Model Exam 2019

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SHEET. Time Allotted 3:00

1. After rationalizing the denominator of the expression

√ 2 , what will be the resulting
√2+ √5
√5−4 B . 4 + √ 10 C . √10−2 D . 1−√ 5
3 3 3

2. The simplified form of a √ a for a ≥ 0 is equal to
4 23 2

A. √ a
3 4
B. a C. √6 a5 D. √3 a2
3. If f = { (1,0) (2,4) (5,3) (8,9) } and
g= {(1,7) (2,4) (3,5) (8,1) }, then the domain of is
A. {1, 2, 5, 8} B.{1,2,8} C.{2,8} D.{1,2,3,8}
4. If f(x) =2x and g(x) = , then which of the following is TRUE
1 5
A. (f. g)(1) = 1 B.( f ¿g)(1)= C. (f-g)(1) = D. ( f + g)(1) = 2
4 2
5. If f(x) = √ x g(x) = √ 8− x then what is the domain of (f+ g) (x) ?
A. [0, ∞) B. [ 0,8] C. (- ∞,8) D.[0, ∞)∪(−∞,8)
6. Which one of the following is FALSE about the quadratic function f(x) = 2(x-3)2 + 5?
A. Y ¿ 5 for every x in the domain.
B. Its graph is symmetric with respect to the line x = 3.
C. Its domain is the set of real number.
D. Its graph has a vertex (-3,5).
7. Let f(x) = x 2+ 4 x +1 .Thus the graph of f is obtained by shifting the graph of
A. g(x) = ( x +2 )2 by 1 units downward
B. g(x) = ( x +2 )2 by 1 units upward
C. g(x) = ( x +2 )2 by 3 units downward
D. g(x) = ( x +2 )2 by 3 units upward
8. Let R = {(x, y):x, y ∈ R∧ y <2 x−x 2 } be a relation. What is the range of R?
A. {y ∈ R : Y <2 } B. { y ∈ R : y >2 }C .{ y ∈ R : y <1 }D . { y ∈ R : y >1 }

Tesfamichael Fufa
AIS P.O. Box 1287 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Phone: +251-11-647 99 86/88/89 E-mail:
[email protected]
Mobile: +251-911-40 50 66………….. Website:
9. If one of the roots of the equation x 2−11 x+ k=0 exceeds the other by 5, then k is equal to
A) 20 B) 24 C) 11 D) 10

10. The solution set of √ 7 x−10−x =0 is

A) {0} B.{2,5} C.{-2,5} D.{2,-5}
11. If 4 x + 12 x−3=0 , then the sum of the roots is
A. 1 B.-1 C. 0 D.-3
12. If two sets A and B are disjoint then
A) A∩ B={0 } B) A ∩ B=∅ C) A ∩ B≠ ∅ D) A ∪B=∅
13. Which one of the following is TRUE ?
A. If a set has n members then it has 2n−1 subset.
B. If a set has n members, then it has 2n proper subset.
C. Two sets that contain exactly the same element are equal sets.
D. Two sets that contain the same number of elements are equal sets.
14. If A ∩ B={1,2} and, A ∪B=¿ {1,2,3,4,5} then the symmetric difference of A and B is
equal to
A. {1 ,2, 3,4,5} B. {3 ,4, 5} C. {1, 2} D. {1 ,3 ,5}
15. If two sets A and B are given as A = {-2 ,0, {-2,2}} and B={-2 ,0,2}, then which one of
the following is true about these sets?
A. B\A = { } B. (A\B)\B = { } C. (A n B) U {-2,2} = B D. A UB = A
16. Given that set A has 16 elements and set B has 14 elements , the maximum and minimum
possible elements of A U B respectively are;
A. 16 and 14 B. 30 and 16 C. 30 and 14 D. 16 and 2
17. ABXY is a parallelogram of area 18cm . AB=6cm, AY=4cm, C is a point on YX extended

such that BC=5cm as shown below. Which one of the following is not true?

A. The area of ∆ ABC is 9cm2.

B. The altitude from B to AY is 4.5cm.

C. The altitude from A to CB is 3.6cm.

D. SinA=

18. The total surface area of a right triangular prism whose base dimensions are 3cm,4cm and
5cm with a height of 6cm is
A.36cm2 B.72cm2 C.84cm2 D.108cm2
19. The total surface area of right circular cylinder whose height is twice of its diameter in
terms of its base radius r is
Tesfamichael Fufa
AIS P.O. Box 1287 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Phone: +251-11-647 99 86/88/89 E-mail:
[email protected]
Mobile: +251-911-40 50 66………….. Website:
A.10 π r2 B.8 π r2 C.4 π r2 D.4 π r2

20. A right circular cylinder with base radius 2cm is drilled out of a cube of side length
5cm as shown below. What is the total surface area of the resulting

A.(150-28 π )cm2 D.162 π cm2

B.(150+28 π )cm2

C.(150+12 π )cm2

21. The radius of a circle is 12 units. What is the perimeter of a regular inscribed heptagon
(use sin25.7= 0.55).
A. 82.5 unit B.92.4 unit C. 112 unit D.60 unit
22. If the area of the regular hexagon is 16√ 3 cm , then the apothem is

√ 32
cm B.

1 32
2 3
cm C. 32cm D. 64 cm

23. If a right prism has a square base of 10cm and vertical height of 4cm ,then the total surface
area is

A. 200cm2 B. 360cm2 C. 160cm2 D. 260cm2

24. The volume of a right circular cylinder is 64cm3. If the height is 5cm, then what is its base
A. 12cm2 B.10.8cm2 C. 12.8cm2 D. 14cm2
25. One of the following statements is not correct
A. The sum of Lateral faces gives the lateral surface for right prisms.
B. A right pyramid with the base of regular polygon is a regular pyramid.
C. A right prism is the prism whose height is perpendicular to its base
D. Prisms are named by their lateral faces

26. If the variance of a population of 20 data values is 12, what is its standard deviation?
A. 0.6 B. √ 12 C. 144 D. 24
27. On a final examinations a student took six examinations and scored 90, 85, 60,54
and 52 in five subjects. If his average score is 70. What was his score in the fifth subject?
A.63 B.73 C.79 D. 54
28. Which of the following is NOT true about the probability of an event?
A. If E is a non-empty event, then p(E) > 0

Tesfamichael Fufa
AIS P.O. Box 1287 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Phone: +251-11-647 99 86/88/89 E-mail:
[email protected]
Mobile: +251-911-40 50 66………….. Website:
B. If E is not a sure event, then p(E) ≤ 0.9
C. If E is a sure event then p(E) = 1
D. If E is an impossible event, then p( E) = 0

Refer to the frequency distribution of X given below to answer questions 29-31

v 2 4 6 8 10
f 2 4 2 1 1
29. The mean of the population function X is

A. 4 B.10 C.5 D.6

30. The median of the population function x is
A. 4 B.6 C. 5 D. 2
31. Which of the following is the standard deviation of the population function X?
A. 2.9 B. √ 5.8 C. √ 6.8 D.√ 4.2
32. A jar contains three white balls, one red ball and one yellow ball. If two balls are taken at
random from the jar, what is the probability that neither ball is white?
1 2 1 3
A. B. C. D.
10 5 5 10

33. A polynomial function is given by ; y = 3 x 2−3 x 4 . Which of the following is NOT true
about its graph?
A. As x takes large positive values, │y│ becomes large.
B. It touches the x-axis but does not cross it at (0,0).
C. It crosses the x-axis two times
D. It has exactly two turning points
34. Which of the following is NOT true about f(x) = x ( 1−x 2 ) + 2 x 3 ?
A. The constant term is 0
B. The coefficient of x 3 is 2
C. The leading coefficient is 1
D. The degree of f is 5
35. When f(x) = x 5−6 x +2 is divided by x – c , the remainder is 7. Which of the following is a
possible value of c?
A. 2 B. -2 C. 1 D. -1
3 2
36. If x-1 is the factor of 4 x −x + kx +5 , then k is equal to

A. 15 B. 5 C. D. -8

Tesfamichael Fufa
AIS P.O. Box 1287 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Phone: +251-11-647 99 86/88/89 E-mail:
[email protected]
Mobile: +251-911-40 50 66………….. Website:
37. Let a > b > 0 with a≠1 and b≠1 . If f(x) = ax and g(x) = bx ,then which one of the following
is correct?
A. f(x)<g(x) for all x<0 and a<1
B. f(x) <g(x) for all x>0 and b<1
C. f(x) is increasing function on its domain
D. g(x) decreasing function on its domain

38. If log 50= 1.699, then which of the following is not true?

A. log ( ¿= -1.699 C.log25 = 1.849
B.log 2500 = 3.398 D.log 0.2 = -0.699

39. The simplified form of (0.125/27)-2/3 is equal to

A. 25 B.100 C. 36 D.9

40. The solution set of the equation log 3 x−2 log x 9=0 is

1 1 1
A.{ -9,9} B. {3, } C. {9, } D. {−9 , }
9 9 9

41. If A = solution set of 3x + 2 <1

B = solution set of 2x+ 1 ≥ 3,then which of the following is equal to A n B?

A. {x: < x <1 } B. {x: x > -1} C.{x: x < 1} D. { }

42. The solution set of the inequality -2x2 + 3x + 5 ≤ 0 is

5 5
A. { x ɛ R : -1 ≤ x ≤ } C. { x ɛ R : x ≤ -1 or x ≥ }
2 2
B. { x ɛ R : -1 ≤ x or x ≥ 1} D. { x ɛ R : 0 ≤ x ≤ }
1 1
43. The solution set of x +2> −2 x is
3 2
9 −9 −7
A. (−∞ ,− ¿ B .( , ∞ )C .¿ , ∞ ¿ D.( , ∞)
4 14 2
44. What is the solution set of the inequality │8+2x│> 5 ?
A.{ x : -7 < x <7} B. { x: x < 2} C. {x: x > -1.5 and x < -6.5} D. { x: x < 0.6}
45. What is the solution set of the inequality │6x-5│< 8 ?

Tesfamichael Fufa
AIS P.O. Box 1287 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Phone: +251-11-647 99 86/88/89 E-mail:
[email protected]
Mobile: +251-911-40 50 66………….. Website:
−1 13 5
A.(-4,10) B. (-4,3) C. ( , ¿ D. (-∞ ,−1 ¿ U ( , ∞)
2 6 2

46. Which of the following is the equation of the line passing through (-2,4) and perpendicular
to the line 3x-2y = 6?
A. 2x + 3y = 8 B. 3x + 2y = 8 C. 4x-5y = 7 D. x + 2y =1
47. If P(2,-1) and Q(3,5) are points on a plane, then what is the equation of the perpendicular
bisector of PQ?
A. x-2y = 6 B. 6x – y = 13 C. 3x + 18y = 17 D. 2x +12y = 29
48. When a pilot of an aeroplane was flying horizontally at a height of 500m above a leveled
stretch of land, he observed a car at an angle of depression of 300. How far is the car from
the aeroplane?
1000 √3
A. m B .500 √ 3 m C. 1000m d. 250m
49. From a point on the ground, which is 100 meters away from the wall of a building, the
angle of elevation at the top of the building is 600. What is the height of the building?
A. 100 √ 3 meters B. 100 meters
C.50 meters D. 10√ 3 meters
50. What is the period of the tangent function?
A. - π B. C. π D.2 π

( π
51. For an acute angle θ ,the simplified form of cot θ . cos −θ is
2 )
A. csc θ B. sec θ C.sin θ D.cos θ

52. In ∆ ABC shown below, Q is the intersection point of the medians AD and BE. If the length
of BQ is 12cm, what is the length of QE ?
A.12cm A

B. 8cm
C. 4cm
D.6cm Q E


53. ∆ XYZ is given as shown in the figure below with m(< XYZ) = 600. Point W is on side YZ,
such that YZ is perpendicular to XW.

Tesfamichael Fufa
AIS P.O. Box 1287 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Phone: +251-11-647 99 86/88/89 E-mail:
[email protected]
Mobile: +251-911-40 50 66………….. Website:


If YW = 3cm and m(<WXZ) = 450 , then what is the length of side XZ?
A. 3√ 2 cm B. 3√ 6 cm C. 3√ 3 cm D. 6cm
54. A right circular cone of base radius 4cm and height 10cm is cut off by a plane Parallel to
the base at a distance of 5cm from the base. What is the volume of the resulting frustum?
140 28 160
π cm D .16 √21 π cm 3
3 3 3
A. π cm B . π cm C .
3 3 3

55. In the figure, PT is tangent to the circle at T, PT = AE = 6cm,and CE = BE= 3cm. How
long is PD?

A. 4 B.6 C. 3 D. 2
56. If m(<A) = 10 m(EF) = 15 and m( CD) = 95 , then the measure of <B is equal to
0 0 0

A. 25 B. 30 C. 40 D. 20

57. A wooden sphere of radius 3cm is drilled along its diameter by a metal driller. The driller
has a shape of a right circular cylinder with a radius of 1cm. After drilling, what is the
volume of the remaining part of the sphere?
Tesfamichael Fufa
AIS P.O. Box 1287 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Phone: +251-11-647 99 86/88/89 E-mail:
[email protected]
Mobile: +251-911-40 50 66………….. Website:
A. 24πcm3 B. 35πcm3 C. 30πcm3 D. 42πcm3
58. Which of the following identities is not true for all values of t?
π π
A. Cos(π-t) = -Cost B. Cos( −t ¿=Sint C . sin( −t)=Cost
2 2
D. Sin(π-t) = -Sint
59. A solid is formed by a cylinder with radius 3cm and height 5cm and by two hemispheres as
shown below. Which of the following is the volume of the solid object?
A. 16 π cm3 B .15 π cm3 C . 12 π cm3 D. 9 π cm3

60. Which of the following is the volume of a sphere whose surface area is 144 π cm 2 ?
A. 288 π cm 3 B .268 π cm3 C .162 π cm3 D .122 π cm 3

Tesfamichael Fufa
AIS P.O. Box 1287 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Phone: +251-11-647 99 86/88/89 E-mail:
[email protected]
Mobile: +251-911-40 50 66………….. Website:

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