Auto Tune Motor Z

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Auto tune to Z motor

1. Open all covers door in the operator side:

2. Press should be in Stand By mode.

3. Open G-shell and Press on ‘connect’.
4. Go to the engine tab, press 'manual on’, take the desired table to the bottom by
pressing FZ/RZ down all the way till the table is in its lowest position.
5. Close G-shell and enable off the machine. Close the app and shut down the press.

6. Release the screws inside the coupling in the shaft in order to give freedom to it.

7. Open the 4 screws that connect the motor to the shaft.

8. After disconnecting mechanically the motor, put it in this way (disconnect the
coupling is an option). Make sure that the power and the encoder reader are
connected to the motor.
8.1. When doing auto tune, the break in the motor needs to be open so the
motor will need to get constant 24v. In order to give constant 24V to the
motor you will need to connect a spare wire from pin 42 in the DST (FZ/RZ)
to a supplier of 24V or a free terminal with 24V.
9. Turn on the press.

10. Auto tune step:

10.1. Enable the machine.
10.2. Open G-shell, press on connect.
10.3. Make sure only the servo of FZ/RZ is off.
10.4. Open CT-soft
10.5. Choose Scodix 3600.
10.6. Connect to the DST (RZ/FZ).

10.7. At this point make sure there is constant 24V to the brake (connect the
other edge of the wire that comes from pin 42 in the DST to a free spot in
one of the 24V terminals).
10.8. In the CT-soft go to Auto tune – parameter 00.40.
10.9. Put number 2 in the tab and press ok.
10.10. Go back to Gshell and Press servo on to FZ/RZ in the G-shell.
10.11. In this moment you will see (in the CTsoft) some values, in different
parameters, changing in the CTsoft. After about 10 seconds check in
parameter 00.43 (Encoder phase angle) that the value has changed.

11. After this action if you did not get any trip (75 or in the DST. Press on the tab:
‘save parameters into Drive’.
12. Shut down the press (like a standard shutdown). Disconnect the wire which gives
24V to the brake, tight the screws of the coupling and reconnect the motor to its
original position.
13. Turn on the machine and initiate.
If any trip is coming during the Auto tune/initialize – probably the issue is Damaged DST or
issue with the motor.

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