Bar Examination 2010

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12 September 2010 8 A.M. – 12 NN.


There is only one Examiner in Mercantile Law. Hence, the following questionnaire consists of only
ONE PART with nineteen (19) questions (numbered I to XIX) contained in eleven (11) pages.

Begin your answer to each numbered question on a separate page; an answer to a sub-question/s
under the same number may be written continuously on the same page and succeeding pages until

Answer the questions directly and concisely. Do not repeat the question. Write legibly.







Briefly describe the following types of banks: (2% each)

a. universal bank

b. commercial bank

c. thrift bank

d. rural bank

e. cooperative bank

Universal bank refers to a bank which the purpose of which is universal in nature.
Meaning, it is comprehensive. It involves any kind of transactions.

Commercial bank, this are banks that transact only in commercial in nature.

Thrift bank refers to a bank that are organize for the benefits of employees.

Rural banks are those banks that are organize in order to support our farmers in the
business of agriculture.

Cooperative bank refers to a bank that composes two or more banks for purposes of
one goal.


a. How do you characterize the legal relationship between a commercial bank and its safety
deposit box client? (2%)

The legal relationship between a commercial bank and its safety deposit box client
involves the highest fiduciary relationship.

b. Is a stipulation in the contract for the use of a safety deposit box relieving the bank of
liability in connection with the use thereof valid? (2%)

No, a stipulation in the contract for the use of a safety deposit box relieving the bank
of liability is not a valid stipulation.

The Supreme Court has held that every bank that hold a safety deposit box must
exercise extraordinary diligence to make such deposit safe. Thus, any stipulation to
the contrary is void.

c. Differentiate "bank deposits" from "deposit substitutes." (2%)

Bank deposits refers to a deposits specifically deposited by the depositor; while

deposit substitutes refers to a deposits that are deposited, although the same value,
no longer the same deposits.

d. Why are banks required to maintain reserves against their deposits and deposit
substitutes? State one of three purposes for these reserves. (2%)

In order for the depositor to withdraw money in case they need.


Ozamis Paper Corporation secured loans from ABC Universal Bank in the aggregate principal
amount of P100 million, evidenced by several promissory notes, and secured by a continuing
guaranty of its principal stockholder Menandro at P45 million; and a real estate mortgage over
certain parcels of land owned by Marquez.

The corporation defaulted and the bank extra-judicially foreclosed on the real estate mortgage. The
bank, which was the sole bidder for P75 million, won the award.

a. Can the bank sue Marquez for the deficiency of P25 million? Explain. (2%)

No, the bank cannot sue Marquez for the deficiency of P25 million.

Under the Law on Guaranty, the liability of a guarantor is limited only to the value of
the mortgage property. The mortgagor cannot be liable for any deficiency.

b. If the bank opts to file an action for collection against the corporation, can it afterwards
institute a real action to foreclose the mortgage? Explain. (2%)

Yes, the bank can institute a real action to foreclose the mortgage.

The Supreme Court has held that a creditor may exercise all the remedies available
for the satisfaction of its credits. Here, since there is mortgage property for purposes
of securing the loan, the bank has the right to exhaust all remedies in order to
satisfies its credits. Thus, the bank may foreclose the property.

c. Can the bank foreclose on the pledged shares of Marquez and recover the deficiency
from the corporation? Explain. (2%)

Yes, the bank can foreclose on the pledged shares of Marquez. It is the right of every
creditor to exhaust all remedies in order to satisfies its credits.


Andante Realty, a marketing company that promotes and facilitates sales of real property through
leverage marketing, solicits investors who are required to be a Business Center Owner (BCO) by
paying an enrollment fee of $250. The BCO is then entitled to recruit two other investors who pay
$250 each. The BCO receives $90 from the $250 paid by each of his recruits and is credited a
certain amount for payments made by investors through the initial efforts of his Business Center.
Once the accumulated amount reaches $5,000, the same is used as down payment for the real
property chosen by the BCO.

a. Does this multi-level marketing scheme constitute an "investment contract" under the
Securities Regulation Code? Define an "investment contract." (2%)

Yes, multi-level marketing scheme constitute an “investment contract” under the

Securities Regulation Code.

Under the Securities Regulation Code, investment contract refers to a contract which
accumulated an investment to the public.

b. What procedure must be followed under the Securities Regulation Code to authorize the
sale or offer for sale or distribution of an investment contract? (2%)

The owner of the business must first acquire license

c. What are the legal consequences of failure to follow this procedure? (2%)

It can be a ground to penalize those officers criminally liable.

Venezia is a famous international fashion chain with outlets in Makati, Ortigas, and Manila. It has
complied with the minimum capitalization required under the Retail Trade Nationalization Act and
carries on retail business worth more than $3 million for each of its outlets. As its Manila outlet is not
doing very well, it decides to sell all of its business there consisting of remaining inventory, furniture
and fixtures and other assets to its competitor.

a. Venezia’s Manila outlet constitutes one-third (1/3) of its total business. Should it comply
with the requirements of the Bulk Sales Law? Why or why not? (2%)

b. If instead of selling its Manila outlet, Venezia merely mortgages its assets there, would it
need to comply with the requirements of the Bulk Sales Law? (2%)

c. What are the legal consequences of a failure to comply with the requirements of the Bulk
Sales Law? (2%)


a. What contractual stipulations are required in all technology transfer agreements? (2%)

b. Enumerate three (3) stipulations that are prohibited in technology transfer agreements.

c. Can an article of commerce serve as a trademark and at the same time enjoy patent and
copyright protection? Explain and give an example. (2%)


Union Mines, Inc. has total assets of P60 million with 210 stockholders holding at least 100 shares

The company has two principal stockholders, ABC which owns 60% of the shares of stock, and XYZ
which owns 17%.

ABC in turn is owned to the extent of 21.31% by Acme, Inc.; 29.69% by Golden Boy, Inc.; 9% by
XYZ; and the rest by individual stockholders.

None of the parties is a publicly-listed company.

XYZ now proposes to buy Acme’s and Golden Boy’s shares in ABC, which would give it direct
control of ABC and indirect control of Union Mines.
Is the proposed acquisition by XYZ subject to the mandatory tender offer rule? Why or why not?
What is a tender offer and when is it mandatory? (5%)


Marlon deposited with LYRIC Bank a money market placement of P1 million for a term of 31 days.
On maturity date, one claiming to be Marlon called up the LYRIC Bank account officer and
instructed him to give the manager’s check representing the proceeds of the money market
placement to Marlon’s girlfriend Ingrid.

The check, which bore the forged signature of Marlon, was deposited in Ingrid’s account with
YAMAHA Bank. YAMAHA Bank stamped a guaranty on the check reading: "All prior endorsements
and/or lack of endorsement guaranteed."

Upon presentment of the check, LYRIC Bank funds the check. Days later, Marlon goes to LYRIC
Bank to collect his money market placement and discovers the foregoing transactions.

Marlon thereupon sues LYRIC Bank which in turn files a third-party complaint against YAMAHA
Bank. Discuss the respective rights and liabilities of the two banks. (5%)


Your client Dianne approaches you for legal advice on putting up a medium-sized restaurant
business that will specialize in a novel type of cuisine. As Dianne feels that the business is a little
risky, she wonders whether she should use a corporation as the business vehicle, or just run it as a
single proprietorship. She already has an existing corporation that is producing meat products
profitably and is also considering the alternative of simply setting up the restaurant as a branch
office of the existing corporation.

a. Briefly explain to your client what you see as the legal advantages and disadvantages of
using a separate corporation, a single proprietorship, or a branch of an existing corporation
for the proposed restaurant business. (3%)

b. If you advise your client to use a corporation, what officer positions must the corporation
at least have? (2%)

c. What particular qualifications, if any, are these officers legally required to possess under
the Corporation Code? (2%)

To secure a loan of P10 million, Mario mortgaged his building to Armando. In accordance with the
loan arrangements, Mario had the building insured with First Insurance Company for P10 million,
designating Armando as the beneficiary.

Armando also took an insurance on the building upon his own interest with Second Insurance
Company for P5 million.

The building was totally destroyed by fire, a peril insured against under both insurance policies. It
was subsequently determined that the fire had been intentionally started by Mario and that in
violation of the loan agreement, he had been storing inflammable materials in the building.

a. How much, if any, can Armando recover from either or both insurance companies? (2%)

b. What happens to the P10 million debt of Mario to Armando? Explain. (3%)


Enrique obtained from Seguro Insurance Company a comprehensive motor vehicle insurance to
cover his top of the line Aston Martin. The policy was issued on March 31, 2010 and, on even date,
Enrique paid the premium with a personal check postdated April 6, 2010.

On April 5, 2010, the car was involved in an accident that resulted in its total loss.

On April 10, 2010, the drawee bank returned Enrique’s check with the notation "Insufficient Funds."
Upon notification, Enrique immediately deposited additional funds with the bank and asked the
insurer to redeposit the check.

Enrique thereupon claimed indemnity from the insurer. Is the insurer liable under the insurance
coverage? Why or why not? (3%)

No, insures is not liable.

Under the Insurance Code, contract of insurance is perfected only upon payment of the full
amount of the premium. Checks as mode can only be considered as payment of the premium
upon encashment.


AA entered into a contract with BB for the latter to transport ladies wear from Manila to France with
transhipment via Taiwan. Somehow the goods were not loaded in Taiwan on time, hence, these
arrived in France "off-season." AA was only paid for onehalf (1/2) the value by the buyer.

AA claimed damages from BB. BB invoked prescription as a defense under the Carriage of Goods
by Sea Act. Considering the "loss of value" of the ladies wear as claimed by AA, is BB’s defense
tenable? Explain. (3%)

No, BB’s defense is not tenable. The loss of value was because of the fault of BB. Hence, it
cannot deny liability.


Paolo, the owner of an ocean-going vessel, offered to transport the logs of Constantino from Manila
to Nagoya. Constantino accepted the offer, not knowing that the vessel was manned by an
irresponsible crew with deep-seated resentments against Paolo, their employer.

Constantino insured the cargo of logs against both perils of the sea and barratry. The logs were
improperly loaded on one side, thereby causing the vessel to tilt on one side. On the way to Nagoya,
the crew unbolted the sea valves of the vessel causing water to flood the ship hold. The vessel

Constantino tried to collect from the insurance company which denied liability, given the
unworthiness of both the vessel and its crew.

Constantino countered that he was not the owner of the vessel and he could therefore not be
responsible for conditions about which he was innocent.

a. Is the insurance company liable? Why or why not? (3%)

No, the insurance company is not liable.

Under the Law on Marine Insurance, what is insured is the peril of the sea not by the
manifest fault of the crews.

b. What is "barratry" in marine insurance? (2%)

Barranty in marine insurance means


When OCCIDENTAL Bank folded up due to insolvency, Manuel had the following separate deposits
in his name: P200,000 in savings deposit; P250,000 in time deposit; P50,000 in a current account;
P1 million in a trust account; and P3 million in money market placement. Under the Philippine
Deposit Insurance Corporation Act, how much could Manuel recover? Explain. (2%)

Manuel can recover only the amount of P500,000.

Under the PDIC, depositors to a bank which became insolvent can recover their deposits up
to the extent of P500,000.


While vacationing in Boracay, Valentino surreptitiously took photographs of his girlfriend Monaliza in
her skimpy bikini. Two weeks later, her photographs appeared in the Internet and in a national
celebrity magazine.

Monaliza found out that Valentino had sold the photographs to the magazine and, adding insult to
injury, uploaded them to his personal blog on the Internet.

a. Monaliza filed a complaint against Valentino for damages based on, among other
grounds, violation of her intellectual property rights. Does she have any cause of action?
Explain. (2%)

No, she does not have any cause of action.

Taking picture to another person will not makes the taker be liable for the violation of
intellectual property since he is the one who takes the oicture.
b. Valentino’s friend Francesco stole the photographs and duplicated them and sold them to
a magazine publication. Valentino sued Francesco for infringement and damages. Does
Valentino have any cause of action? Explain. (2%)

Yes, Valentino have cause of action. From the moment Valentino takes the picture of
his girlfriend, he already acquired ownership over the picture. Thus, its right over the
same is already protected.

c. Does Monaliza have any cause of action against Francesco? Explain. (2%)

Yes, she can sue Francesco for damages.


An importer of Christmas toys loaded 100 boxes of Santa Claus talking dolls aboard a ship in Korea
bound for Manila. With the intention of smuggling one-half of his cargo, he took a bill of lading for
only 50 boxes. On the voyage to Manila, 50 boxes were jettisoned to save the more precious cargo.

a. Is the importer entitled to receive any indemnity for average? Explain. (2%)

Yes, the importer is entitled to receive but only up to the extent of ½ indicated in the
bill of lading.

Under the Code Commerce, the liability of the shipper in the transporting cargos shall
only be limited up to the extent indicated in the bill of lading.

b. What are the types of averages in marine commerce? (3%)

Simple average

Joint average


The Supreme Court has held that fraud is an exception to the "independence principle" governing
letters of credit. Explain this principle and give an example of how fraud can be an exception. (3%)

Fraud is an exception because fraud very broader. It can exist in every transactions.

Example of this is fraud in securing a letter of credits.


For years, Y has been engaged in the parallel importation of famous brands, including shoes
carrying the foreign brand MAGIC. Exclusive distributor X demands that Y cease importation
because of his appointment as exclusive distributor of MAGIC shoes in the Philippines.

Y counters that the trademark MAGIC is not registered with the Intellectual Property Office as a
trademark and therefore no one has the right to prevent its parallel importation.

a. Who is correct? Why? (2%)

X is correct.

Under the Law on Intellectual Property, a foreign brand can only be sold in the
country provided there is authority given by the owner.

b. Suppose the shoes are covered by a Philippine patent issued to the brand owner, what
would your answer be? Explain. (2%)

Same answer


Dr. Nobel discovered a new method of treating Alzheimer’s involving a special method of diagnosing
the disease, treating it with a new medicine that has been discovered after long experimentation and
field testing, and novel mental isometric exercises. He comes to you for advice on how he can have
his discoveries protected.

Can he legally protect his new method of diagnosis, the new medicine, and the new method of
treatment? If no, why? If yes, how? (4%)

Yes, Dr. Nobel can legally protect his new method of diagnosis, the new medicine, and the
new method of treatment.

Under the Law on Intellectual Property, for as long as it is new, it can be protected.

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