable and cats often keep the affected eye(s) closed. Many cats remain
bright and otherwise appear normal, but some may develop a fever or lose their
appetite. After one or two days, sniffles and sneezing may also occur. In kittens,
the infection may spread to the lungs and cause fatal pneumonia.
One of the symptoms of feline chlamydial conjunctivitis is ….
a. eating disorder
b. laboured breathing
c. low body temperature
d. abnormal eye discharge
e. dysfunctional eye membrane
Soal menanyakan salah satu gejala penyakit feline chlamydial conjunctivitis.
Informasi tersebut dapat ditemukan di paragraf kedua dan terakhir. Kedua
paragraf tersebut menjelaskan bahwa kucing yang terkena penyakit ini
menunjukan tanda-tanda seperti selaput mata memerah dan bengkak,
membran niktitan menonjol, banyak kotoran mata berwarna kuning atau
kehijauan yang cepat mengental, demam, kehilangan nafsu makan, bersin dan
Di antara lima pilihan yang tersedia, abnormal eye discharge adalah pilihan
yang sesuai dengan informasi tersebut.
Pilihan A (gangguan makan) tidak tepat. Kehilangan nafsu makan tidak sama
dengan gangguan makan. Gangguan makan adalah kumpulan berbagai
penyakit yang berkaitan dengan perilaku makan yang tidak normal seperti
makan berlebih atau memakan sesuatu yang bukan makanan.
Pilihan B (sesak nafas) tidak tepat. Tidak ada informasi pada teks yang
menyebutkan gejala ini.
Pilihan C (suhu tubuh yang rendah) tidak tepat. Paragraf terakhir
menyebutkan bahwa salah satu gejalanya adalah demam yang berarti
peningkatan suhu tubuh.
Pilihan E (disfungsi selaput mata) tidak tepat. Paragraf kedua menjelaskan
bahwa konjungtiva (selaput membran) kucing terinfeksi berwarna merah dan
bengkak serta membran niktitan (kelopak mata ketiga di sudut dalam mata)
dapat menonjol. Namun, tidak ada keterangan yang menyatakan bahwa hal
tersebut membuat selaput mata kucing tidak berfungsi.
Oleh karena itu, pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah D.

18. Topik: Understanding Specific Information

The question is based on the following passage.
Supply chain weaknesses were brought to the forefront during the COVID-19
pandemic, especially for industries relying on electronics, as the flow of raw
materials slowed or sometimes stopped. On top of that, shifting consumer
values and tougher environmental regulations have resulted in more people
buying hybrid vehicles. The batteries in these cars require rare metals that,
depending on their supplies, can have volatile and unpredictable prices.
However, there are other scarce elements and materials that may be used in
smaller amounts in hybrid models versus conventional gas vehicles, raising the
question of how these vehicles really compare with regard to supply chain
vulnerabilities. Randolph Kirchain and colleagues wanted to develop a
comprehensive comparison of the elements and compounds that go into all the
parts in gas-powered, self-charging hybrid and plug-in hybrid cars, calculating
each of the three vehicles' materials cost vulnerability.
The researchers collected information on the compounds in the more than
350,000 parts used to build seven vehicles from the same manufacturer with
different levels of electrification, including four sedans and three sport utility
vehicles (SUVs). Then, they calculated the amount of the 76 chemical elements
present, as well as a few other materials, in each car type. To develop a
monetary metric for vulnerability, the team considered the weight of each
component, along with its average price and price volatility between 1998 and
2015. The results showed that self-charging hybrid and plug-in hybrid vehicles
have twice the raw material cost risks. The largest contributors to the increase
in cost risks were battery-related elements, such as cobalt, nickel, graphite and
neodymium. The researchers say that as manufacturers ramp up electric vehicle
production to meet demand, reducing raw material cost risks with long-term
supplier contracts, substituting some materials or recycling others will be a
good idea
According to the passage, due to the raw components, the buyers will find a
hybrid vehicle ....
a. pricey
b. exorbitant
c. invaluable
d. overpriced
e. economical
Soal tersebut menanyakan informasi yang tepat tentang pendapat pembeli
mengenai mobil hibrida berdasarkan bahan bakunya.
Informasi yang menunjukkan bahan baku mobil hibrida terdapat di paragraf
kedua. Pada paragraf tersebut, disampaikan bahwa menurut penelitian,
komponen kendaraan hibrida berharga tinggi (The results showed that self-
charging hybrid and plug-in hybrid vehicles have twice the raw material cost
Dengan demikian, dapat diketahui bahwa ketika orang-orang membeli
kendaraan hibrida, mereka akan mendapati produk tersebut berharga tinggi
sehingga pilihan A tepat.
Pilihan B dan D tidak tepat. Kata exorbitant dan overpriced memiliki arti 'di
atas harga wajar'. Pada teks memang disebutkan bahwa harga bahan baku
kendaraan hibrida tinggi, tetapi bukan berarti harga tersebut di atas harga wajar.
Pilihan C (tak ternilai) tidak tepat. Bahan baku yang berharga tinggi akan
membuat kendaraan hibrida juga berharga tinggi, tetapi berharga tinggi bukan
berarti tak ternilai.
Pilihan E (ekonomis atau terjangkau) tidak tepat karena harga bahan baku
kendaraan hibrida berharga tinggi.
Jadi, pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah A.
19. Topik: General Information
The question is based on the following passage.
Supply chain weaknesses were brought to the forefront during the COVID-19
pandemic, especially for industries relying on electronics, as the flow of raw
materials slowed or sometimes stopped. On top of that, shifting consumer
values and tougher environmental regulations have resulted in more people
buying hybrid vehicles. The batteries in these cars require rare metals that,
depending on their supplies, can have volatile and unpredictable prices.
However, there are other scarce elements and materials that may be used in
smaller amounts in hybrid models versus conventional gas vehicles, raising the
question of how these vehicles really compare with regard to supply chain
vulnerabilities. Randolph Kirchain and colleagues wanted to develop a
comprehensive comparison of the elements and compounds that go into all the
parts in gas-powered, self-charging hybrid and plug-in hybrid cars, calculating
each of the three vehicles' materials cost vulnerability.
The researchers collected information on the compounds in the more than
350,000 parts used to build seven vehicles from the same manufacturer with
different levels of electrification, including four sedans and three sport utility
vehicles (SUVs). Then, they calculated the amount of the 76 chemical elements
present, as well as a few other materials, in each car type. To develop a
monetary metric for vulnerability, the team considered the weight of each
component, along with its average price and price volatility between 1998 and
2015. The results showed that self-charging hybrid and plug-in hybrid vehicles
have twice the raw material cost risks. The largest contributors to the increase
in cost risks were battery-related elements, such as cobalt, nickel, graphite and
neodymium. The researchers say that as manufacturers ramp up electric vehicle
production to meet demand, reducing raw material cost risks with long-term
supplier contracts, substituting some materials or recycling others will be a
good idea.
How does the author organize the ideas in paragraph 1 and 2?
a. Paragraph 2 exemplifies issues stated in paragraph 1.
b. Paragraph 2 contains a solution to the issue addressed in paragraph 1.
c. Paragraph 2 asserts the weakness of hybrid vehicles explained in
paragraph 1.
d. Paragraph 2 reveals the reasons behind the research on vehicles introduced
in paragraph 1.
e. Paragraph 2 explains further about research on gas-powered and hybrid
vehicles mentioned in paragraph 1.
Soal tersebut menanyakan kaitan antara paragraf 1 dan paragraf 2 pada teks.
Paragraf 1 membahas tentang upaya penelitian untuk membandingkan
komponen mobil berbahan bakar minyak dengan mobil hibrida. Penelitian ini
didasarkan ketidakjelasan dampak yang diberikan kedua jenis kendaraan
tersebut terhadap kerentanan rantai pasokan elektronik. Sementara itu, paragraf
2 menjabarkan bagaimana penelitian tersebut dilaksanakan. Dengan demikian,
paragraf 2 menjelaskan lebih lanjut tentang penelitian yang disebutkan pada
paragraf 1 sehingga pilihan E tepat.
Pilihan A (Paragraf 2 mencontohkan masalah yang dinyatakan dalam paragraf
1) dan pilihan B (Paragraf 2 berisi solusi untuk masalah yang dibahas dalam
paragraf 1) tidak tepat karena paragraf kedua tidak memberi contoh ataupun
berisi solusi terhadap permasalahan yang disampaikan pada paragraf pertama.
Pilihan C (Paragraf 2 menegaskan kelemahan kendaraan hibrida yang
dijelaskan dalam paragraf 1) tidak tepat. Pada paragraf pertama tidak
disebutkan kelemahan kendaraan hibrida sehingga tidak tepat jika dikatakan
paragraf kedua menegaskan kelemahan kendaraan tersebut.
Pilihan D (Paragraf 2 mengungkapkan alasan di balik penelitian tentang
kendaraan yang diperkenalkan pada paragraf 1) tidak tepat karena paragraf
kedua tidak menyampaikan alasan di balik penelitian yang disampaikan pada
paragraf pertama. Alasan tersebut justru disampaikan di paragraf pertama.
Jadi, pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah E.
20. Topik: Finding Contextual Meaning
The question is based on the following passage.
Supply chain weaknesses were brought to the forefront during the COVID-19
pandemic, especially for industries relying on electronics, as the flow of raw
materials slowed or sometimes stopped. On top of that, shifting consumer
values and tougher environmental regulations have resulted in more people
buying hybrid vehicles. The batteries in these cars require rare metals that,
depending on their supplies, can have volatile and unpredictable prices.
However, there are other scarce elements and materials that may be used in
smaller amounts in hybrid models versus conventional gas vehicles, raising the
question of how these vehicles really compare with regard to supply chain
vulnerabilities. Randolph Kirchain and colleagues wanted to develop a
comprehensive comparison of the elements and compounds that go into all the
parts in gas-powered, self-charging hybrid and plug-in hybrid cars, calculating
each of the three vehicles' materials cost vulnerability.
The researchers collected information on the compounds in the more than
350,000 parts used to build seven vehicles from the same manufacturer with
different levels of electrification, including four sedans and three sport utility
vehicles (SUVs). Then, they calculated the amount of the 76 chemical elements
present, as well as a few other materials, in each car type. To develop a
monetary metric for vulnerability, the team considered the weight of each
component, along with its average price and price volatility between 1998 and
2015. The results showed that self-charging hybrid and plug-in hybrid vehicles
have twice the raw material cost risks. The largest contributors to the increase
in cost risks were battery-related elements, such as cobalt, nickel, graphite and
neodymium. The researchers say that as manufacturers ramp up electric vehicle
production to meet demand, reducing raw material cost risks with long-term
supplier contracts, substituting some materials or recycling others will be a
good idea.
Which of the following best restates the underlined sentence in the first
a. Stricter environmental laws and changing consumer behavior have
impacted how people buy hybrid vehicles.
b. Changing consumption patterns and stricter environmental laws have
deceived hybrid vehicle buyers.
c. Hybrid vehicle users have been disappointed by environmental rules and
eco-friendly vehicle trend.
d. Stricter environmental rules and changing market trends have urged
people to use hybrid vehicles.
e. Consumer values and tougher environmental rules reduce the purchase of
hybrid vehicles.
Soal tersebut menanyakan parafrasa yang tepat untuk kalimat yang
digarisbawahi pada paragraf 1.
Terjemahan kalimat yang bergaris bawah adalah 'Selain itu, pergeseran
perilaku konsumen dan peraturan lingkungan yang lebih ketat telah
mengakibatkan lebih banyak orang membeli kendaraan hibrida.'
Kalimat bermakna sama dengan kalimat tersebut adalah Stricter environmental
rules and changing market trends have urged people to use hybrid vehicles,
yang terjemahannya adalah 'Peraturan lingkungan yang lebih ketat dan tren
pasar yang berubah telah mendorong orang untuk menggunakan kendaraan
hibrida.'. Dengan demikian, pilihan D tepat.
Pilihan A tidak tepat. Terjemahan kalimatnya adalah 'Undang-undang
lingkungan yang lebih ketat dan perubahan perilaku konsumen telah
berdampak pada cara orang membeli kendaraan hibrida.'
Pilihan B tidak tepat. Terjemahan kalimatnya adalah 'Perubahan pola
konsumsi dan undang-undang lingkungan yang lebih ketat telah menipu
pembeli kendaraan hibrida.'
Pilihan C tidak tepat. Terjemahan kalimatnya adalah 'Pengguna kendaraan
hibrida telah dikecewakan oleh peraturan lingkungan dan tren kendaraan ramah
Pilihan E tidak tepat. Terjemahan kalimatnya adalah 'Perilaku konsumen dan
peraturan lingkungan yang lebih ketat mengurangi pembelian kendaraan
Jadi, pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah D.

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