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Master Agreement

Revised April 1, 2022


Unless superseded by a signed license agreement between you and Esri, Esri is willing to provide Esri
Offerings and Services to you only if you accept all terms and conditions contained in this Agreement as
the sole and final agreement of the parties regarding your acquisition of these Esri Offerings and
Services. Please read the terms and conditions carefully. You may not use the Esri Offerings until you
have agreed to the terms and conditions of the Agreement. If you do not agree to the terms and
conditions as stated, click "I do not accept the Master Agreement" below; you may then request a refund
of applicable fees paid.

This Master Agreement ("Agreement") is between you ("Customer") and Environmental Systems Research
Institute, Inc. ("Esri"), a California corporation with a place of business at 380 New York Street, Redlands,
California 92373-8100 USA.

Attachment A contains definitions of capitalized terms used throughout this Agreement. Each section of this
Agreement may include additional definitions that are used exclusively within that section.


1.1 Grant of Rights. In consideration of Customer's payment of all applicable fees and in accordance with this
Agreement, Esri

a. Provides Services as set forth in this Agreement;

b. Grants to Customer a nonexclusive, nontransferable right and license or subscription to access and use Esri
Offerings as set forth in the Specifications and applicable Ordering Documents; and
c. Authorizes Customer to copy and make derivative works of the Documentation for Customer's own internal
use in conjunction with Customer's authorized use of Esri Offerings. Customer will include the following
copyright attribution notice acknowledging the proprietary rights of Esri and its licensors in any derivative

"Portions of this document include intellectual property of Esri and its licensors and are used under
license. Copyright © [Customer will insert the actual copyright date(s) from the source materials.] Esri and
its licensors. All rights reserved."

The grants of rights in this section (i) continue for the duration of the subscription or applicable Term or
perpetually if no Term is applicable or identified in the Ordering Documents and (ii) are subject to additional rights
and restrictions in this Agreement including Attachment B.

1.2 Consultant or Contractor Access. Customer may authorize its consultants or contractors to (i) host Esri
Offerings for Customer's benefit and (ii) use Esri Offerings exclusively for Customer's benefit. Customer will be
solely responsible for its consultants' and contractors' compliance with this Agreement and will ensure that each
consultant or contractor discontinues use of Esri Offerings upon completion of work for Customer. Access to or
use of Esri Offerings by consultants or contractors that is not exclusively for Customer's benefit is prohibited.

1.3 Reservation of Rights. All Esri Offerings are the copyrighted works of Esri or its licensors; all rights not
specifically granted in this Agreement are reserved.

1.4 Customer Content. Esri does not acquire any rights in Customer Content under this Agreement other than as
needed to provide Esri Offerings and Services to Customer.

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2.1 Definitions. The following definitions supplement the definitions provided in Attachment A:

a. "Anonymous Users" means all who have public access (i.e., without having to provide a Named User
Credential) to any part of Customer Content or Customer's Value-Added Applications.
b. "App Login Credential(s)" means a system-generated application login and associated password, provided
when registering a Value-Added Application with Online Services, which when embedded in a Value-Added
Application allows the Value-Added Application to access and use Online Services.
c. "Commercial App Deployment License" means a license to distribute Value-Added Applications to third
parties for a fee.
d. "Concurrent Use License" means a license to install and use Software on computer(s) on a network,
provided that the number of simultaneous users may not exceed the number of licenses acquired. A
Concurrent Use License includes the right to run passive failover instances of Concurrent Use License
management software in a separate operating system environment for temporary failover support.
e. "Deployment License" means a license to incorporate ArcGIS Runtime components in Value-Added
Applications and distribute Value-Added Applications to Customer's end users.
f. "Deployment Server License" means a license to use Software under a Server License for all uses
permitted in this Agreement and as described in the Documentation.
g. "Development Server License" means a license to use Software under a Server License only to build and
test Value-Added Applications as described in the Documentation.
h. "Development Use" means the right to install and use Products to build and test Value-Added Applications
as described in the Documentation.
i. "Dual Use License" means the right to install Software on a desktop computer and use it simultaneously with
either a personal digital assistant (PDA) or handheld mobile device as long as the Software is only used by a
single individual at any time.
j. "Failover License" means a license to install Software on redundant systems for failover operations, but the
redundantly installed Software may be operational only during the period the primary site is nonoperational.
Except for system maintenance and updating of databases, the redundant Software installation(s) will remain
dormant while the primary site (or any other redundant site) is operational.
k. "Named User(s)" is Customer's employee, agent, consultant, or contractor to whom Customer has assigned
a unique, secure login credential (identity) enabling access to a Product that requires such identity in order to
access identity-managed capabilities within a Product for Customer's exclusive benefit. For educational use,
Named Users may include registered students.
l. "Named User Credential(s)" means an individual person's login and associated password enabling that
person to access and use Products.
m. "Named User License" means the right for a single Named User to use a specific Esri Offering.
n. "Online Services Subscription" means a limited-term subscription conveying the right for one or more
Named Users to access and use Online Services.
o. "Redistribution License" means a license to reproduce and distribute Software provided that

1. Customer reproduces and distributes the Software in its entirety;

2. A license agreement that protects the Software to the same extent as this Agreement accompanies each
copy of the Software, and the recipient agrees to the terms and conditions of the license agreement;
3. Customer reproduces all copyright and trademark attributions and notices; and
4. Customer does not charge a fee to others for the use of the Software.

p. "Server License" means a license to install and use Software on any computer being used as a server.
Server Licenses may be subject to a limited number of server cores or distributed deployment on multiple
servers as described in the Ordering Documents or Documentation. If the Software description includes
failover use rights, each Server License includes a Failover License.
q. "Service Credit(s)" means a unit of exchange for consumption of services that can be used with an Online
Services Subscription.
r. "Sharing Tools" means publishing capabilities included with Customer's authorized use of Online Services
or ArcGIS Enterprise that allow Customer to make Customer Content and Value-Added Applications available
to third parties or Anonymous Users.

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s. "Single Use License" means a license for a single authorized end user to install and use Software on a
single computer. The single authorized end user may also install a second copy for the end user's exclusive
use on a second computer as long as only 1 copy of Software is in use at any time. No other end user may
use Software under the same license at the same time for any other purpose.
t. "Staging Server License" means a license to use Software under a Server License to build and test Value-
Added Applications and map caches; conduct user acceptance, performance, and load testing of other third-
party software; stage new commercial data updates; and conduct training activities as described in the
Documentation. Customer may use Value-Added Applications and map caches with Development and
Deployment Server Licenses.

2.2 License and Subscription Types. Esri provides Products under one or more of the license or subscription
types identified in the definitions above. The Documentation and Ordering Documents identify which license or
subscription type(s) applies to the ordered Products.

2.3 Software Terms of Use.

a. Customer may

1. Install, access, or store Software and Data on electronic storage device(s);

2. Make archival copies and routine computer backups;
3. Install and use a newer version of Software concurrently with the version to be replaced during a
reasonable transition period not to exceed 6 months, provided that the deployment of either version does
not exceed Customer's licensed quantity; thereafter, Customer will not use more Software in the
aggregate than Customer's total licensed quantity. This concurrent use right does not apply to Software
licensed for Development Use;
4. Move Software in the licensed configuration to a replacement computer;
5. Distribute Software and any associated Authorization Codes required for use of a Deployment License to
third parties; and
6. Governmental or not-for-profit organizations that operate a website or offer Internet services may use
server Software for revenue-generating purposes on a cost-recovery basis and not for profit.

b. Customer may customize Software using any macro or scripting language, APIs, or source or object code
libraries but only to the extent that such customization is described in the Documentation.
c. Customer may use all fonts provided with Software for any authorized use of the Software. Customer may
also use Esri fonts separately to print any output created by the Software. Any use restrictions for third-party
fonts included with the Software are set forth in the font file itself.
d. Esri publishes Product-specific Software terms of use at

2.4 Online Services Terms of Use.

a. Online Services Descriptions. Esri publishes Online Services Subscription-specific terms of use at Use of Online Services is also subject to the Cloud Services terms
found in Attachment B.
b. Modifications of Online Services. Esri may change Online Services and associated APIs at any time,
subject to 30 days' notice of material changes and 90 days' notice for deprecations. If any modification,
discontinuation, or deprecation of Online Services causes a material, adverse impact to Customer's
operations, Esri may, at its discretion, attempt to repair, correct, or provide a workaround for Online Services.
If a viable solution is not commercially reasonable, Customer may cancel its subscription to Online Services,
and when applicable, Esri will issue a prorated refund.
c. Sharing Customer Content. Sharing Customer Content using Sharing Tools enables third parties to use,
store, cache, copy, reproduce, (re)distribute, and (re)transmit Customer Content through Online Services. Esri
is not responsible for any loss, deletion, modification, or disclosure of Customer Content resulting from use or
misuse of Sharing Tools. Customer's use of Sharing Tools is at Customer's sole risk.

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2.5 Named User Licenses. Except as expressly set forth in this Agreement, the following terms apply to Software
and Online Services for which Customer acquires Named User Licenses.

a. Named Users.

1. Named User login credentials are for designated users only and may not be shared with other individuals.
2. Customer may reassign a Named User License to another user if the former user no longer requires
access to the Software or Online Services.
3. Customer may not add third parties as Named Users, other than third parties included within the definition
of Named Users.
b. Anonymous Users. Anonymous Users may only access Software or Online Services through Value-Added
Applications that provide access to services or Content, that has been published for shared access through
the use of Sharing Tools.

2.6 Value-Added Applications.

1. Customer is responsible for the development, operation, and technical support of Customer Content and
Value-Added Applications.
2. Customer may not embed a Named User Credential into Value-Added Applications. Value-Added
Applications that enable access to Customer Content that is not publicly shared through the use of
Sharing Tools must require individual users to log in to the application(s) with their unique Named User
login credentials.
3. Customer may embed an App Login Credential into Value-Added Applications that provide access by
Anonymous Users to services or Content, that has been published for shared access by Anonymous
Users through the use of Sharing Tools.
4. Customer may not embed an App Login Credential into Value-Added Applications that enables access to
Customer Content that is not publicly shared through the use of Sharing Tools. Value-Added Applications
that enable access to Customer Content that is not publicly shared through the use of Sharing Tools must
require individual users to log in to the application(s) with their unique Named User login credentials.
5. Customer may not provide a third party, other than third parties included within the definition of Named
Users, with access to Software or Online Services, other than through Customer's Value-Added
6. Customer may transfer Value-Added Applications to any third party for use in conjunction with the third
party's own Software license or Online Services Subscription.

2.7 Limited-Use Programs.

a. Trial, Evaluation, and Beta Programs. Products acquired under a trial, evaluation, or Beta program are
licensed for evaluation and testing purposes only and not for commercial use. Any such use is at Customer's
own risk, and the Products do not qualify for Maintenance. If Customer does not convert to a purchased
license or subscription prior to the expiration of the trial, evaluation, or Beta license, Customer may lose any
Customer Content and customizations made during the license term. If Customer does not wish to purchase a
license or subscription, Customer should export such Customer Content before the license expires.
b. Educational Programs. Customer agrees to use Products provided under an educational program solely for
educational purposes during the educational use Term. Customer shall not use Products for any
Administrative Use unless Customer has acquired an Administrative Use license. "Administrative Use" means
administrative activities that are not directly related to instruction or education, such as asset mapping,
facilities management, demographic analysis, routing, campus safety, and accessibility analysis. Customer
shall not use Products for revenue-generating or for-profit purposes.
c. Grant Programs. Customer may use Products provided under a grant program for noncommercial purposes
only. Except for cost recovery of using and operating the Products, Customer shall not use Products for
revenue-generating or for-profit purposes.
d. Other Esri Limited-Use Programs. If Customer acquires Products under any limited-use program not listed
above, Customer's use of the Products may be subject to the terms set forth in the applicable launching page
or enrollment form or as described on Esri's website in addition to the nonconflicting terms of this Agreement.

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3.0 DATA

3.1 Definitions. The following definitions supplement the definitions provided in Attachment A:

a. "Business Listing Data" means any dataset that includes a list of businesses and may include other
associated business attributes.
b. "Esri Content Package(s)" means a digital file containing Online Services basemap Data extracted from the
Online Services.
c. "Street Data" means Data that includes or depicts information about roads, streets, and related features.

3.2 Permitted Uses.

a. Unless otherwise authorized in writing, Customer may only use Data with the Products for which Esri has
provided the Data.
b. Subject to the restrictions set forth in this Agreement and provided that Customer affixes an attribution
statement to the Data representations acknowledging Esri or its applicable licensor(s) as the source of the
portion(s) of the Data used for the Data representation, Customer may:

1. Create representations of Data in hard-copy or static, electronic format (e.g., PDF, GIF, JPEG, HTML); in
ArcGIS Web Maps; or in Esri Story Maps apps for the purposes of visualizing Data (including basic
interactions such as panning, zooming, and identifying map features with simple pop-ups); and
2. Use and include such representations of Data in presentation packages, marketing studies, or other
reports or documents containing map images or data summaries derived from the use of Esri Products to
third parties.

c. Customer may take Online Services basemaps offline through Esri Content Packages and subsequently
deliver (transfer) them to any device for use with licensed ArcGIS Runtime applications and ArcGIS Desktop.
Customer may not otherwise scrape, download, or store Data.
d. Customer may make any internal use of geocoded results that are obtained and stored in compliance with
this Agreement. Customer may not redistribute geocoded results except to (i) use and/or display on a map in
connection with Customer's public, non-revenue generating website(s), (ii) permit access to third-parties for
the purposes of Customer's business, or (iii) deliver to third parties, on a noncommercial/non-revenue
generating basis, static results, static output or static base map renderings.

3.3 Use Restrictions.

a. Customer may not act directly or authorize its customers to cobrand Data, use Data in any unauthorized
service or product, or offer Data through or on behalf of any third party.
b. Customer may not use or allow third parties to use Data, for the purpose of compiling, enhancing, verifying,
supplementing, adding to, or deleting from compilation of information that is sold, rented, published, furnished,
or in any manner provided to a third party.
c. Business Listing Data. Unless authorized in writing, Customer may not use Business Listing Data for any
direct marketing purposes, resale publication, or distribution to any third party as part of any mailing list,
directory, classified advertising, or other compilation of information.
d. Street Data. Customer may use Street Data for mapping, geocoding, routing, and transportation network
analysis purposes. Unless otherwise authorized in writing, Customer may not use Street Data for

1. Real-time navigational guidance, including alerting a user about upcoming maneuvers, such as warning
of an upcoming turn or calculating an alternate route if a turn is missed;
2. Synchronized multivehicle routing; or
3. Synchronized route optimization.

e. Business Analyst Data. Customer may cache Data provided with ArcGIS Business Analyst Mobile App on a
mobile device for use in conjunction with its use of ArcGIS Business Analyst Server. Customer may not
otherwise cache or download such Data.

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f. Partial Dataset Licenses: If Customer orders a subset of a dataset (e.g., a country, region, state, or local
portion of a global database), Customer may use only the licensed subset, not any other portion of the full
g. Michael Bauer Research International Boundaries Data ("MBR Data"). Customer's right to use data
downloaded to Customer's premises (e.g., MBR Data stored in ArcGIS Enterprise, ArcGIS Desktop)
terminates 2 years after download.

3.4 Supplemental Terms and Conditions for Data. Certain Data licensors require Esri to flow down additional
attribution requirements and terms of use to Customer. These terms supplement and amend the terms of this
Agreement and are available at


4.1 US Customers. Esri will provide Maintenance for Software and Online Services in accordance with the Esri
Maintenance and Support Program and this Agreement if Customer is in the United States.

4.2 Customers outside the United States. Customer may obtain maintenance services from their local Esri
authorized distributor under the authorized distributor's own standard support policy.


5.1 US Customers. Esri may provide Esri Managed Cloud Services, Training, or Professional Services including
Advantage Program to US Customers under an applicable Ordering Document. Unless Customer has signed an
agreement with Esri establishing terms and conditions for such Services, Esri's performance is subject to the
Services terms and conditions incorporated by reference and found at A printed copy of these
terms and conditions will be provided upon request.

5.2 Customers outside the United States. Customers outside of the United States may obtain Services from
their local authorized distributor.

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The following glossary of terms applies to all Esri Offerings and Services that Esri may provide to its customers.
Certain Esri Offerings or Services may not be within the scope of this Agreement. Please disregard any terms that
are not applicable to Esri Offerings or Services offered under this Agreement.

"Affiliate" means any entity that directly or indirectly (i) Controls; (ii) is Controlled by; or (iii) is under common
Control with a party, where "Control" means having more than 50 percent of the voting stock or other voting
interest in the Controlled entity.

"API" means application programming interface.

"ArcGIS Website" means and any related or successor websites.

"Authorization Code(s)" means any key, authorization number, enablement code, login credential, activation
code, token, user name and password, or other mechanism required for use of Esri Offerings.

"Beta" means any alpha, beta, or other prerelease version of a Product.

"Cloud Services" means Online Services and Esri Managed Cloud Services.

"Content" means data, images, photographs, animations, video, audio, text, maps, databases, data models,
spreadsheets, user interfaces, graphics components, icons, software, and other resources used in connection
with Esri Offerings and Services.

"Control" means having more than 50 percent of the voting stock or other voting interest in the Controlled entity.

"Customer Content" means any Content that Customer provides, uses, or develops in connection with
Customer's use of Esri Offerings or Services, including Value-Added Applications. Customer Content excludes
any feedback, suggestions, or requests for improvements that Customer provides to Esri.

"Data" means any commercially available digital dataset(s) including, but not limited to, geographic vector data,
raster data reports, or associated tabular attributes that Esri bundles with other Esri Offerings or delivers

"Deliverables" means anything that Esri delivers to Customer as a result of performance of Professional

"Documentation" means all user reference documentation that Esri provides with a Deliverable or an Esri

"Esri Managed Cloud Services" means a Customer-specific cloud infrastructure, Software, Data, and network
platform that Esri hosts, manages, and makes available to Customer or Customer's end users via the Internet.

"Esri Offering(s)" means any Product or Documentation. If Esri provides Training or Professional Services
directly to Customer, then Esri Offerings also include Deliverables and Training Materials. Esri Offerings exclude
Services and Third-Party Content.

"GIS" means geographic information system.

"Maintenance" means a subscription program that Esri provides and that entitles Customer to Product updates
and other benefits such as access to technical support and self-paced, web-based learning resources.

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"Malicious Code" means software viruses; worms; time bombs; Trojan horses; or any other computer code, files,
denial of service, or programs designed to interrupt, destroy, or limit the functionality of any computer software,
hardware, or telecommunications equipment.

"Online Services" means any commercially available, Internet-based geospatial system that Esri provides,
including applications and associated APIs for storing, managing, publishing, and using maps, data, and other
information. Online Services exclude Data and Content.

"Ordering Document(s)" means a sales quotation, Maintenance renewal quote, purchase order, proposal, Task
Order, or other document identifying Esri Offerings, updates, or Services that Customer orders.

"Perpetual License" means a license to use a version of the Esri Offering for which applicable license fees have
been paid, indefinitely, unless terminated by Esri or Customer as authorized under this Agreement.

"Product(s)" means Software, Data, and Online Services.

"Professional Services" means any development or consulting services that Esri provides to Customer.

"Sample(s)" means sample code, sample applications, add-ons, or sample extensions of Products.

"Service(s)" means Maintenance. If Esri provides Esri Managed Cloud Services, Training, or Professional
Services directly to Customer, then Services also include Esri Managed Cloud Services, Training, and
Professional Services.

"Software" means any proprietary commercial off-the-shelf software, excluding Data, accessed or downloaded
from an Esri-authorized website or that Esri delivers on any media in any format including backups, updates,
service packs, patches, hot fixes, or permitted merged copies.

"Specification(s)" means (i) the Documentation for Software and Online Services, (ii) the scope of work set forth
in any Task Order, or (iii) Esri's published course descriptions for Training.

"Task Order(s)" means an Ordering Document for Services.

"Term License" means a license for use of an Esri Offering for a limited time period ("Term").

"Third-Party Content" means any Content that Customer may obtain from a third-party website or that persons
other than Esri employees, suppliers, or contractors may directly contribute to Esri's website.

"Training" means (i) Product training or (ii) related training that Esri provides under this Agreement.

"Training Materials" means digital or printed Content required to complete Training, which may include, but is
not limited to, workbooks, data, concepts, exercises, assessments, and exams.

"Value-Added Application(s)" means an application developed by Customer for use in conjunction with the
authorized use of any Software, Data, or Online Services.

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The following general terms and conditions apply to all Esri Offerings and Services that Esri may offer to its
customers. Certain Esri Offerings or Services may not be available under this Agreement. Please disregard any
terms that are not applicable to Esri Offerings or Services offered under this Agreement.


Except as expressly permitted in this Agreement, Customer will not

a. Sell, rent, lease, sublicense, distribute, lend, time-share, or assign Services or Esri Offerings;
b. Distribute or provide direct access to Services or Esri Offerings to third parties, in whole or in part, including,
but not limited to, extensions, components, or DLLs;
c. Distribute Authorization Codes to third parties;
d. Reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble any Product or Deliverable delivered in compiled form;
e. Make any attempt to circumvent the technological measure(s) that controls access to or use of Esri Offerings;
f. Store, cache, use, upload, distribute, or sublicense Content or otherwise use Esri Offerings in violation of
Esri's or a third-party's rights, including intellectual property rights, privacy rights, nondiscrimination laws,
export laws, or any other applicable law or regulation;
g. Remove or obscure any Esri or its licensors' patent, copyright, trademark, proprietary rights notices, or
legends contained in or affixed to any Esri Offerings, output, metadata file, or online or hard-copy attribution
page of any Data or Documentation;
h. Unbundle or independently use individual or component parts of Esri Offerings;
i. Incorporate any portion of Esri Offerings into a product or service for third-party use that competes with the
Esri Offerings;
j. Publish or in any other way communicate the results of benchmark tests run on Beta Products without the
prior written permission of Esri and its licensors; or
k. Use, incorporate, modify, distribute, provide access to, or combine any Esri Offerings in a manner that would
subject any Esri Offering to open-source or open-database license terms (e.g. GPL) that require any part of
the Esri Offering to be subject to additional terms, for example

1. Disclosed in source code form to third parties;

2. Licensed to third parties for the purpose of making derivative works; or
3. Redistributable to third parties at no charge; or

l. Generate revenue by providing access to Software or Online Services through a Value-Added Application.

These restrictions will not apply to the extent that they conflict with applicable law or regulation.


B.2.1 Customer may terminate this Agreement or any Esri Offerings license or subscription at any time upon
written notice to Esri. Termination without cause does not entitle Customer to receive any refund of fees paid. Any
right to terminate pending Services engagements for convenience is set forth in the applicable section in the body
of this Agreement. Either party may terminate this Agreement or any license or subscription for a material breach
that is not cured within 30 days of written notice to the breaching party. Upon any termination of this Agreement
for breach, Esri will stop providing Services. Any licenses in Esri Offerings that survive termination of this
Agreement continue under the terms of this Agreement.

B.2.2 If Esri terminates this Agreement following Customer's breach, then Esri may also, at its election, terminate
Customer's licenses or subscriptions to Esri Offerings. If Customer terminates this Agreement for cause or
convenience, then Customer may, at its election, also terminate Customer's licenses or subscriptions to Esri

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B.2.3 Upon any termination or expiration of a license or subscription, Customer will

a. Stop accessing and using the terminated or expired Esri Offerings;

b. Clear any client-side data cache derived from the terminated or expired Cloud Services; and
c. Stop using and uninstall, remove, and destroy all copies of the terminated or expired Esri Offerings in
Customer's possession or control, including any modified or merged portions thereof, in any form, and
execute and deliver evidence of such actions to Esri or its authorized distributor.

Esri may stop performing Services immediately upon written notice to Customer if a bankruptcy or insolvency
proceeding is commenced by or against Customer until the trustee cures any existing defaults and provides
adequate assurance of future performance under this Agreement. This Agreement terminates upon the
insolvency, liquidation, or dissolution of either party.


B.3.1 Limited Warranties. Except as disclaimed below, Esri warrants to Customer that (i) Products and Training
will substantially comply with the applicable Specifications and (ii) Services will substantially conform to the
professional and technical standards of the industry. The warranty period for Esri Offerings offered under a
Perpetual License and for Services runs for 90 days from the date of delivery or from the date of acceptance if
this Agreement provides an acceptance period. The warranty period for Esri Offerings offered under a
subscription or Term License basis runs for the lesser of (i) the duration of the subscription or term or (ii) 90 days
from delivery or acceptance if this Agreement provides an acceptance period.

B.3.2 Special Disclaimer. Third-Party Content; Data; Samples; hot fixes; patches; updates; Online
Services provided at no charge; and trial, evaluation, and Beta Products are delivered "as is" and without
warranty of any kind.

B.3.3 General Disclaimer. Except for the express limited warranties set forth in this Agreement, Esri
disclaims all other warranties or conditions of any kind, whether express or implied, including, but not
limited to, warranties or conditions of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and
noninfringement of intellectual property rights. Esri is not responsible for any nonconformities with
Specifications or loss, deletion, modification, or disclosure of Customer Content caused by Customer's
modification of any Esri Offering other than as specified in the Documentation. Esri does not warrant that
Esri Offerings, or Customer's operation of the same, will be uninterrupted, error free, fault tolerant, or fail-
safe or that all nonconformities can or will be corrected. Esri Offerings are not designed, manufactured,
or intended for use in environments or applications that may lead to death, personal injury, or physical
property or environmental damage. Customer should not follow any navigational route suggestions that
appear to be hazardous, unsafe, or illegal. Any such uses will be at Customer's own risk and cost.

B.3.4 Disclaimers.

a. Internet Disclaimer. Neither party will be liable for damages under any theory of law related to the
performance or discontinuance of operation of the Internet or to regulation of the Internet that might
restrict or prohibit the operation of Cloud Services.
b. Third-Party Websites; Third-Party Content. Esri is not responsible for any third-party website or Third-
Party Content that appears in or is referenced by Esri Offerings or Esri websites, including and Providing links to third-party websites and resources does not
imply an endorsement, affiliation, or sponsorship of any kind.

B.3.5 Exclusive Remedy. Customer's exclusive remedy and Esri's entire liability for breach of the limited
warranties in this section will be to replace any defective media and to (i) repair, correct, or provide a workaround
for the applicable Esri Offering or Services or (ii) at Esri's election, terminate Customer's right to use and refund
the fees paid for Esri Offerings or Services that do not meet Esri's limited warranties.

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B.4.1 Disclaimer of Liability. Neither Customer, Esri, nor any Esri authorized distributor or third party
licensor will be liable for any indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages; lost profits; lost
sales; loss of goodwill; costs of procurement of substitute goods or services; or damages exceeding the
applicable license fees, or current subscription fees, or Services fees paid or owed to Esri for the Esri
Offerings or Services giving rise to the cause of action.

B.4.2 The limitations and exclusions of liability in the preceding paragraph do not apply to Customer's
infringement, misuse, or misappropriation of Esri's or Esri's licensors' intellectual property rights, either party's
indemnification obligations, gross negligence, willful misconduct, or violations of the Export Compliance clause of
this Agreement or any applicable law or regulation.

B.4.3 Applicability of Disclaimers and Limitations. Esri or its authorized distributor has set its fees and entered
into this Agreement in reliance on the disclaimers and limitations in this Agreement; the fees reflect an allocation
of risk that is an essential basis of the bargain between the parties. These limitations will apply whether or not
a party is aware of the possibility of any damage and notwithstanding any failure of essential purpose of
any exclusive, limited remedy.

B.4.4 The foregoing disclaimers, limitations, and exclusions may be invalid in some jurisdictions and apply only to
the extent permitted by applicable law or regulation in Customer's jurisdiction. Customer may have additional
rights that may not be waived or disclaimed. Esri does not seek to limit Customer's warranty or remedies to any
extent not permitted by law.


B.5.1 Definitions. The following definitions supplement the definitions provided in Attachment A:

a. "Claim" means any claim, action, or demand by a third party.

b. "Indemnitees" means Customer and its directors, officers, and employees.
c. "Infringement Claim(s)" means any Claim alleging that Customer's use of or access to any Esri Offering or
Service infringes a patent, copyright, trademark, or trade secret.
d. "Loss(es)" means expenditure, damage award, settlement amount, cost, or expense, including awarded
attorneys' fees.

B.5.2 Infringement Indemnity.

a. Esri will defend, hold all Indemnitees harmless from, and indemnify any Loss arising out of an Infringement
b. If Esri determines that an Infringement Claim is valid, Esri may, at its expense, either (i) obtain rights for
Customer to continue using the Esri Offerings or Services or (ii) modify the Esri Offerings or Services while
maintaining substantially similar functionality. If neither alternative is commercially reasonable, Esri may
terminate Customer's right to use the Esri Offerings or Services and will refund any (a) license fees that
Customer paid for the infringing Esri Offerings or Services acquired under a Perpetual License, prorated on a
5-year, straight-line depreciation basis beginning from the initial date of delivery or (b) unused portion of fees
paid for Term Licenses, Subscriptions, and Maintenance.
c. Esri has no obligation to defend an Infringement Claim or to indemnify Customer to the extent the
Infringement Claim arises out of (i) the combination or integration of Esri Offerings or Services with a product,
process, system, or element that Esri has not supplied or specified in the Specification; (ii) alteration of Esri
Offerings or Services by anyone other than Esri or its subcontractors; (iii) compliance with Customer's
specifications; or (iv) use of Esri Offerings or Services after Esri either provides a modified version to avoid
infringement or terminates Customer's right to use the Esri Offerings or Services.

B.5.3 General Indemnity. Esri will defend and hold all Indemnitees harmless from, and indemnify any Loss
arising out of, any Claim for bodily injury, death, or tangible or real property damage brought against any of the
Indemnitees to the extent arising from any negligent act or omission or willful misconduct by Esri or its directors,
officers, employees, or agents performing Services while on Customer's site.

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B.5.4 Conditions for Indemnification. As conditions for indemnification, but for those defined as Infringement
Claims (see B.5.2 c.), Indemnitee will (i) promptly notify Esri in writing of the Claim, (ii) provide all available
documents describing the Claim, (iii) give Esri sole control of the defense of any action and negotiation related to
the defense or settlement of any Claim, and (iv) reasonably cooperate in the defense of the Claim at Esri's
request and expense.

B.5.5 This section sets forth the entire obligation of Esri, its authorized distributor, and its third party
licensors regarding any Claim for which Esri must indemnify Customer.


If Esri is providing Services, Esri will carry, at a minimum, the following coverage:

a. Comprehensive general liability or commercial general liability with a minimum coverage of $1,000,000.00
(US dollars) combined single limit per occurrence for bodily injury, including death, and property damage
liability to include the following:

1. Premises and operations;

2. Blanket contractual liability;
3. Broad form property damage;
4. Independent contractors;
5. Personal injury, with employee exclusion deleted; and
6. Completed operations.

b. Workers' compensation insurance, with waiver of subrogation, in an amount that complies with statutory


B.7.1 Security. Esri publishes its security capabilities at Customer may give Esri
personnel access to Customer systems or to Customer or third-party personal information, controlled information,
or sensitive data if access is essential for Esri's performance of Services and if Esri expressly agrees to such
access. Esri will use reasonable administrative, technical, and physical safeguards to protect such data and guard
against unauthorized access. Customer bears responsibility to (i) confirm that Esri's published security and
privacy controls meet all applicable legal requirements for protection of Customer Content and (ii) upload or share
Customer Content through Cloud Services only when it is legal to do so. Esri is not responsible to review
Customer Content to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations. Customer must contact Esri at
[email protected] for further instruction before providing any Customer Content that requires security
measures other than Esri's published security capabilities.
B.7.2 Malicious Code. Esri will use commercially reasonable efforts to ensure that Esri Offerings will not transmit
any Malicious Code to Customer. Esri is not responsible for Malicious Code that Customer introduces to Esri
Offerings or that is introduced through Third-Party Content.
B.7.3 Export Compliance. Each party will comply with all applicable export and trade sanctions laws and
regulations, including the US Department of Commerce's Export Administration Regulations (EAR), the US
Department of State's International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR), the US Department of Treasury, Office of
Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) Regulations, and other applicable export laws. Customer will not export, reexport,
transfer, release, or otherwise dispose of, in whole or in part, or permit access to or transfer or use of Services or
Esri Offerings to any United States embargoed countries currently including Iran, Syria, North Korea, Cuba,
Crimea region of Ukraine, the Donetsk People's Republic (DNR) and Luhansk People's Republic (LNR), or denied
entities or persons except in accordance with all then-current applicable US government export laws and
regulations. Customer will not export, reexport, transfer, or use Services or Esri Offerings for certain missile,
nuclear, chemical, or biological activities or end uses without proper authorization from the US government.
Customer shall immediately notify Esri in writing if any US government entity or agency denies, suspends, or
revokes Customer's export privileges. Customer will not upload, store, or process in Cloud Services any
Customer Content that (i) has an Export Control Classification Number (ECCN) other than EAR99 or (ii) is
controlled for export from the United States under ITAR. Customer will notify Esri in advance if Esri's performance

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of any Services or provision of any Esri Offerings is related to any defense article, defense service, or technical
data, as defined under the ITAR Sections 120.6, 120.9, and 120.10, respectively; Esri will not perform any such
Services or provide any such Esri Offerings until Esri obtains any necessary export license from the US
government. Customer will reasonably assist Esri in applying for and obtaining an export license if needed.
B.7.4 Privacy. Esri will process personal data according to the terms of the Data Processing Addendum available
B.8.1 Prohibited Uses. Customer shall not provide Customer Content or otherwise access or use Cloud Services
in a manner that
a. Creates or transmits spam, spoofings, or phishing email or offensive or defamatory material; or stalks or
makes threats of physical harm;
b. Stores or transmits any Malicious Code;
c. Violates any law or regulation;
d. Infringes or misappropriates the rights of any third party;
e. Probes, scans, or tests the vulnerability of Cloud Services or breach any security or authentication measures
used by Cloud Services without written approval from Esri's Product Security Officer; or
f. Benchmarks the availability, performance, or functionality of Cloud Services.

B.8.2 Service Interruption. System failures or other events beyond Esri's reasonable control may interrupt
Customer's access to Cloud Services. Esri may not be able to provide advance notice of such interruptions.

B.8.3 Customer Content.

a. Customer grants Esri and its subcontractors a nonexclusive, nontransferable, worldwide right to host, run,
modify, and reproduce Customer Content as needed to provide Cloud Services to Customer. Esri will not
access, use, or disclose Customer Content without Customer's written permission except as reasonably
necessary to support Customer's use of Cloud Services. Except for the limited rights granted to Esri under
this Agreement, Customer retains all its rights, title, and interest in the Customer Content.
b. If Customer accesses Cloud Services with an application provided by a third party, Esri may disclose
Customer Content to such third party as necessary to enable interoperation between the application, Cloud
Services, and Customer Content.
c. Esri may disclose Customer Content if required to do so by law or regulation or by order of a court or other
government body, in which case Esri will reasonably attempt to limit the scope of disclosure.
d. When Customer's use of Cloud Services ends, Esri will either

1. Make Customer Content available to Customer for download for a period of 30 days unless Customer
requests a shorter window of availability or Esri is legally prohibited from doing so; or
2. Download all Customer Content in Esri's possession to a medium of Customer's choosing and deliver
such Customer Content to Customer.

Esri will have no further obligations to store or return Customer Content at the conclusion of the Cloud

B.8.4 Removal of Customer Content. Esri may remove or delete Customer Content if there is reason to believe
that uploading Customer Content to or using it with Cloud Services materially violates this Agreement. If
reasonable under these circumstances, Esri will notify Customer before removing Customer Content. Esri will
respond to any Digital Millennium Copyright Act takedown notices in accordance with Esri's copyright policy,
available at

B.8.5 Service Suspension. Esri may suspend access to Cloud Services (i) if Customer materially breaches this
Agreement and fails to timely cure the breach; (ii) if Esri reasonably believes that Customer's use of Cloud
Services will subject Esri to immediate liability or adversely affect the integrity, functionality, or usability of the
Cloud Services; (iii) for scheduled maintenance; (iv) to enjoin a threat or attack on Cloud Services; or (v) if Cloud

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Services become prohibited by law or regulated to a degree that continuing to provide them would impose a
commercial hardship. When feasible, Esri will notify Customer of any Cloud Services suspension beforehand and
give Customer reasonable opportunity to take remedial action.

Esri is not responsible for any damages, liabilities, or losses that may result from any interruption or suspension of
Cloud Services or removal of Customer Content as described above.

B.8.6 Notice to Esri. Customer will promptly notify Esri if Customer becomes aware of any unauthorized use of
Customer's subscription or any other breach of security regarding Cloud Services.


B.9.1 Payment. Customer will pay each correct invoice no later than 30 days after receipt and will remit payment
to the address stated on the invoice. Customers outside the United States will pay the authorized distributor's
invoices in accordance with the authorized distributor's payment terms.

B.9.2 Feedback. Esri may freely use any feedback, suggestions, or requests for Product improvement that
Customer provides to Esri.

B.9.3 Patents. Customer may not seek, and may not permit any other user to seek, a patent or similar right
worldwide that is based on or incorporates any Products. This express prohibition on patenting will not apply to
Customer's software and technology except to the extent that Products, or any portion thereof, are part of any
claim or preferred embodiment in a patent application or a similar application.

B.9.4 Restrictions on Solicitation. Neither party will solicit for hire any employee of the other party who is
associated with the performance of Services during the performance of the Services and for a period of 1 year
thereafter. This does not restrict either party from publicly advertising positions for hire in newspapers,
professional magazines, or Internet postings.

B.9.5 Taxes and Fees; Shipping Charges. Pricing of Esri Offerings and Services that Esri quotes to Customer is
exclusive of any and all applicable taxes or fees including, but not limited to, sales tax, use tax, or value-added tax
(VAT); customs, duties, or tariffs; shipping and handling charges; and vendor enrollment fees. Esri will add any
fees that it is required to pay to the total amount of its invoice to Customer. Esri may include estimated taxes and
shipping and handling charges in its quotations but may adjust these fees on invoicing. For Customers outside the
United States, the authorized distributor may quote taxes or fees in accordance with its own policies.

B.9.6 Compliance Review. Customer will keep accurate and complete records and accounts pertaining to its
compliance with its obligations under this Agreement. Esri or its authorized distributor may conduct a compliance
review of these records and accounts with no less than 14 business days' written notice or may appoint an
independent third party to conduct such a compliance review on its behalf. Customer will promptly correct any
noncompliance identified during the compliance review. Neither Esri nor Esri's authorized distributor may conduct
a compliance review of Customer within 12 months after the conclusion of any prior compliance review that does
not reveal any material Customer noncompliance.

B.9.7 No Implied Waivers. The failure of either party to enforce any provision of this Agreement is not a waiver of
the provisions or of the right of such party thereafter to enforce that or any other provision.

B.9.8 Severability. If any provision of this Agreement is held to be unenforceable for any reason, (i) such
provision will be reformed only to the extent necessary to make the intent of the language enforceable, and (ii) all
other provisions of this Agreement will remain in effect.

B.9.9 Successor and Assigns. Customer will not assign, sublicense, or transfer Customer's rights or delegate
Customer's obligations under this Agreement without Esri's and its authorized distributor's prior written consent,
and any attempt to do so without consent will be void. This Agreement will be binding on the respective
successors and assigns of the parties to this Agreement. Notwithstanding, a contractor under contract to the
government to deliver Products may assign this Agreement and Products acquired for delivery to its government

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customer upon written notice to Esri, provided the government customer assents to the terms of this Agreement.
Upon mutual agreement, Esri's Affiliates may provide Services under the terms of this Agreement; in such cases,
the Ordering Documents will identify the Affiliate as the party that provides the Services. Esri's authorized
distributors are not Affiliates of Esri.

B.9.10 Survival of Terms. The Glossary of Terms and provisions of the following Articles of these General Terms
and Conditions will survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement: "Limited Warranties and Disclaimers,"
"Limitation of Liability," "Indemnifications," and "General Provisions."

B.9.11 US Government Customer. The Products are commercial items, developed at private expense, provided
to Customer under this Agreement. If Customer is a US government entity or US government contractor, Esri
licenses or provides subscriptions to Customer in accordance with this Agreement under FAR
Subparts 12.211/12.212 or DFARS Subpart 227.7202. Esri Data and Online Services are licensed or subscribed
under the same DFARS Subpart 227.7202 policy as commercial computer software for acquisitions made under
DFARS. Products are subject to restrictions, and this Agreement strictly governs Customer's use, modification,
performance, reproduction, release, display, or disclosure of Products. Agreement provisions that are inconsistent
with federal law regulation will not apply. A US government Customer may transfer Software to any of its facilities
to which it transfers the computer(s) on which it has installed such Software. If any court, arbitrator, or board holds
that a US government Customer has greater rights to any portion of Products under applicable public
procurement law, such rights will extend only to the portions affected. ArcGIS Online has been granted FedRAMP
tailored low authorization but does not meet higher security requirements including those found in
DFARS 252.239-7010.

B.9.12 Governing Law. This Agreement is not subject to the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the
International Sale of Goods.

a. Government Entities. If Customer is a government entity, the applicable laws of Customer's jurisdiction
govern this Agreement.
b. Nongovernment Entities. US federal law and the law of the State of California exclusively govern this
Agreement, excluding their respective choice of law principles.

B.9.13 Dispute Resolution. The parties will use the following dispute resolution processes:

a. Equitable Relief. Either party will have the right to seek an injunction, specific performance, or other
equitable relief in any court of competent jurisdiction without the requirement of posting a bond or proving
injury as a condition for relief.
b. US Government Agencies. This Agreement is subject to the Contract Disputes Act of 1978, as amended
(41 USC 601–613).
c. Other Government Entities. Esri will comply with mandatory dispute resolutions under applicable law.
d. Arbitration. Except as noted above, the parties will submit to binding arbitration to resolve any dispute arising
out of or relating to this Agreement that cannot be settled through negotiation. If Customer is in the United
States or one of its territories or outlying areas, the Commercial Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration
Association will govern the arbitration proceedings. If Customer is outside the United States, the Rules of
Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce will govern the proceedings. The parties will select a
single arbitrator in accordance with the applicable arbitration rules. The language of the arbitration will be
English. Arbitration will be at an agreed-upon location. Either party will, at the request of the other, make
available documents or witnesses relevant to the major aspects of the dispute.

B.9.14 Force Majeure. A party will not be liable for any failure of or delay in the performance of this Agreement
for the period that such failure or delay is due to causes beyond the party's reasonable control. Such causes may
include, but are not limited to, acts of God, war, strikes, labor disputes, cyber attacks, laws, regulations,
government orders, or any other force majeure event.

B.9.15 Independent Contractor. Esri is and at all times will be an independent contractor. Nothing in this
Agreement creates an employer/employee, principal/agent, or joint venture relationship between Esri or its
authorized distributor and Customer. No party has any authority to enter into contracts on behalf of another party
or otherwise act on behalf of another party.

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B.9.16 Notice. Customer may send notices required under this Agreement to Esri at the following address:

Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc.

Attn.: Contracts and Legal Department
380 New York Street
Redlands, CA 92373-8100
Tel.: 909-793-2853
Email: [email protected]

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