Night Owls Experiences of Law Enforcers

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Chapter 1



Rationale of the Study

Curfews have lately resurfaced as a prominent policy choice for politicians looking to

reduce adolescent victimization and delinquency. Curfews have been in place on and off

since the turn of the century, and they tend to get greater attention when there is a perceived

need for more strict social control activity.

Curfews have been implemented by government officials in numerous places around

the world as genuine and effective community-based responses to surges in serious youth

crime. Curfews have been praised for their effectiveness in high-crime areas or communities.

A teenager’s curfew is justified. Many cities and municipalities use it as an easy way to not

only limit the number of opportunities for minors to commit crimes while also protecting

them, preventing kids from becoming victims of crime. Like the exact rules in Tokyo and

Yokohama they have a curfew on under-18s after 10 or 11 o’ clock. Even where there is no

overall curfew, many cinemas and amusement arcades prohibit under 18s at night.

Many teenagers in Manila have been observed loitering in public places late at night,

such as video arcades, restaurants/bars, computer shops, billiard halls, and the like; this habit

allows teenagers to engage in illegal drug use and troublesome activities such as clashes

between gang groups and their peers, resulting in physical injuries and sometimes death

among the youth involved in such activities.

Curfews have been implemented by government officials in numerous cities as

reliable and successful neighborhood-based solutions to rises in serious youth crime. Curfews

have been hailed as being especially helpful in areas or communities with high crime rates.
They have received support in some locations primarily as a tactic to curtail the late-night

activities of youth gangs. Curfew laws have grown in importance as part of the “just deserts”

or crime control approach to juvenile justice, which places an emphasis on responsibility and

harsher penalties for young offenders.

In Sibonga Cebu, curfew implemented since before suddenly in the year 2019, it

results strictly implementation by Municipal Police Station lead by PCPT OTIDA, Acting

Chief of Police after they conducted operation against all forms of criminality and police

intervention within AOR. As a result, 11 people of minor age were apprehended in violation

of Curfew municipal ordinance no. 46-04 series of 1992. Apprehended minor was brought to

this station and informed their parents and guardians to be watchful on their minor children to

avoid monetary penalty and community service that will impose against them on the second

apprehension. Teen curfew rules limit the amount of time that minors can spend online the

night time in the streets or in public areas. Teen curfews are appropriate. In many

municipalities or cities as an easy way to not only decrease the likelihood that youth would

commit crimes while simultaneously preventing them from becoming criminals. The

promotion of curfews is advantageous to law enforcement; they allow officers more control

regarding the appearance and conduct of children on the street during hours of curfew. They

are also recommended as a beneficial addition to parental oversight; they offer parents

communal support limiting the number of hours that their kids are allowed to be outside at

night (Seibert, 1995; Ruefle and Reynolds, 1995).

The researchers conducted this study to discover the effectiveness of curfews to all

teenagers in Sibonga, Cebu. There is a need to conduct this particular study to give

information, and knowledge to the public that curfew may also give positive effect towards

Theoretical Background of the Study

This study is anchored on Per-Olof H. E. Wikstrom’s situational action theory (2018)

supported by the Integrated Cognitive Antisocial Potential Theory By David P. Farrington

(2014) and Life-Course-Persistent versus Adolescence-Limited Antisocial Behavior theory of

Terrie E. Moffitt (2017). Situational Action View (SAT) examines crime as moral acts and is

a generic, dynamic, and mechanism-based theory of crime and its causes. SAT emphasizes

the significance of examining the relationship between people and their environments and

how it varies (thus, dynamic), attempts to explain all types of criminal activities, and focuses

on identifying the most important fundamental explanatory mechanisms involved in crime

causation (hence, mechanistic). (Wikstrom &Treiber, 2018).

The goal of SAT is to give a thorough theoretical framework for analyzing crime and

its causes by overcoming the commonly seen fragmentation and poor integration of

fundamental criminological discoveries (Wikström, 2004; Wikström, 2017:504-509). It aims

to address the following common issues in criminological theorizing, in particular: the lack of

a clear and common definition of crime (the need to specify what a theory of crime causation

aim to explain); the inadequate integration of the role of people and places, and crucially,

their interaction in the causation of crime (the need for a dynamic explanation of crime and

its changes); the frequent conflation of causes and correlates (the need to focus on the

importance of fundamental causal processes and go beyond a risk factor [predictor oriented]

explanatory approach; the deficiency of an adequate action theory (the need to understand

what moves people to action in order to identify what macro-social and developmental

factors and processes are relevant and important in crime causation).

Early in the new millennium and in the late 1990s, SAT was first established. The

theory’s first summary in English was published in 2004, and during the following 15 years it
has been progressively developed, extended, and improved by. (Wikstrom &Treiber, 2018).

The fundamental theoretical and empirical ideas in criminology are disjointed and poorly

integrated. The Situational Action Theory (SAT) was created to address significant flaws in

well-known criminological theories. The fragmentation of criminological theorizing and

research is a major issue. To be persuaded of the theoretical fragmentation of the field, one

merely needs to consult any criminological textbook. According to SAT, criminal activities

are best understood as moral acts, that is, acts motivated by moral principles. A moral norm is

a code of conduct that specifies what is the proper or improper course of action to take in a

specific situation. According to SAT, human behavior, including criminal acts, is the result of

a perception-choice process that is started and directed by the causal interplay of criminal

propensity and criminal exposure. In the situational model of SAT, motivation, the moral

filter, and controls are the main situational components impacting the perception-choice

process. (Wikstrom &Treiber, 2018).

Farrington alone (1995, 2003, 2005), as well as jointly with others (2006), were able

to create the Integrated Cognitive Antisocial Potential (ICAP) hypothesis, a theoretical

framework that examines the risk factors for crime. It was based on the data from the

Cambridge study. The ICAP theory was developed to attempt to explain why guys from

working-class families behave in an inappropriate manner. A person’s antisocial potential

(AP), or their capacity to engage in antisocial behavior, and their decisions to do so constitute

the central idea of the study. The cognitive processes of the individual that take into account

opportunities and victims determine whether the AP develops into antisocial behavior. The

theory of Developmental and Life-course Criminology (DLC) is updated in this chapter. It

demonstrates the main ideas of this theory, which was developed primarily to explain male

offenders from lower social classes, however it may also be applicable to female offenders.

The “Integrated Cognitive Antisocial Potential” (ICAP) theory is what it is referred to as. The
fundamental issue with the risk factor prevention paradigm is that, while the most significant

risk variables are clearly known, the intervening causal pathways that affect offending are

highly debatable. The ICAP theory contends that interactions between an individual and their

social environment have a bearing on whether crimes and other antisocial behaviors are

committed. Researchers working on the DLC should examine both long- and short-term

factors that contribute to criminal behavior. Both between-individual variances in the

emergence of antisocial potential and within-individual variations in the commission of

crimes should be the focus of their explanations.

Life-Course-Persistent versus Adolescence-Limited Antisocial Behavior summarizes

a decade’s worth of research on a developmental taxonomy of antisocial conduct, which

offered two main hypothetical prototypes: life-course-persistent and adolescence-limited

offenders. It implies that persistent antisocial behavior develops early in life, when a high-

risk social setting exacerbates a young child’s challenging behavior. In general, the findings

from the samples are consistent with the Dunedin findings regarding different

neurodevelopmental and family risk correlates for offenders who first commit crimes as

children vs those who do so as adolescents. Determining the genetic and environmental

foundations of individual variations in antisocial behavior trajectories over time may be

helpful. The hypothesis, according to the taxonomy’s initial assertion, also describes the

conduct of females as well as that of males. Other studies have indicated crucial changes that

are required to better align the taxonomy with nature, and some findings seriously question

certain components of the taxonomy. (Moffitt, T. E. 2017)

This chapter presents the review of related literature and studies that bear implications

on the study. This chapter also includes original research, legal documents, results of

experiments, statistical data, interviews, and surveys.

Curfew ordinances are typically local registration that identifies a particular time

which does not allow residents to be out in public. In general, curfews seek to reduce juvenile

crime and victimization, and empower parents to help control children’s behavior. The

assumption behind curfew legislation is that; individuals who are at home or under adult

supervision are less likely to be involved in criminal activity, either as a perpetrator or a

victim. Like probation practices, the use of general curfews across the country has almost

alike trends in juvenile justice sentencing policy. Curfews have again become popular in

recent years as a response to increased crime and violence, but research on their effectiveness

is mixed. There are some thoughts available on what respondents think about curfews and

how the rules actually affect their lives and criticisms of unconstitutionality threaten their

very existence (Ruffle & Reynolds, 1999).

The origin of curfew ordinances is closely tied to the origin of the juvenile court itself

as with the probation practices. Requiring residents to be out in public by a certain time

maintained some people’s control over behavior. Curfews are highly variable between

jurisdictions, as well as differentially enforced, but some notions can be made about their use

through a test of time. Juvenile crime and curfew ordinances and their enforcement goes

together. If juvenile crime increases, so do curfew ordinances and their enforcement.

Marketos (1995) set the 1950s and 1990s as examples of this. The 1990s “get tough”

rationale was adopted as a strategy for increased number of offenders and to restrict the

access of the juveniles at the streets. Others created ordinances for the first time while some

jurisdictions revised the old ones (Ruffle & Reynolds, 1999). Curfew violations are usually

considered status offenses, which would indicate a less serious response from the formal

criminal justice system. The number of juveniles arrested for curfew, however, is a

substantial proportion of arrests. Considering the number of juveniles that come to the
attention of the police and the courts because of curfew violations, information regarding the

effectiveness of ordinances is essential (Maguire & Pastore, 1994).

Contemporary general curfew ordinances are highly variable across the country and

receive a significant amount of both support and criticism. Supporters cite drops and consider

the youth as grounds while opponents look for discriminatory enforcement, constitutional

issue and resources for it to be abolished. As to jurisdiction, some police officers support this,

while others find it a burden (Watzman, 1994). Most support for curfew enforcement comes

from individual jurisdiction evaluations. In general, programs that are collaborative and

include multiple components obtain the best results. For example, New Orleans, USA got the

support from the government, religious groups, Police and Juvenile Bureau Staff, and

medical personnel to staff a Central Curfew Center (CCC) to provide services and counseling

to curfew violators. Summer employment and some recreation programs were also given the

youths to supply their prosocial activities. A comparison of juvenile crime rates between

1993 and 1994 showed a 27% reduction in juvenile crime overall, with a 33% decline in

armed robbery and a 42% drop in auto theft during curfew hours. These doesn’t only address

the issue on curfew violation but it also strengthens community ties and provides

opportunities for juveniles in building their skills which shows decreased juvenile

involvement in crime. The subject of juvenile curfews is highly controversial, however, and

unwavering support is difficult to find (Bilchik, 1996).

Curfews have received numerous legal challenges. Bast and Reynolds (2003) present

a detailed discussion of four legal cases brought against a curfew ordinance within the

locality. Two of these curfew ordinances were upheld and two were struck down. A common

basis for these challenges was that the curfew ordinance violated the civil rights of

adolescents (most of whom are not adjudicated delinquents) by restricting their freedom of

movement or other individual liberties. Watzman (1994) argues, however, that the more
exceptions for “acceptable activities” (for example, legitimate employment) a given policy

provide, the more likely it is to survive a challenge on constitutional grounds. Fried (2001)

argued that an important legal consideration in the debate over the constitutionality of

juvenile curfews is their effectiveness. The legal justification for restricting the rights of

juvenile rests on the state’s interest in protecting juveniles from victimization and in reducing

juvenile crime. If juvenile curfews are found to be ineffective in furthering these interests,

then legal challenges may become more successful context. However, as argued by Bast and

Reynolds (2003), the certainty of the evidence on the effectiveness needed for a legal

justification is likely to be low, only needing to establish a reasonable expectation of positive


The use of a curfew serves the same purpose, it is to ensure the safety and control for

the people and also those in authority. A curfew assists in ensuring the safety of the people.

When curfew is implemented, it can be said to be safer during riskier times especially at

night. Additionally, a person who is authorized or required to go out during the

implementation is recommended not to go to places he or she is not comfortable of. This can

prevent them from engaging in an unwanted situation. It also ensures the safety of people

from harm and behaviors such as drinking liquors, doing drugs, promiscuity, and violence. In

days where a person may face harm and threats, we need to be using curfew as a tool as our

disposal. It is obviously important to ensure that the curfew is reasonable, manageable and

indeed, that it is appropriate and valid. It is not to be used as part of an autocratic style of

parenting, but rather as a tool that benefits all members of the family. Often negotiation

between parent and child will allow for some interesting discussions. Negotiating a curfew

will also allow the child to feel his/her opinion is taken into consideration. Ultimately, of

course, the decision needs to be that of the parent. The negotiation of a “curfew discretion”

needs to be considered by parents too where the child is perhaps participating in something
out of the ordinary. There needs to be a degree of give and take around curfew times

(Pretorius, 2019).

The initial type of curfew is the Juvenile Curfew Law, it was set by state and local

governments to restrict minors, specifically those who are 18 years old and below to be out in

public at a specific time unless they are being accompanied by their parent or guardian,

attending religious and school activities, instructed by an adult, experiences emergency, and

on their way or from their work. Its purpose is to prevent and protect the minors from

criminal activities, threat, and harm. If a juvenile happen to violate the curfew law, the

following may be given as reciprocal action: monetary fees, mandatory community service,

revoking of driving privileges, and confinement to a juvenile detention center (usually for

repeat offenders). But are also instances where parents are accountable for their children’s

violations wherein they can be fined. If crime rate increases on a local government, officers

activate curfew laws like issuing tickets or arresting violators, otherwise, officers escort the

violator’s home and give verbal warning. The second type is the Emergency Curfews, these

are being imposed during times of crisis, catastrophe or natural disaster such as to prevent the

spread of Covid-19, hurricanes, blizzards, wildfires, public riots, and other dangerous

fugitives. When emergency curfews are implemented, the local government typically

specifies certain conditions. For instance, on these days of pandemic, local governments

allow those who work in the medical field, BPOs, and other essential fields to go outside but

they are also encouraged to limit their movements.

Lastly, the Business Curfews restrict the operation of certain establishments at a

certain time where people may gather especially in places with high level of crime, loitering,

and otherwise disorderly conduct (LawFirms, 2021). Ruffle and Reynolds (1995) reviewed

more than 160 newspaper stories about curfews which appeared during 1993 and part of

1994. They found that the rationale for adoption of curfews in most cities was to reduce
juvenile crime and crime victimization. Several cities were reported to have adopted curfews

both as a hedge against the geographical displacement of juvenile crime to their cities from

other areas and as part of a domino effect when surrounding cities and municipalities passed

them. At the time of the survey, three major American cities (Denver, Phoenix, Orlando) had

adopted city-wide curfews that had specific application to hot spot high crime areas.

According to Adams (2003), the logic of juvenile curfews is to keep people home

during late evening and early morning hours and this will prevent them from committing

crimes and to become crime victims. Reduced opportunity to commit crime should translate

into fewer crimes. Furthermore, the potential for fines or other sanctions is presumed to deter

people from being out in a public place during curfew hours. It is also argued that curfews

provide police with a useful tool for managing people in public places during curfew hours.

Finally, curfews may make it easier for parents to enforce a rule for when a youth must be

home in the evening (Ruffle and Reynolds, 1995). The statement above has been questioned.

Gottfredson and Soule (2005) argued that most of the crimes committed by juveniles

happened in the hours before and after school. This means that only few proportion of crimes

were committed during curfew hours. Additionally, it is rare for curfew ordinances to be

associated with increased law enforcement resources, reducing the likelihood of effective

enforcement. Studies have shown that overstretched and under-resourced police departments

may forego the enforcement of a curfew law in favor of focusing on more urgent demands.

Thus, having a curfew ordinance in place does not always translate into vigorous

enforcement, further limiting any potential effect (Bannister and Reynolds, 2001).

Curfew is an order specifying a time throughout that positive rule apply. The main

purpose of the study is to determine the effect of the curfew hour implementation as to the

perception of the Barangay Official, Barangay Police, and Police Officer of Nasipit, Agusan

Del Norte. A descriptive correlational research design was used in the study. The result
shows that the curfew hour was implemented regularly by the continuous efforts rendered by

the Barangay Officials, Barangay Police, and Police Officers. The result proves that the

safety and security needs of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs are essential, including the

security of our body, employment, resources, the morality of the family, and health. It was

recommended that communities living in the Barangay cooperate and participate in the

curfew implementation (Ruffle and Reynolds, 1995). According to Galabin (2018), studies of

curfews conducted by municipalities may have severe methodological flaws of which does or

may not necessarily prove that these ordinances do not work. Analyzing such impacts is

important because curfew policies can be thought of as constituting treatments. Indeed, if, as

basic economic models, crime is a purposive activity, then curfew should only reduce

delinquency if the technology used to produce this behavior is imperfectly substitutable

between curfew and non-curfew hours (Becker, 1968).


Statement of the Problem

This study aims to explore the lived experiences of Law Enforcers in the

implementation specifically. This study seeks to answer the following.

1. What is the profile of the locale/place

a. Size of the area

b. Population

c. Number of informants/implementers

2. What is the impact of the implementation of curfew in their community?

3. What are the challenges encountered by the informants in the curfew implementation?

4. How do the informants cope with these challenges in curfew implementation?

Scope and Delimitations

The research study focused on the level of implementation of curfew hours and the

formulation of action plan for its effective implementation. The study investigated the

description of the demographic profile of the respondents, the level of implementation of

curfew hours, and the problems encountered in its implementation. The results of the survey

were the bases for the crafting of the Action Plan for the Effective Implementation of Curfew

Hours. The respondents of the study were the Barangay Officials and residents of selected

Barangays of the selected municipalities of Sibonga, namely: Barangay Libo, Barangay

Papan, Barangay Manatad, Barangay Tubod, and Barangay Poblacion, Sibonga, Cebu.
Significance of the study

This study is beneficial to the following entities:

Barangay Public Safety Officer (BPSO). The study’s findings might add to our knowledge

of the BPSO’s opinions and experiences with curfews.

Philippine National Police (PNP). The findings of this study are helpful not just to the

police in Sibonga, Cebu, but also to other organizations with comparable missions. With the

information from the study, they may be able to create effective regulations that would not

only enhance the current curfew system but also prevent learning about child criminality,

misdemeanors, and deviancy.

Local Government Unit. The findings of this study would be beneficial to the province in

general and its officials in that they would provide a wealth of information regarding the

number of residents who violate curfew hours and the possibility that they would be familiar

with various issues encountered during implementation.

Residents. The study can give a complete grasp of the value of curfews to the community as

a whole as well as to people individually.

Researchers. As aspiring criminologists, they could gain from this study by weighing the

benefits and drawbacks of instituting curfew hours. With the study’s findings, they will be

able to judge not just the importance of the law but also how it promotes peace and order,

helping people avoid victimization and guarding them against potential dangers because the

state has a moral obligation to give its people a better future. They will benefit greatly from

this research in the future, particularly when coping with similar situations.

Future Researchers. It has been anticipated that the study will be used as a resource when

conducting related and comparable studies.         


Research Design 

This is a qualitative study using a phenomenological research design for chosen

members of the community and chosen BPSO as key informants. A descriptive

phenomenology study deals with personal experiences, and views of people and BPSO in

curfews violation and interpretation of the phenomena are investigated. This study includes

observation and exploration of the experiences and viewpoints of chosen individuals and

BPSO in a community, as well as qualitative analysis and evaluation of themes generated

from semi-structured interviews. Participants can share their extraordinary encounters, which

can be used to gather information for a phenomenological study. Participants in this study

were chosen residents of Sibonga, Cebu, as well as informants. who has spent more than five

(5) years living in Sibonga. 

Research Environment

A municipality in Cebu is called Sibonga. According to the 2020 Census, it had

151,002 residents. The 2020 Census showed that this made-up 4.50 percent of Cebu's total

population. Over the span of 117 years, Sibonga population increased by 140,484 from

10,518 in 1903 to 151,002 in 2020. From the previous population of 132,135 in 2015, the

most recent census results in 2020 show a positive growth rate of 2.85 percent, or an increase

of 18,867 persons.

The age group in Sibonga with the population, 14,398 people, is 15 to 19 years old,

according to the 2015 Census. In contrast, the age category with the lowest population has

744 people in it: 80 and older. Over the course of 117 years, Sibonga's population increased

by 140,484 from 10,518 in 1903 to 151,002 in 2020.


Figure 1. Research Environment

 Research Informants

The study's informants are BPSOs and residents of Sibonga who have been there for

at least five (5) years and who are accurate and knowledgeable about curfew implementation.

They are purposively selected as the respondents of the study as they are the law enforcers

who implement this curfew within the municipality of Sibonga, Cebu, Philippines.

Research Instrument   

The phenomenological method was used to collect the personal experiences and

opinions of the chosen staff members on juvenile delinquency and curfew violations in order

to characterize the meaning of a concept or phenomenon, according to Delve.

Phenomenological study designs, according to Ho, L., and Impeacher, presuppose that people

use a common structure or essence to make sense of their experiences. To ascertain the

essence of the event under investigation, they examine the individuals' emotions, perceptions,

and beliefs. When performing phenomenological research, the researcher must put aside any

preconceived beliefs about the experience or phenomenon. By investigating the perspectives

of persons who have witnessed a phenomenon, researchers utilize phenomenological research

designs to comprehend its universal nature. This method is frequently used to study lived

experience, learn more about how people think, and increase a researcher's understanding of a

phenomenon. The study instrument is split into two parts: the positive experiences and

perspectives of the residence and BPSO in juvenile delinquency; curfews violation; and the

negative experiences and perspectives of the residence and BPSO in juvenile delinquency;

curfews violation.
Research Procedure

The members were chosen through purposeful ad hoc inspection. Before the meeting,

the analyst informed the participants about the purpose of the investigation and the procedure

for wrapping up the discussion. As the witnesses will sign the informed assent form prior to

the meeting, this examination is based on subjective research. According to certain

interpretations, subjective research is a naturalistic account that is guided by delayed

interaction with the field conditions that frequently reflect the ordinary everyday living and

the express and acknowledged rules that govern that existence. (1994; Miles and Huberman)

Data Collection

The information was obtained through interviews and the use of a voice recorder. The

participants were requested to answer the questions truthfully and thoroughly, and they were

given a letter and an informed consent form stating that they were aware of the study. Semi-

structured interviews were utilized to refine and establish a knowledge of how participants

view Juvenile Delinquency; Curfews Violation as the primary data gathering approach in this

study. The survey method that is designed and used to get information is referred to as data

collecting. Structured interviews with residence and BPSO who were experience Curfews

Violation, using close-ended and open-ended questions will be used in this study;

observations were conducted by the researcher during the interview and trips to the regions.

A schedule with the following columns was used to keep an accurate record of the

observation: time (days, weeks, and months, etc.), place kind of occurrence, and subjects. The

researcher used periodicals, books, government records, legislation, policy reports, presented

papers, and the Internet in literature investigations.

  Data Analysis

For interpretation, thematic content analysis was used examine and   cluster  

interview responses into common themes. In   this   study, deductive analysis was used to

extract discrete, key themes that are significant and distinctive to certain categories from

recorded interview replies. The content presented through the interview will be examined and

analyzed, revealing messages within the content. Thematic code analysis was utilized to

examine themes that emerged during the research in order to determine their frequency and

similarities among users' utilization of themes.

In order to analyze, the following actions were taken:

           The first step was to transcribe the information from the tape onto paper. The goal is to

clean and edit the manuscripts by removing typographical errors and contradictions; verify

and edit transcripts; and prepare data for further research. Analysis and interpretation

categories were defined, coding and data reduction was performed, and data trends were

found. During this step, the researcher took all of the information gathered, including field

notes and interview transcripts, and began to make sense of it. The researcher coded data and

performed content analysis by looking for certain terms that may be used to identify themes.

Individual interview findings were generalized, and differences and similarities were

observed, allowing for the creation of typologies. Verification During this step, the researcher

went over the transcripts again to double-check the correctness of the interpretations. This

allowed the researcher to confirm or change previously formed theories.


 Ethical Considerations

Throughout the research study, the researchers make sure to follow the ethical code of

practice when dealing with the respondents considering ethical issues during the evaluation

plan's development. The evaluation is expressly devoid of compulsion, with respondents

having the option to participate voluntarily and to continue or withdraw from the evaluation

at any time. Furthermore, respondents who choose to quit their participation are not under

any obligation to do so. When dealing with the evaluation, the researchers ensure that the

respondents are well-informed and completely aware of the study's crucial aspects, such as

the study's aim, how the findings will be used, and who will have access to it. By utilizing

this method, respondents can choose whether or not to participate in the evaluation. The

researchers acknowledged the privacy of their respondents, and as a result, they ensure that

the information obtained from them, remains confidential. The respondents' identifying

information is kept private; it is not made public and cannot be accessed by anyone other than

the researchers. The researchers ensure that the evaluation process does not do any harm

typically from the respondents of the study. This study is primarily academic in nature, and

the findings will aid in determining the Juvenile delinquency; community views on curfews



Trustworthiness of Research

As indicate by Milton Keynes (2022) phenomenological research is the term used to

describe subjective research. This is due to the fact that it is concerned with the study of

personal experiences and emphasizes the value of personal viewpoints and interpretations.

The majority of data for subjective research comes from unstructured or semi-structured

interviews or observations of events as they happen.The issue of legitimacy and

dependability arises from the necessity to persuade experts of the validity and dependability

of the method for obtaining and displaying data, as well as the conclusions drawn from it.

Prior to the outlining of inquiries, escalating writing investigation was conducted to ensure

the significance, authenticity, and unswerving quality of the inquiries. Furthermore, after the

sessions, the specialist conducted hands-on work perception to check and confirm the


The three analysts led the meeting, which was taped and notes taken throughout. The

outcomes of this investigation will be used to achieve a higher level of objectives, and it has

leeway by providing data or proof to support or demonstrate its similarity, and it is prepared

to assist the exercises in which the specialist understood the standard of value, genuine,

genuine, or legitimate


Steadfastness ensures that the findings of the research are consistent and repeatable. This is

made aware by the standard by which the examination is organized and exhibited. Every

system in the exam should be detailed enough for an external master to go over the

requirement and acquire identical outcomes.

Comparability similarity refers to how the data gathered maintains the examination

disclosures. This is a system for determining whether the investigator was uneven during the

examination; it is based on the assumption that abstract research allows the exploration of

whether this is the case by considering the data gathered during the primary inquiry.

The term "transferability" refers to the degree to which an investigation can be used to a

different situation; investigators define this segment. The pursuers notice the subtleties of the

exploring situation and approaches and compare them to a comparable situation that they are

familiar with. If the points of interest were equal, the first study would be considered
progressively valid. It is critical that the first specialist gives a detailed account of their

situation and methods.


The following terms are defined to give further clarifications and understanding

Curfew. A curfew is a government order specifying a time during which certain regulations

apply. Typically, curfews order all people affected by them to not be in public places or on

roads within a certain time frame, typically in the evening and nighttime hours

Delinquency. Delinquency implies conduct that does not conform to the legal or moral

standards of society; it usually applies only to acts that, if performed by an adult, would be

termed criminal.

Juvenile. The terms young person, youngster, youth, and child and adolescent are used

synonymously with juvenile. For many of the analyses of crime trends in Chapter 2, juvenile

refers to those between the ages of 10 and 17, because those under the age of 10 are seldom


Law enforcers. Most law enforcement officers are uniformed personnel. They carry out

patrols and answer calls for service or help. They may direct traffic at the scene of a fire,

investigate a burglary or give first aid. Urban police agencies are focusing more on

community policing.
Chapter 2

Presentation of Data

Curfews have reemerged recently as a popular option for policymakers in the Philippines

in their efforts to deter juvenile victimization and delinquency. Specifically in Cebu, this is

implemented from 10 pm to 4 am. Thus, officers-charged are given responsibilities to

overlook into the implementation of this curfew.

Hence, in this study, law enforcers were asked as to the current status of the

implementation of curfew. With this, the following themes were promulgated: 1) the need for

the implementation of curfew; 2) the challenges of the implementation of the said policy; and

3)the informants reaction towards curfew implementation. Also subthemes were presented to

specify the details on each themes that emerged from the findings coming from the taken raw

interviews from these law enforcers.

Further, this is the outline of the emerging themes and subthemes of this

phenomenological study.


1. Protect youth from juvenile victimization

2. Deter delinquency



1. Resentment towards the law enforcers

2. Disobedience from the teenagers who are subject to curfew


1. Teens to become used to setting a schedule which they routinely follow

2. Develop important time management skills


1. Protect youth from juvenile victimization. This first theme centers on one of

the most important purpose of curfew in the community as it aims to protect

the young generation to crimes present around them.

This so called juvenile crime can include a DUI arrest, minor in

possession, robbery, rape, murder, and any other crime that can be

committed by an adult. Individuals under the age of 18 who commit

these crimes can be punished under juvenile law (Snyder and Sickmund,


As such is always evident in the society we live in wherein crimes are

rampant everywhere and the involved ones, either the victim or the

perpetrators, are the teenages.

With the help of curfew, informant 1, one of the law enforcers

highlighted the goal of such law as he stated,

Naay uban ginikanan wa kasabot naasay uban mga bata

wasad kahibaw, pero ang main goal gyud kay para mahapsay ang

This can be translated as,

There are parents who don’t understand while other teenagers

are not aware of this curfew. But the main goal is to ensure
peace and order in the communication.

Thus, it can be inferred that the main goal is focused on the

community’s safety after all.

2. Deter delinquency. The second theme is centered on the other purpose of

curfew which is to ensure that no young individual can commit any form of


One can be considered delinquent when a usually young person

regularly performs illegal or immoral acts (Merriam Webster, 2023).

Further, delinquency implies conduct that does not conform to the legal or

moral standards of society; it usually applies only to acts that, if performed by

an adult, would be termed criminal.’

According to informant 2, in an interview when he was attending to his

station, he said,

To reduce crime para ma control ang mga batan on sa ilang

mga binuhatan, need jud naay curfew.
It can be translated as,
To reduce crime and in order to control the teens on their
behaviors, curfew is a must.
Informant 5 added a statement regarding his views on delinquency
among young generation,

Ang pag patoman sa curfew kay nakahapsay, wala na kaayu

mag standby sa karsada. Dli na kuyaw labi nas mga skina, kay
diha ang kosog mo himo ug crimen labi nas mga tulis nya labi
nas mga babae pagpanglugos. Wala na kaayu mag tagay sa
It can be translated as,
The implementation of curfew created peace and order as no
bystanders are seen on streets. It is no longer dangerous
especially on streets, where crimes are mostly done, especially
on robbery and rape towards young women. Also, it lessen the
number of drunk ones outside.
After having an overview on how important is a curfew both for the law enforcers and to the

teenagers and to the whole community, the next theme focused on the challenges these law

enforcers met in ensuring the safety and the proper implementation of the said act.



1. Resentment towards the law enforcers. The first theme highlighted the feelings

of some teenagers who were being reinforced of the implementation of curfew

every 10 pm to 4 am.

Informant 2 shared some of the general experiences and the resentment

of the teenagers because of their implementation of such act.

Sama anang magtapok or mag gang-gang ba unya naa silay

mga barkada nga naay kontra sa pikas grupo so naay mga
bata maapil nga way labot. Masuko sila kung badlungon.

It can be translated as,

For example, there’s a group or gang on an area and they

notice the presence of the opposite group and then they fight,
there are some young civilians who became victims when they
are not part of the said fight. When us law enforcers meddle in
the said fight, they resent us.

Informant 6 added his experience too when being resented by teens,

Base sa among na experience actually naa gyuy mga bata nga

mosukol niya ilarun ka gatuo namo ug nanguli na sa
panimalay, niya diay nibalik ug pang gawas, niya sa mga kabatan-
on karun labi na sa mga minors dili ta pwedi makadapat nila mao
na ang negative experience base sa among pag curfew.

It can be translated as,

Based on our experience, actually, there are some teenagers

who will fight back at us. Sometime they tend to mock and lie of
going home but then they didn’t. In today’s generation,
especially the minors, we are not allowed to take assaults
against them. This I think is one of the negative experience we
had during the implementation of curfews.
These statements from the informants affirmed the kind of behavior

our young generation has- that they tend to retaliate when given with a law.

Hence, the laws made may not be at all times applicable because some or most

of the teenagers take the rules over the authorities.

Informant 3 also stated the same experience with these teenagers when
being strict on the implementation of curfew in a certain area. He said,

Daghan ang dili ganahan pirmiro kay kana lagi mosokol so dli
jod na nato malikayan pero kadugayan noon maanad rani sila
kay syempre ang mga ginikanan mo tabang sad og badlong sa
ilang mga anak kay syempre mahadlok sad ang mga ginikanan
maunsa ilang anak or madakpan ba ilang mga anak.

It can be translated as,

There are many who really don’t like this curfew. Some of
them fought back, which is inevitable, but later on, they get
used to this curfew system because of the help of the parents.
On parents’ view, they are only looking after the safety of their
children that’s why they cooperate in the implementation of

All the statements from respective law abiding officers, justified the
idea that teenagers are not totally open in accepting curfews as it is new to
them and that it seemed to violate their freedom. However, the sole purpose of
curfew is to safeguard everyone against crime and possible violence made by
juvenile delinquents.

2. Disobedience from the teenagers who are subject to curfew. The second

theme is highly connected to the previous one as this focuses on the behaviors

of the teenagers through disobeying the law enforcers who are only executing

their job of protecting the country, the teens, through the implementation of


As informant 1 cited,
Need gyud na silag curfew kay kahibaw ka sa panahon kusog
na kaau ang kawat hold-up panglugos labi na sa mga kabatan
onan kusog na kaau ang mga tao nga mapahimuslanon.
It can be translated as,
It is in dire need to execute curfew because we know the trend
in today’s world where thieves are present almost everywhere
and that most of these perpetrators are the young ones.
Remarkably, it shows that in curfew implementation, serious problems
may arise due to the lack of resources and attitude of the people towards it as
they are suspected to the most common perpetrators of crimes in our society
(Patalinghug, 2021)

Informant 2 added an incident of one disobedient teen she subjected to

DSWD for not following curfew. He stated,

Naa mi violation ana amo ipatawag ilang ginikanan nya amo

silang warningan niya sa sunod madakpan na namo dad-on na
namo sila sa DSWD. Naka ana jud ko paita sa mga batan-on
run, mag tuman na sa ilahang gusto. Dili na jud kayo musunod
sa unsay dapat ipabuhat para nga wala untay gubot.
It can be translated as,
We had an incident with a violator on curfew. We immediately
asked the parents and warned them of the possible
consequence the next time they still wont cooperate. The next time
around, they will be brought to the DSWD. I realized that it is
really hard to understand how teenagers think, as if it’s them who are
right at all times. They no longer follow what the laws
implemented in order to maintain peace.
Curfew is an order specifying a time throughout that positive rules
apply (Acabo, 2019). With this, law enforcers are only doing their jobs in the
implementation of the said activity. Informant 5, in a calm tone, expressed his
views on his role as a law-abiding officer working on curfews. He said,

Kami pagpatoman namo anang curfew dili jod malikayan nga

maka sugat mig mga batan.on kay ang tumong anang curfew
para man sa mga kabatan.onan nga minorde nga nag libod
soroy. Nay uban badlongon namo mo aksyon ug sokol. Nya
kami para lang sad depensa sa amo kaugalingon. Haron dli
sad mi kabuhat ug physical nga pagdapat. Ug managan na
gani nya manolod sa mga skina nga gagmay dli nalng namo
sudlon kay kami nya ma disgrasya o sila.
It can be translated,
During the execution of curfew, we can never get away from
entertaining disobedient teenagers because the purpose of this
curfew is for the minors who are not at home and are roaming
around the streets. There are some who are very disobedient
and are violent that they tend to attack us. Ofcourse, we take
defense too of ourselves by fighting back.
All those statements prove that teenagers can be violent towards the
law enforcers. But law enforcers executes curfew to prohibit varied activities
and implements punishment to enhance public safety and control delinquency.
It was founded upon the notion that prohibition on the general activities of
youngsters restricts their chances of committing crimes and victimization
(McDowall et al., 2000).

Upon understanding these challenges, the researchers realized that the law enforcers’

role are critical ones to properly deliver the purpose of curfew. Further, the next set of themes

are centered on the informants’ reactions towards the implementation of curfew in the whole

community of Cebu.


1. Safety to the teenagers. One of the important realizations of the teenagers

towards this curfew is that it ensures safety to them. Curfews reduce the

opportunities that young people have to commit crime because they spend less

time on the streets; thus, this secures safety among teenagers.

Informant 1 shared some of the reflections of the parents of those

teenagers they responsibly handled to the DSWD office. He stated,

90% sa community ganahan gyud ang mga ginikanan nga naay

curfew kay Ang ilang mga anak dili na maglaag dili na mag
stamby sa computeran para enig tawag sa ginikanan naara sa
tugkaran kay dili na magpalayo tungod sa curfew.

It can be translated,
90 % of the community really liked this curfew. Most of the
parents want this curfew for their children so that they can no
longer roam around at computer shops.
Informant 2 also shared same sentiments he got from some parents,
Naa mi feedback ana kay ang usa anang gi nindotan kay ang
ilang mga ginikanan para ilang mga anak dli na mag laag²
safety na. Oh maka secure gyud na kay amoa mana silang gi
pugngan nga dli mag laag² para dili sila maka cause ug gubot.
It can be translated as,
One of the good feedback we got from the parents is that their
children are safe. They feel secured when their children are no
longer going out from their residences every night.
Informant 3 and 4 added also their feedbacks on their experience as
law enforcers and how curfew made a difference to the lives of the teenagers
they handled.

Nindot ang palibot hilom, way samok peaceful kaayo mao nay
positive experience. Peaceful jod kaayo siya basta naay curfew
walay mga menor de edad mang gawas basta motung-tong na
sa alas 10pm sa gabie.
This can be translated as,
Because of curfew, we had peace in our community. This is the
positive outcome of curfew. We can really say that it is indeed
peaceful with the implementation of curfew as minor ages are
no longer allowed to go out beyond 10 pm.

Although some believe that curfews do not infact keep teens out of trouble, it
is clear that it keeps them from getting in trouble, keeps them safe, and
contributes to healthy habits. Night time is the usual time when people start to
party. But because of curfew, and of the law enforcers doing their jobs well,
peace and order is maintained in our community.
2. Develop important time management skills. Setting curfew for teenagers

will inculcate habits of responsibility and time management in them.

Informant 1 shared that this theme is considered one of the benefits of

the implementation of curfew in the community. He stated,
Ang ma binpisyo gyud ani sa ang parents kay ang ilang mga
anak maka fucos na sa pagtuon dili na sigeg laag niya maka
feel na sila og safety sa ilang mga anak kay naana may nag
curfew niya ang mga violenti nga mga tao like mga tulisan
kawatan mahadlok na tungod sa curfew.

It can be translated as,

One of the benefits of this is on parents for their children so

that they can focus on their studies and will no longer keep
going out. They feel safety for their children because of curfew
and those violent people in the society will feel endangered
because of curfew.

Curfews help teens to become used to setting a schedule which they routinely

follow, and become able to develop important time management skills which they

will carry out into adulthood. Being able to manage time effectively is useful in a

variety of situations including school, work, and personal relationships.

Analysis of Data

In these times of where crimes and violence is rampant and the perpetrators and

criminals are almost everywhere, the use of a curfew has ensured safety and control for “the

people” and also those in authority. Putting a curfew in place for children and young adults

serves a similar purpose. This topic, while controversial, is one that parents and guardians

still find merit in, despite the popular, modern trend to be more lenient rather than restrictive

(Pretorious, 2019).

With the law enforcers doing the best of their capabilities in executing their job

descriptions, the whole community is ensured of peace and order and safety against violence

and unrest.It is obviously important to ensure that the curfew is reasonable, manageable and

indeed, that it is appropriate and valid.

Chapter 3


This chapter presents the summary, findings, and implications. The summary is
composed of the main problem and the sub-problems and methodology used in this study
while the findings highlighted the results derived from the raw information and its emerging
themes after meticulous analysis. The implications on the other hand unravel the
recommendations for the indicated people in this study and how this study can help as future
reference to other research endeavors.

This study aims to explore the lived experiences of Law Enforcers in the

implementation specifically. This study seeks to answer the following.

1. What is the profile of the locale/place

a. Size of the area

b. Population

c. Number of informants/implementers

2. What is the impact of the implementation of curfew in their community?

3. What are the challenges encountered by the informants in the curfew implementation?

4. How do the informants cope with these challenges in curfew implementation?

This is a qualitative study using a phenomenological research design for chosen

members of the community and chosen BPSO as key informants. A descriptive

phenomenology study deals with personal experiences, and views of people and BPSO in

curfews violation and interpretation of the phenomena are investigated. This study includes

observation and exploration of the experiences and viewpoints of chosen individuals and

BPSO in a community, as well as qualitative analysis and evaluation of themes generated

from semi-structured interviews. Participants can share their extraordinary encounters, which
can be used to gather information for a phenomenological study. Participants in this study

were chosen residents of Sibonga, Cebu, as well as informants. who has spent more than five

(5) years living in Sibonga. 

The study's informants are BPSOs and residents of Sibonga who have been there for

at least five (5) years and who are accurate and knowledgeable about curfew implementation.

They are purposively selected as the respondents of the study as they are the law enforcers

who implement this curfew within the municipality of Sibonga, Cebu, Philippines.


The findings of the study are hereby capsulated as follows:

Findings 1. The first theme focused on the needs for the implementation of curfew wherein it

enables to protect youth from juvenile victimization and deter delinquency among young


Findings 2. The researchers also found out the challenges met by the law enforcers in

implementing curfew such as they encountered resentment from the teenagers and they met a

lot of disobedient teenagers who are very much against curfew and its rules.

Findings 3. The last theme highlighted the informant’s realizations towards the

implementation of curfew such that teens become used to setting a schedule which they

routinely follow and that they develop important time management skills in order to meet the

curfew schedule.


Thus, it can be concluded that these law enforcers had encountered both positive and

negative feedbacks in the implementation of curfew.


Based from the findings of the study, the following implications are promulgated:

To Barangay Public Safety Officer (BPSO). These mighty public servants have served the

community well. It can be observed that they have done their responsibilities beyond the

salaries given but still they executed their jobs well in order in ensure the safety of these

teenagers against crime and violence in the community.

To Philippine National Police (PNP). The study have proved the great power of PNP or the

law enforcers to ensure the safety of the public against the threat in the society we live in.

May the results of this study encourage the officers to continue their job well and be able to

continually serve the nation to achieve peace and order through the implementation of


Local Government Unit. The findings of this study would be beneficial to the province in

general and its officials in that they would provide a wealth of information regarding the

number of residents who violate curfew hours and the possibility that they would be familiar

with various issues encountered during implementation.

Residents. The study can give a complete grasp of the value of curfews to the community as

a whole as well as to people individually.

Researchers. As aspiring criminologists, they could gain from this study by weighing the

benefits and drawbacks of instituting curfew hours. With the study’s findings, they will be

able to judge not just the importance of the law but also how it promotes peace and order,

helping people avoid victimization and guarding them against potential dangers because the

state has a moral obligation to give its people a better future. They will benefit greatly from

this research in the future, particularly when coping with similar situations.
Future Researchers. It has been anticipated that the study will be used as a resource when

conducting related and comparable studies.         


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