Rider's Manual: BMW Motorrad
Rider's Manual: BMW Motorrad
Rider's Manual: BMW Motorrad
Rider's Manual
K 1600 GT
Vehicle data/dealership details
General instructions
Currentness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Additional sources of information . . . . 8
Certificates and operating
licences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Data memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Intelligent emergency call
system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 z
Overview WARNING Medium-risk Reference to a page with
1 Chapter 2 of this Rider's Manual
hazard. Non-avoidance can more detailed informa-
lead to fatal or severe injury. tion.
6 will provide you with an initial
overview of your motorcycle. DANGER High-risk haz-
Indicates the end of a
All maintenance and repair work ard. Non-avoidance leads
passage relating to spe-
on the vehicle is documented in to fatal or severe injury.
cific accessories or items
Chapter 11. This record of the ATTENTION Special of equipment.
General instructions
General instructions
BMW. Please make allowance
the vehicle. the national-market version or
for the fact that some equip-
country-specific measuring
EWS Electronic immobiliser. ment specifications may be de-
procedures. Detailed values
scribed that you have not selec-
can be taken from the vehicle
DWA Anti-theft alarm (Dieb- ted. Equally, country-specific de-
registration documents and
stahlwarnanlage). viations to the motorcycle shown
signs on the vehicle, or can be
are also possible.
obtained from your authorised
ABS Anti-lock brake system. If your motorcycle has equipment
BMW Motorrad Retailer or
that is not described, you will find
DTC Dynamic Traction Con- another qualified service partner
the relevant description in a sep-
trol. arate manual.
or specialist workshop. The z
specifications in the vehicle
ESA Electronic Suspension documents always have priority
Technical data over the information provided in
All dimensions, weights and this rider's manual.
RDC Tyre pressure monitor- power outputs in the rider's
ing. manual refer to the German
standard DIN (Deutsches Institut
Currentness Internet exchange between each other.
1 The high safety and quality level The rider's manual for your Some control units are required
vehicle, operating and installation for the vehicle to function safely
8 of BMW motorcycles is ensured
instructions for any accessories or provide assistance during rid-
by constant further development
and general information on ing, for example assistance sys-
in the areas of design, equipment
BMW Motorrad, for example tems. In addition, control units
and accessories. This may res-
relating to technology, are enable comfort or infotainment
ult in deviations between these
available at www.bmw- functions.
General instructions
General instructions
vehicle or in relation to compan- data protection information. This individual cases, for example to
ies which collect or process per- data protection information in- clarify a criminal offence.
sonal data. cludes information on the right to In the context of applicable laws,
Vehicle users have the right to have data deleted or corrected. public agencies are entitled in
obtain full information at no cost The manufacturer of the vehicle individual cases to read out data
from persons or entities storing also provides their contact details from the vehicle themselves.
personal data of the vehicle user. and those of the data protection
These entities may include: officer on their website. Operating data in the vehicle
Manufacturer of the vehicle The vehicle owner can also re- Control units process data to op-
Qualified service partners quest that a BMW Motorrad Re- erate the vehicle. z
Specialist workshops tailer or another qualified service This includes, for example:
Service providers partner or specialist workshop Status reports of the vehicle
read out the data that is stored in and its individual components,
Vehicle users have the right to the vehicle for a charge. for example wheel revolutions,
request information on what per- The vehicle data is read out us- wheel speed, deceleration
sonal data has been stored, for ing the legally prescribed socket
what purpose the data is used, for on-board diagnosis (OBD) in
and where the data comes from. the vehicle.
Environmental conditions, for Response of the vehicle in vehicle together with the vehicle
1 example temperature special riding situations, for identification number.
example engagement of the The information can be read out
10 The data is only processed in driving dynamics systems by a BMW Motorrad Retailer or
the vehicle itself and is gener- Information on incidents result- another qualified service part-
ally non-permanent. The data is ing in damage to the vehicle ner or specialist workshop. The
not stored beyond the operating legally stipulated socket for on-
period. The data is necessary for the board diagnosis (OBD) in the
General instructions
Electronic components, for ex- provision of control unit functions. vehicle is used to read out the
ample control units, contain com- Furthermore, the data is used to data.
ponents for storing technical in- detect and rectify malfunctions The data is obtained, processed
formation. Information can be and to enable the vehicle manu- and used by the relevant parts of
temporarily or permanently stored facturer to optimise vehicle func- the retailer network. The data is
on the vehicle condition, com- tions. used to document the technical
ponent loads, incidents or errors. The vast majority of this data is conditions of the vehicle, to help
This information is generally used non-permanent and is only pro- with error localization, to comply
to document the condition of a cessed in the vehicle itself. Only with warranty obligations and to
z component, a module, a system a small amount of the data is improve quality.
or the surrounding area, for ex- stored in incident or fault memor- In addition, the manufacturer has
ample: ies as required by events. various product monitoring ob-
Operating conditions of system If services are accessed, for ex- ligations arising from product li-
components, for example filling ample repairs, service processes, ability legislation. To meet these
levels, tyre pressure warranty cases and quality assur- obligations, the vehicle manu-
Malfunctions and faults in im- ance measures, this technical in- facturer requires technical data
portant system components, formation can be read out of the from the vehicle. The data from
for example light and brakes the vehicle can also be used to
check warranty claims from the nication system of the vehicle, for the selected settings when using
customer. example using a smartphone. the services. 1
Error and incident memories in Depending on the individual Incorporation of mobile end
the vehicle can be reset dur- equipment, this includes: devices 11
ing servicing or repair work by Multimedia data, such as music Depending on the equipment,
a BMW Motorrad Retailer or an- for playback mobile end devices connected to
other qualified service partner or Contacts data for use in con- the vehicle, for example smart-
specialist workshop. nection with a communication phones, can be controlled using
General instructions
system or an integrated naviga- the operating elements of the
Data input and data transfer tion system vehicle.
in the vehicle Entered destinations The image and sound of the mo-
General Data on the use of internet bile end device can then be out-
Depending on the equipment, services. This data can be put via the multimedia system.
comfort and customised settings stored locally in the vehicle At the same time, specific in-
can be stored in the vehicle and or is located on a device that formation is transferred to the
can be changed or reset at any is connected to the vehicle, mobile end device. Depending
time. for example smartphone, USB on the type of integration, this in-
This includes, for example: stick, MP3 player. If this data is cludes, for example, position data z
Settings of the windscreen po- stored in the vehicle, the data and additional general vehicle in-
sition can be deleted at any time. formation. This enables optimal
Chassis and suspension set- use of the selected apps, for ex-
tings This data is transferred to third ample navigation or music play-
parties only if personally reques- back.
If required, data can be entered ted within the context of using The type of additional data pro-
in the entertainment and commu- online services. This depends on cessing is determined by the
provider of the respective app.
The scope of the possible set- functions are described at operating conditions of the indi-
1 tings depends on the corres- suitable points, for example vidual provider. The vehicle man-
ponding app and the operating rider's manual, website of the ufacturer has no influence on the
12 system of the mobile end device. manufacturer. At the same time, content that is exchanged in this
information is also provided on instance. Information on the type,
Services the relevant data protection law. scope and purpose of the data
General Personal data may be used to capture and use of personal data
If the vehicle has a wireless con- provide online services. Data as part of the services of third
General instructions
nection, this enables the ex- is exchanged using a secure parties can be ascertained from
change of data between the connection, for example with the individual provider.
vehicle and other systems. The the IT systems provided by the
wireless connection is enabled by vehicle manufacturer. Intelligent emergency
the vehicle's own transmitter and Obtaining, processing and us- call system
receiver unit or using personally ing personal data outside of the
with intelligent emergency
integrated mobile end devices, normal provision of services re-
call OE
for example smartphones. On- quires legal permission, contrac-
line functions can be used using tual agreement or consent. It is Principle
z this wireless connection. These also possible to have the entire
The intelligent emergency call
include online services and apps data connection activated or de-
system enables manual or auto-
that are provided by the vehicle activated. Statutory functions are
matic emergency calls, for ex-
manufacturer or by other pro- excluded from this.
ample in the event of an acci-
viders. Services from other providers dent.
Services of the vehicle manu- When using online services from The emergency calls are re-
facturer other providers, these services ceived by an emergency call
For online services of the vehicle are subject to the responsibil- centre that is commissioned by
manufacturer, the individual ity and the data protection and the vehicle manufacturer.
For information on operating the European Parliament and of the SIM card
intelligent emergency call system European Council. The intelligent emergency call 1
and its functions, please refer to The relevant ordinances and dir- system is operated by mobile ra-
"Intelligent emergency call". ectives regulate the protection of 13
dio using the SIM card installed
natural persons during the pro- in the vehicle. The SIM card is
Legal basis cessing of personal data. permanently logged into the mo-
Processing of personal data us- The processing of personal data bile phone network to enable
ing the intelligent emergency call by the intelligent emergency call rapid connection setup. Data is
General instructions
system is in line with the follow- system satisfies the European sent to the vehicle manufacturer
ing regulations: directives for the protection of in the event of an emergency.
Protection of personal data: personal data.
Directive 95/46/EC of the The intelligent emergency call Improving quality
European Parliament and of the system processes personal data The data that is transferred in
Council. only with the agreement of the an emergency is also used by
vehicle owner. the manufacturer of the vehicle
Protection of personal data:
The intelligent emergency call to improve product and service
Directive 2002/58/EC of the
system and other services with quality.
European Parliament and of the z
additional benefits may only pro-
Council. Location determination
cess personal data with the ex-
The legal basis for the activa- press permission of the person The position of the vehicle can
tion and function of the intelli- affected by the data processing, be determined exclusively by
gent emergency call system is for example the vehicle owner. the mobile phone network pro-
the completed ConnectedRide vider based on the mobile phone
contract for this function, as well site locations. The provider can-
as the corresponding laws, or- not link the vehicle identifica-
dinances and directives of the tion number and phone number
of the installed SIM card. Only sensors in the vehicle, an emer- Contact details, for example the
1 the manufacturer of the vehicle gency call is automatically activ- phone number of the installed
can link the vehicle identification ated. SIM card and the phone num-
14 number and phone number of ber of the rider, if available, to
the installed SIM cards. Sent information enable rapid contact with those
In the event of an emergency involved in the accident if re-
Log data of emergency calls call by the intelligent emergency quired.
The log data of emergency calls call system, the same informa-
General instructions
General instructions
part of its statutory obligation,
the manufacturer of the vehicle
provides information about the
data that it has processed and
any data that it still has stored.
General instructions
General views
General view, left side . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
General view, right side . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Underneath the seat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Multifunction switch, left . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
General views
Multifunction switch, right . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Instrument panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
General views
General view, left side
1 Fuel filler neck ( 113) 2
2 Seat lock ( 99) 19
3 Operation of the passenger
seat heating (on the pas-
senger seat) ( 95)
4 Payload table
General views
Tyre pressure table
5 Storage compartment
( 96)
6 Slipstream deflector
( 99)
General views
General view, right side
1 Vehicle identification num- 2
ber (above the engine oil 21
filler opening)
2 Storage compartment
( 96)
3 Power sockets ( 160)
General views
4 Brake-fluid reservoir, front
( 137)
5 Coolant level indicator (be-
hind side panel) ( 139)
6 Type plate (on the front
7 Slipstream deflector z
( 99)
8 Engine oil filler opening
and oil dipstick ( 134)
9 Brake-fluid reservoir, rear
( 138)
Underneath the seat
2 1 Rider's Manual
22 2 Battery ( 153)
3 Fuses ( 156)
4 Standard toolkit ( 132)
5 Seat height adjustment
( 100)
General views
Multifunction switch,
left 2
1 High-beam headlight and 23
headlight flasher ( 69)
2 Daytime riding light
( 71)
3 Cruise-control system
General views
( 86)
4 Hazard warning lights sys-
tem ( 72)
5 Reverser ( 67)
6 Auxiliary headlights ( 70)
7 Windscreen ( 98)
8 Turn indicators ( 73) z
9 Horn
10 Multi-Controller and MENU
2 button
Multifunction display
24 ( 74)
with ECE audio system
and preparation for nav-
igation system OE
Audio system (see the ap-
General views
General views
4 Start the engine. ( 106)
5 Intelligent emergency call
( 65)
Instrument panel
2 1 Speedometer
26 2 - with preparation for nav-
igation device OE
Unlocking for navigation
3 Indicator and warning lights
General views
( 28)
4 Navigation device ( 167)
5 Photosensor (for adapting
the brightness of the in-
strument lighting)
6 Engine speed display
z 7 Multifunction display
( 31)
The brightness of the warning
lights and indicator lights, the
display and the instrument
needle and gauge lighting is
adapted automatically to suit
ambient brightness.
Status indicators
Indicator and warning lights . . . . . . . . . 28
Meaning of symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Multifunction display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Warnings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Status indicators
Indicator and warning
3 lights
28 1 ABS ( 49)
2 DTC ( 50)
3 Turn indicators, left
4 Fuel reserve ( 51)
5 Daytime riding light
Status indicators
6 High-beam headlight
7 Turn indicators, right
8 - with export to EU mar-
kets NV
Malfunction indicator lamp
Emissions warning ( 41)
9 DWA ( 80)
z 10 Auxiliary headlights ( 70)
11 Cruise-control system
( 86)
12 General warning light, in
combination with warn-
ing symbols on the display
( 32)
Meaning of symbols Average speed since the On-board voltage
last reset ( 78) 3
Outside temperature Oil level ( 42)
( 40)
Status indicators
Tyre pressures ( 43)
Status indicators
5 Damping
6 Load
Multifunction display
1 Riding mode ( 85) 3
2 Operating Hill Start Con- 31
trol Pro ( 88).
3 Coolant temperature
4 Warnings ( 32)
5 Menu area ( 74)
Status indicators
with ECE audio system
and preparation for nav-
igation system OE
Area for audio system dis-
with intelligent emer-
gency call OE
Area for emergency call
system displays ( 54)
6 On-board computer
( 78)
with tyre pressure control
RDC displays
7 Daytime riding light
( 71)
8 Seat heating ( 94) Warnings Up to four warning symbols can
3 Grip heating ( 94)
Mode of presentation
be displayed at any given time.
ESA settings ( 85) The status of the 'General' warn-
32 Warnings are indicated by the ing light matches the most ur-
9 Trip distance ( 79)
10 Total distance travelled corresponding warning lights. gent warning.
11 Clock ( 77) The possible warnings are listed
12 Fuel level on the next pages.
13 Gear indicator; "N" indic-
Status indicators
ates neutral.
Status indicators
General warning The key symbol is Electronic immobiliser active ( 40)
light lights up yel- displayed.
The symbol for Radio-operated key out of range ( 40)
"radio-operated key
not in reception
area" is displayed.
The battery sym- Replace the battery of the radio-oper- z
bol appears on the ated key ( 41)
The "General" The temperature Coolant temperature too high ( 41)
warning light shows reading turns red.
The malfunction Emissions warning ( 41)
indicator lamp lights
Indicator and warning Display text Meaning
3 lights
34 General warning The engine symbol Engine fault ( 42)
light lights up yel- is displayed.
General warning The engine symbol Major engine fault ( 42)
light flashes yellow. is displayed.
Status indicators
Status indicators
red. displayed.
General warning The headlight with Beam-throw adjustment of the low-beam
light flashes yellow. a zero is displayed. headlight restricted ( 46)
the display.
General warning The split battery On-board system voltage critical ( 48)
light lights up yel- symbol appears on
low. the display.
The "General" The battery sym- Insufficient battery charge current
warning light shows bol appears on the ( 48)
red. display.
z The alarm sys- Anti-theft alarm battery weak ( 48)
tem battery sym-
bol appears on the
General warning The alarm sys- Anti-theft alarm battery flat ( 49)
light lights up yel- tem battery sym-
low. bol appears on the
Indicator and warning Display text Meaning
lights 3
The locked sym- Central locking locked ( 49) 37
bol appears on the
The ABS indicator ABS self-diagnosis not completed
and warning light ( 49)
Status indicators
The ABS indicator ABS fault ( 50)
and warning light
The DTC indicator DTC intervention ( 50)
light flashes quickly.
General warning The holding symbol Hill Start Control Pro automatically deac-
light flashes yellow. flashes briefly. tivated ( 52)
General warning The holding symbol Hill Start Control Pro cannot be activated
z light flashes yellow. flashes briefly. ( 52)
General warning The symbol for The temperature of the brakes is too
light lights up yel- brake temperature high ( 52)
low. is displayed.
General warning The service symbol Service overdue ( 54)
light briefly lights is displayed.
up yellow.
Indicator and warning Display text Meaning
lights 3
The symbol for Emergency call fault ( 54) 39
emergency call fault
is displayed.
Status indicators
Ambient temperature Possible cause: Possible cause:
3 When the motorcycle is at The air temperature measured at The key being used is not au-
a standstill, the heat of the the vehicle is lower than 3 °C. thorised for starting, or commu-
engine can falsify the ambient- nication between key and engine
temperature reading. If the effect WARNING electronics is disrupted.
of the engine's heat becomes ex- Risk of black ice also applic- Remove all other vehicle keys
cessive, "" temporarily appears able at over 3 °C from the same ring as the igni-
on the display. tion key.
Status indicators
Risk of accident
Use the reserve key.
Always take extra care
If the ambient tempera- when temperatures are Have the defective key re-
ture drops to below 3 °C, a low; remember that there is placed, preferably by an au-
warning of potential black ice ap- particular danger of black ice thorised BMW Motorrad dealer.
pears. Regardless of the display forming on bridges and where
settings the display automatically Radio-operated key out of
the road is in shade.
switches over to the temperature range
z display when the ambient tempe- Ride carefully and think well with Keyless Ride OE
rature drops below this threshold ahead.
for the first time. The symbol for "radio-op-
Electronic immobiliser erated key not in reception
active area" is displayed.
Outside temperature General warning light lights Possible cause:
warning up yellow.
Communication between R/C key
The ice crystal symbol is
The key symbol is dis- and engine electronics is disrup-
played. ted.
Check the battery in the radio- Possible cause: Possible cause:
operated key. The integral battery in the The coolant temperature is too 3
Use the emergency key to radio-operated key has lost high.
continue your journey. 41
a significant proportion of its If possible, ride in the part-load
with Keyless Ride OE original capacity. There is no range to cool down the engine.
Battery of the radio-operated assurance of how long the R/C In traffic jams, switch off the
key is empty or loss of the key can remain operational. engine, but leave the ignition
radio-operated key ( 63). switched on so that the radi-
Status indicators
Remain calm if the warning Coolant temperature too ator fan continues to operate.
symbol appears while you are high If the coolant temperature
riding. You can continue your The "General" warning light is frequently too high, have
journey, the engine will not shows red. the fault rectified as soon
switch off. as possible by a specialist
The temperature reading turns
Have the defective radio-op- workshop, preferably an
erated key replaced by an au- authorised BMW Motorrad
thorised BMW Motorrad dealer. ATTENTION dealer. z
Replace the battery of the Riding with overheated en- Emissions warning
radio-operated key gine The malfunction indicator
with Keyless Ride OE Engine damage lamp lights up.
Compliance with the
The battery symbol appears Possible cause:
information set out below is
on the display. essential. The engine control unit has dia-
gnosed a fault which affects the
pollutant emissions.
Have the fault rectified by a Expect an unusual engine re- Risk of accident
3 specialist workshop, preferably sponse if you continue riding Ride slowly, avoid accelerating
an authorised BMW Motorrad (low levels of power, bad re- sharply and overtaking.
42 dealer. sponse characteristics, abrupt If possible, have the vehicle
You can continue riding; pollut- engine stalling, etc.). picked up and have the fault
ant emissions are higher than Have the fault rectified as rectified by a specialist work-
the threshold values. quickly as possible by a shop, preferably an authorised
specialist workshop, preferably BMW Motorrad Retailer.
Status indicators
Status indicators
upright. If the oil level is too low:
Top up the engine oil ( 135). The tyre-pressure readings
The readings mean: are based on a reference tyre
Tyre pressures temperature of 20 °C. The left
OK: oil level is correct. with tyre pressure control value 1 indicates the filling
(RDC) OE pressure of the front wheel;
CHECK!: check the oil level the
the right value 2 indicates the
next time you stop for fuel.
filling pressure of the rear wheel. z
– – –: oil level cannot be meas- " " appears directly after the
ured (conditions as stated above ignition is switched on because
not satisfied). the sensors do not transmit tyre
pressure values until the first
Engine-oil level too low time the vehicle accelerates to
The oil-can symbol appears more than 30 km⁄h.
on the display.
If the pressure in a tyre drops to Possible cause: and pressure adaptation in the
3 a critical level the corresponding Measured tyre pressure is out- section entitled "Engineering
status indicator shows red. side permitted tolerance. details":
Check the tyre for damage Have the tyre checked for
The tyre warning symbol and to ascertain whether the damage by a specialist
also appears on the display. vehicle can be ridden with the workshop, preferably an
tyre in its present condition. authorised BMW Motorrad
If the vehicle can be ridden with dealer.
Status indicators
Status indicators
transmitting signals until the
Have the fault rectified by a Move to another location and
motorcycle reaches a speed
specialist workshop, preferably observe the RDC readings. As-
above this threshold for the first
an authorised BMW Motorrad sume that a permanent fault
time ( 127).
dealer. has not occurred unless the
Increase speed above this
'General' warning light comes
Possible cause: threshold and observe the RDC
on to accompany the symp-
A system error has occurred. readings. Assume that a per-
toms. Under these circum-
Have the fault rectified by a manent fault has not occurred
stances: z
specialist workshop, preferably unless the 'General' warning
Have the fault rectified by a
an authorised BMW Motorrad light comes on to accompany
specialist workshop, preferably
dealer. the symptoms. Under these
an authorised BMW Motorrad
Transmission fault Have the fault rectified by a
with tyre pressure control specialist workshop, preferably
(RDC) OE an authorised BMW Motorrad
Battery of tyre-pressure Direction of throw of low- Beam-throw adjustment
3 sensor weak beam headlight unknown of the low-beam headlight
46 with tyre pressure control The "General" warning light restricted
(RDC) OE shows red. General warning light
flashes yellow.
General warning light lights The headlight with a ques-
up yellow. tion mark is displayed. The headlight with a zero is
Status indicators
Status indicators
condition. Bulb symbol with arrow
Adjusting right-hand or left- pointing to the front ap- A combination of light failures
hand traffic ( 69). pears on the display. has occurred.
Consult a specialist workshop,
Possible cause:
Rear light failure preferably an authorised
Low-beam headlight, high-beam BMW Motorrad dealer.
General warning light lights
headlight, parking light or front
up yellow.
flashing turn indicator defective. On-board system voltage
Bulb symbol with arrow The low-beam headlight or one low z
pointing to the rear appears of the LED turn indicators must The split battery symbol
on the display. be replaced. appears on the display.
Possible cause: Consult a specialist workshop, Generator power is only just suf-
preferably an authorised ficient to supply all consumers
Rear light, brake light or rear
BMW Motorrad dealer. and charge the battery.
flashing turn indicator defective.
Replacing bulb for high-beam
The LED rear light must be re-
headlight ( 148).
Possible cause: to the on-board sockets and the
3 Too many consumers switched auxiliary headlights. In extreme WARNING
on. On-board system voltage cases the seat heating and the Failure of the vehicle sys-
48 grip heating might also be shut
tends to drop particularly at low tems
engine rpm and when the engine down.
Risk of accident
is idling. Possible cause:
Do not continue your journey.
When riding at low engine rpm Too many consumers switched
switch off consumers that are on. On-board system voltage Battery is not being charged. If
Status indicators
not necessary for road safety tends to drop particularly at low you continue to ride the motor-
(e.g. heated body warmer or engine rpm and when the engine cycle the on-board electronics
auxiliary headlights). is idling. will drain the battery.
When riding at low engine rpm Possible cause:
On-board system voltage switch off consumers that are Alternator or alternator drive
critical not necessary for road safety faulty.
General warning light lights (e.g. heated body warmer or Have the fault rectified as
z up yellow. auxiliary headlights). quickly as possible by a
specialist workshop, preferably
The split battery symbol Insufficient battery charge an authorised BMW Motorrad
appears on the display. current dealer.
Generator power is no longer The "General" warning light
shows red.
Anti-theft alarm battery
sufficient to supply all consumers
and charge the battery. In order weak
The battery symbol appears with anti-theft alarm (DWA) OE
to ensure that the engine can
on the display.
be started and the motorcycle
ridden, the on-board electronics
switch off the electricity supply
The alarm system battery Anti-theft alarm battery Central locking locked
symbol appears on the flat with central locking system OE 3
display. with anti-theft alarm (DWA) OE
The locked symbol appears 49
NOTICE General warning light lights on the display.
up yellow. All locks in the central locking
This error message shows briefly system are locked.
only after the Pre-Ride-Check The alarm system battery
Status indicators
completes. symbol appears on the ABS self-diagnosis not
display. completed
Possible cause:
The integral battery in the anti- The ABS indicator and
theft alarm has lost a significant warning light flashes.
proportion of its original capacity. This error message shows briefly Possible cause:
There is no assurance of how only after the Pre-Ride-Check
Self-diagnosis did not complete,
long the anti-theft alarm can re- completes.
so the ABS function is not avail-
main operational if the vehicle's
Possible cause: able. The motorcycle must reach z
battery is disconnected.
The integral battery in the anti- a speed of at least 5 km/h in
Seek the advice of a specialist
theft alarm has lost its entire ori- order for ABS self-diagnosis to
workshop, preferably an author-
ginal capacity. There is no as- complete.
ised BMW Motorrad dealer.
surance that the anti-theft alarm Pull away slowly. Bear in mind
will be operational if the vehicle's that the ABS function is not
battery is disconnected. available until self-diagnosis has
Seek the advice of a specialist completed.
workshop, preferably an author-
ised BMW Motorrad dealer.
ABS fault and has intervened to reduce DTC switched off
3 The ABS indicator and torque. The indicator light The DTC indicator light
warning light shows. flashes for longer than the DTC lights up.
50 intervention lasts. This affords
Possible cause: the rider visual feedback on Possible cause:
The ABS control unit has detec- control intervention even after the The rider has switched off the
ted a fault. The ABS function is critical situation has been dealt DTC system.
not available. with. Switch on DTC.
Status indicators
Status indicators
is displayed. low.
level to be registered correctly.
Possible cause: If the sensor cannot register the WARNING
The ESA control unit has detec- new level the range readout can-
ted a fault. In this condition, the not be updated. Irregular engine operation or
motorcycle has too much damp- When the motorcycle is propped engine shutdown due to lack
ing and is uncomfortable to drive, on its side stand the slight angle of fuel
especially on roads in poor con- of inclination means that the Risk of accident, damage to cata-
dition. sensor cannot register the fuel lytic converter
Have the fault rectified as level correctly. This is the reason Do not run the fuel tank dry.
quickly as possible by a why the range is calculated only Possible cause:
specialist workshop, preferably when the side stand is in the re-
The fuel tank contains no more
an authorised BMW Motorrad tracted position.
than the reserve quantity of fuel.
NOTICE Reserve fuel
The calculated range is only
The range readout indic-
an approximate figure. Con- approx. 4 l
ates how far you can ride
sequently, BMW Motorrad re- Refuelling ( 113).
with the fuel remaining in the
commends that you should not
Hill Start Control Pro Possible cause: Possible cause:
3 active Hill Start Control Pro has been Hill Start Control Pro cannot be
The holding symbol is dis- automatically deactivated. activated.
played. Side stand has been folded Fold in side stand.
out. Hill Start Control Pro only
Possible cause: Hill Start Control Pro is deac- works when the side stand is
Hill Start Control Pro ( 129) tivated when the side stand is folded in.
has been activated automatically folded out. Start the engine.
Status indicators
or by the rider. Engine has been switched off. Hill Start Control Pro only
Switch off Hill Start Control Hill Start Control Pro is de- works when the engine is
Pro. activated when the engine is running.
Operating Hill Start Control Pro switched off.
( 88). The motorcycle was ridden The temperature of the
Switch off automatic Hill Start off with Hill Start Control Pro brakes is too high
Control Pro. activated. General warning light lights
z Switching automatic Hill Start Operating Hill Start Control Pro up yellow.
Control Pro on and off ( 89). ( 88).
The symbol for brake tem-
Hill Start Control Pro Hill Start Control Pro perature is displayed.
automatically deactivated cannot be activated
General warning light General warning light
flashes yellow. flashes yellow.
The holding symbol flashes The holding symbol flashes
briefly. briefly.
If the service is overdue
DANGER the 'General' warning light 3
Riding with overheated briefly shows yellow and the
service symbol lights up and re- 53
mains ON.
Risk of accident due to failure of
Adapt your riding style accord-
Status indicators
Avoid frequent braking by using
the engine brake. If the vehicle covers long dis-
tances in the course of the year,
WARNING under certain circumstances it
might be necessary to have it
Failure to observe service serviced at a date in advance
intervals of the forecast due date. If the
Risk of accident If the countdown to the next countdown distance to the early z
Observe the valid service inter- service is less than one month, service is less than 1000 km, the
vals for brakes. the service-due date 1 appears countdown distance 2 appears
on the display. on the display.
Service-due indicator
If a service is due, for a
brief period after the Pre-
Ride-Check the service symbol If the service-due indicator ap-
appears on the display and the pears more than a month before
service-due date shows instead the service date, the current date
of the odometer reading. has to be corrected. This situ-
ation can occur if the battery was Possible cause:
3 disconnected. The control unit for emergency
call has detected a fault. No
54 Service overdue emergency call is possible.
The service symbol is dis- Have the fault rectified as
played. quickly as possible by a
The general warning light specialist workshop, preferably
an authorised BMW Motorrad
Status indicators
Status indicators
The symbol 1 is displayed if it If emergency calls are not pos-
was not possible to establish a sible as a result of a technical
connection. fault, the symbol 1 is displayed.
Status indicators
Ignition switch/steering lock . . . . . . . . . 58 Dynamic Traction Control (DTC) . . . . 84
Ignition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Electronic Suspension Adjustment
(ESA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Ignition with Keyless Ride . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Riding mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Emergency off switch (kill
switch) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Cruise-control system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
Intelligent emergency call . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Hill Start Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
Reverser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Central locking system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Lights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Grip heating. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Day run lights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Seat heating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Hazard warning lights system . . . . . . . 72 Storage compartments . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
Turn indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Multifunction display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
On-board computer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Trip recorder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Anti-theft alarm (DWA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Ignition switch/steering Lock the handlebars
4 lock
58 Keys
You receive 2 ignition keys. Incorrect handlebar angle
Please consult the information on upon parking on the side
the electronic immobiliser (EWS) stand
if a key is lost or mislaid ( 59). Component damage caused by
A spare key attached to the
same ring as the ignition key
used to start the engine could
"irritate" the electronics, in
Turn the ignition key to posi- which case the enabling signal
tion 1. for starting is not issued. The z
Turn the ignition key to posi- warning is displayed on the
Lights switched off.
tion 1. multifunction display with the key
Handlebars not locked.
Parking lights and all function symbol.
circuits switched on. Ignition key can be removed.
Always keep the spare key sep-
Engine can be started. The windscreen automatically
arately from the ignition key.
moves to the bottom limit posi-
Pre-Ride-Check is performed.
tion. If you lose your key, you
( 107)
Running ABS self-diagnosis. Electronic immobiliser can have it barred by your
( 108) BMW Motorrad authorised
DTC self-diagnosis is per- dealer. If you wish to do this, you
The on-board electronics access will need to bring all other keys
formed. ( 108)
the data saved in the vehicle key for the motorcycle with you.
via a ring aerial in the R/C ignition The engine cannot be started
lock. The ignition is not enabled by a barred ignition key, but an
ignition key that has been barred and cases can be locked and un- Lock the handlebars
4 can subsequently be reactivated. locked manually. with Keyless Ride OE
You can obtain emergency/ex-
60 tra keys only through an author- NOTICE Requirement
ised BMW Motorrad dealer. The The vehicle cannot be started or The handlebars are turned to-
ignition keys are part of an in- the central locking system locked wards the left.
tegrated security system, so the or unlocked if the radio-operated
dealer is under an obligation to Requirement
an audible click.
Ignition, lights and all function formed. ( 108)
circuits switched off.
Switching off ignition
To unlock the steering lock, Short-press button 1.
with Keyless Ride OE
briefly press button 1. Parking lights and all function z
circuits switched on. Requirement
Switching on ignition Engine can be started. Radio-operated key is within
with Keyless Ride OE Pre-Ride-Check is performed. range.
( 107)
Running ABS self-diagnosis. There are two ways of deactiv-
Radio-operated key is within ating the ignition:
( 108)
DTC self-diagnosis is per-
There are two ways of activat- formed. ( 108)
ing the ignition:
Version 2
Steering lock is engaged; press
and hold down button 1.
The steering lock disengages.
Version 1 The windscreen automatically multifunction display with the key
4 moves to the bottom end posi- symbol.
tion. Always keep the spare key sep-
62 arately from the ignition key.
Electronic immobiliser
EWS If you mislay a radio-operated key
with Keyless Ride OE you can have the key in ques-
tion barred by your authorised
ated key is not at full capacity.
The aerial is in front of the fuel
Hold emergency key 1 or Change the battery.
filler cap, underneath the fuel
radio-operated key with empty The battery symbol appears
tank cover.
battery 2 at the tank cover on the display.
Consult the information on the z
above aerial 3.
electronic immobiliser (EWS) if
a key is lost or mislaid. Time during which the
If you happen to lose or mislay engine has to be started.
the radio-operated key while The unlocking procedure has
on a journey, you can start the to be repeated if this time is
vehicle with the emergency allowed to expire.
key. 30 s
If the battery of the radio-oper-
Pre-Ride-Check is performed.
ated key is empty, touching the
radio-operated key against the Key has been recognised.
Engine can be started. Press button 1.
tank cover will start the engine.
Start engine ( 106). Key bit flips out.
Lever out the battery lid 2 on Emergency off switch
4 the recess for the key bit.
Battery type
(kill switch)
Remove the battery lid 2 and
64 seal 3. for Keyless Ride-radio-oper-
Remove battery 4. ated key
Dispose of the old battery in
CR 2032
accordance with all applicable
laws and regulations; do not Install the seal 3 and battery
This depends on the respective choose as the display language
mobile phone network and the in the multifunction display.
national regulations.
The emergency call is not able to Manual emergency call
be ensured because of technical Requirement
a Engine switched off reasons due to unfavourable con- An emergency call has occurred.
b Normal operating position ditions, e.g. in areas where there The vehicle is at a standstill. The
(run) is no mobile phone reception. ignition is switched on.
with reverser OE
The time until transmission of The connection was established.
an emergency call is displayed. General information
During this time, the emergency The following prerequisites must z
call can be cancelled by pressing have been met to be able to use
and holding the SOS button. the reverser:
If possible, remove helmet and Motorcycle at standstill.
stop engine. Engine running.
After expiry of the timer, a Transmission in idle.
voice contact to the BMW Call
Side stand has been retracted.
Center is established.
Clutch is not disengaged.
The side lights place a strain on
the battery. Do not switch the Immediately after switching off
ignition on for longer than abso- the ignition, push button 1 to
lutely necessary. the left and hold it in this po-
Push switch 1 forward to z
switch on the high-beam sition until the parking lights
Low-beam headlight come on.
The low-beam headlight switches Switch the ignition on and off
Pull switch 1 back to operate
on automatically when you start again to switch off the parking
the headlight flasher.
the engine. lights.
Adjusting right-hand or
The high-beam headlight can left-hand traffic
also be switched on when the with adaptive head light OE
engine is not running.
Switch on the ignition.
Parking lights Open the Settings menu
Switch off the ignition. and then select the Vehicle
menu item.
Select the Headlight menu Operating additional The telltale light shows.
4 item. headlights
70 with additional headlight OE
The vehicle voltage is low if
this warning symbol is dis-
NOTICE played. If applicable, the auxiliary
headlights might have been tem-
The auxiliary headlights have ap-
porarily switched off.
switched off.
If button 1 has been pressed to
the right or left, the turn indic- z
ators are automatically switched
off under the following circum-
Press button 1 to the left to
Speed below 30 km/h: after
switch on the left turn indicator.
50 m distance covered.
Press button 1 to switch on Press button 1 to the right to
Speed between 30 km/h and
the hazard warning flashers. switch on the right turn indic-
100 km/h: after a speed-de-
Ignition can be switched off. pendent distance covered or in
Operate button 1 in the centre
Switching off the hazard warning case of acceleration.
position to switch off the turn
lights system: Speed over 100 km/h: after
Switch on the ignition and op- flashing five times.
erate the 1 button.
If button 1 is pressed to the right
or left slightly longer, the turn in-
dicators only switch off automat- With the exception of the Audio
4 ically once the speed-dependent section, you cannot access the NOTICE
distance covered is reached. Settings menu unless the See the separate Quick Refer-
74 vehicle is at a standstill. ence Guide for an overview of all
Multifunction display menus.
Selecting menu
Selecting menu items
An arrow 1 on the top or bot- Resetting values:
tom edge of the display indicates Direct selection: If average values have been high-
that twisting the Multi-Control- Move the cursor to a menu item lighted with an arrow 1, press z
ler in the corresponding direction that does not require any further and hold the Multi-Controller to-
opens additional menu items. If settings to immediately activate wards the right to reset them.
the arrow 2 is displayed in the it.
cursor, press the Multi-Controller
towards the right to open a sub-
menu. See ( 75) for deviating
meanings of average values and
the list selection.
Press the Multi-Controller 1 to- Press and hold the button 3.
The arrow 3 is displayed below wards the left to browse back to The diamond is shown to
the submenu. the corresponding superordinate the right of the menu des- z
menu, press the MENU button 2 ignation.
to go back to the main menu.
Press the Multi-Controller 1 to- Each subsequent operation of
wards the left in one of the main the button 3 opens the selec-
menus to hide the menus. ted menu.
Tracking travelling times vehicle was at a standstill
Open the Info menu and then since the last reset.
select the Trav. times menu
item. Trip recorder
Selecting the trip distance
Switch on the ignition.
by a separate remote control for Turn indicators flash twice.
the central locking system and Confirmation tone sounds
the alarm system. twice (if programmed).
Switch off the ignition. Anti-theft alarm is active.
Select Off (once) to switch
off the motion sensor once.
Switch off the ignition.
Activation takes 30 seconds to
Turn indicators flash three
Confirmation tone sounds three
times (if programmed).
Alarm system activated, motion Press button 1 on the remote To deactivate the motion
sensor deactivated. control or the radio-operated sensor (for example if you
key twice. are about to transport the
motorcycle on a train and the
swaying movement of the only, the turn indicators do not
4 moving train could trip the flash).
alarm), press button 1 on the
82 remote control or the radio- All functions are sustained even
operated key again during the if the internal battery of the DWA
activation phase. anti-theft alarm system is flat; the
Turn indicators flash three only difference is that an alarm
times. cannot be triggered if the system
(if programmed).
the anti-theft alarm from the Anti-theft alarm is deactivated.
motorcycle's battery
Flashes 5x: Motion sensor 3 Customising anti-theft
alarm settings z
Deactivation without
Press button 2 on the remote Open the Settings menu
remote control or radio- and select the Vehicle -
control or the radio-operated
operated key Alarm system menu item.
key once.
Kill switch in operating position
(run). NOTICE
Switch on the ignition.
Turn indicators flash once. See also the other functions of
Confirmation tone sounds once the remote control for the central
(if programmed). locking system.
Anti-theft alarm is deactivated.
The alarm function is reactivated
after 30 seconds if "activation
Key sound - Off: exclusively
4 the turn indicators confirm hav-
ing switched the alarm system
84 on or off.
Adjust the settings as desired
using the Multi-Controller.
Dynamic Traction
Control (DTC)
The following settings are avail- Switching the DTC
able: Select Off (once) to switch
function off/on
z Automatic mode - On: alarm off DTC once until the next
system is automatically activ- Switch on the ignition. time you switch on the ignition.
ated after having switched off Open the Settings menu The DTC indicator light
the ignition. and then select the DTC menu lights up if Dynamic Trac-
Automatic mode - Off: item. tion Control has been switched
alarm system must be NOTICE off.
activated with the remote Select On to switch on DTC.
control after having switched This menu cannot be called up Alternatively: switch the ignition
off the ignition. while the motorcycle is on the off and on again.
Alarm tone: alarm tone type. move. The DTC indicator light
Key sound - On: the turn in- goes out. If self-diagnosis
dicators and a sound confirm was not completed, the DTC in-
having switched the alarm sys- dicator light starts flashing.
tem on or off.
Electronic Suspension The damping action range of ad- The chassis and suspension is
Adjustment (ESA) justment is displayed. adjusted as per the selection 4
ROAD: Normal damping charac- and the Dynamic ESA display
Adjusting the chassis and teristic is adapted to the new setting. 85
suspension DYNAMIC: Sporty damping Symbols for load and damping
Start the engine. characteristic action are shown in grey during
Select the desired damping the adjustment procedure.
action or move the cursor to-
wards the top to adjust the Riding mode
load. Setting riding mode
NOTICE Switch on the ignition.
The load cannot be set while the
motorcycle is in motion.
The spring preload range of ad-
justment is displayed.
In the multifunction display, the
damping is shown in area 1, the
spring preload in area 2.
Open the Dynamic ESA menu. One-up with luggage
Two-up (with luggage) Press button 1.
You can adjust the damping
characteristic while the motor-
Select the desired loading vari-
cycle is on the move.
The newly selected riding Cruise-control system
4 NOTICE mode is activated as you
Switching on cruise
See the section entitled "Engin- ride only when the following
86 preconditions are satisfied: control
eering details" for more inform-
ation on the various ride modes Brake not operated
that can be selected. Throttle grip in fully closed po-
Once the new riding mode has
Briefly push button 2 forward. Briefly push button 2 forward. Briefly push button 2 back.
Speed is increased by approx. Speed is reduced by approx. z
NOTICE 1 km/h each time you push the 1 km/h each time you push the
Cruise control can be set within button. button.
a speed range from 30 km/h to Push button 2 forward and Push button 2 back and hold it
220 km/h. hold it in this position. in this position.
Telltale light for cruise con- The motorcycle accelerates The motorcycle decelerates
trol shows. steplessly. steplessly.
The current speed is main- The current speed is main-
The motorcycle maintains your tained and saved if button 2 is tained and saved if button 2 is
current cruising speed and the not pushed again. not pushed again.
setting is saved.
Deactivate cruise control
Brake, pull the clutch lever
or turn the throttle twistgrip
(close the throttle by turning tem. If you release the twistgrip Hill Start Control
4 the twistgrip back past the the motorcycle will decelerate
idle position) to deactivate the only to the cruising speed saved
88 cruise-control system. in memory, even though you Hill Start Control Pro
Telltale light for cruise-control might have intended slowing to
goes out. a lower speed. ATTENTION
trol shows.
speed Risk of accident
Switching off cruise Secure the vehicle by braking
control manually.
The drive-off assistant Hill Start
Control Pro is only a comfort sys-
tem to enable easier riding off on
gradients and should not be con-
Briefly push button 2 back to fused with an electromechanical
return to the speed saved be- holding brake.
Slide switch 1 to the left.
NOTICE The system is deactivated.
Button 2 is disabled.
Opening the throttle does not
deactivate the cruise-control sys-
automatic Hill Start Control is Switching automatic Hill
deactivated for the next 4 m. Start Control Pro on and 4
Alternatively, ride off in 1st or off 89
2nd gear. Switch on the ignition.
Call up menu Settings, then
NOTICE select menu item HSC AUTO.
When riding off, Hill Start Control
Pro is automatically deactivated.
Forcefully operate brake If automatic Hill Start Con-
lever 1 and then release again. trol Pro is switched off,
Green indicator light for once the brake has been fully
released, the holding symbol dis-
Hill Start Control appears
in the display. appears. If automatic Hill Start
Control Pro is switched on, the
Hill Start Control Pro is activ- white holding symbol appears.
Hill Start Control Pro is deactiv- To switch on automatic Hill
To switch off Hill Start Con-
ated. Start Control Pro, select On.
trol Pro, operate brake lever 1
See the "Engineering details" White indicator light for
section for more information on Hill Start Control appears
NOTICE Hill Start Control Pro: in the display.
Hill Start Control function
If Hill Start Control Pro has been ( 129) If the brake is actuated for
deactivated using the brake lever, approximately one second
after the vehicle has come to
a standstill and the motorcycle
is on a gradient of at least 5%, Unlocking
4 Hill Start Control Pro is auto- NOTICE
with central locking system OE
matically activated. Only vehicles without Keyless
90 To switch off automatic Hill Ride are shipped accompanied
Start Control Pro, select Off. by a separate remote control for
The selected setting remains the central locking system and
stored even after the ignition is the alarm system.
switched off.
off using the remote control,
the ground light is briefly In a first step, turn the integ- Turn the key in the storage
switched on. rated key in the topcase lock compartment lock into the in-
by 45° beyond the LOCK po- termediate setting between z
Emergency release sition, then turn it to the dot LOCK and the dot position.
with central locking system OE position and press in the lock Press in the lock barrel.
barrel. Storage compartment flap
Proceed as follows to manually
Release lever opens. opens.
open cases, topcases and stor-
age compartments if it is no Logging on the remote
longer possible to unlock the
central locking system:
Remove cases ( 162). with central locking system OE
Open cases ( 161). with anti-theft alarm (DWA) OE
without Keyless Ride OE
If you intend to replace a lost re- Switch on the ignition within Proceed as follows to complete
4 mote control or use an additional ten seconds. logon:
remote control, you must always You can now log on the remote Switch off the ignition.
92 controls.
log on all remote controls. Three sound signals.
Proceed as follows to log on Complete the following steps Logon is also cancelled in the
the remote controls: for each remote control: following cases
Four remote controls have
Switch on the ignition.
been logged on.
Use a battery compliant with
not show or lights up only briefly: the manufacturer's specifica-
Replace the battery of remote tions.
control. When inserting the battery,
always make sure polarity is z
Insert the new battery with the
positive terminal up.
Battery type and battery
Press and hold down buttons 1
rated voltage
and 2 until LED 3 stops flash-
ing. For remote control
LED 3 flashes for about ten
CR 2032
seconds. Open lid of battery compart- 3V
Release buttons 1 and 2. ment 1.
LED 3 lights up. The LED on the remote control
Dispose of the old battery in
Press button 1 or button 2. lights up; the remote control
accordance with all applicable
LED 3 goes out. has to be synchronised.
laws and regulations; do not
Open the Handle heat.
4 menu.
Symbol 1 appears on the display, Set switch 1 to the desired
indicating that the seat heating is heating stage.
ON. z
The vehicle voltage is low
if this warning symbol is
displayed. If applicable, the seat
heating might have been tempor-
arily switched off.
The front seat has five-stage
heating. Stage five is for heating Rear-seat heating
the seat quickly: it is advisable to Start the engine.
switch back to a lower stage as
soon as the seat is warm. NOTICE The passenger seat can be
Select the desired heating heated in two stages. Stage two
Seat heating can be activated is intended to quickly heat up the
only when the engine is
seat, subsequently switch to the heating might have been tempor- The description also applies to
4 first stage. arily switched off. the storage compartment on
2 Switch centred: Heating off. the right-hand side.
96 Storage compartments
3 One-dot section of switch
pressed: 50 % heating power. ATTENTION
Operating the storage
4 Two-dot section of switch High temperatures in the
pressed: 100 % heating storage compartments
power. with central locking system OE
Clutch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Brakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Mirrors The windscreen stops and the
5 Adjusting mirrors
mechanism raises it slightly.
After a few seconds the wind-
98 screen once again attempts to
adjust the bottom end position.
Correct anti-trap mechanism
functionality cannot be guaran-
teed if a windscreen has been
Disconnect the plug connec-
tion 2 of the seat heating and
remove the driver's seat.
Place the seat, upholstered z
side down, on a clean surface.
Unlock the seat lock 1 using
Adjusting the slipstream de- the ignition key and lift the
flector while riding. rider's seat at the rear.
Risk of accident
Adjust the slipstream deflector
when the motorcycle is at a
Turn the slipstream deflector 1
towards the inside or outside
to adjust the air flow for the
Installing front seat Press down the rider's seat at
5 the rear and press it into the
Adjusting the front-seat
Removing front seat ( 99).
Insert the adjusting plate into Adjusting the front brake
the mountings 3 in the desired lever
position and then press the
lock 1. WARNING z
Installing front seat ( 100).
Changed position of the
Clutch brake fluid reservoir
Air in the brake system
Adjusting the clutch lever Do not turn the handlebar fit-
Turn knob 1 to the desired po- ting on the handlebar.
Changed clutch-fluid reser-
voir position
Air in the clutch system The adjuster is easier to turn
Do not twist the handlebar op- if you push the clutch lever
erating element. forward.
Four settings are possible:
5 WARNING Position 1: smallest distance
Adjusting the brake lever between handlebar grip and
102 brake lever.
while riding
Risk of accident Position 4: largest distance
Do not attempt to adjust the between handlebar grip and
brake lever unless the motor- brake lever.
cycle is at a standstill.
The adjuster is easier to turn
if you push the brake lever
Safety information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
Comply with checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
Starting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
Running in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Brakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
Parking your motorcycle . . . . . . . . . . . 111 z
Refuelling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
Securing motorcycle for transporta-
tion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
Safety information Load correctly case (see also the section en-
6 Rider's equipment
titled "Accessories").
WARNING with topcase OA
104 Do not ride without the correct Note the maximum permissible
clothing! Always wear: Handling adversely affected
payload and the speed limit
Helmet by overloading and imbal-
for riding with topcase fitted,
Suit anced loads
as stated on the label inside
Gloves Risk of falling
the case (see also the section
become very hot when the
Imbalanced load vehicle is in use tenance intervals.
Loose clothing Risk of burn injury
Insufficient tyre pressure
When you park the vehicle ATTENTION
Poor tyre tread make sure that no-one and no
Etc. objects can come into contact Unburned fuel in catalytic
with the hot engine and ex- converter
Risk of poisoning haust system. Damage to catalytic converter
Exhaust fumes contain carbon Note the points listed for
monoxide, which is colourless Catalytic converter protection of the catalytic
and odourless but highly toxic. If misfiring causes unburned fuel converter.
to enter the catalytic converter,
WARNING there is a danger of overheating
Risk of overheating
Exhaust gases adversely af- and damage.
fecting health The following guidelines must be
Risk of asphyxiation observed: Engine running for prolonged
Do not inhale exhaust fumes. period with vehicle at stand-
Overheating due to insufficient Comply with checklist Check rear brake pad thickness
6 cooling; in extreme cases vehicle
At regular intervals, use the
( 136).
fire Checking brake-fluid level, front
106 checklist below to check your
Do not allow the engine to idle brakes ( 137).
unnecessarily. Check the brake-fluid level, rear
Ride away immediately after Requirement brakes ( 138).
starting the engine. Always before riding off: Check coolant level ( 139).
chart below if the engine re- shown:
fuses to start. ( 178)
Pre-Ride-Check z
Faulty "General" warning
After having switched on the
ignition, the instrument cluster
tests the ABS and ASC indic- No indication of malfunctions.
ator and warning lights, the gen- Check that the 'General' warn-
eral warning light as well as the ing light comes on, and that it
needles. The logo appears on shows red and yellow.
the display during this process. Have the fault rectified as
Press starter button 1. quickly as possible by a
Phase 1 specialist workshop, preferably
NOTICE The ABS indicator and an authorised BMW Motorrad
warning light shows. dealer.
The start attempt is automatic-
ally interrupted if battery voltage General warning light lights
is too low. Recharge the battery up yellow.
before you start the engine, or
ABS self-diagnosis ABS self-diagnosis Phase 1
6 The operational readiness of completed Test of the diagnosis-compat-
BMW Motorrad Integral ABS is The ABS indicator light goes ible system components with
checked using self-diagnosis. out. the vehicle at a standstill.
Self-diagnosis starts automatically The DTC indicator light
when you switch on the ignition. If an ABS fault is displayed after flashes slowly.
having completed ABS self-dia-
Phase 1 gnosis: Phase 2
Test of the diagnosis-compat- You can continue to ride. Note Test of the diagnosis-compat-
ible system components with that neither the ABS function, ible system components while
z the vehicle at a standstill. nor the BMW Motorrad Integral the motorcycle is on the move.
The ABS indicator and ABS function are available. The engine must be running
warning light flashes. Have the fault rectified as and the motorcycle must reach
quickly as possible by a a speed of at least 5 km/h in
Phase 2 specialist workshop, preferably order for DTC self-diagnosis to
Air pressure sensor check an authorised BMW Motorrad complete.
upon riding off. The dealer. The DTC indicator light
motorcycle must reach a flashes slowly.
DTC self-diagnosis
minimum speed of 5 km/h to
complete ABS self-diagnosis. BMW Motorrad DTC performs DTC self-diagnosis
The ABS indicator and self-diagnosis to ensure its op- completed
warning light flashes. erability. Self-diagnosis is per-
The DTC symbol no longer
formed automatically when you
switch on the ignition.
If an indicator showing a DTC Longer stopping distance, risk of
fault appears after DTC self-dia-
Running-in speed
accident 6
gnosis completes: Apply the brakes in good
time. 109
You can continue to ride. Bear <5000 min-1 (Odometer read-
in mind that the DTC function ing 0...300 km)
is not available. Tyres
<6500 min-1 (Odometer read-
Have the fault rectified as New tyres have a smooth sur-
ing 300...1000 km)
quickly as possible by a face. This must be roughened by
specialist workshop, preferably No full load (Odometer reading riding in a restrained manner at
an authorised BMW Motorrad 0...1000 km) various heel angles until the tyres
dealer. Have the first running-in are run in. This running in pro- z
check carried out after 500 - cedure is essential if the tyres are
Running in 1200 km. to achieve maximum grip.
Engine Brake pads WARNING
Until the first running-in check, New brake pads have to bed
vary the throttle opening and New tyres losing grip on wet
down before they can achieve
engine-speed range frequently; roads and at extreme bank
their optimum friction levels. You
avoid riding at constant engine angles
can compensate for this initial re-
rpm for prolonged periods. Risk of accident
duction in braking efficiency by
Select a route with plenty of Ride carefully and avoid ex-
exerting greater pressure on the
turns and minor hills, but avoid tremely sharp inclines.
motorways where possible.
Comply with the rpm limits for WARNING
running in.
New brake pads
Brakes rider's full force applied to the Descending mountain
6 How can stopping
brake levers; under these circum- passes
stances the dynamic shift in load
110 distance be minimised? distribution cannot keep pace WARNING
Each time the brakes are applied, with the increase in deceleration
a load distribution shift takes and the tyres cannot transmit the Braking only with the rear
place with the load shifting for- full braking force to the surface brake on mountain descents.
ward from the rear to the front of the road. Brake fade. Destruction of the
wheel. The sharper the motor- BMW Motorrad Integral ABS pre- brakes due to overheating.
cycle decelerates, the more load vents the front wheel from lock- Use the front brake and utilise
z is shifted to the front wheel. The ing up. engine braking.
higher the wheel load, the more
braking force can be transmitted Hazard braking Wet and dirty brakes
without the wheel locking. If you brake sharply from a speed Wetness and dirt on the brake
To optimise stopping distance, in excess of 50 km/h the brake discs and the brake pads dimin-
apply the front brakes rapidly and light flashes rapidly as a warning ish braking efficiency.
keep on increasing the force you for road users behind you. Delayed braking action or poor
apply to the brake lever. This If you brake until your speed is braking efficiency must be
makes the best possible use of less than 15 km/h the hazard reckoned with in the following
the dynamic increase in load at warning lights start to flash as situations:
the front wheel. Remember to well. The hazard warning lights Riding in the rain or through
pull the clutch at the same time. switch off automatically as soon puddles of water.
In the "panic braking situations" as you start to accelerate and After the motorcycle has been
that are trained so frequently vehicle speed reaches 20 km/h. washed.
braking force is applied as rap- Riding on salted or gritted
idly as possible and with the roads.
After work has been carried on Risk of crash despite ABS Pro Use on public roads
the brakes, due to traces of oil Invariably, it remains the rider's ABS Pro helps make the mo- 6
or grease. responsibility to adapt riding torcycle even safer for riding on
Riding on dirt-covered surfaces style to riding conditions. 111
public roads. When the brakes
or off-road. Do not take risks that would are applied because of an un-
negate the additional safety foreseen hazard when the mo-
WARNING offered by this system. torcycle is banked for cornering,
within the physical limits that ap-
ABS Pro is available in all riding
Wetness and dirt result in modes. ply to motorcycling the system
diminished braking efficiency prevents the wheels from locking
Risk of accident Possibility of a fall not and skidding away. z
Apply the brakes lightly while precluded
riding to remove wetness and NOTICE
Although ABS Pro provides the
dirt, or dismount and clean the rider with valuable assistance and ABS Pro was not developed to
brakes. constitutes a huge advance in enhance individual braking per-
Think ahead and brake in good safety for braking with the mo- formance with the motorcycle
time until full braking efficiency torcycle banked for cornering, it banked into corners.
is restored. cannot under any circumstances
be considered as redefining the Parking your
ABS Pro physical limits that apply to mo- motorcycle
Physical limits applicable to torcycling. It is still possible for
motorcycling these limits to be overshot due Side stand
to misjudgement or rider error. In Switch off the engine.
WARNING extreme cases this can result in a
Braking when cornering crash.
On a gradient, the motorcycle Extend the centre stand and lift
6 ATTENTION should always face uphill; se- the motorcycle onto the stand.
Poor ground underneath the lect 1st gear.
112 Refuelling
stand Centre stand
Risk of damage to parts if vehicle Fuel grade
Switch off the engine.
topples Requirement
Always check that the ground ATTENTION To ensure optimal fuel consump-
90 AKI ately after contact with fuel.
Pay attention to the following Place the motorcycle on its
symbols in the fuel filler cap stand on firm, even ground. z
and on the fuel pump: Open the protective cap.
Escape of fuel due to heat-
induced expansion if fuel
tank is overfilled
Risk of falling
Do not overfill the fuel tank.
Refuelling Refuel with fuel of the grade
stated below; do not fill the
WARNING tank beyond the bottom edge
of the fuel filler neck.
Fuel is highly flammable
Risk of fire and explosion Unlock and open the fuel tank NOTICE
Do not smoke. Never bring lock using the ignition key.
a naked flame near the fuel When refuelling after running on
tank. reserve, make sure that you top
up the tank to a level above re-
serve, so that the new level is Risk of fire and explosion
6 detected and the fuel reserve in- Do not smoke. Never bring NOTICE
dicator light is switched off. a naked flame near the fuel The fuel tank capacity can only
114 tank. be used to the full with the mo-
Usable fuel capacity
torcycle standing on the side
WARNING stand.
approx. 26.5 l Escape of fuel due to heat- with Keyless Ride OE
Slowly pull tab 1 up.
The telltale light for the radio-
Refuel with fuel of the grade
operated key flashes while the
stated above; do not fill the
search for the radio-operated
tank past the bottom edge of
key is in progress.
the filler neck.
Again slowly pull up tab 1 of
the fuel filler cap. NOTICE
Fuel filler cap unlocks.
Fully open the fuel filler cap. When refuelling after running on
reserve, make sure that you top
Pull up tab 1 of the fuel filler up the tank to a level above re-
cap slowly. serve, so that the new level is
Fuel filler cap unlocks. detected and the fuel reserve in-
Fully open the fuel filler cap. dicator light is switched off.
The "usable fuel capacity" spe-
cified in the technical data is the
quantity that the fuel tank could Securing motorcycle Secure the vehicle to prevent it
6 hold if refilled after it had been for transportation toppling, preferably with the as-
run dry and the engine had cut sistance of a second person.
116 out due to a lack of fuel. Make sure that all compon-
ents that may come into con- Push the motorcycle onto the
tact with tensioning straps are transportation flat and hold it in
Usable fuel capacity
adequately protected against position: do not place it on the
scratching. For instance, use side stand or centre stand.
approx. 4 l
Press down firmly on the filler
cap of the fuel tank.
The fuel filler cap engages with
an audible click.
The fuel filler cap locks auto-
matically when the waiting time ATTENTION
Routing of tensioning straps
The engaged fuel filler cap ATTENTION not in compliance with cor-
locks immediately when you
Vehicle topples to side when rect procedure
secure the steering lock or
being lifted on to stand Damage to brake lines, Bowden
switch on the ignition.
Risk of damage to parts if vehicle cables, bearings and trim panels
topples Carefully route retaining straps.
Use a cloth to protect painted
components from scratches. 6
Guide the tensioning straps 117
through the front suspension
on the left and right and then
tighten towards the bottom.
Engineering details
General instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
Antilock Brake System (ABS) . . . . . . 120
Dynamic Traction Control
(DTC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
Engineering details
Electronic Suspension Adjustment
(ESA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
Riding mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
Tyre pressure control (RDC) . . . . . . . 127
Shift assistant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
Hill Start Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
General instructions can occur, ABS intervenes and
7 To find out more about engineer-
ATTENTION adapts braking pressure to the
Attempted burn-out despite maximum transferrable braking
120 ing, go to:
Integral braking function force, so the wheels continue
bmw-motorrad.com/techno- to turn and directional stability
logy Damage to rear brake and clutch
is maintained irrespective of the
Do not burn out tyres.
condition of the road surface.
Antilock Brake System
How does ABS work?
Engineering details
Engineering details
optimum braking. Even under severe braking, a
Within the limits imposed by
high level of tyre grip can mean
What feedback does the physics, the BMW Motorrad In-
that the front wheel does not
tegral ABS ensures directional
rider receive from the lock up until very late, if at all.
stability on any surface. The sys-
BMW Motorrad Integral Consequently, ABS does not in-
tem is not optimised for special
ABS? tervene until very late, if at all.
requirements that apply under
If the ABS system has to reduce Under these circumstances the
extreme competitive situations
braking force on account of the rear wheel can lift off the ground,
off-road or on the track.
circumstances described above, and the outcome can be a high-
siding situation in which the mo- z
vibration is perceptible through Special situations
the handbrake lever. torcycle can flip over.
The speeds of the front and rear
When the handbrake lever is WARNING wheels are compared as one
pulled, brake pressure is also means of detecting a wheel's
built up at the rear wheel by Rear wheel lift due to severe incipient tendency to lock. If
the integral function. If the braking the system registers implaus-
brake pedal is depressed after Risk of falling ible values for a lengthy period
the handbrake lever is pulled, When you brake sharply, bear the ABS function is deactivated
the brake pressure built up in mind that ABS control can- for safety reasons and an ABS
fault message is issued. Self-dia- What significance the motorcycle's weight and
7 gnosis has to complete before devolves on regular momentum take over and even
fault messages can be issued. maintenance? BMW Motorrad Integral ABS is
122 In addition to problems with the unable to counteract their effects.
BMW Motorrad Integral ABS, WARNING
exceptional riding conditions can Evolution of ABS to
lead to a fault message being Brake system not regularly ABS Pro
issued. serviced. Until now, the BMW Motorrad
Engineering details
Engineering details
signals come from the angular Dynamic Traction
rate sensor, an integral compon- Control (DTC) What is the design
ent of Dynamic Traction Control baseline for
DTC and Dynamic ESA. How does DTC work? BMW Motorrad DTC?
As the motorcycle is heeled over The BMW Motorrad DTC com- BMW Motorrad DTC is designed
more and more as it banks into pares the speed of rotation of the as an assistant system for the
a corner, an increasingly strict front wheel and the rear wheel. rider and for use on public roads.
limit is imposed on the brake- The differential is used to com- The extent to which the rider af-
pressure gradient for the start of pute slip as a measure of the fects DTC control can be consid-
reserves of stability available at
brake application. This slows the erable (weight shifts when cor-
build-up of brake pressure to a the rear wheel. If slip exceeds a nering, items of luggage loose on
corresponding degree. Addition- certain limit, the engine control the motorcycle), especially when
ally, pressure modulation is more intervenes and adapts the engine style of riding takes rider and ma-
uniform across the range of ABS torque accordingly. chine close to the limits imposed
intervention. by physics.
The system is not optimised for
Risky riding special requirements that apply
Risk of accident despite DTC under extreme competitive situ-
ations off-road or on the track. The speeds of the front and rear Rear wheel rotating with the
7 You have the option of deactiv- wheels are compared and the vehicle held stationary by ap-
ating the BMW Motorrad DTC angle of heel taken into account plying the front brake (burn-
124 system for these circumstances. as one means of detecting the out).
rear wheel's incipient tendency to Heating up with the motorcycle
WARNING spin or slip sideways. If the elec- on an auxiliary stand, in neutral
tronic processor receives values or with a gear engaged.
Risky riding
that it considers implausible over
Engineering details
Engineering details
to adjust your motorcycle's ing this calibration, chassis and ally reactivated after the ignition
suspension to suit the load and suspension adjustment is not has been switched off and then
the surface conditions. possible. on again.
By interpreting ride height sensor The basic rule is: the sportier
signals, Dynamic ESA detects Riding mode the mode you select, the more
movements in the chassis and directly can you tap into the en-
suspension and responds by ad-
gine's reserves of power. At the
justing the damping valves. The Three riding modes enable the
same time, the level of rider as-
chassis and suspension will thus motorcycle's characteristics to
sistance that the DTC system
be adapted to the characteristics adapt to the prevailing weather z
offers decreases accordingly.
of the terrain. conditions, the road and traffic,
Consequently, you must always
The DYNAMIC setting enables and the rider's style of riding:
bear the following in mind with
you to set the damping to a RAIN
regard to your selection of a ride
more sporty setup than that ROAD
mode: The sportier the setting,
offered by ROAD, which is the DYNAMIC the greater the challenge to your
basic setting. riding skill!
The suspension setting depends
on the riding mode selected.
RAIN surfaces with high to medium Mode changes
7 The engine's full power is not grip (dry and wet asphalt to dry The engine control and Dynamic
made available. Power increase cobblestones) the motorcycle re- Traction Control functions can
126 mains stable. Slight rear-wheel
when you open the throttle is only be changed if no drive
reserved, engine response is cor- drift is perceptible. Movements torque applies to the rear wheel.
respondingly soft. of the tail are clearly perceptible In order to achieve this state,
The DTC system intervenes early on slippery road surfaces (wet The motorcycle must be at
enough to prevent the rear wheel bitumen or wet cobblestones). a standstill with the ignition
Engineering details
Engineering details
tyre measures the air tempera- and decreases as tyre temper- with the value in the table on
ture and the air pressure inside ature drops. Tyre temperature the inside cover of the Rider's
the tyre and transmits this in- depends on ambient tempera- Manual. Then use the air line to
formation to the control unit. ture, on the style of riding and compensate for the difference
Each sensor has a tripswitch the duration of the ride. between the RDC reading and
that does not enable transmis- The tyre-pressure readings the value in the table.
sion of the measured values shown by the multifunction
until the motorcycle has accel- display are temperature- Example: According to the
erated to about 30 km/h. The compensated; the reference tyre Rider's Manual, tyre pressure
display shows "" for each tyre temperature for these readings should be 2.9 bar, but the z
until the tyre-pressure signal is is always 20 °C. The gauges on reading in the multifunction
received for the first time. The service station air lines do not display is 2.7 bar, so pressure is
sensors continue to transmit the compensate for temperature. low by 0.2 bar. The gauge on
measured-value signals for ap- The tyre pressure recorded the air line shows 2.5 bar. You
proximately 15 minutes after the depends on tyre temperature. must now increase tyre pressure
motorcycle comes to a stop. In most instances, therefore, by the 0.2 bar difference
An error message is issued if these gauge readings will not between the value in the table
wheels without sensors are fitted tally with the pressures shown by and the RDC reading; when the
air-line gauge shows 2.7 bar,
the tyre is inflated to the correct It is not necessary to close the shift using the Pro shift assistant.
7 pressure. throttle valve when shifting un- Constantly maintain the corres-
der acceleration. ponding load condition (throttle
128 Shift assistant When braking and downshifting grip position) before and during
with shift assistant Pro OE (throttle valve closed), engine gear shifts using the shift as-
speed is adjusted by blipping sistant. A change in the position
Shift assistant Pro the throttle. of the throttle twistgrip during a
Your vehicle is equipped with Shift time is shorter than a gearshift can cause the function
Engineering details
shift assistant, a feature that gearshift with clutch actuation. to abort and/or lead to a missed
was originally developed for ra- shift. The shift assistant does
In order for the system to identify not provides assistance for gear
cing and has been adapted for
a request for a gearshift, the rider shifts involving clutch control.
touring. It permits upshifts and
has to move the shift lever from
downshifts without declutching or
its idle position in the desired dir- Downshifting
closing the throttle in virtually all
ection against the force of the Downshifting is assisted until
load and rpm ranges.
spring through a certain "over- maximum rpm for the target
travel" at ordinary speed or rap- gear to be selected is reached.
z Advantages
idly and keep the shift lever in
70-80 % of all gearshifts on a This prevents overrevving.
this position until the gearshift is
trip can be done without using completed. It is not necessary to
the clutch. Maximum engine speed
increase the force applied to the
Less relative movement shift lever while shifting is in pro-
between rider and passenger gress. Once the gear shift has max 8500 min-1
because the shift pauses are completed, the gearshift lever
shorter. must be fully released before be-
ing able to carry out another gear
Upshifting order to keep the motorcycle sta- Behaviour when the
Upshifting is assisted until idle tionary on an incline. motorcycle rolls or slips 7
rpm for the target gear to be The brake pressure in the brake If the motorcycle rolls when
system is dependent on the 129
selected is reached. Hill Start Control Pro is activ-
This prevents the engine from gradient. ated, the brake pressure is in-
dropping below idle speed. Influence of the brake creased.
pressure on the riding off If the rear wheel slips, the
behaviour brake is released again after
Engineering details
Idle speed
If the motorcycle is stopped on approx. 1 m. This prevents,
a gentle incline, only low brake for example, the motorcycle
900±50 min-1 (Engine at regu- pressure is built up. In this slipping down the hill with a
lar operating temperature) case, the brakes are quickly blocked rear wheel.
released when driving off. The
Hill Start Control motorcycle can be moved off Releasing the brake when
more gently. It is not necessary stopping the engine
Hill Start Control function to turn the throttle grip again. Hill Start Control Pro is deactiv-
The Hill Start Control Pro assist- If the motorcycle is stopped ated when the engine is stopped
ant prevents the motorcycle from
on a steep incline, high brake using the emergency-off switch
rolling backwards uncontrolled on pressure is built up. In this or when the side stand is folded
gradients by intervening specific- case, the brakes take longer to out.
ally with the partial integral ABS release when driving off. More In addition to the indicator and
brake system without the rider torque is required for driving off warning lights, the rider should
having to constantly operate the which also requires the rider to be made aware that Hill Start
brake lever. Pressure in the rear turn the throttle grip again. Control Pro has been deactiv-
brake system is built up when Hill ated by the following behaviour:
Start Control Pro is activated in
Brake warning jolt
7 The brake is released briefly
and reactivated immediately.
This creates a jolt which the
rider feels.
The partial integral ABS brake
system sets a speed of approx.
3 km/h.
Engineering details
The holding pressure is released
immediately without a brake
warning jolt as soon as the
ignition is switched off.
General instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
Toolkit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
Front-wheel stand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
Engine oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
Brake system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
Clutch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
Coolant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
Tyres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 z
Rims and tyres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
Wheels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
Light source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
Jump-starting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
Battery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
Fuses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
General instructions Toolkit Front-wheel stand
8 The Maintenance chapter de- Standard toolkit Fitting the front-wheel
132 scribes straightforward proced- stand
ures for checking and replacing
certain wear parts. ATTENTION
Special tightening torques are lis-
ted as applicable. The tightening Use of the BMW Motorrad
front wheel stand without ac-
Slacken locating screws 1.
Push the two adapter pins 2 ATTENTION
apart until the front forks fit Excessive movement of the ATTENTION
between them. left-hand mounting bolt
Use locating pins 3 to set the Centre stand retracts if mo- z
Damaged sensor ring of the
front-wheel stand to the de- BMW Motorrad Integral ABS torcycle is lifted too high
sired height. Only slide the left-hand mount- Risk of damage to parts if vehicle
Centre the front-wheel stand ing bolt towards the inside so topples
relative to the front wheel and that it does not come into con- When raising the vehicle, make
push it against the front axle. tact with the sensor ring. sure that the centre stand re-
mains on the ground.
Push both mounting pins 2
through the triangles of the Apply uniform pressure to push
brake calliper anchorages just the front-wheel stand down
far enough to allow the front and raise the motorcycle.
wheel to be rolled between
Engine oil and place the motorcycle on its Remove the oil dipstick and
8 Checking engine oil level
centre stand. check the oil level.
Allow the engine to idle until
134 the fan starts up, then allow it
to idle one minute longer.
Engine oil level low Switch off the engine and wait
Risk of accident as a result of a for about one minute to allow
blocked engine the oil to drain into the sump.
Always make sure that the oil Wipe the area around the oil
level is correct. filler neck clean.
Misinterpretation of oil level Engine oil, specified level
reading, because oil level is
temperature-dependent (the
Between MIN and MAX marks
higher the temperature, the
(Engine at regular operating
higher the oil level)
Engine damage
Check the oil level only Engine oil, quantity for
after a lengthy ride or when Remove oil dipstick 1 and wipe topping up
the engine is at operating it with a clean, dry cloth.
temperature. Seat the oil dipstick on the oil max 0.5 l (Difference between
filler neck, but do not engage MIN and MAX)
Check that the engine is at op-
erating temperature, make sure the threads.
the ground is level and firm
If the oil level is below the MIN Brake system
Checking function of 8
Top up the engine oil ( 135).
brakes 135
If the oil level is above the MAX Make sure the ground is level
mark: and firm and place the motor-
Have the oil level corrected cycle on its stand.
by a specialist workshop, Pull the front brake lever.
preferably an authorised The pressure point must be
BMW Motorrad dealer. clearly perceptible.
Remove oil dipstick 1.
Press the footbrake lever.
Install the oil dipstick.
ATTENTION The pressure point must be
Topping up engine oil clearly perceptible.
Use of insufficient engine oil
Make sure the ground is level
If pressure points are not clearly z
or too much engine oil perceptible:
and firm and place the motor- Engine damage
cycle on its stand. Always make sure that the oil ATTENTION
Wipe the area around the filler level is correct.
neck clean. Work on brake system not
Top up the engine oil to the in compliance with correct
specified level. procedure
Checking engine oil level Risk to operational reliability of
( 134). the brake system
Install the oil dipstick. Have all work on the brake sys-
tem undertaken by trained and
qualified specialists.
Have the brakes checked by a In order to ensure the depend-
8 specialist workshop, preferably ability of the brake system, do
an authorised BMW Motorrad not permit the brake pads to
136 dealer. wear past the minimum per-
missible thickness.
Checking front brake pad
Have the brake pads replaced
by a specialist workshop,
Make sure the ground is level
preferably an authorised
and firm and place the motor- BMW Motorrad dealer.
cycle on its stand.
Brake-pad wear limit, Check rear brake pad
front thickness
min 1.0 mm (Friction pad only, Make sure the ground is level
z without backing plate. The and firm and place the motor-
wear indicators (grooves) must cycle on its stand.
be clearly visible.)
preferably an authorised
BMW Motorrad dealer.
Visually inspect the brake pads
Brake-pad wear limit, Checking brake-fluid
to ascertain their thickness.
rear level, front brakes
Viewing direction: from below
toward brake pads 1. min 1.0 mm (Friction pad only,
without backing plate. The
wear indicators (grooves) must Not enough brake fluid in
have not been reached.) brake fluid tank
Considerably reduced braking
If the wear indicating mark is no power due to air in the brake
longer visible: system
Adjust the riding mode imme-
diately until the fault is rectified.
Brake-pad thickness less Check the brake-fluid level at
than permissible minimum regular intervals.
Diminished braking effect, dam-
age to the brakes
Make sure the ground is level an authorised BMW Motorrad
8 and firm and place the motor- dealer.
cycle on its centre stand.
138 Move the handlebars to the Check the brake-fluid
straight-ahead position. level, rear brakes
clearly perceptible.
If the pressure point is not clearly
Check the brake fluid level in perceptible:
Brake fluid level, rear
rear reservoir 1. Have the clutch checked by a
NOTICE specialist workshop, preferably
Brake fluid, DOT4 an authorised BMW Motorrad
Wear of the brake pads causes It is impermissible for the
the brake fluid level in the reser- brake fluid level to drop below
voir to sink. the MIN mark. (Brake-fluid Coolant
reservoir horizontal, motorcycle Check coolant level
Make sure the ground is level
and firm and place the motor-
If the brake fluid level drops be- cycle on its stand.
low the permitted level:
Allow the engine to cool down.
Have the defect rectified as
quickly as possible by a spe-
cialist workshop, preferably an
8 Checking tyre pressure
Incorrect tyre pressure
Impaired handling characteristics
of the motorcycle, shorter useful
tyre life
Check the coolant level in ex- Always check that the tyre
Coolant, specified level pressures are correct.
pansion tank 1.
Make sure the ground is level
Between MIN and MAX marks and firm and place the motor-
z on the expansion tank (Engine cycle on its stand.
cold) Check tyre pressures against
If the coolant drops below the the data below.
permitted level: Tyre pressure, front
Have the defect rectified as
quickly as possible by a spe-
cialist workshop, preferably 2.9 bar (Tyre cold)
an authorised BMW Motorrad
dealer. Tyre pressure, rear
cycle on its stand. wear marks. any guarantee of road safety for
Visually inspect the rims for other tyres.
defects. BMW Motorrad recommends
Have any damaged rims in- Wear indicators are built into the using only tyres tested by
spected by a specialist work- main profile grooves on each BMW Motorrad.
shop and replaced if neces- tyre. The tyre is worn out when You can obtain detailed
sary, preferably by an author- the tyre tread has worn down information from your authorised
ised BMW Motorrad dealer. to the level of the marks. The BMW Motorrad dealer or on
locations of the marks are indic- the Internet at "www.bmw-
Checking tyre tread depth ated on the edge of the tyre, e.g. motorrad.com".
by the letters TI, TWI or by an
WARNING arrow. Effect of wheel size on
chassis and suspension
Riding with badly worn tyres If the tyre tread is worn to min-
Risk of accident due to impaired imum: control systems
handling Replace tyre or tyres, as applic- Wheel size is very important as
If applicable, have the tyres able. a parameter for the running-gear
changed in good time before control systems ABS and DTC.
In particular, the diameter and the
width of a vehicle's wheels are RDC label an adhesive label indicating the
8 programmed into the control unit with tyre pressure control position of the RDC sensor.
and are fundamental to all cal- (RDC) OE When changing the tyre, take
142 culations. Any change in these care not to damage the RDC
influencing variables, caused for sensor. Be sure to draw the
example by a switch to wheels attention of the authorised
other than those installed ex- BMW Motorrad dealer or
works, can have serious effects specialist workshop to the fact
Remove screws 1 on left and
Pull out the front-wheel cover
towards the front.
Use of a non-standard wheel
Roll the front wheel into posi-
tion between the front forks. Clamping screw for
Insert the ABS sensor into its
quick-release axle to
bore and install screw 1.
wheel carrier
19 Nm Ease the brake calipers on to
Remove the front-wheel stand.
the brake discs. z
Install securing screws 3 on Clip retaining clip 1 of the Position the front-wheel cover
left and right and tighten to sensor cable to the brake line. and install the screws 1 on the
specified tightening torque. Secure new cable tie 2. left and right.
Remove the adhesive tape
z Front brake caliper to Remove the rear wheel
from the wheel rim.
wheel carrier Make sure the ground is level
Firmly pull the handbrake lever
28 Nm several times until a pressure and firm and place the motor-
point is perceptible. cycle on its centre stand.
If necessary, remove cases.
Installing rear wheel
Use of a non-standard wheel
Malfunctions in operation of ABS
and DTC
See the information on the ef-
fect of wheel size on the ABS
and DTC systems at the start
Remove screws 1 on left and of this chapter.
right. CAUTION
Remove the number plate car- Hot exhaust system ATTENTION
rier. Risk of burn injury
Tightening threaded fasten- z
Engage first gear. Do not touch a hot exhaust
system. ers to incorrect tightening
Remove the five screws 1 of Damage, or threaded fasteners
the rear wheel and in this pro- work loose
cess, support the wheel. Always have the security of
Place the rear wheel on the the fasteners checked by a
ground and roll it out of the specialist workshop, preferably
frame towards the rear. an authorised BMW Motorrad
Roll the rear wheel to the rear-
8 wheel mounting and position it.
Switch on the ignition and raise Disconnect plug connec-
the windscreen to the limit po- tion 3.
Remove screw 1. Remove screws 1.
Remove the screw 2 and re- Work speaker unit 2 to the rear z
move the hand protector 3 to- to remove.
wards the side.
Switch off the ignition and
wait until the windscreen has
moved to the bottom position.
H7 12 V 55 W
Hold the bulb by the base only,
in order to keep the glass free
of foreign matter.
Install screws 1.
Then connect one end of the Maintenance instructions Battery is deep-discharged; this
black jump lead to the negative voids the guarantee
Correct upkeep, recharging and
terminal of the donor battery, Connect a float charger to the
storage will prolong the life of
and the other end to the neg- battery if the motorcycle is to
the battery and are essential if
ative terminal of the discharged remain out of use for more
warranty claims are to be con-
battery. than four weeks. z
Start the engine of the vehicle
Compliance with the points be-
with the discharged battery NOTICE
low is important in order to max-
in the usual way; if the en-
imise battery life: BMW Motorrad has developed a
gine does not start, wait a few
minutes before repeating the Keep the surface of the battery float charger specially designed
attempt in order to protect the clean and dry. for compatibility with the elec-
starter motor and the donor Do not open the battery. tronics of your motorcycle. Us-
battery. Do not top up with water. ing this charger, you can keep
Allow both engines to idle for a Be sure to read and comply the battery charged during long
few minutes before disconnect- with the instructions for char- periods of disuse, without having
ing the jump leads. ging the battery on the follow- to disconnect the battery from
ing pages. the motorcycle's on-board sys-
tems. You can obtain additional flat (battery voltage less than
8 information from your authorised 12 V, indicator lights and mul- NOTICE
BMW Motorrad dealer. tifunction display remain off The motorcycle's on-board elec-
154 when the ignition is switched tronics know when the battery
Charge battery when on) always charge the discon- is fully charged. The on-board
connected nected battery with the char- socket is switched off when this
ger connected directly to the happens.
ATTENTION battery terminals.
ection of travel.
The battery has to be recharged
at regular intervals in the course
of a lengthy period of disuse. ATTENTION
See the instructions for caring Battery not disconnected in
for your battery. Always fully re- accordance with correct pro-
charge the battery before restor- cedure
ing it to use. Risk of short-circuit
Removing battery Always proceed in compliance
with the specified disconnec-
Removing front seat ( 99).
tion sequence.
with anti-theft alarm (DWA) OE
If applicable, switch off the anti- Remove the battery earth Position the retaining bracket,
theft alarm. lead 1. install the screws 4.
Pull off the protective cap 2
Switch off the ignition. and remove the positive battery ATTENTION
cable 3. Battery not connected in ac-
Remove the screws 4 and re- cordance with correct pro-
move the retaining bracket. cedure
Risk of short-circuit
8 Always proceed in compli- NOTICE
ance with specified installation If fuse defects recur frequently
156 sequence. have the electric circuits checked
Install the positive battery by a specialist workshop,
cable 3 first and position the preferably an authorised
protective cap 2. BMW Motorrad dealer.
Audio system
3 Not used
with anti-theft alarm
with central locking sys- z
tem OE
7.5 A
Anti-theft alarm
Central locking
General instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
Power sockets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
Cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
Topcase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
Navigation device . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
General instructions checked by BMW for safety, Power sockets
9 function and suitability. BMW
Notes on use of power sockets:
CAUTION therefore takes responsibility for
160 the products. BMW does not Automatic switch-off
Use of other-make products accept liability for unauthorised
Safety risk parts and accessory products of The vehicle voltage is low if
BMW Motorrad cannot exam- any kind. this warning symbol is dis-
ine or test each product of out- Legal provisions must be taken played. If necessary, the sockets
side origin to ensure that it can into account when any changes will be temporarily switched off.
be used on or in connection are made. Please refer to the
with BMW vehicles without road traffic licensing regulations The on-board sockets are also
constituting a safety hazard. (in Germany StVZO) for your switched off when the engine
Country-specific official author- country. is being cranked by the starter
z isation does not suffice as as- Your BMW Motorrad Retailer of- and if maximum load capability
surance. Tests conducted by fers you qualified advice when as stated in the technical data is
these instances cannot make choosing original BMW com- exceeded.
provision for all operating con- ponents, accessories and other If several sockets are in opera-
ditions experienced by BMW products. tion, the total current must not
vehicles and, consequently, To find out more about exceed the maximum load capa-
they are not sufficient in some accessories, go to: city.
circumstances. bmw-motorrad.com/zubehoer
Use only parts and accessor- Operating electrical
ies approved by BMW for your accessories
Auxiliary devices operated using
The components and accessory a socket can only be switched on
products have been thoroughly when the ignition is switched on.
If the ignition is then switched Pull the release lever all the
off, sockets are also switched way up and open the lid of the 9
off in the event of high loads. case.
In the event of lower loads, the 161
sockets remain in operation for Close cases
some time.
Cable routing
Note the following with regard to
the routing of cables from sock- Turn the key to the in the case
ets to items of electrical equip- lock to the position indicated
ment: by the dot.
Make sure that cables do not
impede the rider. z
Make sure that cables do not Pull release lever 2 all the way
restrict the steering angle or up.
obstruct handling. Close the lid of the case and
Make sure that cables cannot press it down. Check that
be trapped. nothing is trapped between the
lid and the case.
Open cases NOTICE
with central locking system OE Push lock barrel 1 down. The cases can also be locked
If applicable, open the central Lever 2 pops up. by turning the lock to the LOCK
locking. position. In this case, ensure that
the vehicle key is not left in the
9 cases.
Remove cases
Pull carry handle 3 up as far as Seat the case in holders 4.
it will go.
The case is released and can
be removed.
Install cases
Pull the handle up as far as it
will go.
Contact your authorised
BMW Motorrad dealer if you
cannot find your combination of Push lock barrel 1 forward.
vehicle and cases on the label. Lever 2 pops up.
The values for the combination Pull the release lever all the
described here are as follows: way up and open the lid of the
Maximum speed for rid-
ing with a loaded case Closing topcase
max 180 km/h with topcase OA
Turn the key to the in the top-
Payload per case case lock to the position indic-
ated by the dot.
max 10 kg
Turn the key in the topcase
9 lock to the LOCK position and
remove the key from the lock.
Removing rear seat
Switch off the ignition.
Removing front seat ( 99).
Pull release lever 2 all the way Disconnect the plug connec-
up. tion 2 of the seat heating and
Close the lid of the topcase remove the passenger seat.
and hold it down. Check that Place the seat, upholstered
nothing is trapped between the side down, on a clean surface.
lid and the case.
Remove screws 1.
The topcase can also be locked
Slightly pull the passenger seat
by turning the lock to the LOCK
towards the front and lift it.
position. In this case, make sure
that the key is not left inside the
Push release lever 2 down until
it engages.
Install the rear seat
Install screws 1. Disconnect plug 1.
Connect the plug connection 2 Work the topcase-end plug
Removing topcase through to the rear.
of the seat heating.
with topcase OA Open the topcase.
If applicable, empty the top-
Removing front seat ( 99).
case and lift out the bottom
Removing rear seat ( 164).
Push slide latch 2 toward the Lift the topcase at the rear and Set the topcase on the lug-
outside and hold it in this posi- remove it from the luggage gage carrier.
tion. carrier. Opening topcase ( 163).
Turn rotary latch 3 in the direc-
z Install the rear seat ( 165).
tion indicated by the RELEASE
arrow. Installing front seat ( 100).
Release warning 4 is visible. Installing topcase
Close the topcase.
with topcase OA
correctly seated on the luggage max 180 km/h
carrier. Work the cable into position at
Payload of topcase
positions 6.
Connect plug 1.
max 10 kg z
Install the rear seat ( 165).
Installing front seat ( 100).
Navigation device
Maximum payload and Installing navigation
maximum permissible device
speed with preparation for navigation
Note the maximum permissible system OE
Route the connecting cable payload and the speed limit for with navigation system OA
forward in cable guide 5. riding with topcase fitted, as
stated on the label inside the Switch on the ignition.
Contact your authorised BMW
Motorrad dealer if you cannot
Check that the navigation
9 device is secure in the cradle.
Press cover 7 to push cradle
168 with navigation device into the
slot until it snaps into position.
Removing navigation
Open the Navigation menu.
Install cover 4.
Press cover 7 to push the
cradle into the slot until it
Operate latch 3, pull the nav- snaps into position.
igation device forward out of z
holder 6 and lift it up and out.
Voice output: repeats the there are deviations from some filling level, it is no longer neces-
last navigation voice output. descriptions in the operating sary to enter this value.
The voice output is also output instructions of the Navigator.
if automatic voice commands Time and date
have been switched off in the Traffic reports (TMC) Time and date are transmitted by
z navigation system settings. If an audio system is installed in the Navigator to the motorcycle.
Mute: switches automatic the vehicle, this transmits traffic The carryover of this data to the
voice commands on and off. information to the Navigator. The instrument cluster must be activ-
Display off: switches the symbol described in the operat- ated in the user settings of the
navigation device display on ing instructions of the Navigator motorcycle.
and off. appears in the display.
Select the desired operation It is not possible to receive Security settings
and carry it out by pressing the paid traffic information with the The BMW Motorrad Navigator
Multi-Controller towards the BMW Motorrad audio system. IV, BMW Motorrad Navigator V
right. and BMW Motorrad Navigator VI
can be protected from unauthor-
ised use with a four-digit PIN
(Garmin Lock). If this function
is activated while the Navigator is
installed in the vehicle and the ig- 9
nition is switched on, you will be
asked whether you want to add 171
this vehicle to the list of secured
vehicles. If you answer this ques-
tion with "Yes", the Navigator
will save the vehicle identification
number of this vehicle.
A maximum of five vehicle identi-
fication numbers can be stored.
If the Navigator is then switched
on in one of these vehicles by
switching on the ignition, the PIN z
no longer needs to be entered.
If the Navigator is removed
from the vehicle while it is still
switched on, you will be asked
for the PIN for security reasons.
Screen brightness
In the installed condition, the
screen brightness is specified
by the motorcycle. Manual input
is not possible.
Care products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
Washing the vehicle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
Cleaning easily damaged compon-
ents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
Care of paintwork . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
Vehicle preservation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176 z
Laying up the motorcycle . . . . . . . . . . 176
Restoring motorcycle to use . . . . . . . 176
Care products Washing the vehicle Diminished braking effect, risk of
10 BMW Motorrad recommends BMW Motorrad recommends
Apply the brakes in good time
174 that you use the cleaning that you use BMW insect re-
to allow the friction and heat to
and care products you can mover to soften and wash off
dry the brake discs and brake
obtain from your authorised insects and stubborn dirt on
BMW Motorrad dealer. painted parts prior to washing
The substances in BMW the vehicle.
Soften stubborn dirt and insects
ATTENTION by covering the affected areas Bending of radiator fins z
with a wet cloth. Damage to radiator fins
Use of unsuitable cleaning
Take care not to bend the radi-
agents Chrome ator fins when cleaning.
Damage to plastic surfaces
Carefully clean chrome sections
Do not use cleaning agents with a generous amount of water Rubber
that contain alcohol, solvents or and motorcycle cleaner from the Treat rubber components with
abrasives. care series BMW Motorrad Care water or BMW rubber-care
Do not use insect-remover Products. This applies especially products.
pads or cleaning pads with where road salt has been in use.
hard, scouring surfaces. For an additional treatment, use ATTENTION
BMW Motorrad metal polish.
Body panels Application of silicone sprays
Clean trim panel components to rubber seals
with water and BMW Motorrad Damage to the rubber seals
solvent cleaner. Do not use silicone sprays
or care products that contain
Care of paintwork or cotton pad. BMW Motorrad Spray the brake and clutch
10 The long-term effects of mater-
recommends that tar spots lever pivots and the main and
be removed using BMW tar side stand pivots with a suit-
176 ials that are damaging to paint
remover. The paint should then able lubricant.
can be prevented by regular
be preserved in these areas.
vehicle washes, particularly if Coat bright metal and chrome-
your vehicle is ridden in areas plated parts with an acid-free
Vehicle preservation
susceptible to high levels of air grease (e.g. Vaseline).
If water no longer rolls off the
Technical data
Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
Clutch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
Transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
Rear-wheel drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
Frame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
Chassis and suspension . . . . . . . . . . . 184
Brakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
Wheels and tyres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
Electrical system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
Anti-theft alarm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
Troubleshooting chart
11 Engine does not start or is difficult to start.
178 Possible cause Rectification
Side stand is extended Retract the side stand.
Gear engaged and clutch not disengaged Select neutral or pull the clutch lever.
Technical data
Screw connections
Front wheel Value Valid
Front brake caliper to wheel car-
M8 x 30 - 10.9 28 Nm
Clamping screw for quick-re-
Technical data
lease axle to wheel carrier
M8 x 30 19 Nm
Quick-release axle in threaded
bush (wheel carrier)
M24 x 1.5 50 Nm
Rear wheel Value Valid
Rear wheel to wheel flange
M10 x 1.25 x 40 Tightening sequence: tighten in diagon-
ally opposite sequence
60 Nm
11 Recommended fuel grade Super unleaded (maximum 15 % ethanol,
180 E15)
90 AKI
Usable fuel capacity approx. 26.5 l
Technical data
Engine oil
Engine oil, capacity approx. 4.5 l, with filter change
z Specification SAE 5W-40, API SL / JASO MA2, Additives
(e.g. molybdenum-based) are not permissible
because they can attack coated components
of the engine, BMW Motorrad recommends
BMW Motorrad ADVANTEC Ultimate oil.
BMW recommends
Location of engine number Crankcase, right-hand side via engine oil filler
neck 181
Engine type 166EA
Engine design 6-cylinder, four-stroke in-line engine arranged
across the direction of travel, featuring four valves
Technical data
per cylinder, two overhead camshafts; liquid cool-
ing, electronic fuel injection, integrated six-speed
cassette gearbox, dry-sump lubrication.
Displacement 1649 cm3
Cylinder bore 72.0 mm
Piston stroke 67.5 mm
Compression ratio 12.2:1
Nominal output 118 kW, at engine speed: 7750 min-1
Torque 175 Nm, at engine speed: 5250 min-1
Maximum engine speed max 8500 min-1
Idle speed 900±50 min-1, Engine at regular operating temper-
11 Clutch type Multi-disc oil bath
Gearbox type Claw-shift 6-speed gearbox with helical gearing
Gearbox transmission ratios 1.617, Primary transmission ratio
Technical data
Technical data
Frame type Aluminium composite bridge frame, engine also
load bearing
Type plate location Top right wheel carrier
Position of the Vehicle Identification Number Rear part of the main frame above the swinging
arm, pointing in the direction of travel z
Chassis and suspension
11 Front wheel
Type of front suspension BMW Motorrad Duolever
Design of front wheel suspension Central suspension strut with electrically
adjustable damping action.
Spring travel, front 115 mm, at wheel
Technical data
Rear wheel
Type of rear suspension Central suspension strut activated using a lever
system. Electrically adjustable damping action and
spring preload/spring rate.
Spring travel, rear 135 mm, At wheel
Front wheel
Type of front brake Hydraulically operated twin disc brake with 4-pis-
ton fixed calipers and floating brake discs
Brake-pad material, front Sintered metal
Rear wheel
Technical data
Type of rear brake Hydraulically operated disc brake with 2-piston
floating caliper and fixed disc
Brake-pad material, rear Organic material
Technical data
Spark plugs
Spark plugs, manufacturer and designation NGK LMAR8AI-8
Bulb for high-beam headlight H7 12 V 55 W
Bulbs for the low-beam headlight Xenon D1S 12 V 35 W z
Bulb for parking light LED ring light
Bulb for tail light/brake light LED
Bulbs for flashing turn indicators, front LED
Bulbs for flashing turn indicators, rear LED
11 Fuses
Fuse carrier 1 40 A, Engine electronics
Fuse carrier 2 7.5 A, Top slot: audio system
7.5 A, Bottom slot: alarm system, central locking
Anti-theft alarm
Technical data
Anti-theft alarm
Activation time on arming approx. 30 s
Alarm duration approx. 26 s
Activation time between two alarms 15 s
z Battery type CR 1632 A
Remote control
Range of the remote control approx. 10 m
Signal frequency 20 kHz, Broadband
Transmission frequency 433 MHz
Battery type and battery rated voltage (For remote CR 2032
control) 3V
Length of motorcycle 2324 mm, over number-plate carrier
Height of motorcycle 1440 mm, To windscreen at DIN unladen weight
Width of motorcycle 1000 mm, Across mirrors
Front-seat height 810...830 mm, Without rider, at DIN unladen
Technical data
with rider's seat, low OE 780...800 mm, Without rider, at DIN unladen
Rider's inside-leg arc, heel to heel 1830...1870 mm, Without rider; at DIN unladen
with rider's seat, low OE 1775...1810 mm, Without rider; at DIN unladen
weight z
11 Vehicle kerb weight 334 kg, DIN unladen weight, ready for operation,
190 90% refuelled, without OE
Permissible gross weight 540 kg
Maximum payload 206 kg
Payload per case max 10 kg
Technical data
Riding specifications
Top speed >200 km/h
Maximum speed for riding with a loaded case max 180 km/h
Maximum speed for riding with a loaded topcase max 180 km/h
BMW Motorrad Service . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
BMW Motorrad Service history . . . . 192
BMW Motorrad Mobility
services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
Maintenance work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
Maintenance schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
Maintenance confirmations . . . . . . . . 198
Service confirmations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
BMW Motorrad Service specialist workshop, preferably BMW Motorrad Service
12 BMW Motorrad has an extensive
an authorised BMW Motorrad history
192 network of dealerships in place Entries
to look after you and your mo- In order to help ensure that your Maintenance work that has been
torcycle in more than 100 coun- BMW is always in optimum carried out is entered in the proof
tries. Authorised BMW Motorrad condition, BMW Motorrad of maintenance. The entries
dealerships have the technical recommends compliance with are like a Service Booklet and
information and the technical the maintenance intervals provide proof of regular mainten-
know-how to carry out reliably specified for your motorcycle. ance.
all maintenance and repair work Have all maintenance and re- If an entry is made in the
z on your BMW. pair work that is carried out con- electronic service booklet of the
You can locate your nearest au- firmed in the "Service" chapter in vehicle, service-relevant data is
thorised BMW Motorrad dealer- this manual. For generous treat- saved in the central IT systems
ship by visiting our website: ment of claims submitted after of BMW AG, Munich.
bmw-motorrad.com the warranty period has expired, If there is a change in vehicle
evidence of regular maintenance owner, the data saved in the
is essential. electronic service booklet can
Maintenance and repair work also be viewed by the new
not in compliance with cor- Your authorised BMW Motorrad vehicle owner. A BMW Motorrad
rect procedure dealer can provide information on Retailer or a specialist workshop
Risk of accident due to con- BMW services and the work un- can also view data that is stored
sequential damage dertaken as part of each service. in the electronic service booklet.
BMW Motorrad recommends
having work of this nature car-
ried out on the vehicle by a
Objection Your authorised BMW Motorrad will enter the deadline for the
The vehicle owner can object dealer will be happy provide in- next service. 12
to entries being made by the formation about the mobility ser- For riders with a high mileage
vices available to you. it may be necessary to have 193
BMW Motorrad Retailer or a spe-
cialist workshop in the electronic a service before the specified
service booklet along with the Maintenance work deadline. In this case, a corres-
corresponding storage of data in BMW Pre-delivery Check ponding maximum mileage is
the vehicle and transfer of data entered in the service confirm-
Your authorised BMW Motorrad ation. If this mileage is reached
to the vehicle manufacturer for
dealer conducts the BMW pre- before the next service deadline,
the period of time that they are
delivery check before handing the service must be brought for-
the vehicle owner. In this in- z
over the vehicle to you. ward.
stance, no entry is made in the
electronic service booklet of the BMW Running-in Check
vehicle. The service display in the multi-
The BMW running-in check has function display reminds you ap-
to be performed when the mo- prox. one month or 1000 km in
BMW Motorrad Mobility torcycle has covered between advance of the imminent service
services 500 km and 1200 km deadline before the entered val-
As owner of a new BMW ues are reached.
motorcycle, in circumstances BMW Service
in which assistance is required The BMW Service is carried out To find out more about service,
you can benefit from the once a year. The scope of the go to:
protection afforded by the various service depends on the age of bmw-motorrad.com/service
BMW Motorrad mobility services the vehicle and the mileage rid-
(e.g. Mobile Service, breakdown den. Your BMW Motorrad Re-
service, vehicle recovery service). tailer will confirm the service that
has been carried out for you and
The scope of maintenance work
12 required for your vehicle can be
found in the following mainten-
ance schedule:
Maintenance schedule
1 BMW running-in check 12
(including oil change) 197
2 BMW Service standard
3 Engine-oil change, with
4 Replace air filter element
5 Check valve clearance
6 Replace all spark plugs
7 Check the bearing for de- z
flection on the rear wheel
swinging arm
8 Oil change in bevel gears
9 Change brake fluid, entire
a annually or every
10000 km (whichever
comes first)
b every 2 years or every
20000 km (whichever
comes first)
c for the first time after one
year, then every two years
Maintenance confirmations
12 BMW Service standard scope
198 The repair tasks in the BMW Service standard scope are listed below. The actual scope of maintenance
work applicable for your vehicle may vary.
Performing vehicle test with BMW Motorrad diagnostic system
Draining the condensate hose
Visually inspecting brake pipes, brake hoses and connections
at at
at km
Next service
at the latest
or, when reached earlier z
at km
Stamp, signature
BMW Service Work performed
carried out Yes No
BMW Service
Oil change, engine, with filter
at km
Renewing air cleaner insert
Next service Checking valve clearance
Renewing all spark plugs
at the latest
Check bearing for deflection at rear
or, when reached earlier
wheel swinging arm z
Oil change in rear bevel gears
at km Change brake fluid in entire system
Stamp, signature
BMW Service Work performed
carried out Yes No
BMW Service
Oil change, engine, with filter
at km
Renewing air cleaner insert
Stamp, signature
BMW Service Work performed
carried out Yes No
BMW Service
Oil change, engine, with filter
at km
Renewing air cleaner insert
Next service Checking valve clearance
Renewing all spark plugs
at the latest
Check bearing for deflection at rear
or, when reached earlier
wheel swinging arm z
Oil change in rear bevel gears
at km Change brake fluid in entire system
Stamp, signature
BMW Service Work performed
carried out Yes No
BMW Service
Oil change, engine, with filter
at km
Renewing air cleaner insert
Stamp, signature
BMW Service Work performed
carried out Yes No
BMW Service
Oil change, engine, with filter
at km
Renewing air cleaner insert
Next service Checking valve clearance
Renewing all spark plugs
at the latest
Check bearing for deflection at rear
or, when reached earlier
wheel swinging arm z
Oil change in rear bevel gears
at km Change brake fluid in entire system
Stamp, signature
BMW Service Work performed
carried out Yes No
BMW Service
Oil change, engine, with filter
at km
Renewing air cleaner insert
Stamp, signature
BMW Service Work performed
carried out Yes No
BMW Service
Oil change, engine, with filter
at km
Renewing air cleaner insert
Next service Checking valve clearance
Renewing all spark plugs
at the latest
Check bearing for deflection at rear
or, when reached earlier
wheel swinging arm z
Oil change in rear bevel gears
at km Change brake fluid in entire system
Stamp, signature
BMW Service Work performed
carried out Yes No
BMW Service
Oil change, engine, with filter
at km
Renewing air cleaner insert
Stamp, signature
BMW Service Work performed
carried out Yes No
BMW Service
Oil change, engine, with filter
at km
Renewing air cleaner insert
Next service Checking valve clearance
Renewing all spark plugs
at the latest
Check bearing for deflection at rear
or, when reached earlier
wheel swinging arm z
Oil change in rear bevel gears
at km Change brake fluid in entire system
Stamp, signature
BMW Service Work performed
carried out Yes No
BMW Service
Oil change, engine, with filter
at km
Renewing air cleaner insert
Stamp, signature
BMW Service Work performed
carried out Yes No
BMW Service
Oil change, engine, with filter
at km
Renewing air cleaner insert
Next service Checking valve clearance
Renewing all spark plugs
at the latest
Check bearing for deflection at rear
or, when reached earlier
wheel swinging arm z
Oil change in rear bevel gears
at km Change brake fluid in entire system
Stamp, signature
Service confirmations
12 The table is used to verify maintenance and repair work as well as installed optional accessories and pur-
212 chased special promotions.
Work performed at km Date
Work performed at km Date
Certificate for electronic immobil-
iser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216 215
Certificate for tyre pressure control
(RDC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224
FCC Approval This device complies with Any changes or modifi-
Part 15 of the FCC rules. cations not expressly
Ring aerial in the Operation is subject to the approved by the party
ignition switch following two conditions: responsible for compliance
(1) This device may not could void the user’s
cause harmful inter- authority to operate the
ference, and equipment.
(2) this device must accept
any interference
received, including
interference that may
cause undesired
To verify the authorization
of the ignition key, the
electronic immobilizer
exchanges information with
the ignition key via the ring
Approbation de informations avec la clé de Toute modification
la FCC contact via l'antenne qui n'aurait pas été
annulaire. approuvée expressément
Antenne annulaire Le présent dispositif est par l'organisme responsa-
présente dans le conforme à la partie 15 ble de l'homologation peut
commutateur d'allumage des règles de la FCC. Son annuler l'autorisation
utilisation est soumise aux accordée à l'utilisateur pour
deux conditions suivantes : utiliser le dispositif.
(1) Le dispositif ne
doit pas produire
nuisibles, et
(2) le dispositif doit
pouvoir accepter toutes
les interférences
Pour vérifier l'autorisation extérieures, y compris
de la clé de contact, le celles qui pourraient
système d'immobilisation provoquer une
électronique échange des activation inopportune.
Technical Director
Lasagni Cesare
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules.
Operation is subject to the following two
(1) This device may not cause harmful interference,
(2) this device must accept any interference
received, including interference that may cause
undesired operation.
USA, Canada
Any changes or modifications not expressly
Product name: BMW Keyless Ride ID Device approved by the party responsible for
FCC ID: YGOHUF5750 compliance could void the user’s authority to
IC: 4008C-HUF5750 operate the equipment.
Declaration Of Conformity
We declare under our responsibility that the product
BMW Keyless Ride ID Device (Model: HUF5750)
camplies with the appropriate essential requirements of the article 3 of the R&TIE and the other relevant
provisions, when used for its intended purpose. Applied Standards:
1. Health and safety requirements contained in article 3 (1) a)
• EN 60950-1:2006+A11:2009+A1:2010+A12:2011; Information technology equipment- Safety
2. Protection requirements with respect to electromagnetic compatibility article 3 (1) b)
• EN 301 489-1 (V1 .9.2, 09/2011 ), Electromagnetic compatibility and radio spectrum matters (ERM);
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) standard for radio equipment and services;
Part 1: Common technical requirements
• EN 301 489-3 (V1.4.1, 08/2002) Electromagnetic compatibility and radio spectrum matters (ERM);
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) standard for radio equipment and services; Part 3: Specific conditions for short
range devices (SRD) operating on frequencies between 9 kHz and 40 GHz
3. Means of the efficient use of the radio frequency spectrum article 3 (2)
• EN 300 220-1 & -2 (V2.4.1, 05/2012), electromagnetic compatibility and radio spectrum matters (ERM); Short
range devices (SRD); Radio equipment tobe used in the 25 MHz to 1000 MHz frequency range with power Ieveis
ranging up to 500 mW;
Part 1: Technical characteristics and test methods.
Part 2: Harmonized EN covering essential requirements under article 3.2 ofthe R&TIE directive
The product is Iabeted wilh the CE marking:
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR
Rules and with Industry Canada license-exempt d'Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils
RSS standard(s). radio exempts de licence. L'exploitation est
Operation is subject to the following two
autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes:
(1) This device may not cause harmful (1) l'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage,
interference, and et
(2) This device must accept any interference (2) l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter tout
received, including interference that may brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le
cause undesired operation. brouillage est susceptible d'en
compromettre le fonctionnement.
WARNING: Changes or modifications not expressively approved by the party responsible for
compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment. The term “IC:” before the radio
certification number only signifies that Industry Canada technical specifications were met.
A B Brake temperature
Abbreviations and symbols, 6 Battery
Charging battery when
Warning, 52 14
ABS Brakes
Engineering details, 120 connected, 154 225
ABS Pro in detail, 122
Indicator and warning lights, 49 Charging battery when ABS Pro, 111
Self-diagnosis, 108 disconnected, 154 Adjusting handlebar lever, 101
Accessories Installation, 155 Checking function, 135
General instructions, 160 Maintenance instructions, 153 Safety information, 110
Actuality, 8 Position on the vehicle, 22 Technical data, 185
Ambient temperature remove, 155 z
Outside temperature Technical data, 187 C
warning, 40 Warning for battery charge Care
Reading, 40 current, 48 Chrome, 175
Anti-theft alarm Warning for battery voltage Paintwork preservation, 176
Indicator light, 26 low, 47 Cases
operate, 80 Brake fluid operate, 161
Warning, 48 Checking fluid level, front, 137 Central locking
Auxiliary headlights Checking fluid level, rear, 138 operate, 90
operate, 70 Reservoir, front, 21 Warning for lock status, 49
Average values Reservoir, rear, 21 Checklist, 106
reset, 78 Brake pads Clock
Checking front, 136 Adjusting, 77
Checking rear, 136 Clutch
Adjusting handlebar lever, 101
Running in, 109
Checking function, 139
Technical data, 182
Coolant DTC Engine
14 Checking fill level, 139 Control, 23 Indicator light for engine
Filling level indicator, 21 Engineering details, 123 electronics, 42
Warning for overtemperat- operate, 84 Malfunction indicator lamp, 41
ure, 41 Self-diagnosis, 108 starting, 106
Cruise-control system Warning, 50 Technical data, 181
Control, 23 DWA Engine oil
operate, 86 Technical data, 188
Horn, 23
Fuel Right side of vehicle, 21
Fuel grade, 112 Underneath the seat, 22 I z
Oil filler opening, 19 Ground lighting Ignition
refuelling, 113 operate, 70 Switching off, 59
refuelling with Keyless Switching on, 59
Ride, 114, 115 H Immobiliser
Technical data, 180 Hazard warning flashers Emergency key, 59, 62
Fuel reserve Control, 23 Warning, 40
Range, 51 operate, 72 Instrument panel
Warning, 51 Headlight Ambient-light brightness
Fuses Adjusting right-hand/left-hand sensor, 26
Position on the vehicle, 22 traffic, 69 Overview, 26
replacing, 156 Headlight beam-throw
Technical data, 187 adjustment, 19 J
Warning for driving on left/ Jump-starting, 152
driving on right, 46
Warning for unknown
position, 46
K Lights Motorcycle
14 Keyless Ride
Battery of the radio-operated
automatic daytime riding care, 173
light, 72 cleaning, 173
228 key is empty or loss of the Control, 23 Lashing, 116
radio-operated key, 63 Headlight flasher, operating, 69 parking, 111
Electronic immobiliser EWS, 62 High-beam headlight, Multifunction display, 26
Fuel filler cap, unlocking, 114, operating, 69 Control, 23
RDC Control, 25
Adhesive label for rim, 142 Steering lock
Engineering details, 127 S Locking, 58 z
Safety instructions
Reading, 43 Stowage compartment
for brakes, 110
Warnings, 44 operate, 96
For riding, 104
Rear-wheel drive Position on the vehicle, 19
Seat heating
Technical data, 183 Symbols
Control, 19
Refuelling, 113 Meaning, 29
operate, 94
Fuel grade, 112
Service, 192 T
with Keyless Ride, 114, 115
Service history, 192 Technical data
Remote control
registration, 91 Warning, 54 Anti-theft alarm, 188
Replacing battery, 63, 93 Service-due indicator, 53 Battery, 187
synchronising, 92 Shift assistant, 128 Brakes, 185
Engineering details, 128 Bulbs, 187
Rev. counter, 26
slipstream deflector Chassis and suspension, 184
reverser, 67
Control, 23 Adjusting, 99 Clutch, 182
Dimensions, 189
Electrical system, 187 Turn indicators Warnings
14 Engine, 181 Control, 23 ABS, 49
Engine oil, 180 operate, 73 Anti-theft alarm, 48
Frame, 183 Type plate Battery charge current, 48
Fuel, 180 Position on the vehicle, 21 Brake temperature, 52
General instructions, 7 Tyres Bulb defect, 47
Rear-wheel drive, 183 Checking inflation Central locking, 49
pressure, 140
Checking rims, 141
Installing front wheel, 144
Installing rear wheel, 147 z
Remove the front wheel, 142
Remove the rear wheel, 146
Technical data, 185
Adjusting, 98
Control, 23
Details described or illustrated Original rider’s manual, printed in
in this booklet may differ from Germany.
the vehicle's actual specification
as purchased, the accessories
fitted or the national-market spe-
cification. No claims will be en-
tertained as a result of such dis-
Dimensions, weights, fuel con-
sumption and performance data
are quoted to the customary tol-
The right to modify designs,
equipment and accessories is
Errors and omissions excepted.
Recommended fuel grade Super unleaded (maximum 15 % ethanol, E15)
90 AKI
You can find further information on all aspects of your vehicle at:
BMW recommends