Creative Beading - Issue 4, 2020 AU

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43 Exciting



to Beyond

• two fantastic profiles
• Massive shopping guide
• Full of tips, ideas and techniques
20 AmAzing Projects under $20
6 Eureka – bracelet
10 Mad Monnie Designer Jewellery & Beads –
bracelet and earrings
14 Stitch n Bead – hairclip and watch
22 Bohemia Beads – necklace
26 Jest Music and Books – bracelet
28 Goddess Beading Supplies – necklace
28 Benjamin’s Crafts – bracelet
36 Beadworx Qld – necklace
40 Wishware Beads – ring
42 Feather’s Nest Creations – necklace and earrings
46 Bead Them Up – necklace and earrings
48 Benjamin’s Crafts – necklace and earrings
52 Beads Direct – bracelet and earrings
56 Stitch n Bead – necklace and earrings
58 My Beads – necklace and earrings
70 20 projects for under $20 each
18 Shell
Sarah Ezzy-Dickson discovers the raw
beauty of the world’s first bead!
32 Sandra Lacey
We discover the amazing talents of this
seed bead artist.
60 Trends
64 Karen Hill Tribe Silver
Sarah looks at the story behind this
beautiful product.
68 Bead Class

MATERIALS The wearing of a blue glass evil eye bead is an ancient

5 metres of cotton cord
middle-eastern tradition used to protect the owner against
BEADS evil. Use this simple one knot macrame bracelet to hold
1 x evil eye bead your eye of protection.
8 x 7mm round black glass
STEP ONE (the yellow strand) and loop the cord so it
Cut five metre length of makes the shape of a backwards facing ‘L’
TOOLS cotton cord in half. Fold over the top of strands. Take the strand on the
1 x wire coat hanger
each piece of cotton cord in left hand side (brown) and make an ‘L’ shape
Clear nail polish half again. going over the (yellow) strand, under two
4 x sticky labels centre (orange/ purple) strands and then over
Design note: I have used four colours of cord the top of the far right strand (yellow).
– knotting them in the centre to help simplify
LENGTH: adjustable to fit
the instructions. To clarify this for yourself, STEP FOUR
write on two of the labels, brown and orange With yellow strand on the
and attach them to either end of one piece of left-hand side make another
cord. On the other cord, attach labels reading ‘L’ shape over two centre
purple and yellow. strands. Take the brown
strand and loop over the
STEP TWO yellow, under the purple and orange centre
Loop the centre of the strands and through the yellow loop.
brown/orange cord over a
wire coat hanger. Drag the STEP FIVE
tails of the cord through the Pull this knot tight, repeat the knot until you
fold at the top, attaching have a total of 20 knots.
the cord to the wire. Ensure
the brown strand is on the left hand side, STEP SIX
the orange is to the right. Do the same for Thread the two centre
the purple/yellow strand. Hold the project strands (orange and purple)
in place by hooking the coat hanger over through an evil eye tube
a static object like the rung of a chair or a bead and pull up to the
doorknob. knots.


This is a basic macrame knot – it is a Bring the yellow strand down below the
standard household square knot with two bead and make another backward facing
centre strands running straight down through ‘L’. Take the strand on the left hand side
the middle. Starting 120mm from the coat (brown) and make an ‘L’ shape going over
hanger take the cord on the right hand side, the (yellow) strand, under two centre strands
and then over the top of the far right strand


Pull the strands tight so
that they hold the bead in

6 Creative Beading
Eye of
knots from either end until
the bracelet is approximately
the size of your wrist. The
next step makes this bracelet
adjustable so that it can be
easily removed.
Repeat the knot so that there are 20 knots STEP TWELVE
below the bead. Slide a 7mm plain black bead on each of the
cords, tie 60 mm from the last knot of the
STEP TEN bracelet. Put a drop of clear nail polish over
Cut the two sets of strands the knots below the black beads to secure.
off the coat hanger leaving
110mm tails. Take top two STEP THIRTEEN
centre strands (orange and To open the bracelet gently pull the two
purple) and lay them along the centre of the sections of macrame knots apart. They will
last knot on the bottom half of bracelet. Take slide along the centre sections until stopped
the yellow strand from the bottom half and do by the black beads. When placed on the wrist,
another knot – this time going over and under gently tighten by pulling on the black beads
all four centre strands. on the centre strings.

STEP ELEVEN Eureka Beads

Repeat with the yellow and brown strands from Ph: 03 5941 1671
the top half of the bracelet. Continue doing

8 Creative Beading

MATERIALS Learn to make each of these wire components, when

1.2m x 12 gauge aluminium
coloured wire joined they are a wire princess' delight.
0.75m x 1cm wide coloured
organza ribbon
5m x 24 gauge Artistic wire
2 x foldover clasps STEP ONE above the circle just formed, bend the wire in
Creating the frames of thick wire opposite directions around the object to form
Cut 2 x 25cm, 2 x 20cm lengths of the middle circular shape.
2 x 10mm Czech faceted fire 12 gauge wire.
polished STEP SIX
22 x 6mm Czech faceted fire STEP TWO Using a slightly larger circular object, bend
polished Form a flat spiral at one the wire in opposite directions to form the top
27 x 4mm Czech faceted fire end of 25cm length by circular shape of pendant section. Twist the
polished turning the end of the wire wires above this circle, bring the ends of the
4 x 8x6mm faceted crystal into a basic loop. Using wire back down to follow the shape of the top
teardrops a flat nose pair of pliers circle using fingers or
on top of the loop, wind pliers to shape the wire.
2 x 4mm Swarovski bi-cones
crystal the wire into a flat spiral Turn the ends in towards
until it measures 1cm in the circles to form a
3 x 3mm Swarovski bi-cones
crystal width. Form a series of bends in the wire small spiral snug against
using a pen or piece of dowel until the shape the point of the wire
resembles those in the picture. Form second crossing between large
TOOLS flat spiral with the remaining wire on this and medium circle.
Round nose pliers length. Repeat this step second side.
Bent nose pliers STEP SEVEN
Cutting pliers STEP THREE Embellishing the
Using 20cm length of wire, repeat Step 2 frames with beads
above to form the smaller shapes as shown. Cut 1m x 24 gauge Artistic wire, thread 1 x
Circular objects for forming 10mm bead onto the wire leaving a tail of
10cm. Twist the bead into the wire. Thread
Glue 1 x 4mm Czech bead onto the long end of
the wire and twist the bead into the wire a
LENGTH: 55cm couple of millimetres from the large bead.
Continue to thread 4mm beads into the wire
Continued … twisting them individually forming a circular
pattern around the central bead as shown.
STEP FOUR Take wire to back of the work, twist two wire
Cut 1 x 35cm length of wire and position ends together behind the middle bead twice
round nose pliers in the middle of the length. to secure.
Using the largest section of the round nose
pliers or a fine pen, bend the wire to form STEP EIGHT
the smallest circular shape at the bottom of Position beaded flower in the centre of the
pendant frame. largest circle on pendant section. Using the


Take a larger pen or larger circular object
shortest end of wire, wind the wire around
the top join three to four times to secure.
Take the longer tail of wire and wrap this
such as a piece of dowel, position this directly three to four times around the join between

10 Creative Beading
Purple Princess
Wirework Necklace
and Earrings
largest and middle circles. Thread 1 x 10mm STEP TWELVE
bead, position in the middle of the circle, wrap Connect the third frame by wiring 1 x 4mm
the tail three to four times around the join Czech bead in between each of the spirals
between middle and smallest circles. Thread 1 and securing to the edge of the framework.
x 6mm bead, wrap wire around bottom of the Continue adding beads to this third frame as
circle to secure. Trim the wire. before. Trim excess wire, hiding ends under
work with flat nosed pliers.
Cut 1m x 24 gauge wire, start to embellish STEP THIRTEEN
one side of the central frame by threading Repeat Steps 9 to 12 above to have all frames
1 x 4mm crystal bead leaving a tail of 4cm. fully attached.
EARRINGS Thread wire to the back of the work, position
MATERIALS the bead on top of the spiral, secure to the STEP FOURTEEN
0.3m x 12 gauge aluminium outer edge of the frame by winding around Embellishment to pendant top
coloured wire
three to four times in a coil. Thread on 1 x Cut 1 x 50cm piece of wire, secure the middle
1 pair earring hooks 4mm Czech bead, secure by winding three to of the wire around the top of central frame.
0.2m x 24 gauge artistic wire four times around the frame edge. Continue
2 x head pins to add 2 x 4mm Czech beads to the position STEP FIFTEEN
ready to attach the first scroll frame. Thread on one wire 1
x 6mm Czech bead, 1
BEADS x teardrop crystal, 1 x
2 x 6mm Czech faceted fire 3mm Swarovski crystal,
polished threading wire back
2 x 8x6mm faceted crystal through crystal teardrop
teardrops and Czech bead using
3mm crystal as a stopper.

Thread 1 x 4mm Czech
bead, 1 x teardrop crystal, 1 x 3mm Swarovski
STEP TEN crystal, thread wire back through the drop and
Connect centre pendant frame and side frame secure the nearest spiral of the framework.
by winding the wire around both edges at least
three to four times to secure. STEP SEVENTEEN
Thread 1 x 4mm Czech bead onto wire, position
STEP ELEVEN just below the spiral inside the central frame and
Continue to embellish the framework by secure to the opposite side of the framework.
adding a Czech bead, wiring the bead to the Thread 1 x 4mm Czech bead, secure across
frame as per the picture. to the opposite side of the framework. Trim the
wire, hide end to back of work.

Complete the other side of the central frame
using the remaining piece of wire. Repeat
Steps 16 and 17 to complete.

Thread a teardrop crystal onto 1 x head pin;
using a wrapped loop, connect the drop to the
frame of the bottom circle.

12 Creative Beading
Cut 1 x 10cm
piece 12 gauge
wire, form a spiral
approximately the
same size as the
spirals on top of the
central frame. Form
a basic loop at the
end and use this
loop to secure to the
middle of the frame
using the bent nose
pliers to squeeze the
spiral into position.
STEP TWENTY-ONE Repeat Step 24 for the opposite side. Trim
Attaching the ribbon and finishing the ribbon ends with an inverted ‘V’ shape
Cut the ribbon into two equal lengths. to prevent fraying, or singe. Tie into a simple
bow to wear.
Fold end of the
ribbon into the EARRINGS
middle from both STEP ONE
sides and up from Cut 2 x 15cm lengths 12 gauge wire.
the end. Use a dab
of glue to keep this STEP TWO
in place. Form a basic loop by turning the end of
the wire. Form a series of bends in the wire
STEP TWENTY-THREE using a pen or piece of dowel until the shape
Using 1 x foldover clasp, position ribbon resembles those in Picture 2. Form a flat spiral
inside the clasp using bent nose pliers, fold with the remaining wire on this length.
from the oustide to the middle on each side to
secure. Repeat to second ribbon end. STEP THREE
Cut 1 x 15cm length 24 gauge Artistic wire,
create a wrapped loop from the centre of
the spiral. Thread 1 x 6mm Czech bead
completing the wrapped loop after connecting
the earring hook.

Using 1 x head pin, thread 1 x teardrop
crystal, form a wrapped loop to dangle from
STEP TWENTY-FOUR the bottom loop of the framework. Repeat
Connect framework and ribbon by using 1 x steps for second earring.
10cm piece 24 gauge Artistic wire, forming
a wrapped loop into the last spiral of the
framework. Thread 1 x 6mm bead, connect
foldover clasp to the bead with a wrapped Mad Monnie Designer Jewellery & Beads
loop. Trim secure ends.

HAIR CLIP Using sliders and Swarovski this complete collection

1m x black Accu-Flex works up quickly and makes a complement to any outfit …
1m x 22 gauge metre gold make one or all to wear.
1 x gold plated crimp
1 x 10cm hair clip


BEADS STEP ONE Thread strand through other side of slider so
8 x gold Pure Allure Remove back section of hair clip, to make it forms a loop the width of slider.
Butterfly sliders Jet
working section easier.
32 x 4mm Jet Swarovski STEP TEN
STEP TWO Thread both strands of Accu-Flex through
6 x Swarovski pendants Use 22 gauge wire leaving a tail of 1.5cm to next slider from opposite side so strands cross
6000 Jet
fold at the back. Thread wire through 1 x side through same side.
17 x 4mm gold plated brass of Pure Allure slider then pass underneath clip
square rounds
and pull tight. STEP TWELVE
Repeat Steps 7 to 10, completing each slider.
Wire cutters Thread wire through second side of Pure STEP THIRTEEN
Round nose pliers Allure slider, pass underneath clip, pull Thread both strands of Accu-Flex through
wire tight. hole at end of clip to the underside, thread
Crimping pliers
on 1 x gold plated brass square round bead,
STEP FOUR 1 x crimp.
WATCH Repeat process until a total of eight sliders
2 x gold plated wire protectors Tension, flatten crimp, thread approximately
2 x gold plated crimps STEP FIVE 2.5cm of excess Accu-Flex under the wrapped
To finish wire, thread approximately 3cm wire wire before cutting.
2 x gold plated crimp covers
underneath previously wrapped wire, pull
50cm black Accu-Flex tight, cut excess. STEP FIFTEEN
1 x gold plated pewter toggle Re-attach back section of hair clip – make sure
1 x gold plated oval watch face STEP SIX tongues are secure under the wrapped wire.
Thread black Accu-Flex through one side of
end slider and centre.
6 x gold Pure Allure STEP SEVEN
Butterfly Sliders Jet On top side, thread 2 x 4mm Swarovski Jet
14 x Swarovski Simplicity bi-cones onto middle of strand of Accu-flex;
5310 Jet thread through other side of slider.
12 x 4mm gold plated brass
square rounds STEP EIGHT
Take second tail of Accu-Flex strand, thread
1 x 4mm Swarovski Jet bi-cone, 1x 4mm

Rating gold plated brass square round bead, 1 x

Jet Swarovski pendant, 1 x 4mm gold plated
brass square round bead, 1 x 4mm Swarovski
Jet bi-cone.
ZEVER Exquisite Gems

ZB-0010 Garnet Round $5 per strand

Remove loops from watch face. Cut Accu-Flex in two
equal lengths. ZB-0152 Natural Peruvian Opal Now $15 from $22

Take one length of Accu-Flex beading wire, thread
through watch side to the middle of ZB-0220 Peridot Rdle Fasc Only $36 per strand
the wire.

Thread on 1 x Gold Jet Pure Allure Butterfly Slider. Add 2
x Swarovski Simplicity beads on each side of wire. ZB-0155 Petro Tourmaline Now $25 from $45

Thread on 1 x Gold Jet Pure Allure Butterfly Slider. Add 2
x gold plated brass square round beads each side of wire.
ZB-0163 Multi Tourmaline Rdle Fasc $50 per strand
Thread on Gold Jet Pure Allure Butterfly Slider. Add 1 x
Swarovski Simplicity bead on each side of wire.
STEP SIX ZB-00221 Labradorite Oval Fasc Special $18 per strand
Add 1 x gold plated brass square round beads on each
side of wire.

ZB-0182 Apatite Oval Fasc Special $30
Finish by threading both strands through
1 x Swarovski Simplicity Jet bead.

Place crimp on both lengths. Thread only ZB-0160 Amethyst Drop Special $28 for 20cm strand
one strand through the wire protector. Loop wire protector
through loop on toggle, threading strand back through
crimp; tension, flatten crimp.
Cut off excess length; cover crimp with a 4mm gold crimp
cover. Close using crimping pliers.
ZB-0117 Labrodite Onion Fasc $45 for 20cm strand
Repeat steps to complete second half of watchband. We Carry wide range of precious and semi precious gemstone
Beads, Brioletts, Nuggets and Matching earring pairs.
Order online on
Email: [email protected]
Stitch N Bead Or Contact on 0421 272 778
Ph: 03 6344 2717 *Price excluding GST and Valid until stock last.

16 Creative Beading

All about Shell


SHELL IS FORMED NATURALLY BY – yellow, black, green and red. Some shell
various types of mollusc. Molluscs have colours are produced by light refraction off
calcium rich blood which is filtered through various layers within the shell, such as blue-
an outer organ called the mantle. The green or purple iridescent colours. Patterns
mantle then separates the calcium from the are created depending on how the coloured
blood and turns it into calcium carbonate cells grow with the shell, for example straight
crystals which form layers of shell that build lines of colour are formed when the colour
up over time. Some types of mollusc shell cells remain in the same position as the shell
have an iridescent internal layer known grows; while if the growth starts and stops
as nacre or mother of pearl which is constantly, a pattern of dots or dashes is
composed of the same material as pearls. formed on the shell.
Coloured shells are created when various Shells have been used worldwide for
pigments within the mollusc’s food are decoration and trade for many thousands of
combined with the calcium carbonate crystals years; recent excavations in Northern Africa
and deposited into the outer shell before and the Middle East have uncovered shell
it hardens. Four main coloured pigments beads thought to be around 100,000 years
produce the many colours found in shells old – the oldest in the world.

18 Creative Beading

Some scientists are

using the discovery of
these beads and others
found at other excavations
to determine when and how
modern human behaviour emerged.
The study of these shell beads suggests that
humans evolved gradually in Africa between
250,000 and 50,000 years ago, since most ward off
of these beads have been discovered in and the Evil Eye
around Northern and Southern Africa. The in Europe and
shell beads found have all been around the Middle East,
the size of a pea and have a hole punched presumably because they
through the centre. They also had worn edges resemble eyes themselves with a coloured area
and smoothed regions consistent with being surrounding a dark ‘pupil’ in the centre of the
rubbed against thread, clothing or other shells shell. They were also used in the Victorian era
and some beads had traces of ochre found for the same reason, only they were usually
in them, believed to have been used as a set within a gold or silver bezel and worn as
decorative pigment. All of the shells found earrings, rings or brooches. Cats Eye shells Shells were
in the various excavations in Africa have have also been a regular component of
been found in clusters of similar shades and hoodoo rituals for many centuries. widely used
sized beads. Cowry shells were used by the Ojibwa as currency
Shells were widely used as currency in people in North America in Midewiwin
various parts of the world, with each group ceremonies. Cowry shells are smooth and
in various
or tribe using a shell unique to their area, porcelain-like and come in many colours, parts of the
often making them worthless to other tribes. usually ranging from dark brown to white world, with
Shells used for currency were usually strung and pink, often with dotted patterns. They
into long strands, and depending on the are egg-shaped with a long, narrow opening each group
tribe, their worth could be indicated with the on one side and can grow up to 15cm long. or tribe
length of a strand of shells, the number of The Cowry shells contain a sea snail and
shells or the pattern in which they were strung. are found in tropical and subtropical seas
using a
The shell strands were then worn around the worldwide. Historically they have been used as shell unique
neck or waist for safe keeping and for ease currency in several parts of the world, as well to their
of negotiations. Shells were and still are as being used extensively in jewellery.
widely used in jewellery and for decorative Paua shell is native to New Zealand waters area, often
purposes and often carried religious or and is a very popular shell to use in jewellery making them
superstitious meanings. making, due to its distinctive colouring. Paua
Cats Eye shells are one such example, shells have waves of blues, greens and purples
worthless to
having been used as protective charms to inside the shell, while the outside is black. other tribes.

In terms of The shells were used by the Maori to add a are tough laws that state the amount, size
gleam of life to the eyes of carved statues and and species of Abalone that can be caught,
shell beads, figures; and also to adorn clothing and used with tough penalties if you’re caught with too
there are in jewellery. Modern Paua shells are often many, undersized or an endangered species
dyed to enhance their natural beauty and of Abalone.
thousands are then generally coated with epoxy resin to In terms of shell beads, there are thousands
of types to protect them from being scratched as they are of types to choose from, and these days the
choose from, quite fragile. shells are usually chosen for their colours and
Abalone shells are related to Paua shells, shapes rather than for superstitious reasons.
and these but can be found in many regions such as Beads can be made from almost any type of
days the shells Australia, Japan, America and South Africa. shell, even oysters. The most popular shape
Abalone shells are a lot stronger and have for shell beads is either in chip form or as
are usually similar colours to Paua shells, although the heishi discs (small flat discs that look like
chosen for colours aren’t as bright – and like Paua shells, long snakes when strung together) as most
their colours Abalone shell is also popular for using in
jewellery or as inlays in musical instruments,
types of shell can be cut into these shapes
with minimal wastage. Shell beads can also
and shapes sculptures or artworks. Tasmania produces 25 be made by drilling holes through complete
rather than for per cent of the world’s Abalone, however there shells, and an interesting twist on this is to
cut a shell in half or slices, exposing the inner
superstitious structure. Flat shells can also be turned into
reasons. focal pieces by having a pattern
engraved into the surface or
pierced through the shell.
Shells that you have
gathered from the beach
should be cleaned before being
used in your jewellery pieces;
otherwise you may end up with a
smelly necklace! Soak your shells in
a combination of bleach and water
(half and half) for a couple of days. The
bleach won’t damage your shells and it
will kill any bacteria on or inside the shell.
After soaking, give any rough spots on your
shells a rub with a toothbrush or a buffer to
make them shine. Shells will have a more
lustrous appearance if you rub mineral oil on
them; or if you wish to seal them completely,
you can use clear nail polish.
Shells can also be dyed and if you intend
to dye your shells, do not rub them with oil
first as this will act as a barrier. To prepare
the shells for dying, boil them for ten to fifteen
minutes and rinse with a combination of clean
water, a teaspoon of vinegar and a pinch of
salt for each cup of water used. Mix the dye
according to pack directions and then allow

20 Creative Beading
the solution to boil with the shells immersed
for a further ten minutes. Dry your shells on
paper towels (don’t use newspaper as the
newspaper ink can transfer onto the shells).
Alternatively, you can paint your shells with
normal acrylic paint and then seal with clear
nail polish.
Importing and exporting shells into
and out of Australia is subject to specific
laws, such as the Environment Protection
and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999,
which regulates the export of Australian
native species and the import of live
plants and animals that could adversely
affect native species or habitats of You can access a list of prohibited
Australia. If you wish to import or export animals and animal products and how
shells, you may require a license to do so to apply for a license at http://www.
– so it is best to check.

Gemstone • Watch Faces • Glass Beads • Waxed Cotton Cor

Fresh Water Pearls • Shell • Findings • Pendants and more ..

MATERIALS Nature’s generous supply of autumn colours combined

1 x Nouveau swirls
toggle clasp with a twisted leaf to create a soothing balance.
7 x bronze eye pins
2 x Vintaj Filigree cones
1m brown Tigertail.
6 x bronze crimps STEP ONE brown multifaceted round bead, 1 x crimp.
Cut Tigertail into three equal lengths. Move beads along the Tigertail against folded
Using piece one, thread 1 x 4mm Vintaj crimp; fold end crimp. Repeat Steps 3 to 5
BEADS melon spacer. Move spacer to middle of for the second side of the Tigertail.
7 x Size 6 green seed beads the Tigertail. Bring both ends of Tigertail
10g light olive green together; thread both ends through 1 x STEP SIX
silverlined bugles yellow multifaceted round bead, 1 x brown Using Tigertail piece two, place a bead
10g light topaz multifaceted round bead, 1 x 10mm olive stopper on end. Thread olive bugle beads
silverlined bugles silverlined round bead, 1 x yellow silverlined until approximately 5cm from the desired
1 x 6mm light olive leaf bead. length of necklace. Secure the end with a
multifaceted round bead stopper.
10 x 6mm brown STEP TWO
multifaceted rounds Separate the two ends of Tigertail; on each STEP SEVEN
7 x 6mm yellow thread 1 x olive, 1 x brown silverlined oval Using Tigertail piece three, thread a bead
multifaceted rounds bead, 1 x 6mm yellow multifaceted round stopper. Thread brown bugle beads to the
5 x 10mm olive silver bead, 1 x crimp. Fold each crimp. same length chosen for Strand 2.
lined rounds
4 x olive and brown silver STEP THREE STEP EIGHT
lined ovals Using one side of the Tigertail from Step Take one end of the Tigertail 2 from Step 5,
1 x yellow silverlined leaf 2, thread on 1 x crimp. Leaving 10cm of thread 1 x crimp, pass through eye pin loop,
Tigertail fold crimp. Thread 1 x 6mm brown going back through the crimp, fold crimp.
2 x 4mm Vintaj
melon spacers multifaceted round bead, 1 x olive silverlined Repeat this for the Tigertail in Step 7.
round bead, 1 x 6mm brown multifaceted
round bead, 1 x crimp. Move beads along STEP NINE
TOOLS the Tigertail against the folded crimp; fold Using beaded Tigertail Piece 1 from Steps 3
Flat nose pliers end crimp. to 5, line up the middle of this Tigertail with
Wire cutters the middle of the Tigertail Pieces 2 and 3
Round nose pliers STEP FOUR with bugle beads on. Adjust beads to match.
Using same section of Tigertail, thread on Thread a crimp on the Tigertail to sit even;
Bead stopper 1 x crimp. Leaving 10cm of Tigertail, fold pass Tigertail end through eye pin loop;
the crimp. Thread 1 x 6mm yellow going back through the crimp, adjust the
LENGTH: 40cm multifaceted round bead, 1 x olive/brown length and tension before folding crimp.
silverlined oval bead, 1 x 6mm yellow
multifaceted round bead, 1 x crimp. Move STEP TEN
beads along the Tigertail against folded Repeat Steps 8 and 9 for ends of Tigertail.
crimp; fold end crimp.
STEP FIVE Onto 1 x eye pin thread 1 x 4mm Vintaj

Rating Using same section of Tigertail, thread on

1 x crimp. Leaving10cm Tigertail, fold the
crimp. Thread 1 x brown multifaceted round
melon bead, 5 x seed beads; pass the
end through a Vintaj Filigree end cone; go
through the hole in the toggle bar. Leaving
bead, 1 x olive silverlined round bead, 1 x 1cm of wire, form a loop and trim.

22 Creative Beading
Twisted Leaf
STEP TWELVE bead; leaving 1cm of wire form a loop and
Thread 1 x 6mm green multifaceted round trim. Open formed loop with pliers, linking on
bead onto 1 x eye pin. Leave 1cm of eye pin, the clasp end.
form a loop and trim. Open formed loop
with two pairs of pliers, thread onto the loop
showing from the toggle bar end.
Bohemia Beads
On second end of necklace, take eye pin; Ormeau Qld 4208
pass it through 1 x Vinaj Filigree end cone. Ph: 0401 848 323
Thread 1 x 6mm brown multifaceted round

24 Creative Beading

MATERIALS Create movement on your wrist using dangling lampwork.

25cm Accuflex wire
2 x silver crimps A simple but very stunning look.
2 x silver wire guardians
16 x jump rings
4 x head pins STEP ONE Use 2 x jump rings to attach the magnetic
Using 1 x head pin thread 1 x seed bead, clasp to the bracelet through the loops
Magnetic clasp metal bead, lampwork bead, metal bead; created by the wire guardians.
form a simple loop on the top. Do this for all
BEADS 4 x head pins.
10 x Jet Design Lampwork
Beads (LB) STEP TWO Jet Music & Books – Craft Book Specialists
4 x size 11 clear seeds Thread a crimp to the end of the wire, thread Shop 17, 514 Warwick Road
wire up and back through the wire guardian, Yamanto Qld 4305
7 x 8mm Czech crystals (Cry)
going back through the crimp. Fold the crimp Ph: 07 3288 0156
12 x daisy spacers closed, trim off the excess wire.
8 x 3mm metal beads
24 x metal dangles (MD) STEP THREE
Thread on the following sequence: Through
middle of 1 x metal dangle, 1 x Czech
TOOLS Crystal, middle of 1 x metal dangle, 1 x daisy,
Cutters 1 x lampwork bead, 1 x daisy. Repeat until
Crimping pliers six remaining lampwork beads are used, add
Round nose pliers 1 x metal dangle through middle, 1 x Czech
crystal, 1 x metal dangle through middle.


Check length; adjust if necessary. Crimp off
the end of the wire as in Step 2.

Use a jump ring to attach the loop of metal
dangle and lampwork head pin drops from
Step 1. Plus 1 x metal dangle to metal dangle
threaded through centre on the bracelet.
Attach in the following sequence: MD, MD,
lampwork drop; keep this sequence going to
the end, finished with MD, MD.

26 Creative Beading

MATERIALS Try this simple form of chain maille, the linking jumprings
11 x 13mm heavy duty
round jump rings add an interesting twist.
66 x 6mm jump rings
88 x 4mm round jump rings
33 x 38mm eye pins STEP ONE
1 x clasp – optional Sort beads into colour groups, three beads in
each group. Link these sets of three together
Diagram 2
using eye pins forming a loop on each and
BEADS adding to next eye pin as in Diagram 1 and STEP TWO
33 x 8mm Czech fire 2. Total of 11 groups of three. *Link 2 x 4mm jump rings onto 1 x 6mm
polished assorted
jump ring (JR), close; into the 2 x 4mm JR link
6mm JR, adding 2 x 4mm JR before closing
TOOLS the 6mm JR. Add a 6mm JR and close* – to
Chain nose pliers this 6mm JR add 13mm JR and repeat from
Diagram 1
Round nose pliers x 2 *to* to complete a chain maille section;
repeat until total of 11 sections.

LENGTH: 95-110cm

Diagram 3

Finishing chain maille
sections, join together by
opening 6mm JR; linking
bead section group from
Step 1, continue linking
all sections together.

Design option: Add
a clasp to last chain
section by opening a 6mm
JR and replacing 2 x 4mm
JR with the clasp; this will
enable you to double
wrap your necklace
with ease.

Goddess Beading

Rating Supplies
16 Tooronga Terrace
Beverly Hills
Ph: 02 9150 9931

28 Creative Beading
Rings of Elegance
Chain Maille

MATERIALS Wood you like to be charmed? Design by Tania Carling

1 x Sterling Silver
toggle clasp from Benjamin’s Crafts.
2 x 6mm .76x4.1 oval jump
2 x Sterling Silver charms
2 x textured flat rings STEP ONE STEP FIVE
2 x crimp tubes Using wire cutters, cut around Check length, adjust by adding or removing
25-30cmTigertail. beads to suit size needed.
2 x Cable Nimble/wire
Using one section of the toggle clasp, place Using second side of toggle, repeat Step 2 to
the guardian through the toggle loop. Add finish end.
BEADS crimp onto Tigertail, feeding through the
8 x 10x15 oval nuggets guardian; fold back through second side All parts available online or in shop – almost
Bayong Wooden leaving about 2cm tail, slide crimp up, 100 charms to pick from.
3 x 12mm Sterling Silver tension tight against guardian. Flatten crimp
2 x 8x12mm ovals using flat nose pliers to secure; trim off Benjamin’s Crafts
Sterling Silver excess Tigertail. 868 Beaufort Street
1 x 4mm Sterling Silver cube Inglewood WA
Ph: 08 9370 2132
2 x 6mm Sterling Silver cubes
1 x Sterling Silver tube bead
2 x Sterling Silver charms

Wire cutters STEP THREE
Flat nose pliers Open oval jump ring using two pairs of
pliers; slide onto textured jump ring. Close
tight and neat; repeat with second textured

Thread onto Tigertail in this order: Bayong
bead, jump ring on textured ring, Bayong
bead, 8mm Sterling Silver bead, Sterling
Silver tube bead, 8mm Sterling silver bead,
Bayong bead, jump ring on Sterling silver
charm, Bayong Bead, 6mm Sterling Silver
cube, 8mm Sterling Silver bead, 6mm Sterling
Silver cube, Bayong bead, jump ring on
Sterling Silver charm, Bayong bead, Sterling

Rating Silver oval bead, 4mm Sterling Silver cube,

Sterling Silver oval bead, Bayong bead,
through the jump ring on textured ring,
Bayong bead.

30 Creative Beading
Sterling Silver and
Wood Charm



“I WAS ON THE LOOKOUT for a hobby

that would capture me. Then one day I was
walking down Smith Street of Collingwood in
Melbourne and noticed the Bead Company
and some sparkly beads. That was it. I was
well and truly kidnapped.”
What captured Sandra’s heart was the
art of bead weaving, and in particular
‘off loom’ weaving where beads are threaded
tightly together with string or hand stitched
onto fabric. The stitch can also be used on
an object such as a ball – or bigger (as in
Sandra’s ambitious case).
“I first began beading by learning how to
do the brick stitch. I loved it and wanted to
bead over the Sydney Harbour Bridge! Or, at
least, my refrigerator.”
The brick stitch is one of a number of
traditional bead weaving techniques and
possibly one of the oldest. While its origins
are unclear, it was a popular practice of
early native Americans, and found in ancient
decorative items such as hair bands and
bracelets from Africa, Central America and
the Middle East. The stitch is often used with
seed beads or bugle beads and thus it is also
known as the bugle stitch.

32 Creative Beading

While its
[brick stitch]
origins are
unclear, it was
a popular
Sandra had found the hobby she was been great debates about what is art and what practice of
looking for and immediately threw herself into is craft, and craft is always considered to be
bead weaving. She learnt everything she could the poor sister. I disagree wholeheartedly. Art early native
about off loom stitches like the brick stitch and and craft are simply two sides to the gold coin Americans,
the peyote, which Sandra says ‘took a long of creativity. How this currency is spent is up to
time to get straight in her head’. the artist.”
and found
“I started visiting bead shops, mostly the Bead Along the way Sandra studied under many in ancient
Company of Victoria. The women in the shop
would often solve my construction problems.
well known beading artists and authors such as
David Chatt – – and ‘Bead
I found trial and error works best for me, Cats’ Virginia Blakelock and Carole Perrenoud items such
and I often do samples to try out a particular
technique. It was through my association with the
– She also learnt under
accomplished bead weaving artist and educator
as hair bands
Bead Company that I became acquainted with NanC Meinhardt – and bracelets
the Bead Society of Victoria. It was a wonderful – as well as local artists. from Africa,
opportunity to be kept up to date with what “I spent a week with David Chatt learning
was happening in the bead world. It was also a his self-created, mathematical stitch called ‘the Central
fantastic opportunity to break into exhibition of right angle weave’ which is very sculptural. America and
my work.” Virginia Blakelock and Carole Perrenoud
“I really wanted my beadwork to be however taught me a love of really tiny beads the Middle
considered a form of art. There have always and I was totally captivated. Thanks to them, East.

“I started first
with bead
and the next
thing I knew,
I was buying
more fabric
than beads.”
I’ve worked with beads as small as Size 23 that I started on a visit to California. It’s a
which probably contributed to a partial loss of combination of tubular peyote and circular
vision – just kidding! They also introduced me peyote stitching.”
to the beauty of Czech 24 karat gold beads.” A tubular peyote stitch is often used for
Sandra says her passion for beads burned amulet bags as it works well for almost any
white hot for a good five years. During that cylindrically shaped item such as a pen or
time she explored different techniques, tried a bottle. The circular peyote is often used
bead crochet and loom weaving, taught for to wrap around objects like a container, for
a while and even tried her hand at running example.
a mail order business called Bead Heaven. “I was inspired by the Pacific Ocean that
Starting a business out of her passion was a I was flying over and the challenge was to
mistake, she feels, as it soon became more bring the water into the piece. I used circular
like hard work than fun. Then, as her passion peyote to make the piece look like waves.
slowly waned, she turned her fancy toward The circular peyote was done afterward as
fabric and a whole new world opened for her a form of decoration. When I finished the
in textiles. piece, I realised there was something missing
“I started first with bead embroidery and the so I contacted a silversmith I knew and asked
next thing I knew, I was buying more fabric her to design an anchor. That finishing piece
than beads. Beading is classed as a textile became my ‘anchor’ and I enjoy wearing it.”
because it is usually a thread that holds it all Nowadays, Sandra’s passion is creativity in
together. I found if you push the envelope, the whatever form it takes, something to which
trip can take you to very interesting places.” many artists aspire.
“One of my favourite pieces is one of “There seems to be a trend toward using
the last pieces I made. It’s an amulet bag a multiplicity of artistic styles, a type of

34 Creative Beading
hybridisation. For instance, techniques of
paper artists are now being used by quilters,
and many clay artist techniques are being
used by bead makers.”
Sandra still has a great fondness for all
things sparkly and takes inspiration from
other artists; nature; and interestingly,
whatever problem she may have at the time.
She seems to work them out through her
creativity. She goes to the bead and gem
shows, stitches and craft shows and the
quilting and craft shows, and subscribes to
beading magazines as well as textile type
magazines such as ‘Textile Fibre Forum’,
‘Ornament’ magazine and ‘Quilt Art’.
Much of Sandra’s focus now however,
is on a practice even older than beading
– the celestial art of astrology. And like
the good astrologer she is, she suggests
to those interested in beading to ‘listen
to your inner voice’ … and join a local
beading club.
To find out more about Sandra or about
yourself visit:
Sandra can also be contacted via email
address: [email protected]

MATERIALS This elegant chain maille necklace is a variation of the

238 x 4.5mm ID chain
maille rings Byzantine weave designed by Beadworx using hand sawn
21 x 7mm ID chain chain maille rings.
maille rings
5 x 76mm head pins
1 x toggle
Open all rings first, it is a lot quicker making Fold back the two rings farthest to the right,
5 x 8mm Swarovski crystal your piece if you are prepared; open the ring spread the middle ones, as shown in
bi-cones using two pairs of pliers, bringing one pair of Diagram 5.
5 x 6mm Swarovski crystal pliers towards you, one pair away.
5 x 6mm rondelles STEP ONE
This necklace
works in repetitive
TOOLS sequences Steps Diagram 5
Bent nose pliers 1 to 6 to form a
Chain nose pliers sequence. Put three STEP SIX
sets of two open Diagram 1 Add 2 x open rings through the middle rings,
Round nose pliers
rings together as shown in as shown in Diagram 6. This is one full
Diagram 1. Note: You will be using 4.5mm sequence.
ID rings unless specified to be different.

Fold back the two
rings farthest to the
right, spread the
middle ones, as
Diagram 6
shown in Diagram 2. Diagram 2
STEP THREE Add 2 x open rings through the last two rings,
Add 2 x open rings as shown in Diagram 7. These two rings are
through the middle the spacer set between sequences.
rings, as shown in
Diagram 3.
Diagram 3.
Add 2 x open rings, then additional two onto
these first two, as shown in Diagram 4.

Diagram 7


Rating Diagram 4
Repeat Steps 1 to 7 three more times.
Diagram 8 shows that piece after making
two full sequences of Steps 1 to 7. Silver
rings show the ‘spacer’ set of rings.

36 Creative Beading
Byzantine Variation
Weave with
Swarovski Drops
Add 2 x open rings onto the last two rings
– Refer to Diagram 12.

Diagram 8.

Repeat Steps 1 to 6 one time.

STEP TEN Diagram 12

Add 1 x 7mm ID ring into the last set of rings.
Add 1 x 7mm ID ring through the last 4.5mm
ID ring going through the inside of the first STEP SIXTEEN
7mm ring then over the prior ring before Fold back the two rings farthest to the
closing. Refer to Diagram 9. right, spread the middle ones, as shown in
Diagram 13.

Diagram 9

Diagram 13
Add 1 x 7mm ID ring through the 4.5mm ID STEP SEVENTEEN
ring going through the inside of the both prior Add 2 x open rings through the middle rings,
7mm rings then over both rings before closing. as shown in Diagram 14.
Refer to Diagram 10.

Diagram 10 Diagram 14


Repeat Steps 1 to 6. Make five Feature Drops – using a head pin,
thread 1 x 8mm crystal, 1 x rondelle 1 x 6mm
STEP THIRTEEN crystal. With round nose pliers form a tight neat
Repeat Steps 10 and 11 loop. Cut excess off. For the two side feature
drops, add 1 x open ring to the bottom two
STEP FOURTEEN rings. For the two middle spacer feature drops,
Feature add directly to spacer rings. For the centre
Add 2 x open rings through the centre two feature drops, add 3
rings of the last sequence you have just x 7mm ID rings as in
finished. Refer to Diagram 11. Steps 10 and 11
KITS Design note:
Continue on with the
available in either
necklace carrying on
Sterling Silver Plated from Step 13, being
or 18K Hard Gold the second set of 3 x
7mm rings. Steps 14
Plated rings.
to 18 are the feature
Rings also available. Diagram 11 drop sections.

38 Creative Beading
Repeat steps 1 to 7. Add directly onto the last
two rings feature drop. Refer to Step 18 for
middle feature drop instructions.

Repeat Steps 1 to 6, repeat Steps 10 and
11, repeat Steps 1 to 6 second time, and
repeat Steps 10 and 11 again. Add on the
centre feature drop, repeating Steps 14
to 17. Refer to Step 18 for feature drop STEP TWENTY-THREE
instructions. Repeat Steps 1 to 7 five times.


Continuing the necklace, repeat Steps 1 to Add on 1 x ring to the end, attaching toggle
7. Add directly onto the last two rings feature end. On the second side of necklace, add two
drop. Refer to Step 18 for middle feature drop rings, 1 x ring, attaching end of toggle.
KITS available in either Sterling Silver
STEP TWENTY-TWO Plated or 18K Hard Gold Plated rings.
Repeat Steps 1 to6, repeat Steps 10 and 11, Rings also available.
repeat Steps 1 to 6 second time, repeat Steps
10 and 11 again. Add on the side feature Designed by Beadworx
drop, repeating Steps 14 to 17. Refer to Step Ph: 07 5563 7544
18 for side feature drop instructions.

MATERIALS Using wrapped wire work, Swarovski donuts and metalized

.5m x 22 gauge non tarnish
silver wire donuts, this silver and aqua piece is cool and crisp.
1m x Peacock Blue
28 gauge wire

BEADS STEP ONE firmly hold crystal and twist to spiral, curl the
2 x 10mm opaque Dark Using .5m x 22 gauge wire make firm neat beads into the middle section of the ring.
Sapphire flowers
circle the size of the ring required. Wrap the Continue wrapping around the base until the
2 x 8mm Rhinestone initial end around the coils, using the best desired pattern is achieved.
Squaredelles nickel black
diamond part.

2 x 8mm Swarovski crystal STEP TWO

donuts Indocolite
Using 28 gauge blue wire, wrap sideways Wishware Beads
2 x 6mm Pacific Opal around the ring base; add feature beads by Ph: 08 9721 6566
threading, bending wire back down 1cm;
2 x 5x10mm crystal
teardrops aquamarine blue

Round nose pliers

40 Creative Beading
Keys Ring

BRACELET The lustre of the Paua shell is enhanced by using matte

180mm heavy Soft Flex Miyuki beads in this bracelet set by Feather’s Nest.
beading wire or Tigertail
32 x 25mm eye pins
18 x 25mm head pins BRACELET 1 x 8mm Tahitian pearl onto eye pin, adding
16 x 6mm jump rings STEP ONE jump ring onto Paua shell, join at loop. Total
4 x small crimp beads Attach toggle to one end of beading wire of eight.
by threading through toggle loop, adding 1 x green heart onto head pin, 3 x 3mm
1 x toggle set
1 x crimp; leaving a small tail. Fold crimp. square silver beads onto eye pin, join pins at
Thread 1 x 3mm square khaki bead onto wire loops. Total of eight.
BEADS and secure wire with a second crimp. 1 x 8mm green pearl onto eye pin, adding
8 x 17mm green shell discs jump ring onto shell disc, join at loop. Total
8 x medium Paua shell STEP TWO of eight.
pieces Thread 3 x 3mm square khaki beads onto
8 x CCB disco balls wire. STEP FIVE
Thread each of the sets from Step 4 using eye
8 x small foil pale green
hearts STEP THREE pins; loop in order onto beading wire, with 1
Thread 3 x 3mm square khaki beads, 1 x x 3mm square khaki bead between each set.
8 x 8mm glass pearls
– Tahitian 6mm pearl to a head pin. Form a simple Repeat, using total eight sets.
loop, trimming excess wire. Make a total of
1 x 6mm glass pearls
– Tahitian two, place one aside, add one to beading STEP SIX
wire. After complete threading of sets, thread 3 x
8 x 8mm Swarovski pearls 3mm square khaki beads, second head pin
– light green
STEP FOUR from Step 3, adding 3 x 3mm square khaki
1 x 6mm Swarovski pearl Make sets of each of the following forming beads, onto wire.
– light green
simple loops to ends once the beads have
76 x 3mm Miyuki square been added: STEP SEVEN
Khaki Iris Matte Metallic
(#2035) beads 1 x CCB disco ball onto head pin, adding 3 x Attach second toggle section as in Step 1.
square khaki beads onto eye pin, join pins at Design note: Ensure pearl colours alternate
24 x 3mm Miyuki square
Crystal Silver lined (#1101) loops. Total of eight. when threading onto beading wire.

Fine round nose pliers
Crimping pliers

Length: 20-22cm

Continued …

P early Green
Shells Set
1 pair ear hooks
2 x 25mm head pins

2 x medium sized Paua shell
pieces – matching
2 x 6mm Swarovski pearls
– Tahitian EARRINGS onto eye pin; form a simple loop to the end.
6 x 3mm square khaki STEP ONE – SQUARES Attach one eye pin loop to jump ring; second
Miyuki beads Thread 6mm pearl, 3 x 3mm square khaki end to the ear hook.
2 x 6mm jump rings beads, onto head pin. Form a simple loop. Repeat for second earring.
Trim excess wire.
Attach Paua shell piece, looped head pin and e.
BEADS – LARGE ear hook to jump ring. Repeat for second
2 x large Paua shell pieces earring. Feather’s Nest
2 x small donut Paua Shop 2, 8 Farrell Street,
shell pieces STEP ONE – LARGE Yandina Qld 4561
2 x 6mm Swarovski pearls Attach 1 x jump ring to Paua shell piece. Ph: 07 5472 7409
– Tahitian Thread 1 x 6mm pearl, 1 x Paua shell donut

44 Creative Beading

MATERIALS These lampwork hollows are a statement on their own –

1m Sterling Silver chain
1m Sterling Silver wire just add silver chain and classic black.
15 x 3cm Sterling Silver
head pins ball end
2 x 5cm Sterling Silver head
pins ball end STEP ONE STEP SEVEN
1 Sterling Silver Lobster Cut chain into the following lengths: Open loop on lampwork eye pin from Step 3,
clasp with jump ring 2 x 14cm, 6 x 10 links, 1 x 4cm, 1 x 9cm. add to six link chain from Step 6, add 1 x 10
1 pair Sterling Silver link chain with 8mm Czech to end to lampwork
Sheppard ear hooks STEP TWO bead. Complete second side to match.
Using silver wire thread 1 x 8mm Czech,
form a simple loop to end of wire, allowing STEP EIGHT
5 x 14x30mm clear, black enough wire to form a simple loop cut and Using 1 x 14cm chain section add to last
and white hand blown glass form loop. Repeat for a total of 10. Place two 8mm Czech eye pin in construction. Add 1
25 x 8mm Czech fire aside for earrings. Using 1 x 3cm head pin, x 8mm Czech eye pin to chain, open loop
polished Jet thread 1 x 8mm Czech forming a simple loop on 8mm Czech add 1 x parrot clasp. Join 1
above bead. Repeat for a total of 15. x 14cm chain adding 1 x 8mm Czech with
10 x 3mm Swarovski bi-
cones Jet jump ring for clasp to second side.
Using silver wire thread 1 x 3mm bi-cone, 1 STEP NINE
TOOLS x lampwork bead, 1 x 3mm bi-cone; form an Open lower loop on lampwork centre cluster,
Round nose pliers eye pin loop to each end. Repeat for total of add two remaining chains sections allowing
Chain nose pliers two. Using silver 5cm head pins thread 1 x four lengths to hang at different lengths.
Cutters 3mm bi-cone, 1 x lampwork bead, 1 x 3mm
bi-cone, form an eye pin loop to end. Repeat STEP TEN
for total of two. Place aside for earrings. Add seven remaining head pins to lengths of
chain at various lengths to achieve a tasselled
STEP FOUR effect.
Using silver wire thread 1 x 3mm bi-cone, 1
x lampwork bead, 1 x 3mm bi-cone, form STEP ELEVEN
an eye pin loop to base of bead. To the top Earrings Construction
of the lampwork bead form a large wrapped Using 1 x lampwork bead threaded on head
loop; this will be centre cluster drop. pins from Step 3, join 1 x 8mm Czech eye
pin from Step 2 by opening loop to the side;
STEP FIVE close.
Centre Cluster
Using lampwork bead from Step 4 add 2 x STEP TWELVE
8mm Czech eyepins, 8 x 8mm Czech head Join to Sheppard hooks by sliding over back
pins from Step 2, add to large wrapped loop section of ear hook and gently into loop
by opening loop and threading then closing section. Repeat for second earring.
loop tight.


Rating Add 1 x 10 link chain to each 8mm Czech

eye pin in cluster. To end of chain add second
8mm Czech eye pin by opening loop. Add 1
Bead Them Up
Shop 3, 284-290 Rocky Point Road
Ramsgate NSW 2217
x 10 link chain to end of second 8mm Czech.

46 Creative Beading
Lampwork Orb

MATERIALS Hanging close to the neck, a fob using turquoise coloured

.50m x 6.5mm Belcher chain
Silver Plate beads and silver will make your eyes shine.
.10m x 4.5mm Belcher chain
Silver Plate
.10m chain Fancy Link Silver
2 x 13mm end spacer bars 2 STEP ONE Connect beads following pattern in
row Silver Plate
Using eye pins, thread 20 x large turquoise photograph.
1 x 20mm fob clasp round beads. Trim, forming simple loops on all eye
Silver Plate
pins. Using head pins thread, turn simple STEP THREE
1 x large Dragonfly 1 ring loops on remaining three large turquoise Cut off 10cm from large Belcher chain, place
Silver Plate beads. These three will be used on the fob. aside. This will be used on the fob. Connect
1 x triangle Iron Silver Plate remaining Belcher chain to necklace using
7 x 7mm x 1.4 jump rings jump rings.
Iron Silver Plate
41 x 25mm eye pins Silver STEP FOUR
Plate Connect centre two large turquoise beads
3 x 19mm x .75 head pins to fob ring.
Silver Plate
Use the two row end spacer bar to
BEADS connect smaller internal beads.
1 x 22mm Swarovski
Raindrop Stone Clear AB
6 x 10mm rounds Silver
Plate Making the Fob
Connect dragonfly to 10cm section of
3 x 6mm rounds Silver Plate large Belcher chain using a jump ring.
23 x 12mm Blue Turquoise Join a second jump ring at the other end
rounds of the chain; connect this to the fob bar.
10 x 8mm Blue Turquoise Connect three large turquoise beads on
rounds head pins to a jump ring; add to small
silver chain. Connect to fob using a jump
ring. Connect iron triangle to Swarovski
Round nose pliers Raindrop Stone at the same time connecting
to medium Belcher chain. Connect to fob
Flat nose pliers
with a jump ring.
Wire cutters
Design note: This piece can be worn with
LENGTH: 50cm or without the fob bar connected or make
several different fob bars depending on how
you want it to look.
Continued …

Using head pins, thread on Blue Turquoise
beads and form simple loops.
Turquoise and
Silver Fob
.10m x 4.5mm Belcher chain
Silver Plate
.20mm fine chain Silver Plate
1 pair ear hooks stainless
steel Silver Plate – Nickel
2 x Triangles iron Silver Plate
2 x 4mm x .7 jump rings STEP TWO
brass Silver Plate Connect triangle onto Swarovski Raindrop
Stone. Connect jump ring onto the
dragonflies. Using desired varying lengths KITS: Materials available.
2 x Dragonfly Charms small of the chain, connect each bead onto a
Silver Plate length of chain. Benjamin’s Crafts
2 x 11mm Swarovski 868 Beaufort Street
Raindrops Stone Clear AB STEP THREE Inglewood WA
2 x 8mm Blue Turquoise Connect all three chains onto loop of the Ph: 08 9370 2132
rounds earring wire. Repeat for second earring.

50 Creative Beading

MATERIALS Soft flowers and buzzing bees announce it is Springtime!

40-50cm blue Tigertail
10 x eye pins
1 x Enamel and Crystal Slide
3 x Tibetan Silver Bees BRACELET continue threading eye pins from Step 1 and
3 x 6mm jump rings STEP ONE Step 2, placing 2 x CFP between eye pins.
Thread 4 x eye pins with 2 x Czech firepolish
1 x Sunflower toggle clasp (CFP), 1 x Stardust, 2 x CFP. Form a neat top STEP FOUR
Crimps loop to match bottom loop. Using second Tigertail section, thread base
1 pair ear hooks loops of eye pins – adding 2 x CFP as before.
Thread 4 x eye pins with Adventurine chips. To Tigertail ends, thread 2 x Teardrop
BEADS Form a neat top loop to match bottom loop. Crystals; take both threads through 1 x
48 x 6mm Czech Firepolish Teardrop, 1 x spacer, 1 x crimp; thread
Crystals – Blue Lagoon
STEP THREE one section of clasp, back through crimp
Semi precious chips Cut Tigertail in half, or to desired length; and spacer.
– Adventure Blue
allowing 1.5cm for clasp. Secure Tigertail end Fold crimps on one side – adjust beads
12 x Cobalt Blue Teardrop in bead stopper. so it is firm but not too tight. Fold crimps.
Thread 1 x eye pin top loop from Step 1 Trim Tigertail.
4 x 4mm Stardust followed by 2 x CFP, eye pin top loop from
2 x spacer beads Step 2. STEP FIVE
Continue using total of 4 eye pins. Thread Open 1 x jump ring; thread bee; add to base
2 x CFP, through two loops of slider, 2 x CFP; of slider. Close.
Bead stopper
Round nose pliers
Crimping pliers
Side cutters

Length: 18cm

52 Creative Beading
Springtime Bracelet
and Earrings
Thread 1 x CFP and 1 x Teardrop on eye pin.
Form a neat top loop to match bottom loop.
Open 1 x jump ring; thread bee and bottom
of eye pin; close. Open earring loop; thread Beads Direct
top loop of eye pin. Close. Repeat for second
earring. Ph: 07 4922 2289

54 Creative Beading

EARRINGS Using sliders and Swarovski this complete collection

1 pair gold plated surgical works up quickly and makes a complement to any outfit …
steel ear hooks
make one or all to wear.
2 x gold plated wire
2 x gold plated crimps
STEP ONE Thread 1 x Gold Pure Allure Jet Butterfly
2 x gold plated crimp covers Cut Accu-Flex in two equal lengths. Slider.
50cm black Accu-Flex
Take one strand and centre Swarovski Thread both sides through 1 x Swarovski
BEADS Jet Pendant. Simplicity Jet, 1 x gold plated crimp.
2 x gold Pure Allure
Butterfly Sliders Jet
2 x Swarovski pendants
6000 Jet Thread 1 x gold plated brass square round Thread one side through gold plated wire
bead on either side of pendant. Thread protector, go back through crimp. Pull both
2 x Swarovski Simplicity
5310 Jet 1 x 4mm Swarovski bi-cone Jet on each strands of Accu-Flex to tension, flatten crimp,
side of strand. cut off excess, cover crimp using 1 x gold
8 x 4mm Swarovski bi-cones plated crimp cover, open loop on ear hook
and attach through wire protector.
8 x 4mm gold plated brass
square round beads
Repeat Steps 2 to 6 for second earring.
1 x gold plated pewter
2 x gold plated wire STEP ONE
protectors Using strand of Accu-Flex thread
2 x gold plated crimps 1 x Swarovski Pendant to centre.
2 x gold plated crimp covers
1m black Accu-Flex
On each side thread 1 x gold plated brass
square round, 1 x Swarovski Simplicity bead.
Continued… STEP THREE
Thread 1 x Gold Pure Allure Butterfly slider
strand through each side.

Thread on each side 1 x Swarovski Simplicity,
1 x gold plated brass square round, 1 x
Swarovski Simplicity.


Rating Thread on Gold Pure Allure Butterfly slider

strand through each side. Thread 1 x
Swarovski Simplicity, 1 x gold plated brass
square round.
Black Butterfly
Part 2
Take one strand, thread 1 x crimp, 1 x gold
plated wire protector. Put wire protector
through toggle loop, threading Accu-Flex back
through crimp. Measure to desired length
before tensioning wire and flatten crimp.


2 x gold Pure Allure Repeat Step 7 with second section of clasp.
Butterfly sliders Jet Cut off excess Accu-Flex and cover crimps with
1 x Swarovski Pendant crimp covers.
6000 Jet
8 x Swarovski Simplicity Design note: Please note beads have not
5310 Jet been crimped in place to allow for the trend
12 x 4mm Swarovski of ‘seeing or offsetting’ the toggle on the side
bi-cones Jet STEP SIX as a feature.
12 x 6mm Swarovski To each side thread 1 x gold plated brass
bi-cones Jet square round, 1 x 4mm Swarovski bi-cone, 1
6 x 8mm Swarovski x 6mm Swarovski bi-cone, 1 x 8mm Swarovski
bi-cones Jet bi-cone, 1 x 6mm Swarovski bi-cone, 1 x Stitch N Bead
14 x 4mm gold plated brass 4mm Swarovski bi-cone. Repeat this step a Ph: 03 6344 2717
square rounds total of three times on each side.

58 Creative Beading

The Creative Beader



Above: Assorted dyed WHERE DOES YOUR IMAGINATION is the breathtaking colours of our Australian
mother-of-pearl beads take you when you hear the word ‘beach’? sunset, the vibrant colours of coral, our
Does your mind float away thinking of our marine biology and the sparkle that the sun
spectacular Australian coastlines, or do you makes when it hits a rock pool. To take our
drift away to that beach hut somewhere in the imagination further we might venture into
Bahamas? Maybe warm sand under your feet uncharted waters to create our own whimsical
comes to mind, the blue-green water, or even underwater playground, mermaids and all!
beach volleyball. Regardless of what comes to To take those mental pictures and images
mind, the beach and the outdoors are great and to apply them to our jewellery and
inspiration to anyone, and beaders are no beadwork can be a different experience for
exception! all of us. This is why beading is such a broad
When we think of beach themed jewellery craft – we can continue to learn, to experiment
and beaded objects we might be tempted and to interpret things in our own way. We
to think of items such as shell beads, pearls can make an item from scratch or we can take
and sea creature themed items such as fish an object and bead upon it! Take a basket or
and shell charms. What we must not forget metal fruit bowl for example – it would only

60 Creative Beading

be natural for a beader to embellish them with do is thread a selection of beads on some Above left: Wine bottle
beads! All it takes is some wire and a selection memory wire and place it over your candle decoration. Make
of beads. … yes it is a bracelet but it is also a candle matching wine glass
You don’t need to be tidy with this sort of decoration! Don’t have memory wire? No identifiers for a nice set
thing – experiment with the amount of beads problem! Just take your artistic wire, make a
Above right: Memory
you use and simply wind the wire around the coil around an object (such as a cup, candle wire candle decoration
objects; threading over, under and through or rolling pin), coil the end, thread your beads and candleholder
whatever you can, adding beads as you on and finish by coiling the other end. decorated with Czech
go. You can dress up pillar style candles in To jazz up your alfresco or outdoor area, beads and a flower slide
a similar way. Take a length (or lengths) of you can’t go past sun catchers or hanging
artistic wire and twist them into a vine-like decorations. You can use crystals, glass, Below: Pewter sun-
piece, adding beads as you go. Carefully push gemstones or shells in your sun catchers or catcher with Swarovski
crystals and Czech
the end of the wire into the side of the candle. hanging ornaments. To brighten up a boring
Make sure you insert the wire on the side outdoor table, use a candle arrangement
towards the bottom and not on the base of the (as described above), a beaded flower
candle as this may make the candle stand lop- arrangement or beaded tree ornament to
sided. Wind your decorated wire half to three- dress it up. Of course these items look great
quarters of the way up the candle and either anywhere inside your home as well.
push the end into the candle, or turn in the With a thick gauged wire, it is very easy
end. Once the candle burns down to where to make some large ‘S’ shaped hooks to
the wire sits, you can simply remove the wire hang decorations from. These can be easily
and place it onto another candle. removed if the weather is bad or if you only
Remember to never leave a candle burning want to bring your decorations out on special
unattended and steer clear from decorating occasions. Beaded bugs or flowers look
candles with fibres, plastic or flammable beautiful against a plain pot. You are limited
items. You can use gemstones, gemstone only by your imagination.
chips, crystals and non-coated glass beads to To add some intense sparkle to your décor,
decorate your candles. For a beach or outdoor Swarovski Flatback Diamantes (or Rhinestones
theme, try using shell chips or beads and sit as they are also called) can certainly glam
your candle on a flat plate surrounded by shells things up. Swarovski Hotfix Diamantes have
or pebbles. You might even like to make some a glue like coating on the flat back which will
polymer clay sea creatures to sit on the pebbles activate when heat is applied to them with an
which would add a lovely burst of colour. iron or a ‘Bejewler Hotfix Applicator’. Be sure
For a spring theme, Czech glass flowers to purchase the ‘Down Under’ or ‘Australian’
would look gorgeous strung randomly and applicator as these items have been released
wound around candle bases. Want a simpler in different countries and the electrical plugs
way to jazz up your candles? All you need to differ. The applicator comes with various sized

may be a little too bulky for the containers.

There are also matching tool wallets to keep
your tools safe and in the one place.
If you are after a different style of bead
bag, you might like to pop into your local
hardware or department store where a
treasure trove of compartment boxes, plastic
tool boxes and canvas tool bags awaits your
examination! While you are there, why not
have a hunt around for things to bead upon?
With the warmer weather soon to be upon
us, it is the perfect time to venture outside and
discover that there is a world of inspiration at
our feet (and in our bead stores)! Take your
Above: Wine glass or tips so it will work with the different sized beading outside, look past your beading desk
coffee mug identifiers diamantes. Hotfix Diamantes are perfect for and jewellery box and don’t be afraid to bead
made with pewter charms fabric applications such as clothing (great on items other than jewellery. A creative beader
and Swarovski Crystals denim!), hats and fabric bags. You can even can bead (or bead upon) just about anything!
embellish wedding dresses and veils. With
Below: Pewter hanger
with decorated with
any kind of heat application, please read COLOUR INSPIRATION
Swarovski crystals instructions carefully. Sand – Sand opal, light Colorado topaz and
The non-hotfix Swarovski Flatback a hint of crystal copper.
Diamantes are generally applied with Ocean – Montana, Indian sapphire,
glue, hence being known as the ‘glue on’ aquamarine, pacific opal, light azore, white
diamantes. Glue on diamantes can be opal.
applied to a range of items such as candles, Sky – White alabaster, white opal, sapphire,
jewellery boxes, paper/card, mobile phones, light sapphire, turquoise.
photo frames, handbags and wallets – just to Rock Pool – Shadow crystal, morion and jet
name a few. Yes, if you get one of these you to represent the rocks, crystal ab and white
will be looking around your house too see opal to signify the foamy water and olivine or
what you can cover in Swarovski Rhinestones! palace green opal to represent moss.
Whether we are beading for an income Coral – Jonquil, hyacinth, fire opal, dark red
or as a hobby, some of us tend to transport coral, light rose.
some beading products and projects with Sunset – Padparadscha, Indian red, hyacinth,
us. Spring might be just the right time to sort topaz, light topaz, Montana.
out some beads you have laying around and Aussie Beach Cricket – Lime, sand opal,
maybe make yourself up a little beading travel white alabaster, jonquil, palace green.
bag if you haven’t already got one. If you
have got one, maybe you could go bigger SUPPLY NOTES
and better! Wire décor items can be found in some craft
There are a few beading specific bags on stores and home décor and department stores.
the market, probably the most well know
are ‘Beadie Bags’. They come in a couple STUFF WE LOVE
of different sizes and colours and include – Giant cloisonné
plastic compartment containers. As well as the window hanging ornaments.
containers inside the bags, there are pockets – Coral and
and pouches on the outer sides of the bags. shell beads.
These are perfect for holding your reels of – Beadie Bags
thread, wire or Tigertail and other items that and storage containers.

62 Creative Beading

Karen Hill Tribe Silver


Many Hill THE HILL TRIBES OF Thailand and Burma their families, which milked the soil of
are composed of nomadic people whose nutrients making it unusable; and this saw
Tribe people lineage can be traced back to the 12th many people losing their livelihood. In 1969,
prefer silver century, originating from Tibet and Southern Thailand’s King, Bhumipol Adulyadej decided
China. The Hill Tribes have recently seen a to help the tribes and the Royal Project was
to paper considerable increase in their populations born. This saw assistance by volunteers and
money, due to many people fleeing persecution in government officials help the Hill Tribe people
and will Burma. The Karen Hill Tribe (also known as become self-sufficient and even though silver-
Kariang or Karean) is one of the largest of smithing techniques had been in practice in
often wear around 20 tribes with a population ranging many Hill Tribes throughout the generations,
their wealth between 300,000 and 400,000 people. it wasn’t until the time of the Royal Project
They live in the densely forested mountain that the Karen Hill Tribe people were taught
in heavy regions of Mae Hong Son, which is located these skills.
necklaces, due west of Chiang Mai. In 1980, the Karen Hill Tribe received help
Before taking a hold on the bead world, from the Jewellery Occupation Association,
earrings and many of the Hill Tribes were involved in the Lamphun Hill Tribes Development Centre,
bracelets. opium growing to support themselves and Community Development Centre and

64 Creative Beading

UNICEF – which helped them to establish will be slight variations in size, weight and
the silver skill group, and now allows them to silver purity. The beads are made in groups of
Karen Hill
run self-sufficient silver businesses. The Karen between five and ten families, with each group Tribe silver
people travel to the city of Chiang Mai on a
weekly basis to trade their goods, using the
creating a particular line of products. This is
done so each family or group will always have
is between
merchants of Chiang Mai as their distributors. their own signature line, making it easy to tell 99.2 per
Interestingly, many Hill Tribe people prefer who has made a particular bead, since most cent and
silver to paper money, and will often wear Hill Tribe silver products don’t carry hallmarks
their wealth in heavy necklaces, earrings and or insignias. 99.9 per
bracelets. Hill Tribe jewellery and beads are It is hard to imagine the amount of work cent pure
usually sold by the actual gram weight of the that goes into these pieces of art, especially
silver, multiplied by the gram price of the day. the smaller beads that are usually sold by
Karen Hill Tribe silver is between 99.2 per the strand. Often, these beads are no longer meaning it
cent and 99.9 per cent pure silver, meaning it
has a higher silver content than Sterling Silver.
than three millimetres long, which makes them
incredibly hard to produce. To make these tiny
has a higher
This makes it softer and easier to work with, beads, balls of silver are melted and cooled, silver content
and consequently the beads and pendants have and then holes are drilled through them to than Sterling
a unique weight, feel and colour tone. The high turn them into beads. The beads are then
silver content also means that Hill Tribe silver filed into shape, one by one, with a metal Silver.
will tarnish more slowly than Sterling, due to the hand file and strung up for stamping – a job
lack of other metal additives. that requires two or more silversmiths working
There are two ways that Hill Tribe silver simultaneously. Usually this is a master and
beads and pendants are made, depending on apprentice, as only a master silversmith has
which family or group is doing the making. the expertise to make beautiful beads, while
One method is to melt down pure silver their apprentice (who is usually much younger)
granules and pour the melted metal into a generally has much better eyesight for the
cooling block to cool. Another method is job. The beads are cleaned and sometimes
to flatten silver ingots (bars of silver) with oxidised, depending on the finish required,
hammers to form sheets of silver. Once the and left to dry.
silver is in sheet form, the pieces can then Many of the designs used by the Karen Hill
be cut out with a jewellers’ saw and shaped Tribe are inspired by the natural environment,
and polished as required. Wire is hand drawn such as flowers, elephants, insects and fish;
through ancient draw plates, and repousse (or while some of the designs are more traditional
embossing) work is created by hammering thin and have been handed down over time,
sheets of silver into black tar moulds. Many such as spirals and eyes. Other designs may
of the tools used are basic hand tools, often have been commissioned by merchants for
having been passed down through the family. themselves, or on behalf of a buyer. Some of
Each bead and pendant is hand-made, so the most popular shapes and styles include
no two pieces will be exactly alike and there large pendants with spiral or leaf patterns on

jump rings, chain, decorative clasps and head

pins with animals or flowers in place of the
Karen Hill standard flat head. Some ready-to-wear items
Tribe silver are also produced, such as decorated hair
products sticks, bangles, bracelets and necklaces, but
the majority of items are intended to be used
aren’t limited to create with. Many items that are made
to beads and them, but smaller beads and pendants are also have certain meanings or superstitions
also very popular for earrings and charms. surrounding them, such as spirit locks. Spirit
pendants; As these products are hand-made, they have locks are padlock shaped pendants with loops
they also a rustic, organic feel to them … making them on the top to hang them from, and they are
include jump perfect for both elegant and modern jewellery traditionally worn at the back of a design,
designs. Combining Hill Tribe pendants with similar to a clasp. It is believed that these spirit
rings, chain, strands of tiny seed beads is the perfect way locks prevent the soul from being lost or stolen
decorative to offset the intricacy of the pendant design by ‘locking’ the soul to the body and they are
and make it stand out, while adding them to usually given to newborn babies to protect
clasps and long charm style necklaces is sure to get you them from evil spirits.
head pins noticed. Charm bracelets comprised of nature- Producing these silver items delivers much
with animals themed beads and charms are the perfect way needed income to the Karen villages and
to remind you of spring, and drop earrings enhances community life. When you purchase
or flowers in with a single flower bead on each will provide Hill Tribe silver products, you are directly
place of the you with some beautiful, but simple jewellery supporting the skills and livelihoods of many
to wear anywhere. families and communities and helping to
standard flat Karen Hill Tribe silver products aren’t limited keep a traditional craft alive. Unfortunately, as
head. to beads and pendants; they also include with many products these days, Hill Tribe silver
is being recreated in factories at lower costs
and generally at a lower quality, making it
harder for traditional Hill Tribe silversmiths
to survive in the marketplace. The items
mass-produced at these factories are easy
to spot, as they are often made with newer
technology and don’t have the same hand-
made feel to them.
To try and counter this, many online stores
have entered into Fair Trading agreements; or
deal directly with craftsmen or distributors for
the Hill Tribe people – ensuring that all profits
go directly back into the local community.
Some of the villages also hold jewellery
making workshops for tourists, allowing you
to live, eat and work with a Hill Tribe master
silversmith (visit for
more details).

Some fair trade online stores that stock

Karen Hill Tribe silver include: (Australian site); (Australian site).

Coiling Gizmo

BASICALLY YOU ARE COILING WIRE to create beads and When using tools it’s highly recommended that you
other coiled designs. There are a number of coiling tools wear safety glasses to prevent any damage to the eyes.
on the market, yet I’ve found the Coiling Gizmo simple It’s not unheard of for a pair of wire cutters or pliers to
and easy to use. break when you least expect them too. When cutting
wire it’s highly recommended wearing safety glasses
SAFETY to prevent any ‘flying/stray bits’ hitting the eyes.
As with the use of all tools one shouldn’t forget Stepping on a cut piece of wire in the carpet just isn’t
about safety. a pleasant feeling.


l Round nose pliers Various types of wires can be used. Cut the wire at each end of the coil. Remove
Chain nose pliers When first beginning it’s easier to work with the coiled wire from the crank shaft rod.
Flush wire cutters 24g, although these are softer beads. For
designs with a little more strength, work with STEP 4
20g. Beads and coiled creations have been Now you can choose as to how you shape
made in the ranges of gauges from 18 to 30, the coil into a bead or, if you can, use the
COILING even mixing the gauges to create with. created coil and attach back to the rod shaft
GIZMO KIT and coil again.
– ECONO STEP 1 There are endless combinations of what you
U-bracket Attach the free end of the wire from the spool can create with a coiling gizmo.
Two cranking rods: to the eye of the crank rod. This forms a
1 x 1.6mm; 1 x 3.4mm starting loop. Insert the long shaft of the rod Written by Elizabeth at
through the holes of the U-bracket. Leave the Danglley Bits & Things.
wire on the spool. Ph: 07 3283 4776
Mob: 0418 879 577
Email: [email protected] or
[email protected]

• Begin working with less expensive wires
STEP 2 such as copper.
Hold the wire against the side of the U-bracket • Copper wire with an enamel coating
with your thumb. Turn the handle of the crank needs to be handled with care to prevent
rod. Continue until you have reached the scratching, yet these wires are tough and
length of coil or the end of the rod. scratch resistant.
• Work with wire off the spool, using soft
wire; it’s easier to handle.
• Use a permanent colour marker to cover
scratches; or even nail varnish.

68 Creative Beading

TOOLS FOR ALL Make 20 projects for under $20 for all your
Round nose pliers
Chain nose pliers
friends and family using Orchard Rd Crystals.
Wire cutters
Crimping pliers


MATERIALS Onto 1 x head pin thread with 1 x 4mm bi-
5 x Tibetan silver hangers cone crystal AB, 1 x 6mm bi-cone onyx. Trim
19 x head pins excess forming a loop. Repeat and make a
total of five.
1 x neck ring
BEADS Onto 1 x head pin thread with 1 x 6mm bi-
5 x 10mm Orchard Rd cone crystal AB. Form an eye pin; turn a loop
rounds French blue at both ends. Repeat. Make a total of six.
8 x 6mm Orchard Rd
bi-cones onyx STEP THREE
6 x 6mm Orchard Rd Repeat Step 2 using 6mm bi-cone onyx for a STEP FIVE
bi-cones crystal AB total of three. Refer to photograph for bead placement.
5 x 4mm Orchard Rd Construct 5x dangles attaching each to
bi-cones crystal AB STEP FOUR Tibetan silver hanger by unscrewing ball on
Repeat Step 2 with 10mm round French blue the neck ring, thread in order. Screw ball back
for a total of five. onto neck ring.
4 x bead caps
ICE MAIDEN EARRINGS French blue, 1 x bead cap, 1 x 4mm bi-cone
2 x 3 bail hangers STEP ONE crystal AB. Create an eye pin forming a loop
12 x head pins Onto 1 x head pin thread 1 x 4mm bi-cone both ends.
1 pair earring hooks crystal AB, 1 x bead cap, 1 x 10mm round
Onto 1 x head pin thread 1 x 6mm bi-cone
BEADS crystal AB. Create an eye pin forming a loop
2 x 10mm Orchard Rd both ends. Make two.
rounds French blue
6 x 6mm Orchard Rd STEP THREE
bi-cones onyx Onto 1 x head pin thread 1 x 4mm bi-cone
4 x 6mm Orchard Rd crystal AB, 1 x 6mm bi-cone onyx. Trim excess
bi-cones crystal AB forming a loop. Make two.
10 x 4mm Orchard Rd
bi-cones crystal AB STEP FOUR
Refer to picture for bead placement. Attach

Rating earring hook to top loop.

Repeat for second earring.

70 Creative Beading
20 Projects
for under $20
BRACELET STEP ONE the jump ring. Thread 1
MATERIALS Dangles – Onto 1 x head pin thread 1 x 3mm x 3mm metal ball onto
1m Figaro chain silver metal ball, 1 x 6mm bi-cone, 1 x daisy spacer, the head pin. Trim the
26 x head pins 1 x 3mm metal ball. Create a wrapped loop end forming a loop,
4 x large jump rings and trim. Repeat total of 13 bi-cones. Diagram 1. Make sure
that the chains are not all bunched up or too
13 x daisy spacers silver
STEP TWO widely spaced apart.
1 x parrot clasp Chain – Cut five lengths of Figaro chain
52 x 3mm metal balls starting and finishing with a 1 x large link. Use STEP FIVE
15 x large links per length. Repeat Step 4 with all of large chain loops.
Make sure that head pin loops are all on one
BEADS STEP THREE side of the bracelet.
5 x 6mm Orchard Rd
bi-cones French blue Open 1 x large jump ring. Thread all five
lengths of chain on and close the jump ring. STEP SIX
4 x 6mm Orchard Rd
bi-cones onyx Open 1 x large jump ring. Thread end five
STEP FOUR lengths of chain on and close the jump ring.
4 x 6mm Orchard Rd
bi-cones crystal AB Thread 1 x 3mm metal ball onto 1 x head pin, Attach second large jump ring both ends,
thread head pin through five large loops after adding parrot clasp to one end.

Open each of the head pin loops going
through chain and add a dangle alternating

SWEETHEART SWEETHEART CHARM BRACELET jump ring. On the fourth link attach the first
CHARM STEP ONE crystal heart charm. Leaving five links between
BRACELET Silver filigree heart charms – Thread 1 x 8mm each attach using sixth chain link 1 x bi-cone
MATERIALS bi-cone onto a head pin. Form an eye pin charm, 1 x crystal flower charm, 1 x silver
2 x filigree hearts loop each end. Attach one loop to the charm. heart charm.
4 x head pins Repeat for second heart.
2 x large jump rings STEP FIVE
STEP TWO Reverse the above order starting using 1 x
5 x triangular jump rings Crystal charms – Attach 1 x triangular jump silver heart charm until you finish with the third
1 x lobster clasp ring to a crystal heart, add 2 x chain links to crystal heart charm.
50cm medium link belcher the triangle jump ring. Repeat for total of five
chain crystal charms. STEP SIX
Count three chain links. Cut fourth chain link.
STEP THREE Attach 1 x jump ring and 1 x lobster clasp.
BEADS Bi-cone charm – Thread 1 x 8mm bi-cone
3 x 14mm Orchard Rd hearts
harlequin onto head pin. Forming a loop, trim excess STEP SEVEN
wire. Repeat total of two bi-cones. To every second chain link between the
2 x 14mm Orchard Rd flowers
harlequin charms, attach 2 x chain links closest to the
STEP FOUR crystal charms and 4 x chain links closest to
4 x 8mm Orchard Rd bi-cones
Prussian grey Chain – To one end of the chain attach 1 x the silver charms.

72 Creative Beading
drop the same. Attach 4 x chain links and
SILVER LACE SILVER LACE NECKLACE 1 x large jump ring to the wrapped
NECKLACE STEP ONE loop before finishing.
50cm medium link Thread 1 x head pin through the hole STEP FOUR
belcher chain
in the top of the petal pink dew drop. Repeat Steps 1 and 2 using 1 x lilac dew
1 large aluminium ring Following the shape of the drop, bend it drop and 1 x petal pink bi-cone. Attach 10
3 x bolo caps – silver upwards. Slide 1 x bolo cap down the x chain links and 1 x large jump ring to the
3 x head pins head pin to fit snugly over the dew wrapped loop before finishing.
5 x large jump rings
1 x toggle clasp STEP TWO Attach completed drops to 1 x aluminium
Thread 1 x 6mm bi-cone lilac onto the ring; using large jump rings, place the petal
head pin, form a wrapped loop. Attach 1 pink drops to the outside.
2 x 20mm Orchard Rd Dew x large jump ring to the wrapped loop before
Drop Petals pink finishing. STEP SIX
1 x 20mm Orchard Rd Dew Cut remaining chain in 2 x equal lengths. Join
Drops lilac STEP THREE a jump ring to one end adding to aluminium
1 x 6mm Orchard Rd bi-cone Repeat Step 1 and Step 2 to create another ring. Attach toggle piece.
Petal pink
2 x 6mm Orchard Rd
STEP ONE Make sure thread is coming out of purple
CRISS CROSS Thread a double length on to needle; secure crystal. Thread on 1 x C1, 2 x S1, 3 x S2.
BRACELET ends with a knot. To attach clasp to thread use Pass needle through last S1 bead. Thread
MATERIALS a larks head knot, looping to secure. 5 x S1 beads, needle up through crystal at
4m x beading thread – white clasp. Tie knot and secure with spot of glue.
1 x 2 hole bracelet clasp
STEP TWO – FIRST ROW Trim thread.
Thread on 1 x 4mm Orchard Rd bi-cone
Crystal AB (C1), 6 x seed beads in first colour STEP SIX – THIRD ROW
BEADS (S1), 3 x seed beads in second colour (S2). Attach new thread to end hole of clasp as in
60 x 4mm Orchard Rd bi- Push beads firmly on second ring of clasp and Step 1. Thread 1 x C1, 6 x S1, 1 x S2; push
cones Crystal AB pass needle back through the last S1 bead. beads firmly to clasp. Turn needle to face
14 x 4mm Orchard Rd bi- This will form a triangle with seed beads. back the way you have just come, pass needle
cones Tanzanite Thread 1 x S1, 1 x C1, 1 x 4mm Orchard through the middle S2 bead from Row 2 (top
2 x strands size 11 seed Rd bi-cone Tanzanite (C2), 1 x C1, 2 x S1, 3 of the triangle) to attach Row 3 and Row 2
beads – colours of choice x S2. Push these beads firmly towards work together. Thread 1 x S2 bead; pass needle
and thread needle through the last S1 bead. forward through last S1 bead.
Repeat this step a total of seven times.
1 x beading needle
STEP THREE – SECOND ROW Thread 1 x S1, 1 x C1, 1 x C2, 1 x C1, 2 x
PVA glue
Thread 6 x S1, 3 x S2, pass needle through S1, 1 x S2 beads. Turn needle backwards,
Scissors last S1 bead. Thread 1 x S1, 1 x C1, pass pass needle through middle S2 bead from
needle through C2 of Row 1. Pull work firmly. Row 2 (top of the triangle). Thread 1 x S2
LENGTH: 18-20cm bead, pass needle forward through last S1
STEP FOUR bead. Repeat this step six more times.
Thread 1 x C1, 2 x S1, 3 x S2. Needle through
the last S1 bead to form triangle. Thread 1 x S1, STEP EIGHT
1 x C1, pass needle through C2 bead on Row Thread 5 x S, 1 x C1, pass needle through
1. Repeat this step five more times. end hole of clasp and back through C1.


Repeat Row 2; when pattern says Row 1,
substitute Row 3. Finish the same way.
SILVER CIRCLE SILVER CIRCLE BRACELET coming out the third hole around from where
BRACELET STEP ONE it went in to centre.
MATERIALS Cut 2 x 30cm Tigertail lengths.
2 x large jump rings STEP SIX
1 x large bolt ring STEP TWO Thread second length of Tigertail one hole
4 x crimps Large round disk across from first length, come out the third
There are two rows of 12 holes on the outer hole around from where it went in to centre.
60cm Tigertail
edge of the large disk; work with one of these
rows. Thread one length of Tigertail into hole STEP SEVEN
BEADS one to centre of bead, count to fourth hole, Thread 1 x 6mm bi-cone lilac onto each
12 x 6mm Orchard Rd bring Tigertail coming from centre of bead length of Tigertail.
bi-cones lilac
to outside.
12 x 6mm Orchard Rd STEP EIGHT
bi-cones petal pink STEP THREE Repeat Steps 5 to 7 threading total of three
6 x small round disks Position second Tigertail thread two holes small disks on each side of large disk,
1 x large round disk across from hole one. Thread Tigertail into alternating 1 x 6mm bi-cone petal pink and
hole to centre of bead, count to fourth hole, 1 x 6mm lilac.
bring Tigertail coming from centre of bead to
outside. The bead should be sat balanced on STEP NINE
two threads of Tigertail. Finish both lengths of Tigertail threading
1 x lilac, 1 petal pink and 1 x lilac.
Move the disk in the middle of the Tigertail. STEP TEN
Thread 1 x 6mm bi-cone petal pink onto each Thread 1 x crimp on each Tigertail end,
length of Tigertail both sides of the disk. feeding Tigertail back through crimp to form
a small loop. Fold crimp, trim excess wire.
Small round disk STEP ELEVEN
There are two rows of eight holes on the outer Attach 1 x jump ring to both crimped loops.
edge of small disk work with one of these rows. Attach one part of the bolt ring to this
Thread the Tigertail through one of these holes jump ring.

Thread 20 gauge wire through hole in hair Cut 1 x 4 chain link length, attach 1 x
30cm medium link chain stick. With one end at 5cm bring both ends bi-cone petal pink from Step 2. Cut and
to the centre of the hair stick top, wrap 5cm attach second four chain link length. Finish
20cm x 20 gauge artistic
wire silver length around stick and longer wire length. with 1 x triangular jump ring; add octagon
Trim the shorter length. Thread 1 x 6mm bi- petal pink. Repeat to create a total of two.
1 x wooden hair stick
cone petal pink onto the longer length. Create
5 x triangular jump rings a wrapped loop and trim. STEP FIVE
Cut 1 x 2 chain link length. Attach 1 x
STEP TWO bi-cone lilac. Cut and add 1 x 4 chain link
3 x 6mm Orchard Rd Thread 1 x bi-cone petal pink onto a head length. Attach 1 x bi-cone lilac. Cut and
bi-cones petal pink pin. Form an eye pin by creating a loop both add 1 x 2 chain link length. Finish with
2 x 6mm Orchard Rd ends. Repeat to create a total of 2 x petal pink 1 x triangular jump ring and octagon lilac.
bi-cones lilac and 2 x lilac.
2 x 14mm Orchard Rd
octagons petal pink STEP THREE By opening the top chain link of
Cut 1 x 8 chain link length. Attach 1 x each dangle, attach all five to the
3 x 14mm Orchard Rd
octagons lilac triangular jump ring, with 14mm octagon lilac wrapped loop on the hair stick. Use shortest
to one end. Repeat to create a total of two. links to outside, longest in the centre.

74 Creative Beading
MATERIALS Thread 1 x crimp, 1 x silver drop onto the
1 x filigree drop silver length of Tigertail. Form a loop at the end of
40cm x Tigertail silver the Tigertail, feed it back through the crimp.
3 x crimps Fold crimp.

BEADS Onto the long length of Tigertail thread 1 x
7 x 6mm Orchard Rd bi- bi-cone, 2 x octagons, 1 x bi-cone. Repeat.
cones crystal AB threading 10 x octagons in total. Finish by
10 x 14mm Orchard Rd threading 2 x bi-cones, 1 x crimp. Fold crimp.
octagons sapphire AB
Thread 1 x crimp. Position approximately
14cm above the already strung crystals.
Thread Tigertail through the crimp to form
a loop for hanging and fold the crimp.
Trim excess.


HAIR COMB STEP ONE Take the wire from the back to the front of the
MATERIALS Using 1m x 28 gauge wire, wrap end of wire comb, come out between the second and third
2m x 26 gauge Artistic wire three times around the side of the first tooth teeth. Wrap wire from front to back coming
silver on the comb. Bring the wire to the front of the out between third and fourth teeth. Repeat
1 x hair comb 8cm long clear comb, going through between first and second Step 3, continue the length of the comb
teeth. Add 1 x bi-cone. Wrap the wire to the adding a butterfly every second tooth and
back of the comb, come to the front between varying the lengths to the wire twists.
BEADS the second and third teeth. Add 1 x bi-cone.
14 x 6mm Orchard Rd bi-
cones lilac Repeat to end of the comb. Finish by wrapping STEP FIVE
the wire three times around the side of the last Finish by wrapping the remaining wire three
7 x 14mm Orchard Rd
butterflys middle drill petal tooth. Trim. times around the side of the final tooth. Trim.
pink AB
Using 1m x 28 gauge wire, wrap the end three
times over the start of the wire in Step 1. Wrap
the wire to the front of the comb between the
first and second teeth.

Thread 1 x 14mm butterfly. Position butterfly
on the wire approximately 1cm up from
the top of the comb. Fold the wire down at
the back of the butterfly and twist the wires
MATERIALS Attach bail to 28mm crystal heart.
1 x filigree heart
1m medium link belcher STEP TWO
chain Thread 1 x 8mm bi-cone onto length of 20
1 x bail gauge wire. Create a wrapped loop both
4 x large jump rings ends, add the bailed heart to one loop before
1 x triangular jump ring
1 x parrot clasp STEP THREE
20cm x 20 gauge Artistic Attach 1 x triangular jump ring to holes in the STEP FIVE
wire bottom point of silver heart. Attach second Cut chain into four equal lengths.
wrapped loop from Step 2 into jump ring.
BEADS STEP FOUR Attach 1 x jump ring to top loop 8mm bi-cone
1 x 28mm Orchard Rd heart
harlequin Thread 1 x 8mm bi-cone onto length of 20 Step 4. Add four lengths of chain to this jump
gauge wire. Form a wrapped loop both ends, ring. To each end join two chain sections by
2 x 8mm Orchard Rd bi-
cones Prussian grey adding it to the top loop of the silver heart adding 1 x jump ring. Join parrot clasp to one
before completing. of these jump rings.

STARBURST STARBURST BRACELET Diagram 3. This will bring the four sides
BRACELET STEP ONE together to form a ball.
MATERIALS Thread a beading
1 x toggle clasp needle using 1m of
30cm Tigertail beading thread. Thread
2 x crimps 1 x top drill peacock,
1 x bi-cone onyx, 1 x top drill peacock, 1 x bi- STEP FIVE
3m beading thread
cone onyx. Leaving 15cm tail take the needle Thread the needle through all four top drill
through all four beads again. Tie the tail and beads twice to tighten the end of the star
BEADS working thread in a double knot. Keep tension burst. Needle through the nearest bi-cone.
24 x 6mm top drill bi-cones firm. Diagram 1. Thread the needle through all top drills on
onyx the other end twice, to tighten. Finish with a
22 x 6mm Orchard Rd bi- STEP TWO double knot, spot glue. Trim.
cones peacock Thread 1 x top drill
5 grams x matsuno seed peacock, 1 x bi-cone STEP SIX
beads 8 gun metal onyx, 1 x top drill Repeat for a total of three star bursts.
peacock, working in
the same direction, thread the needle through STEP SEVEN
the right-hand bi-cone of the first four, then Bracelet construction – Using Tigertail length
through the first two just added. Diagram 2. thread 1 x crimp, 1 x toggle section creating
a loop in the end of the Tigertail, thread back
STEP THREE through crimp. Fold crimp.
Repeat Step 2. Diagram 3.
STEP FOUR Thread 3 x seed beads (SB), 1 x bi-cone
Thread 1 x top drill, thread needle down peacock (BP), 5 x SB, 1 x BP, 5 x SB 1 x BP, 1 x
from the top to the bottom of bi-cone star burst, 1 x BP, 5 x SB, 1 x BP, 1 x star burst.
marked B on Diagram 3. Thread 1 x top This is the middle of the bracelet. Repeat
drill onto needle, thread needle from the pattern in reverse, finishing with 1 x crimp,
bottom to the top of bi-cone marked A on toggle piece. Fold crimp.

76 Creative Beading
MATERIALS Using direction from bracelet for star burst
2 x head pins complete 2 x star bursts.
1 pair heart hooks
2 x triangular bails
Onto 1 x head pin thread 1 x onyx bi-
2m beading thread cone,1 x star burst, 1 x onyx bi-cone.
Create an eye pin with
BEADS head pin by forming loops
16 x 6mm top drill bi-cones both ends. Attach one
peacock loop to earring hook. Add
12 x 6mm Orchard Rd bi- triangular bail with flower
cones onyx attached to second loop.
2 x 14mm Orchard Rd
flowers harlequin STEP THREE
Repeat Step 2 for the other


SUNCATCHER STEP ONE crimp. Fold the crimp.
MATERIALS Thread 1 x crimp, 1 x crystal almond onto
40cm Tigertail silver Tigertail length. Form a loop at the end of the STEP THREE
3 x crimps rose gold Tigertail, feeding it back through the crimp. Thread 1 x crimp.
Fold crimp. Position approximately
10cm above the
BEADS STEP TWO already strung
1 x 38mm Orchard Rd Onto length of Tigertail thread 1 x 6mm crystals. Thread end
almond crystal AB
bi-cone, 1 x 8mm bi-cone, 1 x rose gold of Tigertail through
4 x 8mm Orchard Rd ball, 1 x 6mm bi-cone, 1 x8mm bi-cone, the crimp to form a
bi-cones Prussian grey
1 x 6mm bi-cone, 1 x rose gold ball, hanging loop. Fold
6 x 8mm bi-cones crystal AB 1 x 6mm bi-cone, 1 x 8mm bi-cone, the crimp and trim
2 x rose gold balls 1 x 6mm bi-cone, 1 x 8mm bi-cone, excess.


Thread 1 x crimp and Baroque pendant onto
1 x parrot clasp silver the length of Tigertail. Form a loop at the end
of the Tigertail, feeding it back through the
20cm Tigertail silver
crimp. Fold crimp.
2 x crimps
Thread length of the Tigertail with 1 x 8mm bi-
1 x 38mm Orchard Rd cone tanzanite, 1 x metal bead, 1 x 8mm bi-
Baroque Calypso cone Prussian grey, 1 x metal bead, 1 x 8mm
2 x 8mm Orchard Rd bi-cone tanzanite, 1 x crimp, 1 x parrot clasp.
bi-cones Tanzanite
1 x 8mm Orchard Rd bi-cone STEP THREE
Prussian grey Form a small loop, feeding Tigertail back
2 x Tibetan silver round through the crimp. Fold crimp and trim the
beads silver excess wire.
NECKLACE STEP ONE Thread 1 x B, 1 x A, 1 x C, 1 x D, 1 x C, 1
MATERIALS Thread 2m of beading thread onto a needle. x A. Needle through 4 x B beads. Thread 1
2 x jump rings large silver Place a stopper bead on the end of the thread, x B, 1 x A, 3 x C, 1 x A. Needle through 4
1 x parrot clasp silver leaving a 10cm tail. x B beads. These two rows need to be done
4m of beading thread fine alternatively 12 times each in total. Finish on a
cream STEP TWO 1 x B, 1 x A, 3 x C, 1 x A row.
Thread 4 x B and 5 x A beads. Needle up
through the 4 x B, from the tension bead STEP SEVEN
BEADS upwards. The 5 x A beads should fold over and You are now at the middle of the necklace.
45 x Orchard Rd bi-conse fall to right-hand side. Push A beads to the left. Thread 1 x B, 1 x A, 1 x C, 1 x D, 1 x C, 1 x
Peacock D
A. Needle through 4 x B beads. Repeat for a
2 x strands size 11 seed STEP THREE total of 21 times.
beads green A
Thread 1 x B and 5 x A. Needle
1 x strand size 8/o seed through 4 x B beads, like last time STEP EIGHT
beads cream B
counting B bead just put on as Repeat Step 6. Then repeat Step 5. Repeat
1 x strand size 8/o seed number 4 A. Beads should fall to Step 4. Repeat Step 3.
beads green C
right-hand side. Push A beads to the
left. Repeat this step 38 more times, STEP TWELVE
TOOLS a total of 40 rows in all. Finish off work by going through last 5 x
Beading needle A beads threaded and knot at the bottom.
Scissors STEP FOUR Needle back towards centre of work through
Thread 1 x B, 2 x A, 1 x C, 2 x B colour, tying three more knots; trim excess
A beads. Needle through 4 x B thread.
beads just as before. Repeat this
step for a total of 15 times. STEP THIRTEEN
Undo tension bead and finish off other end of
STEP FIVE necklace as per Step 12.
Thread 1 x B, 1 x A, 3 x C,
1 x A and continue going STEP FOURTEEN
through 4 x B beads as Open jump ring and place through last B
before. Repeat this step for a bead on either end of the necklace. Attach
total of 12 times. parrot clasp to one of the jump rings.

GOLDEN STEP ONE Attach the bi-cones from Step 2 to one end of
TASSEL Onto 1 x head pin thread 1 x 6mm bi-cone, each length of chain links.
BRACELET 1 rose gold ball, 1 x 6mm bi-cone. Create an
MATERIALS eye pin forming loops both ends. STEP FOUR
1m x medium belcher chain Attach each of the chain lengths to one turned
rose gold
STEP TWO loop on the rose gold ball.
4 x head pins rose gold Onto 1 x head pin thread 1 x 6mm bi-cone.
3 x jump rings large rose Trim excess and turn a loop. Repeat for a total STEP FIVE
gold of three. Cut four equal lengths of chain to make a
1 x lobster clasp rose gold bracelet.
Cut chain in following lengths: Six STEP SIX
BEADS chain links, eight chain links, Add 1 x lobster clasp to a jump ring. Attach
5 x 6mm Orchard Rd
bi-cones Tanzanite ten chain links. four lengths of chain from Step 5 to this jump
ring. At the other end of these chains, attach
1 x flower rose gold ball
1 x jump ring. Attach the rose fold ball to this
jump ring. Attach a second jump ring.

78 Creative Beading
SUNCATCHER STEP ONE Onto the long end thread 2 x 6mm
MATERIALS Onto a 25cm length of Tigertail thread 1 bi-cone petal pink, 1 x bi-cone lilac,
55cm Tigertail silver x crimp, 4 x lilac octagons 2 x petal pink alternating, 1 x crimp. Let these fall to the
7 x crimps silver octagons alternately. Thread to end leaving octagon ball. Take Tigertail between the
a 5cm tail. Thread this tail back through middle two octagons on the octagon ball
the crimp. Pull a tight loop. Fold the made in Steps 1 and 2, go back through
BEADS crimp. Trim short end of Tigertail to 1cm. crimp. Pull Tigertail firmly, fold crimp.
13 x 12mm octagons lilac
10 x 12mm octagons STEP TWO STEP FIVE
petal pink Thread onto long end 2 x 6mm bi- Onto a 15cm length of Tigertail thread 1
3 x 6mm bi-cones lilac cones petal pink, 1 x bi-cone lilac, x crimp, 5 x lilac octagons, 4 x petal pink
6 x 6mm bi-cones petal pink alternating. Let these fall to the octagon octagons, alternating. Let them fall to one
ball, fold the crimp. Thread 1 x crimp, end of the Tigertail; leaving 5cm tail thread
form a loop for hanging at the end of the back through the crimp, pull a tight loop, fold
Tigertail, fold crimp. Place aside. crimp. Trim short end of Tigertail to 1cm.


Onto a 15cm length of Tigertail thread 1 Onto the long end thread 2 x 6cm bi-cones
x crimp, 2 x lilac octagons, 2 x petal pink petal pink, 1 x bi-cone lilac, alternating, 1 x
octagons, alternating 2 x petal pink octagons, crimp. Let these fall to the octagon ball. Take
2 x lilac octagons, alternating. Let them all fall Tigertail between the middle two octagons on
to one end of the Tigertail leaving a 5cm tail. the octagon ball made in Steps 3 and 4. Go
Thread tail back through crimp. Pull a tight loop, back through the crimp. Pull Tigertail firmly.
fold the crimp. Trim short end of Tigertail to 1cm. Fold crimp.

DELICATE DELICATE DONUT BRACELET 1 x 6mm bicone, 1 x seed bead, 1 x 6mm bi-
DONUT STEP ONE cone, 1 x seed bead. Repeat this pattern finishing
BRACELET Brick stitch bails – thread bead needle with 1m with the eighth bi-cone and final seed bead.
MATERIALS of beading thread. Using size 8/o seed beads Thread 1 x crimp, a toggle piece. Feed Tigertail
1 x Tibetan silver toggle
and basic instructions make a brick stitch strip back through crimp forming a small loop, fold
50cm Tigertail eight beads wide by three rows. the crimp. Trim Tigertail.
4 x crimps silver
2m x beading thread STEP TWO STEP FIVE
Repeat Step 1 to make a total of two bails. Repeat Step 4 to complete the second side of
the bracelet.
1 x 20mm Orchard Rd Donut Loop the brick stitch piece through the hole of
crystal AB the donut, joining ends together by needling
16 x 6mm Orchard Rd through the beads and closing the gap like a
bi-cones crystal AB zipper. Knot the two ends together, glue and
10 grams size 8/o Matsuno trim. Repeat for second bail.
seeds Mulberry
Bracelet construction: Using 25cm length of
Tigertail thread it though the bail so that there
is approximately 1 x 10cm length and a longer
length. Thread 4 x seed beads onto each length.
Thread 1 x crimp over both lengths. Position it
firmly against seed beads; fold the crimp. Trim
short end of Tigertail. Onto the long end thread

MATERIALS Try this cluster tassel necklace, it is formed into

1.5m black nickel chain
15cm Tigertail a simple tassel using tiger tail
45 x 25mm head pins
1 x eye pin
Put 15 x 8mm beads, plus 15 x 6mm each Lay out beads alternating sizes and varying
1 x calotte on head pins; form a simple loop, making the colours, with chain in the middle and
2 x 10mm jump rings tight neat completely closed loops. 15 beads on each side. Fold each section
8 x 13mm jump rings of chain in half when placing in the centre
STEP TWO of layout.
Cut three pieces of chain 15cm.
30 x 6mm Czech fire
polished – assorted colours Thread Tigertail through all loops of beads in
order with chain in the centre.
16 x 8mm Czech fire
polished – assorted colours
1 x 12mm Czech fire

Round nose pliers
Side cutters
2 x chain nose pliers

LENGTH: 95-110cm

Bring together both sides of Tigertail, add last
8mm bead, adding a calotte plus 2 x crimps.
Push down so there is no space – this will
form cluster; crimp both crimps, trim excess
Tigertail, close the calotte, over crimps.
Design note: Take care at this point – it is
easy to break the calotte.


Add 1 x 10mm jump ring to closed calotte;
adding an eye pin to the jump ring, close the
jump ring.

80 Creative Beading
Chain Drop
L inked Tassel
Add to eye pin 12mm bead forming a simple Thread remaining 6mm beads onto head pins
loop, join 10mm jump ring and close jump ring. forming loops, adding randomly at the base of
the chain tassel.

Count 20 links, cut at Link 21. Add 1 x 13mm
jump ring, continue adding chain and jump Goddess Beading Supplies
rings until all eight rings have been used. Start 16 Tooronga Terrace
and finish with chain; add two ends into the Beverly Hills
10mm jump ring from Step 7. Ph: 02 9150 9931

82 Creative Beading

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