Data Structure Lab Manual-BCA152
Data Structure Lab Manual-BCA152
(Department of Information Technology)
Laboratory Manual
Semester- IInd
(Session Apr. 2021 – Jul. 2021)
S No Program Date to be
signed by
1 WAP to calculate factorial of a number using recursion.
24 WAP that removes the first element of a linked list and adds
it to the end of the list without changing any value in the
information field.
INPUT List:- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10
First List:- 1 3 5 7 9
Second List:- 2 4 6 8 10
Hint:- Divide a linked list into two parts.
27 WAP to perform addition of two polynomial using singly
linked list.
28 WAP to create a circular linked list[Creation, Insertion,
29 WAP to create a doubly linked list[Creation, Insertion,
30 Write a C program that will remove a specified node from a
given doubly linked list and insert it at the end of the list.
31 Write a menu based program to perform PUSH, POP, PEEK
and Traverse operation on a STACK using Linked List.
32 Write a menu based program to perform following operations
on a singly queue (using Linked list):-
Insertion into a queue.
Deletion from a queue.
Displaying the contents of a queue.
33 WAP to perform Linear search on sorted/unsorted array.
File should have a neat and clean Index with a Signature column only
[Remove Date to be signed by column and Remarks/Signature
All the programs should be duly executed by the student
himself/herself and make sure your output should be unique.
Output of each program must include your roll no. and complete
Every student will be responsible for showing their practical file
on time (targets will be given weekly basis) during lab class failing
which their practical file will not be evaluated. To avoid any
problem, show your file for evaluation on or before the timeline.
You also need to upload your evaluated file (pdf format only)
whenever required.
Formatting Instructions:
1. For formatting, refer sample file shared.
2. Files without proper formatting will not be accepted.