Animals in Zoos

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Should animals be in zoos?

argue pacing to rock
cage the wild to lick
ill tiny to stare
otherwise to look after to struggle

- How do you feel about animals in zoos?
- Have you ever visited a zoo? What was it like?
- Some people say keeping animals in zoos is cruel. What do you think?
- Some people believe zoos are educational. Do you agree?
- Do you think that animals would rather live a life of freedom and have to struggle to survive or live
in captivity and never have to worry about finding food and water?

Reading task
Some people think that zoos are OK and that Other people think that animals belong in the
there is nothing wrong with them. They say wild, not locked in cages or kept in enclosures
that animals are safe in zoos. They say that for people to stare at. They say that animals
they are fed regularly and always have water do not exist for our entertainment.
and that in the wild they would have to look
They say that there is no excuse for taking
after themselves.
animals away from their natural environment,
They also say that they have vets at zoos so feeding them unnatural food, keeping them in
the animals can be treated immediately if they the wrong kinds of groups and charging people
become ill. They argue that zoos allow people to come and look at them.
to be face-to-face with amazing animals they
They say that animals in zoos often go crazy
would never get to see otherwise. Zoo officials
and can be seen pacing up and down, rocking
say the experience makes people want to
back and forth and licking the bars
learn more about how to help protect animals
continuously - which are all signs of stress.
in the wild.
Many zoos around the world keep animals in
They also say that many animals in the wild
tiny concrete cages where they can hardly
can become endangered or even extinct, while
move. They say this is not right and animals
animals in zoos can be well looked after.
deserve their freedom.

Writing task
- Give your opinion about the topic.

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