ACTIVITY 1 - Stoich

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Instruction: Accomplish this activity sheet. Cite all your references

appropriately. Filename: SURNAME_Act1 (e.g. TADIA_Act1) 

Due Date: Thursday | October 06, 2022 | 11:59 PM

Table A. Examples of Gaseous Fuel

Gaseous Composition  Source/Process of  Uses

Fuel  Production

1. Blast - Mainly N2  By-product in   - fuel for furnace  

Furnace   - Other components  converting iron ore  to mills, gas engines, 
Gas include CO, H ,   2 metallic iron using  and boilers. 
CO , and H O
2 2 metallurgical coke - usually combined 
with natural gas  
before using

2. Natural  Methane Onshore and offshore oil  to heat buildings

Gas  Ethane and gas wells and coal and water
 Propane beds  run refrigeration
 Butane and cooling
 Condensates (N , 2 equipment 
CO , H S, He)
2 2  Cook
  dry clothes 
 light up

3. LPG  Propane Fossil fuel sources being  Cooking

 Butane extracted from petroleum  Water heating
 Small systems
concentration of  Fuels in cars

4.  CO Burning of coal or coke  Steel and iron

Producer  H2 with air deficiency and manufacturing
Gas  CO 2 controlled moisture  Power for gas
 N2 engines
 Ceramic kilns

5.  CH
2 2 Combining methane with  Production of
Acetylene air or oxygen and letting solvents
some of it burn  Production of

6.  CO By partially oxidizing  Production of

Synthesis  H 2 biomass feedstocks, the other types of
Gas gasification process fuel like
makes syngas. methanol and

7. Lurgi  High methane Through a moving bed,  Production of

Gas  content dry-ash gasifier that uses industrial and
lump coal, steam, and residential gas
oxygen as an oxidant to
make syngas.

8. Coal  H 2 Through destructive  Electricity

Gas  Methane distillation, which is the  Production of
 CO process of heating chemical
bituminous coal over and feedstocks
over again without air.  Extraction of
natural gas

9. Peat  CO Made up of the partially  Domestic

Gas  H 2 decayed and mostly heating
 CO 2 broken-up remains of  Alternative for
 methane many kinds of dead plants firewood
 Household

10.  Methane Produced when crude oil  Satisfaction of

Refinery  Ethane is distilled or when oil high hydrogen
Gas  Some may have products are treated in demand
propane, butane, refineries
and H 2


Table B. STP vs NTP vs SATP

Definition  Pressure  Temperature  Common Uses

1. refers to the average 1 0 degrees Celsius These numbers are used

STP weather conditions at atmosphere to talk about things like
sea level. the way different gases

2. this is the average 1 293.15 degrees NTP is used to do math

NTP temperature and atmosphere Kelvin or 20 with gases that are close
pressure degrees Celsius to being "ideal."

3. the standard 101.325 25 degrees Celsius Serves as a references

SATP conditions under kPa standard
which experiments
are done
3. Explain the concept of saturation and dew point in your own words.
The temperature at which the air would have to drop to in order to maintain its pressure and
water vapor concentration at a constant level is the dew point temperature. This is the
temperature at which saturation occurs. When the air is capable of holding the greatest quantity
of water vapor that can be held at the current temperature and pressure, the air is said to be in a
condition of saturation.
4. Write the Antoine equation. What are the Antoine equation constants for water?
log 10 ( p)= A−
C +T
The Antoine equation constants for water are the following:
- A = 8.140191
- B = 1810.94
- C = 244.485
5. [Solve] Stack gas containing 10% CO, 12% H2, 18% CO2, 45% N2, and 15%H2O has a
pressure of 120KPa. Calculate the dew point of the stack gas using the Antoine equation.

Gaseous Fuels. (n.d.).
How do you find the pressure at STP and SATP? (2022, August 19).
Vapor Pressure Calculation by Antoine Equation (Water). (n.d.).

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