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4th Semester B. Tech
Dept. of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering of Technology , Burla
Sambalpur , odisha

Person Name Designation Department

involved And Email .id
Course Gautam Assistant MME
coordinator Behera professor
[email protected]

Course Co- Dinesh Assistant MME

coordinator ku professor
mishra , [email protected]

Course Co- Avala Assistant MME

coordinator Lava professor
[email protected]
Goals of the subject
1-To impart knowledge about Mineral Processing
[fundamental knowledge]
2-To teach you to “think” rather than “cook”
3-To encourage you to consider a career path in Mineral

Introduction to mineral processing(Engineering)

Crushing and grinding
Size separation methods
Concentration methods
Agglomeration techniques
Fuel technology

Introduction to mineral and mineral Engineering
Mineral- a substance from which we get metal non metals or
any valuables.
Mineral Engineering ( branch of mme which deals with study
of minerals and its processing )where the minerals is being
processed to get a concentrate from which metals are
extracted .
Flow chat to showw the relationship of mineralal engineering
with mining and extr
xtractive metallurgy engineering

Subject covers
Minerals definition
MINERAL : Natural occur inorganic aggregate of metals
and non metals .
Or Inorganic compound having a definite chemical
composition and crystal structure (atomic structure). Or
minerals are the forms in which metals are found in the
earth crust and as sea bed deposit depend on their
reactivity with their environment, particular with oxygen ,
sulphur, and co2.
Anything of economical value which is extracted from the
Characteristic of mineral
1-Minerals are homogeneous in physical and chemical
2-Minerals shows isomorphism (atomic structure do not
change )(with the same atomic structure but different
chemical formulas)
ustal structure remains same) Example- olivine (Mg,Fe)2
SiO4 in different olivines the ratio of Mg /Fe atoms varies
3-Mineral also shows polymorphism (different crustal
structure) same chemical composition but different physical
Example – graphite and diamond
quartz, tridymite, cristobalite, stishovite and coesite--SiO2---
quartz forms at low temperature and forms in the hexagonal
cristobalite forms at a high temperature and forms in the
tetragonal system,
tridymite is an intermediate temperature form which is
coesite is stable at high pressures and is associated with
meteor impact and is a monoclinic mineral---
stishovite is tetragonal and is thought to be associated with
rocks from Mars
a. calcite and aragonite--CaCO3---calcite is hexagonal and
aragonite, orthorhombic
b. pyrite and marcasite--FeS2---pyrite forms at a high
temperature and is isometric
Rock vs mineral
1-Chalk, clay, granite(igneous rock),coal are rocks there are
not come under definition of minerals because they are not
physically and chemically homogeneous.
2- rocks generally consists of variety of minerals.
Mineral Vs Ore:
ORE definition - natural aggregates of minerals from which a
metal or metallic compound can be extracted economically
and profitable.
All ores can be minerals but all mineral cannot be an ore.
Ore: is mixture of extractable mineral and extraneous rocky
materials described as gangue
Physical properties of mineral
4-specific gravity
8-magnetic property
9-electric property
11- optical property
Uses of some mineral.
1-diamond is used as an abrasive and cutting material.
2-garnet sand is used to make sand paper.
3-soft mineral like talk is used to make cosmetics powders.

A minimum metal content required for a deposit to qualify as

an ore varies from metal to metal.
1. Many non ferrous ore contains only one per metals or
some times less then it.
2. Gold can be recovered profitable from an ore containing
1 ppm level of metals
3. Iron containing less then 45 per in an ore is said to be
low grade.
4. Every ton of material deposited have Contained value –
depend upon metal content and current price of the
contained metal.
Ore types : on the basis of nature of valuable mineral
• 1-native ore – metal is present in native form
• 2-sulphide ore- metal is present in sulphide form
• 3-oxide ore- metal is in form of oxide
• 4-sulphate ore- metal is in form of sulphate
• 5- Silicate ore – metal is in form of silicate
• 6-carbonate ore- metal is in form of carbonate
• 7-hydrated form-
• 8-Hydroxide
• 9-complex ore- those ore which contains profitable
amount of more than one valuable mineral.
Ore types : on the basis of nature of their gangues.
1. Calcareous or basic – lime rich
2. Siliceous or acidic – silica rich
• Metal production from ore :
• To produce metals from ore the ore must be broken down
by heat(pyro) , solvent(hydro) , electricity(electro) either
alone .
Mineral processing:
Mineral processing also called :
1-ore dressing
2-mineral dressing,
3- milling.
In case of mineral processing one of the main aim is to
regulating the size of the ore.
We can define mineral processing as a process of
physically separating the grains of valuable mineral from
the gangue mineral, to produce an enriched portion or
concentrate containing most of the valuable mineral and a
discard or tailing containing predominantly the gangue
mineral .
Advantages of mineral processing :
1-Processed minerals when processed by leaching or
smelting the consumption of energy is less.
2- If an ore contain more than one valuable mineral
objective of the mineral processing is to separate the
minerals . or it help in separating impurities .
3-compared to chemical method of processing physical
method consumes less amount of energy.
4-Mineral processing reduces not only reduces the smelters
energy cost but also smelters metal loss due to less metal
bearing slag.

a) cheaper physical/chemical method of rejecting the waste

material is substituted for the more expensive
tallurgical methods such as smel
elting ,
b) Freight cost is ssaved since we don't have to transport
tr the
rejected materia
c) In case of nonn metalliferrous
m ore such as grap
raphite emery
and precious sto
stones , the mechanical methodsds can only
work in separat
ration /concentration
Flow sheet of min
ineral processing:

Principal operatio
tion in mineral processing:
Four kind of princ
incipal operation are there :
1-Comminution- size reduction process whichh in
crushing and grind
inding operation
2-sizing-Sizing is the separation of material orr product
p into
various fractionss ccharacterised by difference in size.
s Sizing
can be performed
ed by screening or classification.on. The latter
depends on the set
settling velocity of particles inn a fluid (air or
3-concentration-CConcentration may be regardeded as
collection of valua
luable minerals in a small bulk.
k. It
I is carried
out by various means which mainly depend upon the
mineral types and it characteristic
4-dewatering- after concentration the concentrate is in
moist form or in a liquid pulp so it first dewatered before
sending it to smelter or for shipment.
Two fundamental operation of mineral processing:
1-the release or liberation of the valuable mineral from the
gangue minerals
2-concentration – separation of these valuable minerals
from the gangue.
Release or liberation is accomplished by comminution
process . this process involves
Crushing and grinding .
In comminution process we get a product which is a
mixture of relatively clean particles of mineral and gangue.
• Maximum energy is consumed in grinding process which
accounts 50 per of the concentrator energy consumption.
• Key to good mineral processing : grinding is the key to
good mineral processing because it provides efficient
separation of valuables mineral from gangue.
• Production of very fine untreatable smile particles which
may be lost into the tailing
Disadvantage of fine grinding is :
• Energy cost increases
• In order to produce clean concentrate with less
contamination of gangue mineral, fine grinding is

Requirement of efficient mineral processing:

Requirement of efficient mineral processing:
An intimate knowledge of mineralogical assembly of ore is
required .
And knowledge on ore texture is required
Here texture refers to the size, dissemination(distribution) ,
association and shape of the minerals within the ore.
Main objective of the comminution process is to release or
liberation of the valuable mineral particles from the
associated gangue mineral as the coarsest possible particles
Or we can say The primary purpose of comminution is the
unlocking of values in the ore
But this is not achieved during comminution which leads to
the increase in cost of processing and subsequent separation
stage becomes hard.
Comminution : is nothing but it is a size reduction process .
It is carried out may be wet condition or dry condition
which depends upon required size of material.
(ii) Comminution involves crushing and grinding operation
(III)- in case of crushing it is always carried out in dry
condition but for grinding it is carried out on may be dry or
(IV) The extent of comminution depend upon mineralogical
characteristic .
(v)-The extent ‘of comminution is regulated by the particle
size required for the subsequent concentration operation.
Middlings : the particles of the locked mineral and gangue
which are produced by crusihing operation called midlings.
Midlings are further processed by comminution to achieved
liberation .
Degree of liberation : refers to the percentage of mineral
occurring as a free particles in the ore in relation to the
total content.
This can be high if there is weak boundaries between
gangue and mineral. Which generally observed in case of
ore composed mainly of rock forming mineral.
Sedimentary minerals . generally bond between the
gangue and mineral is strong due to which during
crushing it produces maximum middling’s and low
degree of liberation
New approach to increases the degree of liberation
involves directing the breaking stresses at the mineral
crystal boundaries, so that the rock can be broken
without the breaking of mineral grain.
Advantage of wet grinding
Lower power consumption per tonne of material
Higher capacity per unit mill volume
Makes possible the use of wet screening or
classification for close product control
Elimination of the dust problem
Makes possible use of simple handling and transport
methods such as pump, pipe , and launder
Sampling definition :is the mean where by a small amount of
material is taken from the main bulk in such a manner that it
is representative of the large amount.
This sampling must be accurate because great responsibility
rest on a very small sample.
Objective of sampling: is to estimate grades and contents of
sampling unit in an unbiased manner
and with an acceptable and affordable degree of precision.
1-Sampling ideally should be carried out before the material is
subjected to losses in the mill.
That means it must be carried out on run of mines ore entering
the primary crusher stage.
But the problem is that here in this stage accurate sampling
cannot be done due two main factors one is different size of
particles, and inhomogeneity of material.
Sampling is the removal from a given lot of material a portion
that is representative of the whole yet of convenient size for
It is done either by hand or by machine.
How sampling is done
Hand sampling is usually expensive, slow, and inaccurate, so
that it is generally applied only where the material is not
suitable for machine sampling (slimy ore, for example) or
where machinery is eithe Many different sampling devices are
available, including shovels, pipe samplers, and automatic
machine samplers. For these sampling machines to provide an
accurate representation of the whole lot, the quantity of a
single sample, the total number of samples, and the kind of
samples taken are of decisive importance. A number of
mathematical sampling models have been devised in order to
arrive at the appropriate criteria for sampling.
After one or more samples are taken from an amount of ore
passing through a material stream such as a conveyor belt, the
samples are reduced to quantities suitable for further analysis.
Analytical methods include chemical, mineralogical, and
particle size.
Typical sampling system

This above dig is size reduction, separation and selection of

minerals form rocks,
Cross section through a typical ore particle

Product of comminution
Here region A represent valuable mineral
Where as AA represents rich in valuable mineral but is
higly intergrown with the gangue mineral . During
comminution a range of fragments are produced ranging
from fully liberated mineral and gangue particles.Here from
the figure we can see
Type 1- is rich in mineral and are classified as concentrate
since as they have an acceptable degree of locking with the
gangue , which limits the concentrate grade.
Type 4- is tailing since small amount of mineral presents
reduces the recovery of mineral into the concentrate.
Types 2, 3- are middling's degree of regrinding needed to
promote economic liberation of mineral from particle 3
would be greater than in 2.

Types of Separation of usefully values from impurities in a

1- physical separation- comminution process where we
apply force to break the minerals so as to separate the
values from gangue particles,
Which form there stuffs
(I)-concentrate(main valuable mineral)
(II)-middling's(contains mineral as well as impurities
(III)-tailings (mainly impurities)
2- chemical separation- leaching which we use
chemicals which selectively attack the values without
affecting the impurities (gangue)
In mineral processing physical process of separation is very
important which has been discussed earlier
Characteristic of comminution products
1- surface area increases due to comminution since as the
size reduces the surface area increases .
2-size of the comminution products are not uniform . There
may be range from bigger to smaller fines.
3- generally ratio of dia of bigger to smaller particles in
comminution product is 104
4- to characterise the size of needle shape and plate like
shape particles two dimension is considered .
Energy and power requirement for size reduction
1--total use full work done in comminution is equal to
amount of new surface generated in comminution
multiplied with specific surface energy of solid .
2-- but the actual energy need for this is 100 to 1000 times
higher then these values
This means efficiency based on surface energy is
Varies from 0.1 to 1 percent
Remaining energy is wasted in
1-the elastic deformation of solid particle before fracture.
This stored energy get dissipated in form of sound and heat.
2-the elastic deformation of the equipment
3-friction between solid particles and also between the
particles and the equipment wall
These energy loss manifest in form of
(A)- heat
( c )- vibration
Due to generation of large amount of heat the equipments
and the product may damage(if it is heat sensitive)so
cooling is required.
Reduction ratio , that is the ratio of the initial particle size
to the final particle size.
Crushing efficiency : It is defined as the ratio of surface
energy created by crushing during crushing to the energy
absorbed by the solid .
Denoted by Ƞc
Laws of reduction
Rittingers law – work(energy) required in crushing is
proportional to the new surface created .
Or minium energy required is the surface energy of the new
surface created.
This crushing efficiency is constant and for a given
machine and material , is independent of the sizes of the
feed and product .
rittinger law can be written as
P/m= kr [1/Dsb – 1/Dsa ]
p is the power required
M is the feed rate to crusher
Dsb average particle dia before crushing
Dsa average particle dia after crushing
Kr rittinger constant or coefficient
which assumes that the energy consumed is proportional to
the newly generated surface area
assumed that the energy required for size reduction is
directly proportional, not to the change in length dimension,
but rather, to the change in surface area
Kicks law
The work required for crushing a given mass of material is
constant for the same reduction ratio , that is the ratio of
the initial particle size to the final particle size.
P/M = Kk ln Dsa/Dsb
Where Kk is the kicks constant of coefficient
Bond law
The work required to form particles of size dp from large
feed is proportional to the square root of the surface to
volume ratio of the product

where Kb is a constant that depends on the type of machine

and on the material being crushed.
Size reduction equipment
Size reduction equipments are classified into 4 types
1- crushers – crusher do the heavy work of breaking large
pieces of solid material into small lumps .
2-grinders-grinders reduce crushed feed to powder
3-ultra fine grinders-
4-cutting machine – gives particles of definite size and
shape , 2 to 10 mm in length
Types 1-crushers types
(A) Jaw crushers
(B) Gyratory crusher
(C) Crushing rolls
2-grinder types
(A) Hammer mills
(B) Rolling compression mills(bowl mills, roller mills)
(C) Attrition mills
(D) Tumbling mills(rod mills, ball mills, tube mills )
of crusher and grinders
Characteristic action of size reduction equipment
Each machine have its own way to reduce the size
1- crushers-compression
2-grinders-impact and attrition some times combined with
3-ultra fine grinders-attrition
4-cutters- cutting action
Mechanism of breaking
1. Crushing is the first stage in the comminution process
main aim is liberation of the valuables minerals from
2. Size of the ore from run of mines may be 1.5 m but by
crushing the size is reduced to 10-20 cm
3. Dry operation is done in 2 to 3 stage.
4. Secondary crushing produce size of 0.5 to 2cm
5. In crushing a washing sage is included sticky ore
containing clay which may lead to chocking
6. Vibrating screens are of secondary crushing sometimes
placed ahead of secondary crusher to remove under size
materials or scalp the feed and thereby increasing the
capacity of the secondary crushing unit.
7. Crushing may be open or closed depending upon the
product size
8. Slow speed M/C for coarse reduction of large quantity of
9. operates by compression and can break large lumps of
very hard material
10. Tooth roll crusher – used to crush soft materials like
Working of the jaw crusher

Functional diagram
ram of blake jaw crusher

Blake jaw crusher

Blake jaw crusher construction
1- Common type of jaw crusher
2-ecentric drives a pitman which is connected to two toggle
3- here one toggle is connected with frame and other with
swinging jaw .
4-the pivot point is at the top of the movable jaw or above
the top of the jaw on the centre line of the jaw opening.
5-the greatest amount of motion is at the bottom of the v
which means that there is little tendency for a crusher of
this kind to choke.
6- feed size is 1.8-2.4 m .
7-It crush 1000tons /h
8-Maximum product size of 250 mm
9-angle between the jaw is less than 26 degree
10 lower end of the swinging jaw is concave and fixed jaw
is convex this allow more gradual reduction at the end
prevents paking
11-speed of jaw crusher lies 100-350 rev /,mint
Types of blake jaw crusher
2 types of blake jaw crusher are there
1- single toggle
2- double toggled

Dodge jaw crusher

1-moving jaw is pivoted at the bottom
2-the minimum moment is thus at the bottom and more
uniform product is open .
3-this is prone to choking so this is rarely used crusher
4-the larger opening at the top enables it to take
Very large feed and to effect a large size to high fluctuating
stress that are produced in the member of the machine
Blake vs dodge vs universal crusher
Crusher Blake Dodge Universal

Pivoting At the top At the bottom Intermediate


Receiving area Fixed Variable Variable

Discharging Variable Fixed Variable


Application or Heavy duty Laboratory as Industry

use crushing it chock very
(industrial use ) easily

Main frame Mild steel welded


Main jaws Cast steel fitted with

replacable liner

Replacable liner (bolted Mn steel or Ni hard or ni-

to the jaw so that thy can cr alloyed cast iron
easily replaced
Cheek plates to protect Hard alloy steel
the main frame from

Gyratory crusher
1-The name gyratory crusher comes from the fact that
while the spindle is revolving around the axis of the frame
generating a conical surface, at the same time it rotates
about own axis due to frictional drag.
2-a gyratory crusher may be looked upon as a jaw crusher
with circular jaws between which material is being crushed
at same point at all times
3-A conical crushing head gyrates inside a funnel –shaped
casing , open at the top of the machine .
4-an eccentric drives the bottom end of the shaft .
At any point on the periphery of the casing ,therefore the
bottom of the crushing head moved towards and then away
from the stationary wall
5-side caught in the V shaped space between the head and
the casing are broken and rebroken until they pass out the
6- the crushing head is free to rotate on the shaft and turns
slowly because of friction with the material being crushed .
Gyratory crusher
Functional dig of gyratory crusher

Jaw crusher vs gyratory crusher

Application of the crusher is based on two main factor
1- capacity
2- maximum size it can handle
When crusher gap is more imp rather than capacity jaw is
used and vice versa

Prime Jaw Gyratory

Capacity Yes

Maximum size of Yes

ore handling

Capital and Less High

maintenance cost

Installation cost High Low

Foundation Rugged

Feeding Expensive feeder Self feeding

Type of material Clayed n plastic Hard n abbrasive

being crushed

Cone crusher (secondary crusher)

and modified gyratory crusher
Gyratory vs cone crusher
1-shorter spindle of the cone crusher is not suspended as in
the gyratory , but is supported in a curved , universal bearing
below the gyratory head or cone.
2- capacity of cone crusher is higher than gyratory

Roll crusher
1- roll crushers are now a days replaced by cone crushers in
many mills but still some mills used it.
2-they are mostly used for sticky , friable , frozen and less
abrasive feed as lime stone, coal, chalk, gypsum, phosphate,
and soft iron ore .
3- advantage over gyratory and jaw crusher is that it will not
choke near the discharge end when crushing friable rock with
a large proportion of maximum size pieces in the feed.
4- function of roll crusher is very simple .
Construction and working :
1-it consist of two rolls(horizontal cylinders which revolved
toward each other
2- the set is determined by shims which cause the spring
loaded roll to be held back from the solidly mounted roll .
3-the crushing process in roll crusher is one of single pressure
where as in jaw and gyratory it is a repeated pressure.
4- some roll crushers are made up of one rotating cylinder
which revolved towards a fixed plate others use 3, 4, 6,
5- diameter and speed of the roll varies from crusher to
6- the rolls may be grear driven , but this limits the distance
adjustment between the rolls , but where as Modern rolls are
driven by v belt from separate motors
Multi roll machine may use rolls in pair or in set of three .
Disadvantages of roll crusher:
In order for reasonable reduction ratios to be archived very
large rolls are required in relation to the size of the feed
particle they there fore have the highest capital cost of all
Force on a particle in a crushing roll

Radius of the particle= r

Radius of the rolls =R
Gap between the rolls= 2a
Coefficient of friction between the particle and the roll = µ
Angels formed by the tangent to the roll surface at their point
of contact with the particle (angle of nip)=θ
Compressive force exhausted by the rolls acting from the roll
centre through the particle centre =c
Then the particle to be just gripped by the rolls
Equating vertically
C sin θ/2 = µ c cos (θ/2 )
µ = tan θ/2
The value of the coefficient of friction between a particle and
moving roll can be calculated from the equation
Flow sheet of crushing plant

Open circuit crushing

Close circuit crushing

1. Last stage of comminution process
2. By impact and abrasion force the reduction in size of
particles occurs
3. It is carried out in a mills called tumbling mills (which is
a rotating cylindrical steel vessel.
4. The tumbling mills consist of crushed ore and grinding
medium 10 to 300 micrometer (steel ball, roads, rocks,
or ore it self.)
5. Here the particles with size 5- 250 mm will reduced to
6. Correct grinding is sometimes said to be key to good
mineral processing
7. Consequence of under grinding :
• (I)result in a product which is too coarse with a degree of
liberation too low for economic separation.
• (II) poor recovery and enrichment ration will be achieved
in the concentration stage
Conseque It reduces the size of comminution product
(gangue , minerals ) below the size required for more
efficient separation,
Much expensive energy is wasted in this process.
1. Grinding is usually performed wet , rarely dry grinding is
carried out.
2. Mill charge consists of water , ore, and grinding media
when it is rotated they get mixed
3. Most of kinetic energy of tumbling load is dissipated as
heat , noise and other losses only a small fraction of
energy is utilised for breaking the ore.
4. Control of the product size is governed by
type of medium used
the speed of the rotation of the mill
nature of the ore feed
and type of circuit used
13-gridninng process is a continuous process where
material is charged from st0rage bins from one end and it
comes out from other end after a particular dwell timence
of overgrinding :
Ball mill
1-In a ball mill or pebble mill most of the reduction is done
by impact as the ball or pebbles drop from near the top of
the shell.
2-in a large ball mill the shell might be 3 mm in diameter
and 4.25 m long .
3- the ball are 25 to 125 mm in diameter
4-the pebbles are 150-170mm in size
5-a tube mills is a continuous mill with a long cylindrical
shell ,in which material is ground for2 to 5 times as long as
the shorter ball mills.
6- tube mills are excellent for grinding to very fine powders
in a single pass where the amount of energy consumed is
not of primary importance by putting slotted transverse
partitions in a tube mill converts into a compartment mill.
One compartment may contains large balls, another small
ball and a third pebbles .
Conical ball mill

Motion of the charge in a tumbling mill :

1. distinctive features of the tumbling mill is its grinding
media which are losse crushing bodies which are large ,
hard and heavy in relation to the ore particle , but small
in relation to the volume of the mill and which occupy
slightly less than half the volume of the volume.
2. due to rotation motion of mill the grinding medium is
lifted along the rising side of the mill until a position of
dynamic equilibrium is reached ,after that the grinding
medium with the ore particles cascade and cataract down
the free surface of the other bodies , about the dead zone
where there is a little moments occurs , down to the toe
of the mill charge.
3. Here the nature of the product with the wear on the shell
lining is governed by the speed of the mill.
Grinding parameter in a ball mill

1- feeding arrangement
2-partciles size of the feed
3-gridning media -material , size ,quality
4-mill size , its speed and power consumption
5- solid liquid ratio and circulating load in a close circuit .
Phenomenon inside ball mill
Working of ball mill
1-When the ball mill is rotated the ball are picked up by the
mill wall and carried nearly to the top(this is due to
centrifugal force which keep the ball in contact with the
wall and with each other during upward moment), where
they break contact with the wall and fall to the bottom to be
picked up again.
2- while in contact with the wall the ball do some grinding
by sleeping and rolling over each other. But most of the
grinding occurs at the zone impact , where the free falling
balls strike the bottom of the mill.
3-if the speed is too high , how ever the ball are carried
over and the mill is said to be centrifuging . The speed at
which centrifuging occurs is called the critical speed.
During centrifuging no grinding or very little grinding
occurs , so operating speed must be less than the critical .
The critical speed of ball mill is given by

Tumbling mill is run at 65 to 80 per of the critical speed ,

with low value of wet grinding in viscous condition
Application of ball mill :
Grinding coal , pigments, feldspar feed size of 2 inch .
The efficiency of the grinding increases with hold up in the
mill until the void between the balls are filled
Rod mill

Theory of rod mill

1-similar to ball mill but difference is that they use rods for
grinding rather than ball(grinding media).
2-the rod grind the ore by tumbling in side that mill. The
length to dia ratio of rod is 1.4 to 1.6\
3-rod mill operates at lower speed than ball mill as they
rotate not cascade .
4-For an equivalent grind a rod mill uses less steel than ball
mill because of the lower speed and better contact between
the ore and the rod.
5-rod mill requires more attention since it is important that
the rod stay essentially parallel to one another if rod
becomes misaligned, grinding action is lost and rod tanges
Max rod length is limited by 6.1 m .
Its carries 35-65 per rod by volume

Open circuit and close circuit operation

Open circuit : the mill is said to be working on open circuit
when the feed is broken into particles of satisfactory size by
passing it once through the mill , when no attempt is made
to return over size particle to machine for further reduction
Disadvantage of open circuit : this process may requires
excess amount of power for much energy is wasted in
regrinding particle that are already fine enough
For example if a 50 mess product is required it is obviously
waste full to continue grinding 100- 200 mesh material .
Due to this reason close circuit is introduced to make the
process economical
Close circuit
To make the process economical close circuit is introduced
where partially ground material is removed from the mill
and pass it through a size reduction device . The undersized
becomes the product and over sized is returned to be
reground . The separation device is sometimes inside mill
as in ultra fine grinder or as in more common it is out side
the mill .
So we can say close circuit operation is that where a
separator is used to separate the over and under sized
particle and these over sized particle is returned to the mill
once again .
For coarse particles the separation device is screen or
grizzly , for fine powders it is some form of classifiers .
Feed control
1- particles size should not be very large so that they cannot
be broken by mils. They must be of appropriate size
2- effectiveness of many intermediate crusher and grinder is
reduced if the particles size are very fine.
3-some solids requires pre compressing and chilling which
enhanced it tendency to ground
4- feed control must be in control limit other wise it leads to
chocking and erractic variation of load.
Flow sheet of closed circuit grinding
Size separation
Separation of com
omminution products on basis of size is
called sizing .
Importance of sizi
izing :
1-to carry out furt
urther processing or for selling
2-to gauge(estima
mate the amount or level) the eff
of crushing and gr
grinding operation also to taken
en up to
control size reduct
uction process.

Sieving process
Concept of mesh
The mesh number system is a measure of how many
openings there are per linear inch in a screen. Sizes vary by
a factor of √2. This can easily be determined as screens are
made from wires of standard diameters, however, opening
sizes can vary slightly due to wear and distortion.
As the mesh number increases the no of opening increases
per liner inch , where as the size of the opening decreases.
Screen are attached with all types of crushing units at
feed and discharge end
• Screening: it is carried out by passing the comminution
products over a surface provided with opening of desired
• Screening equipment may be stationary or moving bar
punched metal plate or woven wire mess.
1-grizzels (non vib
vibrating )stationary screen
• -Screening larg
rge size particles more than 255 m
mm (used
for primary scre
• -consists of sim
imple parallel heavy wear resista
manganese steeteel bars or rails separated by required
space at the ends
• -these bar may
ay be laid horizontally or inclined
• -usually crosss section
s of the bar is trapezoidal
dal with wide
base upward to prevent clogging or weedingg of o particles
2-vibrating screen
• -used for treatin
ting large tonnage of material
• -vibrating motin
oting(shaking motion) is imparte
rted by means
of cam , eccentr
ntric unbalanced fly wheel, or
etic mass.
• -it may be singl
ngle doubled, or triple decked to obtain
different size of particle from single feed
• - these screens
ns can
c be used upto 35 mess
• - amplitude iss usually
u 6-8mm
• - angle is aroun
und 20-30 degree for dry and 5--10 degree
for wet
• -rpm is varied below 1200 -1800.
4-oscillating screen :
• a-these are characterized by relatively low speed in the
range of 300- 400 rpm in plane ,essentially parallel to
b-the riddle is a screen driven in a oscillating path by an
eccentric or other mechanism attached to it
5-Reciprocating screen :
• a-these are driven by an eccentric under the screen at the
feed end
• b-the motion varies from gyratory (up to 50 mm dia ) at
feed end to a reciprocating motion at the discharge end
the inclination is about 5 degree
6-trommels ( vibrating screen)
• a-there are revolving screen or drum separator type
consist of a screen in the form cylindrical or conical in
shape rotated about its axis
• b-the material is feed at one end of the screen , the
undersized materials falls through the screening surface
while the oversize is conveyed by rotating motion down
the incline to the discharge end .
• c-it can handle both dry or wet feed
• d- it can separate several size feed by using a series of
screen from coarset t finest.
• e- cheap and most suitable for washing of coal and iron
7-gyratory screen :
• a-contains removable and replicable circular decks or
trays for different size products .
• b- it works both gyratory and vertical motion to the
screen decks

grizzle Tromme

Vibrating screen Gyratory screen

factors affecting screening performance :
• 1-size
• 2-shape
• 3-orientation
• 4-feed rate
• 4-Angle of discharge
• 5-Percent opening area
• 6-Type of vibration
• 7-Moisture content
• 8-Feed material
Limitation of screening :
• There is a limitation of screen process since very fine
particles (size is also very similar)cannot be sorted
effectively into two or more products .
• Sorting (separation can only be possible on the basis of
velocity with which the grain falls through a fluid
classification can be defined as:
the method of separation or concentration by difference
in the settling rate due to variation of particle size shape
and density in a fluid medium is know as classification.
• Fluid medium :here fluid medium is water but in
modified condition such as rising at uniform rate ,
changing density , addition of suitable reagent , and
passing air bubble .
• Classifier consists of a sorting column in which a fluid
rises at uniform rate ,particles introduced into the
shorting column sink and report as underflow if their
terminal velocity are greater than the velocity of water ,
and in other hand if their terminal velocity is less than
upward velocity of the fluid , it rises and report as over
Sorting column
Hydraulic classifier
Working principle- difference in the settling rate of
particles of feed pulp against the rising water current .
2-Unit is simple in design
3-consist of series of conical sorting columns
4-The columns in series are successively larger in size
with relatively lower current velocity.
5-The relative rate of settling against the varying up flow
current in each of the conical pocket accumulates coarser
particle in the first to finest in the last
Hydraulic cyclone

Spiral and rake classifier 1-mechanically driven devices

• The unit drag coarser sandy sediments from the settled
feed pulp by a continuously revolving spiral along the
bottom of an inclined surface to a high discharge point
on one end of the settling tank the fines over flow at the
other end .
• Rake classifier is a variation in the mechanism of shifting
the coarser component .the rake dip into the feed pulp
,move in an eccentric motion along an inclined plane for
a short distance then lift it up and go back to the starting
point to repeat the operation
• Spiral classifier are prefer over rake as the material does
not slides backward.

Spiral vs rake classifier

Hydro cyclone
• Most imp and widely used classifier for base metals
• It is generally installed in close circuit between grinding
and conditioning path for flotation of complex base metal
• It consist of cylindrical section at the top connected to
the feed chamber for continuous inflow of the pulp and
an over flow pipe .
• The unit continues downward as a conical shape vessel
and open at its apex to underflow of the coarser material .
• The feed is pulped under pressure through the tangential
entry which imparts a spinning motion to the pulp .
• The separation mechanism works on this centrifugal
force to accelerate the settling of the particles. The
velocity of the slurry increases as it flows a downward
centrifugal path from the inlet area to the narrow apex
• The larger and denser particles migrates nearest to the
wall of the cone the finer of lighter particles migrates
toward s the cen
centre axis of the cone and rever
erse its axial

Stocks law and term

rminal velocity(settling velocity)

Consider a sphe
pherical particle of dia d and denensity Ds
falling under gr
gravity in a viscous fluid of density
den Df
under free settli
ttling conditions, ideally in a fluid
flui of infinite
extent. The par
particle is acted by three force
1- a gravitational force acting acting downwards
2-an upward buoyant force due to the displaced fluid
3-a drag force d acting upwards
d- diameter of spherical particle
Ds- density of solid
Df- density of fluid
M’-mass of the displaced liquid
M- mass of the particle
X- partial velocity
Equation of motion of particle is given by
Gravitational force – buoyant force – drag force = m
mg - m’g – D = M dx/dt
At terminal velocity that is when upward force is equal to
downward (x tend to 0)
That is dx/dt = 0
g(m-m’) – D = m . Zero
g(m-m) – D = 0
D = g (m – m’)
We know that density = mass/volume
So mass is equal to density x volume
D = g (Ds.v – Df .v)
D = gv (Ds – Df )
= g [ 4/3 π (d/2)3 ] ( Ds – Df )
= g1/6 π d3 ( Ds – Df )
Stocks assumed that the drag force on the a sphere
particle to be entirely due to viscous resistance and
deduced the expression.
D= 3 π d η V
η = fluid velocity
V= terminal velocity
3 π d η V = π/6 g d3 (Ds – Df)
V = g d 2 (Ds – Df) / 18 η
This expression is called stokes law
Newton assumed that the drag force was entirely due to
turbulent resistance and deduced
D= 0.55 π d 2 v 2 Df
0.55 π d 2 v 2 Df = π/6 g d3 (Ds – Df)
V = (3gd (Ds-Df)/Df)1/2
This is newton's law of turbulent resistance
Stokes' law makes the following assumptions for the
behaviour of a particle in a fluid:
1-Laminar Flow
2-Spherical particles
3-Homogeneous (uniform in composition) material
4-Smooth surfaces
5-Particles do not interfere with each other.
Stokes law vs newton's law
Stockes law is valid for particles of size below about
50micrometer in dia.
The upper size limit is determined by dimensionless
reylond number .
Newtons law is valid for particles of size greater than 0.5
cm in dia

Both laws shows that the terminal velocity of the particles in

a particular fluid is a function only on the particles size and
It can be seen that :
1- if the two particles have the same density then the particle
with the larger dia has the high terminal velocity .
2- if the two particle have the same dia then the heavier
particle has the higher terminal velocity

Concentration means enrichment of ore.
Here after seizing the particles are sent for concentration
where the gangue (tailings) are separated from the valuable
minerals, producing a concentrate and tailings.

Physical Methods to principle

concentrate ores
1.Sorting Is done by hand now a days
done by machines Based on
optical microscopy and other
2.gravity concentration Based on difference in density
among the minerals . different
mineral have different hydraulic
properties so they have
differential moments in water.
Here in dense medium
separating particles sink or
floats in a dense liquid , or an
artificial dense medium .
Specially carried out for iron
ore , caol diamond ore
3.froth flotation Based on the different surface
properties of the mineral .some
mineral are attracted to water
and some are oil(froth)air
bubbles .
Here a pulp is used and many
reagents are used in this process
the valuables minerals are
attached to air bubbles (froth)
and rise up and get separated
from gangue.

4.Magnetic separation Based on the difference in

magnetic properties of the
Some minerals are highly
magnetic in nature they get
attracted by low intensity
magnetic field where as some
minerals are less magnetic
called diamagnetic so they get
attached only by high intensity
magnetic field.
Mainly used for iron and tin ore
, beneficiation.
In case of tin it is used to
separate wolframite and
hematite .

5. electrostatic separation Based on electrical conductivity

properties of minerals .
High tension separation can be
used to separate from
conducting minerals from non-
conducting minerals.

Gravity separation or gravity concentration:

1-separation of mineral by virtue of specific gravity.
2-Oldest one of mineral processing is hand sorting after that
gravity method was introduces
3-Earlier days it was most dominating way to do mineral
processing but due to development of other process like
froth flotation, magnetic separation and leaching it was
4-Mainly used for iron ore separation and coal separation:
Gravity concentration has a lower installed cost per tonne
of through put that froth flotation for any given job and
lower installed power requirement.
Gc do not use any costly reagents like ff.
Gc is somewhat environmental friendly process than that of
Advancement in gc method:
1- High capacity
2- High efficiency
3- Inexpensive and simple equipment than older
gc method used to treat various minerals examples are _

Principles of gravity concentration:

Gravity concentration can be defined as separation of two
or more minerals, usually of different specific gravity, by
their relative moment in response to the force of gravity and
one or more other force, one of which is the resistance to
motion by a viscous fluid such as water.
Factors affecting relative moments of particles:
1- weight
2- size
3- Shape
4- Specific gravity
Generally if two mineral are having all thing is same except
one then it is easy to separate both.
Concentration criteria
(cc): provides idea of amenability of separation of two
It is defined as specific gravity of the heavy species minus
density of the suspending fluid , divided by the specific
gravity of the light species minus the density of the
suspending fluid
Mathematically :
Sp. Gravity of heavy mineral – Sp. gravity of fluid /Sp
gravity of light mineral – Sp gravity of fluid

• Advantages of gravity separation are :

1. a low installed cost per tonne of throughput than
2. lower installed power requirement
3. does not use expensive reagent
4. Environment impact is less as compared to flotation as it
doesn’t involves organic chemicals.
Gravity separation operation:

1- Jigging - in this process the bed of ore particle is

vertically expanded or contract by help of fluid .
2- Shaking concentrators: employs a horizontal motion to
the solid fluid stream to effetely fluidised the particle causing
segregation of light and heavy particles.
3- Flowing film concentrator: initiate particle separation
by a layer of slurry flowing down an inclined surface under
influence of gravity.
Some of the oldest knows concentrator
Jigs process
in a jig it consists of a perforated bed with a bed of different
size particles . Stratification occurs due to expansion and
contraction of the bed due to pulsation of fluid upward
through the bed , this pulsation is done in acyclic manner (50-
300 cycles per min ) due to this heavier particles and lighter
particles get stratified .
Jigging operation (Expansion and contraction of bed due to jig
It is a special form of hindered settling resulting in
stratification of particles into layers of different density
followed by removal of different layer.
This stratification is achieved by repeatedly affording an
oppournity to a very thick suspension of mixed particles to
settle for a short time.
Principle of jigging:
Three factors responsible for stratification of particles during
jigging are
1- Hinder settling
2-differentaial acceleration at the beginning of the fall
3- Consolidation trickling at the end of the fall
Jigging vs classification
1- In jigging the solid fluid mixture is very thick and it
approximates to a closed packed bed of solid with interstitial
fluid flowing through the particle rather than the fluid
carrying the solid particle with it as in case of classifier
Jigging cycle :
It consist of pulsion and suction in case of pulsion the fluid
moved upward through the bed of particles ,the bed expanded
(fluidised ) and in suction the fluid return back downwards .
A complete cycle of of one suction and one pulsion is know as
jigging cycle
Most jigs used pulsion and suction both but in some jigs only
pulsion is used.
Jigs types
1- hand jigs – consist of rope pulley and perforated
cylindrical vessel . Here the jigs is vertically moved in water
medium to carry out jigging process.
For laboratory purpose
2- mechanical jigs – shallow open tank containing a screen
bottom on which ore is to be supported , a hydraulic water
chamber , a reciprocationg system for pulsion and suction of
water through screen

• Uses of jigs :
1. Used for cleaning coal
2. Heavy media separation including alluvial gold
• While treating coal and mineral the lighter particle is
concentrate for coal and heavy fraction is concentrate for
• For this very reason gravity separation is product is
called light or heavy rather than concentrate or tailings.
Differential motion table separator:
• Here an ore of bed experience a horizontal shaking
motion which lead to the segregation of particles
according to either size of density.
• If the particles are of same density then the particle’s will
segregates according to size with the fine particles
sinking and the coarse particles rising to the top. And if
the particles with different density exist then particles
with higher density will sink to a lower level then lighter.
• Shaking tables:
• Here a differential motion(shaking where forward and
backward moment accours) and a riffled deck with cross
flowing water is used to create a particle separation.
• The shaking motion is asymmetrical, being slow in
forward direction and being rapid in backward direction.
Due to differential motion a conveying motion is
imparted on the particle which are in contact with the
table deck in the direction of motion due to friction.

• Wilfley table :
1. It consist of slightly inclined flat surface or deck with a
series of parallel ridges and riffles along the direction of
motion .
2. The riffles are
re tapered towards the opposite
te end
e of the
reciprocating drive.
3. Feed is introduc
duced at the corner of the tablee at
a about 25
per cent solid (b
(by mass)and with the shakingg motion , the
particles spread
ad out over the table
4. 4- Water is intro
ntroduced along the top edge off tthe deck to
assist segregatin
ating and transport of particles on the table.
5. Due to this the
he pparticles moves diagonally across
acr the
deck from thee feed
f end.
6. As the feed mat aterial spreads out over the tabl
able the
particles stratifi
tified in layers behinds the riffle.
7. The riffles help
elp to transmit the shaking motio
tion to the
particle and prevent
pre the particle washing direc
irectly off the
8. Here if the table
ble operates in a correct manner
er then the
middling’s frac
raction discharge at the diagonal
nally opposite
corner of the tab
table to the feed.
9. Size separation
on will be very difficult it theree iis range of
size increases
Operating parameters
1. Particles size , shape
2. particles density
3. deck shape
4. riffle design
5. water and feed flow
6. stroke and speed of the table and deck slope
The lower size limit for an effective separation on a table
is about 50 micro meter even if the density difference is
• For optimum table operation the feed flow of solids and
water onto the table must be uniform and constant

Flowing film concentrator:

• Fluid flow can be classified into three categories:
1. laminar or stream line flow [ Re <= 2100 ]
2. turbulent or eddy flow[ Re >= 4000 ]
3. mixed flow –combination of laminar and turbulent flow [
2100 <= Re <= 4000
• Re= average velocity x diameter x kinematic viscosity

• Kinematics viscosity = viscosity of the fluid / specific

gravity of the fluid
• 1-liquid films under laminar flow have specific
mechanical properties that can be easily adopted to
separate the mineral according to their specific gravity.
• 2-Specific mechanical property is that , the velocity of
the fluid is not the same at all depth of the film .
• 3- suppose we consider a fluid flowing in a rectangular
open channels then the fluid velocity at the bottom of the
depth at A is nil and is maximum at the top B . similarly
in case of a pipe the flow is maximum along the central
axis and nil at the inner periphery of the pipe .
• 4- This property in turn depends upon the viscosity of
the fluid .
• Experimental facts of flowing film concentrate can be
summarized as follows:
• 1-fine- heavy particles
• 2-coarser- heavy and fine light particles
• 3-coarser – light particles
• It is interesting to note that flowing film concentrate
places the coarser heavy particle with the fine light
particle . this is reverse of stratification that takes place
during jigging .
Heavy media separation or dense media separation : ( HMS)or
1-Also called sink float separation .
2- Here a fluid (medium) is used whose density lies
between the density of two mineral
3- Here the lighter
ter mineral will float in the fluid
id medium
and the heavy miner
eral will sink
It is a special concen
centration process which mainly ly depend
upon specific gravity
ity. Here particle size do not come
com into
In this process the mineral
m is put into a fluid whose
ose specific
gravity lies in betwe
ween the specific gravities of the two
minerals that are to be
b separated from each other.
If there are more than
tha two mineral in an ore thenn th
the heavy
mineral is generally
ly recovered as sink and the was
aste as float.
For example the mos ost metallic oxide lies in the range
ran – 3.5 to
4.5 gm/cc, silica the
he main component of gangue ha having a
density of 2.65 gm/c/cc. we use a heavy media whos hose density is , here the mmetallic oxdie sink but silica flot.
Generally heavy mininerals or alloys grounded up to -100 mesh
size are normaly use
sed . examples are galena , and
nd ferro
Heavy media separat
ration circuit
Froth flotation:
Principle of concentration in this process depend on surface
characteristic of minerals(hydrophobicity /hyrophillicity),
some minerals adhere to water and some air.
Or we can say difference in wettability of different minerals
So due to adhesion of some mineral to the air bubbles it rise in
the pulp and get separated from the from the mineral with are
completely wetted .
In maximum case mineral are not having this properties to
adhere to air bubbles or foam (hydrophobicity0 . that means
natural hydrophobicity is not there so by using chemicals,
mineral surface are selectively alter so that they have the
necessary properties for separation.
Example of some minerals showing hydrophobicity
1- Hydrocarbons (coal)
2- Elemental sulphur
Mainly used for sulphide mineral concentration to separate
usefull minerals and silica
And generally used for fine grained ore that are not amenable
to conventionally gravity concentration
So function of chemicals is selective coating a particle surface
with a mono layer of non polar oil .
1- selective attachment of valuable minerals to air bubble this
is due to fact that on adding chemical reagent (collector)to the
pulp or slurry this reagent will adsorbed on the surface of the
mineral forming a continuous heteropolar film in the range of
molecular level .
The heteropolarity of the film is such that , the non polar part
of the film is oriented away from the mineral body . So the
mineral particle as a whole behaves lkike a non polar particle ,
becomes non wettable and attached itself preferentially with a
air bubble.
In froth flotation the mineral is usually transferred to the froth
or float fraction leaving the gangue in the pulp.
Direct flotation and indirect flotation is there it is just vies
versa of previous.

1- collectors
2- frothers
3- modifiers
Collectors : main function of collector is it makes the selected
minerals hydrophobic by forming a continuous film of
heteropolar at molecular level.
Due to this these minerals get adhere to air preferentially and
start floating .
Collectors classification :
1- cationic- if the part which impart water repellancy to the
mineral surface carries a negative charge
2- anionic - if the part which impart water repellancy to the
mineral surface carries a positive charge
Collectors are heteropolar that means one portion is polar and
other is non polar.
Examples of collectors :
Anionic collectors : potassium or sodium ethyl xanthate,
dithio phosphate, fatty acids
Cationic collectors: fatty amines aceates
Frother :
main function is to form a stable and particular size of froth
on which collector coated mineral get attached and floated up.
These are heteropolar in nature having one of more water
repellent and water loving polar group.
The froth must be stable and strong enough to support the
weight of the desired mineral attached to it and permits it
separation from the pulp.
Most important point is these froth must breakdown when
they are removed from the flotation cell.
Examples : pine oil, aliphatic alcohol, cresylic acids

Modifiers or regulator :
They modifies the action of collector either by enhancing or
by reducing its water repellent effect on the mineral surface .
They make collector action more selective towards certain
1- activator – it help
lp in reactivate or increase the
susceptibility to flota
lotation of some mineral that hasas been
depressed ex- cuso4o4 is a standard activator for sph
2- ph regulator: optim
ptimum result only in a particular
lar range of
ph value of the pulplp .for this reason proper ph cont
ontrol of the
pulp is of greater importance.
ex- ,soda ash, and h2
3- depressant : some
me times we want differential floflotability for
which it is desirable
le to prevent or supress the flota
otation of one
mineral over another
her . Ex= cyanide,lime acts both th as ph
regulator and depres
4- dispersant :sometietimes the gangue may be of such
suc nature
that it flocculates to such an extent which may intenterfere with
effieient flotation of the desired mineral . It is esseential to use
a dispersant .
A dispersant or a dispersing
di agent or a plasticizer
zer or a
superplasticizer is either
ei a non-surface active polym
lymer or a
surface-active substa
stance added to a suspension, ususually a
colloid, to improvee the
t separation of particles andd to prevent
settling or clumping.
Ex- starch and gluee
Selective attachment
ent of the air bubbles to hydroph
particle .the buoyanc
ancy of the bubble then carriess th
particles to the surfa
rface , leaving the hydrophilic particles

Magnetic separation

Magnetic separation
on :
Principle : difference
nce in the magnetic properties between
different minerals or between minerals and gangue
Used to separate : va
valuable minerals from non mag
Eg- magnetite(magn
gnetic) from quartz (non magnet
netic )
Magnetic gangue or contaminants from non magne
gnetic values
Eg- tin ore that is cas
cassiterite (non magnetic ) is separated
sep from
traces of magnetitee ,wolframite
,w (gangue)
classification of mate
aterial on basis of whether thyy are
a attracted
or repelled by the magnet
ma :
diamagnetic: thesee m
material get repelled in the mag
agnetic lines
of force where the fi
field intensity is smaller .
ex- quartz
Diamagnetic material cannot be separated by magnetic
concentration process because force involved are very small.
Paramagnetic: these material get attracted along the line of
magnetic force to a point of greater field intensity .
Paramagnetic materials can be concentrated in high intensity
magnetic separator
Examples of paramagnetic minerals : ilmenite (FeTiO3) ,
rutile (TiO2),
wolframite ((Fe Mn)WO4), monazite
, siderite (Feco3), Pyrrohotite (FeS), Chromite (FeCr2O4),
hematite (Fe2O3) and manganese material.
If we see elements such as Ni co, Mn Cr , Ce, Ti , O and Pt
are paramagnetic in nature but in most cases the paramagnetic
properties of mineral is are due to presence of iron in some
ferro magnetic form .
Ferromagnetism is a special case of paramagnetism where
very high force is involved .
If we see ferromagnetic materials they retain magnetism even
after removal from the field called remanence. They can be
concentrated using low intensity magnetic separator.
Ex- magnetite ,
Magnetic separator design :
Prime requirement of magnetic separator is a provision of a
high intensity field in which there is a steep field strength
From this figure (a)we can see there is field of uniform flux
(lines are straight ), magnetic particle will orient themselves
but not move along the lines of force since there is not field
gradient here.
But to produce a non uniform flux(conversing flux)(we have
to change the shape of the pole by making one pole tapered
which concentrate the magnetic flux into a very small area
giving high intensity and other pole is flat due to which the
same total magnetic flux distributed over a large area. Due
which a steep field gradient across the gap by virtue of
different intensity field. Can seen from fig (b)

• Other method of producing a field gradient is : shown in

the fig c Using a poles with is constructed of alternate
magnetic and non magnetic laminations.
2nd important point about the separator is provision for
regulating the magnetic field so as to deal with various kind of
material. This can be achieved by using electromagnetic
separator by varying the current; if permanent magnetic is
there we can vary the interpole distance
Industrial magnetic separator:
It a continuous processing machine and separation is carried
out on moving steam of particles passing into and through the
magnetic field.
It is essential that speed of particles must be closely controlled
while passing through the magnetic field which rules out free
fall as a mean of feeding.
Industrial magnetic separator:
• It a continuous processing machine and separation is
carried out on moving steam of particles passing into and
through the magnetic field .
• It is essential that speed of partciles must be closely
controlled while passing through the magnetic field
which rules out free fall as a mean of feeding .
• To transport the feed through the field we can use either
drum of belt
• Some times flocculation or agglomeration of the particles
take place during M.S called (magnetic flocs) if the
• 1- Particles are very fine and highly susceptible
• 2- Field is intense
• Due to formation of these magnetic flocs they entrain
gangue and can bridge the gaps between magnetic poles.
Reducing the efficiency of separation.
• Flocculation is especially serious with dry separation
machine operating on fine materials. This can be
minimised if the ore is feedthrough the field in a
monolayer , this effect is much less serious , but off
course , the capacity of the machine is drastically
reduced .
• 2nd method to reduce is by passing the material through
the consecutive magnetic field, which are usually
arranged with successive reversal of the polarity. This
cause the particles to turn through 180 degree , each
reversal tending to free the entrained gangue particle .
• This process has a great disadvantage that is flux leakage
occurs from pole to pole reducing the effective field
Provision for Collection of magnetic and non magnetic
fraction must be incorporated into the design For better
working the magnetic are allowed to come in contact with a
conveying device rather that the pole of the magnet, which
carry them out of the magnetic field

Type of magnetic separator

Low High
intensity intensity

Dry Wet
feed feed

Dry Low intensity magnetic separator

• Used for concentration of coarser sand which are
strongly magnetic in nature
• Concentration is carried out using drum type separator
• Process is called is cobbing
Wet low intensity magnetic separation
• When the size of feed is less than 0.5 cm
• This produce clean product and prevent dust loss
• Widely used for purifying the magnetic medium in the
dense medium separation process as well as
concentration of ferro magnetic sand
Drum separator:

Commonly used for cleaning the medium in DMS circuits and

widely used for concentration of finely ground ore.
1- Consist of rotating non magnetic drum
2- 3-6 stationary magnets of alternating polarity
3- Initially drum separators used electromagnetics
4- Modern devices used permanet magnets made up of rare
earth or ceramics magnetic alloys , which retain there
intensity for indefinite period of time .
5- Separation is by pick up principle where magnetic
partilces are lifted by the magnets and pinned to the drum and
are conveyed out of the field , leaving the gangue in the
tailing compartment.
6- Water is introduced into the machine to provide a current
which keep the pulp in suspension
7- 8- filed intensity
sity upto 0.7 tesla at the pole sur
surface can be
obtained in this type
pe of separator.
8- Above drun separator
sep is a concurrent type where
wh by the
concentrate is carried
ried forward by the drum and passes
pas through
the gap where it iss compressed
co and dewatered befo
efore leaving
the separator
9- Above designn produce
p clean products from relatively
coarser material
Counter rotating dru
rum separator

• Above fig show

own a counter rotation drum sep eparator
where the fedd fl
flow directis just opposite to that
th of drum
• Used in roughin
hing operation , where occasiona
onal surges in
the feed mustt bbe handled
• 2- where magne
gnetic material losses are kept minimum
m ,
while extremee clean
c concentrate is not require
• When high sold
old load is encountered
Counter currentt separator
• 1-Here tailings are forces to travel in the opposite
direction to the drum rotation and are discharged to the
tailings chute
• Used for finishing operation on relatively fine material of
particle size less then about less than 250 micrometer

Cross belt separator: initially are used for recovering ilmenite

from heavy mineral concentrate ,

• This system is obsolete

• There are replaced by rare earth roll magnetic separator
and rare earth drum magnetic separator
• Rare earth magnetic separator uses magnetic and non
magnetic lamination
• Feed is carried to the magnetic roll by thin belt so there is
no bouncing and scattering .they enters the magnetic
zone with same horizontal velocity This leads to a better
High intensity separator:

Used for separation for of paramagnetic materials . here

generally high intensity magnetic field of greater then 2 T is
Induced roll separator(IRMs)
• Widely used treat beach sand , wolframite, tin ore glass
sand , tin ore, glass sand, and phosphate rock,
• The roll on which the ore is fed, is composed of
phospated steel
• Laminates compressed together on a non magnetic
stainless steel shaft, by using tow types of lamination
slightly differing in outer dia , the roll is given a serrated
profile which promotes the high field intensity and
gradient required.
• Here strength of the field is nearly 2.2 T in between the
feed pole and roll .
• Here non magnetic particles are thrown off the roll into
the tailing compartment
• Magnetic particles are gripped , carried out the influence
of the field deposited in magnetic compartment . where
as non magnetic particles are thrown off the roll into the
tailing compartment .
• The gap between the feed pole and the rotor is adjustable
and usually decreased from pole to pole to take off
successively more weekly magnetic products .
• This system is replaced by new rare earth roll and drum
separator .
Draw back of dry high intensity separation :
• Dry high intensity separation is largely limited to ore
containing little , if any material finer than about 75
micrometer .
• The effectiveness of the separation on such fine material
is severely reduced by the effect of air current , particle-
particle adhesion and particle –rotor adhesion
Jones separator (Wet high intensity magnetic separator )

• It consist of high strength structural frame

• The magnetic yokes are welded to this frame with the
electromagnetic coils enclosed in air cooled case .
• Actual separation takes place in the plate boxes which
are on the periphery of the one or two rotors attached to
the central roller shaft.
The feed which is thoroughly mixed slurry , flows through
the separation via fitted pipes and launder into the plate
box which are grooveed to concentrate the magnetic filed at
the tip of the ridges
Feeding is continuous due to rotation of the plate boxes on
the rotors and the feed point are at the leading edge of the
magnetic field
Each rotor has two symmetrical disposed fid point
The magnetic particles are held by the plate , where as the
remaining non magnetic slurry passes straight through the
plate box and is collected in a launder .
Before leaving the field any entrains non magnetic are
washed out by low pressure water and are collected as
middling’s .
When the plate box reaches a point where that is midway
between the two magnetic poles where the magnetic field is
essentially zero , the magnetic particles are washed out with
high pressure water spray operating at 5 bar pressure
Here field intensity over 2 T can be produced in these
machines the production of 1.5 T filed requires an electric
power consumption in the coils of 16 kw per pole
Electrical Principle : difference in the electrical
conductivity of different minerals in a feed helps in
separation .
Some minerals are good conductors some are bad
conductors .
E.S is an universal concentration methods because every
minerals shows difference in electrical conductivity.
Main application area: separation of minerals from heavy
sand found in beach.
Limitation of this process
1- feed must be completely dry
2- capacity is very small for finely divided material
3-very fine particles must be required which increases the
comminution cost
electrical separation classification
A- electrostatic separation – employ charge field with little
or no current flow
B- high tension separation – high rate of electrical
discharge , with electron flow and gaseous ionisation
Electrostatic separation vs high tension separation
Electrostatic High tension
separation separation
1-utilise high voltage 1-use of high rate of
where virtually true electrical discharge, with
electrostatic process electron flow and
employing charge field gaseous ionization
wit having major
h little or no current importance.
flow .

2- utilise lifting effect 2-utilise pinning effect

3- magnitude of force 3- magnetite of force

involved is very low involved is high

E.S.S and Concept of lifting effect in electrostatic

Electrostatic separation :in case of electrostatic separation
materials having a tendency to become charged with a
definite polarity are separated from each other by use of
lifting effect even though there conductivity may be similar
What is lifting effect ?
Attraction of particles carrying one kind of charge towards
an electrode of the opposite charge is know as lifting effect
, such particles are lifted from the separation surface
towards the electrode.
Examples : if quartz is present with other minerals (poor
conductors) then quart will gain a negative charge very
readily and may be separated from the other minerals by an
electrode which carrying a positive charge.
pure electrostatic separation is inefficient even if we have
clean minerals
E.S.S is very sensitive to humid and temperature.
High tension separation and concept of pinning effect
In pinning effect non conducting minerals particles having
received a surface charge from the electrode , retained this
charge and are pinned to the opposite charged separator by
positive –negative attraction.
Operation of H.T.S
1- mixture of ore minerals of varying susceptibility to
surface charge is fed on a rotating conducting drum (mild
steel, other conducting materials)
2-this rotating drum is earthed through support bearings .
3-electrodes assembly consists of (brass tube having a fine
wire at the front, span the complete length of the roll and is
supplied with fully rectified Dc supply up to 50 K.v usually
of negative polarity.
4- the voltage supplied should be so high that it should
ionise the air . (cab seen as corona discharge) arching
between the electrode and the roll must be avoided as this
destroyed the ionisation.
5-when ionisation occurs the mineral received a spray
discharge of electricity which gives the poor conductors a
high surface charge , causing them to be attracted to and
pinned to the rotor surface.
6- where as the particles with relatively higher conductivity
do not become charged as rapidly , as the charge rapidly
dissipated through the particles to the earth rotor .these
particles of higher conductivity follow a path , when
leaving the rotor , approximating to the one which they
would assume if there were no charging effect at all.

Design of the electrode assembly is such that they create a

very dense high voltage discharge
Variables affecting the h.t.s performance :
1-roll speed
2-position of the electrode wire with respect to the
electrode tube.
3-position of the electrode wire with respect to the roll.
4-variation of dc voltage and polarity
5-the splitter plate position
6-the feed rate
7- heating of the feed
Heating is essential because best result obtained with dry
material. Process become difficult in high humid condition
Single pass of the feed through the roller will not enrich the
ore we have to go for multiple pass.
This is carried out by deflecting the falling particles to
lower sets of roller and electrode until required enrichment
is obtained.
Feed size in hts is 60-500 micrometer in dia
Influence of particles size: surface charge on a coarse grain
are lower in relation to its mass than on a finer grain . Thus
a coarser grain is more readily thrown from the roll surface
and the conducting fraction often contains a small
proportion of coarser non conducting and similarly the finer
particles are most influenced by the surface charge and the
non conducting fraction often contains some fines
conducting particles.
Final separation of the product is carried out by purely
electrostatic separation which employs the lifting effect.
High tension separator principle
Arrangement of H.T.S for effective separation

Modern electrostatic separators are two types

1- plate type- used for separation of small amount of non
conducting from a predominantly conducting feed
2- screen type used for separation of small amount of
conducting from a mainly non conducting feed .
But in both case principle of operation is same.
In both case electrostatic field is introduced by large oval
high- voltage electrode and feed are moved on either plate
of screen which are grounded .
Principle operation of E.S.S (a)plate and (B)screen

Operation of modern (E.S.S )plate and screen type

Here the feed particles moved down through a screen or
plate which is grounded one ,and over the plate a large oval
electrode is there which induces an electrostatic filed on the
plate and screen , due which the conducting particles are
lifted toward the charged electrode so as to decrease the
energy of the system, here the non conductor grains are
poorly affected by the field
And due to difference in size of the feed material the fine
grains are most affected by the lifting force due which fine
conductors preferentially lifted to the electrode where as
coarse non conductors are most effetely rejected .

Advancement of electrostatic separator

Mineral sand industries mainly use
1-HTR separator
2-ESP separator
for better separation use of :
1-using multiple M/C
2-multiple recycle structure
Ore kinetics has introduces some advanced machines which
are developed version of HTR, ESP
1-new corona stat
2-ultra start M/C
Advanced m/c employed additional static electrode which
improves efficiency of separation.
Unlike existing m/c the static electrode are not exposed ,
making the m/c much safe to operates.
New m/c are introduced by many manufacture
Roche mining :-carara HTR separator which incorporate an
additional insulated plate static electrode .
Outokumpu technology : eforce HTR separator which
incorporate additional static electrode as well as
electrostatic feed classifier

What is agglomera
eration: agglomeration is a techn
chnique by
which the fine iron ores are converted into lump
Why agglomeratio
ation is required :
1- use of fine iron
on ore in iron making , since during
communiation of iron i ore some of the ores aree cconverted
into fines. So thesese fines cannot be feed into furnace
directly so it is first
firs converted into lumps .
Why we cannott ch
charge fines into blast furnacee :
1- if we charge fin
fines into furnace it get converte
rted into
lumps inside thee bblast furnace and it will reduce
permenabilty forr gases
g and slag and metals .
2- heavy dust loss
oss occurs from the top in the b/f gas.

Agglomeration techniques

y kiln sintering



Sintering techniqu
Sintering princi
Process variable
Equipment for
or sintering
Mechanism of ssintering
Raw materials
ls requirement’
Sinter types
here the iron oree ffines or iron bearing fines aree mixed
m with
solid fuel(coke ) aand put on a permeable grate.
Top layer of this
is ssinter bed is heated to the sinte
temperature (12-11300 ) by a gas or oil burner andan air is
drawn downwards rds, through the grate , with thee hhelp of
exhaust blower coconnected. From underneath to the t grate. A
narrow combustiotion zone is formed on the top an and this
combustion travel
vels downwards layer by layer up upto sintering
The cold blast drawn through the bed cools the already
sintered layer and thereby gets itself heated. The heat
contained in the blast is utilized in the drying and
preheating the lower layers in the bed that is in advance of
combustion of each layer.
In the combustion zone bonding of grains takes place and a
strong and porous aggregate is formed. The process is over
when the combustion zone has reached the lowest layer of
the bed.
The sinter formed is droped after partial cooling it is then
broken , screened , and cooled to produce desired fraction.
The undersized is recycled and over is send to b/f .
Up draught sintering{for ferrous ore) here the air is suck
downards through the ore bed , or grate
Down draught sintering[for non ferrous ore] here the air is
suck upward through the ore bed, grate.
Process variables in sintering

During sintering time and temperatures plays a important

role in deciding the nature and strength of bond develop
during sintering of a given mix. And area under the curve
above 1000 degree centigrade for iron ore is the effective
factor in deciding the extent of sintering , rather than The
whole area under the curve from room temperature toi the
combustion temperature (1300).
And the nature of the time-temp graph will depend upon the
rate of heating and cooling of a give mix.
Sintering is a heat exchange process where there is a
exchange of heat between solid and gas,
So obtain faster rate of heat exchange , the heat capacity
should be maximum , the rate of air drawn should be
maximum for that the permeability of the bed should
maximum .
1- bed permeability as decided by the particle size and
shapes of the mix.
2- thickness of the bed
3- total volume of air blast drawn through the bed for its
4-rate of blast drawn through the bed during sintering.
5-amount and quality of solid fuel used.
6-amount and type of carbonate
7-amount of moisture in the charge .
8-chemical composition of ore fines
9-any non uniformity in the bed composition.
1-the fine concentrate is charged as a layer 15-50 cm thick
on to the endless revoilving belt or grate or pallets which
moves over wind boxes at regular speed .
2- burners under the ignition hood is used to start the
combustion of the bed surface . This combustion is
propagated through the mass or charge by a current of air
drawn through the charge into the wind box below which is
connected a suction fan sufficient high temperature are
develop in the material to cause partial or incipient fusion
which produces a porus cinder like material called sinter.
3- when the sinter reaches the end of the machine it is
discharged and cooled .
4-The cooled sinter is sized to give a uniform product .
The sinter roasting of sulphide ore does not require
addition of any fuel to the charge because the sulphur in
the charge itself act as a fuel .But for an oxide or fuel is
required ex- iron ore
Equipment for sintering [DWILIGHT LLYOED
Mechanism of sin
layer below the ignited
ig top layer undergoes chan
hanges in the
Wet ore- drying-ccalcination-preheat
Two types of bond
ond formed during sintering:
1-solid state bond
nd or recrystallisation bond or diffusion
bond :Here a bond
ond is formed due to recrystalliza
lization of
parent particles at the point of contact in solid st
2-slag bond or glass
gla bond:bond is formed due to formation
of slag or glass at the point of contact of two par
particle ,
which depend upo pon the mineral and flux.
More is the slag bond stronger is the sinter but with less
reducibility and more is the diffusion bond more is the
reducibility but less is the strength.
Sinter types
Acid sinter : the sinter mix does not contains flux at all
Flux is added in the furnace separately.
Now a days it is eliminated
Fluxed sinter :the amount of flux added in the mix in such
that the basicity of the mix is equal to that of slag to be
Super flux : the amount of flux added in the mix is such
that the basicity of the mix is greater than that of slag to be
Pelletisation technique
Here the very fine iron ore or iron bearing materials(100
mess size) are rolled into balls with addition of binders and
additives .
Raw materials may be flue dust collectd from b/g steel
making shop, fines produced during upgradation of lean
ores. Pyrite reside.
Process of pelletisation
How bonding occurs in pelletisation
Mechanism of ball formation
Commercial production and equipment used
Process of pelletisation
In this process
ss tthe fine iron ores are rolled in the
presence of add
dditives and binders into greenn bball and to
get the desiredd strength
s these green balls are
re dried
preheated andd fired
f at a high temperature of(f( 1250-1350
)degree centigra
igrade. So on heating this at highgh
temperature sufficient
suf strength is produced between
be the
particles. Andd here
h the sensible heat of out go going gas is
recovered whic
hich is feed back in the induration
tion period.
This process is carried out in oxidizing atmos osphere

bonding theory
Moisture is very
ery much essential for pelletisati
sation process
and it must bee in
i less quantity.
Excess moisture
ture is also determintal .
How this moisture helps in binding the particles ?
Surface tension of the moisture present in between the
particles help in binding.
Rolling of moist particles lead to formation of high
density balls .
Easy with which the particles are rolled into balls depend
upon the grain finess that is surface area. More surface
more will be tendency of balling.
Three water particle system
1-pendular state:[ in this type of water particle system
water is present at the point of conatct between the
particles and the surface tension hold the particles.
2-funnicular state:[ in this type of system all the pores are
fully occupied by water in an aggregate system.
3-capillary state:[in this system akl the pores are fully
occupied by water but there in no coherent film of water
covering the entire surface of particle.
So strength of the ball depends upon the surface tension
and mechanical interlocking.
Diagram of water particle system
Example showing the strength of green ball with critical
amount of water:
When we go to sea beach for dry sand to wet sand which
is just attached with the sea . We find a region in
between these two which contains less water . So if we
determine the strength the strength is maxium for the
sand from middle region.
Mechanism of ball formation
Mechanism behind this ball formation is the nucleation
and growth mechanism .
1-So first stage is nucleation of ball
2-Then growth of this ball
But the entire process depend upon the critical amount of
moisture (water) present in the feed.
Suppose the amount of water is les then critical amount
then there is non unifom water distribution in the system
, the major amount or water will be present in granulate
material leaving non granulated material dry. And if the
amount is more then critical amount then growth will be
more where as strength will be reduced due to increase in
plastic behavior.
• Nucleation formation region:-
• A bond is formed immediately between particles when
one wet particle comes in contact with another dry or
wet particle .in this way other particles are also attached
with it and a highly porous loosely held aggregate is
formed. And due to rearrangement and partial packing in
short duration to from a small spherical stable nuclei.
• Transition period : after nuclei are formed they pass
through a transition period . In this period rearrangement
of particles occurs which lead to removal of pores and
voids. System goes from pendular –funnicular- to
• this wet granulates grows if they are favorable oriented.
In this process some granules may even break because of
impacts, abrasion etc. growth occurs by two alternative
A- growth by assimilation: is possible when balling
proceeds with out the addition of fresh feed
material.[during rolling some small particles breaks due
to rolling action and these particles attached with bigger
one and bigger will grow more big. Here thee is no
addition of fresh materials.
B- growth by layering : growth occurs by addition of
fresh materials. [here the ball pick up new materials
while rolling the amount of materials picked up by the
balls is directly proportional to its exposed surface.
Equipment or industrial practice
• Two type of pelletiser are there :
• 1- disc
• 2-drum
Disc pelletiser: it consist of a disc with outward sloping
perpheral wall .resemble like flying saucers. Which
rotates around its own center , in an inclined position to
horizontal .
Dia of disc -3.6-5.6 m .
Inclination is 45 degree to the horizontal.
The material to be pelletized is generally fed directly
onto the disc and moisture level is made up with the help
of moist material on the disc. It can also control the
material flow pattern on the disc. In the reason where
water is added seeds are easily formed . With the growth
of these seeds their fractional drag against the disc
decreases and the centerifugal force acquired by them
increases and consequently they move out of nucleation
zone. They also tends to rise on the inclined surface of
the pelletiser in the direction of rotation and fall down
against the toe section of the disc. The height and the
width of trajectory of the ball movement increases with
the size of the ball until eventually the balls are deflector
downwards by the scraper. During this movements the
ball encounter fresh feed and growth takes place more by
layering while compaction assimilation plays a relatively
minor role.
The rate of production of balls on a disc is a function of
the following variables
1- diameter of the disc
2-height of the peripheral wall
3- angle of inclination of disc
4-place on the disc where mix is fed
5-speeed of rotation
6-place where water is sprayed
7-rate of feed
8-rate of moisture addition
9-rate of withdrawl of the product
10-nature of size of feed.
11-desired size range of pellets and percentage recycled
12- binders and flux.

Drum pelletiser
This type of pelletiser is a steel drum which is having both
end open with a length to diameter ratio of 2.5-3.5 rotating
around its own axis in a slightly inclined position to the
horizontal .
Length-6-9 m
Angle of inclina
lination-2-10 degree
Rotate at (Rpm)
m)-10-15 rpm
Here the charge
rge is fed from that side of the dr
drum which
is at higher leve
evel.water is also sprayed theree the
th material
rolls over the su
surface of the rotating drum and slides
downward due ue to inclination of the drum inn a cascading
motion. And finally
fin it comes out at other end.
Disc vs drum

Testing of agglo
Determine thee Room
R temperature physical properties:
such as resistan
tance to abrasion and impact duri
uring handling
and charging ar
are :
A-Shatter test,(i
t,(impact test)
b- tumbling test (abrasion test)
C-Porosity test
ion test
Shatter test:
It is done to determine the impact strength of the raw
materials as raw materials are charge from a big height
into the blast furnace and during handling also its suffers
In this test a standard amount of material is taken and it
is dropped for a certain no of drops from a standard
height on a standard floor. And then the amount of
material retained on or passed through the certain sieve
expressed as percentage of the original weight is
indicated as the shatter index.
Shatter test in u.k:
Developed in U.K and test in U.k : 20 kg sample is taken
with size +10mm dropped 4 times from height of 2 m.
the material is then screened and shatter index is
expressed as the percentage materials greater than 10mm
Tumbling test and abrasion test
This test is used to determine the strength and abrasion
resistance of sample.
Also called micum test .
Here a standard weight of material is tumbled in a
standar size drum for fixed number of revolution which
is carried out at a standard speed . The percentage
material passing through or retained on a certain seive is
the index.
According to these test pellets are high quality products
then sinter and natural ore.
In case of micum test :sample weight : 50kg
Drum dia x length 1x1 m
No of revolution = 100
Compression test
• Compression test: we cannot measure the compression
strength of the raw material as there are not in regular
size. But pallets we can measure as it is regular in size.
• Standard weight of material is taken (2kg) with standard
size 10-15 mm size is dried and placed in a cylinder of
200mm dia and a load of 100 t is applied on it via piston
. the + 5mm materials surviving the test is the
compression strength index.
Porosity : expressed as the volume of pores as a
percentage of total volume of the material tested. Two
types of porosity are there open and closed . open pores
are those pore which is accessible to fluids.
Reducibility test:
This test determines the rate of reduction of raw
materials under blast furnace condition. Since condition
inside the b.f is different in different region from top to
bottom. So a special apparatus is designed to carry out
this test. Here we use a special apparatus with tempeartur
of 900- 1000 degree centigrade and reducing gas of co2
or co+N2 of constant composition for study. Here the
sample of know weight of certain fixed size and is placed
in the furnace in the form of static bed of fixed
dimension .
Primary energy resources of the World

• Three major categories of the energy resources around

the world:
1. Fossil fuel
2. Nuclear fuel
3. Renewable resources
Energy resources distribution in India

80 58.75
40 17.39
20 8.91 12.32
0 0.52 2.08

Fuels and their general classification

• Fuels are the materials that store potential energy in
forms that can be practicably released and used as heat
Thus explosives are not fuels ( as the rate of energy
release is very high and cant be practicably used as heat
Fuels which release energy by the process of combustion
are simply termed as fuels whereas those which produce
energy by the process of nuclear fusion or fission are
called as Nuclear fuels.
Four major categories of a fuel:
1. Fossil fuels are those which have been derived from the
fossil remains of plants and animals and are found in the
crust of earth. E.g. coal, petroleum, natural gas etc
2. By product fuels are the by product of some regular
manufacturing process and are of a secondary nature. Ex
coke oven and blast furnace gas in the process of coke
and iron making.
3. Chemical fuels are of an exotic nature and normally not
used in conventional processes. Ex are Hydrazine( rocket
fuel) , ammonium nitrate, etc.
4. Nuclear fuels release heat by fission or fission wherein
the mass is converted into energy.

• Depending on the states of the fuel occurrence they are :

1. Solid fuels
2. Liquid fuels
3. Gaseous fuels
Further fuels under any general classification can be
classified as Primary and Secondary fuels.
Primary fuels are those which occur in nature such as
coal, wood , petroleum, natural gas etc.
Secondary fuels are those which are derived from
primary fuel such as fuel oil and kerosene oil derived
from petroleum.

• A combustible black/brownish-black sedimentary or
metamorphic rock primarily composed of carbon along
with other elements such as hydrogen, sulfur, oxygen and
• Rank of a coal is the maturity of the coal.
• Peat lignite bituminous anthracite
• Peat has lowest rank as it is most immature where as
anthracite has highest rank
Some important terms
• Coalification or metamorphism is the process of
conversion of lignite to anthracite.
• Carbonization of coal is the heating of coal in absence of
air at high temperature to produce a residue coke, tar and
• Gasification of coal is the heating of coal with
insufficiently less quantity of air in addition to steam to
produce a gas rich in CO and H2.
• Caking and coking coal: when powdered coal is
carbonized, it forms an expanded lumpy mass. Such
coals are called caking coal and the phenomena called
caking of coal.
• However in cases where the residue is very hard and
strong it is called coke and the process called coking of
• All coking coal are caking in nature but not all caking
coals are coking in nature.
• Caking corresponds to a slower heating rate and coking
to a faster rate of heating.
• Bituminous coal is used essentially as coking coals.
Non caking/coking are those bituminous coals which
have high percentage of moisture and oxygen and do not
form gel on heating
Basis for reporting the analysis of coal
• Run of mine coal: The crude coal as obtained from the
mine is called as run of mine coal. There is no treatment
of coal like size reduction, moisture elimination etc.
• As received coal: from mines to costumer end
transportation involves size reduction, washing,
weathering etc. thus coal received at the customer end is
reported as received coal for the analysis.
• Air dried: during transportation and storage there may be
change in the moisture content depending upon the
atmospheric temperature and humidity.
• Dry coal: when study has to be done without the effect of
moisture, then coal analysis is reported as DRY basis.
• Dry-ash free(d.a.f.) : By eliminating both ash and
moisture content , data reported is Dry-ash free. This is
suitable for coal with low ash content (<10%)
• Dry-mineral matter free( d.m.m.f.) analysis is suited for
high ash content (>10%)
• Proximate analysis: finding out the weight percentages of
moisture, volatile matter, fixed carbon and ash in coal. It
gives an approximate composition of the coal to decide
its utility for a purpose.
• Ultimate analysis: finding out the percentage of carbon,
hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and sulfur of the pure coal
free from moisture and inorganic constituents. Used by
the designer of coal burning equipments.
• Combustion is an exothermic chemical reaction of a fuel
with oxygen or air at high temperature to liberate heat.
• Calorific value is the quantity of heat in kcal liberated by
the combustion of unit quantity of fuel.
• For solid and liquid fuel it is expressed in kcal/kg and for
gas it is kcal/Nm3 N means normal temperature and
pressure (0°C and 760 mmHg)
• Gross and net calorific value: gross calorific value
includes the latent heat during condensation of water
vapor formed during combustion and thus is higher than
net calorific value.
• Peat: It is the first stage product in the formation of coal
from wood under the action of temperature, pressure and
• Calorific value is around 4500kcal/kg.
• Light brown in color lots of fibers are present with
around 90% moisture.
• Mainly used as a domestic fuel after sun drying for 40-50
Classification of coal
• Lignite: It is the second stage in the formation of coal. It
occurs in thick seam up to 30 meters of thickness.
• Having moisture content about 60% calorific value
reaches around 5000kcal/kg(on 10% moisture basis)
• On exposure to atmosphere, the brown color of lignite
darkens and the moisture content reduces to equilibrium
value of 10 to 20%.
• Major deposits are found close to the earth surface.
• Bituminous coal: It is the most common variety of coal.
Moisture content is less than 10% and carbon content
varies 75-90%.
• Calorific value on mineral matter free basis goes up to
9000 kcal/kg.
• Most of the coking coals are bituminous coal.

• Anthracite is the most matured coal thus high carbon

content (85-95%) and low volatile matter (<10%).
• This coal is hard, non coking and burns without smoke to
give intense localized heat.
• Calorific value ranges between 8000-8500kcal/kg,
slightly lower than bituminous pertaining to low
hydrogen content.
• True anthracites do not occur in India and are found
mainly in U.K and U.S.A
• Used in boilers, domestic ovens and metallurgical
Coal washing
Impurities present in coal must be removed before it is
1. Fixed and inherent impurities are those which are present
in the coal forming plant. These cant be separated by
washing. Inherent impurity is less than 3%.
2. Free impurities are those adhering to the surface of the
coal and comprising mainly of dirt and rock particles
which can be removed by washing.
Objectives of coal washing:
1. Reduces its ash content
2. Reduces its sulfur and phosphorous contents which are
detrimental particularly to metallurgical coals.
3. Increases its heating value
4. Improves its coking properties
5. Reduces the clinkering tendency
6. Increases the fusion point of the ash by removing alkali
Principle of coal washing
Based on the difference between specific gravity of pure
coal (1.3) and free impurities (>1.7), a washing medium
with specific gravity 1.5 is selected.
Heavier dirt will settle down while the lighter pure coal
will float.
Washability of coal is defined as the extent of removal of
free dirt is commonly known as washability of a coal.
• Proximate analysis:
1. Determination of moisture content: loss in weight of coal
sample caused by heating for one hour at 105C is the
moisture content.
% Moisture= (loss in weight/weight of initial coal)x100
2. Determination of volatile matter in coal: it is the loss
in weight of moisture free powdered coal when heated in
a crucible fitted with cover in a muffle furnace at 950C
for 7 minutes.
% volatile matter= (loss in weight of moisture free
coal/weight of moisture free coal)X100
• Determination of Ash in coal: it is the weight of residue
obtained after burning a weighed quantity of coal in an
open crucible at 750C in a muffle furnace till constant
weight is achieved.
% Ash in coal=(weight of residue ash formed/weight of
coal initially taken)X100
Determination of fixed carbon: it is determined indirectly
by deducting the sum total of moisture, volatile matter
and ash percentage from 100.
% fixed carbon in coal=100-(%moisture+%volatile
Ultimate analysis of coal
• Determination of total, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen,
oxygen and sulfur percentages in coal comprises of
ultimate analysis.
Determination of carbon and hydrogen in coal:
Step 1: known amount of coal sample is burnt in a
current of dry oxygen thereby converting C and H of coal
into CO2 and H2O.
Step 2: CO2 and H2O are passed over tubes containing
anhydrous calcium chloride and potassium hydroxide
which absorb H2O and CO2 respectively.
Step 3: increase in the weight of CaCl2 tube represents
the amount of water formed, while the increase in the
weight of KOH tube represents the amount of CO2
• %of H and C in coal can be calculated as below :
Let x= weight of coal sample taken, y=increase in the
weight of CaCl2 tube
Z= increase in the weight of KOH tube.
% carbon in the coal sample= (12z/44x)X100
% hydrogen in coal = (2y/18x)X100
Determination of nitrogen in coal:
Kjeldahal’s method is used to find out the % nitrogen in
coal and is given by
% Nitrogen in coal= (Volume of acid usedXNormality)/
(weight of coal)X1.4
• Determination of sulfur in coal is done by burning
completely a known amount of coal in a bomb
calorimeter in a current of oxygen.
• Sulfate formed in the ash is extracted using dilute
hydrochloric acid and then treated with barium chloride
solution to precipitate sulfate as barium sulfate.
32 gms sulfur in coal will give 233 gms BaSO4
If x= weight of coal taken and y= weight of BaSO4
obtained as precipitate, the % sulfur = (32y/233x )X100
Determination of Oxygen in coal is done indirectly by
the formula % oxygen in coal= 100-(% of C + H +N +S
+ ash)
Calorific value and its determination

• It is defined as the quantity of heat liberated by the

combustion of unit quantity of fuel.
• Principle of C.V determination. When a weighed amount
of fuel is burnt in calorimeter, the heat liberated is used
up in heating the calorimeter and the water in the
• Higher calorific value or gross calorific value: total
amount of heat liberated when one unit of the fuel is
burnt completely and the combustion products are cooled
down to room temperature.
• Lower or net calorific value: the amount of heat
liberated when one unit of the fuel is burnt completely
and the combustion products are allowed to escape.
Net C.V= Gross C.V-Latent heat of water vapors formed
Determination of calorific value by bomb calorimeter.

Observation and calculations

• Weight of the fuel taken in the crucible=x kg
• Weight of water in the calorimeter=y kg
• Water equivalent of the weight of the calorimeter, stirrer,
thermometer and bomb= z kg
• Initial temperature of water in calorimeter=t1°c
• Final temperature of water in calorimeter=t2°c
• Let the gross calorific value of the fuel = C kcal/kg
• Heat gained by water= y(t2 – t1 )kcal
• Heat gained by the calorimeter= z(t2 – t1 )kcal
• Heat liberated by the fuel = xC kcal
• Heat liberated by the fuel = heat gained by the water and
• xC = (y + z)(t2 – t1)
• C = (y + z )(t2 – t1) /x kcal/kg
• Net calorific value or lower value is found by subtracting
the latent heat of vapor formation
• Net calorific value = Gross C.V – latent heat of water
• = (C – 0.09HX587 ) kcal/kg
Where H is the percentage of hydrogen in the fuel.
Carbonization of coal-coke making

• Carbonization or destructive distillation is the heating of

coal in the absence of air to produce coke and the co-
product as coke oven gas which on cooling gives
products like tar, benzol, naphthalene, phenol etc.
• Depending on the temperature up to which the coal is
heated there are two kinds of carbonization, low
temperature carbonization (LTC)and high temperature
carbonization (HTC).
Carbonization type
Coke vs coal for
fo metallurgical purpose
• Coal : too dense
nse and fragile so neither blastt will
w penetrate
it quickly forr burning
b nor it is strong enough
gh to stand
nearly 25 m bur
burden. And other properties are re
• High volatilee matter,
• High ash conten
tent ,(
large volume of slag will produce )
• less fixed c, (loow calorific value )
• High in moistur
ture content
For iron making
ing we need metallurgical coall aalso called
coking coal whi
hich can be converted into coke
ke .
Criteria of coke
ke for iron making in b/f-
• v.m < 2 %,
• ash content < 10 %
• fixed c =85 %
• Coal is used in Dri(sponge iron making
• ) and smeltingg rreduction process
Gaseous fuel
1- water gas –
synthesis gas
Composition – Co + H2
Carbon monoxi
oxide poisoning
Production : th
this reaction is endothermic soo the
t fuel
must be continu
inuously heated to keep the react

2-producer gas
Different meani
aning in uk and usa
Usa: it is a gene
eneric name refers to wood gass , syngas ,
town gas
This gas is very
ery poisonous because it contain
in large
amount of carbo
rbon monoxide in it.
In uk it is alsoo ccalled suction gas
Here air is pass
assed over red hot carbon (coal) l) w
produce co . The
Th nitrogen in air remains unch changed and
dilute the gass , s it has a low calorific value .

3-blast furnace
ce gas- also called top gas
The gas is prod
oduced as a by product from the
he blast
furnace due to rreduction of ore
Composition : C
Co, 18-20%Co2, 60%N2, mois
It has moderate
ate calorific value due to presenc
ence of Co in
it .
Its is used to drive
dri turbines and for reheating
ng purpose .
Gas is poisonou
ous due to presence of Co
Reference books
1- Mineral processing technology by Berry A Willis
2-principle of mineral dressing by A.MA .GAUDIN
Note pictures and diagram are taken from Mineral
processing technology by Berry A Willis books and from
internet .

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