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Brochure - Pre Civil War Slavery

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Lucía and Lourdes May 17th 2022

Pre Civil War

When did slavery

European settlers brought a
system of slavery with them to
the Western Hemisphere in the
1500s but many historians
consider a signi cant starting
point to slavery in America to
be 1619, when the privateer
The White Lion brought 20
enslaved African ashore in the
British colony of Jamestown,
Virginia. Throughout the 17th
century, European settlers in
North America turned to
Slaves and their history
enslaved Africans as a cheaper, African Americans had been enslaved in the United States since
more plentiful labor source early in the 17th century. Enslaved people constituted about one-
than indentured servants, who third of the southern population. Most lived on large plantations or
were mostly poor Europeans. It small farms. They were usually prohibited from learning to read and
is impossible to give accurate write, and their behavior and movement were restricted.
gures. Nevertheless, some Furthermore, they rewarded obedient behavior with favors, while
historians have estimated that rebellious enslaved people were brutally punished. There was a strict
6 to 7 million enslaved people hierarchy among the enslaved which helped keeping them divided
were imported to the New and less likely to organize protests against their masters. Marriages
World during the 18th century between enslaved men and women had no legal basis, but many did
alone, depriving the African marry and raise large families; most owners of enslaved workers
continent of some of its encouraged this practice, but nonetheless did not usually hesitate to
healthiest and ablest men and divide families by sale or removal.
The role of slavery in bringing on the Civil War has been hotly
debated for decades. Slavery and the status of African Americans

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Lucía and Lourdes May 17th 2022

were at the heart of the crisis that lung led the U.S. into a Civil War
from 1861 to 1865. The roots of the crisis go back to the nation’s

Slavery existed in all 13 colonies at the start of the American

Revolution in 1775. Northern states decided to phase out slavery
following the Revolution. The future of slavery in the South was
debated, and some held out the hope that it would eventually
disappear there as well. When the U.S. constitution was written in
Cotton gin 1787, however, white Southerners argued that slave labor contributed
greatly to the nation’s wealth. The Constitution provided for a
In the late 18th century, the fugitive slave law. All realistic hope that slavery might eventually die
South faced an economic crisis, out in the South ended when world demand for cotton exploded in
and the continued growth of the early 1800s. In the next decades before 1860, there existed a
slavery in America seemed in balance between slave and free states. In the 1830s, concerns over
slavery resurfaced for several reasons. One was great appearance in
At the same time, the the North of a tiny number of agitators calling for the abolition of
mechanization of the textile slavery (the abolitionists). Mostly as a result of tensions over slavery, a
industry in England led to a huge new party, the Republicans, arose in the North in the 1850. The
demand for American cotton, a Republicans made prohibition of slavery in the territories their chief
southern crop whose production issue. In the presidential election of 1860, the Democratic Party
was limited by the dif culty of nally splintered over slavery, with the party elding two candidates.
removing the seeds from raw In Abraham Lincolns (as part of the Republicans) platform there was
cotton bers by hand. But a few included to keep slavery out of the territories. The states of the Deep
years later, in 1793, a South decided that limitation of slavery in the territories was the rst
schoolteacher named Eli step toward a total abolition of slavery. Then the civil war had come.
Whitney invented the cotton gin.
This machine allowed to grow a Slave rebe ions
big variety of cotton. It was very There were some slave rebellions, but only a few were successful. The
labor intensive and cotton
most popular were the ones led by Gabriel Prossner in 1800 and by
growers needed a large supply
Denmark Vesey in 1822. The biggest revolt was the one led by Nat
of this. This device was widely
Turner in Southampton County, Virginia, in August 1831. Turner's
copied, and within some years,
troop (75 black men), murdered 55 white people in two days before
the South would transition from
armed resistance from local white people and the arrival of state
the large-scale production of
militia forces overwhelmed them. Supporters of slavery pointed to
tobacco to that of cotton, a
Turner's rebellion as evidence that black people were inherently
switch that reinforced the
inferior barbarians requiring an institution such as slavery to
region's dependence on
discipline them, and fears of similar insurrections led many southern
enslaved labor.
states to further strengthen their slave codes in order to limit the
Other enslaved people worked education, movement and assembly of enslaved people.
in other types of agriculture,
including tobacco, hemp, corn
and livestock. It was not unusual
for those workers to put away
enough money to buy their
freedom. Southern cities, as well
as many in the North, had large
free black populations.

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