Feuerriegel and Gordon 2018 DSS (Text Mining) 1-S2.0-S0167923618301052-Main

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Decision Support Systems 112 (2018) 88–97

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Decision Support Systems

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Long-term stock index forecasting based on text mining of regulatory T

Stefan Feuerriegela,*, Julius Gordonb
ETH Zurich, Weinbergstr. 56/58, Zurich 8092, Switzerland
Chair for Information Systems Research, University of Freiburg, Platz der Alten Synagoge, Freiburg 79098, Germany


Keywords: Share valuations are known to adjust to new information entering the market, such as regulatory disclosures. We
Text mining study whether the language of such news items can improve short-term and especially long-term (24 months)
Natural language processing forecasts of stock indices. For this purpose, this work utilizes predictive models suited to high-dimensional data
Financial news and specifically compares techniques for data-driven and knowledge-driven dimensionality reduction in order to
Financial forecasting
avoid overfitting. Our experiments, based on 75,927 ad hoc announcements from 1996–2016, reveal the fol-
Stock index
lowing results: in the long run, text-based models succeed in reducing forecast errors below baseline predictions
Predictive analytics
from historic lags at a statistically significant level. Our research provides implications to business applications
of decision-support in financial markets, especially given the growing prevalence of index ETFs (exchange traded

1. Introduction indicator/markets, preprocessing operations from the field of natural

language processing and forecasting algorithms. Here we refer to the
The efficient market hypothesis formalizes how financial markets literature, which provides a thorough overview [3].
process and respond to new information [1]. Its semi-strong form states Forecasting the development of stock indices is highly demanded by
that asset prices fully reflect publicly-available information. Based on multiple stakeholders in financial markets. The underlying reason is
this premise, one can expect price changes whenever new information that households are investing their money no only in individual stocks,
enters the market. In practice, regulations ensure that stock-relevant government bonds or savings accounts; rather, they increasingly prefer
information is revealed primarily via regulatory disclosures in order to exchange-traded funds (ETFs). These ETFs replicate the movements of
provide equal access for all market participants. Such materials dis- marketable securities, with stock indices being the most prominent
close, for instance, quarterly earnings, but also management changes, example. As part of their benefits, ETFs are traded on stock exchanges
legal risks and other events deemed important [2]. Accordingly, fi- but often with higher liquidity and lower fees. Hence, private investors
nancial disclosures present an alluring and potentially financially-re- demand for decision support in better understanding the development
warding means of forecasting changes in stock valuations [3]. of markets, as well as for obtaining prognostic support. For instance,
In this respect, corporate news conveys a broad spectrum of in- more than 1700 different index ETFs have emerged, amounting to total
formation concerning the past performance and current challenges of assets worth more than USD 2.1 trillion.1
the business [4], as well as frequently hinting at the future outlook. While previous studies provide empirical evidence suggesting a link
Research has followed this reasoning and empirically quantified the between financial disclosures and stock index dynamics in the short
impact of the narrative content on the subsequent stock market re- run, further research is needed to investigate the possibility of long-
sponses [cf. 5-7]. Moreover, researchers have also demonstrated the term forecasting. In this regard, a recent literature review reveals that
prognostic capability of financial disclosures with respect to individual evidence concerning the long-term prognostic power of financial news
stock market returns in the short term [e.g. 8-10]. Accordingly, news- is scarce [3]. As a remedy, it presents the object of this paper to in-
based forecasting has received considerable traction and, as a result, vestigate the predictive capacity of regulatory disclosures in forecasting
various publications have evaluated different news datasets, forecasted future index levels in the long term. This undertaking seems especially

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (S. Feuerriegel).
ETF Daily News. ETF Stats For April 2015; Product Count Tops 1700. URL: https://etfdailynews.com/2015/05/18/etf-stats-for-april-2015-product-count-tops-1700/, accessed April 29,

Received 31 December 2017; Received in revised form 20 June 2018; Accepted 21 June 2018
Available online 30 June 2018
0167-9236/ © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
S. Feuerriegel, J. Gordon Decision Support Systems 112 (2018) 88–97

relevant for practitioners in, for example, monetary policy and the in- decided to present a relatively broad overview that illustrates examples
vestment industry as their decision-making is based on the economic from the different streams in previous research. For a complete over-
outlook, as is reflected by market indices. view, we refer to the survey of predictive text mining for financial news
Despite these aforementioned investigations, it has yet to be es- in [3,13]. Accordingly, related works evaluate different (1) forecasting
tablished whether financial disclosures can facilitate the long-term algorithms from the field of natural language, (2) forecasted market
forecasting of stock indices. For this purpose, we need to make provi- variables and (3) news datasets. These are outlined in the following.
sions for the high-dimensional predictor matrices that arise in text The underlying algorithms are often named opinion mining or
mining and thus experiment with different methods from machine sentiment analysis, consistent with the terminology in computational
learning that are carefully chosen for our setting. This presents a natural language processing [14]. These can extract both the funda-
challenging undertaking that is often referred to as “wide” data, since mental and qualitative information that forms the foundation for the
the presence of single words entails only little prognostic power and, in decision-making of market stakeholders [15-17]. The underlying fore-
addition, we face a higher number of predictors than observations, casting techniques usually follow the same procedure, where the first
which must be effectively handled. This increases the risk of overfitting step pre-processes the running text and then transforms it into a
and we thus show that dimensionality reduction can provide effective mathematical representation that serves as input to a subsequent ma-
means to overcome this problem. chine learning classifier [3,18,19]. Examples include support vector
The novelty of this work is to apply text mining procedures in order to machines [5,17,19], decision tree classifiers [20], artificial neural net-
evaluate long-term forecasts of stock indices with wide predictor matrices. works and boosting methods [20,3]. Alternatively, algorithms based on
We specifically run experiments with (1) machine learning and high-di- deep learning circumvent the manual need for feature engineering [8].
mensional news. We further extend these models by means of additional Yet other works explicitly cater for the time-varying nature of senti-
feature reduction in order to reduce the risk of overfitting through data- ments [21].
driven dimensionality reduction. (2) We aggregate different sentiment These approaches are used to forecast various indicators of interest.
scores and then insert these into our machine learning models. This re- These include, for instance, nominal returns [17], abnormal returns [8],
presents a form of explicit feature engineering as part of a knowledge-driven optimal trading decisions [22], and market volatility [23]. A recent
dimensionality reduction. (3) We perform an a priori reduction process in contribution by [24] applied an ontology-based web mining framework
order to filter news from large-cap firms as these might be more relevant. to improve the accuracy of unemployment rate predictions in the US. In
Altogether, the extensive set of experiments yields prescriptive re- some cases, individual news are further enriched by the wisdom of
commendations for implementing powerful news-based forecasts. crowds [25]. Yet an even different stream of research is interested in
In this work, we utilize 75,927 regulatory ad hoc announcements in macroeconomic indicators [26].
German and English together with three different stock indices, namely, the Examples of news sources include newspaper articles from media
German prime index (DAX), the German composite index (CDAX), and the sources, such as the Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, Yahoo Finance
STOXX Europe 600. Our text-based models include extreme gradient [e.g. 19]; news wires; and regulated fillings, such as ad hoc an-
boosting, principal component regression and the random forest, as well as nouncements, 8-K fillings and annual reports [e.g. 9,22,17,18,27].
the elastic net with it special cases, the lasso and ridge regression. Our Additional sources cover alternative media, such as social media, user-
models are compared to different techniques for linear and non-linear au- generated content and microblogs [e.g. 28-31].
toregression that serve as our baselines. We note that our implementation
was carefully designed to circumvent a potential look-ahead bias [11,12], 2.2. Stock index forecasting
which would incorporate variables that are not present at the time of the
forecast. While not all predictive experiments outperform the baselines, our The link between disclosure content and financial markets is found
evaluations still reveal the promising performance of our text-based pre- not only for individual stocks, but also in the case of stock indices. For
dictions, especially for the long-term forecasts. instance, the S&500 index [32] is positively correlated with specifically
Our proposed text mining approach provides decision support for constructed sentiment metrics. In a predictive setting, media articles
financial markets and thus entails a number of implications for man- facilitate forecasting experiments that predict the same-day return of
agement and individuals. On the one hand, our machine learning fra- the Dow Jones index [33]. Similarly, the momentum of news tone
mework contributes to automated trading in financial markets. It also seems capable of predicting the direction of CDAX movements [34].
helps managers from institutional trading in making profitable invest- Here the predictions are made between one and ten weeks ahead, but
ment decisions. On the other hand, it even facilitates retail investors, this work lacks a rigorous comparison to baselines (e.g. time series
such as individual investors from online trading platforms, in managing models) in order to convincingly demonstrate that the text-based
their portfolio. Given the prevalence of ETFs as a widespread invest- forecast outperforms simple autoregressive models. Hence, the added
ment instrument for private households, the findings of this work have value of news-based predictors remains unclear.
thus also direct implications to this group of stakeholders. In the context of this manuscript, a wide array of previous works
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. The above in- have investigated the possibility of forecasting stock indices based
troduction has outlined a research gap concerning the long-term fore- merely on historic values and, hence, we point out only a few illus-
casts of stock indices based on the language embedded in corporate trative examples in the following. Forecasting experiments have been
disclosures. To address this issue, we review related work (Section 2) undertaken for various indices such as the S&P 500 [35,36], the
and introduce our text mining models for news-based forecasting in NYSE [37], the Dow Jones Industrial Average [38], the NIKKEI
Section 3 and our datasets in Section 4. Section 5 then measures the 225 [39] and also for emerging markets [40]. These works frequently
improvements of our text-based forecasts over time series models with utilize time series analysis methods, such as autoregressive or moving-
autoregressive terms. Based on the findings, Section 6 discusses the average processes, occasionally together with approaches for volatility
implications of our work, while Section 7 concludes. modeling [37,36,41]. Works located in the proximity of machine
learning also experiment, for instance, with support vector machines
2. Related work [39,37], neural networks [42,35,40], and hybrid models of neural
networks and autoregression [38]. Hence, we utilize both auto-
2.1. Decision support from financial news regressive and non-linear machine learning models with historic values
as our benchmarks.
News-based predictions have become a common theme in decision Previous research [43] also provides evidence as to why our ap-
support literature, yet rarely with a focus on stock indices. Hence, we proach is likely to be superior, i.e. the constant-parameters in classical

S. Feuerriegel, J. Gordon Decision Support Systems 112 (2018) 88–97

time series analysis are designed to capture stationary processes, while narrative materials can be easily mapped on a numerical figure that can
our approach can even model the event-driven jump due to corporate adapt to the underlying valence of the tone, as well as the economic
disclosures. outlook. At the same time, this procedure reduces the degrees-of-
freedom immensely and instead, replaces these by domain knowledge
3. Text mining framework as encoded in the dictionaries, thereby diminishing the potential of
This section details the forecasting models that serve as our base- In all of our experiments, we incorporate the Loughran-McDonald
lines, as well as the models based on the content of financial dis- finance-specific dictionary2 which has evolved as a quasi-standard in
closures. These aim at forecasting a financial time series Y t with t = 1, finance-related research [7]. This dictionary has specifically con-
…,T. The common challenge behind the following procedures is that structed such that they can extract qualitative materials from financial
the predictor matrix is extremely wide, which leads to the risk of news in order to yield numerical scores.
overfitting. Hence, we overcome this problem by data-driven di-
mensionality reduction and explicit feature engineering with domain
3.3. Text-based machine learning
knowledge through sentiment analysis.

Text-based require that the running text is transformed in a ma-

3.1. Baselines with lagged data chine-ready representation, to which one can later apply a machine
learning classifier [47]. For this reason, the conventional bag-of-words
We implement a linear autogressive model (lm) in order to forecast approach is to process the original document by counting the frequency
future observations from the historic time series, where the variable l of tokens [3,14,13]. These frequencies can optionally be weighted, until
refers to the number of lags, t to current time step and t + h to the they finally serve as features in the machine learning models.
forecasted time step when making a prediction h steps ahead. The au- Our text-based models adhere to the previous approach and we thus
toregressive process is then modeled via detail our methodology in the following (cf. Fig. 1). We remove num-
Yt + h = α + β1 Yt − 1 + …+βl Yt − l + εi, (1) bers, punctuations, and stop words3, followed by stemming. We then
count the frequency of all terms appearing in the disclosures belonging
with coefficients α,β1,…,βl. It thus expects predictors Y t−1,…,Y t−l in to each time step t = 1,…,T. This results in a document-term matrix X
order to forecast Y t+h. ∈ℝT×P where the columns refer to the different frequencies of all P
We also apply machine learning models to the input vector terms. Hence, one row denotes the frequency of the terms in the dis-
[Yt − 1, …, Yt − l ]T with l lags. This allows us to relax the assumption of a closures of a single time step t. We subsequently scale the matrix by the
linear relationship and specifically test for non-linear dependencies. In relative informativeness of words as defined by the tf-idf
this regard, we choose the same set of machine learning models as in weighting [47]. The resulting rows then serves as the main predictors
the case of text-based approaches, namely, least squares absolute for future values Y t+h.
shrinkage operator (lasso), ridge regression, elastic net (enet), gradient The corpus is further processed in order to yield high-dimensional
boosting (gbm), principal component regression (pcr) and random predictor matrices as detailed in the following. More precisely, the
forest (rf). document-term matrix X entails an extremely wide format, wherein the
number of predictors exceeds the observations by far. We thus follow a
3.2. Sentiment-based machine learning heuristic approach for reducing the dimensionality of X further. That is,
we omit rare terms for which the corresponding columns contain more
Predictions from several hundred documents as a single observation than 10 % of sparse entries to reduce the risk of overfitting, as well as
have oftentimes demonstrated to increase the risk of overfitting. A vi- the necessary computational resources.
able trade-off is commonly presented by drawing upon sentiment dic- Care is necessary when choosing a suitable machine learning model,
tionaries as a form of feature engineering. Here the idea is to in- since we require model that can generalize well even with more pre-
corporate domain knowledge in the form of pre-defined dictionaries dictors than data samples. In other words, we face a situation where the
that label terms into different semantic categories [44]. The conven- number of words exceeds the number of past observations, which can
tional assumption is that the overall sentiment hints the economic easily result in overfitting for many machine learning models. As a
outlook [45,46,7]. Sentiment dictionaries have frequently been utilized remedy, we decide upon predictive models that are perform known to
in explanatory research where the objective is to identify a statistically handle such wide datasets effectively [48]: lasso, ridge regression,
significant relationship between content of financial disclosures and the elastic net, gradient boosting, principal component regression and
corresponding stock market reaction [e.g. 21,34], yet empirical evi- random forest, which utilize implicit feature selection, regularization or
dence on their potential advantage in long-term predictive settings is dimensionality reduction in order to yield a favorable bias-variance
scarce. tradeoff and thus avoid potential overfitting.
We create a predictor matrix consisting out of l autoregressive lags Beyond tf-idf features, we also experiment with alternative ap-
and additional scores. Here we experiment with three approaches: proaches as part of our feature engineering in order to reduce the risk of
overfitting. That is, we apply techniques for unsupervised dimension-
1. We compute a single sentiment score that reflects the overall po- ality reduction: the document-term matrix X is replaced by (a) its
larity of the language. This is given by the relative ratio between the principal component analysis (pca) and (b) a latent semantic analysis
number of positive and negative words, i.e. #positive − #negative . (lsa).
2. Beyond that, we also compute separate scores measuring the use of Subsequently, we evaluate two distinct strategies to news-based
positive and negative language. These are formalized by ratios forecasts: (1) the above document-term matrices or its transformations
and #negative . serve as the sole predictor (i.e. l = 0). (2) The document term-matrices
#total #total
3. Sentiment dictionaries often consist of further categories, such as are further augmented by l autoregressive terms from the predicted
uncertainty expressions (especially with regard to the economic stock index with l = 1 or l = 6. As a result, the latter approach further
climate). Hence, we extend our previous positivity and negativity
metrics by a proportional score of uncertainty words. 2
URL: https://www3.nd.edu/~mcdonald/Word_Lists.html, last accessed April 3,
The computational advantage of these approaches is that even long 3
Here we follow the suggested list of the package “tm” in R.

S. Feuerriegel, J. Gordon Decision Support Systems 112 (2018) 88–97

Decision support system Decision-making

Term-document Investment
Preprocessing Machine learning
matrix decisions

News stream
Weighting Model choice
(by tf-idf) (for wide data)

Removal of contribution
Stemming Price lags
sparse terms

Fig. 1. Text mining framework that serves as the foundation of a decision support system for facilitating decision-making in financial markets.

adapt to seasonalities and short-term trends. Altogether, this yields 63 Financial Supervisory Authority (i.e. BaFin).
different predictive models as subject for our experiments (i.e. 7 clas- We collected all 80,813 ad hoc announcements from July 1996
sifiers, with raw tf-idf and 2 adaptations, namely, pca and lsa; each with through April 2016 that were disseminated by the DGAP.4 These ma-
three choices of l). terials were retrieved via the dedicated online channel (http://www.
dgap.de/dgap/News/?newsType=ADHOC). We specifically note that
the dataset underwent no additional (subjective) filtering steps in order
3.4. Parameter calibration
eliminate the risk of data dredging and associated look-ahead biases
[11,12], which would incorporate information that are not present at
We proceed as follows in order to tune the hyperparameters of our
the time of the forecast.
predictive models. For that purpose, we chronologically split the da-
Empirical evidence has demonstrated a strong response of share
taset into two subsets for training (60 % of observations) and testing
prices in the wake of this type of financial news, as well as a high
(remaining 40 %) in order to preserve the temporal order of the dis-
prognostic capability of changes in stock valuations [34]. Moreover, the
closures. We then find the best-performing parameters by performing a
content of such disclosures also enables previous works in predicting
grid search. More specifically, we utilize time-series cross-validation
volatility and risk-related metrics [51]. Altogether, this indicates that
with a rolling forecast origin [49]. This procedure first splits the
ad hoc announcements are likely to give an accurate sense of current
training data T into k disjoint subsets T1, …, Tk in temporal order. We
developments for individual firms, in addition to reflecting the market
then iterate over all possible combinations of the tuning ranges for each
parameter and all values of i = 2,…,k. For each combination, we learn
the model parameters from the previous subsets in time given by
T1, …, Ti − 1. Subsequently, we compute the performance of this model 4.2. Stock index data
calibration on the validation set Ti . Finally, we return the best-per-
forming hyperparameter setting. Since ad hoc announcements can originate from German or even
Throughout this paper, all computational experiments are per- foreign corporations, we have to reflect this fact and make a corre-
formed by utilizing k = 10 splits. We rely upon the default search grid sponding choice of stock indices (see Table 1). We thus incorporate two
as defined by the “caret” package in R for reasons of compar- German stock indices: the DAX includes the 30 biggest stocks trading on
ability [50]. the Frankfurt stock exchange, while the CDAX consists of all German
stocks listed in the general standard or prime standard market seg-
ments, which totals to approximately 485 firms. In addition, we ex-
4. Datasets periment with the STOXX Europe 600 as another point of comparison.
We collected these financial time series from Bloomberg in both weekly
4.1. Regulatory disclosures and monthly resolutions. This amounts to 1087 weekly and 260
monthly observations.
Our dataset of regulatory disclosures contains all ad hoc an-
nouncements that were disseminated by the DGAP (Deutsche 4.3. Summary statistics
Gesellschaft fuer Ad-hoc-Publizitaet), a subsidy of EQS Group, which is
the leading publishing service provider for mandatory ad hoc an- Table 2 provides summary statistics related to our dataset. On
nouncements in Germany. Government regulations require firms to average, each ad hoc announcement contains 232.7 words, while we
publish all stock-relevant materials first and without delay via this see a slight upward trend across time. Our corpus thus entails a total of
channel. The disclosure of these filings is obligated by regulatory po- 17.7 million terms. The annual mean number of disclosures is 3947 for
licies according to the German Securities Trade Act and affects all firms the time frame covering 1997–2015. Finally, we note a high correlation
listed on German stock exchanges. As a result, the rules not only apply coefficient between DAX and CDAX close to 1. The correlation with the
for German firms but also for foreign ones listed there, which is the STOXX Europe 600 remains below that value, amounting to 0.80 for the
reason why these disclosures are typically published in German, English DAX and 0.77 in the case of the CDAX.
or both. We thus specifically compare the prognostic capabilities of the
aforementioned languages in predicting stock prices. The choice of this
5. Results
dataset entails a number of practical advantages. First, the strict pub-
lication rules warrant a timely publication and ensure that the content
This section describes the setup of our computational experiments,
is relevant to stock markets. This prohibits firms from disseminating the
for which it then reports the results of the out-of-sample forecasting.
information via the press before filing an ad hoc disclosure. Second,
each ad hoc announcement must be signed by the head of the company.
Third, the quality of all filings is further quality-checked by the Federal 4
The dataset is available upon request via email.

S. Feuerriegel, J. Gordon Decision Support Systems 112 (2018) 88–97

Table 1
Overview of predicted stock indices.
Symbol Name Region Resolutions (in use) Notes

DAX German prime stock index Germany Monthly & weekly Index of 30 selected German blue chip stocks
CDAX German composite stock index Germany Monthly & weekly Composite index of all stocks traded on the Frankfurt Stock
STOXX STOXX Europe 600 EU Monthly & weekly Composite index from across the European region

Table 2 we take the squared-error as the loss function. Accordingly, this pro-
Summary statistics of corporate disclosures, as well as the annual mean of the vides statistical confidence regarding the advantages of utilizing the
stock index data. text-based models over the benchmarks with merely lagged input va-
Year Disclosures Mean length DAX CDAX STOXX lues for the given test data.
Detailed results by model are listed in the supplements. These
1996 (Jul–Dec) 424 134.08 2591.79 240.79 154.80 contribute to the robustness of the proposed machine learning ap-
1997 1523 136.55 3744.49 335.59 211.79
proach. Oftentimes, these predictions yield the same pattern as in the
1998 1911 167.12 5058.75 435.16 272.84
1999 3863 218.98 5391.62 457.76 312.62 summarizing table, since, when the baseline is clearly surpassed there,
2000 6954 247.26 7049.20 578.83 379.73 we can outperform the best benchmark in both the nowcasting and the
2001 8814 184.30 5612.18 448.99 314.87 long-term scenario for the majority of machine learning models.
2002 4983 178.78 4111.16 345.18 249.62 We further conduct the following sensitivity check. That is, we as-
2003 4676 189.64 3205.03 280.41 204.03
2004 4095 193.73 3984.07 351.00 239.83
sume that the contribution of firms to the overall market movements is
2005 4112 204.08 4706.41 418.40 279.14 linked to their market capitalization. Hence, we expect the stock indices
2006 4221 218.66 5962.27 536.32 336.00 to be particularly moved by large-cap companies and thus filter our for
2007 4449 237.32 7563.47 682.81 378.89 the top-25 companies by market capitalization.
2008 4012 241.40 6149.94 546.43 278.03
2009 3500 253.12 5021.33 433.34 215.69
2010 3054 274.83 6161.05 538.48 256.21 5.2. Prognostic power of textual materials
2011 2982 296.49 6679.14 589.70 261.42
2012 2903 304.52 6911.78 611.16 262.67
2013 3099 289.79 8374.98 748.53 303.06
We now provide statistics concerning the prognostic power of news
2014 3031 295.35 9616.60 860.55 338.88 content. On the one hand, this establishes the overall relevance of
2015 2811 306.32 11006.63 993.91 380.60 textual cues as potential predictors and, on the other hand, summarizes
2016 (Jan–Apr) 510 314.09 10021.38 921.06 339.75 the difficulties of the research setup: several thousands of different
words can theoretically provide hindsight of future price changes, yet
only a fairly small set of observations are available. This directly leads
5.1. Computational setup to the risk of overfitting and reveals the inherent methodological
challenge, since the wide predictor matrix requires appropriate di-
The purpose of our experiments is to compare the predictive per- mensionality reduction.
formance of the benchmark models to the disclosure-based forecasts. In the following, we draw upon the information-fusion-based sen-
We thus train models with the raw time series of each stock index. Here, sitivity analysis [57], which has been widely used in the decision
we run our experiments by setting the number of lags to l = 6 in order support literature as a tool for quantifying the relevance of predictors
to provide a reasonable trade-off between bias and variance. This [58,59]. It essentially measures the change in RMSE when omitting or
choice yields fairly stationary subsets and has also been utilized by including a single variable in an ensemble of all models. We computed
previous works [e.g. 52,53]. We also study the sensitivity by per- the information-fusion-based sensitivity analysis for the text-based
forming experiments with a single lag (l = 1) as a comparison. Finally, predictor matrix in the setting with a one-step ahead prediction of the
we incorporate our text-based, high-dimensional predictor matrix and DAX as the outcome variable. Here we yield an average sensitivity score
train them both without lags and, consistent with above, with l = 6 of 1.001 for all textual cues with a standard deviation of 0.017. As a
lags. comparison, the lags attain sensitivity scores of up to 1.451. This de-
Across all our experiments, we specifically forecast the raw values monstrates that only few variables have strong prognostic capacity of
given by Y t+h without further transformations. We explicitly refrain the outcome variable and it is thus a challenge to identify this subset. As
from using transformations, as practitioners are interested in the actual a remedy, this paper compares different strategies of dimensionality
values and this thus presents a more realistic setting. The variable Y t+h reduction that either follow a data-driven logic or additionally in-
is easily interpretable and especially demanded by practitioners. We corporate domain knowledge.
then make predictions across different forecast horizons h. Here we Based on the above discussion, we later expect that, in some cases,
draw upon different horizons h in case of monthly and weekly resolu- the text-based prediction models can even be inferior to the simple
tion. All of the aforementioned values refer to a maximum forecast baselines. This can happen when the dimensionality reduction has not
horizon of 24 months in both cases. The prediction for h = 1 is modeled been able to identify the subset of relevant predictors and, instead, has
as first-differences as this appears to better identify turning points in the overfitted.
business cycle.
In the following, we quantify the forecast performance based on the 5.3. German prime index: DAX
root mean squared error (RMSE). Table 3 reports the results for the
monthly time series and Table 4 for the weekly one. Furthermore, we For the monthly data, the disclosure-based models surpass the
follow the recommendations in [54] by running a Diebold-Mariano forecast accuracy of the benchmark models for the 1 and 24-months-
(DM) test in order to ensure the robustness of our findings. Given a ahead prediction. For the short-term horizon, the models from machine
certain sample, the null hypothesis tests whether forecasts with the learning and large-cap firms prove to be the most accurate, achieving
text-based predictor matrix are at least as accurate as forecasts lacking an RMSE of 409.662. In comparison, the best benchmark model re-
these external inputs [55,56]. The corresponding statistic thus reveals corded an RMSE of 429.656. For the long-term prediction horizon, the
whether the reduction of forecast errors is statistically significant. Here disclosure-based models prove again to be superior. The clear standout

S. Feuerriegel, J. Gordon Decision Support Systems 112 (2018) 88–97

Table 3 Table 4
Comparison of prediction performance (root mean squared error) across dif- Comparison of prediction performance (root mean squared error) across dif-
ferent monthly stock indices, where we make predictions h time steps ahead. ferent weekly stock indices, where we make predictions h time steps ahead.
Only the best-in-breed model is listed, for which we add bold highlighting when Only the best-in-breed model is listed, for which we add bold highlighting when
the model is equal or superior to the baseline. The corresponding P-value from the model is equal or superior to the baseline. The corresponding P-value from
the Diebold-Mariano test is given in brackets, as well as the type of the final the Diebold-Mariano test is given in brackets, as well as the type of the final
model. model.
Input/model h=1 h = 12 h = 24 Input/model h=1 h = 52 h = 104

Predicted variable: monthly German prime index (DAX) Predicted variable: weekly German prime index (DAX)

Benchmark: lags 429.656 2232.505 3700.613 Benchmark: lags 236.176 2250.741 3711.472
lm1 lm1 lm1 glmnet6 lm1 lm1
Sentiment 421.925 2241.000 3453.951 Sentiment 236.342 2329.701 3555.981
(0.047) (1.000) (0.000) (0.573) (1.000) (0.000)
Pos&neg Pos&neg Sentiment Pos&neg Pos&neg Pos&neg
Machine learning 409.662 2486.562 3089.563 Machine learning 236.357 2510.681 3457.280
(0.006) (0.998) (0.000) (0.586) (1.000) (0.000)
ridge1 pca-gbm1 rf6 pcr6 gbm gbm6
Incl. dimensionality reduction 411.062 2486.562 3356.676 Incl. dimensionality reduction 236.188 2600.012 3277.951
(0.034) (0.998) (0.000) (0.503) (1.000) (0.000)
pca-glmnet pca-gbm1 pca-gbm1 pca-rf pca-gbm1 pca-ridge6
Sensitivity: top-25 firms 409.662 2507.928 3026.000 Sensitivity: top-25 firms 235.816 2469.524 3277.951
(0.006) (1.000) (0.000) (0.408) (1.000) (0.000)
ridge1 pca-gbm1 rf1 pca-rf1 gbm pca-ridge6
Sensitivity: corpus 410.475 2640.812 2977.528 Sensitivity: corpus 235.604 2396.174 3188.030
(0.115) (1.000) (0.000) (0.309) (1.000) (0.000)
Complete Complete German German Complete German

Predicted variable: monthly German composite index (CDAX) Predicted variable: weekly German composite index (CDAX)

Benchmark: lags 36.919 204.343 339.495 Benchmark: lags 20.257 206.621 341.331

gbm1 lm1 lm1 glmnet6 lm1 lm1

Sentiment 36.486 205.118 316.701 Sentiment 20.188 211.286 333.229
(0.223) (1.000) (0.000) (0.285) (1.000) (0.000)
Pos&neg Pos&neg Pos&neg Sentiment Pos&neg Pos&neg
Machine learning 35.376 236.667 283.987 Machine learning 20.274 235.412 328.827
(0.003) (1.000) (0.000) (0.565) (1.000) (0.000)
ridge1 ridge6 rf1 rf1 gbm lasso
Incl. dimensionality reduction 35.273 245.063 307.168 Incl. dimensionality reduction 20.251 242.067 310.824
(0.017) (1.000) (0.000) (0.486) (1.000) (0.000)
pca-glmnet pca-gbm1 pca-gbm1 pca-gbm1 pca-ridge1 pca-ridge6
Sensitivity: top-25 firms 35.273 229.416 284.336 Sensitivity: top-25 firms 20.264 233.816 310.824
(0.003) (1.000) (0.000) (0.522) (1.000) (0.000)
pca-glmnet ridge1 rf pca-rf ridge6 pca-ridge6
Sensitivity: corpus 35.34 246.833 273.436 Sensitivity: corpus 20.18 220.320 304.383
(0.007) (1.000) (0.000) (0.203) (1.000) (0.000)
Complete Complete Complete German Complete German

Predicted variable: monthly STOXX Europe 600 index Predicted variable: weekly STOXX Europe 600 index
Benchmark: lags 12.539 36.696 56.26 Benchmark: lags 7.854 39.371 58.989

ridge6 gbm1 lm1 lm6 gbm1 lasso6

Sentiment 12.551 39.954 50.931 Sentiment 7.882 41.618 54.862
(0.519) (0.972) (0.001) (0.781) (0.989) (0.063)
Sentiment Pos&neg Sentiment All categories Pos&neg Sentiment
Machine learning 12.170 43.967 50.557 Machine learning 7.891 43.888 53.287
(0.120) (0.989) (0.000) (0.844) (0.992) (0.000)
ridge6 gbm gbm6 pcr6 rf6 pcr
Incl. dimensionality reduction 12.487 45.602 50.654 Incl. dimensionality reduction 7.891 46.934 49.996
(0.405) (1.000) (0.000) (0.844) (1.000) (0.000)
pca-rf6 pca-rf1 lsa-pcr1 pca-pcr6 pca-rf pca-rf6
Sensitivity: top-25 firms 12.170 44.799 50.654 Sensitivity: top-25 firms 7.891 43.366 49.996
(0.120) (0.999) (0.000) (0.775) (0.984) (0.000)
ridge6 pca-rf1 lsa-pcr1 pcr6 rf6 pca-rf6
Sensitivity: corpus 12.360 45.394 36.226 Sensitivity: corpus 7.872 44.133 48.318
(0.358) (0.996) (0.000) (0.632) (0.998) (0.000)
Complete German German Complete Complete Complete

is given by the combined corpus with an RMSE of 2977.528. This yields

a significant improvement over the best performing benchmark with an step-ahead prediction of 235.604. Further, improvements are also at-
RMSE of 3700.613. tained for the 2-year-ahead horizon. The corpus sensitivity model again
We find a similar pattern for the weekly resolution. A majority of proves to be the most accurate with an RMSE of 3188.030. However,
the disclosure-based models are able to outperform the benchmark the benchmark model returns superior forecasts for the medium-term
models. The combined corpus achieved the lowest RMSE for the one- prediction horizon of 52 weeks.

S. Feuerriegel, J. Gordon Decision Support Systems 112 (2018) 88–97

5.4. German composite index: CDAX data, we obtain reductions in the RMSE by 4.6% for the DAX, 4.4% for
the CDAX, and 2.9% for the STOXX Europe 600 for the short-term
The results of the predictive experiments undertaken for the CDAX horizon. For the long-term horizon, we see reductions in RMSE of
index are as follows. For the monthly prediction experiments, the dis- 19.5% for the DAX, 19.4% for the CDAX, and 35.6% for the STOXX
closure-based models outperform the benchmark over both short and Europe 600.
long-term prediction horizons. The reduction to large-caps and the The improvements step from different model choices. In the long
data-driven dimensionality reduction proved to be the most accurate run, the best results are often achieved by combined corpus as firms can
with a RMSE of 35.273. In comparison, the best performing benchmark utilize different languages for their reporting. Conversely, the short-
recorded a RMSE of 36.919. For the long-term prediction horizon the term predictions largely benefit from machine learning, optionally a
results indicate that the disclosure-based models are proven again to be restriction on large-caps as part of reducing the complexity of the input.
superior. The best result is obtained by when utilizing the combined These even appear beneficial over data-driven techniques for di-
corpus with an RMSE of 273.436 for the 24-months-ahead horizon. This mensionality reduction, such as the principal component analysis.
a significant improvement over RMSE of 339.495 recorded by the best Interestingly, explicit dimensionality reduction facilitates the weekly
performing benchmark over the same period. The results for the 12- resolution, while it impedes the monthly resolution. Sentiment-based
months-ahead horizon indicate a similar result to the DAX index that approaches can outperform lag-based predictions, yet are themselves
the disclosure-based models were unable to out-predict the benchmark. outperformed by other text-based machine learning. We further observe
The RMSE values for the weekly resolution of the CDAX index il- that oftentimes simple linear relationships as in the lasso appear among
lustrate that a majority of the disclosure-based models are able to the best-in-breed model. A potential reason is that this type of model
outperform the benchmark over a number of prediction horizons. The benefits from additional implicit reduction of the feature space and the
corpus sensitivity again attained the best RMSE of 20.180 for the 1- parameters are fairly easy to calibrate, thus yielding a more robust
week-ahead prediction horizon. The sentiment and dimensionality re- model.
duction also outperformed the benchmark RMSE of 20.257. For the We further compare the normalized RMSE in Table 5, which allows
one-year-ahead horizon, no disclosure-based model was able to out- comparison across different scales in the outcome variable. We find that
perform the benchmark. Finally, for the 2-year-ahead horizon, all ma- the STOXX Europe index has lower relative prediction errors than the
chine learning approaches were able to record lower forecast errors German indices. A potential reason could stem from the fact that the ad
than the benchmark models. The RMSE of 304.383 achieved by the hoc announcements cover not only domestic corporations but also
German corpus significantly outperforms the best benchmark model foreign firms listed at German stock exchanges. We also see a higher
RMSE of 341.331. prognostic capacity for the DAX as compared to the composite index. A
possible explanation could be that it is fairly difficult to accurately
5.5. STOXX Europe 600 index assess the wealth of information concerning all small-cap firms, thus
leaving an additional component of stock dynamics that entails con-
We now discuss the RMSE values from the prediction experiments siderable variability and thus cannot be fully explained with our current
undertaken for the monthly resolution of the STOXX 600 index. A models.
majority of the disclosure-based models surpassed the forecast accuracy We now briefly validate the robustness of our results; that is, how
of the benchmark for the one-step-ahead horizon. The models with sensitive the proposed machine learning approach is to the individual
machine learning and large-cap filtering proved to be the most accurate model choice. For this purpose, we report a detailed performance
with both models recording a RMSE of 12.170. In comparison, the breakdown by model in the supplements. Whenever the machine
benchmark RMSE was 12.539. Further improvements in predictive learning approach in the summary table is strong in outperforming the
accuracy over the benchmark were achieved for the 2-year-ahead
horizon. This time the use of only German news obtained the most
Table 5
accurate prediction with a RMSE of 36.226; however, the best-of-breed
Normalized RMSE for comparing the best-in-breed, text-based predictions.
results from all other approaches also recorded a better RMSE than that
of the best benchmark model (36.226). In a similar result to the pre- Predicted variable Model Normalized RMSE
vious mentioned experiments for the DAX and CDAX, the benchmark
Monthly resolution
models were more accurate in the medium run.
The results from the weekly prediction experiments show small h=1 h = 12 h = 24
variations to the previous patterns. The disclosure-based models are
DAX Sentiment 16.6 31.3 53.4
unable to outperform the benchmark over the short-term prediction
Machine learning 16.0 35.7 47.8
horizons. However, we find evidence of predictability in the long run. Incl. dimensionality reduction 16.0 34.7 51.9
Here we noted a lowest forecast error for the combined corpus. This is CDAX Sentiment 17.1 31.4 54.5
in line with our expectations as the STOXX index contains firms from all Machine learning 16.6 36.2 48.9
over Europe that thus might prefer reporting not only in German but Incl. dimensionality reduction 16.5 37.5 52.8
STOXX Sentiment 20.3 20.6 29.3
also in English. Machine learning 19.7 22.7 29.1
Incl. dimensionality reduction 20.2 23.5 29.2
5.6. Comparison
Weekly resolution
h=1 h = 52 h = 104
The overall performance of disclosure-based forecasts varies de-
pending on the predicted variable, forecast horizon, model choice and DAX Sentiment 12.2 29.9 49.5
input choice. While the performance of disclosure-based forecasts is not
Machine learning 12.2 32.2 48.1
superior across all experiments, we point to the following cases wherein Incl. dimensionality reduction 12.1 33.3 45.6
disclosures, as a matter of fact, yield significant reductions in forecast CDAX Sentiment 12.0 29.7 51.5
errors. In this regard, we identify our primary finding: the text-based Machine learning 12.0 33.1 51.1
models help in improving the long-term forecasts of the three stock Incl. dimensionality reduction 12.0 34.0 48.3
STOXX Sentiment 9.8 19.3 27.9
indices. Here the explicit sentiment, implicit dimensionality reduction,
Machine learning 9.8 20.3 27.1
machine learning and sensitivity models are able over various forecast Incl. dimensionality reduction 9.8 21.8 25.4
horizons to strongly outperform the benchmark. In the case of monthly

S. Feuerriegel, J. Gordon Decision Support Systems 112 (2018) 88–97

lag-based baseline, we find similar outcomes when looking in the full market that consequently causes an adjustment of stock prices. Hence,
palette of models. To quantify this effect, we computed the coefficient- the profits are not the result of arbitrage [64] and unlikely to diminish
of-variation across all estimated models. For instance, in the case of the to zero-excess returns in the future.
monthly DAX, the coefficient-of-variation for the benchmarks computes Efficient markets “rule out the possibility of trading systems based only
to 0.183 in the nowcasting scenario, while it is lowered to 0.782 when on (the assumed information set) that have expected profits or returns in
using machine learning together with dimensionality reduction. Similar excess of equilibrium profits or returns” [65, p.385]. However, research
patterns arise in the two-year scenario where it drops from 0.032 to has also found empirical evidence supporting the predictability of stock
0.022. prices [66,63,40,43]. A recent meta-study lists 97 variables for which
previous research has found a prognostic capacity of cross-sectional
6. Discussion stock returns [64]. These variables include, for instance, analyst re-
commendations, turnover volume, bid-ask spread, investment decisions
6.1. Business implications for financial decision-making and decision- and tax levels. Our research yields findings analogous to prior work at
support stock level that corporate disclosures have long-term prognostic cap-
abilities at index level. In this context, our work identifies highly com-
The objective of this paper is to demonstrate the predictive power of plex and non-linear relationships between word choice and the future
approaches utilizing techniques from text mining in order to forecast outlook of the economy.
stock indices. The predominant reason is that trading recently wit-
nessed a trends towards index ETFs. In this regard, the Financial Times 6.3. Limitations and potential for future research
suggests that the relative trend towards ETFs as a form of passive in-
vesting continues to grow.5 Our quantitative results thus aid practi- We provide evidence that financial disclosures per se are linked to
tioners, professional investors and managers. the economic outlook, but several aspects are left as potential avenues
Based on our findings, one can build algorithmic trading systems for future research. While this work demonstrates the prognostic cap-
around our text-based prediction methodology, which are capable of ability of ad hoc announcements in English and German for a range of
executing potentially profitable trading strategies [60,22]. In this re- stock markets, the task remains to repeat our analysis in other markets,
gard, text mining in particular has recently received great traction and such as investigating the interplay between Form 8-K filings in the US
is propelling the automated interpretation of the linguistic content in and domestic stock indices. In our research design, the choice of reg-
corporate disclosures [61]. As an immediate implication, our research ulatory disclosures entails several inherent advantages for financial
contributes to the stream of text-based trading and suggests the use of forecasting, including their objectiveness, relevance to the market,
corporate disclosures in predicting stock indices, especially for long- concise format and short publication times. Nevertheless, one could
term forecasts. This development is largely sustained by the growing also consider alternative text sources besides regulatory disclosures: for
volume and ease of access to unstructured narrative materials, thereby instance, social media, Internet stock message boards, newspaper re-
fundamentally advancing the methods of researchers in the field of fi- leases or a combination thereof. Similarly, the analysis could be ex-
nancial forecasting. tended by including affective dimensions beyond sentiment or by
A potential advantage of forecasting based on financial disclosures analyzing the topic-specific reception. In addition, further effort is
is the possibility of detecting market movements that are too complex needed in order to obtain fully generative models and perform a rig-
for humans to identify. Yet our work also reveals several challenges. orous model selection (for instance, see the test procedure in [67]).
Among these is the veracity of financial news or, put differently, the
information quality associated with verbal expressions. While financial 7. Conclusions
news appears to be a significant driver of stock valuation [46], there is
still a large portion of unexplained variance. This noise component In this paper, we draw upon the efficient market hypothesis, which
might be diminished by better forecasting techniques, although, a re- dictates that share valuations adjust to new information entering the
sidual noise component might even be unpredictable, especially when market. We join theory and text mining based on which we test the
signals are unclear or noisy [62]. ability of language, published in regulatory disclosures, to improve
From a mathematical point of view, our research setting is highly both short- and long-term forecasts of stock market indices. Our ex-
challenging because of the high-dimensional predictor matrix that can periments reveal that text-based models perform at comparable levels
easily lead to overfitting. Here individual words are only weakly related relative to the baseline predictions for short-term forecasts and can
the outcome variable and only their interplay accomplishes the desired outperform these baselines in terms of particularly challenging long-
prognostic power. As a remedy, our work lends to prescriptive guide- term forecasts.
lines for similar undertakings, as we compare different strategies for To test the forecasting potential of our language-based data source,
effective, text-based forecasting with wide data. This includes techni- we utilize 20 years' worth of corporate disclosures mandated by German
ques for data-driven and knowledge-driven dimensionality reduction. regulations. The individual disclosures are aggregated and processed
We thereby contribute to the growing use of data mining techniques in into high-dimensional predictor matrices referring to the individual
financial forecasting [63]. term frequencies. We then apply machine learning models, suited for
high-dimensional problems, to forecast major German and European
6.2. Links to theory stock indices over multiple forecast horizons, up to 24 months ahead.
We evaluate the forecasting errors of our text-based models against
The semi-strong form of the efficient market hypothesis stipulates various benchmarks, including linear autogression and random forests,
changes in financial valuation once novel information enters the using lagged data as predictors. With regard to the long-term forecasts
market [1]. This is the case when corporations disclose ad hoc an- experiments, the text-based models are able predict with lower forecast
nouncements that subsequently drive a market response and thus errors than the baseline models.
trigger a direct change in the price variable. The corresponding fore-
casting performance draws purely upon novel information entering the
Appendix A. Supplementary data

Financial Times. ETFs are eating the US stock market. URL: https://www.ft.com/ Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://
content/6dabad28-e19c-11e6-9645-c9357a75844a, last accessed April 29, 2018. doi.org/10.1016/j.dss.2018.06.008.

S. Feuerriegel, J. Gordon Decision Support Systems 112 (2018) 88–97

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Stefan Feuerriegel is an assistant professor for manage- Julius Gordon is a post-graduate research fellow with the
ment information systems at ETH Zurich. His research fo- Chair of Information Systems Research of the University of
cuses on cognitive information systems and business in- Freiburg. Previously, he has completed his Master's studies
telligence, including text mining and sentiment analysis of at the same institution. He holds a bachelor of economics
financial news. Previously, he obtained his Ph.D. from the and a bachelor of commerce from the Australian National
University of Freiburg where also worked as a research University in Canberra. His research interests include sports
group leader at the Chair for Information Systems Research. analytics, text mining and decision support systems.
He has co-authored research publications in the European
Journal of Operational Research, the European Journal of
Information Systems, the Journal of Information
Technology and Decision Support Systems.


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