Nanotechnology in Everyday Life

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Nanotechnology is the science and technology of very small things
in particular, things that are less than 100 nanometres in size.
The area of nanoscience and nanotechnology has become increasing
important in recent years a wide variety of applications of these
materials are expected in various branches of Science & Technology
comprising Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Materials Science, Medicine,
Computer Science, Environmental Science Management Science etc.
and thus providing a profound impact in our daily lives.
Nanotechnology is an advance
technique which has progressively
entered in the everyday life,
conquering an increased importance
in many fields. As an emerging
strategy for development, nano-
based ingredients have found a place as consumer products in the
market such as paints, building materials, cosmetics and in medical
treatment, the food industry and so much more. In fact, it's becoming
increasingly harder to keep track of where nanotech isn't. We are using
it in our daily lives and not even realizing it. With nanotechnology;
more useful devices, better drugs for diseases, more appropriate
materials for construction will be developed.
Though nanotechnology is a relatively new science, it
already has numerous applications in everyday life,
ranging from consumer goods to medicine to improving
the environment. Nowadays nanomaterials are
progressively entering in the everyday life, conquering an
increased importance in many fields of technology, nano-
based ingredients can be found in many products on the
market. Some are as follows:
One application of nanotechnology in medicine currently being
developed involves employing nanoparticles to deliver drugs, heat,
light or other substances to specific types of cells, such as cancer cells.
Particles are engineered so that they are attracted to diseased cells,
which allow direct treatment of those cells. This technique reduces
damage to healthy cells in the body and allows for earlier detection of
disease. For example, nanoparticles that deliver chemotherapy drugs
directly to cancer cells are under development.

Drugs containing
dendrimers for
targeted delivery.
The properties of
make them ideal
for improving
early diagnosis and treatment of neurodegenerative
diseases or cancer. They are able to attack cancer cells
selectively without harming other healthy cells. Some
nanoparticles have also been used to enhance
pharmaceutical products such as sunscreen.
Most recent research into military Nano technological weapons includes production of
defensive military apparatus, with objectives of enhancing existing designs of lightweight,
flexible and durable materials. These innovative designs are equipped with features to also
enhance offensive strategy through sensing devices and manipulation of electromechanical

Soldier battle suit

The Institute for Soldier Nanotechnologies (ISN), deriving from a partnership between the
United States Army and MIT, provided an opportunity to focus funding and research
activities purely on developing armour to
increase soldier survival. Each of seven teams
produces innovative enhancements for
different aspects of a future U.S. soldier
bodysuit. These additional characteristics
include energy-absorbing material protecting
from blasts or ammunition shocks, engineered
sensors to detect chemicals and toxins, as well
as built in nano devices to identify personal medical issues such as haemorrhages and
fractures. This suit would be made possible with advanced nano-materials such as carbon
nanotubes woven into fibres, allowing strengthened structural capacities and flexibility,
however preparation becomes an issue due to inability to use automated manufacturing.

Enhanced materials
Creation of sol-gel ceramic coatings has protected metals from; wear, fractures and
moisture, allowing adjustability to numerous shapes and sizes, as well as aiding "materials
that cannot withstand high temperature". Current research focuses on resolving durability
issues, where stress cracks between the coating and material set limitations on its use and
longevity. The drive for this research is finding more efficient and cost effective uses in
application of nanotechnology for Airforce and Navy military groups. Integration of fibre-
reinforced nano-materials in structural features, such as missile casings, can limit
overheating, increase reliability, strength and ductility of the materials used for such

Communication devices
Nanotechnology designed for advanced communication is expected to equip soldiers and
vehicles with micro antenna rays, tags for remote identification, acoustic arrays, micro GPS
receivers and wireless communication. Nanotech facilitates easier defence related
communications due to lower energy consumption, light weight, efficiency of power, as
well as smaller and cheaper to manufacture. Specific military uses of this technology include
aerospace applications such as; solid oxide fuel cells to provide three times the energy,
surveillance cameras on microchips, performance monitors, and cameras as light as 18g.

The United States, along with countries such as Russia and Germany, are utilising the
convenience of small nanotechnologies, adhering it to nuclear "mini-nuke" explosive
devices.[25] This weapon would weigh 5 lbs, with the force of 100 tonnes of TNT giving it the
possibility to annihilate and threaten humanity. The structural integrity would remain the
same as nuclear bombs, however manufactured with nano-materials to allow production to
a smaller scale
Engineers and scientists alike, realise some of these proposed developments may not be
feasible within the next two decades as more research needs to be undertaken, improving
models to be quicker and more efficient. Particularly molecular nanotechnology, requires
further understanding of manipulation and reaction, in order to adapt it to a military arena.
Nanoelectronics holds
some answers on
expanding the
capabilities of electronics
devices can be expanded
while reducing their weight and power consumption.
These include improving display screens on
electronics devices and increasing the density of
memory chips. Nanotechnology can also reduce the
size of transistors used in integrated circuits. Carbon
nanotubes are close to replacing silicon as a material
for making smaller, faster and more efficient
microchips and devices, as well as lighter, more
conductive and stronger quantum nanowires:
Graphene's properties make it an ideal candidate for
the development of flexible touchscreens.
Nanotechnology is being used in several applications to improve
the environment. This includes cleaning up existing pollution,
improving manufacturing
methods to reduce the
generation of new pollution, and
making alternative energy
sources more cost effective.

Potential applications include:

The use of silver nanoclusters as catalysts can significantly
reduce the pollution by products generated in the process used
to manufacture propylene oxide. Propylene oxide is used to
produce common materials such as plastics, paint detergents
and brake fluid.

⚫Diesel fuel containing cerium oxide to reduce emissions.

⚫Increasing the electricity generated by windmills Epoxy containing

carbon nanotubes is being used to make windmill blades. The resulting
blades are stronger and lower weight and therefore the amount of
electricity generated by each windmill is greater.

⚫Producing solar cells that generate electricity at a competitive cost.

Researchers have demonstrated that an array silicon nanowire
embedded in a polymer results in low-cost but high-efficiency solar
cells. This may result in solar cells that generate electricity as cost
effectively as coal or oil.
Consumer ProduCts:
Nanotechnology has already found its way into numerous
consumer products we use every day, from clothing to skin lotion.
They include:

⚫ Silver nanoparticles in fabric that kill bacteria making clothing


⚫Skin care products that use nanoparticles to deliver vitamins

deeper into the skin.

⚫Lithium ion batteries that use nanoparticle-based powering

plugs in electric cars.

⚫Flame retardant formed by coating the foam used in the furniture

with carbon

⚫ Certain sunscreens
containing titanium
dioxide and a face
cream containing fullerenes.
Certain food products, for example vegetable oils, containing
nanodrops of components such as vitamins, minerals, and
phytochemicals A Plastic nanocomposite is being used for "step assists
in the GM Safari and Astro Vans. It is scratch resistant, light-weight,
and rustproof and generates improvements in

strength and reductions in weight,

which lead to fuel savings and
increased longevity.

Smith & Nephew markets an dressing antimicrobial Covered

with nanocrystalline silver. The nanocrystalline coating of silver
rapidly kills a broad spectrum of bacteria in as little as 30

Astromedica has produced a

nanoparticulate based
synthetic bone. "Human bone is made of a calcium and
phosphate composite called Hydroxyapatite. By manipulation
calcium and phosphate at the molecular level, they have
created a patented material that is identical in structure and
composition to natural bone. This novel synthetic bone can be
used is areas where natural bone is damaged or removed, such
as in the treatment of fractures and soft tissue injuries.

 Cosmetics and personal care products: RevitaLiftR intense Lift

Treatment Mask (L'OrealR) uses nanosomes, tiny capsule-like
structures, to transport active ingredients into the skin': outer
layer and then release them.

 Chemical-Free [sic] Sunscreen SPF 15 (Burts BeesR, Inc.):

Contains nano-sized particles of titanium dioxide as the active

 Food Supplements and food storage: Mesozinc nutritional

supplement containing 30 parts per million (ppm) zinc
 FresherLonger Miracle Food Storage (Sharper ImageR):Food
storage containers are infused with silver nanoparticles as
antibacterial agent
 Silver Nano Baby (Baby DreamR Co., Ltd.): Silver nano
polysystem" acts as an antibacterial and deodorizer.
 Appliances: Samsung Washing Machine (Samsung) Silver nano
technology "sterilizes your clothes. DaewooR Vacuum Cleaner
(Daewoo) nano silver coated cyclone canister removes bacteria.
Samsung R Air Conditioner contain silver nano filter and silver
nano evaporator.
 Clothing: Sport Anklet Sock (AgActive) treated with nanoparticles
of silver (typically 25 nm) as bactericide and fungicide.
 Coatings: Pilkington Activ Self Cleaning Glass-glass coating that
works with ultraviolet (UV) light and rain to keep glass free from
organic dirt. UltimaR Photo Paper (Eastman KodakR Company)
nine-layer composition incorporates ceramic nanoparticles to
resist the effects of heat, humidity, light and ozone.
 Electronics and computers: Inisicon (Eikos) Invisicon ink used to
create transparent conductive coatings and manufacture printed
circuits on transparent plastic films; Microprocessor chip
manufactured by IBM using IBM's 90 nanometre Silicon on
Insulator (501) technology to reduce heat and Improve
1. Nanotechnology can also benefit the energy sector: The development of
more effective energy-producing, energy-absorbing, and energy storage
products in smaller and more efficient devices is possible with this technology.
Such items like batteries, fuel cells, and solar cells can be built smaller but can
be made to be more effective with this technology.

2. In the medical world, nanotechnology is also seen as a boon since these can
help with creating what is called smart drugs. These help cure people faster and
without the side effects that other traditional drugs have. You will also find that
the research of nanotechnology in medicine is now focusing on areas like tissue
regeneration, bone repair, immunity and even cures for such ailments like
cancer, diabetes, and other life threatening diseases.

3. Disease treatment is possible to a great extent: Nanotechnology has aided a

lot in the field of the treatment of diseases. Various equipment, instruments
have been used to cure various incurable illnesses and diseases. It’s easy to
diagnose the ailment through nanotechnology. After diagnosis, it becomes far
easier to treat the disease and help the patient to recover soon from the

4. Diagnostic equipment has improved: Many types of equipment that were

huge and not portable are now easily available to any severely diseased person
and can be diagnosed. Many times the hidden disease is diagnosed and treated
with the help of nanotechnology.
1. Negative Impact on Environment: With the advance of
nanotechnology pollution has also been increased due to the
nanoparticle produced during the making of various drugs, atomic
bombs, etc. Hence nanotechnology has a deep impact on the
environment. Many diseases have not only affected humans but also
the creatures living in such environments.

2. Unemployment may prevail: Due to innovation in science and

technology human labour work has been reduced a lot and many times
people have to lose their job as their place has been taken up by
technology. Especially in the field of chemistry, engineering
nanotechnology has increased the scope of machines and reduced
labour-intensive work.

3. Economical imbalance: As the value of oil and diamonds and many

more have been reduced the economy has to face fluctuation as many
alternative sources have been introduced that are more efficient and
don’t require any fuel.

4. Hazardous weapons accessible: Many weapons produced through

nanotechnology are hazardous and vulnerable to people. Now to gain
more power, countries use various weapons. With nanotechnology, it
became easy for a nation to produce and use weapons like atom
bombs to destroy the enemy. One such hazardous day was when
Nagasaki and Hiroshima faced the nuclear explosion, leaving people

5. Costly: Nanotechnology although a boon in medicine, engineering,

material science fields is expensive as the technology requires huge
funds to operate and the raw material required is also costly. Hence
the overall procurement of technology for an ordinary man becomes
Negative impact on people’s health: The health of people is deeply
affected due to nuclear emission of harmful gases. The events of
Hiroshima and Nagasaki are examples of atomic attacks that have
already affected people’s health for many generations. Even now the
young generation is facing nuclear reactions ailments.

Nanotechnology is an emerging field in which new and innovative

tools are being developed to tackle issues of water, air, and soil
pollution. Nanomaterials are being functionalized with organic
and inorganic materials to make them more useful for biosensing,
environmental remediation, disease diagnosis, and much
more. Thus nanomaterials and nanotechnology are the current
and future of technology.

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