Corporate Financing and Stock Price Crash Risk

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Corporate Financing and Stock Price Crash Risk

A thesis submitted to The University of Manchester for the degree of

Doctor of Philosophy

in the Faculty of Humanities


Yangke Liu

Alliance Manchester Business School

List of Content







2.1. Introduction 19
2.2. Related literature and hypotheses 24
2.2.1. Short-maturity debt 24
2.2.2. Stock price crash risk 26
2.2.3. Hypotheses development 29
2.3. Research design 32
2.3.1. Data and sample 32
2.3.2. Measuring short-maturity debt 32
2.3.3. Measuring stock price crash risk 33
2.3.4. Control variables 34
2.4. Empirical results 35
2.4.1. Descriptive statistics 35
2.4.2. Baseline regression results 36
2.4.3. Identification strategies and robustness checks 38
2.4.4. Corporate governance mechanisms and short-maturity debt 46
2.4.5. Information asymmetry and short-maturity Debt 48
2.4.6. Risk-taking and short-maturity debt 50
2.5. Conclusion 51

3.1. Introduction 83

3.2. Related literature and hypothesis development 90
3.2.1. Literature on trade credit 90
3.2.2. Literature review on stock price crash risk 91
3.2.3. Hypothesis development 92
3.3. Empirical methodology 94
3.3.1. The sample 94
3.3.2. Measuring trade credit 94
3.3.3. Measuring stock price crash risk 94
3.3.4. Control variables 96
3.4. Empirical results 96
3.4.1. Descriptive statistics 96
3.4.2. Multivariate regression analysis 97
3.4.3. Addressing endogeneity 99
3.4.4. Robustness checks 101
3.5. Cross-sectional variations and underlying channels 102
3.5.1. Governance mechanisms 102
3.5.2. Bank monitoring mechanisms 104
3.5.3. Market power mechanisms 106
3.5.4. Financial distress mechanisms 108
3.6. Conclusion 109

4.1. Introduction 136
4.2. Literature review and hypotheses development 143
4.2.1. Bank branching deregulation and relevant literature 143
4.2.2. Literature on stock price crash risk 145
4.2.3. Hypothesis 147
4.3. Data and methodology 148
4.3.1. Sample selection 148
4.3.2. Measuring branch deregulation 149
4.3.3. Measuring stock price crash risk 150
4.3.4. Control variables 151
4.4. Results 152
4.4.1. Descriptive statistics 152

4.4.2. Baseline specification and results 152
4.4.3. Endogeneity tests 154
4.4.4. Robustness tests 156
4.4.5. Robustness tests: Alternative measures 157
4.5. Mechanisms 159
4.5.1. External financial dependence 159
4.5.2. Firm risk 161
4.6. Conclusion 162

This thesis contains 52,378 words including title page, tables, and footnotes.


The University of Manchester

Yangke Liu
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Corporate Financing and Stock Price Crash Risk
10 April 2018
In this thesis, I examine the impact of three corporate financing issues on the probability of
firm equity value collapse, namely stock price crash risk. The thesis consists of three essays.
In the first essay, I find that firms with a larger proportion of short-term debt have lower
future stock price crash risk, consistent with short-term debt lenders playing an effective
monitoring role in constraining managers’ bad-news-hoarding behavior. The inverse relation
between short-maturity debt and future crash risk is more pronounced for firms that are
harder to monitor due to weaker corporate governance, higher information asymmetry, and
greater risk-taking. These findings suggest that short-term debt substitutes for other
monitoring mechanisms in curbing managerial opportunism and reducing future crash risk.
Our study implies that short-maturity debt not only preserves creditors’ interests, but also
protects shareholders’ wealth.
The second essay empirically tests two opposing views on the relation between supplier
financing and future stock price crash risk: monitoring versus concession. I present robust
evidence that trade credit is negatively associated with firm-specific stock price crash risk,
consistent with the view that trade credit, as an important source of short-term financing,
effectively monitors buying firms and therefore constrains their bad-news-hoarding behavior.
Further analyses reveal that the role of trade credit in mitigating stock price crash risk is
more pronounced among firms that demand a higher level of monitoring such as those with
weaker governance, less bank monitoring, lower market power, and higher distress risk.
Overall, our results shed light on how trade credit shapes managerial disclosure incentives.
In the third essay, I examine the effect of the deregulation of bank branch restrictions on
nonfinancial firms’ stock price crash risk. Most U.S. states lifted restrictions on intrastate
branching from the 1970s to the 1990s, which improved bank monitoring and lending quality.
I find robust evidence that the bank deregulation leads to lower levels of firms’ stock price
crash risk, consistent with branch reform improving bank monitoring efficiency and enabling
banks to better constrain borrowers’ bad-news-hoarding behavior. This mitigating effect is
more pronounced for firms that are riskier and more reliant on external finance. Our study
suggests that bank branch deregulation is beneficial for protecting nonfinancial firms’
market value.


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First and foremost, I would like to give special thanks to my PhD supervisors, Dr.

Viet Dang, Professor Edward Lee, and Dr. Cheng (Colin) Zeng. Very few students could be

so blessed like me to be supervised by three excellent supervisors. In 2014, Viet and Edward

chose to supervise me after we had a long chat, which made my academic journey possible.

I owe a debt of gratitude to Viet for his time, consideration, and careful attention to detail.

He is always so meticulous about my thesis from the macro-level research design to micro-

level writing format. Every time I open the revised paper from Viet, I would be astonished

at the numerous changes and comments. I am very thankful for the excellent example he has

provided as a committed finance researcher.

To Edward, I thank him for his untiring support and guidance throughout my journey.

When I was undertaking my first year study, Edward guided me to be positive, confident,

and motivated. Thinking out a promising research topic is not easy because it requires the

researchers to have solid academic knowledge and, the most important, perseverance. In

order to help me pass the first year annual review, Edward suggested various interesting

topics and eventually established the pivotal theme of my PhD research. I really appreciate

all his contributions of ideas and constant encouragement to make me survive to the end. It

has been my great honor to be Colin’s first PhD student. He joined the supervisory team in

my second year and has taught me, both consciously and un-consciously, how good doctoral

research is done. He is willing to help me with detailed questions, such as data processing,

software programming, paper writing, and presentation. For example, after my first essay

was accepted by European Financial Management Association in 2016, Colin decided to

come to Switzerland together with me to ensure that I can do well in my presentation.

For this thesis I would like to thank Professor Marie Dutordoir and Dr. Fangming Xu

for accepting to be the examiners of my PhD viva. Great thanks go to Marie, the PhD

Director of Accounting and Finance Division, for her constructive comments and

suggestions in my PhD reviews as well as inspirational encouragement in my difficult period.

In addition, I must thank many researchers in Alliance Manchester Business School who

taught me or gave me valuable comments on my thesis: Dr. Amedeo De Cesari, Professor

Konstantinos Stathopoulos, Dr. Maria Marchica, Dr. Ning Gao, Professor Norman Strong,

Dr. Roberto Mura, and Dr. Susanne Espenlaub. Also, I am grateful for the helpful comments

from Professor Michael Brennan at UCLA, Professor Karin Thorburn at Norwegian School

of Economics (NHH), and Professor Murillo Campello at Cornell University. Special thanks

go to Dr. John Doukas, the editor of European Financial Management, and two anonymous

reviewers for their efforts in the publication of my essay.

Furthermore, I will forever be thankful to my former postgraduate supervisor,

Professor Hong Hao, at China University of Petroleum, Beijing. She granted me the rich

knowledge of corporate finance and cultivate the interest in academic research. She is one

of the most important reasons why I pursue my PhD study in the UK.

Above all I would like to acknowledge the tremendous sacrifices that my parents

made to ensure that I had an excellent education. They encourage me in all my pursuits and

inspire me to follow my dreams. My PhD journey would not have been possible without

their emotional and financial support. For this and much more, I am forever in their debt. It

is to them that I dedicate this thesis.

Chapter 1


1.1. Background and motivation

How corporate financing activities affect firm value has been one of the primary

questions in corporate finance research. It has long been established that the reliance on

various financing sources exerts an important influence on firms’ investment decisions and

market value (e.g., Myers and Majluf, 1984; Fama and French, 1998; Myers, 1984; Titman

and Wessels, 1988). Traditionally, the accounting and finance literature attempts to examine

how financial policies impact the change in equity value. However, a burgeoning strand of

research has started to focus on the extreme downside risk of firm market value—stock price

crash risk.

A stock price crash refers to an extreme collapse in equity value that causes a severe

loss of equity investors’ wealth. Different from passive investors, active investors aim to

maximize returns over the short run. An active investor with a large position in a stock that

encounters a crash can suffer a vast loss of wealth. Anecdotal evidence is not rare in history,

such as the cases of Enron, Tyco, and WorldCom.1 However, there is often little guidance

for investors to avoid such stock price crashes. The academic research on firm-specific stock

price crash risk has only emerged since the beginning of this century. In two seminal studies,

Chen, Hong, and Stein (2001) and Jin and Myers (2006) use the conditional skewness of

firm-specific stock return distribution as the measure of “crash prone” and contend that stock

price crashes are typically driven by the release of accumulated bad news. The theoretical

framework of Jin and Myers (2006) argues that the existence of information asymmetries

Information sources for those cases include Patsuris (2002), US. Congress (2003), and Desai (2005).

allows managers to hoard bad news for an extended period due to career and compensation

concerns. When the accumulated negative information suddenly comes out in the market,

stock prices collapse accordingly, leading to crashes. Following this framework, stock price

crash risk has become a topical issue in accounting and finance research. Recent empirical

studies suggest various determinants of crash risk, such as financial statements opacity (e.g.,

Hutton, Marcus, and Tehranian, 2009), tax avoidance (e.g., Kim, Li, and Zhang, 2011b),

accounting conservatism (e.g., Kim and Zhang, 2016), corporate social responsibility

performance (e.g., Kim, Li, and Li, 2014; Zhang, Xie, and Xu, 2016), employee welfare(e.g.,

Ben-Nasr and Ghouma, 2018), political officials’ incentives (e.g., Piotroski, Wong, and

Zhang, 2015; Lee and Wang, 2017), regulations and laws (e.g., DeFond, Hung, Li, and Li,

2014; Ali, Li, and Zhang, 2015).

Despite the proliferation of stock price crash risk research, studies investigating from

the perspective of a firm’s financing policy remain sparse. This thesis aims to contribute to

the literature by thoroughly exploring whether and how stock price crash risk is affected by

a set of corporate financing issues, including short-term debt financing, supplier financing,

and bank deregulation.

My thesis is structured around three topics that address the influence of all the three

corporate financing issues on stock price crash risk. Specifically, the first and second essays

provide robust evidence that short-term debt financing and trade credit, which is an

alternative external financing resource, have statistically and economically significant

impacts on firm-specific future stock price crash risk. The third essay examines the impact

of deregulation laws in the U.S. banking industry on nonfinancial firms’ crash risk. This

essay is also linked with corporate financing as the deregulation of bank branching

restrictions has greatly affected borrowers’ financing activities and their relationship with

banks (e.g., Jayaratne and Strahan, 1996; Black and Strahan, 2002). I will briefly introduce

each of the three essays in the following section.

1.2. Thesis overview and contributions

In my first essay, I find that firms with a larger proportion of short-term debt have

lower future stock price crash risk. This finding is consistent with the monitoring role of

short-term debt serving as an effective tool to curb managerial bad-news-hoarding behavior,

which in turn reduces stock price crash risk. Further analyses indicate that the negative

relationship between short-term debt and stock price crash risk is more pronounced for firms

with weak corporate governance, high information asymmetry, and high firm riskiness,

suggesting that short-term debt may act as a substitute for corporate governance mechanisms

in reducing managerial bad news hoarding.

This essay contributes to the literature on both debt maturity and stock price crash

risk. First, this is the first study to investigate the equity market consequences of corporate

debt maturity. Before this study, there is little research examining the impact of short-term

debt on corporate disclosure behavior and, ultimately, shareholder wealth. Second, this essay

adds to a growing stream of literature on stock price crash risk by showing that creditors

from debt capital market can exert a significant impact on stock price crash risk. Overall,

this study extends prior research by showing that shareholders can benefit from the

monitoring function of external creditors and in particular short-term debt lenders..

In my second essay, I attempt to examine two opposing views on the relation between

trade credit and future stock price crash risk: monitoring versus concession. On one hand,

trade creditors have an incentive to monitor buyers’ financial status and credit-worthiness

for the purpose of minimizing the default risk (Mian and Smith, 1992). Hence, trade credit

financing should curb managerial bad-news-hoarding behavior, leading to lower stock price

crash risk. On the other hand, suppliers may grant concessions to customers in order to

maintain a long-term supplier-buyer relationship, which might create opportunities for

managers to hide bad news and thereby increase crash risk. My finding shows that trade

credit is negatively associated with firm-specific stock price crash risk, consistent with the

monitoring view that suppliers may use trade credit to monitor buyers and constrain their

bad-news-hoarding behavior. Further analyses suggest that the role of trade credit in

mitigating crash risk is more pronounced among firms with weaker governance, less bank

monitoring, lower market power, and higher distress risk than firms with the opposite


This essay contributes to the literature in several ways. First, it adds to recent research

on the equity market consequences of trade credit. Different from prior research on the

relationship between trade credit and firm value (e.g., Martínez-Sola, García-Teruel, and

Martínez-Solano, 2013; Aktas, Croci, and Petmezas, 2015), this study is the first to examine

the impact of supplier financing on extreme negative stock returns. Second, this study joins

the debate concerning the monitoring versus concession effects of suppliers in supplier-

buyer relationships. My findings show that suppliers can effectively monitor customers and

restrict their bad-news-hoarding activities, which is consistent with the notion that trade

creditors have information advantage and enhance buyers’ information transparency (e.g.,

Petersen and Rajan, 1997; Cuñat, 2007). Finally, this study adds to the literature on stock

price crash risk by proposing a new determinant of stock price crash risk, namely trade credit


In my third essay, I focus on an exogenous shock in the banking industry—bank

deregulation and find that intrastate branching deregulation causes a significant reduction in

stock price crash risk for nonfinancial firms. This finding is consistent with the argument

that bank branch deregulation improves bank monitoring efficiency and enables banks to

better constrain borrowers’ bad-news-hoarding behavior. My additional findings show that

the mitigating effect of bank deregulation on crash risk is more pronounced for firms with a

high degree of external financial dependence and risk-taking behavior, suggesting that banks

tend to more effectively monitor firms that are more reliant on external finance and are

riskier. Overall, these results indicate that the dependence of firms on bank lending and firm

risk are the underlying mechanisms driving the relation between intrastate bank deregulation

and firms’ crash risk.

The contributions of this study are as follows. First, it adds to the literature examining

the effects of bank deregulation on corporate policies of non-financial firms (e.g., Black and

Strahan, 2002; Ceterolli and Strahan, 2006; Hombert and Matray, 2016). Second, this study

also adds to the rich literature on stock price crash risk by showing that intrastate branching

deregulation laws help mitigate firm-level stock price crash risk and protect shareholders’

wealth. Last, this study contributes to the literature linking bank monitoring with borrowers’

agency problem. The findings support the notion that improved bank monitoring can

alleviate borrowers’ opportunistic misbehavior (Rajan and Winton, 1995; Datta, Iskandar-

Datta and Raman, 2005; Roberts and Sufi, 2009).

The methodology used in the three essays is econometric analysis. The research

objects are a large sample of U.S. publicly listed nonfinancial firms. Consistent with prior

literature on crash risk (e.g., Chen, Hong, and Stein, 2001; Kim, Li, and Zhang, 2011a, b), I

measure crash risk as negative conditional skewness of firm-specific weekly returns

(NCSKEW) and down-to-up volatility of firm-specific weekly returns (DUVOL). Each essay

has shown the detailed calculation procedure for those stock price crash risk measures.

1.3. Thesis structure

The thesis structure follows the format accepted by the Manchester Accounting and

Finance Group, Alliance Manchester Business School. It allows chapters to be incorporated

into a format suitable for submission and publication in peer-reviewed academic journals.

Therefore, this thesis is structured around three essays containing original research in

Chapters 2, 3, and 4. The chapters are self-contained, i.e., each chapter has a separate

literature review, answers unique and original questions, and employs a distinct analysis with

different datasets. The equations, footnotes, and tables are independent and are numbered

from the beginning of each chapter. Page numbers, titles, and subtitles have a sequential

order throughout the thesis.

The thesis continues as follows. Chapter 2 examines whether corporate debt maturity

influences stock price crash risk. Chapter 3 investigates the relationship between firms’

usage of trade credit and stock price crash risk. Chapter 4 studies the impact of branch

deregulation laws in the banking sector on nonfinancial firms’ stock price crash risk. Chapter

5 concludes.2

In Chapters 2, 3, and 4, I use the third person (we, our) rather than the first person (I, my) as these chapters
have already been in the form of published or working papers co-authored with my supervisors.


Aktas, N., Bodt, E., Lobez, F., and Statnik, J. C., 2012. The information content of trade

credit. Journal of Banking & Finance, 36(5), 1402–1413.

Ali, A., Li, N., and Zhang, W., 2015. Managers’ career concerns and asymmetric disclosure

of bad versus good news. Working paper.

Ben-Nasr, H., and Ghouma, H., 2018. Employee welfare and stock price crash risk. Journal

of Corporate Finance, 48, 700–725.

Black, S.E., and Strahan, P.E., 2002. Entrepreneurship and bank credit availability. Journal

of Finance, 57(6), 2807–2833.

Cetorelli, N., and Strahan, P.E., 2006. Finance as a barrier to entry: Bank competition and

industry structure in local US markets. Journal of Finance, 61(1), 437–461.

Chen, J., Hong, H., and Stein, J., 2001. Forecasting crashes: trading volume, past returns,

and conditional skewness in stock prices. Journal of Financial Economics, 61(3), 345–


Cuñat, V., 2007. Trade credit: suppliers as debt collectors and insurance providers, Review

of Financial Studies, 20(2), 491–527.

Datta, S., Iskandar-Datta, M., and Raman, K., 2005. Managerial stock ownership and the

maturity structure of corporate debt. Journal of Finance, 60(5), 2333–2350.

DeFond, M.L., Hung, M., Li, S., and Li, Y., 2014. Does mandatory IFRS adoption affect

crash risk?. The Accounting Review, 90(1), 265–299.

Desai, M.A., 2005. The degradation of reported corporate profits. Journal of Economic

Perspectives, 19(4), 171–192.

Fama, E.F., and French, K.R., 1998. Taxes, financing decisions, and firm value. Journal of

Finance, 53(3), 819–843.

Fazzari, S.M., Hubbard, R.G., Petersen, B.C., Blinder, A.S., and Poterba, J.M., 1988.

Financing constraints and corporate investment. Brookings papers on economic activity,

1988(1), 141–206.

Hombert, J., and Matray, A., 2016. The real effects of lending relationships on innovative

firms and inventor mobility. Review of Financial Studies, 30(7), 2413–2445.

Hutton, A.P., Marcus, A. J., and Tehranian, H., 2009. Opaque financial reports, R2, and crash

risk. Journal of Financial Economics, 94(1), 67–86.

Jayaratne, J., and Strahan, P.E., 1996. The finance-growth nexus: Evidence from bank

branch deregulation. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 111(3), 639–670.

Kim, Y., Li, H., and Li, S., 2014. Corporate social responsibility and stock price crash risk.

Journal of Banking & Finance, 43, 1–13.

Kim, J. B., Li, Y., and Zhang, L., 2011a. CFO vs. CEO: equity incentives and crashes.

Journal of Financial Economics, 101(3), 713–730.

Kim, J. B., Li, Y., and Zhang, L., 2011b. Corporate tax avoidance and stock price crash risk:

Firm level analysis. Journal of Financial Economics, 100(3), 639–662.

Kim, J.B., and Zhang, L., 2016. Accounting conservatism and stock price crash risk: Firm-

level evidence. Contemporary Accounting Research, 33(1), 412–441.

Lee, W., and Wang, L., 2017. Do political connections affect stock price crash risk? Firm-

level evidence from China. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 48(3), 643–


Martínez‐Sola, C., García‐Teruel, P. J., and Martínez‐Solano, P., 2013. Trade credit policy

and firm value. Accounting & Finance, 53(3), 791–808.

Mian, S., and Smith, C. W., 1992. Accounts receivable management policy: theory and

evidence. Journal of Finance, 47(1), 169–200.

Myers, S.C., 1984. The capital structure puzzle. Journal of Finance, 39(3), 574–592.

Myers, S.C., and Majluf, N.S., 1984. Corporate financing and investment decisions when

firms have information that investors do not have. Journal of Financial Economics, 13(2),


Patsuris, P., 2002. The corporate scandal sheet., 1–6.

Petersen, M., and Rajan, R., 1997. Trade credit: Theories and evidence. Review of Financial

Studies, 10(3), 661–691.

Piotroski, J.D., Wong, T.J., and Zhang, T., 2015. Political incentives to suppress negative

information: evidence from Chinese listed firms. Journal of Accounting Research, 53(2),


Rajan, R., and Winton, A., 1995. Covenants and collateral as incentives to monitor. Journal

of Finance, 50(4), 1113–1146.

Roberts, M.R., and Sufi, A., 2009. Renegotiation of financial contracts: Evidence from

private credit agreements. Journal of Financial Economics, 93(2), 159–184.

Titman, S., and Wessels, R., 1988. The determinants of capital structure choice. Journal of

Finance, 43(1), 1–19.

U.S. Congress, 2003. Joint Committee on Taxation. Report of Investigation of Enron

Corporation and Related Entities Regarding Federal Tax and Compensation Issues, and

Policy Recommendations, Volumes I–III. JCS–3–03. Washington, DC.

Zhang, M., Xie, L., and Xu, H., 2016. Corporate philanthropy and stock price crash risk:

Evidence from China. Journal of Business Ethics, 139(3), 595–617.

Chapter 2

Corporate Debt Maturity and Stock Price Crash Risk


We3 find that firms with a larger proportion of short-term debt have lower future stock price

crash risk, consistent with short-term debt lenders playing an effective monitoring role in

constraining managers’ bad-news-hoarding behavior. The inverse relation between short-

maturity debt and future crash risk is more pronounced for firms that are harder to monitor

due to weaker corporate governance, higher information asymmetry, and greater risk-taking.

These findings suggest that short-term debt substitutes for other monitoring mechanisms in

curbing managerial opportunism and reducing future crash risk. Our study implies that short-

maturity debt not only preserves creditors’ interests, but also protects shareholders’ wealth.

I use “we” hereafter because the three essays were co-authored with my supervisors Viet Dang, Edward Lee,
and Cheng Zeng,

2.1. Introduction

Debt is one of the primary means of capital acquisition for firms in the US and around the

world (e.g., Graham et al., 2015; Öztekin, 2015). In the context of debt contracting, the

structure of debt maturity significantly influences the decision making of both firms and

investors. The existing academic literature on debt maturity comprises two pathways. One

stream of literature has extensively documented the determinants of firms’ debt maturity

choices (e.g., Barclay and Smith, 1995; Guedes and Opler, 1996; Stohs and Mauer, 1996;

Ozkan, 2000; Datta et al., 2005; Antoniou et al., 2006; Brockman et al., 2010; Custódio et

al., 2013). The other strand of literature investigates the interaction between debt maturity

and other corporate policies, including financial leverage (Barclay et al., 2003; Johnson,

2003), debt covenants (Billett et al., 2007), cash holdings (Harford et al., 2014), and real

investment (Aivazian et al., 2005; Duchin et al., 2010; Almeida et al., 2011). Despite the

growing awareness of the role of debt maturity in shaping corporate finance and investment

policies, relatively limited research is available on whether and how the monitoring of short-

term debt lenders affects shareholder wealth through its impact on stock prices. Our study

fills this gap in the literature by examining the effect of short-term debt on future stock price

crash risk.

Stock price crash refers to an extreme collapse in equity value that causes a severe

decline in shareholders’ wealth. This downside risk is of serious concern to investors and

firms alike because it affects their risk management and investment decision making. Prior

literature suggests that the primary cause of stock price crash is managers’ tendency to hoard

and withhold unfavorable information from outsiders in the presence of potential agency

problems (e.g., Jin and Myers, 2006; Kothari et al., 2009; Hutton et al., 2009; Callen and

Fang, 2015a). Incentivized by empire building, as well as career and compensation concerns,

managers may attempt to conceal bad news over an extended time, and upon subsequent

revelation of such accumulated information the market value of their firms corrects sharply

downward, leading to stock price crashes.

We hypothesize that short-term debt can reduce a firm’s stock price crash risk for the

following reasons. Since the repayment of debt financing is fixed, lenders face an

asymmetric payoff, that is, they are exposed to downside credit risk with a capped upside

payoff. Under such circumstances, the timely disclosure of bad news is of particular

importance to debtholders. Compared to long-term debt, debt with short maturities involves

more frequent renewal or refinancing (Myers, 1977; Diamond, 1991a), thus serving as an

effective tool for lenders to monitor managerial behavior and enhance information

transparency (Ranjan and Winton, 1995; Stulz, 2001; Datta et al., 2005; Graham et al., 2008).

This is because incomplete debt contracts only allocate lenders’ control rights ex ante, hence

giving lenders strong incentives to use the credible threat of not renewing debt contracts to

deter managers’ opportunistic behavior ex post (Giannetti, 2003). Lenders of short-term debt,

in particular, can protect their rights by requiring managers to provide timely and reliable

information about firms’ financial condition and future investments when negotiating the

renewal of debt contracts. This distinct feature of short-term debt enhances managerial

information revelation, curbs the likelihood of bad news hoarding, and hence reduces future

stock price crash risk. While it is possible that long-term debt holders can also play a

monitoring role, especially through the use of debt covenants, the monitoring function of

long-term debt tends to be less effective than that of short-term debt, because long-term debt

holders can act only when a covenant violation occurs (Rajan and Winton, 1995). As a result

of this limitation, the ability of long-term debtholders to curb managerial hoarding of adverse

information may be relatively weaker than that of short-term debtholders. Overall, our

arguments predict that short-maturity debt is negatively related to future stock price crash


To test this prediction, we regress future stock price crash risk on short-term debt,

while controlling for several important firm-specific determinants of crash risk. Consistent

with prior studies (e.g., Chen et al., 2001; Hutton et al., 2009; Kim et al., 2011a, 2011b; Kim

and Zhang, 2016), we use two main measures of stock price crash risk, namely (i) the

negative conditional skewness of firm-specific weekly returns and (ii) the “down-to-up

volatility” of firm-specific weekly returns. Following the debt maturity literature, we

measure short-maturity debt as the fraction of debt due within three years, which is a well-

established cutoff point for computing the short-term debt ratio (e.g., Barclay and Smith,

1995; Johnson, 2003; Brockman et al., 2010; Harford et al., 2014).

We document empirical evidence in support of our main hypothesis. Using a sample

of 7,712 unique firms and 53,052 firm-year observations from 1989 through 2014, we find

that firms using more short-term debt exhibit lower future stock price crash risk. This finding

is in line with managers being less likely to conceal and hoard bad news in the presence of

external monitoring by short-term debt lenders. Our results are robust to a battery of tests

addressing endogeneity concerns and those using alternative measures of key variables,

including crash risk and short-maturity debt. Importantly, using a sample of new debt issues,

we find that the maturities of those debt issues are positively related to future stock price

crash risk, which further strengthens our main inference of a causal relationship between

short-term debt and future crash risk.

We next investigate whether short-term debt effectively substitutes for other

monitoring mechanisms in curbing managerial bad-news-hoarding behavior. These

additional empirical analyses are motivated by the extant studies on the agency perspective

of debt maturity (e.g., Rajan and Winton, 1995; Datta et al., 2005). If short-term debt indeed

reduces stock price crash risk due to creditors’ monitoring, then we would expect such an

effect to make a bigger difference among firms that are more susceptible to agency problems

and information asymmetry. Consistent with this conjecture, we show that the mitigating

effect of short-term debt on crash risk is more pronounced when firms have weaker

governance, such as less (long-term) institutional ownership and lower shareholder rights.

Meanwhile, we find that the negative relation between short-term debt and future crash risk

is stronger among firms with a higher degree of information asymmetry, measured by analyst

forecast errors, a dispersion in analyst earnings forecasts, and research and development

(R&D) intensity. Finally, we show that the inverse relation between short-term debt and

future crash risk is more salient for firms that engage in greater risk-taking, including those

with higher leverage or without bond rating. Taken together, these findings shed light on

how short-term debt lenders can substitute other corporate monitoring mechanisms in

mitigating managerial discretion and future stock price crash risk.

Our paper contributes to at least two strands of literature. First, to the best of our

knowledge, this is the first study to investigate the equity market consequences of corporate

debt maturity, with a focus on the impact of short-term debt on high moments of stock return

distribution (i.e., extreme negative returns). Prior research suggests that short-maturity debt

plays a significant role in reducing agency costs (Myers, 1977; Childs et al., 2005; Datta et

al., 2005), risk-taking incentives (Barnea et al., 1980; Leland and Loft, 1996; Brockman et

al., 2010), and audit risk (Gul and Goodwin, 2010) through the frequent and stringent

monitoring of external creditors (Rajan and Winton, 1995; Stulz, 2001). However, there has

been little, if any, research testing the impact of short-term debt on corporate disclosure

behavior and, ultimately, shareholder wealth. Our empirical evidence therefore extends this

literature by showing that short-term debt can reduce stock price crash risk through curbing

managers’ bad-news-hoarding activities.

Second, our study enriches a growing stream of research on stock price crash risk.

As a special feature of stock return distribution, the issue of stock price crash risk is attracting

increased attention among academics and practitioners. Recent studies show that various

internal and external factors influence firms’ stock price crash risk, consistent with the bad-

news-hoarding argument (see Habib et al., 2016 for a literature review). Among the internal

mechanisms affecting managerial incentives to withhold adverse information are executive

compensation (Kim et al., 2011a), tax avoidance techniques (Kim et al., 2011b), accounting

conservatism (Kim and Zhang, 2016), and chief executive officer (CEO) overconfidence

(Kim et al., 2016). Examples of external monitoring mechanisms include institutional

ownership (An and Zhang, 2013; Callen and Fang, 2013), accounting standards (DeFond et

al., 2014), short-selling (Callen and Fang, 2015b), religion (Callen and Fang, 2015a),

auditing service (Habib and Hasan, 2015; Callen and Fang, 2016), and stock liquidity (Chang

et al., 2016). Our study adds to this literature by providing novel evidence of how (i) a

corporate financial policy such as debt maturity structure and (ii) creditors from debt capital

market can exert a significant impact on stock price crash risk, above and beyond the effects

of several factors affecting crash risk reviewed above.

Our paper is closely related to Boubaker et al. (2014) and Andreou et al. (2016), who

document evidence of the influences of corporate governance attributes on stock price crash

risk. However, our study differs from them in an important way. While we examine the

monitoring role of short-term debt, an external corporate governance mechanism, in

mitigating crash risk, Boubaker et al. (2014) and Andreou et al. (2016) mainly focus on the

role of internal governance mechanisms and particularly those relating to shareholders and

managers (e.g., controlling shareholders, ownership structure, board structure and processes,

and managerial incentives). Our study is the first to provide systematic evidence that short-

maturity debt plays an effective monitoring role in constraining managers’ bad news

hoarding and thus reducing stock price crash risk. Hence, we extend prior studies by showing

that shareholders can benefit from the monitoring function of external creditors and in

particular short-term debt lenders. In addition, our study is of practical relevance as it shows

how debt maturity structure may have important implications for stock selection by equity


The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2.2 reviews prior research on

debt maturity and stock price crash risk and develops our hypotheses. Section 2.3 describes

the sample and research design. Section 2.4 presents the empirical results. Section 2.5


2.2. Related literature and hypotheses

2.2.1. Short-maturity debt

The finance literature has identified several benefits of short-term debt. From lenders’

perspective, a distinct advantage of short-maturity debt is that it gives them control rights ex

post, with which they can effectively monitor borrowers. Due to incomplete debt contracting,

lenders generally do not have control rights over every future contingency in the initial

contract terms. Debt with short maturities, however, provides them with better protection

and greater bargaining power because they can threaten borrowers with rejection of

refinancing when the short-term debt comes up for renewal (Giannetti, 2003). Put differently,

the frequent renegotiations and renewals of short-maturity debt help fill the void of

contractual incompleteness by allocating lenders’ control rights ex post (Roberts and Sufi,

2009; Roberts, 2015). This advantage of short-term debt prompted Myers (1977, p. 159) to

suggest that “permanent debt capital is best obtained by a policy of rolling over short

maturity debt claims.”4

From a borrowing firm’s perspective, although short-term debt exposes the firm to refinancing risk (Diamond,
1991a), it can help alleviate incentive problems arising from the conflicts of interest between shareholders and
creditors. For instance, existing studies suggest that short-term debt helps reduce underinvestment (Myers,

A key benefit of short-term debt is that it exercises a monitoring function over

borrowers, thus reducing information problems and increasing corporate transparency. Prior

research shows that short-maturity debt subjects managers to more frequent and stringent

creditor monitoring (Stulz, 2001; Datta et al., 2005), thereby forcing more timely

information disclosure (Rajan and Winton, 1995). The reason is that short-term debt lenders

must periodically evaluate the borrowing firm’s creditworthiness, especially during the debt

renegotiation and renewal processes. This feature of short-term debt gives its lenders an

important advantage over long-term debt lenders, who may also play a monitoring role but

mainly do so by relying on ex ante covenant terms to gather limited and verifiable

information. Rajan and Winton (1995) argue that short-maturity debt provides lenders with

the flexibility and unlimited ability to act, even when the debt covenants have not been

violated. Specifically, the frequent scrutiny of short-term debt lenders leads to greater

disclosure of company information, including relevant information that may be unverifiable

and imperfectly correlated with covenant terms.5

Empirical evidence provides support for the notion that short-term debt plays an

important role in scrutinizing firms and alleviating information asymmetry. Graham et al.

(2008) show that banks shorten the maturities of loans provided to firms that have previously

engaged in financial misreporting, consistent with lenders using short-term debt to enhance

1977; Childs et al., 2005), asset substitution (Leland and Toft, 1996), and excessive risk-taking (Barnea et al.,
1980; Childs et al., 2005; and Brockman et al., 2010).
However, some research suggests that under certain circumstances long-term debt is able to discipline
management effectively. For instance, Rajan and Winton (1995) argue that long-term debt may be preferable
to short-term debt if the former’s covenants depend on publicly available or less costly information. On the
other hand, some studies contend that the liquidity and refinancing risk of short-term debt may incentivize
managers to conceal negative information (Roberts and Sufi, 2009; Fields et al., 2016). Since long-term debt
may not impose such a refinancing pressure, it may be more effective in curbing firms’ misreporting behavior.
Nevertheless, these arguments are likely to bias against us finding evidence of an inverse relationship between
short-maturity debt and stock price crash risk.

managerial scrutiny and information gathering in an environment of increased risk and

information asymmetry. In a similar vein, Gul and Goodwin (2010) demonstrate the

importance of short-maturity debt in improving corporate transparency, especially among

risky firms. They find that short-term debt is negatively related to audit risk and that this

relation is more pronounced for firms with low quality ratings. The latter finding suggests

that the monitoring of short-maturity debt has a greater impact on corporate transparency for

firms that are considered more uncertain and risker by credit rating agencies. While these

studies show how creditors’ monitoring reduces firms’ information asymmetry, they have

not investigated whether the use of short-term debt influences stock price crash risk and

shareholder wealth, as we do in this paper.

2.2.2. Stock price crash risk

A large and growing body of literature has examined what determines stock price

crash risk, reflecting the increasing importance of this issue to academics and practitioners

(e.g., Habib et al., 2016). Chen et al. (2001) find that the trading volumes and returns over

the past several months can forecast future crashes. Importantly, Jin and Myers (2006)

theoretically show that inside managers who are in charge of revealing firm-specific

information have incentives to absorb certain downside risk by withholding bad news.

However, once the hoarded bad news reaches a critical threshold, managers may no longer

be able to conceal bad news and the revelation of such information to the public becomes

inevitable. This revelation in turn leads to extreme downward stock price corrections or

crashes that are manifested as a long left tail in the distribution of returns.

Existing studies identify various determinants of future stock price crash risk and

provide empirical evidence in support of the bad-news-hoarding argument. Jin and Myers

(2006), Hutton et al. (2009), and Callen and Fang (2015a) show that information opacity and

low transparency, particularly due to the use of discretionary accruals or accounting

irregularities, lead to higher future crash risk. In a similar vein, Kim and Zhang (2016) find

that a high degree of conditional conservatism neutralizes managers’ tendency to delay bad

news and accelerates good news recognition, thus lowering future crash risk. While those

studies provide direct evidence in favor of the bad-news-hoarding argument, other works

have documented additional evidence of several internal factors affecting crash risk via the

bad-news-hoarding channel. For instance, Kim et al. (2011a) argue that equity incentives

induce managers to purposely hide negative information and manipulate market expectations,

leading to an increase in future crash risk. Similarly, Xu et al. (2014) find that executives

who enjoy excess perks are more likely to conceal bad news, thus resulting in higher future

crash risk. Kim et al. (2011b) show that corporate tax avoidance increases crash risk because

the tax avoidance techniques used by managers reduce corporate transparency. On the other

hand, Kim et al. (2014) argue that managers committed to corporate social responsibility

tend to maintain greater transparency and have less incentive to withhold bad news, which

in turn leads to a lower probability of price crashes. However, Kim et al. (2016) show that

overconfident CEOs tend to overestimate and misperceive negative net present value (NPV)

projects, thus leading to an accumulation of bad performance and unfavorable information

and, subsequently, higher stock price crash risk. Recent studies find that several governance

mechanisms play an important role in determining crash risk. Boubaker et al. (2014) argue

that firms with substantial excess control rights due to the presence of large controlling

shareholders tend to disclose less firm-specific information and therefore experience more

stock price crashes. In another study examining several attributes of corporate governance,

Andreou et al. (2016) find that crash risk is positively related to CEO stock option incentives

but is negatively associated with board size and inside directors’ ownership. Our paper is

related to those two studies, although we focus on an external governance mechanism across

capital markets and associated with a different class of investors, namely external creditors

and particularly short-term debt lenders.

In parallel, several studies highlight the influence of external monitoring mechanisms

on future stock price crash risk. For instance, DeFond et al. (2014) find that the adoption of

better accounting standards reduces future crash risk by improving the disclosure of firm-

specific information and comparability. An and Zhang (2013) and Callen and Fang (2013)

both show that the presence of institutional investors can improve governance monitoring

mechanisms, thereby constraining managerial discretion and reducing future crash risk.

Specifically, institutional ownership of dedicated investors can limit managers’ ability to

conceal unfavorable news, while transient institutional holdings incentivize managers to

hide bad news to prevent transient investors from large short-term selling. Similarly, Chang

et al. (2016) show that stock liquidity gives rise to crash risk because high liquidity attracts

more transient investors, who focus on firms’ short-term earnings and hence induce

managers to withhold adverse information. On the other hand, Callen and Fang (2015a)

further find that strong religion acting as a social norm can inhibit managers’ bad-news-

hoarding activities and render lower stock price crash risk. Callen and Fang (2015b) contend

that sophisticated short sellers can identify managers’ bad news hoarding and seek profit

from those firms; therefore, high levels of short-selling inflate future price crash risk.

Recently, Callen and Fang (2016) provide evidence that auditor tenure reduces the likelihood

of stock price crashes, consistent with the auditor-client relationship enabling auditors to

develop client-specific knowledge and enhancing their ability to deter and detect managerial

withholding of adverse information. Although the above studies demonstrate several

external monitoring mechanisms affecting the likelihood of future stock price crashes, they

have not examined the role that external financing decisions, especially those regarding the

choice of debt maturity, plays in reducing stock price crash risk. It is this gap that our study

seeks to fill.

2.2.3. Hypothesis development

A substantial body of research suggests that debt plays an important role in corporate

governance, in large part through its reliance on contractual provisions, which require the

borrowers to meet minimum financial criteria, increase information disclosure, and operate

within bounds specified by creditors (e.g., Williamson, 1988). Debt contracting terms,

especially restrictive covenants in a loan contract, are largely written on information from

the borrowers’ financial statements. Thus, debt holders, including banks, have an incentive

to monitor the financial statements provided by the borrowers in order to detect any

accounting irregularities in a timely manner and protect their financial stake in the borrowers

(e.g., Fama, 1985; Diamond, 1991b; Rajan and Winton, 1995). However, there is also a

significant amount of loan research arguing that monitoring by debt holders, particularly

banks, may not necessarily improve the borrowers’ information transparency because the

banks can achieve information monopoly due to their private access to inside information of

the borrowers (Sheard, 1989; Boot, 2000; Vashishtha, 2014). This argument is corroborated

by Dass and Massa (2011), who suggest that increased monitoring by banks creates a higher

level of information asymmetry between borrowers and other market participants, leading

to lower stock liquidity. One possible reason for the inconclusive findings regarding the

relation between debt financing and information transparency is the failure of prior research

to take debt maturity structure into account, given the monitoring effect can differ

substantially among different types of debt.

We therefore focus on the relation between debt maturity and stock price crash risk

and formulate our hypotheses by intersecting the intuitions associated with the two strands

of literature reviewed above (i.e., those on debt maturity and stock price crash risk). Short-

term debt subjects managers to frequent monitoring, thus effectively reducing managerial

discretion and enhancing information disclosure (Rajan and Winton, 1995). While it is

possible that long-term debt holders can play a monitoring role (see footnote 5 above), they

are generally less effective monitors than short-term debt holders. Short-term debt lenders

are able to scrutinize borrowers and gather information about their financial conditions and

future prospects, especially when the short-term debt comes up for renewal and borrowers’

creditworthiness is re-evaluated (Graham et al., 2008).6 Overall, the stringent monitoring of

short-term debt forces firms to release relevant and reliable information that is likely to be

above and beyond the disclosure required by covenant terms. Importantly, the frequent

scrutiny by short-term debt lenders and debt markets restrains managers from arbitrarily

concealing bad news. Put simply, short-maturity debt gives managers fewer opportunities to

withhold adverse information, which in turn facilitates the reflection of such information in

stock prices on a more timely and regular basis. To the extent that bad news hoarding leads

to higher stock price crash risk (e.g., Jin and Myers, 2006; Hutton et al., 2009; Callen and

Fang, 2015a; and Kim and Zhang, 2016), the decrease in bad-news-hoarding opportunities

induced by short-term debt should reduce extreme downward price corrections upon sudden

revelation of the previously accumulated and concealed negative information. Hence, we

formulate our first hypothesis as follows:

H1: Firms with a higher proportion of short-term debt are associated with lower

future stock price crash risk.

If the negative relation between short-term debt and crash risk is indeed attributed to

the monitoring role of short-term debt in reducing bad news hoarding by opportunistic and

In addition to short-term lenders, other debt market participants such as investors, underwriters, rating
agencies, and analysts may also exercise their monitoring function (Datta et al., 2005), thus helping to promptly
reflect corporate information in stock prices.

self-serving managers, then we expect this relation to be more pronounced among firms

likely to be associated with greater agency or information problems, such as those with

weaker governance, higher information asymmetry, and excessive risk-taking (Kim et al.,

2011a; Callen and Fang, 2015a; Andreou et al., 2016). The rationale for this prediction is

that the monitoring function of short-term debt is most effective at enhancing information

disclosure among firms in which managers are poorly disciplined, harder to monitor, and

allowed greater discretion. In firms with weaker governance monitoring mechanisms,

managers would be less accountable for not releasing information on a timely basis (Bhojraj

and Sengupta, 2003) or for not providing high-quality information (Bae et al., 2006).

Meanwhile, in firms with lower corporate transparency, investors are less able to monitor

managerial performance (Bushman and Smith, 2001) and are more likely to misprice

securities (Lee et al., 2014). Furthermore, managers of riskier firms are both more difficult

to monitor (Demsetz and Lehn, 1985) and more likely to conceal unfavorable news to avoid

being perceived by investors as taking on excessive risk (Callen and Fang, 2015a). Overall,

to the extent that short-term debt lenders effectively serve as a substitute for alternative

monitoring mechanisms that are lacking in those firms, short-term debt should exert a more

pronounced impact to curb managers’ bad-news-hoarding activities and contribute to the

reduction of future crash risk. These arguments lead to three further hypotheses:

H2: The relation between short-term debt and future stock price crash risk is

stronger for firms with weaker governance.

H3: The relation between short-term debt and future stock price crash risk is

stronger for firms with a higher degree of information asymmetry.

H4: The relation between short-term debt and future stock price crash risk is

stronger for firms with greater risk-taking.

2.3. Research design

2.3.1. Data and sample

We measure U.S. firms’ crash risk using stock return data from the Center for

Research in Security Prices (CRSP) from 1989 through 2014. We collect firm accounting

and financial data from Compustat annual files. Our sample period starts in 1989 because

our explanatory variables (lagged by one year) are computed from 1988, the first year for

which we can estimate discretionary accruals using the cash flow statement method.

Following previous research (e.g., Hutton et al., 2009; Kim et al., 2016; Chang et al., 2017),

we exclude firms (i) with year-end share prices below $1, (ii) with fewer than 26 weeks of

stock return data in each fiscal year, (iii) with negative total assets and book values of equity,

(iv) operating in financial (SIC codes 6000–6999) or public utility (SIC codes 4900–4999)

industries, and (v) with insufficient data to calculate the variables used in our regressions.

Our final sample consists of 7,712 firms and 53,052 firm-year observations.

2.3.2. Measuring short-maturity debt

Following prior studies on debt maturity (e.g., Johnson, 2003; Datta et al., 2005;

Brockman et al., 2010; Harford et al., 2014), our main proxy for short-maturity debt is the

proportion of total debt maturing in three years or less, ST3. In our robustness tests, we

consider alternative measures of short-term debt, namely, the fraction of debt maturing

within one (ST1), two (ST2), and five years (ST5), as well as the ratio of short-term debt to

total assets (ST_TA). We also use a new measure of very short-term debt, that is, short-term

debt due within one year net of the current proportion of long-term debt that is maturing

(STNP1). In addition, in further analysis using a sample of new debt issues, we measure debt

maturity as the maturities of new bond or loan issues, in logarithmic form.

2.3.3. Measuring stock price crash risk

Stock price crash risk reflects the tendency of extreme negative returns on individual

firms. We follow Jin and Myers (2006) and compute alternative measures of crash risk using

firm-specific weekly returns. Based on Hutton et al. (2009), we first estimate the following

expanded market model to compute those weekly returns:

𝑟𝑗,𝜏 = 𝛼𝑗 + 𝛽1,𝑗 𝑟𝑚,𝜏−1 + 𝛽2,𝑗 𝑟𝑖,𝜏−1 + 𝛽3,𝑗 𝑟𝑚,𝜏 + 𝛽4,𝑗 𝑟𝑖,𝜏 + 𝛽5,𝑗 𝑟𝑚,𝜏+1 + 𝛽6,𝑗 𝑟𝑖,𝜏+1 + 𝜀𝑗,𝜏 (1)

where rj,τ is the return on stock j in week τ, rm,τ is the return on CRSP value-weighted market

index, and ri,τ is the Fama and French value-weighted industry index in week τ. Following

Dimson (1979), we include the lead and lag terms to correct for nonsynchronous trading.

Following Wang et al. (1997) and Bartholdy and Peare (2005), we estimate weekly returns

from Wednesday to Wednesday to avoid the contaminating effects from weekends and

Mondays. The firm-specific return for stock j in week τ (Wj,τ) is measured by the natural

logarithm of one plus the residual return from Eq. (1).7

As in Chen et al. (2001) and Kim et al. (2011a, 2011b), our first crash risk measure

is the negative conditional skewness of firm-specific weekly returns (NCSKEW). We

calculate NCSKEW for firm j over fiscal year t by taking the negative of the third moment

of firm-specific weekly returns for each year and dividing it by the standard deviation of

firm-specific weekly returns raised to the third power. A stock with high NCSKEW

represents a highly left-skewed return distribution and a high probability of a price crash.

The formula for the negative conditional skewness for firm j in year t is as follows:

3 2 3/2
𝑁𝐶𝑆𝐾𝐸𝑊𝑗,𝑡 = −[𝑛(𝑛 − 1)3/2 ∑ 𝑊𝑗,𝜏 ]/[(𝑛 − 1)(𝑛 − 2)(∑ 𝑊𝑗,𝜏 ) ] (2)

Jin and Myers (2006) and Kim et al. (2011a, 2011b) estimate firm-specific weekly returns using an alternative
market model that does not include the industry index. In untabulated robustness checks, we employ this model
to recalculate our crash risk measures and obtain qualitatively similar results.

where Wj,τ is the firm-specific weekly return as defined above and n is the number of weekly

returns in fiscal year t.

Our second measure of firm-specific crash risk is “down-to-up volatility,” which is

calculated as follows:

2 2
𝐷𝑈𝑉𝑂𝐿𝑗,𝑡 = 𝑙𝑜𝑔{(𝑛𝑢 − 1) ∑𝐷𝑜𝑤𝑛 𝑊𝑗,𝜏 /(𝑛𝑑 − 1) ∑𝑈𝑝 𝑊𝑗,𝜏 } (3)

where nu and nd are the number of up and down days over the fiscal year t, respectively. For

each firm j over year t, we separate firm-specific weekly returns into down (up) weeks when

the weekly returns are below (above) the annual mean. We separately calculate the standard

deviation of firm-specific weekly returns for each of the two groups. Then, DUVOL is the

natural logarithm of the ratio of the standard deviation in the down weeks to the standard

deviation in the up weeks. Chen et al. (2001) suggest that a high DUVOL indicates a more

left-skewed distribution. We note that DUVOL is less likely to be affected by the number of

extreme returns as it does not involve third moments.

2.3.4. Control variables

Following prior studies of stock price crash risk (e.g., Chen et al., 2001; Jin and

Myers, 2006), we employ the following set of control variables: stock turnover (DTURN),

stock return volatility (SIGMA), firm size (SIZE), market-to-book ratio (MB), leverage (LEV),

return on assets (ROA), lagged negative conditional skewness (NCSKEW), and earnings

quality (ACCM). The control variables are all lagged one period and measured as follows:

DTURNt–1 is the difference between the average monthly share turnover over fiscal year t1

and t2. SIGMAt–1 is the standard deviation of firm-specific weekly returns in fiscal year t1.

RETt–1 is the average firm-specific weekly returns in fiscal year t1. SIZEt–1 is the log of the

market value of equity in year t1. MBt–1 is the market value of equity divided by the book

value of equity in year t1. LEVt–1 is the book value of total liabilities scaled by total assets

in fiscal year t1. ROAt–1 is income before extraordinary items divided by total assets at the

end of fiscal year t1. NCSKEWt–1 is the negative conditional skewness for firm-specific

weekly returns in fiscal year t1. ACCMt–1 is defined as the absolute value of discretionary

accruals, where discretionary accruals are the residuals estimated from the modified Jones

model (Hutton et al., 2009). Finally, we control for Fama and French 48-industry and year

effects.8 To mitigate the influence of outliers, we winsorize all the continuous variables at

the 1% and 99% levels. We provide detailed variable definitions in the Appendix.

2.4. Empirical results

2.4.1. Descriptive statistics

Table 1 presents the descriptive statistics for all the variables used in our regressions.

The mean values of two stock price crash risk measures, NCSKEW and DUVOL, are –0.085

and –0.055, respectively, which are quite similar to those reported in Kim et al. (2011b).

Short-term debt, ST3, has a mean value of 0.541, which is in line with the reported means in

Johnson (2003) and Custódio et al. (2013).9 The summary statistics of the other variables

are largely consistent with those reported in prior research, and thus are not discussed herein

to preserve space.

Moreover, in untabulated correlation analysis, the two crash risk measures, NCSKEW

and DUVOL, are significantly and negatively correlated with short-maturity debt, ST3; their

correlation coefficients are –0.059 and –0.064, respectively. This finding lends initial

support to our prediction that short-term debt induces a lower probability of future stock

Our results are robust to controlling for industry fixed effects defined by 2-digit or 4-digit SIC codes.
Custódio et al.’s (2013) measure of debt maturity is the fraction of debt maturing after 3 years, that is, 1 

price crashes. Consistent with prior research, we find the two crash risk measures to be

positively correlated with each other, with a very high correlation coefficient of 0.961.

[Insert Table 1 about here]

2.4.2. Baseline regression results

We examine the impact of short-term debt on future stock price crash risk by

estimating the following regression model:

𝐶𝑟𝑎𝑠ℎ 𝑅𝑖𝑠𝑘𝑗,𝑡 = 𝛽0 + 𝛽1 𝑆𝑇3𝑗,𝑡−1 + 𝛽2 𝐷𝑇𝑈𝑅𝑁𝑗,𝑡−1 + 𝛽3 𝑆𝐼𝐺𝑀𝐴𝑗,𝑡−1 + 𝛽4 𝑅𝐸𝑇𝑗,𝑡−1 +

𝛽5 𝑆𝐼𝑍𝐸𝑗,𝑡−1 + 𝛽6 𝑀𝐵𝑗,𝑡−1 + 𝛽7 𝐿𝐸𝑉𝑗,𝑡−1 + 𝛽8 𝑅𝑂𝐴𝑗,𝑡−1 + 𝛽9 𝑁𝐶𝑆𝐾𝐸𝑊𝑗,𝑡−1 +

𝛽10 𝐴𝐶𝐶𝑀𝑗,𝑡−1 + 𝜀𝑗,𝑡 (4)

Table 2 presents the regression results for this model. In Columns (1) and (4), we

regress two crash risk measures, NCSKEW and DUVOL, on short-maturity debt, ST3, and

the control variables. In Columns (2) and (5), we include year fixed effects to control for a

secular increase in short-term debt (Custódio et al., 2013). We further control for both year

and industry fixed effects in Columns (3) and (6). The results across the table show that

short-term debt is significantly and negatively associated with one-year ahead stock price

crash risk. For example, in our preferred baseline models in Columns (3) and (6), the

coefficients on ST3 are –0.048 (t-stat = –4.30) and –0.023 (t-stat = –4.57), respectively. This

finding suggests that firms with more short-term debt experience lower future stock price

crash risk, consistent with the notion that the monitoring of short-maturity debt restricts

managers from hiding bad news, thus leading to a lower likelihood of firms’ future stock

price crashes.

We further evaluate the economic significance of the effect of short-maturity debt on

future crash risk. Following Hutton et al. (2009), we compare the values of cash risk

corresponding to the 25th and 75th percentile values of short-term debt (0.217 and 0.938,

respectively), while keeping all other control variables at their sample means. In Columns

(3) and (6), we find that the decrease in NCSKEW (DUVOL) is 0.035 (0.017) or 40.72%

(30.15%) relative to the sample mean, when there is an increase from the 25th to 75th

percentiles of the distribution of short-maturity debt. Moreover, the economic impact of

short-term debt is twice as large as the impact of earnings quality (ACCM) on crash risk

(17.12% and 7.75%, respectively, for NCSKEW and DUVOL). These results suggest that the

effect of short-maturity debt on crash risk not only is statistically significant but also has

large economic significance. We thus conclude that our baseline regression results provide

strong support for Hypothesis H1.

The results regarding the control variables are generally consistent with prior studies.

The coefficients on stock turnover (DTURN) and stock return volatility (SIGMA) are

significant and positive, which is consistent with Chen et al.’s (2001) finding that stocks

with higher turnover and higher return volatility are likely to experience more price crashes

in the future. The coefficients on past returns (RET) and market-to-book ratio (MB) are also

significantly positive, in line with Harvey and Siddique (2000) and Chen et al. (2001). To

the extent that high stock returns and high market-to-book signal the buildup of a stock price

bubble, these variables are likely to be associated with higher future crash risk. The

coefficient on leverage (LEV) is negative, which seems to reflect firms’ endogenous capital

structure choice as less crash-prone firms may have stronger incentives to accumulate debt

(Hutton et al., 2009; Kim et al., 2011b). Moreover, the coefficients on firm size (SIZE),

lagged crash risk (NCSKEW), and earnings quality (ACCM) are positive, which is consistent

with the evidence documented in prior studies (e.g., Chen et al., 2001; Hutton et al., 2009).

Finally, we find a positive association between profitability (ROA) and crash risk,

corroborating the findings of Kim et al. (2014) and Callen and Fang (2015a).

[Insert Table 2 about here]

2.4.3. Identification strategies and robustness checks Dealing with endogeneity

One major concern about the baseline results reported in Table 2 is that the debt

maturity structure may be endogenous, in which case the estimated negative effect of short-

term debt on crash risk would be biased and inconsistent, and our inference thus far would

be invalid. One main source of this endogeneity is the potential presence of omitted variables

as short-term debt may be correlated with unobserved firm-specific characteristics that affect

future crash risk. Another common source of endogeneity includes reverse causality and

simultaneity since crash risk may explain variation in short-term debt or that the two

variables may be jointly determined.10 To address these potential endogeneity problems, we

employ several estimation approaches.

First, we run firm fixed-effects (FE) and first-differences (FD) regressions to control

for time-invariant unobserved firm characteristics and alleviate the potential omitted-

variable bias due to heterogeneity. The FD regression further addresses the concern that our

main measure of short-maturity debt may reflect past debt maturity decisions as it includes

the proportion of long-term debt that is maturing. By estimating this model, we can better

capture how a change in debt maturity structure affects a change in the likelihood of future

stock price crashes. In Panel A of Table 3, the results from the FE and FD regressions show

that the relation between short-term debt and future stock price crash risk remains negative

and significant for both crash risk measures. This suggests that our main findings continue

to hold after controlling for unobserved heterogeneity.

We note this endogeneity concern is less likely to affect our results because we examine the impact of current
short-term debt on future stock price crash risk. Given that short-term debt evolves over time (Custódio et al.,
2013), it is unlikely that future crash risk affects current short-term debt.

Our second strategy to address endogeneity involves using the dynamic system

generalized method of moments (SYSGMM) approach (Blundell and Bond, 1998), which

takes into account the dynamics of stock price crash risk, while accounting for other sources

of endogeneity in the model (e.g., Kim et al., 2014). We employ the SYSGMM estimator

because our estimated model of stock price crash risk is a dynamic panel data model that

includes lagged crash risk as a regressor (NCSKEWt1). Using the traditional ordinary least

squares (OLS) method for estimating the model might lead to biased and inconsistent

estimates of the coefficients because the dynamic term, lagged crash risk, may be correlated

with unobservable firm-specific factors and this potential correlation would not be

eliminated in the FE and FD regressions (Baltagi, 2013). In applying the SYSGMM, we

estimate Eq. (4) in both levels and first-differences using appropriate instruments for the two

endogenous variables, crash risk (NCSKEWt1) and short-term debt (ST3t1). In the levels

equations, our instruments for NCSKEWt1 and ST3t1 include their lagged values in first

differences. In the first-differenced equations, our instruments for NCSKEWt1 and ST3t1

are the lagged values of NCSKEWt1 and ST3t1, both in levels.11

Panel B of Table 3 reports the results from our SYSGMM regressions. We find that

the coefficient on short-term debt is significantly negative in both models, consistent with

the baseline results. In terms of diagnostic tests, the second-order autocorrelation (AR2) and

J-tests provide no evidence of second-order autocorrelation and over-identification. This

suggests that our instruments are valid and that the specifications we use are appropriate.

Specifically, in the levels equations, we use NCSKEWt2, NCSKEWt3,…, NCSKEW1 as instruments for
NCSKEWt1. In the first-differenced equations, we use NCSKEWt2, NCSKEW t3,…, NCSKEW1 as instruments
for NCSKEWt1. We construct the instrument matrix for ST3t1 in a similar way.

We perform two additional tests to further address the endogeneity concern. First,

we employ the instrumental variable (IV) approach, in which we use the term structure of

interest rates (TERMSTR) as an instrument for short-maturity debt; TERMSTR is measured

as the difference between the yield on 10-year government bonds and the yield on 6-month

Treasury bills. We argue that this instrument plausibly satisfies both the relevance and

exclusion conditions of a valid IV. First, prior empirical studies provide evidence of a

significant and positive relation between term structure and short-maturity debt (e.g.,

Barclay and Smith, 1995; Johnson, 2003; Brockman et al., 2010). For example, these studies

suggest that firms prefer short-maturity debt to long-maturity debt because the former source

of debt financing is typically less costly, unless the yield curve is inverted. Second, regarding

the exclusion condition, term structure and stock price crash risk are not likely to be

correlated, unless via the debt maturity channel. This is because that the changing pattern of

the yield curve is unlikely to affect managers’ bad-news-hoarding activities directly. Our IV

regression results in Panel C of Table 3 show that short-term debt remains significantly and

negatively related to both measures of future stock price crash risk.

Second, we further mitigate the omitted-variable bias, a major source of the

endogeneity concern, by controlling for the following set of variables that may affect future

crash risk but are potentially related to debt maturity choice: (i) firm quality, measured as

abnormal earnings (Custódio et al., 2013); (ii) credit quality, measured as bond rating

(Diamond, 1991a); and (iii) the degree of financial constraint, proxied by the dividend

payout ratio (Faulkender and Wang, 2006). We control for firm quality and credit quality

because high-quality firms are less likely to experience future price crashes, while, under

asymmetric information, they are more likely to issue short-term debt as a signal of good

future prospects (Flannery, 1986; Ozkan, 2000). We include the degree of financial

constraint since constrained firms tend to rely more on short-maturity debt as they are likely

to be screened out of the long end of the maturity spectrum (Diamond, 1991a). Firms with a

low dividend payout ratio or with no rating are more constrained than those with the opposite

characteristics.12 Meanwhile, these firms may use discretionary accruals opportunistically to

attract external financing (Dechow et al., 1996; Dechow et al., 2011); their aggressive

earnings management could, in turn, result in higher synchronicity risk and future stock price

crash risk (Hutton et al., 2009). In Panel D of Table 3, the results show that the coefficient

on short-term debt is significantly negative, whether we include the additional control

variables in our models separately or together, or measure crash risk using NCSKEW or


In summary, the results from the above tests show that, controlling for heterogeneity

and endogeneity, short-term debt exerts a negative impact on future stock price crash risk.

This finding is consistent with our baseline results and provides further support for

Hypothesis H1.

[Insert Table 3 about here] Other robustness checks

We perform a series of robustness checks using alternative measures of our key

variables and controlling for a set of fundamental risk variables that may also affect future

stock price crash risk. Following prior research on debt maturity (e.g., Barclay and Smith,

1995), we additionally measure short-term debt as the proportion of total debt maturing

within one (ST1), two (ST2), or five years (ST5). We further use an alternative measure of

In untabulated results, we control three additional measures of financial constraint, namely, the Kaplan and

Zingales (1997) index, the Whited and Wu (2006) index, and the Hadlock and Pierce (2010) index. The

untabulated results are consistent with our main findings.

short-term debt maturing within three years (ST3_TA) by scaling it using total assets, rather

than total debt as in our main analysis. Following Huang et al. (2016), we consider a new

measure of very short-term debt (STNP1), which we define as the ratio of debt in current

liabilities net of long-term debt due in one year, scaled by total debt. By using STNP1, we

can rule out the effect of the long-term debt that is maturing. Panel A of Table 4 reports the

results for five alternative measures of short-term debt. We find that the coefficients on those

measures, namely, ST1, ST2, ST5, ST3_TA, and STNP1, are all significant and negative for

both crash risk measures.13

Following Jin and Myers (2006) and Callen and Fang (2015a), we further measure

stock price crash risk as the number of crashes minus the number of jumps over the fiscal

year (COUNT). Specifically, we first define crash weeks in a given fiscal year as those during

which a firm experiences firm-specific weekly returns 3.09 standard deviations below the

mean firm-specific weekly returns over the whole fiscal year, with 3.09 chosen to generate

a frequency of 0.1% in the normal distribution. Likewise, when the firm-specific weekly

return is 3.09 standard deviations above its mean in a fiscal year, we define those weeks as

jump weeks. As in Hutton et al. (2009), Kim et al. (2011b), and Chang et al. (2017), we also

measure future stock price crash risk as the likelihood that a firm experiences more than one

price crash week in a fiscal year (CRASH). The results in Panel B of Table 4 show that all

six alternative measures of short-term debt are significantly and negatively related to

COUNT. Furthermore, short-term debt has a negative impact on CRASH, although this

impact is only significant for four measures of short-term debt. In further (untabulated)

In unreported results, we further measure short-term debt using the ratio of short-maturity loans (i.e., loans
that have a time-to-maturity of less than three years) to total loans. Our main inferences remain qualitatively
the same.

robustness checks, we find that our main results continue to hold when we use two- or three-

year-ahead crash risk measures.

In the main analysis, we measure leverage as the ratio of total debt to total assets,

which is one of the most conventional measures used in prior capital structure studies (e.g.,

Graham et al., 2015; Öztekin, 2015), including those that examine both debt maturity and

leverage in a single model specification as we do in this paper (e.g., Billet et al., 2007).

However, since total debt includes short-maturity debt, one possible concern is that the

coefficient on short-term debt may not clearly identify the effect of short-maturity debt on

crash risk. To mitigate this concern, we use an alternative measure of leverage, which is

calculated as long-term debt divided by total assets. As can be seen in Panel C of Table 4,

the coefficients on short-term debt remain positive and statistically significant for our main

crash risk measures.

Finally, to ensure that our findings are not driven by fundamental risk factors, we

replicate our main analysis by further controlling for a set of variables that capture risk,

including earnings volatility (the standard deviation of the ratio of earnings, excluding

extraordinary items and discontinued operations, to lagged total equity during the past five

years), cash flow volatility (the standard deviation of the ratio of cash flow to total assets in

the past five years), sales volatility (the standard deviation of the ratio of sales to total assets

in the past five years),14 and beta (the covariance between the individual firm return and the

market return divided by the variance of the market return over a fiscal year). In Panel D of

Table 4, the coefficients on short-term debt are significantly negative after including these

additional controls. Overall, we conclude that our main findings are generally robust to the

Our findings are unaffected if the volatility measures (i.e., earnings, cash flow, and sales volatility) are
calculated using data in the past three years.

use of alternative measures of future stock price crash risk, short-maturity debt, and leverage,

as well as the inclusion of various risk factors.

[Insert Table 4 about here] New debt issues

Although our approach of calculating short-maturity debt based on the balance sheet

data is widely used in the literature, as mentioned, one concern about this approach is that

the short-term debt ratio may be affected by the proportion of long-term debt that is coming

due. This fraction of maturing long-maturity debt is unlikely to have the desired monitoring

effect on managers’ bad-news-holding behavior as our hypothesis predicts. We note that in

two robustness checks above, we have, to an extent, addressed this concern by (i) running a

change (FD) regression and (ii) focusing on short-term debt due within one year, net of the

current proportion of maturing long-term debt, STNP1. In this section, we follow prior

research (e.g., Guedes and Opler, 1996; Brockman et al., 2010; Custódio et al., 2013) and

further use an incremental approach in which we focus on newly issued debt. This

incremental approach better captures the relations between debt maturity structure and firm-

specific variables at all points of the maturity spectrum (Guedes and Opler, 1996).

Importantly, it also allows us to better study the causal effect of the maturities of new debt

issues on one-year-ahead crash risk, while avoiding potential endogeneity problems due to

reverse causality and simultaneity.

Following Custódio et al. (2013), we obtain data on both bond issues and private

bank loan issues. Data on new bonds are from the Mergent Fixed Income Securities Database

(FISD) and data on new loans come from the Loan Pricing Corporation’s Dealscan database,

which contains issuance-level information on syndicated bank loans. We first construct a

transaction-level (unconsolidated) sample of new debt issues, including both bonds and

loans. Merging data of new debt issues with Compustat leaves us with an unconsolidated

sample of 4,233 unique firms and 32,785 debt issues. We measure the debt maturity of a

debt issue (DEBT_MAT) as the natural logarithm of the maturity of the issue.

As robustness checks, we examine different samples of debt issues. First, we

construct an unconsolidated sample using data on newly issued private bank loans only. Our

sample of loan issues consists of 24,845 transactions. Second, following Brockman et al.

(2010), we further construct a consolidated (firm-level) sample of both bond and loan issues

to deal with the possibility that firms have multiple debt issues within a fiscal year. We

measure the debt maturity of those multiple issues as the natural logarithm of the issue-size-

weighted maturity (WAVG_MAT).15 Our (firm-level) consolidated sample consists of 16,685

firm-year observations.

Table 5 presents the regression results for both the unconsolidated and consolidated

samples. In the first two columns of Panel A, the coefficient on debt maturity (DEBT_MAT)

is significantly positive for both NCSKEW and DUVOL. This finding continues to hold after

we control for the size of new debt issues (DEBT_SIZE). Taken together, our results indicate

that firms that issue debt with longer (shorter) maturity are more (less) likely to experience

future stock price crashes, which is also in line with our prediction. Panel B shows the effect

of the maturities of new loan issues on future stock price crash risk. The coefficient on loan

maturity (LOAN_MAT) is positive and significant, whether we control for the amount of the

loan issue (LOAN_SIZE) or not. Its magnitude seems higher than the magnitude of the

coefficient on debt maturity in Panel A, which is consistent with our expectation. Panel C

presents the results for the consolidated sample of new debt issues. In the last two columns

of the panel, we further control for the total amount of firms’ multiple debt issues within a

The results (untabulated) are robust if we use the natural logarithm of the equal-weighted maturity.

fiscal year (SUM_SIZE). The results show that the coefficients on WAVG_MAT are positive

and significant, for both crash risk measures, NCSKEW and DUVOL. Overall, the evidence

from different samples of new debt issues is consistent with our baseline regression results

obtained using the balance sheet data and provides additional support for Hypothesis H1.

[Insert Table 5 about here]

2.4.4. Corporate governance mechanisms and short-maturity debt

We next examine whether the negative relationship between short-term debt and

future stock price crash risk is attenuated by the strength of firms’ governance monitoring

mechanisms, as predicted by Hypothesis H2. We employ three proxies for the effectiveness

of corporate governance, namely, the proportion of total institutional ownership (INST), the

proportion of long-term-oriented institutional ownership (LTINST), and the governance

index (GINDEX). The former two variables measure the monitoring power of institutional

investors, while the latter proxies for monitoring by equity markets. Using data from

Thomson 13F, we calculate the proportion of total institutional ownership (INST) as the

percentage of shares held by institutional owners. We further compute the proportion of

long-term (non-transient) institutional ownership (LTINST) as the percentage of common

shares owned by dedicated and quasi-indexer institutions.16 We focus on dedicated investors

because prior research finds that they play an important monitoring role in curbing

managerial myopic behavior (e.g., Bushee, 1998, 2001). We further include quasi-indexers

because recent evidence suggests that these investors are not passive owners as they hold

sway over managers and typically demand greater firm transparency and public information

production (e.g., Boone and White, 2015; Appel et al., 2016). We exclude transient investors

We follow Bushee (1998, 2001) and categorize institutional investors into quasi-indexers, transient, or
dedicated based on their portfolio turnover, diversification, and expected investment horizon.

from our calculation of LTINST because these investors have shorter term horizons and

hence fewer incentives to understand and monitor firms (e.g., Andreou et al., 2016; Chang

et al., 2017). Regarding the governance index (GINDEX), we collect the data on this variable

from the RiskMetrics database. GINDEX measures the strength of antitakeover provisions

(Gompers et al., 2003); firms with fewer antitakeover provisions have better shareholder

rights protection and lower managerial discretion.

We partition the full sample into subsamples based on the annual median values of

the governance measures and report the results in Table 6. In Panels A and B, we divide the

sample into firms with strong (weak) external institutional monitoring, defined as those with

above-median (below-median) INST and LTINST, respectively. In both panels, we find that

the effect of short-term debt on crash risk is always negative, but only significant, at least at

the 5% level, when (long-term-oriented) institutional shareholdings are lower. This finding

holds for both measures of crash risk, NCSKEW and DUVOL. In Panel C, we define weak

(strong) governance firms as those with above- (below-) median GINDEX. The results show

that the coefficient on short-term debt is negative for both groups of firms, but significant at

the 1% level for those with weaker governance (Columns (1) and (3)) while insignificant for

those with stronger governance (Columns (2) and (4)).

To compare the differences between the coefficients on short-maturity debt (ST3)

across the subsamples, we also follow the approach in Kim et al. (2011b) and Callen and

Fang (2015a) and estimate an alternative specification in which we include an interaction

term between ST3 and each governance measure defined above. Our specification is similar

to Eq. (4) for the whole sample, with two additional regressors being the interaction term

and the governance measure of interest. The results (untabulated) suggest that the coefficient

on the interaction term ST3 × INST is significantly negative for both measures of crash risk,

NCSKEW and DUVOL. This finding is consistent with the above evidence that institutional

ownership moderates the negative impact of short-maturity debt on future crash risk. We

obtain qualitatively similar results regarding the interaction term between ST3 and either

LTINST or GINDEX, although ST3 × GINDEX becomes less significant.

Overall, our results support Hypothesis H2 that the negative effect of short-term debt

on crash risk is more pronounced among firms with weak corporate governance mechanisms,

consistent with short-term debt serving as an effective monitoring tool to reduce managers’

bad-news-hoarding activities when the monitoring by institutional investors and

shareholders is insufficient. Our evidence is also in line with prior studies on stock price

crash risk. For example, Kim et al. (2011b) find that effective external monitoring can

moderate the positive impact of tax avoidance on crash risk, while Callen and Fang (2015a)

show that the negative relation between religion and crash risk becomes weaker among firms

with strong governance mechanisms.

[Insert Table 6 about here]

2.4.5. Information asymmetry and short-maturity debt

We next study whether the relation between short-term debt and future stock price

crash risk is more pronounced among firms with a weak information environment, as

predicted by Hypothesis H3. Following prior research, we measure the degree of information

asymmetry using analyst forecast error (FERR) (Callen and Fang, 2015b), analyst forecast

dispersion (DISPER), and R&D intensity (RD) (Custódio et al., 2013). We obtain analyst

earnings forecast data from the I/B/E/S database. We define analyst forecast error (FERR)

as the absolute value of the difference between actual earnings per share and the consensus

analyst forecast, divided by the consensus analyst forecast. The dispersion of analyst

forecasts (DISPER) is the standard deviation of analyst forecasts divided by the consensus

analyst forecasts. R&D intensity (RD) is the ratio of research and development expenditure

to total assets. We expect higher analyst forecast error, higher forecast dispersion, and

greater R&D intensity to be associated with higher levels of information asymmetry (e.g.,

Healy and Palepu, 2001; Zhang, 2006; and Custódio et al., 2013).

In Table 7, we split the sample into firms with high and low levels of asymmetric

information based on those three measures. The results in Panel A show that the coefficient

on short-term debt is significantly negative at the 1% level for the subsample of firms with

high analyst forecast error. However, for firms with low analyst forecast error, the coefficient

is insignificant or only marginally significant at the 10% level. Similarly, in Panel B, the

coefficient on short-term debt is significantly negative for firms with greater dispersions in

analysts’ forecasts, but either insignificantly or marginally negative for those with lower

dispersions. Panel C also reveals that the coefficient on short-term debt is statistically

significant only for R&D-intensive firms.

As a robustness check, we interact short-term debt with each measure of information

asymmetry defined above and add both this interaction term and the information asymmetry

measure in question to the baseline model (Eq. (4)). As mentioned above, this interaction

term approach enables us to test for differences in the estimated coefficients on short-

maturity debt (ST3) across the subsamples in Table 7. The results (untabulated) show that

the coefficient on the interaction term ST3 × FERR is negative and significant, consistent

with short-maturity debt exerting a stronger mitigating effect on crash risk when firms have

weaker analyst monitoring and a higher degree of information asymmetry. We obtain

qualitatively similar results when we repeat this analysis and include the interaction term

between ST3 and either DISPER or RD; the interaction term ST3 × DISPER is significantly

negative, while the interaction term ST3 × RD is negative but insignificant.

Overall, our findings are broadly consistent with Hypothesis H3 that the role of short-

term debt in mitigating managers’ information withholding and lowering future stock price

crash risk is stronger when there is less corporate transparency.

[Insert Table 7 about here]

2.4.6. Risk-taking and short-maturity debt

Finally, we investigate whether the relationship between a firm’s short-maturity debt

and future stock price crash risk is conditional on its riskiness, as predicted by Hypothesis

H4. We follow Johnson (2003) and use two proxies for the riskiness of the firm, including

leverage (LEV) and bond rating status (RATEDUM). We classify a firm as being risker if its

leverage is above the sample median or if it does not have a bond rating.

In Panels A and B of Table 8, we partition the sample into firms with high and low

risk-taking based on their leverage ratios and rating status, respectively. In Panel A, the

coefficient on short-maturity debt is significantly negative at the 1% level for the riskier

firms but insignificant for the less risky counterparts. Furthermore, the coefficients on short-

term debt are much larger in magnitude for the riskier subsample. The results in Panel B

show that the coefficient on short-term debt is negative and significant at least at the 5%

level among the unrated group, while it is only marginally significant among the rated group.

To further test for differences in the coefficients on short-maturity debt (ST3) across

the subsamples in Table 8, we adopt the interaction term approach as mentioned above, that

is, we add an interaction term between ST3 with each measure of riskiness to our baseline

model (Eq. (4)). The results (untabulated) reveal that the coefficient on the interaction term

ST3 × LEV is negative and significant, again supporting our prediction that short-maturity

debt has a more pronounced effect on future crash risk among highly leveraged firms. The

results are qualitatively similar when we add the interaction term between ST3 and

RATEDUM to our baseline model (i.e., we find ST3 × RATEDUM to be significantly


Overall, the results in Table 8 are consistent with our Hypothesis H4 that the

influence of short-maturity debt on future crash risk is stronger among firms with a higher

level of risk-taking. Our evidence is also in line with the recent finding by Callen and Fang

(2015a) that the impact of religiosity on future crash risk is more concentrated in riskier


[Insert Table 8 about here]

2.5. Conclusion

This study examines the impact of debt maturity on stock price crash risk. We

provide original evidence of a negative relationship between the use of short-term debt and

the likelihood of subsequent stock price crashes. The results are robust to a battery of

robustness checks, including tests addressing endogeneity concerns, using alternative

measures of debt maturity and crash risk, and focusing on various samples of new debt issues.

Our findings are consistent with the monitoring role of short-term debt serving as an

effective tool to curb managerial bad-news-hoarding behavior, which in turn reduces stock

price crash risk.

We also investigate whether the influence of short-term debt on crash risk is

conditional on corporate governance mechanisms, information asymmetry, and firm

riskiness. Our findings indicate that the mitigating effect of short-term debt on future crash

risk is more pronounced when firms have lower shareholder rights and less (non-transient)

institutional ownership. Furthermore, the negative relationship between short-maturity debt

and future crash risk is stronger among firms with weaker analyst monitoring and higher

asymmetric information and among riskier firms with high leverage and without credit rating.

Taken together, these results highlight the importance of short-term debt for firms with

weaker governance, a weaker information environment, or greater riskiness. Put differently,

short-term debt may act as a substitute for corporate governance mechanisms in reducing

managerial bad news hoarding and future stock price crash risk.

Overall, our study complements a growing body of research on stock price crash risk

and debt maturity structure. In the crash risk literature, we provide the first novel evidence

that a corporate financial policy such as debt maturity has a significant influence on high

moments of stock return distribution, above and beyond the effects of other determinants of

crash risk identified by prior studies. In the debt maturity literature, we show that firms can

benefit from short-term debt due to its mitigating effect on future stock price crash risk,

supporting the notion that “short-term debt maturity can be an extremely powerful tool to

monitor management” (Stulz, 2001, p. 172). Together, these add to a greater understanding

of how debt financing can contribute to improving corporate governance and reducing

agency costs. Our study suggests that short-maturity debt enables creditors to constrain

managers’ misconduct, which in turn is mutually beneficial to shareholders’ wealth through

the reduction of stock price crash risk. Finally, our findings provide relevant implications

for equity investors who wish to predict and avoid future stock price crash risk based on

information about debt maturity policy.


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Table 1. Descriptive statistics.

The table reports the descriptive statistics for the variables used in our study. Variable definitions are provided
in the Appendix. All variables are winsorized at the 1% and 99% levels.
Variable N Mean Std. dev. 5th 25th Median 75th 95th
NCSKEWt 53,052 –0.085 0.748 –1.283 –0.502 –0.104 0.302 1.199
DUVOLt 53,052 –0.055 0.352 –0.627 –0.290 –0.065 0.170 0.554
CRASHt 53,052 0.182 0.386 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000
COUNTt 53,052 –0.037 0.632 –1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000
ST3t–1 53,052 0.541 0.356 0.008 0.217 0.515 0.938 1.000
DTURNt–1 53,052 0.028 0.792 –1.100 –0.207 0.000 0.223 1.279
SIGMAt–1 53,052 0.056 0.029 0.021 0.034 0.049 0.071 0.114
RETt–1 53,052 –0.198 0.223 –0.647 –0.247 –0.120 –0.058 –0.022
SIZEt–1 53,052 5.752 2.202 2.330 4.083 5.665 7.278 9.622
MBt–1 53,052 2.675 2.624 0.592 1.184 1.892 3.103 7.499
LEVt–1 53,052 0.239 0.171 0.006 0.098 0.222 0.351 0.558
ROAt–1 53,052 0.014 0.129 –0.225 0.001 0.039 0.075 0.143
NCSKEWt–1 53,052 –0.085 0.776 –1.258 –0.500 –0.108 0.294 1.164
ACCMt–1 53,052 0.069 0.082 0.004 0.019 0.042 0.085 0.230
INSTt–1 43,063 0.455 0.301 0.017 0.181 0.445 0.710 0.951
LTINSTt–1 43,063 0.339 0.238 0.010 0.129 0.319 0.521 0.748
GINDEXt–1 12,230 9.456 2.983 5.000 7.000 9.000 12.000 14.000
FERRt–1 34,298 0.531 1.551 0.006 0.038 0.108 0.318 2.207
DISPERt–1 33,631 0.122 0.794 –0.626 0.031 0.083 0.202 0.886
RDt–1 31,513 0.059 0.086 0.000 0.004 0.026 0.077 0.227
RATEDUMt–1 53,052 0.302 0.459 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 1.000

Table 2. The impact of short-term debt on future stock price crash risk.

This table presents the regression results for Model (4), in which we regress stock price crash risk on short-
term debt and the control variables. Variable definitions are provided in the Appendix. All variables except year
and industry dummies are winsorized at the 1% and 99% levels. T-statistics are reported in parentheses and are
based on standard errors that are corrected for heteroskedasticity and clustered at the firm level. ***, **, and *
indicate significance of the coefficients at the 1%, 5%, and 10% levels, respectively (two-sided).

Predicted (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

ST3t–1 – –0.039*** –0.041*** –0.048*** –0.020*** –0.021*** –0.023***
(–3.53) (–3.74) (–4.30) (–3.89) (–4.17) (–4.57)
DTURNt–1 + 0.036*** 0.036*** 0.037*** 0.017*** 0.017*** 0.018***
(8.58) (8.61) (8.76) (8.94) (9.06) (9.12)
SIGMAt–1 + 3.428*** 3.394*** 3.144*** 1.258*** 1.192*** 1.106***
(7.53) (7.13) (6.47) (5.84) (5.31) (4.83)
RETt–1 + 0.489*** 0.506*** 0.485*** 0.193*** 0.199*** 0.192***
(8.67) (8.83) (8.38) (7.23) (7.37) (7.04)
SIZEt–1 + 0.049*** 0.046*** 0.047*** 0.023*** 0.021*** 0.021***
(23.33) (20.12) (19.93) (23.30) (19.62) (19.14)
MBt–1 + 0.016*** 0.016*** 0.015*** 0.007*** 0.007*** 0.008***
(11.38) (11.27) (10.93) (11.22) (11.24) (11.23)
LEVt–1 – –0.133*** –0.133*** –0.112*** –0.059*** –0.060*** –0.054***
(–6.26) (–6.29) (–5.04) (–5.93) (–6.06) (–5.16)
ROAt–1 +/– 0.388*** 0.380*** 0.373*** 0.194*** 0.189*** 0.183***
(12.89) (12.60) (12.16) (14.04) (13.65) (12.96)
NCSKEWt–1 + 0.021*** 0.021*** 0.019*** 0.010*** 0.010*** 0.009***
(4.42) (4.41) (3.99) (4.61) (4.66) (4.33)
ACCMt–1 + 0.198*** 0.196*** 0.179*** 0.090*** 0.088*** 0.081***
(4.26) (4.24) (3.85) (4.23) (4.15) (3.79)
Intercept –0.468*** –0.539*** –0.598*** –0.220*** –0.256*** –0.283***
(–18.19) (–17.39) (–7.88) (–18.28) (–17.83) (–7.83)
Year FE No Yes Yes No Yes Yes
Industry FE No No Yes No No Yes
N 53,052 53,052 53,052 53,052 53,052 53,052
Adjusted R 0.039 0.045 0.047 0.041 0.049 0.050

Table 3. Dealing with endogeneity.

This table presents two tests to address endogeneity concerns in the baseline regression of future stock price
crash risk on short-term debt maturity. Panel A presents the results from the firm fixed-effects (FE) regressions
(Columns (1) and (2)) and the first-differences (FD) regressions (Columns (3) and (4)). In the FE regressions,
we report the within R-squared. Panel B reports the system generalized method of moments (SYSGMM)
regression results. In the levels equations, our instruments for NCSKEWt1 and ST3t1 include their lagged
values in first differences. In the first-differenced equations, our instruments for NCSKEWt1 and ST3t1 are
the lagged values of NCSKEWt1 and ST3t1, both in levels. AR1 and AR2 p-values are the p-values of the tests
for first- and second-order autocorrelation in the residuals, under the null of no autocorrelation, respectively.
J-test is the Sargan/Hansen test for overidentification of the instruments, under the null of non-
overidentification; the number of overidentified instruments is provided in brackets. Panel C presents the first-
and second-stage results from the instrumental variable (IV) and two-stage least squares (2SLS) regressions
with the term structure of interest rates (TERMSTR) used as the instrument variable for short-term debt (ST3).
TERMSTR is the difference between the yield on 10-year government bonds and the yield on 6-month Treasury
bills. Panel D presents the results of regression analysis with three additional control variables, namely,
abnormal earnings (ABNEARN), bond rating dummy (RATEDUM), and payout dummy variable (PAYOUT).
VIY refers to a set of controls including all explanatory variables, industry effects, and year effects. Variable
definitions are provided in the Appendix. All variables except year and industry dummies are winsorized at the
1% and 99% levels. T-statistics are reported in parentheses and are based on standard errors that are corrected
for heteroskedasticity and clustered at the firm level. ***, **, and * indicate significance of the coefficients at
the 1%, 5%, and 10% levels, respectively (two-sided).

Panel A: Firm fixed-effects and first-differences regressions

(1) (2) (3) (4)
ST3t–1 –0.035** –0.018*** –0.034* –0.019**
(–2.37) (–2.69) (–1.86) (–2.27)
N 53,052 53,052 42,414 42,414
Adjusted R2 0.043 0.046 0.273 0.256
Panel B: Dynamic SYSGMM approach
(1) (2)
ST3t–1 –0.045* –0.023**
(–1.77) (–1.97)
Controls VIY VIY
N 53,052 53,052
AR1 p-value 0.000 0.000
AR2 p-value 0.122 0.161
J-test p-value 0.185 0.244
J-test 59.87(51) 57.60(51)

Panel C: Instrumental variable/two-stage least squares regressions
(1) (2)
First stage Second stage First stage Second stage
Dependent variable ST3t–1 NCSKEWt ST3t–1 DUVOLt
ST3t–1 –1.842** –1.174***
(–2.48) (–2.92)
DTURNt–1 –0.016*** 0.007 –0.016*** –0.002
(–9.82) (0.51) (–9.82) (–0.21)
SIGMAt–1 1.848*** 6.541*** 1.848*** 3.320***
(7.17) (4.31) (7.17) (4.00)
RETt–1 0.059*** 0.580*** 0.059*** 0.257***
(2.02) (6.46) (2.02) (5.17)
SIZEt–1 –0.040*** –0.022 –0.040*** –0.023
(–24.14) (–0.73) (–24.14) (–1.42)
MBt–1 0.008*** 0.029*** 0.008*** 0.016***
(8.67) (4.92) (8.67) (5.02)
LEVt–1 –0.690*** –1.353*** –0.690*** –0.849***
(–40.77) (–2.63) (–40.77) (–3.04)
ROAt–1 –0.092*** 0.212*** –0.092*** 0.079*
(–5.87) (2.58) (–5.87) (1.78)
NCSKEWt–1 0.002 0.023*** 0.002 0.012***
(1.22) (3.76) (1.22) (3.67)
ACCMt–1 0.161*** 0.466*** 0.161*** 0.265***
(7.91) (3.54) (7.91) (3.73)
Intercept 0.832*** 0.991 0.832*** 0.725**
(23.96) (1.56) (23.96) (2.11)
Instrumental variable
TERMSTRt–1 0.005*** 0.005***
(3.90) (3.90)
Diagnostic test
Hausman test (p-value) 0.002*** 0.000***
F-statistic 15.18 15.18
Industry FE Yes Yes Yes Yes
N 53,052 53,052 53,052 53,052
Adjusted R 0.28 0.28

Panel D: Regression analysis with additional controls
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
ST3t–1 –0.047*** –0.023*** –0.052*** –0.025*** –0.044*** –0.022*** –0.049*** –0.024***
(–4.27) (–4.55) (–4.63) (–4.87) (–3.87) (–4.17) (–4.20) (–4.48)
ABNEARNt–1 –0.341*** –0.172*** –0.344*** –0.176***
(–15.49) (–17.14) (–15.09) (–16.89)
RATEDUMt–1 –0.024** –0.011** –0.025** –0.011**
(–2.42) (–2.27) (–2.39) (–2.21)
PAYOUTt–1 –0.531*** –0.245*** –0.457*** –0.207***
(–6.07) (–5.93) (–5.24) (–5.01)
N 53,028 53,028 53,052 53,052 49,617 49,617 49,593 49,593
Adjusted R2 0.052 0.056 0.047 0.050 0.047 0.050 0.052 0.057

Table 4. Other robustness checks.

This table presents the results of other robustness checks. In Panel A, we use alternative measures of short-term debt, including the ratio of debt in current liabilities to total
debt (ST1), the ratio of debt in current liabilities plus debt maturing in two years to total debt (ST2), the ratio of debt in current liabilities plus debt maturing in five years to total
debt (ST5), the ratio of debt in current liabilities plus debt maturing in three years to total assets (ST3_TA), and the ratio of debt in current liabilities minus long-term debt due
in one year to total debt (STNP1). In Panel B, crash risk is proxied by CRASH and COUNT. CRASH is an indicator variable that takes one if a firm experiences more than one
price crash week in a fiscal year. COUNT is the number of crash weeks minus the number of jump weeks over the fiscal year. In the logistic regressions of CRASH, we present
the marginal effects in square brackets; we also report the pseudo R-squared for those regressions. In Panel C, we use an alternative measure of leverage, i.e., long-term debt
divided by total assets. In Panel D, we further control for variables that capture fundamental risk, including earnings volatility, cash flow volatility, sales volatility, and beta
risk. VIY refers to a set of controls including all explanatory variables, industry effects, and year effects. Variable definitions are provided in the Appendix. All variables except
year and industry dummies are winsorized at the 1% and 99% levels. T-statistics (Z-statistics) are reported in parentheses and are based on standard errors that are corrected for
heteroskedasticity and clustered at the firm level. ***, **, and * indicate significance of the coefficients at the 1%, 5%, and 10% levels, respectively (two-sided).

Panel A: Alternative measures of short-term debt

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
ST1t–1 –0.037*** –0.015***
(–3.06) (–2.67)
ST2t–1 –0.053*** –0.023***
(–4.64) (–4.49)
ST5t–1 –0.023* –0.011*
(–1.81) (–1.86)
ST3_TA t–1 –0.224*** –0.103***
(–5.98) (–5.97)
STNP1t–1 –0.045*** –0.019***
(–3.49) (–3.23)
N 53,052 53,052 53,052 53,052 51,646 51,646 53,052 53,052 52,505 52,505
Adjusted R2 0.046 0.050 0.047 0.050 0.046 0.050 0.047 0.050 0.047 0.050

Panel B: Alternative measures of crash risk
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
ST1t–1 –0.033 –0.025**
(–0.79) (–2.46)
ST2t–1 –0.074* –0.038***
(–1.84) (–4.00)
ST3t–1 –0.071* –0.033***
(–1.79) (–3.56)
ST5t–1 –0.008 –0.016
(–0.17) (–1.50)
ST3_TAt–1 –0.315** –0.172***
(–2.23) (–5.41)
STNP1t–1 –0.086* –0.025**
(–1.87) (–2.37)
N 53,052 53,052 53,052 53,052 53,052 53,052 51,646 51,646 53,052 53,052 52,505 52,505
Adj./Pseudo R 0.020 0.027 0.020 0.028 0.020 0.028 0.021 0.027 0.020 0.028 0.020 0.028

Panel C: Alternative measure of leverage
(1) (2) (3) (4)
ST3t–1 -0.047*** -0.024*** -0.066 -0.032***
(-3.93) (-4.37) (-1.54) (-3.08)
DTURNt–1 0.037*** 0.018*** 0.093*** 0.024***
(8.78) (9.15) (6.23) (6.57)
SIGMAt–1 3.134*** 1.106*** 2.546 2.149***
(6.44) (4.83) (1.44) (5.31)
RETt–1 0.485*** 0.193*** 0.625*** 0.322***
(8.37) (7.05) (2.87) (6.56)
SIZEt–1 0.047*** 0.021*** 0.031*** 0.033***
(19.96) (19.17) (3.66) (17.11)
MBt–1 0.015*** 0.007*** 0.021*** 0.010***
(10.79) (11.12) (4.59) (8.33)
LT_LEVt–1 -0.078*** -0.042*** -0.053 -0.045**
(-2.97) (-3.43) (-0.56) (-2.01)
ROAt–1 0.381*** 0.186*** 0.718*** 0.253***
(12.41) (13.19) (6.58) (10.01)
NCSKEWt–1 0.019*** 0.009*** 0.062*** 0.010**
(4.00) (4.34) (3.94) (2.46)
ACCMt–1 0.180*** 0.080*** 0.820*** 0.137***
(3.85) (3.78) (5.45) (3.51)
Intercept -0.615*** -0.290*** -2.011*** -0.378***
(-8.13) (-8.03) (-8.33) (-6.42)
Year FE Yes Yes Yes Yes
Industry FE Yes Yes Yes Yes
N 53,052 53,052 53,052 53,052
Adjusted R 0.046 0.050 0.020 0.027

Panel D: Additional controls for fundamental risk
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
ST3t–1 -0.049*** -0.024*** -0.050*** -0.024*** -0.048*** -0.023*** -0.043*** -0.021*** -0.045*** -0.022***
(-4.35) (-4.62) (-4.45) (-4.68) (-4.29) (-4.56) (-3.85) (-4.17) (-4.01) (-4.30)
EARNVOLt–1 -0.034*** -0.018*** -0.040*** -0.020***
(-2.98) (-3.45) (-3.24) (-3.45)
CFVOLt–1 -0.127* -0.077** -0.110 -0.064*
(-1.71) (-2.22) (-1.39) (-1.71)
SALEVOLt–1 0.041* 0.015 0.058** 0.023**
(1.74) (1.37) (2.34) (2.00)
BETAt–1 0.049*** 0.019*** 0.050*** 0.020***
(7.92) (6.81) (7.88) (6.76)
N 52,384 52,384 51,676 51,676 53,052 53,052 53,052 53,052 51,037 51,037
Adjusted R2 0.046 0.050 0.046 0.050 0.046 0.050 0.048 0.051 0.047 0.051

Table 5. Evidence from new debt issues.
This table presents results regarding the effect of debt maturity on stock price crash risk using data on new debt
issues. Panel A reports regression results of new debt (loan or bond) issues based on an unconsolidated sample
at the transaction level. DEBT_MAT is the natural logarithm of the maturity of a new loan or bond issue.
DEBT_SIZE is the natural logarithm of the amount of a new loan or bond issue. Panel B reports regression
results of new loan issues based on an unconsolidated (transaction-level) sample. LOAN_MAT is the natural
logarithm of the maturity of a new loan issue. LOAN_SIZE is the natural logarithm of the amount of a new loan
issue. Panel C reports regression results of new loan issues based on a consolidated sample. WAVG_MAT is
the natural logarithm of the issue-size-weighted debt maturity. SUM_SIZE is the natural logarithm of the total
amount of new loans or bond issues. VIY refers to a set of controls including all explanatory variables, industry
effects, and year effects. Variable definitions are provided in the Appendix. All variables except year and
industry dummies are winsorized at the 1% and 99% levels. T-statistics are reported in parentheses and are
based on standard errors that are corrected for heteroskedasticity and clustered at the firm level. ***, **, and *
indicate significance of the coefficients at the 1%, 5%, and 10% levels, respectively (two-sided).

Panel A: Regressions based on unconsolidated sample of new debt issues

(1) (2) (3) (4)
DEBT_MATt–1 0.016** 0.007** 0.019*** 0.008**
(2.48) (2.39) (2.88) (2.51)
DEBT_SIZEt–1 0.002 0.000
(0.70) (0.31)
N 32,785 32,785 32,785 32,785
Adjusted R 0.033 0.038 0.033 0.038
Panel B: Regressions based on unconsolidated sample of new loan issues
(1) (2) (3) (4)
LOAN_MATt–1 0.023*** 0.009** 0.022*** 0.009**
(2.92) (2.42) (2.72) (2.24)
LOAN_SIZEt–1 0.011* 0.005*
(1.92) (1.72)
N 24,845 24,845 24,845 24,845
Adjusted R 0.034 0.038 0.034 0.038
Panel C: Consolidated sample: Issue-size-weighted maturity of new debt issues
(1) (2) (3) (4)
WAVG_MATt–1 0.017** 0.008** 0.021** 0.009**
(2.09) (2.08) (2.45) (2.23)
SUM_SIZEt–1 0.003 0.001
(1.36) (0.78)
N 16,685 16,685 16,685 16,685
Adjusted R 0.030 0.034 0.030 0.034

Table 6. The impact of short-term debt on future stock price crash
risk: governance monitoring mechanisms.
This table presents the results regarding the impact of short-term debt on future stock price crash risk
conditional on the effectiveness of corporate governance mechanisms. In Panel A, we partition the sample
based on the (annual) median value of the fraction of institutional ownership (INST). In Panel B, we split the
sample using the (annual) median value of the fraction of long-term institutional ownership (LTINST). In Panel
C, we split our sample using the (annual) median value of the lagged shareholder rights index (GINDEX). VIY
refers to a set of controls including all explanatory variables, industry effects, and year effects. Variable
definitions are provided in the Appendix. All variables except year and industry dummies are winsorized at the
1% and 99% levels. T-statistics are reported in parentheses and are based on standard errors that are corrected
for heteroskedasticity and clustered at the firm level. ***, **, and * indicate significance of the coefficients at
the 1%, 5%, and 10% levels, respectively (two-sided).

Panel A: Institutional ownership

(1) (2) (3) (4)
Dependent variable NCSKEWt NCSKEWt DUVOLt DUVOLt
Partition Weak governance Strong governance Weak governance Strong governance
(INST ≤ median) (INST > median) (INST ≤ median) (INST > median)
ST3t–1 –0.033* –0.024 –0.019** –0.012
(–1.91) (–1.42) (–2.42) (–1.56)
N 21,538 21,525 21,538 21,525
Adjusted R2 0.044 0.024 0.048 0.026
Panel B: Long-term (non-transient) institutional ownership
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Dependent variable NCSKEWt NCSKEWt DUVOLt DUVOLt
Partition Weak governance Strong governance Weak governance Strong governance
(LTINST ≤ median) (LTINST > median) (LTINST ≤ median) (LTINST > median)
ST3t–1 –0.041** –0.027 –0.022*** –0.014*
(–2.33) (–1.59) (–2.76) (–1.75)
N 21,538 21,525 21,538 21,525
Adjusted R2 0.044 0.025 0.049 0.028
Panel C: Shareholder rights
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Dependent variable NCSKEWt NCSKEWt DUVOLt DUVOLt
Partition Weak governance Strong governance Weak governance Strong governance
(GINDEX ≥ median) (GINDEX < median) (GINDEX ≥ median) (GINDEX < median)
ST3t–1 –0.085*** –0.041 –0.047*** –0.024
(–2.63) (–1.30) (–3.20) (–1.63)
N 7,045 5,185 7,045 5,185
Adjusted R 0.019 0.029 0.022 0.030

Table 7. The impact of short-term debt on future stock price crash risk: the role
of information asymmetry.
This table presents the results regarding the impact of short-term debt on future stock price crash risk
conditional on the degrees of information asymmetry (IA). In Panel A, we partition our sample based on the
(annual) median value of analyst forecast error (FERR). In Panel B, we split our sample based on the (annual)
median value of the dispersion of analysts’ forecasts (DISPER). In Panel C, we partition our sample based on
the (annual) median value of the R&D ratio. VIY refers to a set of controls including all explanatory variables,
industry effects, and year effects. Variable definitions are provided in the Appendix. All variables except year
and industry dummies are winsorized at the 1% and 99% levels. T-statistics are reported in parentheses and are
based on standard errors that are corrected for heteroskedasticity and clustered at the firm level. ***, **, and *
indicate significance of the coefficients at the 1%, 5%, and 10% levels, respectively (two-sided).

Panel A: Analyst forecast error

(1) (2) (3) (4)
Dependent variable
Partition High IA Low IA High IA Low IA
(FERR ≥ median) (FERR < median) (FERR ≥ median) (FERR < median)
ST3t–1 –0.077*** –0.021 –0.037*** –0.016*
(–4.26) (–1.11) (–4.30) (–1.77)
N 17,154 17,144 17,154 17,144
Adjusted R 0.037 0.023 0.042 0.024
Panel B: Dispersion of analyst forecasts
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Dependent variable
Partition High IA Low IA High IA Low IA
(DISPER ≥ median) (DISPER < median) (DISPER ≥ median) (DISPER < median)
ST3t–1 –0.084*** –0.023 –0.040*** –0.015*
(–4.60) (–1.19) (–4.71) (–1.72)
N 16,822 16,809 16,822 16,809
Adjusted R2 0.030 0.031 0.035 0.034
Panel C: R&D intensity
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Dependent variable
Partition High IA Low IA High IA Low IA
(RD ≥ median) (RD < median) (RD ≥ median) (RD < median)
ST3t–1 –0.048** –0.033 –0.025*** –0.012
(–2.34) (–1.61) (–2.67) (–1.33)
N 15,763 15,750 15,763 15,750
Adjusted R2 0.056 0.044 0.061 0.046

Table 8. The impact of short-term debt on future stock price crash risk: firm
risk mechanism.
This table presents the results regarding the impact of short-term debt on future stock price crash risk
conditional on the degree of firm risk. In Panel A, we partition our sample based on the (annual) median value
of leverage (LEV). In Panel B, we analyze unrated and rated firms separately. VIY refers to a set of controls
including all explanatory variables, industry effects, and year effects. Variable definitions are provided in the
Appendix. All variables except year and industry dummies are winsorized at the 1% and 99% levels. T-statistics
are reported in parentheses and are based on standard errors that are corrected for heteroskedasticity and
clustered at the firm level. ***, **, and * indicate significance of the coefficients at the 1%, 5%, and 10%
levels, respectively (two-sided).

Panel A: Leverage
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Dependent variable
Partition High risk Low risk High risk Low risk
(LEV ≥ median) (LEV < median) (LEV ≥ median) (LEV < median)
ST3t–1 –0.093*** –0.010 –0.040*** –0.011
(–5.76) (–0.65) (–5.33) (–1.50)
N 26,534 26,518 26,534 26,518
Adjusted R 0.045 0.050 0.049 0.053
Panel B: Bond rating
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Dependent variable
Partition High risk Low risk High risk Low risk
(Unrated) (Rated) (Unrated) (Rated)
ST3t–1 –0.029** –0.040* –0.016*** –0.020*
(–2.24) (–1.66) (–2.63) (–1.82)
N 37,013 16,039 37,013 16,039
Adjusted R 0.053 0.021 0.055 0.026

Appendix 1: Variable definitions

Crash risk variables

NCSKEW is the negative skewness of firm-specific weekly returns over the fiscal year.

DUVOL is the log of the ratio of the standard deviations of down-week to up-week firm-

specific weekly returns.

For both crash risk variables, the firm-specific weekly return (W) is equal to ln(1+residual),

where the residual is obtained from the following expanded market model:

𝑟𝑗,𝜏 = 𝛼𝑗 + 𝛽1,𝑗 𝑟𝑚,𝜏−1 + 𝛽2,𝑗 𝑟𝑖,𝜏−1 + 𝛽3,𝑗 𝑟𝑚,𝜏 + 𝛽4,𝑗 𝑟𝑖,𝜏 + 𝛽5,𝑗 𝑟𝑚,𝜏+1 + 𝛽6,𝑗 𝑟𝑖,𝜏+1 + 𝜀𝑗,𝜏 ,

where rj,τ is the return on stock j in week τ, rm,τ is the return on CRSP value-weighted market

index, and ri,τ is the Fama and French value-weighted industry index in week τ.

Debt maturity variables

ST3 is the ratio of debt in current liabilities (dlc) plus debt maturing in two or three years

(dd2+dd3) to total debt (the sum of debt in current liabilities plus long-term debt, i.e.,


ST1 is the ratio of debt in current liabilities (dlc) to total debt (dlc+dltt).

ST2 is the ratio of debt in current liabilities (dlc) plus debt maturing in two years (dd2) to

total debt (dlc+dltt).

ST5 is the ratio of debt in current liabilities (dlc) plus debt maturing in two to five years

(dd2+dd3+dd4+dd5) to total debt (dlc+dltt).

ST3_TA is the ratio of debt in current liabilities (dlc) plus debt maturing in two or three years

(dd2+dd3) to total assets (at).

STNP1 is the ratio of debt in current liabilities (dlc) minus long-term debt due in one year

(dd1) to total debt (dlc+dltt).

DEBT_MAT is the natural logarithm of new private loan or public bond maturity, in days.

Data source: Mergent Fixed Income Securities Database (FISD) and Dealscan.

LOAN_MAT is the natural logarithm of new private loan maturity, in days. Data source:


WAVG_MAT is the natural logarithm of the issue-size-weighted debt maturity.

AVG_MAT is the natural logarithm of the equal-weighted debt maturity.

Control variables
DTURN is the average monthly share turnover over the current fiscal year minus the average

monthly share turnover over the previous fiscal year, where monthly share turnover is

calculated as the monthly trading volume divided by the total number of shares

outstanding during the month.

SIGMA is the standard deviation of firm-specific weekly returns over the fiscal year.

RET is the mean of firm-specific weekly returns over the fiscal year, times 100.

MB is the market value of equity (csho*prcc_f) divided by the book value of equity (market-


SIZE is the natural logarithm of market value of equity.

LEV is total debt (dltt+dlc) divided by total assets (at).

ROA is income before extraordinary items (ib) divided by total assets (at).

ACCM is the absolute value of discretionary accruals estimated from the modified Jones


TERMSTR is the difference between the yield on 10-year government bonds and the yield

on 6-month Treasury bills. Data source: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.

ABNEARN is income before extraordinary items, minus common or ordinary stock (capital)

equivalents (ibadj) in year t+1 and t, divided by the market value of equity in year t.

PAYOUT is the sum of common and preferred dividend and purchase (dvp+dvc+prstkc)

divided by total assets (at).

DEBT_SIZE is the natural logarithm of the total amount of new private loans or the par value

of new public bonds. Data sources: FISD and Dealscan.

LOAN_SIZE is the natural logarithm of the total amount of new private loans. Data sources:


SUM_SIZE is the natural logarithm of the total amount of new loans or bond issues in year


EARNVOL is the standard deviation of the ratio of earnings, excluding extraordinary items

and discontinued operations, to lagged total equity during the past five years.

CFVOL is the standard deviation of the ratio of cash flow to total assets during the past five


SALEVOL is the standard deviation of the ratio of sales to total assets during the past five


BETA is the beta risk from the CAPM, namely the covariance between the individual firm

return and the market return divided by the variance of the market over a fiscal year.

Conditioning variables
INST is the percentage of shares held by institutional owners, obtained from the Thomson

13F database.

LTINST is the percentage of shares held by dedicated and quasi-indexer institutional


GINDEX is the number of anti-takeover provisions based on Gompers et al. (2003). Anti-

takeover provisions are obtained from the RiskMetrics’ governance database.

FERR is the absolute value of the difference between actual earnings per share and consensus

analyst forecast divided by consensus analyst forecast in year t.

DISPER is the standard deviation of analyst forecasts divided by consensus analyst forecast

in year t.

RD is the ratio of research and development expenditures (xrd) to total assets (at).

RATEDUM is an indicator variable that takes one if a firm has an S&P rating on long-term

debt (splticrm) and zero otherwise.

Appendix 2: Untabulated results.

Table A1. Untabulated robustness tests

This table presents the untabulated results of robustness tests in the paper. Panel A presents the regression results of analysis using two- or three-year-ahead crash risk measures.
In Panel B, we measure short-term debt using the ratio of short-maturity loans (i.e., loans that have a time-to-maturity of less than three years) to total loans. VIY refers to a
set of controls including all explanatory variables, industry effects, and year effects. Variable definitions are provided in the Appendix. All variables except year and industry
dummies are winsorized at the 1% and 99% levels. T-statistics are reported in parentheses and are based on standard errors that are corrected for heteroskedasticity and clustered
at the firm level. ***, **, and * indicate significance of the coefficients at the 1%, 5%, and 10% levels, respectively (two-sided).

Panel A: Analysis using two- or three-year-ahead crash risk

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
ST3t–1 –0.042*** –0.023* –0.021*** –0.009 –0.024** –0.022* –0.016** –0.017**
(–3.40) (–1.71) (–3.75) (–1.45) (–2.25) (–1.91) (–2.35) (–2.37)
N 42,237 35,384 42,237 35,384 42,237 35,384 42,237 35,384
Adjusted R2 0.035 0.030 0.038 0.033 0.021 0.017 0.016 0.015
Panel B: Alternative measure of short-term debt: short-maturity loans
(1) (2)
STMLt–1 –0.024** –0.014**
(–1.99) (–2.40)
Controls VIY VIY
N 31,522 31,522
Adjusted R2 0.035 0.039

Table A2. Untabulated interaction tests
This table presents the untabulated results of interaction tests in the paper. Panel A presents the regression
results of interaction tests based on Table 6 corporate governance mechanisms. INSDUM is an indicator
variable that takes the value of one if institutional ownership (INST) is lower than the sample median, and zero
otherwise. LTINSDUM is an indicator variable that takes the value of one if long-term institutional ownership
(LTINST) is lower than the sample median, and zero otherwise. GIDUM is an indicator variable that takes the
value of one if governance index (GINDEX) is greater than the sample median, and zero otherwise. Panel B
presents the regression results of interaction tests based on Table 7 information asymmetry mechanisms.
FERRDUM is an indicator variable that takes the value of one if analyst forecast error (FERR) is greater than
the sample median, and zero otherwise. DISPDUM is an indicator variable that takes the value of one if analyst
dispersion (DISPER) is greater than the sample median, and zero otherwise. RDDUM is an indicator variable
that takes the value of one if R&D ratio (RD) is greater than the sample median, and zero otherwise. Panel C
presents the regression results of interaction tests based on Table 8 firm risk mechanisms. LEVDUM is an
indicator variable that takes the value of one if leverage ratio (LEV) is greater than the sample median, and zero
otherwise. VIY refers to a set of controls including all explanatory variables, industry effects, and year effects.
Variable definitions are provided in the Appendix. All variables except year and industry dummies are
winsorized at the 1% and 99% levels. T-statistics are reported in parentheses and are based on standard errors
that are corrected for heteroskedasticity and clustered at the firm level. ***, **, and * indicate significance of
the coefficients at the 1%, 5%, and 10% levels, respectively (two-sided).

Panel A: Interaction tests based on Table 6 corporate governance mechanisms.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
ST3t–1 0.006 0.002 –0.006 –0.004 –0.030 –0.017
(0.38) (0.23) (–0.36) (–0.53) (–0.98) (–1.15)
INSDUMt–1 –0.077*** –0.033***
(–5.60) (–5.07)
ST3t–1 * INSDUMt–1 –0.070*** –0.035***
(–3.26) (–3.48)
LTINSDUMt–1 –0.061*** –0.027***
(–4.33) (–3.98)
ST3t–1 * LTINSDUMt–1 –0.058*** –0.029***
(–2.65) (–2.82)
GIDUMt–1 0.046** 0.023**
(2.03) (2.15)
ST3t–1 * GIDUMt-1 –0.059 –0.034*
(–1.42) (–1.78)
N 43,063 43,063 43,063 43,063 12,230 12,230
Adjusted R2 0.048 0.052 0.047 0.050 0.023 0.025

Panel B: Interaction tests based on Table 7 information asymmetry mechanisms.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
ST3t–1 –0.014 –0.012 –0.024 –0.015* –0.041** –0.017*
(–0.76) (–1.43) (–1.35) (–1.80) (–2.14) (–1.86)
FERRDUMt–1 –0.004 –0.002
(–0.28) (–0.36)
ST3t–1 * FERRDUMt–1 –0.076*** –0.030***
(–3.29) (–2.83)
DISPDUMt–1 0.017 0.010
(1.19) (1.53)
ST3t–1 * DISPDUMt–1 –0.060*** –0.026**
(–2.61) (–2.44)
RDDUMt–1 0.003 0.002
(0.13) (0.23)
ST3t–1 * RDDUMt–1 0.007 –0.002
(0.29) (–0.17)
N 34,298 34,298 33,631 33,631 31,513 31,513
Adjusted R2 0.032 0.036 0.030 0.034 0.049 0.053
Panel C: Interaction tests based on Table 8 firm risk mechanisms.
(1) (2) (3) (4)
ST3t–1 –0.013 –0.010 –0.038*** –0.019***
(–0.88) (–1.53) (–2.92) (–3.21)
LEVDUMt–1 0.062*** 0.027***
(4.18) (3.80)
ST3t–1 * LEVDUMt–1 –0.075*** –0.028***
(–3.83) (–3.09)
RATEDUMt–1 0.006 0.003
(0.48) (0.51)
ST3t–1 *RATEDUMt–1 –0.055** –0.023*
(–2.09) (–1.86)
N 53,052 53,052 53,052 53,052
Adjusted R2 0.047 0.050 0.047 0.050

Chapter 3

Supplier Financing and Stock Price Crash Risk:

Monitoring versus Concession?


This paper empirically tests two opposing views on the relation between supplier financing

and future stock price crash risk: monitoring versus concession. We present robust evidence

that trade credit is negatively associated with firm-specific stock price crash risk, consistent

with the view that trade credit, as an important source of short-term financing, effectively

monitors buying firms and therefore constrains their bad-news-hoarding behavior. Further

analyses reveal that the role of trade credit in mitigating stock price crash risk is more

pronounced among firms that demand a higher level of monitoring such as those with weaker

governance, less bank monitoring, lower market power, and higher distress risk. Overall, our

results shed light on how trade credit shapes managerial disclosure incentives.

3.1. Introduction

This study examines the influence of trade credit financing on firm-specific stock

price crash risk. Suppliers usually offer trade credit as a strategy to increase sales and reduce

stock on hand. A buyer is obliged to pay its supplier in the future and records this liability

as trade payable. Trade credit has become an increasingly important financing channel in

real business transactions. At the end of 2011, the U.S. corporate sector reported

considerable aggregate accounts payable of $5.3 trillion (Desai, Foley, and Hines Jr., 2016).

Trade payables represented the second largest liability on the aggregate balance sheet of

nonfinancial businesses in the U.S. (U.S. Flow of Funds, 2016). Using a large sample of

firms across 34 countries, Levine, Lin, and Xie (2016) show that, for an average firm, trade

credit accounts for 25% of total debt liabilities.

In addition to the benefits of boosting sales for suppliers, trade credit also brings

about several benefits to buyers, such as reducing buyers’ holding cost of finance (Ferris,

1981; Emery, 1987) and allowing them to ascertain the quality of products before making

payment (Smith, 1987; Lee and Stowe, 1993; Long, Maltiz, and Ravid, 1993). A growing

body of literature has also documented evidence that trade credit can serve as a substitute

for bank lending, especially during periods of financial crisis (e.g., Love, Preve, and Sarria-

Allende, 2007; Fabbri and Menichini, 2010; Garcia-Appendini and Montoriol-Garriga,

2013; Murfin and Njoroge, 2015). However, few studies have paid attention to whether and

how trade credit financing affects firms’ disclosure choices and subsequent shareholders’

wealth. This study attempts to fill the literature void.

Our research is also motivated by the growing academic efforts to forecast extreme

outcomes in the equity market, namely, stock price crash risk. Due to various incentives,

such as compensation contracts, career concerns or empire building, managers tend to

conceal unfavorable information (e.g., Jin and Myers, 2006; Hutton, Marcus, and Tehranian,

2009). When the bad news is accumulated for an extended period, the firm’s share price will

be overvalued. However, once the negative information is suddenly released to the market,

share price will experience an extreme downward correction, leading to a stock price crash.

Overall, the primary cause of stock price crash risk is the lack of corporate transparency and

monitoring that enables managers to withhold bad news.

Due to the important implications of stock price crash risk for portfolio investment

and risk management, a large body of literature has examined a wide range of factors that

may affect managerial bad-news-withholding behavior and future firm-specific crash risk,

such as executive equity incentives, tax avoidance techniques, accounting conservatism,

religion, stock liquidity, CEO age, and governance mechanisms (Kim, Li, and Zhang2011a,

2011b; Kim and Zhang, 2015; Callen and Fang, 2015a; Chang, Chen, and Zolotoy, 2016;

Andreou, Antoniou, Horton, and Louca, 2016; Andreou, Lucas, and Petrou, 2016). In a

recent study, Dang, Lee, Liu, and Zeng (2017) suggest that short-maturity debt, as a formal

financing source, is effective in reducing borrowers’ stock price crash risk. However, thus

far little is known as to whether and how informal financing channels such as trade credit

may affect managerial-bad-news-hoarding activities and future stock price crash risk. As

such, we seek to fill this research gap.

The effect of firms’ use of trade credit on managers’ information revelation and stock

price crash risk is an open question. We examine two competing views: monitoring versus

concession. On the one hand, while suppliers can benefit from providing trade credit, they

have to bear default risk on credit payment from customers. Jacobson and Schedvin (2015)

suggest that trade creditors face increased insolvency and subsequent bankruptcy risks when

their customers default. In order to minimize the default risk, trade creditors tend to collect

information about buyers’ financial status and credit-worthiness (Mian and Smith, 1992;

Jain, 2001) or take various measures such as setting certain contract terms (Klapper, Laeven,

and Rajan, 2012). Mian and Smith (1992) argue that trade creditors have a monitoring

advantage over banks because they can regularly make sales contracts and thereby access

buyers’ information as a by-product of selling. Chod, Trichakis, and Tsoukalas (2016)

suggest that suppliers may have access to private information about their customers, which

can facilitate monitoring and reduce information asymmetries between suppliers and buyers.

Such an informational advantage is largely gained from the fact that suppliers and buyers

are often engaged in the same or closely related industry. Consequently, trade credit

suppliers can identify the private financial information about a customer by comparing to

other clients (Ng, Smith, and Smith, 1999). Trade creditors are also able to enforce debt

repayment by threatening to cut off future intermediate goods supply to their customers

(Cuñat, 2007). Given the aforementioned informational advantage and monitoring function

of suppliers, trade credit financing is expected to restrict managerial opportunistic and bad-

news-hoarding behavior, thus reducing stock price crash risk.

On the other hand, trade credit might create opportunities for managers to hide bad

news and mislead investors. Wilner (2000) suggests that suppliers grant more concessions

to customers in debt renegotiations than banks in order to maintain an enduring product

market relationship. Many studies indeed find that suppliers can enjoy the benefits of a long-

term supplier-buyer relationship, including reduced selling costs and higher profitability

(Kalwani and Narayandas, 1995; Petersen and Rajan, 1997; Raman and Shahrur, 2008).

Moreover, this supplier-client relationship is of critical value to suppliers because of the

inter-firm linkages in valuation (Hertzel, Li, Officer, and Rodgers, 2008). The value of

suppliers will be negatively affected by the distress or bankruptcy of a customer. In a similar

vein, Jorion and Zhang (2009) find that borrowers’ financial distress leads trade creditors to

experience negative abnormal equity returns and increases in their credit spreads. Such

wealth and distress effects are described as “credit contagion”. As a result, suppliers are

incentivized to extend trade credit to irreplaceable buyers who are facing financial distress

(Wilner, 2000; Cuñat, 2007). Indeed, García-Appendini and Montoriol-Garriga (2015) show

that the majority of trade credit suppliers choose to maintain the relationship with their

customers by providing financial support even though those customers may eventually

default on their debt obligations. Under such circumstances, the monitoring role of suppliers

can be weakened. Managers in buyer firms are likely to take advantage of suppliers’

willingness to make concessions and withhold negative information, thereby leading to an

increase in future stock price crash risk.

Our study seeks to investigate the above competing views as to whether trade credit

mitigates or exacerbates stock price crash risk. We follow previous research (e.g., Petersen

and Rajan, 1997; Fisman and Love, 2003; Cuñat, 2007) and measure trade credit as accounts

payable divided by total assets. Following Chen, Hong, and Stein (2001), Hutton, Marcus,

and Tehranian (2009) and Kim, Li, and Zhang (2011a, 2011b), we use two measures of stock

price crash risk, namely, the negative conditional skewness of firm-specific weekly returns

and the asymmetric volatility of negative and positive stock returns. Using a large sample of

U.S. public firms from 1990 to 2013, we provide evidence that trade credit is negatively

associated with future stock price crash risk, consistent with suppliers exerting effective

monitoring on buyers and preventing them from hoarding bad news. The effect is both

statistically significant and economically sizable. The decrease in future stock price crash

risk accounts for 10.40% to 17.85% of the sample mean when trade credit increases from

the 25th to the 75th percentiles of the distribution. Our results are robust to dealing with

potential endogeneity concerns and using alternative proxies for trade credit and crash risk.

We further examine cross-sectional variations in the negative association between

trade credit and stock price crash risk. Our main findings suggest that trade credit reduces

stock price crash risk via enhanced monitoring by suppliers. According to the monitoring

mechanism, we thus expect the above relation between trade credit and crash risk to be more

pronounced for firms that demand a higher level of monitoring. To test this conjecture and

provide more evidence on the underlying channels, we examine the effect of trade creditor

monitoring on stock price crash risk conditional on other governance mechanisms, bank

monitoring, market power, and financial distress. First, if the negative impact of trade credit

on stock price crash risk is indeed driven by suppliers’ monitoring effect, we expect suppliers

to play a more salient role when firms are exposed to insufficient governance mechanisms.

Consistent with this prediction, we find that the negative relation between trade credit and

crash risk is more pronounced for firms with lower analyst coverage, less total institutional

ownership, or more transient institutional ownership.

In addition, many studies argue that trade credit can act as a substitute for bank credit

(e.g., Biais and Gollier, 1997; Petersen and Rajan, 1997; Burkart and Ellingsen, 2004;

Giannetti, Burkart, and Ellingsen, 2011), as trade creditors have a greater informational and

liquidation advantage over banks (Fabbri and Menichini, 2010). Motivated by this stream of

research, we examine whether suppliers exert a stronger monitoring impact on customers

when bank monitoring is weak. Our results show that the adverse effect of trade credit on

crash risk is more pronounced for firms facing weaker bank monitoring, i.e., those firms

having a smaller volume of bank loans, especially loans of shorter maturities.

The supplier-buyer relationship can be influenced by the market power of buyers.

Powerful customers tend to demand more favorable prices, irregular purchases, and more

trade credit extension from their suppliers (Klapper, Laeven, and Rajan, 2012; Kelly, Lustig,

and Van Nieuwerburgh, 2013; Murfin and Njoroge, 2015). In contrast, trade creditors do not

need to cater to the demand of buyers with relatively weaker market power and therefore are

more able to restrict customers’ misbehavior. Consistent with this prediction, our evidence

shows that the negative impact of trade credit on crash risk is more pronounced among buyer

firms with weaker market power, that is, those firms with a lower sales-to-industry sales

ratio, a higher amount of standardized inputs, and a higher level of product market


Last but not least, financially distressed firms require more monitoring because they

are more likely to manipulate their disclosure due to contracting motives (Summers and

Sweeney, 1998; Healy and Palepu, 2001; Graham, Harvey, and Rajgopal, 2005). Thus, the

negative association between trade credit and stock price crash risk is expected to be stronger

among financially distressed firms than for financially healthy ones. We use Altman’s (1968)

z-score and assets-to-debt ratio to proxy for financial distress and obtain results consistent

with the prediction above. Specifically, the mitigating effect of trade credit on crash risk is

more pronounced for distressed firms (i.e., those with a lower z-score and assets-to-debt


Our study contributes to the literature in several ways. First, it contributes to research

on the equity market consequences of trade credit. While a large body of literature

investigates various motives of using trade credit, only a very few studies have directly

examined the relationship between trade credit financing and firm value. Goto and Xiao

(2015) investigate how firms’ use of trade credit affects their stock returns while

Albuquerque, Ramadorai, and Watugala (2015) study the role of trade credit relationships

in generating cross-border stock return predictability. Aktas, Croci, and Petmezas (2015)

examine the value effect of working capital management and show the existence of an

optimal level of working capital investment. To our best knowledge, our study is the first to

provide evidence on the impact of trade credit financing on extreme negative stock returns.

Second, this paper extends the current understanding of supplier-buyer relationships.

Our findings contribute to the debate concerning the monitoring versus concession effects

of suppliers. Specifically, we provide new evidence that suppliers can effectively monitor

customers and restrict their bad-news-hoarding activities. This finding is also consistent with

trade credit enhancing buyers’ information transparency, which is documented in the prior

literature (e.g., Emery, 1984; Petersen and Rajan, 1997; Cuñat, 2007; Aktas, Bodt, Lobez,

and Statnik, 2012).

Finally, our study contributes to the growing literature on stock price crash risk by

documenting the role of a new factor, trade credit, in mitigating crash risk. Stock price crash

risk is of great importance to both academics and practitioners. As mentioned earlier, while

prior studies have shown various determinants of future stock price crash risk (e.g., Hutton,

Marcus, and Tehranian, 2009; Kim, Li, and Zhang, 2011a, 2011b; Callen and Fang, 2013,

2015a, 2015b; Chang, Chen, and Zolotoy, 2016; Andreou, Lucas, and Petrou, 2016), we

provide new evidence that an informal financing channel such as trade credit can also reduce

stock price crash risk, consistent with trade creditors effectively monitoring buyers and

protecting buyer firms’ shareholder wealth.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 3.2 reviews the literature on

trade credit and stock price crash risk, and develops our hypotheses. We discuss the sample

and research design in Section 3.3 and present the main empirical results in Section 3.4.

Section 3.5 provides additional analyses. Section 3.6 concludes.

3.2. Related literature and hypothesis development

3.2.1 Literature on trade credit

The literature on trade credit has sought to understand why firms borrow from suppliers

instead of borrowing from conventional financial institutions. Three motives have been

suggested to justify the existence of trade credit: transaction, price discrimination, and

financing motives (e.g., Brick and Fung, 1984; Fabbri and Menichini, 2010). The transaction

motive deems trade credit as a way to reduce transaction costs for both sellers and buyers,

i.e., the costs associated with holding cash and goods (Ferris, 1981; Emery, 1987; Mian and

Smith, 1992). Sellers can also make use of trade credit provision to apply price

discrimination (Brennan, Maksimovic, and Zechner, 1988), and to offer implicit quality

guarantees (Smith, 1987; Lee and Stowe, 1993; Long, Malitz, and Ravid, 1993). Overall, the

nonfinancial motives explain how trade credit plays a role in business trade but do not predict

the advantage of supplier lending over financial intermediaries.

The financial motive argues, on the other hand, that firms with substandard credit

worthiness tend to finance from their suppliers in the form of trade credit (Schwartz, 1974;

Petersen and Rajan, 1997). The literature suggests that trade creditors have both a liquidation

and informational advantage over financial intermediates. To the extent that suppliers can

better repossess and resell goods to other buyers than financial institutions, suppliers that

encounter customers’ default are able to extract a greater liquidation value from the inputs

collateralized (Mian and Smith, 1992; Petersen and Rajan, 1997; Frank and Maksimovic,

2004; Cuñat, 2007; Fabbri and Menichini, 2010). In addition, suppliers have a comparative

advantage over banks in getting information about buyers. Specifically, suppliers are able to

obtain their customers’ information as a by-product of selling activities, whereas banks or

other lenders can only obtain such information at a cost (e.g., Schwartz and Whitcomb, 1979;

Ferris, 1981; Emery, 1984; Mian and Smith, 1994; Biais and Gollier, 1997; Goto, Xiao, and

Xu, 2015). This argument suggests that trade credit can alleviate buyers’ asymmetric

information problem to a larger extent than banks. In this study, the rationale behind the

relationship between trade credit and stock price crash risk is based on the informational

advantage of trade credit.

3.2.2 Literature review on stock price crash risk

This study is also related to the literature on the determinants of stock price crash

risk. Chen, Hong, and Stein (2001) find that average monthly turnover and past returns can

forecast future stock price crashes. Jin and Myers (2006) introduce a theoretical model in

which stock price crashes occur when managers’ accumulated bad news is revealed to the

public at once. They further examine international stock markets and find that opaque stocks

are more likely to crash. Hutton, Marcus, and Tehranian (2009) complement Jin and Myers’

(2006) findings by showing that financial reporting opacity leads to more managerial bad

news hoarding activities and therefore a higher likelihood of stock price crashes.

Following those papers, a considerable body of literature has identified various

determinants of future stock price crash risk, including factors related to both internal and

external monitoring mechanisms. Research on internal mechanisms suggests that future

stock price crash risk is positively associated with managerial equity incentives (Kim, Li,

and Zhang, 2011a; Xu, Li, Yuang, and Chan, 2014), the utilization of corporate tax

avoidance tools (Kim, Li, and Zhang, 2011b), unreligious managers (Callen and Fang,

2015a), overconfident or younger CEOs (Kim, Wang, and Zhang, 2016; Andreou, Louca,

and Petrou, 2016), the degree of earnings smoothing (Chen, Kim, and Yao 2017; Khurana,

Pereira, and Zhang, 2017), and the ownership-control wedge (Hong, Kim, and Welker,

2017). In parallel, the literature on external mechanisms documents a number of

determinants that mitigate firm-level stock price crash risk, such as the presence of

(dedicated) institutional investors (An and Zhang, 2013; Callen and Fang, 2013), the

mandatory adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) (DeFond, Hung,

Li, and Li , 2014), and auditor tenure (Callen and Fang, 2017).

Although the existing literature has examined a number of factors that are associated

with stock price crash risk, few studies have investigated this issue from the perspective of

corporate financing policy. Dang, Lee, Liu, and Zeng (2017) find that firms with more short-

term debt are subject to more efficient monitoring from debt holders, thereby exhibiting less

bad-news-hoarding behavior and lower stock price crash risk. Boehme, Fotak, and May

(2017) argue that managers issuing seasoned equity are prone to withhold bad news for an

extended period, leading to higher future stock price crash risk. We contribute to this

literature by examining an alternative financing source from vendors, i.e., trade credit.

3.2.3. Hypothesis development

Based on those two strands of literature, we formulate our competing hypotheses as

follows. On the one hand, trade credit offered by suppliers enables them to monitor their

buyers in several ways. First, suppliers can gain information about buyers’ financial status

during normal business interactions (Biais and Gollier, 1997; Petersen and Rajan, 1997).

Both suppliers and buyers are usually engaged in similar businesses so that suppliers could

have an easy access to buyers’ information and a good understanding of such information.

Second, suppliers may impose repayment pressures on clients by using the threat of cutting

off future inputs supply (Petersen and Rajan, 1997; Cuñat, 2007). This can incentivize buyers

to improve their corporate governance and information transparency to maintain a long-term

relationship with their suppliers. Third, suppliers can access a buyer’s information through

the network of other similar clients (Ng, Smith, and Smith, 1999). Suppliers often conduct

business with a network of buyers and therefore can identify the financial status and

performance of a specific buyer by comparing its products demand with that of peers.

Specifically, although a buyer may not actively disclose unfavorable news about operating

performance to the public, its suppliers could still be aware of such negative information

through the abnormal decline in the frequency and size of orders. Given the above

arguments, we expect that vendors are able to monitor buyers and restrict their managers

from withholding negative information. Thus, we formally state our first hypothesis as


H1a: Firms’ use of trade credit is negatively related to stock price crash risk.

In contrast, the concession view argues that suppliers tend to be lenient in order to

sustain a long-term relationship with buyer firms. This is because suppliers can benefit from

lower selling costs and better operating performance from a stable relationship with their

customers (Kalwani and Narayandas, 1995; Petersen and Rajan, 1997; Raman and Shahrur,

2008). Meanwhile, such a relationship implies that the wealth of suppliers and customers is

mutually linked. Once buyers encounter an unfavorable situation, such as financial distress

or bankruptcy, suppliers will also suffer a decreased firm valuation (Jorion and Zhang, 2009;

Hertzel and Officer, 2012), especially when buyers are highly concentrated (Campello and

Gao, 2017). These contagion effects have been documented in Cohen and Frazzini (2008)

and Kolay, Lemmon, and Tashjian (2016), who show that a firm suffers valuation downward

when its major customers reveal negative news. Thus, even when buyer firms are

withholding negative information about their financial status, suppliers may not necessarily

exert monitoring and enforce trade credit payment due to potential contagion effects. Instead,

suppliers may grant concessions to buyers by way of extending more trade credit. Such

concessions enable the managers of buyer firms to continue accumulating bad news, leading

to increased stock price crash risk. We thus formulate the following competing hypothesis:

H1b: Firms’ use of trade credit is positively related to stock price crash risk.

3.3. Empirical methodology

3.3.1. The sample

We construct a panel data set of U.S. public firms from 1990 to 2014.17 Our crash risk

measures are calculated based on weekly return data from the Centre for Research in Security

Prices (CRSP), while trade credit and other control variables are computed using firms’

annual financial statement data from Compustat. Following prior studies (e.g., Hutton,

Marcus, and Tehranian, 2009; Kim, Li, Lu, and Yu, 2016; Chang, Chen, and Zolotoy, 2017),

we exclude firms with year-end share prices below $1 and those with fewer than 26 weeks

of stock return data in fiscal years, firm-year observations with negative total assets and book

values of equity, financial firms (SIC code 60006999) and utilities (SIC code 49004999),

and firm-year observations with insufficient financial data to calculate relevant variables.

This procedure yields a final sample of 63,722 firm-year observations, with 7,540 unique


3.3.2. Measuring trade credit

Following Petersen and Rajan (1997), Fisman and Love (2003), Cuñat (2007), and

Giannetti, Burkart, and Ellingsen (2011), we measure trade credit as the ratio of accounts

payable to total assets. As a robustness check, we also consider alternative measures of trade

credit; see Section 4.4.

3.3.3. Measuring stock price crash risk

To compute alternative proxies for firm-specific stock price crash risk, we proceed

in two steps. First, we follow Hutton, Marcus, and Tehranian (2009) and calculate firm-

specific weekly returns by estimating the following equation:

The sample begins with 1990, which is the first year that we can use the Cash Flow Statement method to
calculate three-year moving average discretionary accruals.

𝑟𝑗,𝜏 = 𝛼𝑗 + 𝛽1,𝑗 𝑟𝑚,𝜏−1 + 𝛽2,𝑗 𝑟𝑖,𝜏−1 + 𝛽3,𝑗 𝑟𝑚,𝜏 + 𝛽4,𝑗 𝑟𝑖,𝜏 + 𝛽5,𝑗 𝑟𝑚,𝜏+1 + 𝛽6,𝑗 𝑟𝑖,𝜏+1 + 𝜀𝑗,𝜏 (1)

where rj,τ is the weekly return on stock j in week τ, rm,τ is the return on CRSP value-weighted

market index, and ri,τ is the Fama and French value-weighted industry index in week τ.

Following Dimson (1979), we control for the impact of nonsynchronous trading by

incorporating the lead and lag terms. We estimate weekly returns from Wednesday to

Wednesday in order to avoid the contaminating effects from weekends and Mondays (Wang,

Li, and Erickson, 1997; Bartholdy and Peare, 2005). The firm-specific weekly return (Wj,τ)

is calculated as the log value of one plus the residual return from Eq. (1).

Second, we calculate two crash risk variables based on the estimated firm-specific

weekly returns (Wj,τ), following Chen, Hong, and Stein (2001) and Kim, Li, and Zhang

(2011a, b). The primary measure is the negative conditional skewness (NCSKEW), computed

as negative of the third moment of each stock’s firm-specific weekly returns divided by the

standard deviation raised to the third power. For firm j in fiscal year t,

3 2 3/2
𝑁𝐶𝑆𝐾𝐸𝑊𝑗,𝑡 = −[𝑛(𝑛 − 1)3/2 ∑ 𝑊𝑗,𝜏 ]/[(𝑛 − 1)(𝑛 − 2)(∑ 𝑊𝑗,𝜏 ) ] (2)

where n is the number of observations on weekly returns in fiscal year t. A high NCSKEW

indicates a more left-skewed return distribution and a stock being more likely to crash.

Our second measure of firm-specific crash risk is “down-to-up volatility” (DUVOL),

which is calculated as follows:

2 2
𝐷𝑈𝑉𝑂𝐿𝑗,𝑡 = 𝑙𝑜𝑔{(𝑛𝑢 − 1) ∑𝐷𝑜𝑤𝑛 𝑊𝑗,𝜏 /(𝑛𝑑 − 1) ∑𝑈𝑝 𝑊𝑗,𝜏 } (3)

where nu and nd are the number of up and down weeks over the fiscal year t, respectively.

For each stock j over fiscal year t, we separate all firm-specific weekly returns into down

(up) weeks when the weekly returns are below (above) the average value during the year.

We then calculate the standard deviation of firm-specific weekly returns for each of the

two groups separately. DUVOL is the log ratio of the standard deviation in the down weeks

to the standard deviation in the up weeks. Chen, Hong, and Stein (2001) suggest that this

alternative measure of crash risk may be less likely to be excessively affected by a small

number of extreme returns as it does not involve the third moments. Similar to NCSKEW, a

higher DUVOL represents a stock being more prone to crash.

3.3.4. Control variables

Following prior literature (e.g., Chen, Hong, and Stein 2001; Jin and Myers, 2006),

we consider several control variables: DTURNt, the difference between the average monthly

share turnover over fiscal year t and t–1; SIGMAt, the standard deviation of firm-specific

weekly returns over fiscal year t; RETt, the average firm-specific weekly returns over fiscal

year t; SIZEt, defined as the log of total assets at the end of fiscal year t; MBt, the market

value of equity divided by the book value of equity at the end of fiscal year t; LEVt, the book

value of total debt scaled by total assets at the end of fiscal year t; ROAt, income before

extraordinary items divided by total assets at the end of fiscal year t; and NCSKEWt, the

negative conditional skewness for firm-specific weekly returns in fiscal year t. Following

Hutton, Marcus, and Tehranian (2009), we also control for accounting opacity, ACCMt,

defined as three years moving average absolute value of discretionary accruals, where

discretionary accruals are the residuals estimated from the modified Jones model (Dechow,

Ge, Larson, and Sloan, 1995). The Appendix provides the definitions of all variables used

in this study.

3.4. Empirical results

3.4.1. Descriptive statistics

Table 1 reports the descriptive statistics for all variables used in our regressions.

The means of NCSKEWt+1 and DUVOLt+1 are 0.091 and 0.062, respectively, which are

quite similar to those reported in Kim, Li, and Zhang (2011b) (0.079). The average trade

credit ratio is 0.082, which is consistent with the reported value (0.089) in Fisman and Love

(2003). The descriptive statistics for the control variables further shows that our sample is

fairly in line with studies that utilize data from the same sources (e.g., Kim, Li, and Zhang,

2011b; Callen and Fang, 2015a).

[Insert Table 1 about here]

3.4.2. Multivariate regression analysis

To test our prediction about the relationship between trade credit and future stock

price crash risk, we estimate the following regression model:

𝐶𝑟𝑎𝑠ℎ 𝑅𝑖𝑠𝑘𝑗,𝑡+1 = 𝛽0 + 𝛽1 𝑇𝐶𝑗,𝑡 + 𝛽2 𝐷𝑇𝑈𝑅𝑁𝑗,𝑡 + 𝛽3 𝑆𝐼𝐺𝑀𝐴𝑗,𝑡 + 𝛽4 𝑅𝐸𝑇𝑗,𝑡 + 𝛽5 𝑆𝐼𝑍𝐸𝑗,𝑡 +

𝛽6 𝑀𝐵𝑗,𝑡 + 𝛽7 𝐿𝐸𝑉𝑗,𝑡 + 𝛽8 𝑅𝑂𝐴𝑗,𝑡 + 𝛽9 𝑁𝐶𝑆𝐾𝐸𝑊𝑗,𝑡 + 𝛽10 𝐴𝐶𝐶𝑀𝑗,𝑡 + 𝜀𝑗,𝑡 ,


where the dependent variable Crash Riskt+1 is measured by NCSKEW and DUVOL in year

t+1 and all regressors are measured in year t. The independent variable of interest is trade

credit (TCt). Our model also includes a set of crash risk determinants mentioned above, as

well as year and industry fixed effects, which control for time trends and heterogeneity

across industries.

Table 2 presents the regression results. We regress NCSKEWt+1 on trade credit, TCt,

and the control variables in Column (1). We then include year fixed effects in Column (2)

and both year and industry fixed effects in Column (3). The results show that the coefficients

on TCt are significantly negative for NCSKEWt+1 (in Column (3), for example, coefficient =

0.226 and t-stat = 4.24). The results are qualitatively similar in Columns (4)-(6) when we

measure crash risk using DUVOLt+1. The negative coefficients on trade credit indicate that

firms’ purchase on account reduces their future stock price crash risk, consistent with the

monitoring view of trade credit that suppliers play an effective monitoring role in

constraining managers from hiding bad news.

Following Hutton, Marcus, and Tehranian (2009) and Callen and Fang (2015a), we

evaluate the economic significance of the results by taking the values of trade credit at the

25th and 75th percentiles (0.035 and 0.106, respectively), and then comparing crash risk at

those two percentile values while keeping all other variables at their mean values. Using the

results in Columns (3) and (6), we find that, on average, the decrease in NCSKEWt+1

(DUVOLt+1) is 17.85% (10.40%) of the sample mean corresponding to an increase in trade

credit from the 25th to the 75th percentiles of its distribution. These results show that the

mitigating impact of trade credit on crash risk is also economically significant, which

strongly supports the monitoring hypothesis H1a.

The results regarding the control variables are overall consistent with previous

research. In line with Chen, Hong, and Stein (2001), Kim, Li, and Zhang (2011b), and Callen

and Fang (2015a), the coefficients on stock turnover (DTURN), stock return volatility

(SIGMA), past returns (RET), and market-to-book ratio (MB) are positive and statistically

significant. Since stocks with higher turnover, returns and return volatility, and growth are

more likely to be overvalued, they are more prone to have future price collapses. Consistent

with Hutton, Marcus, and Tehranian (2009), we document negative coefficients on leverage

(LEV), which is likely driven by firms’ endogenous capital structure choice, as less crash-

prone firms can accumulate more debt. Finally, the observed positive coefficients on

negative skewness in year t (NCSKEW) and discretionary accruals (ACCM) are also

consistent with the existing empirical evidence in the literature (e.g., Hutton, Marcus, and

Tehranian, 2009; Kim, Li, and Zhang, 2011b; Callen and Fang, 2015a).

[Insert Table 2 about here]

3.4.3. Addressing endogeneity

The baseline analysis identifies a significantly negative association between trade

credit and crash risk. However, endogeneity concerns such as reverse causality and omitted

variable issues may exist, leading to biased and inconsistent estimates and invalid inference.

In our regressions, we already measure crash risk in year t+1 and trade credit variables in

year t, which could more or less alleviate the potential concern about reverse causality. To

mitigate the potential omitted variable bias, we provide two additional tests.

First, we perform a two-stage least squares (2SLS) estimation, in which we use the

U.S. monetary stance (MS) and inventory ratio (INVENTORY) as instrumental variables

(IVs) for trade credit. Monetary stance is measured as U.S. Federal Fund rates (Gertler and

Gilchrist, 1994; Oliner and Rudebusch, 1996). Inventory ratio is defined as the total

inventories divided by total assets. We argue that both instruments satisfy the relevance and

exclusion conditions of valid IVs. When monetary policy is tight, the supply of bank credit

shrinks and firms tend to finance their projects more with trade credit (Mateut, Bougheas,

and Mizen, 2006). As in-kind financing, trade credit is typically granted in the form of input

supply and thus is positively related to the inventory ratio. Overall, the two IVs clearly meet

the relevance condition. Furthermore, they are plausibly exogenous as neither of them is

likely to directly influence managerial bad-news-hoarding behavior and subsequent stock

price crash risk. Panel A of Table 3 presents the 2SLS regression results. In the first two

models we separately use two instruments to predict trade credit in the first stage. In the last

model we use both instruments together. The results from the first-stage regressions show

that both instruments have significantly positive associations with trade credit, which is

consistent with our prediction. The results from the second-stage regressions in all models

confirm the baseline finding that trade credit is significantly negatively related to stock price

crash risk. 18 We also note that all diagnostic tests are satisfactory, again confirming the

validity of the IVs used.

Second, to further mitigate concerns about omitted correlated variables, we include

some additional variables that could influence both the use of trade credit and crash risk.

Dang, Lee, Liu, and Zeng (2017) suggest that due to the frequent renegotiations with lenders,

short-term debt subjects managers to stringent monitoring, thereby reducing managerial

discretion and lowering future crash risk. On the other hand, financially constrained firms

tend to reduce external financing costs by using discretionary accruals to cater to the pressure

of investors (Dechow, Ge, Larson, and Sloan, 2011), leading to more opaque financial

reports and higher stock price crash risk (Hutton, Marcus, and Tehranian, 2009; He and Ren,

2017). While short-term debt and financial constraints directly affect crash risk, they may

also be correlated with trade credit. Prior research shows that trade credit can act as a

substitute for other forms of short-term financing (Petersen and Rajan 1997; Nilsen 2002).

On the other hand, financially constrained firms may increase the use of trade credit,

particularly during a financial crisis when institutional credit is scarce (e.g., Garcia-

Appendini and Montoriol-Garriga, 2013). In sum, both trade credit and crash risk could be

potentially related to short-term debt financing or financial constraints. Hence, to alleviate

the concern that our results are driven by those alternative mechanisms, we include in the

regression model short-term debt (ST3) and conventional measures of financial constraints,

namely the dividend payout ratio (PAYOUT), the Hadlock-Pierce (2010) index (HPINDEX),

the Kaplan-Zingales (1997) index (KZINDEX), and the Whited-Wu (2006) index

(WWINDEX). The results presented in Panel B of Table 3 show that the negative relation

between trade credit and crash risk remains qualitatively unchanged after controlling for

In Panel A of Table 3, the dependent variable is NCSKEWt+1. The untabulated results using DUVOLt+1 are
qualitatively similar.

those additional variables, suggesting that our main finding is not driven by the effects of

short-term debt and financial constraints.

[Insert Table 3 about here]

3.4.4. Robustness checks

To test the robustness of the main results, we repeat the baseline analysis using

alternative measures of stock price crash risk and trade credit. To rule out the effect of the

expected level of purchase on account, we first use abnormal trade credit (ABTC), defined

as the residuals from regressing trade credit on a set of determining factors. Following prior

research (e.g., Petersen and Rajan 1997; Love, Preve, and Sarria-Allende 2007; Garcia-

Appendini and Montoriol-Garriga, 2013; Abdulla, Dang, and Khurshed, 2017), the

determinants of trade credit include ln(1+age), ln(1+age)2, cash flow, cash holdings, current

assets, negative growth, positive growth, one-year maturity debt, and firm size. Second, we

define abnormal trade credit (ABTCIND) as the difference between a firm’s trade credit and

the industry-level median of trade credit for a given year. Finally, according to the matching

principle of trade credit (Petersen and Rajan, 1997), firms’ purchase on account may depend

on their trade credit provision. To test the offsetting effect of trade payables on crash risk,

we use net account payables (NETAP), calculated as the difference between accounts

payable and receivable, divided by total assets. Table 4 presents the regression results using

the above alternative measures of trade credit.19 We find that our evidence of a negative

Following Callen and Fang (2015a), we employ another proxy for crash risk, COUNT, measured as the
number of crash weeks minus the number of jump weeks over the fiscal year. Crash weeks are defined as those
weeks during which a firm experiences firm-specific weekly returns 3.09 standard deviations below the mean
firm-specific weekly returns over the whole fiscal year, with 3.09 being chosen to generate a frequency of 0.1%
in the normal distribution. We define jump weeks in the opposite way. The unreported results show that the
negative impact of trade credit on stock price crash risk persists.

relation between trade credit and stock price crash risk continues to hold. Overall, we provide

robust evidence in support of our hypothesis H1a.

[Insert Table 4 about here]

3.5. Cross-sectional variations and underlying channels

Our empirical results have thus far provided support for the monitoring view of trade

credit rather than the concession view. In this section, we provide additional evidence on the

former view, especially the underlying channels driving the relation between trade credit and

stock price crash risk. We first examine whether the mitigating effect of trade credit on crash

risk is affected by governance and bank monitoring mechanisms. Further, we investigate

whether the monitoring effect of suppliers varies among buyers with different degrees of

market power and financial distress.

3.5.1. Governance mechanisms

Apart from trade credit suppliers, other corporate governance mechanisms, such as

institutional investors, can also impose monitoring pressures on managers in buyer firms

(e.g., Kim, Li, and Zhang, 2011b; Callen and Fang, 2015a). However, when buyers are less

effectively monitored through corporate governance, their managers may have more

opportunities to conceal private information and need to be monitored by other mechanisms.

Thus, we argue that firms will likely face stronger monitoring by their suppliers when other

governance and monitoring mechanisms are weak. Specifically, we expect the negative

relation between trade credit and future stock price crash risk to be more pronounced for

firms with less effective governance mechanisms.

To examine this prediction, we employ three proxies for governance monitoring

mechanisms: analyst coverage (COVER), total institutional ownership (INST), and transient

institutional ownership (LTINST). We obtain analyst forecast data from the I/B/E/S database

and define analyst coverage as the number of analysts following a company in a fiscal year.

Financial analysts can act as intermediaries to collect and disseminate information about

firms. It is widely documented that firms with lower analyst coverage have more information

asymmetry (Custódio, Ferreira, and Laureano, 2013). For instance, Yu (2008) argues that

firms followed by few analysts are weakly monitored and more prone to manipulate

earnings. We measure total institutional ownership (INST) as the percentage of shares held

by institutional owners, with the data obtained from the Thomson 13F database. Institutional

investors are more sophisticated and act as external monitors (Kim, Li, and Zhang, 2011b).

Further, following Bushee (1998, 2001), we classify institutional investors into quasi-

indexers, transient, or dedicated ones. We use transient institutional ownership (TRAINST)

as a proxy for weak governance because these investors typically pursue short-term profits

and thus are less inclined to monitor portfolio firms (Andreou, Antoniou, Horton, and Louca,

2016; Chang, Chen, and Zolotoy, 2016). Transient investors are different from dedicated

investors, who are more willing to monitor firms and thereby curb managerial myopic

behavior (e.g., Bushee, 1998, 2001).

In Table 5, we partition the sample into firms with weak and strong governance based

on the three measures described above. In Panel A, a firm is defined as having strong (weak)

governance if its analyst coverage is above (below) the annual median. The results show

that, the coefficients on trade credit are significantly negative at the 1% level for firms with

lower analyst coverage. However, for firms with higher analyst coverage, the coefficients

on trade credit are insignificant. Similarly, in Panel B, a firm is defined as having strong

(weak) governance if its total institutional ownership is above (below) the annual median.

We find that the negative coefficients on trade credit are significant for poorly governed

firms only, but insignificant for well governed firms. Panel C estimates the baseline

regression separately for the well governed subsample (i.e., firms with below-median

transient institutional ownership (TRAINST)) and the poorly-governed subsample (i.e., firms

with above-median TRAINST). The results also reveal that the coefficients on trade credit

are significantly negative only for firms with weak governance.

Overall, the above empirical findings are in line with our conjecture that the negative

effect of trade credit on crash risk is stronger when firms have weaker governance

mechanisms. This evidence suggests that firms’ trade credit can serve as a substitute for

those governance mechanisms in constraining managerial bad-news-hoarding behavior.

[Insert Table 5 about here]

3.5.2. Bank monitoring mechanisms

In this subsection, we examine the impact of trade credit on crash risk for firms with

different levels of bank monitoring. Bank financing is a common way for firms to obtain

debt capital. To alleviate asymmetric information between banks and borrowers, and control

borrowers’ credit risk and earnings management behavior (Ahn and Choi, 2008), banks may

monitor their borrowers using both qualitative and quantitative measures, such as evaluating

the quality of borrowers’ management, using debt covenants, or requesting information

about the borrowers’ financial condition in a timely manner (Ranjan and Winton, 1995;

Treacy and Carey, 1998; Datta, Iskandar-Datta, and Raman, 2005). On the other hand, many

studies show that trade credit is a substitute form of credit and, importantly, has an

informational advantage over bank credit (e.g., Fabbri and Menichini, 2010; Garcia-

Appendini and Montoriol-Garriga, 2013; Murfin and Njoroge, 2015). Thus, we expect trade

creditors to monitor their buyers in a more effective way when banks could not offer

effective monitoring.

Following prior research, we measure the strength of bank monitoring using three

proxies, including the total volume of bank loans (TTLOAN), the magnitude of short-

maturity bank loans (STLOAN), and the length of bank loans (LENGTH). The data of

syndicated bank loans is from the DealScan database. We measure total bank loans

(TTLOAN) as the natural logarithm of one plus the amount of total existing bank loans in

year t. Khalil and Parigi (1998) contend that loan size is an important determinant of lenders’

commitment to monitor borrowers. Sufi (2007) suggests that the lead bank retains a higher

proportion of syndicated loans and forms a more concentrated syndicate when there is a

greater need to monitor borrowers. Similarly, we define short-maturity bank loans

(STLOAN) as the natural logarithm of one plus the amount of existing bank loans due within

three years. Short-maturity loans involve frequent renegotiations with banks and thus should

help to enhance managerial scrutiny (Ranjan and Winton, 1995; Graham, Li, and Qiu, 2008).

We measure the length of bank loans (LENGTH) as the number of years passed since loan

activation. Overall, a higher volume of bank loans and shorter maturity of loans are

associated with more powerful bank monitoring.

We split the sample into firms with strong and weak bank monitoring based on the

annual median values of those three measures, and present the results of our subsample tests

in Table 6. Panel A shows that, for both NCSKEWt+1 and DUVOLt+1, the coefficients on

trade credit are significantly negative for firms with smaller size of bank loans. However,

the coefficients are insignificant for firms with larger size of bank loans. Likewise, in Panel

B, the coefficients on trade credit are significantly negative for firms with less short-maturity

loans, but insignificantly or marginally negative for those with more short-maturity loans.

Panel C also shows that the coefficients on trade credit are statistically significant only for

firms that have longer length of bank loans.

To sum up, the empirical evidence in Table 6 indicates that monitoring by trade credit

suppliers can function as a substitute mechanism for bank monitoring in curbing managerial

bad-news-hoarding behavior and reducing stock price crash risk, especially when bank

monitoring is weak.

[Insert Table 6 about here]

3.5.3. Market power mechanisms

We next test whether the negative relation between trade credit and future crash risk

could be impacted by market power mechanisms. Our analysis is motivated by Klapper,

Laeven, and Rajan (2012), who argue that large, creditworthy buyers tend to exercise market

power and extract favorable contract terms from small suppliers in order to obtain better

price discrimination. Bhattacharya and Nain (2011) and Fee and Thomas (2004) show that

customers becoming larger through mergers may exert price pressures on their suppliers. On

the contrary, buyers’ weak market power encourages suppliers to set stricter trade credit

terms to minimize customer default risk (Mian and Smith, 1992; Klapper, Laeven, and

Rajan, 2012). Due to the unbalanced market power among suppliers and buyers, the

“weaker” party should be more likely to play a “submissive” role in the supplier-buyer

relationship. According to the monitoring view, we expect to observe a stronger mitigating

effect of trade credit on crash risk for buyer firms with weak market power. However, if the

concession view is to hold, we predict that suppliers will be more likely to grant more

concessions to their powerful customers, implying weaker supplier monitoring and a

significantly positive relation between trade credit and crash risk for buyer firms with strong

market power.

We use three proxies for buyer firms’ market power: sales to industry sales ratio

(SALETIND), standardized inputs index (STINPUT), and fitted Herfindahl-Hirschman Index

(FITHHI). 20 Giannetti, Burkart, and Ellingsen (2011) find that buyer firms relying on

standardized inputs have stronger market power, while those using non-standardized inputs

have relatively weaker market power because standardized products are generally not unique

or customized so they may be easy to replace. Consistent with Giannetti, Burkart, and

Ellingsen (2011), we use the standardized inputs index (STINPUT), which is based on the

industry classification in Rauch (1999) and defined as the share of inputs that comes from

sectors producing standardized goods.21 Fabbri and Klapper (2016) suggest that in a more

competitive product market, buyer firms have weaker bargaining power than suppliers. We

employ the fitted Herfindahl-Hirschman index (FITHHI) based on Hoberg and Phillips

(2010) to proxy for market competition; the data is obtained from Hoberg-Phillips data

library. A lower value of FITHHI indicates a more competitive product market and weaker

buyer market power.

Table 7 presents the results separately for firms with strong and weak market power.

In Panel A we split the full sample based on the median SALETIND for each year. The results

show that, for both crash risk measures, the coefficients on trade credit are significantly

negative at the 1% significance level for firms with weaker market power (i.e., below-

median SALETIND), but insignificant for those with stronger market power (i.e., above-

median SALETIND). Panel B repeats the main regression for subsamples with above- and

below-median STINPUT. We find that the coefficients on trade credit are significantly

negative only for firms with weaker market power (those with an above-median standardized

inputs index). In a similar fashion, Panel C partitions the sample based on above- and below-

Following Klapper, Laeven, and Rajan (2012), we also proxy for market power using firm size and bond
rating status. We measure firm size as the natural logarithms of total assets and bond rating status as a dummy
variable that is equal to one if a firm has an S&P rating on long-term debt and zero otherwise. The unreported
results are strongly consistent with our findings in Table 7.
The index data of inputs is shown in the Appendix of Giannetti, Burkart, and Ellingsen (2011).

median FITHHI for each year. The estimation for both subsamples shows significantly

negative coefficients on trade credit only for less powerful firms, that is, firms with above-

median FITHHI and facing more intensive competition.

Overall, the results in Table 7 show that the negative impact of trade credit on crash

risk is more pronounced in firms with weak market power. These findings provide further

support for the monitoring view that suppliers can mitigate buyers’ bad-news-hoarding

behavior and reduce their stock price crash risk most effectively when those buyers have less

bargaining power.

[Insert Table 7 about here]

3.5.4. Financial distress mechanisms

Finally, to provide additional evidence on the monitoring view versus the concession

view, we examine the role of financial distress. Financially distressed firms require more

monitoring because they are more likely to manipulate their disclosure (Summers and

Sweeney, 1998; Healy and Palepu, 2001; Graham, Harvey, and Rajgopal, 2005). Thus,

according to the monitoring view, we expect the impact of trade credit on crash risk to be

more pronounced for distressed firms. On the other hand, the concession view argues that

suppliers are willing to grant concessions to their financially distressed customers (Wilner,

2000; Cuñat, 2007). Hence, if this view is to hold, we predict that the impact of trade credit

on crash risk is significantly positive for distressed firms because suppliers would be lenient

and not constrain their distressed buyers from withholding bad news. To test those

competing predictions, we separately analyze financially distressed and non-distressed


We first measure financial distress following Altman’s (1968) methodology. In

particular, Altman’s z-score (ZSCORE) is computed as 1.2X1+1.4X2+3.3X3+0.6X4+1.0X5,

where X1 is working capital divided by book assets; X2 is retained earnings divided by book

assets; X3 is earnings before interest and taxes divided by book assets; X4 is the market value

of equity divided by total liabilities; and X5 is sales divided by book assets. A lower z-score

indicates a higher degree of financial distress. Following Davydenko (2012, 2013), our

second measure for financial distress is the asset-to-debt ratio (ADR), computed as the

market value of assets relative to the book value of debt. A lower asset-to-debt ratio also

indicates a higher degree of distress risk.

In Panel A of Table 8, we estimate our crash risk model separately for the subsamples

of firms with above- and below-median ZSCORE. The results show that the coefficients on

trade credit are significant and negative for firms with below-median ZSCORE (i.e.,

distressed firms) at the 1% significance level, but only marginally significant for firms with

above-median ZSCORE (i.e., non-distressed firms). Panel B splits the sample based on the

asset-to-debt ratio (ADR). The results indicate that the negative effect of trade credit on crash

risk is also significantly negative for the financially distressed group (i.e., firms with above-

media ADR) but insignificant for the non-distressed group (i.e., firms with below-median


Overall, the results in Table 8 suggest that the mitigating impact of trade credit on

stock price crash risk is more pronounced among distressed firms, consistent with the

monitoring hypothesis. Again, we find little evidence in support of the concession view.

[Insert Table 8 about here]

3.6. Conclusion

This study investigates the impact of trade credit on future stock price crash risk.

Based on prior studies, we develop two contrasting predictions regarding the role of trade

creditors: monitoring versus concession. If suppliers utilize their information and liquidation

advantage (Biais and Gollier, 1997; Burkart and Ellingsen, 2004; Fabbri and Menichini,

2010), they would effectively monitor customers and restrict managerial bad-news-hoarding

behavior, implying a negative effect of trade credit on crash risk. However, if suppliers are

willing to grant concessions to buyers, especially when buyers are experiencing financial

distress (Wilner, 2000; Cuñat, 2007), suppliers would be lenient to buyers’ misconduct,

facilitating buyers’ bad-news-hoarding behavior and stock price crash risk.

Using a large sample of U.S. public firms from 1990 to 2013, we show that firms’

use of trade credit is negatively related with future stock price crash risk. This negative

relation remains robust after addressing potential endogeneity concerns and using alternative

measures of crash risk and trade credit. Our findings are in line with the monitoring view

that predicts a negative relation between firms’ trade credit and crash risk.

We further analyze whether the mitigating effect of trade credit on crash risk is

affected by governance, bank monitoring, market power, and financial distress mechanisms.

Our empirical results show that the negative relation between trade credit and crash risk is

more pronounced for firms with weaker governance or bank monitoring, suggesting that

supplier monitoring can serve as a substitute for those mechanisms in monitoring customers’

misconducts. Further analysis shows that this negative relation is stronger for firms with

weaker market power or those with higher distress risk, which further strengthens the

monitoring view of trade credit.

This study contributes to the growing literature on stock price crash risk. We show a

novel factor that can determine future stock price crash risk – trade credit. Our study also

contributes to research on trade credit. In particular, it adds to the ongoing debate on the

benefits versus consequences of supplier-buyer relationships. Our evidence suggests that

suppliers are inclined to monitor their buyers and restrict them from withholding negative

information, rather than granting them concessions to avoid negative contagion effects. The

practical implication of this study is that trade credit suppliers can exert a positive impact on

customers’ value by reducing the latter’s likelihood of extreme negative stock returns.


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Table 1. Descriptive statistics
The table reports the descriptive statistics for crash risk, trade credit, and other variables. The sample consists
of 63,722 firm-year observations for 7,540 public U.S. firms over the period from 1990 to 2014. Variable
definitions are listed in Appendix. All variables are winsorized at 1% and 99%.

Variable N Mean Std 5% 25% Median 75% 95%

NCSKEWt+1 63,722 –0.091 0.771 –1.312 –0.523 –0.117 0.297 1.259
DUVOLt+1 63,722 –0.062 0.356 –0.638 –0.300 –0.072 0.164 0.556
COUNTt+1 63,722 –0.041 0.657 –1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000
TCt 63,722 0.082 0.070 0.010 0.035 0.064 0.106 0.224
DTURNt 63,722 0.027 0.858 –1.228 –0.222 0.002 0.241 1.381
SIGMAt 63,722 0.057 0.029 0.023 0.036 0.051 0.072 0.115
RETt 63,722 –0.203 0.219 –0.653 –0.256 –0.127 –0.063 –0.025
SIZEt 63,722 6.016 2.075 2.821 4.471 5.877 7.430 9.731
MBt 63,722 2.814 2.753 0.615 1.227 1.978 3.289 7.949
LEVt 63,722 0.197 0.177 0.000 0.024 0.173 0.316 0.527
ROAt 63,722 0.013 0.141 –0.257 –0.001 0.041 0.080 0.157
NCSKEWt 63,722 –0.088 0.750 –1.274 –0.512 –0.115 0.290 1.226
ACCMt 63,722 0.072 0.065 0.014 0.031 0.052 0.089 0.201
MSt 63,722 0.135 0.138 0.000 0.016 0.101 0.206 0.417
INVENTORYt 63,201 3.349 2.299 0.100 1.130 3.880 5.300 6.240
COVERt 63,722 6.936 9.092 0.000 0.000 3.000 10.000 27.000
INSOWNt 50,708 0.472 0.300 0.019 0.202 0.473 0.727 0.956
TRAOWNt 50,708 0.010 0.025 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.009 0.047
LENGTHt 35,661 1.885 2.323 0.000 0.000 1.000 3.000 6.000
TTLOANt 63,722 10.860 9.686 0.000 0.000 16.730 19.740 21.860
STLOANt 63,722 9.618 9.620 0.000 0.000 14.460 19.210 21.470
SALETINDt 63,621 14.900 54.330 0.080 0.515 1.615 6.055 58.980
STINPUTt 63,722 0.504 0.123 0.320 0.360 0.550 0.620 0.650
FITHHIt 39,400 0.057 0.023 0.035 0.043 0.051 0.065 0.102
ZSCOREt 52,320 66.280 303.500 1.415 2.945 4.898 11.210 212.900
ADRt 53,544 121.200 560.000 2.018 3.773 7.050 18.840 397.700

Table 2. Impact of trade credit on stock price crash risk
This table presents the regression results of the effect of trade credit on firm-level stock price crash risk. All
variables except dummies are winsorized at the 1% and 99% levels. The standard errors in the regressions are
clustered at the firm level. The numbers reported in parentheses are t-statistics. ***, **, and * denote statistical
significance at the 1%, 5% and 10% levels, respectively. See Appendix for variable definitions.

Predicted (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

TCt +/– –0.171*** –0.125** –0.226*** –0.068*** –0.039* –0.090***
(–3.51) (–2.54) (–4.24) (–3.15) (–1.81) (–3.75)
DTURNt + 0.011*** 0.011*** 0.011*** 0.004*** 0.005*** 0.005***
(2.90) (2.89) (2.95) (2.63) (2.70) (2.71)
SIGMAt + 3.733*** 4.084*** 3.684*** 1.556*** 1.647*** 1.474***
(8.60) (9.05) (8.02) (7.75) (7.95) (6.99)
RETt + 0.525*** 0.572*** 0.538*** 0.229*** 0.249*** 0.234***
(9.81) (10.56) (9.83) (9.36) (10.09) (9.38)
SIZEt + 0.053*** 0.048*** 0.049*** 0.025*** 0.022*** 0.022***
(26.68) (22.79) (21.97) (27.43) (22.67) (21.49)
MBt + 0.026*** 0.026*** 0.025*** 0.012*** 0.012*** 0.012***
(20.27) (19.92) (18.77) (20.91) (20.60) (19.72)
LEVt – –0.242*** –0.215*** –0.185*** –0.114*** –0.099*** –0.089***
(–12.68) (–11.14) (–9.03) (–12.86) (–11.00) (–9.40)
ROAt +/– 0.381*** 0.391*** 0.397*** 0.198*** 0.202*** 0.204***
(14.47) (14.77) (14.67) (17.06) (17.40) (17.01)
NCSKEWt + 0.038*** 0.037*** 0.034*** 0.018*** 0.017*** 0.016***
(8.52) (8.26) (7.61) (8.72) (8.40) (7.83)
ACCMt + 0.059 0.043 –0.005 0.008 –0.002 –0.019
(1.09) (0.80) (–0.09) (0.34) (–0.08) (–0.74)
Intercept –0.534*** –0.553*** –0.619*** –0.265*** –0.268*** –0.281***
(–22.71) (–20.19) (–10.05) (–24.47) (–20.96) (–9.49)
Year FE No Yes Yes No Yes Yes
Industry FE No No Yes No No Yes
N 63,722 63,722 63,722 63,722 63,722 63,722
Adjusted R2 0.040 0.046 0.049 0.046 0.054 0.056

Table 3. Regression analysis to address endogeneity issues
This table presents the regression analysis to address potential endogeneity issues. Panel A presents the results of two-stage least squares regressions. The instruments for trade
credit (TC) are monetary stance (MS) and the inventory-to-assets ratio (INVENTORY). Monetary stance is measured as U.S. federal fund rates. The inventory-to-assets ratio
is measured as the ratio of inventory to total assets. In the first-stage regression, we regress TC on the control and instrumental variables. In the second-stage regression, we
regress crash risk (NCSKEWt+1) on the predicted TC together with other determinants of crash risk. Panel B presents the results of the effect of trade credit on firm-level stock
price crash risk after including additional controls. VIY indicates a set of controls including all explanatory variables, industry effects, and year effects; see Table 2 for details.
All variables except dummies are winsorized at the 1% and 99% levels. The standard errors in the regressions are clustered at the firm level. The numbers reported in parentheses
are t-statistics. ***, **, and * denote statistical significance at the 1%, 5% and 10% levels, respectively. See Appendix for other variable definitions.

Panel A. Instrumental variable/two-stage least squares regressions

(1) (2) (3)
First stage Second stage First stage Second stage First stage Second stage
Dependent variable TCt NCSKEWt+1 TCt NCSKEWt+1 TCt NCSKEWt+1
TCt –1.862*** –0.354** –0.562***
(–2.96) (–1.97) (–3.29)
Instrumental variable
MSt 0.002*** 0.002***
(19.69) (8.54)
INVENTORYt 0.172*** 0.175***
(53.92) (18.82)
Diagnostic test
Hausman test (p–value) 0.000*** 0.000*** 0.032**
F–statistic 387.58 2907.37 1730.06
N 63,722 63,722 63,201 63,201 63,201 63,201
Adjusted R2 0.23 0.29 0.29

Panel B. Regression analysis with additional controls
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
TCt –0.162** –0.067** –0.217*** –0.085*** –0.216*** –0.085*** –0.255*** –0.106*** –0.225*** –0.089***
(–2.54) (–2.34) (–3.73) (–3.28) (–4.06) (–3.58) (–4.62) (–4.33) (–4.21) (–3.71)
ST3t –0.042*** –0.017***
(–3.46) (–2.98)
PAYOUTt –0.009 –0.004
(–1.45) (–1.63)
HPINDEXt –0.109*** –0.046***
(–10.65) (–9.58)
KZINDEXt –0.000 –0.000
(–1.13) (–0.68)
WWINDEXt –0.001*** –0.000***
(–9.82) (–9.41)
N 45,049 45,049 53,254 53,254 63,722 63,722 60,578 60,578 63,164 63,164
Adjusted R2 0.049 0.055 0.048 0.055 0.051 0.058 0.049 0.057 0.050 0.058

Table 4. Alternative measures of trade credit
This table presents the regressions of crash risk on alternative measures of trade credit. ABTC is abnormal
trade payables, calculated as the residuals from the regression of trade credit on a set of determinants, namely
ln(1+age), ln(1+age)2, cash flow, cash holdings, current assets, negative growth, positive growth, one-year
maturity debt, and firm size. ABTCIND is the difference between trade credit (TC) and the median industry
trade credit in year t. NETAP is the net account payables, defined as the difference between account payables
and receivables, divided by total assets. VIY indicates a set of controls including all explanatory variables,
industry effects, and year effects; see Table 2 for details. All variables except dummies are winsorized at the
1% and 99% levels. The standard errors in the regressions are clustered at the firm level. The numbers reported
in parentheses are t-statistics. ***, **, and * denote statistical significance at the 1%, 5% and 10% levels,
respectively. See Appendix for other variable definitions.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

ABTCt –0.208*** –0.092***
(–3.05) (–3.03)
ABTCINDt –0.230*** –0.093***
(–4.30) (–3.90)
NETAPt –0.088** –0.040**
(–2.55) (–2.55)
N 50,247 50,247 63,722 63,722 63,722 63,722
Adjusted R2 0.049 0.056 0.049 0.056 0.049 0.056

Table 5. Differential impacts of trade credit on crash risk: External governance
This table presents the results regarding the impact of trade credit on future stock price crash risk conditional
on governance mechanisms. In Panel A, the sample is partitioned based on the median value of the number of
analyst coverage (COVER) for each year. In Panel B, the sample is divided based on the median value of total
institutional ownership (INST) for each year. In Panel C, the sample is divided based on the median value of
transient institutional ownership (TRAINST) for each year. VIY indicates a set of controls including all
explanatory variables, industry effects, and year effects; see Table 2 for details. All variables except dummies
are winsorized at the 1% and 99% levels. The standard errors in the regressions are clustered at the firm level.
The numbers reported in parentheses are t-statistics. ***, **, and * denote statistical significance at the 1%,
5% and 10% levels, respectively. See Appendix for other variable definitions.

Panel A. Analyst coverage

(1) (2) (3) (4)
Weak governance Strong governance Weak governance Strong governance
(COVER ≤ Median) (COVER > Median) (COVER ≤ Median) (COVER > Median)
TCt –0.193*** –0.082 –0.068** –0.035
(–2.73) (–1.06) (–2.15) (–1.00)
N 32,291 28,725 32,291 28,725
Adjusted R2 0.058 0.028 0.064 0.036
Panel B. Institutional ownership
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Weak governance Strong governance Weak governance Strong governance
(INST ≤ Median) (INST > Median) (INST ≤ Median) (INST > Median)
TCt –0.208*** 0.020 –0.066* –0.001
(–2.61) (0.22) (–1.84) (–0.02)
N 25,300 25,284 25,300 25,284
Adjusted R2 0.056 0.028 0.065 0.033
Panel C. Transient institutional ownership
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Weak governance Strong governance Weak governance Strong governance
(TRAINST ≥ Median) (TRAINST< Median) (TRAINST ≥ Median) (TRAINST< Median)
TCt –0.208*** –0.181 –0.090*** –0.052
(–3.07) (–1.52) (–2.95) (–0.96)
N 25,300 25,284 25,300 25,284
Adjusted R2 0.058 0.029 0.067 0.034

Table 6. Differential impacts of trade credit on crash risk: Bank monitoring
This table presents the results regarding the impact of trade credit on future stock price crash risk conditional
on bank monitoring mechanisms. In Panel A, the sample is divided based on the median magnitude of bank
loans (TTLOAN) for each year. In Panel B, the sample is divided based on the median magnitude of short-
maturity bank loans (STLOAN) for each year. In Panel C, the sample is partitioned based on the median length
of bank loans (LENGTH) for each year. Syndicated bank loans data is from the DealScan database. VIY
indicates a set of controls including all explanatory variables, industry effects, and year effects; see Table 2 for
details. All variables except dummies are winsorized at the 1% and 99% levels. The standard errors in the
regressions are clustered at the firm level. The numbers reported in parentheses are t-statistics. ***, **, and *
denote statistical significance at the 1%, 5% and 10% levels, respectively. See Appendix for other variable

Panel A. Magnitude of bank loans

(1) (2) (3) (4)
Less More Less More
TCt –0.342*** –0.093 –0.133*** –0.042
(–4.77) (–1.17) (–4.18) (–1.17)
N 35,046 28,676 35,046 28,676
Adjusted R2 0.058 0.035 0.066 0.041
Panel B. Magnitude of short-maturity bank loans
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Less More Less More
TCt –0.321*** –0.118 –0.127*** –0.047
(–4.61) (–1.47) (–4.08) (–1.31)
N 36,724 26,998 36,724 26,998
Adjusted R2 0.056 0.036 0.065 0.042
Panel C. Length of bank loans (leftover years)
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Long length Short length Long length Short length
TCt –0.237** –0.080 –0.120** –0.014
(–2.17) (–0.89) (–2.44) (–0.33)
N 13833 21825 13833 21825
Adjusted R 0.041 0.036 0.047 0.042

Table 7. Differential impacts of trade credit on crash risk: Market power

This table presents the results regarding the impact of trade credit on future stock price crash risk conditional
on market power mechanisms. In Panel A, the sample is partitioned based on the median sales-to-industry-
sales ratio (SALETIND) for each year. In Panel B, the sample is divided based on the median standardized
inputs index (STINPUT) for each year. In Panel C, the sample is divided based on the median Herfindahl index
(FITHHI) for each year. VIY indicates a set of controls including all explanatory variables, industry effects,
and year effects; see Table 2 for details. All variables except dummies are winsorized at the 1% and 99% levels.
The standard errors in the regressions are clustered at the firm level. The numbers reported in parentheses are
t-statistics. ***, **, and * denote statistical significance at the 1%, 5% and 10% levels, respectively. See
Appendix for other variable definitions.

Panel A. Sale/industry sale

(1) (2) (3) (4)
Weak market power Strong market power Weak market power Strong market power
(SALETIND ≤ Median) (SALETIND > Median) (SALETIND ≤ Median) (SALETIND > Median)
TCt –0.265*** –0.107 –0.101*** –0.054
(–3.25) (–1.48) (–2.78) (–1.64)
N 32,087 31,538 32,087 31,538
Adjusted R2 0.060 0.026 0.067 0.031
Panel B. Standardized inputs
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Weak market power Strong market power Weak market power Strong market power
(STINPUT ≥ Median) (STINPUT < Median) (STINPUT ≥ Median) (STINPUT < Median)
TCt –0.273*** –0.128 –0.113*** –0.045
(–3.93) (–1.28) (–3.65) (–0.99)
N 27,829 26,442 27,829 26,442
Adjusted R2 0.050 0.046 0.055 0.054
Panel C. Herfindahl Index
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Weak market power Strong market power Weak market power Strong market power
(FITHHI ≤ Median) (FITHHI > Median) (FITHHI ≤ Median) (FITHHI > Median)
TCt –0.303*** –0.124 –0.144*** –0.033
(–3.26) (–1.18) (–3.43) (–0.68)
N 20,027 19,373 20,027 19,373
Adjusted R2 0.071 0.053 0.079 0.058

Table 8. Differential impacts of trade credit on crash risk: Financial distress
This table presents the results regarding the impact of trade credit on future stock price crash risk conditional
on financial distress mechanisms. In Panel A, the sample is partitioned based on the median value of the
Altman’s z-score (ZSCORE) for each year. In Panel B, the sample is divided based on the median value of the
asset-to-debt ratio (ADR) for each year. VIY indicates a set of controls including all explanatory variables,
industry effects, and year effects; see Table 2 for details. All variables except dummies are winsorized at the
1% and 99% levels. The standard errors in the regressions are clustered at the firm level. The numbers reported
in parentheses are t-statistics. ***, **, and * denote statistical significance at the 1%, 5% and 10% levels,
respectively. See Appendix for other variable definitions.

(1) (2) (3) (4)
Distressed Non-distressed Distressed Non-distressed
(ZSCORE ≤ Median) (ZSCORE > Median) (ZSCORE ≤ Median) (ZSCORE > Median)
TCt –0.281*** –0.158* –0.115*** –0.062*
(–3.14) (–1.93) (–2.84) (–1.69)
N 26,403 25,915 26,403 25,915
Adjusted R2 0.050 0.045 0.055 0.054
Panel B. Asset-to-debt ratio
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Distressed Non-distressed Distressed Non-distressed
(ADR≤ Median) (ADR > Median) (ADR≤ Median) (ADR > Median)
TCt –0.280*** –0.143* –0.111*** –0.063*
(–3.12) (–1.87) (–2.76) (–1.83)
N 27,017 26,526 27,017 26,526
Adjusted R2 0.049 0.045 0.053 0.054

Appendix. Variable definitions

Crash risk variables

NCSKEW is the negative skewness of firm-specific weekly returns over the fiscal year.

DUVOL is the log of the ratio of the standard deviations of down-week to up-week firm-

specific weekly returns.

The firm-specific weekly return (W) is equal to ln (1 + residual), where the residual is

estimated from the following expanded market model regression:

𝑟𝑗,𝜏 = 𝛼𝑗 + 𝛽1,𝑗 𝑟𝑚,𝜏−1 + 𝛽2,𝑗 𝑟𝑖,𝜏−1 + 𝛽3,𝑗 𝑟𝑚,𝜏 + 𝛽4,𝑗 𝑟𝑖,𝜏 + 𝛽5,𝑗 𝑟𝑚,𝜏+1 + 𝛽6,𝑗 𝑟𝑖,𝜏+1 + 𝜀𝑗,𝜏 ,
where rj,τ is the return on stock j in week τ, rm,τ is the return on CRSP value-weighted market

index, and ri,τ is the Fama and French value-weighted industry index in week τ.

Trade credit variables

TC is the ratio of accounts payable (ap) to total assets (at).

ABTC is abnormal trade payables, calculated as the residuals from regression of TC on a set

of determinants of trade credit, namely ln(1+age), ln(1+age)2, cash flow, cash holdings,

current assets, negative growth, positive growth, one-year maturity debt, and firm size.

Cash flow is operating income before depreciation (oibdp), less interest expense (xint),

less net income taxes (txt), less dividends (dvc), scaled by total assets (at). Cash holdings

is the ratio of cash and cash equivalents (che) to total assets (at). Current assets is current

assets (act) minus cash (che), divided by total assets (at). Negative (positive) growth is

sales growth times the negative (positive) growth dummy, which takes one if sales

growth is negative (positive), and zero otherwise. Short maturity debt is short-term

borrowings (np) plus the current portion of long-term debt (dd1), scaled by total assets


ABTCIND is the difference between trade credit (TC) and the median industry trade credit.

NETAP is the net account payables ratio, defined as the difference between accounts payable

(ap) and receivable (rect), divided by total assets (at).

Control and instrumental variables

DTURN is the average monthly share turnover over the current fiscal year minus the average

monthly share turnover over the previous fiscal year, where monthly share turnover is

calculated as the monthly trading volume divided by the total number of shares

outstanding during the month.

SIGMA is the standard deviation of firm-specific weekly returns over the fiscal year.

RET is the mean of firm-specific weekly returns over the fiscal year, times 100.

MB is the market value of equity (csho×prcc_f) divided by the book value of equity (market-


SIZE is the natural logarithm of total assets (at) at the end of the fiscal year.

LEV is total debt (dltt+dlc) divided by total assets (at).

ROA is income before extraordinary items (ib) divided by total assets (at).

ACCM is the three years moving average absolute value of discretionary accruals, where

discretionary accruals are estimated from the modified Jones model.

MS is monetary policy, measured as Federal Fund rates. Data source: Federal Reserve Bank

of St. Louis.

INVENTORY is total inventories (invt) divided by total assets (at).

ST3 is the ratio of debt in current liabilities (dlc) plus debt maturing in two or three years

(dd2+dd3) to total debt (the sum of debt in current liabilities plus long-term debt, i.e.,


PAYOUT is the sum of common and preferred dividend and purchase (dvp+dvc+prstkc)

divided by total assets (at).

HPINDEX is the Hadlock-Pierce financial constraint index, developed by Hadlock and

Pierce (2010). HPINDEX is computed as: (−0.737×SIZE) + (0.043×SIZE2) –

(0.040×AGE), where SIZE is log of inflation-adjusted book assets and AGE is firm age.

KZINDEX is the Kaplan-Zingales financial constraint index. As presented by Lamont Polk,

and Saaá-Requejo (2001), KZINDEX is calculated as: −1.002×(Cashflow/K) +

0.283×(Q) + 3.139×(Debt/Capital) − 39.368×(Dividends/K) − 1.315×(Cash/K), where

K is beginning-of-year property, plant, and equipment (ppent); Cash flow is operating

income plus depreciation (ib+dp); Tobin’s Q is book assets minus book common equity

minus deferred taxes plus market equity (at−ceq−txdb+prcc_f×csho), divided by book

assets (at); Debt is short-term plus long-term debt (dltt+dlc); Dividends are total annual

dividend payments (dvc+dvp); Cash is cash plus marketable securities (che); and Capital

is debt plus total stockholders’ equity (dltt+dlc+seq).

WWINDEX is the White-Wu financial constraint index, developed by White and Wu (2006).

WWINDEX is computed as: −0.091×CF − 0.062×DIVPOS + 0.021×TLTD −

0.044×SIZE + 0.102×ISG − 0.035×SG, where CF is the ratio of cash flow to total assets;

DIVPOS is a dummy variable that takes one if the firm pays cash dividends, and zero

otherwise; TLTD is the ratio of the long-term debt to total assets; SIZE is the natural log

of total assets; ISG is the 3-digit industry sales growth; and SG is firm sales growth.

Conditioning variables

COVER is the number of analyst covering from I/B/E/S.

INST is the percentage of shares held by institutional owners, obtained from the Thomson

13F database.

TRAINST is the percentage of shares held by transient institutional investors.

TTLOAN is the log of one plus the amount of exiting total bank loans.

STLOAN is the log of one plus the amount of exiting bank loans maturing in three years.

LENGTH is the length of a bank loan, measured as number of years passed since loan

activation (i.e., the current year–the year of loan activation). Data source: DealScan.

SALETIND is the ratio of firm sales (sale) to median industry sales in year t.

STINPUT is standardized inputs index based on the industry classification in Rauch (1999),

defined as the share of inputs that comes from sectors producing standardized goods.

FITHHI is the fitted Herfindahl-Hirschman index, computed as sales-based Herfindahl ratios

for both public and private firms from each three-digit SIC code, developed by Hoberg

and Phillips (2010). A lower fitted Herfindahl ratio indicates a more competitive product

marketplace. Source: Hoberg-Phillips Data Library (

ZSCORE is Altman’s z-score, computed as: 1.2X1+1.4X2+3.3X3+0.6X4+1.0X5, where X1 is

working capital (act–lct)/total assets (at); X2 is retained earnings (re)/total assets (at); X3

is earnings before interest and taxes (oiadp)/total assets (at); X4 is market value equity

(prcc_f×csho)/book value of total liabilities (lt); and X5 is sales (sale)/total assets (at).

ADR is total assets (at) plus market value of equity (prcc_f×csho) minus book equity (ceq),

divided by total debt (dltt+dlc).

Chapter 4

Does bank deregulation affect stock price crash risk?


We examine the effect of the deregulation of bank branch restrictions on nonfinancial firms’

stock price crash risk. Most U.S. states lifted restrictions on intrastate branching from the

1970s to the 1990s, which improved bank monitoring and lending quality. We find robust

evidence that the bank deregulation leads to lower levels of firms’ stock price crash risk,

consistent with branch reform improving bank monitoring efficiency and enabling banks to

better constrain borrowers’ bad-news-hoarding behavior. This mitigating effect is more

pronounced for firms that are riskier and more reliant on external finance. Our study suggests

that bank branch deregulation is beneficial for protecting nonfinancial firms’ market value.

4.1. Introduction

During the last quarter of the twentieth century, most U.S. states removed branching

restrictions in the banking sector by allowing banks to open branches within and across state

borders. A large body of research has concluded that bank deregulation has significantly

changed regional banking market structures and lead to economic growth (e.g., Jayaratne

and Strahan, 1996, 1998; Berger, Demsetz, and Strahan, 1999; Kroszner and Strahan, 1999;

Black and Strahan 2002). For instance, the banking system becomes more integrated after

bank deregulation, which stabilizes economic growth (Morgan, Rime, and Strahan, 2004).

Moreover, bank branch reform mitigates income inequality by boosting incomes in the lower

part of the income distribution (Beck, Levine, and Levkov, 2010). Meanwhile, a growing

strand of literature focuses on several micro-level channels through which bank deregulation

affects economic activities and corporate behavior. For example, existing research has

investigated the influence of bank deregulation on corporate financing and investment

(Zarutskie, 2006; Rice and Strahan, 2010), entrepreneurship (Black and Strahan, 2002;

Ceterolli and Strahan, 2006), and corporate innovation (Chava, Oettl, Subramanian, and

Subramanian, 2013; Cornaggia, Mao, Tian, and Wolfe, 2015; Hombert and Matray, 2016).

However, it remains unknown whether and how such deregulation affects firm-specific

downside risk in the equity market. This study therefore attempts to fill this literature void

by investigating the impact of bank branch deregulation on nonfinancial firms’ stock price

crash risk.

Previous literature suggests that bad news hoarding by managers engenders sudden

and extreme declines in a firm’s stock price, hence increasing its stock price crash risk (Jin

and Myers, 2006; Bleck and Liu, 2007; Hutton, Marcus, and Tehranian, 2009; Kothari, Shu,

and Wysocki 2009; Kim, Li, and Zhang, 2011a, b). Managers who have privileged access to

the firm’s private information may have incentives to withhold unfavorable information

within the firm or opportunistically manage the timing of such information disclosure (Jin

and Myers 2006; Kim, Li, and Zhang, 2011a, b; Hong, Kim, and Welker, 2017). Although

managers can accumulate bad news for an extended period, they will likely reach a tipping

point, beyond which the cost of hoarding bad news exceeds the benefit of doing so. It is at

this point that the concealed negative information will be made public, leading to a sudden

collapse in stock price, namely a stock price crash (Kim, Li, and Zhang, 2011ab).

We argue that bank branch deregulation lowers stock price crash risk due to enhanced

bank monitoring efficiency. Bank lending is typically hindered by adverse selection and/or

moral hazard problems because borrowers are often reluctant in providing complete and

credible information to their lenders (e.g., Diamond, 1991; Ranjan and Winton, 1995; Bae

and Goyal, 2009; Qian and Strahan, 2008; Graham, Li, and Qiu, 2008). In order to overcome

debt contracting frictions and mitigate information asymmetries, lenders such as banks

usually engage in monitoring by collecting and analyzing information about borrowers’ risk

and profitability (Diamond, 1984; Strahan, 1999, 2017). We argue that the relaxation of

intrastate branching restrictions allows banks to monitor their borrowers more efficiently.

After the deregulation many small banks were acquired and incorporated as branches into

large bank holding companies (BHCs). Indeed, bank branch reform allowed new entry and

bank consolidation, providing an important selection mechanism to remove less efficient

banks (Jayaratne and Strahan, 1996, 1998; Strahan, 2003). As a result, local banking markets

became more concentrated while banks became larger after intrastate deregulation (Chava,

Oettl, Subramanian, and Subramanian, 2013). The increased bank size may help reduce the

costs of monitoring borrowers (Diamond, 1984; Allen, 1990; Strahan, 2017). For example,

Berger, Minnis, and Sutherland (2017) and Chen and Vashishtha (2017) show that large

banks are more cost-efficient in processing “hard” information about their clients. Given the

above, after intrastate branching reform, banks should be able to better monitor their

borrowers and prevent them from hiding negative information about their financial

performance. We thus predict that the passage of intrastate branching deregulation mitigates

nonfinancial firms’ future stock price crash risk.

We begin our analysis by estimating a difference-in-differences model to assess the

causal impact of bank branch deregulation on firm-specific stock price crash risk. The results

show a significant and negative association between intrastate deregulation and future stock

price crash risk, which is consistent with our prediction. The economic impact of bank

deregulation is also sizable. After intrastate branching restrictions were lifted, stock price

crash risk, proxied by conditional negative skewness (NCSKEW) and down-to-up volatility

(DUVOL) of firm-specific weekly returns, decreased by 9.25% and 8.91%, respectively. In

additional analysis, we follow Ceterolli and Strahan (2006) and include firm, state-by-year,

and industry-by-year fixed effects to control for unobserved heterogeneity at the firm, state,

industry, and year levels. The mitigating impact of intrastate branching deregulation on firms’

stock price crash risk remains unchanged under those specifications.

Although the staggered nature of bank branch deregulation acts as a plausible

exogenous shock to bank lending activities and thus helps to alleviate endogeneity concerns,

there might be state-level factors that varied across states and impacted the timings of the

deregulation events. If so, our results would be spurious and affected by reverse causality.

To rule out this potential concern and ensure that the parallel trends assumption is valid, we

follow Bertrand and Mullainathan (2003) and conduct a pre-reform trend analysis. We

examine the dynamics of stock price crash risk surrounding the deregulatory events and find

that there are no effects prior to bank deregulation.

Another potential endogeneity concern with our analysis is the presence of omitted

variables or unobserved shocks that might have coincided with bank branch deregulation

and, at the same time, could determine the changes in firm-level stock price crash risk. This

omitted-variable problem may invalidate our interpretation of the causal effect of bank

deregulation on stock price crash risk. To address such a concern, we follow Cornaggia, Mao,

Tian, and Wolfe (2015) and conduct placebo tests by randomly assigning states into each of

these deregulation years (without replacement) while maintaining the empirical distribution

of those years. If unobservable shocks related to firm-specific stock price crash risk occurred

simultaneously with the deregulation, then, despite the incorrect assignments of deregulatory

years to states, we would still observe a significant and negative relation between bank

deregulation and crash risk. However, the results of the falsification test indicate that these

counterfactual bank deregulatory events have no effects on stock price crash risk, suggesting

that the omitted-variable bias is unlikely to be a concern in our analysis.

To further verify the robustness of our findings, we control for another other form of

bank deregulation, namely interstate branching deregulation. The passage of interstate

deregulation laws allowed bank holding companies to freely enter other states and to operate

branches across state lines. The results show a significant and negative relation between

intrastate branching deregulation and stock price crash risk but an insignificant relation

between interstate branching deregulation and crash risk, consistent with the former type of

reform playing a more significant role in improving bank intermediation efficiency than the

latter (Calem, 1994; Jayaratne and Strahan, 1996). Next, we examine the robustness of our

results to different sample periods. Consistent with Cetorelli and Strahan (2006), the main

sample used in our main analysis ends in 1994 when bank deregulation was fully completed

with the passage of the Interstate Banking and Branching Efficiency Act (IBBEA). To ensure

all the states have sufficient observations in the post-reform periods, we extend our sample

to three, five, and 10 years after the passage of the IBBEA, and the results remain

qualitatively unchanged. Additionally, to eliminate potential survivorship bias, we require

that our sample firms have at least one year of data in both the pre- and post-deregulation

periods. Our results are insensitive to this restricted sample.

As a further robustness check, we employ alternative measures of stock price crash

risk and bank deregulation. Following prior research, such as Hutton, Marcus, and Tehranian

(2009), Kim, Li, and Zhang (2011b), and Chang, Chen, and Zolotoy (2016), we measure

stock price crash risk as the likelihood that a firm experiences more than one price crash

week in a fiscal year (CRASH), and the number of crashes minus the number of jumps over

the fiscal year (COUNT). In addition, following Black and Strahan (2002) and Hombert and

Matray (2016), we use a deregulation index (DERINDEX), rather than an indicator, to proxy

for intrastate branching deregulation. The results are qualitatively similar.

We then explore two underlying mechanisms through which intrastate branching

deregulation could affect stock price crash risk: external financial dependence and firm

riskiness. First, if the observed decrease in stock price crash risk following the passage of

bank deregulation is driven by improved bank monitoring, then the negative impact of the

bank branch reform on stock price crash risk is expected to be more noticeable among firms

with greater reliance on external finance. To the extent that those firms depend more on

external financing resources, they have stronger and more frequent interactions with banks

and therefore benefit more from enhanced bank monitoring. Using the external finance

dependence ratio, net change in capital, and asset tangibility as alternative proxies for

external financial dependence (Rajan and Zingales, 1998; Amore, Schneider, and Zaldokas,

2013; Almeida and Campello, 2007), we find that the negative impact of bank branch

deregulation on crash risk is more pronounced for firms that rely more on external finance.

Second, to the extent that banks can reduce information asymmetry by discerning their

borrowers’ riskiness and profitability, riskier firms are more likely to be monitored by their

lenders than less risky firms. Banks that become more cost-efficient after intrastate

branching deregulation should better curb borrowers’ risk-taking behavior. Thus, we expect

the impact of bank deregulation on stock price crash risk to be more pronounced among

riskier firms. Following Johnson (2003) and Callen and Fang (2015a, 2015b), we measure

firm risk as earnings volatility and financial leverage. The results indicate that the mitigating

effect of intrastate deregulation is more pronounced for firms with high earnings volatility

or financial leverage, consistent with our prediction.

This paper contributes to the literature in three ways. First, it adds to the literature on

the economic consequences of bank deregulation, in particular the effects of branch reform

on corporate policies of non-financial firms (e.g., Black and Strahan, 2002; Ceterolli and

Strahan, 2006; Zarutskie, 2006; Rice and Strahan, 2010; Chava, Oettl, Subramanian, and

Subramanian, 2013; Cornaggia, Mao, Tian, and Wolfe, 2015; Bai, Carvalho, and Phillips,

2015; Hombert and Matray, 2016). To our best knowledge, this paper is the first that

investigates the influence of bank branch reform on firm-specific stock price crash risk.

Jayaratne and Strahan (1996, 1997) suggest that bank efficiency improves substantially after

states permit statewide branching, evidenced by sharp declines in loan losses and increases

in loan quality. Our study complements their studies by highlighting that intrastate branching

deregulation can also protect shareholders’ wealth through enhanced bank monitoring.

Second, our study adds to the growing literature on stock price crash risk. Recent

research has documented a number of firm-specific determinants of crash risk, such as

financial reporting quality (Hutton, Marcus, and Tehranian, 2009; Kim, Li, Lu, and Yu, 2016;

Ertugrul, Lei, Qiu, and Wan, 2017; Kim and Zhang, 2016), equity-based executive

compensation (Kim, Li, and Zhang, 2011a; Xu, Li, Yuang, and Chan, 2014), tax avoidance

(Kim, Li, and Zhang, 2011b), and dividend policy (Kim, Luo, Xie, 2016). This literature has

also shown that crash risk is related to managerial characteristics, such as religiosity (Callen

and Fang, 2015a), managerial overconfidence (Kim, Wang, and Zhang, 2016), CEO age

(Andreou, Louca, and Petrou, 2016), among others. However, one major challenge of this

stream of research is that the determinants of stock price crash risk may be endogenously

linked with unobserved firm and managerial characteristics, making inference difficult.

Using the staggered passage of bank branch deregulation by different states at different

points in time allows us to establish the causal effect of a new factor, intrastate branching

reform, on nonfinancial firms’ crash risk.

Our study is related to a few recent studies of crash risk that have employed quasi-

natural experiment settings for identification purposes. For instance, Ali, Li, and Zhang

(2015) find that firms’ stock price crash risk is greater in states that have adopted the

Inevitable Disclosure Doctrine (IDD) than in non-adopting states. Balachandran, Duong,

Luong, and Nguyen (2018) document that the staggered passage of mergers and acquisitions

(M&A) laws in 32 countries increases the threat of takeover that disciplines managerial

misbehavior and leads to reduced stock price crash risk. Our study adds to this strand of

research by utilizing a novel quasi-natural experiment, namely, bank branch reform in the

banking industry.

Lastly, our paper is related to the literature linking bank monitoring with borrowers’

agency problem. Prior studies suggest various methods that banks might exploit to monitor

borrowers, such as using short-maturity debt, debt covenants, and debt contract

renegotiations (Rajan and Winton, 1995; Datta, Iskandar-Datta, and Raman, 2005; Roberts

and Sufi, 2009; Roberts, 2015). Our study contributes to this stream of research by showing

that intrastate branching deregulation, which was primarily designed to promote bank

efficiency and economic growth, has produced unintended, yet positive, consequences for

nonfinancial firms’ stock price dynamics. Our results are therefore of importance to a wide

range of stakeholders and provide relevant policy implications.

The rest of the paper proceeds as follows. Section 4.2 briefly reviews related

literature and develops the hypothesis. Section 4.3 discusses data and research design.

Section 4.4 presents the empirical results of the main analysis. We discuss the underlying

mechanisms of our baseline results in Section 4.5, and Section 4.6 concludes.

4.2. Literature review and hypotheses development

4.2.1. Bank branch deregulation and relevant literature

Traditionally, U.S. banks were subject to extensive regulations on geographical

expansion. The 1927 McFadden Act clarified the authority of the states over the regulation

of national banks’ branching activities within their borders. In most states bank holding

companies separately owned capitalized and licensed banks within state borders, while in

some states banks were typically allowed to run unit offices. Up to the 1970s, only 12 states

allowed unrestricted statewide branching. The other 38 states progressively relaxed their

branching restrictions between the 1970s and the passage of the IBBEA in 1994. Two classes

of branching restrictions were lifted in the 1970s through 1990s. First, states permitted

multibank holding companies (MBHCs) to convert subsidiary banks (existing or acquired)

into branches. MBHCs could then expand geographically by acquiring banks and converting

them into branches. Second, states permitted de novo branching, whereby banks could open

new branches anywhere within state borders. Table 1 depicts the years each state relaxed the

restrictions on bank branching.

[Insert Table 1 about here]

Our study is related to the literature that examines the economic consequences of

deregulating bank branch restrictions. In an early study, Jayaratne and Strahan (1996)

suggest that intrastate branching deregulation significantly increases the rates of real per

capita growth in income and output. Following this study, a few papers have documented

additional evidence that intrastate deregulation is beneficial to the economy. For instance,

Black and Strahan (2002) show that following the deregulation the rate of new corporations

increases. Ceterolli and Strahan (2006) find that concentrated banking after branching

reform restrains potential entrants from gaining access to credit. Kerr and Nanda (2009)

document that branch banking deregulation brings about exceptional growth in both

entrepreneurship and business closures. Beck, Levine, and Levkov (2010) contend that bank

branch reform leads to the reduction in total income inequality by boosting the relative

demand for low-skilled workers. However, a recent study of Hombert and Matray (2016)

suggests that intrastate deregulation may result in unintended negative consequences.

Specifically, they find that the number of innovators decreases after bank deregulation

because the increase in competition for lending reduces financial constraints for firms in

more tangible sectors, but tightens financial constraints for small innovative firms. In a

similar vein, Chava, Oettl, Subramanian, and Subramanian (2013) show that intrastate

deregulation leads to less supply of credit and less innovation for young and private firms.

Overall, existing research on the role of bank deregulation in corporate policies

largely exploits bank branch reform as a regulatory shock to bank competition and credit

supply. However, although Jayaratne and Strahan (1996, 1997) argue that intrastate

branching deregulation exogenously changed bank monitoring mechanisms, few studies

have to date provided empirical evidence to that effect. Our study fills this gap by examining

whether bank deregulation reduces nonfinancial firms’ stock price crash risk via its

monitoring function.

We note that there was another form of bank branch deregulation in the U.S., i.e.,

interstate branching deregulation that allowed banks to expand across state borders.

Specifically, under this reform, states gradually lifted branching restrictions for bank holding

companies to expand beyond state boundaries. Both intrastate and interstate branching

deregulation was completed following the passage of the IBBEA of 1994. The literature

suggests that interstate deregulation affects state business cycles (Morgan, Rime, and

Strahan, 2004), bank competition and credit supply (Zarutskie, 2006; Rice and Strahan,

2010), as well as corporate innovation (Amore, Schneider, and Zaldokas, 2013; Cornaggia,

Mao, Tian, and Wolfe, 2015). However, in this paper we focus on intrastate deregulation,

rather than interstate deregulation. This is primarily because prior studies have suggested

that the latter type of branching reform has a limited impact on the structure of the banking

markets (e.g., Amel and Liang, 1992; Calem, 1994; Strahan, 2003), which, as argued above,

are important to bank monitoring and stock price crash risk. For instance, Jayaratne and

Strahan (1996) show that the deregulation of restrictions on geographic expansion beyond

state boundaries has little effect on the costs of intermediation. Moreover, we seek to isolate

the effect of an exogenous shock to bank monitoring without any systematic change in banks’

ability to diversify geographically. Given these arguments, our analysis focuses only on

intrastate branching deregulation. Nevertheless, in a robustness check we also control for the

effect of interstate branching deregulation.

4.2.2. Literature on stock price crash risk

Our study is also related to the literature investigating the determinants of firm-

specific stock price crash risk. In an early study, Chen, Hong, and Stein (2001) find that the

recent average monthly turnover and past returns can forecast future stock price crashes. Jin

and Myers (2006) then introduce an analytical model, in which stock price crashes occur

when managers’ accumulated bad news is revealed to the public at once. A key takeaway of

their study is that opaque stocks are more likely to crash than transparent ones.

Extant empirical literature has identified various internal and external determinants

of future stock price crash risk. In terms of the internal factors, Hutton, Marcus, and

Tehranian (2009) show that financial statement opacity leads to less information revelation

and more managerial bad-news-hoarding activities, hence higher crash risk. Zhu (2016) finds

a strong positive association between total accruals and stock price crashes, which is

consistent with the bad news withholding explanation. Kim, Li, and Zhang (2011a, 2011b)

document that equity incentives and corporate tax avoidance instruments can incentivize

managers to purposely withhold negative information, leading to a higher likelihood of

future stock price crashes. Using Chinese data, Xu, Li, Yuan, and Chan (2014) find that

excess perks in state-owned enterprises (SOEs) encourage managers to withhold bad news

for personal interest, resulting in high crash risk. Kim, Li, and Li (2014) show that firms

with superior corporate social responsibility (CSR) performance exhibit lower levels of crash

risk. Likewise, Zhang, Xie, and Xu (2016) examine the effect of firms’ philanthropic action

on their stock price crash risk and document a negative relation between corporate

philanthropy and crash risk. Kim and Zhang (2015) find that firms with more conservative

accounting numbers are less likely to hide bad news, which results in lower crash risk. Kim, Li,

Lu, and Yu (2016) reveal that financial statement comparability attenuates crash risk, because

greater financial statement comparability gives investors better access to negative information

about a firm through analyzing its comparable peer firms, thus restricting managers from

withholding bad news.

Some studies examine the role of external corporate governance mechanisms in

mitigating crash risk. For example, An and Zhang (2013) show that stock holdings by

dedicated institutional investors reduce stock price crash risk whereas those by transient

institutional investors increase crash risk. Callen and Fang (2013) also suggest that

institutional investor stability is negatively associated with crash risk. In addition, auditors

can act as an external corporate governance mechanism that mitigates stock price crash risk.

Robin and Zhang (2015) find that industry-specialist auditors play an important role in

reducing managerial incentives to manipulate earnings, leading to lower stock price crash

risk. Similarly, Callen and Fang (2016) document that auditors develop client-specific

knowledge over the auditor-client relationship, which enables them to deter clients’ bad

news hoarding behavior and their stock price crash risk. In a similar vein, Kubick and

Lockhart (2016) document that firms located closer to the Securities and Exchange Commission

(SEC) have lower stock price crash risk because SEC oversight induces disclosure practices that

reduce the likelihood of financial misreporting.

Our study adds to the literature reviewed above by examining whether firms’ stock

price crash risk is influenced by bank deregulation, which is a plausibly exogenous

regulatory shock in the banking industry. Importantly, our results reveal that the structural

change in the banking industry, as a consequence of bank branch reform, not only affects

debtholders’ interest, but also protects shareholders’ wealth.

4.2.3. Hypothesis

Jayaratne and Strahan (1997) suggest that branching restrictions retarded the “natural”

evolution of the banking industry by preventing better-run banks from establishing branches.

Once those branching restrictions were removed, banks were able to acquire their peers and

convert them into branches, or were permitted entry via de novo branching within state

borders (McLaughlin, 1995; Jayaratne and Strahan, 1996; Rice and Strahan, 2010). Indeed,

Calem (1994) and Strahan (2002) show that after branching reform large banks acquired

many small banks. These entry and consolidation activities play an important role in

removing less efficient banks and improving bank performance (Jayaratne and Strahan, 1996;

Kroszner and Strahan, 1997, 1999). As a result, banks can better distinguish promising

projects from bad ones, and effectively monitor borrowers after lending relationships are

established (Jayaratne and Strahan, 1997).

To the extent that banks greatly intensified their merger and acquisition (M&A)

activities following the deregulation reforms, the banking sector became more concentrated

with lenders having greater bargaining power over borrowers (Jayaratne and Strahan, 1997;

Chava, Oettl, Subramanian, and Subramanian, 2013). Prior studies suggest that banking

concentration can fundamentally change the nature of banks’ monitoring by altering their

organizational structures (e.g., Diamond, 1984; Stein, 2002; Berger, Miller, Petersen, Rajan,

and Stein, 2005). Specifically, M&A activities in the banking industry significantly increase

banking concentration and result in larger, more complex, and more hierarchical banking

organizations, which are able to process borrowers’ “hard” information22 less costly (Berger,

Minnis, and Sutherland, 2017; Chen and Vashishtha, 2017). Theoretical studies show that

complex and hierarchical organizations rely more on “hard” information because such

organizations face higher costs in motivating agents to produce and truthfully present “soft”

information (Stein, 2002; Chen and Vashishtha, 2017). Lifting branching restrictions leads

to higher efficiency in bank monitoring, especially in processing borrowers’ “hard”

information. Thus, we expect that, after intrastate deregulation, banks can better monitor

their borrowers and deter them from withholding negative information, hence reducing their

stock price crash risk. We thus formulate our central hypothesis as follows:

Hypothesis: The passage of intrastate branching deregulation reduces nonfinancial

firms’ future stock price crash risk.

4.3. Data and methodology

4.3.1. Sample selection

We construct a panel dataset of U.S. public firms from 1962 to 1994. Our sample

starts from 1962 because this is the first year that corporate financial data became available

Firms’ “hard” information is quantitative and independent of the collection process, while “soft” information
is often communicated in text and difficult to verify (Petersen, 2004). Collecting “soft” information is more
costly and less efficient due to the requirement for lenders to build a close relationship with borrowers (Strahan,

on the COMPUSTAT file. Consistent with Cetorelli and Strahan (2006), our sample ends in

1994 when the deregulation of branching restrictions was completed with the passage of the

IBBEA. Cetorelli and Strahan (2006) argue that it becomes increasingly less plausible to

view markets in banking as local after 1994, because of the completion of deregulation as

well as the fact that new technologies have allowed banks to lend to borrowers not physically

close to their banks.

Our crash risk measures are calculated based on weekly return data from the Centre

for Research in Security Prices (CRSP) database. The control variables are computed using

firms’ annual financial statement data from COMPUSTAT. Following prior studies (e.g.,

Hutton, Marcus, and Tehranian, 2009; Kim, Li, and Zhang, 2011a, 2011b; Kim, Li, Lu, and

Yu, 2016; Chang, Chen, and Zolotoy, 2017), we exclude firms with year-end share prices

below $1, firms with fewer than 26 weeks of stock return data in fiscal years, firm-year

observations with negative total assets and book values of equity, and firm-year observations

with insufficient financial data to calculate relevant variables. Our final sample comprises

61,784 firm-year observations (7,190 unique firms).

4.3.2. Measuring bank branch deregulation

Consistent with Jayaratne and Strahan (1996), we choose the date of branch

deregulation as the date on which a state permitted branching via M&A through the holding

company structure or de novo branching. The bank branch deregulation variable (BRANCH)

is a dummy variable that equals one if a state has implemented intrastate branching

deregulation and zero otherwise. As mentioned, Table 1 shows the years of bank branch

deregulation on a state-by-state basis.23

Following Jayaratne and Strahan (1996) and Beck, Levine, and Levkov (2010), we confirm the robustness
of the empirical results by dropping Delaware and South Dakota as their banking systems were heavily affected
by laws that provided a tax incentive for credit card banks to operate. For example, during the mid-1980s the

4.3.3. Measuring stock price crash risk

We follow Hutton, Marcus, and Tehranian (2009) and calculate firm-specific weekly

returns by estimating the following equation:

𝑟𝑗,𝜏 = 𝛼𝑗 + 𝛽1,𝑗 𝑟𝑚,𝜏−1 + 𝛽2,𝑗 𝑟𝑖,𝜏−1 + 𝛽3,𝑗 𝑟𝑚,𝜏 + 𝛽4,𝑗 𝑟𝑖,𝜏 + 𝛽5,𝑗 𝑟𝑚,𝜏+1 + 𝛽6,𝑗 𝑟𝑖,𝜏+1 + 𝜀𝑗,𝜏 (1)

where rj,τ is the weekly return on stock j in week τ, rm,τ is the return on CRSP value-weighted

market index, and ri,τ is the Fama and French value-weighted industry index in week τ. The

lead and lag terms of the market and industry returns are included to account for

nonsynchronous trading (Dimson, 1979). We use weekly returns to avoid the concern caused

by thinly traded stocksand estimate weekly returns from Wednesday to Wednesday to avoid

any contaminating effects from weekends and Mondays (Wang, Li, and Erickson, 1997;

Bartholdy and Peare, 2005). The firm-specific weekly return (Wj,τ) is calculated as the log

value of one plus the residual return from Eq. (1).

We then follow Chen, Hong, and Stein (2001) and Kim, Li, and Zhang (2011a, b)

and calculate our primary measure of stock price crash risk, negative conditional skewness

(NCSKEW), as negative of the third moment of each stock’s firm-specific weekly returns

divided by the standard deviation raised to the third power. For firm j in fiscal year t, this

measure is defined as
3 2 3/2
𝑁𝐶𝑆𝐾𝐸𝑊𝑗,𝑡 = −[𝑛(𝑛 − 1)3/2 ∑ 𝑊𝑗,𝜏 ]/[(𝑛 − 1)(𝑛 − 2)(∑ 𝑊𝑗,𝜏 ) ] (2)

where n is the number of observations of weekly returns in fiscal year t. Firms with high

NCSKEW are more likely to experience a stock price crash.

Our second measure of firm-specific crash risk is “down-to-up volatility” (DUVOL),

which is calculated as follows:

2 2
𝐷𝑈𝑉𝑂𝐿𝑗,𝑡 = 𝑙𝑜𝑔{(𝑛𝑢 − 1) ∑𝐷𝑜𝑤𝑛 𝑊𝑗,𝜏 /(𝑛𝑑 − 1) ∑𝑈𝑝 𝑊𝑗,𝜏 } (3)

banking industry in those states expanded quickly and contributed significantly more to economic growth than
the banking system in other states.

where nu and nd are the number of up and down weeks over the fiscal year t, respectively.

For each stock j over fiscal year t, we partition all firm-specific weekly returns into down

(up) weeks when the weekly returns are below (above) the annual mean. We then calculate

the standard deviation of firm-specific weekly returns for each group separately. DUVOL is

the log ratio of the standard deviation in the down weeks to the standard deviation in the up

weeks. A higher value of DUVOL corresponds to a stock being more “crash prone.” This

alternative measure of crash risk may be less likely to be excessively affected by a small

number of extreme returns as it does not involve the third moments (Chen, Hong, and Stein,


4.3.4. Control variables

Following prior literature (e.g., Chen, Hong, and Stein, 2001; Jin and Myers, 2006),

we include several control variables: DTURNt, the difference between the average monthly

share turnover over fiscal year t and t–1; SIGMAt, the standard deviation of firm-specific

weekly returns over fiscal year t; RETt, the average firm-specific weekly returns over fiscal

year t; SIZEt, the log of market value of equity at the end of fiscal year t; MBt, the market

value of equity divided by the book value of equity at the end of fiscal year t; LEVt, the book

value of total debt scaled by total assets at the end of fiscal year t; ROAt, income before

extraordinary items divided by total assets at the end of fiscal year t; NCSKEWt, the negative

conditional skewness for firm-specific weekly returns in fiscal year t.24 Appendix 1 provides

the definitions of all variables used in this study.

We do not control for discretionary accruals in the baseline regressions because this variable requires
information from the cash flow statements, which were only available after 1988. Including this control
variable in the main analysis will substantially reduce our sample size (Hutton, Marcus, and Tehranian, 2009).
Nevertheless, in a robustness check (untabulated) we control for discretionary accruals and obtain qualitatively
similar results.

4.4. Empirical results

4.4.1. Descriptive statistics

Table 2 presents the summary statistics of all variables used in our regressions. For

the two price crash risk measures, NCSKEWt+1 and DUVOLt+1, their mean values are –0.270

and –0.153, respectively. These figures are quite close to those reported in previous research

(e.g., Chen, Hong, and Stein, 2001; Callen and Fang, 2015a).25 The mean of the bank branch

deregulation indicator is 0.54, similar to that reported by Cetorelli and Strahan (2006). The

summary statistics of the control variables are largely in line with those reported in prior

studies, and thus are not discussed herein to preserve space.

[Insert Table 2 about here]

4.4.2. Baseline specification and results

Our main econometric model focuses on the relationship between bank branch

deregulation and firm-specific stock price crash risk. The empirical specification we estimate

is as follows:

𝐶𝑟𝑎𝑠ℎ 𝑅𝑖𝑠𝑘𝑗,𝑡+1 = 𝛽0 + 𝛽1 𝐵𝑅𝐴𝑁𝐶𝐻𝑗,𝑡 + 𝛽2 𝐷𝑇𝑈𝑅𝑁𝑗,𝑡 + 𝛽3 𝑆𝐼𝐺𝑀𝐴𝑗,𝑡 + 𝛽4 𝑅𝐸𝑇𝑗,𝑡 +

𝛽5 𝑆𝐼𝑍𝐸𝑗,𝑡 + 𝛽6 𝑀𝐵𝑗,𝑡 + 𝛽7 𝐿𝐸𝑉𝑗,𝑡 + 𝛽8 𝑅𝑂𝐴𝑗,𝑡 + 𝛽9 𝑁𝐶𝑆𝐾𝐸𝑊𝑗,𝑡 +

𝑌𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑡 + 𝑆𝑡𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑖 + 𝜀𝑗,𝑡 , (4)

where the dependent variable Crash Riskt+1 is measured by NCSKEW or DUVOL in year t+1

and all independent variables are measured in year t. The independent variable of interest is

the bank branch deregulation indicator (BRANCHt). We control for year and state fixed

effects and cluster standard errors by state in our baseline regressions. Including state fixed

effects helps address the concern that (unobservable) time-invariant omitted variables that

In Chen, Hong, and Stein (2001), the mean values for NCSKEW and DUVOL are 0.262 and 0.190,
respectively. In Callen and Fang (2015a), these values are −0.226 and −0.211.

generate variation in a state’s stance toward openness to bank branching might be

simultaneously correlated with the stock price crash risk of firms in the state.

Since our paper exploits the staggered introduction of bank branch deregulation

across states, the specification we use is a generalized difference-in-differences model. The

effect of bank branch deregulation is estimated as the difference between the change in stock

price crash risk before and after deregulation, with the change in crash risk being the

difference between the treatment firms and the control group. Under this specification,

control firms are those that do not experience a change in their deregulation status. For

example, a firm in the pre-deregulation periods serves as its own control group for the same

firm in the post-reform periods.

Table 3 presents the baseline results from the OLS regression analysis. In the first

two columns, we regress crash risk, NCSKEWt+1 or DUVOLt+1, on the bank branch

deregulation dummy variable, BRANCHt, without any control variables but with year and

state fixed effects. The results show that the coefficients on BRANCH are significantly

negative (t-stat = –2.25 in Col. (1) and –2.59 in Col. (2)). We further control for a set of

crash risk determinants in the remaining columns. The results show that the coefficients on

BRANCH are still significantly negative for both crash risk measures (t-stat = –2.95 in Col.

(3) and –3.33 in Col. (4)). This suggests that intrastate branching deregulation reduces stock

price crash risk for nonfinancial firms, consistent with our hypothesis that the improved

quality of bank monitoring over their borrowers after bank deregulation allows banks to

better restrict borrower from hiding bad news.

We further evaluate the economic significance of the effect of bank branch

deregulation on firms’ future crash risk. Based on the results from the comprehensive

specification in Columns (3) and (4) of Table 3, when BRANCH changes from 0 to 1, there

is a decrease of 9.25% (8.91%) in NCSKEW (DUVOL) from their sample mean, respectively.

This finding suggests that the impact of intrastate deregulation on firms’ stock price crash

risk is not only statistically significant but also economically important.

Turning to the control variables, we find that the coefficients on firm size (SIZE),

market-to-book ratio (MB), profitability (ROA), and lagged crash risk (NCSKEW) are

significant and positive, consistent with the evidence documented in prior studies (e.g., Chen,

Hong, and Stein, 2001; Hutton, Marcus, and Tehranian, 2009; Callen and Fang, 2015a).

[Insert Table 3 about here]

To assess the robustness of the results in Table 3, we include additional fixed effects

and present the results in Table 4. We first include firm fixed effects and repeat the main

regression analysis. The coefficients on bank deregulation BRANCH in Columns (1) to (4)

remain negative and significant at least at the 10% level, regardless of the presence of the

control variables. Moreover, following Cetorelli and Strahan (2006), we include state-by-

year and industry-by-year fixed effects to absorb any potential confounding factors (i.e.,

time-varying state and industry heterogeneity) that could invalidate our identification. The

results presented in the last two columns of Table 4 continue to show a statistically

significant and negative association between BRANCHt and future stock price crash risk

(NCSKEWt+1 or DUVOLt+1). Overall, we find robust evidence of the role of intrastate branch

reform in curbing managers’ bad news hoarding behavior and firms’ crash risk, consistent

with our main hypothesis.

[Insert Table 4 about here]

4.4.3. Endogeneity tests

Our identification is based on the idea that the staggered deregulation of bank

branching laws can represent an exogenous shock to bank monitoring effectiveness, thus

affecting firms’ stock price crash risk. However, one concern with our setting is that,

although we have controlled for state fixed effects in the main specification, there may

remain omitted state-level factors that could potentially trigger the deregulation in different

states. Under this scenario, there might be a reverse causality problem if the states differ in

their firms’ stock price crash risk and such variation further affects the timing of bank branch

deregulation in each state. Following Bertrand and Mullainathan (2003) and Cornaggia, Mao,

Tian, and Wolfe (2015), we address the possible reverse causality concern by investigating

the dynamic trends of stock price crash risk surrounding the deregulatory events. If reserve

causality indeed exists, we should observe significant changes in stock price crash risk prior

to the deregulatory events.

To test the pre-existing trends in stock price crash risk, we require the sample firms

to experience branch bank reform. Following Cornaggia, Mao, Tian, and Wolfe (2015), we

construct four dummy variables indicating four periods around the deregulation: Before2+,

Before1, After1, and After2+. Before2+ takes one for observations up to, and including, two

years prior to deregulation; Before1 takes one for one year prior to deregulation; After1 takes

one for one year post-deregulation; and After2+ takes one for two years or more post-

deregulation. Specifically, we estimate the following model:

2+ 1 1 2+
𝐶𝑟𝑎𝑠ℎ 𝑅𝑖𝑠𝑘𝑗,𝑡+1 = 𝛽0 + 𝛽1 𝐵𝑒𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑒𝑖,𝑡 + 𝛽2 𝐵𝑒𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑒𝑖,𝑡 + 𝛽3 𝐴𝑓𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑖,𝑡 + 𝛽4 𝐴𝑓𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑖,𝑡 +

𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑙𝑠𝑗,𝑡 + 𝑌𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑡 + 𝑆𝑡𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑖 + 𝜀𝑗,𝑡 . (5)

Table 5 presents the estimation results. In Columns (1) and (2), we regress both

measures of crash risk on the four period indicators without the controls but with year and

state fixed effects. The coefficients on Before2+ and Before1 are not significant, suggesting

that stock price crash risk experiences no significant change prior to brank branch

deregulation. The coefficients on After1 and After2+ are significantly negative, which is

consistent with the baseline findings. In Columns (3) and (4), we include all control variables

and obtain similar results. Overall, the results reported in Table 5 suggest that before

intrastate branching deregulation, there is no pre-existing trend in firms’ stock price crash

risk. These results help validate the important assumption about parallel trends and mitigate

the concern about reverse causality.

[Insert Table 5 about here]

Another source of endogeneity that would adversely affect our identification strategy

is the existence of potential omitted unobservable shocks that occur at approximately the

same time as state-level bank branch deregulation events. To address this concern, we follow

Cornaggia, Mao, Tian, and Wolfe (2015) and conduct placebo tests by requiring the

deregulation events to happen in years other than the actual deregulatory years. Specifically,

we randomly assign each state into a different deregulation year following the empirical

distribution of years (see Table 1) while allowing the distribution of deregulatory years to

be consistent with our baseline specification but disrupting the proper assignment of

deregulation years to states. If unobservable shocks related to firms’ crash risk exist and

coincide with the deregulation events, they should potentially drive the baseline findings.

Otherwise, the estimation results should be weakened by the random assignments of

deregulatory years to states. Table 6 reports the results of our placebo tests. The coefficients

on BRANCH are statistically insignificant across all columns, suggesting that there are no

unobservable shocks coinciding with bank branch deregulation.

Overall, our tests for reverse causality and omitted variables support the notion that

bank branch deregulation has a causal, negative effect on firm-specific stock price crash risk.

[Insert Table 6 about here]

4.4.4. Other robustness tests

As a further robustness check, we include an alternative form of bank deregulation

in the main model. Some studies have considered the implications of both intrastate and

interstate bank branching deregulation; the latter allows banks to establish branches across

states (Rice and Strahan, 2010; Amore, Schneider, and Zaldokas, 2013; Chava, Oettl,

Subramanian, and Subramanian, 2013). We thus include an interstate branching deregulation

indicator (INTER), which equals one after a state implemented interstate deregulation and

otherwise zero. As can be seen from Panel A of Table 7, our main results regarding the

impact of intrastate deregulation continue to hold after controlling for interstate deregulation.

On the other hand, the impact of interstate deregulation is insignificant, consistent with our

early argument that this form of branching reform is less relevant for our analysis of bank

monitoring and firms’ stock price crash risk.

Next, we attempt to examine whether our baseline findings remain robust after the

U.S. Congress passed another form of deregulation, namely the IBBEA. To this end, we

expand our sample to 5 years following the passage of the IBBEA and present the regression

results in Panel B of Table 7. 26 The estimation results show significant and negative

coefficients on BRANCH, which lends further support for our hypothesis. Lastly, we repeat

the estimation of Eq. (4) only for firms that exist both before and after the deregulatory event

years. Such tests isolate firms that did not experience the shock of bank deregulation and

allow us to better capture the difference between control group (pre-deregulation) and

treatment group (post-deregulation). As shown in Panel C of Table 7, the results are

consistent with our baseline findings that intrastate branching deregulation reduces firm-

level stock price crash risk.

[Insert Table 7 about here]

4.4.5. Robustness tests: alternative measures

Following Hutton, Marcus, and Tehranian (2009), Kim, Li, and Zhang (2011b), and

Chang, Chen, and Zolotoy (2017), we further measure future stock price crash risk as the

likelihood that a firm experiences more than one price crash week in a fiscal year (CRASH).

We also expand the sample to three or 10 years after the passage of the IBBEA. The results reported in
Appendix 2 are still consistent with the main findings.

Specifically, we define crash weeks in a given fiscal year as those during which a firm

experiences firm-specific weekly returns 3.09 standard deviations below the mean weekly

returns over the whole fiscal year, with 3.09 chosen to generate a frequency of 0.1% in the

normal distribution. As in Jin and Myers (2006) and Callen and Fang (2015a), we also

measure stock price crash risk as the number of crashes minus the number of jumps over the

fiscal year (COUNT). Likewise, we define those weeks as jump weeks when the firm-

specific weekly return is 3.09 standard deviations above its mean in a fiscal year. We present

the OLS estimation results in Panel A of Table 8.27 In line with our main findings, BRANCH

are significantly and negatively related to both CRASH and COUNT.

We have thus far defined bank branch deregulation as a dummy variable. In this test,

we follow Black and Strahan (2001) and Hombert and Matray (2016) and employ a

continuous measure, an intrastate bank deregulation index (DERINDEX). As mentioned,

starting in 1970, all states progressively lifted restrictions on branching within their borders.

They generally relaxed restrictions on within-state bank expansion in three steps: first,

permitting the formation of multibank holding companies; then, permitting branching by

means of mergers and acquisitions (M&As) only; and finally, permitting unrestricted (de

novo) branching, thereby allowing banks to enter markets by opening new branches. We

define the deregulation index to be zero if a state did not permit branching via any of the

three approaches; otherwise, the index equals the sum of the number of ways that banks may

expand within a state. Hence, the value of the deregulation index (DERINDEX) ranges from

zero (full regulation) to three (full deregulation). The results in Panel B of Table 8 show that

We use the linear probability model because prior research shows that non-linear logit or probit models with
fixed effects can produce biased coefficient estimates due to the incidental parameters problem (e.g., Neyman
and Scott, 1948; Lancaster, 2000; Greene, 2004).

the coefficients on deregulation index (DERINDEX) are significant and negative for both

crash risk measures.

Overall, we conclude that our main findings are robust to a variety of sensitivity tests,

such as controlling for interstate deregulation, using expanded test windows, and employing

alternative measures of future stock price crash risk and intrastate branching deregulation.

[Insert Table 8 about here]

4.5. Mechanisms

Thus far we have shown a robust negative effect of bank branch deregulation on

stock price crash risk. In this section, we explore two underlying mechanisms through which

the branch banking reform affects crash risk: external financial dependence and firm risk.

4.5.1. External financial dependence

As argued above, lifting intrastate branching restrictions significantly changed the

structure of banking markets (Jayaratne and Strahan, 1998). The banking industry became

more concentrated and small banks lost their market share after branching reform. Post-

deregulation local banks became larger and more complex, thus being more efficient at

processing “hard” information (Berger, Miller, Petersen, Rajan, and Stein, 2005; Chen and

Vashishtha, 2017). Meanwhile, firms that rely heavily on external financing are likely to

borrow more from larger banks after branch deregulation and undertake more efficient

monitoring. Thus, if bank deregulation reduces stock price crash risk through improved bank

monitoring, we expect that firms with greater reliance on external finance experience more

effective bank monitoring, resulting in a decline in stock price crash risk.

Empirically, we employ three proxies to measure the degree of external financial

dependence: the external finance dependence ratio (EXDEP), net change in capital (NCC),

and asset tangibility (TANG). Following Rajan and Zingales (1998), we define a firm’s

external finance dependence as the amount of desired investment that cannot be financed

through internal sources. Accordingly, the external finance dependence ratio (EXDEP) is

calculated as investment plus R&D expenses and acquisitions minus operating income

before depreciation, divided by investment. Following Amore, Schneider, and Zaldokas

(2013) and Frank and Goyal (2003), we compute net change in capital (NCC) as net change

in equity and debt normalized by total assets. Both measures reflect firms’ demand for

finance and sensitivity to credit supply shock. The third measure, asset tangibility (TANG),

is calculated as the proportion of tangible assets to total assets. Asset tangibility also reflects

the sensitivity of firms to financing frictions as firms can access bank credit using tangible

assets as collateral (Almeida and Campello, 2007).

In Panel A of Table 9, we partition the full sample based on these variables and

define more financially dependent firms as those with above-the-median external finance

dependence in year t. The results show that, for both crash risk measures, the coefficients

on the bank branch deregulation indicator are only significantly negative for firms with high

external finance dependence. However, for firms with low external finance dependence, the

coefficients on BRANCH become insignificant. Panel B presents the results based on net

change in capital. Similar to the results in Panel A, we find that the coefficients on BRANCH

are only statistically significant for firms with greater reliance on external finance but

insignificant for firms with less reliance on external finance. Panel C reports the results based

on asset tangibility. As in the first two panels, the coefficients on BRANCH are negative and

significant only for firms with greater reliance on external financing sources. Overall, our

empirical findings are in line with the conjecture that the negative effect of bank deregulation

on crash risk is stronger when firms have higher levels of external financial dependence. In

other words, external financial dependence appears to be an important underlying

mechanism through which branch deregulation affects nonfinancial firms’ stock price crash


[Insert Table 9 about here]

4.5.2. Firm risk

Next, we examine whether firms’ riskiness affects the relation between intrastate

branching deregulation and future stock price crash risk. Demsetz and Lehn (1985) suggest

that managers of riskier firms are more difficult to monitor. Kim, Li, and Zhang (2011b) and

Callen and Fang (2015a) contend that managers are more likely to conceal information about

excessive risk-taking behavior in order to support share price. To the extent that banks can

better monitor borrowers following the deregulation, which reduces the potential moral

hazard concern, borrowers with higher levels of riskiness would benefit more from the

enhanced monitoring and exhibit lower levels of price crash risk.

To empirically examine this channel, we follow Johnson (2003) and Callen and Fang

(2015a, 2015b) and use two proxies for firm riskiness: earnings volatility (VOL) and

financial leverage (LEV). We classify a firm as being riskier if its earnings volatility or

leverage is above the sample median. Panel A of Table 10 shows that the coefficients on

BRANCH are significantly negative only for firms with high earnings volatility but

insignificant or marginally significant for those with low earnings volatility. Likewise, the

results in Panel B show that the coefficients on BRANCH are significantly negative among

highly levered firms but insignificant for those with low leverage.

Overall, the evidence reported in this section shows that, after intrastate branching

deregulation, banks can better monitor firms with more risk-taking behavior. As a

consequence, these firms have less bad news hoarding and lower future stock price crash

risk. Put differently, firm risk appears to be another mechanism through which branch

deregulation impacts stock price crash risk.

[Insert Table 10 about here]

4.6. Conclusion

This study investigates the impact of bank deregulation on nonfinancial firms’ stock

price crash risk. We find that the staggered passage of state-level intrastate branching

deregulation laws leads to lower levels of firm-specific stock price crash risk. This finding

remains robust after addressing potential endogeneity concerns about reverse causality and

omitted variable bias. Our empirical results are also insensitive to the inclusion of interstate

deregulation, as well as the use of alternative event windows and various measures of key

variables. Overall, those results support the argument that after branching reform banks are

able to monitor their borrowers more effectively and prevent them from withholding bad


We further analyze the potential underlying mechanisms through which bank branch

deregulation may affect firms’ stock price crash risk. Specifically, our results show that the

negative relation between branching reform and crash risk is more pronounced for firms that

are more reliant on external finance and are risker.

Overall, our study contributes to research on bank deregulation and stock price crash

risk. The financial economics literature provides robust evidence that the deregulation in the

banking industry is beneficial to economic growth. A growing number of studies extend this

view by providing firm-level evidence (e.g., Black and Strahan, 2002; Ceterolli and Strahan,

2006; Amore, Schneider, and Zaldokas, 2013; Chava, Oettl, Subramanian, and Subramanian,

2013; Hombert and Matray, 2016). Our paper complements the literature by documenting

new evidence that intrastate bank deregulation reduces nonfinancial firms’ stock price crash

risk. Our finding extends the view of Jayaratne and Strahan (1996) that the key to the

beneficial growth effects of bank branch reform is the improvement in lending quality. We

show that deregulatory policies in the banking industry are beneficial to borrowers through

not only potentially lower loan rates and greater access to credit supply, but also the

protection of shareholders’ wealth.


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Table 1. Year of state-level branch deregulation and sample distribution
This table reports the distribution of firm-year observations in each state. The sample consists of U.S. public
firms from 1962 to 1994.

State Branch deregulation Freq. Percent

Alabama 1981 345 0.56
Alaska 1960 16 0.03
Arizona 1960 569 0.92
Arkansas 1994 289 0.47
California 1960 7,262 11.75
Colorado 1991 896 1.45
Connecticut 1980 2,461 3.98
Delaware 1960 331 0.54
District of Columbia 1960 194 0.31
Florida 1988 2,265 3.67
Georgia 1983 1,447 2.34
Hawaii 1986 99 0.16
Idaho 1960 272 0.44
Illinois 1988 3,714 6.01
Indiana 1989 869 1.41
Iowa 1999 409 0.66
Kansas 1987 351 0.57
Kentucky 1990 340 0.55
Louisiana 1988 415 0.67
Maine 1975 128 0.21
Maryland 1960 902 1.46
Massachusetts 1984 2,915 4.72
Michigan 1987 1,933 3.13
Minnesota 1993 1,594 2.58
Mississippi 1986 147 0.24
Missouri 1990 1,212 1.96
Montana 1990 46 0.07
Nebraska 1985 135 0.22
Nevada 1960 362 0.59
New Hampshire 1987 343 0.56
New Jersey 1977 3,518 5.7
New Mexico 1991 108 0.17
New York 1976 7,463 12.08
North Carolina 1960 1,121 1.81
North Dakota 1987 55 0.09
Ohio 1979 3,210 5.2
Oklahoma 1988 516 0.84
Oregon 1985 342 0.55
Pennsylvania 1982 3,579 5.79
Rhode Island 1960 267 0.43
South Carolina 1960 418 0.68
South Dakota 1960 31 0.05
Tennessee 1985 601 0.97
Texas 1988 4,845 7.84
Utah 1981 389 0.63
Vermont 1970 53 0.09
Virginia 1978 1,316 2.13
Washington 1985 670 1.08

West Virginia 1987 55 0.09
Wisconsin 1990 953 1.54
Wyoming 1988 13 0.02
Total 61,784 100

Table 2. Descriptive statistics
This table reports the descriptive statistics for variables used in the empirical analyses. The sample consists of
61,784 firm-years observations for 7,190 public U.S. firms over the period from 1962 to 1994. Variable
definitions are listed in Appendix 1. All variables are winsorized at the 1% and 99% levels.

Variable N Mean Std 25% Median 75%

NCSKEWt+1 61,784 –0.270 0.641 –0.637 –0.254 0.102
DUVOLt+1 61,784 –0.153 0.321 –0.369 –0.155 0.058
BRANCHt 61,784 0.540 0.498 0.000 1.000 1.000
DTURNt 61,784 0.001 0.315 –0.082 0.002 0.084
SIGMAt 61,784 0.075 0.041 0.044 0.066 0.096
RETt 61,784 –0.366 0.429 –0.456 –0.215 –0.096
SIZEt 61,784 4.536 1.840 3.142 4.417 5.821
MBt 61,784 1.907 1.916 0.840 1.322 2.206
LEVt 61,784 0.254 0.184 0.107 0.237 0.371
ROAt 61,784 0.036 0.085 0.014 0.045 0.076
NCSKEWt 61,784 –0.271 0.634 –0.635 –0.254 0.101
INTERt 61,784 0.387 0.487 0.000 0.000 1.000
EXDEPt 56,090 –3.361 524.400 –2.146 –0.695 0.212
NCCt 61,784 0.019 0.079 –0.011 0.000 0.030
TANGt 58,697 0.609 0.383 0.342 0.546 0.839
VOLt 47,740 0.138 1.824 0.024 0.050 0.102

Table 3. Impact of bank deregulation on stock price crash risk
This table presents the regression results of the effect of bank branch deregulation on firm-level stock price
crash risk. The standard errors in the regressions are clustered at the state level. All variables except dummies
*** ** *
are winsorized at the 1% and 99% levels. The numbers reported in parentheses are t-statistics. , , and
denote statistical significance at the 1%, 5% and 10% levels, respectively. See Appendix 1 for variable

(1) (2) (3) (4)

BRANCHt –0.019** –0.010** –0.025*** –0.014***
(–2.25) (–2.59) (–2.95) (–3.33)
DTURNt 0.001 –0.002
(0.08) (–0.53)
SIGMAt 0.526* –0.095
(1.72) (–0.61)
RETt 0.047** 0.002
(2.39) (0.18)
SIZEt 0.071*** 0.034***
(24.95) (25.12)
MBt 0.014*** 0.007***
(9.56) (9.16)
LEVt 0.007 0.001
(0.39) (0.07)
ROAt 0.439*** 0.227***
(12.01) (12.47)
NCSKEWt 0.052*** 0.028***
(13.53) (13.99)
Constant –0.216 –0.164* –0.593*** –0.336***
(–1.55) (–1.94) (–4.15) (–3.93)
Year FE Yes Yes Yes Yes
State FE Yes Yes Yes Yes
Observations 61,784 61,784 61,784 61,784
R-squared 0.023 0.029 0.082 0.089

Table 4. Impact of bank deregulation on stock price crash risk: Firm-fixed effects
This table presents the regression results of the effect of bank branch deregulation on firm-level stock price
crash risk. The standard errors in the regressions are clustered at the state level. All variables except dummy
variables are winsorized at the 1% and 99% levels. The numbers reported in parentheses are t-statistics. ***,
**, and * denote statistical significance at the 1%, 5% and 10% levels, respectively. See Appendix 1 for variable

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

BRANCHt –0.026* –0.014** –0.020* –0.011* –0.469*** –0.387***
(–1.93) (–2.17) (–1.68) (–1.83) (–4.33) (–7.39)
DTURNt 0.007 0.001 –0.003 –0.004
(0.71) (0.13) (–0.40) (–1.09)
SIGMAt –1.125*** –0.785*** –1.395*** –0.903***
(–2.94) (–4.11) (–4.25) (–5.64)
RETt –0.073** –0.048*** –0.088*** –0.054***
(–2.40) (–3.15) (–3.51) (–4.42)
SIZEt 0.184*** 0.094*** 0.191*** 0.098***
(26.99) (28.36) (20.78) (22.03)
MBt 0.014*** 0.008*** 0.014*** 0.008***
(5.20) (5.71) (5.19) (5.15)
LEVt 0.061** 0.025 0.078** 0.032**
(1.97) (1.61) (2.50) (2.18)
ROAt 0.151*** 0.067** 0.151*** 0.071***
(2.61) (2.42) (2.92) (2.85)
NCSKEWt –0.066*** –0.029*** –0.074*** –0.033***
(–13.42) (–12.14) (–11.48) (–11.37)
Constant –0.242 –0.169* –0.845*** –0.466*** –0.986*** –0.428***
(–1.48) (–1.74) (–5.73) (–5.29) (–17.45) (–16.38)
Firm FE Yes Yes Yes Yes
Year FE Yes Yes Yes Yes
State FE Yes Yes Yes Yes
State×Year Yes Yes
Industry×Year Yes Yes
Observations 61,784 61,784 61,784 61,784 60,853 60,853
R-squared 0.203 0.205 0.235 0.238 0.278 0.282

Table 5. Endogeneity tests
This table presents the estimation results of the time trend analysis using a dynamic specification. We require
firms to experience bank branch deregulation during their available sample lifetime and extend the sample to
a five-year window post-branching deregulatory events. To economize on space, all the control variables (see
Table 3) are suppressed. The standard errors in the regressions are clustered at the state level. All variables
except dummies are winsorized at the 1% and 99% levels. The numbers reported in parentheses are t-statistics.
***, **, and * denote statistical significance at the 1%, 5% and 10% levels, respectively. See Appendix 1 for
variable definitions.

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Before2+ 0.025 0.014 –0.015 –0.006
(1.24) (1.47) (–0.80) (–0.68)
Before1 0.001 0.002 –0.007 –0.002
(0.045) (0.23) (–0.28) (–0.14)
After1 –0.030* –0.015* –0.038** –0.018**
(–1.79) (–1.76) (–2.40) (–2.34)
After2+ –0.012 –0.003 –0.046** –0.021**
(–0.58) (–0.31) (–2.46) (–2.19)
Constant –0.341 –0.243 –0.701** –0.402**
(–1.02) (–1.24) (–2.16) (–2.12)
Control No No Yes Yes
Year FE Yes Yes Yes Yes
State FE Yes Yes Yes Yes
Observations 36,502 36,502 36,502 36,502
R-squared 0.026 0.031 0.089 0.096

Table 6. Falsification test: Randomly assign states to deregulation years
This table presents the falsification test results of Eq. (4) with randomized state deregulations. We assume the
deregulatory events do not occur in the actual deregulation years shown in Table 1. To economize on space,
all the control variables (see Table 3) are suppressed. The standard errors in the regressions are clustered at the
state level. All variables except dummies are winsorized at the 1% and 99% levels. The numbers reported in
parentheses are t-statistics. ***, **, and * denote statistical significance at the 1%, 5% and 10% levels,
respectively. See Appendix 1 for variable definitions.

(1) (2) (3) (4)

BRANCHt 0.006 0.004 0.011 0.006
(0.46) (0.60) (0.92) (1.00)
DTURNt 0.001 –0.002
(0.09) (–0.53)
SIGMAt 0.546* –0.085
(1.76) (–0.54)
RETt 0.048** 0.003
(2.43) (0.26)
SIZEt 0.071*** 0.034***
(24.88) (24.99)
MBt 0.014*** 0.007***
(9.58) (9.18)
LEVt 0.006 –0.000
(0.30) (–0.03)
ROAt 0.436*** 0.225***
(12.12) (12.65)
NCSKEWt 0.053*** 0.028***
(13.61) (14.07)
Constant –0.221 –0.167* –0.600*** –0.339***
(–1.59) (–1.98) (–4.23) (–4.00)
Year FE Yes Yes Yes Yes
State FE Yes Yes Yes Yes
Observations 61,784 61,784 61,784 61,784
R-squared 0.023 0.029 0.082 0.089

Table 7. Robustness tests
This table presents the regression results of robustness tests. In Panel A, we include interstate deregulation
variable (INTER) as an additional control variable. INTER is a dummy variable that equals one for the years
after a state implemented interstate banking deregulation. In Panel B, we present the regression results based
on the sample of five years post-deregulation. In Panel C, we analyze firms that experienced intrastate bank
deregulation events during their lifetime. To economize on space, all the control variables (see Table 3) are
suppressed. The standard errors in the regressions are clustered at the state level. All variables except dummies
are winsorized at the 1% and 99% levels. The numbers reported in parentheses are t-statistics. ***, **, and *
denote statistical significance at the 1%, 5% and 10% levels, respectively. See Appendix 1 for variable

Panel A: Including interstate deregulation variable

(1) (2) (3) (4)
BRANCHt –0.020** –0.011** –0.026*** –0.014***
(–2.37) (–2.65) (–2.88) (–3.16)
INTERt 0.012 0.003 0.004 –0.001
(0.90) (0.47) (0.29) (–0.08)
Constant –0.215 –0.164* –0.593*** –0.336***
(–1.54) (–1.94) (–4.14) (–3.92)
Control No No Yes Yes
Year FE Yes Yes Yes Yes
State FE Yes Yes Yes Yes
Observations 61,784 61,784 61,784 61,784
R-squared 0.023 0.029 0.082 0.089

Panel B. Different windows
(1) (2) (3) (4)
5 years post 5 years post 5 years post 5 years post
BRANCHt –0.016* –0.009** –0.015* –0.009**
(–1.85) (–2.07) (–1.97) (–2.29)
Constant –0.181 –0.140 –0.605*** –0.330***
(–1.30) (–1.66) (–4.14) (–3.80)
Control No No Yes Yes
Year FE Yes Yes Yes Yes
State FE Yes Yes Yes Yes
Observations 83,698 83,698 83,697 83,697
R-squared 0.021 0.026 0.084 0.090
Panel C: Analysis of sample firms that experience intrastate bank deregulation
(1) (2) (3) (4)
BRANCHt –0.028** –0.013** –0.042*** –0.028**
(–2.28) (–2.17) (–2.90) (–2.28)
Constant –0.317 –0.232 –0.701** –0.406**
(–0.95) (–1.19) (–2.13) (–2.11)
Control No No Yes Yes
State FE Yes Yes Yes Yes
Year FE Yes Yes Yes Yes
Observations 30,745 30,745 30,745 30,745
R-squared 0.028 0.033 0.093 0.100

Table 8. Robustness tests: Alternative measures
This table presents the regression results of robustness tests using alterative measures of crash risk and bank
branch deregulation. In Panel A, crash risk is proxied by CRASH and COUNT. CRASH is an indicator that
takes one if a firm experiences more than one price crash week in a fiscal year. COUNT is the number of crash
weeks minus the number of jump weeks over the fiscal year. In Panel B, we construct a bank branch
deregulation index (DERINDEX), which equals zero if a state does not permit branching via M&As, de novo
branching, or the formation of multibank holding companies; otherwise, the index equals the sum of the number
of ways that banks may expand within a state. To economize on space, all the control variables (see Table 3)
are suppressed. The standard errors in the regressions are clustered at the state level. All variables except
dummies are winsorized at the 1% and 99% levels. The numbers reported in parentheses are t-statistics. ***,
**, and * denote statistical significance at the 1%, 5% and 10% levels, respectively. See Appendix 1 for variable

Panel A: Alternative measures of crash risk

(1) (2) (3) (4)
BRANCHt –0.010** –0.014* –0.011** –0.018**
(–2.51) (–1.93) (–2.62) (–2.30)
Constant 0.144 0.044 0.110 –0.229
(1.37) (0.33) (1.00) (–1.63)
Control No No Yes Yes
Year FE Yes Yes Yes Yes
State FE Yes Yes Yes Yes
Observations 61,784 61,784 61,784 61,784
R-squared 0.011 0.010 0.016 0.039
Panel B: Alternative measures of branch deregulation
(1) (2) (3) (4)
DERINDEXt –0.008** –0.004** –0.011*** –0.005***
(–2.02) (–2.06) (–2.97) (–3.01)
Constant –0.222 –0.168* –0.601*** –0.340***
(–1.59) (–1.98) (–4.20) (–3.99)
Control No No Yes Yes
Year FE Yes Yes Yes Yes
State FE Yes Yes Yes Yes
Observations 61,784 61,784 61,784 61,784
R-squared 0.023 0.029 0.082 0.089

Table 9. External financial dependence
This table presents the results regarding the impact of bank branch deregulation on future stock price crash risk conditional on firms’ external financial dependence. In Panel
A, the sample is partitioned based on the median value of the external financial dependence variable (EXDEP) for each year. In Panel B, the sample is partitioned based on the
median value of net change in capital (NCC) for each year. In Panel C, the sample is partitioned based on the median value of asset tangibility (TANG) for each year. To
economize on space, all the control variables (see Table 3) are suppressed. The standard errors in the regressions are clustered at the state level. All variables except dummies
are winsorized at the 1% and 99% levels. The numbers reported in parentheses are t-statistics. ***, **, and * denote statistical significance at the 1%, 5% and 10% levels,
respectively. See Appendix 1 for other variable definitions.

Panel A. External financial dependence

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
High reliance Low reliance High reliance Low reliance High reliance Low reliance High reliance Low reliance
(EXDEP ≥ Med.) (EXDEP < Med.) (EXDEP ≥ Med.) (EXDEP < Med.) (EXDEP ≥ Med.) (EXDEP < Med.) (EXDEP ≥ Med.) (EXDEP < Med.)
BRANCHt –0.030** –0.006 –0.038*** –0.008 –0.015** –0.005 –0.020*** –0.005
(–2.43) (–0.37) (–3.44) (–0.53) (–2.40) (–0.58) (–3.58) (–0.75)
Control No No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes
Year FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
State FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Observations 28,054 28,036 28,054 28,036 28,054 28,036 28,054 28,036
Adjusted R2 0.024 0.030 0.083 0.091 0.029 0.036 0.090 0.097

Panel B. Net change in capital
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
High reliance Low reliance High reliance Low reliance High reliance Low reliance High reliance Low reliance
(NCC ≥ Med.) (NCC< Med.) (NCC ≥ Med.) (NCC< Med.) (NCC ≥ Med.) (NCC< Med.) (NCC ≥ Med.) (NCC< Med.)
BRANCHt –0.027** –0.005 –0.027** –0.019 –0.016*** –0.002 –0.017*** –0.008
(–2.55) (–0.42) (–2.57) (–1.54) (–2.92) (–0.27) (–2.98) (–1.48)
Control No No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes
Year FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
State FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Observations 35,325 26,459 35,325 26,459 35,325 26,459 35,325 26,459
Adjusted R2 0.024 0.027 0.088 0.079 0.030 0.032 0.096 0.084
Panel C. Asset tangibility
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
High reliance Low reliance High reliance Low reliance High reliance Low reliance High reliance Low reliance
(TANG ≤ Med.) (TANG >Med.) (TANG ≤ Med.) (TANG >Med.) (TANG ≤ Med.) (TANG >Med.) (TANG ≤ Med.) (TANG >Med.)
BRANCHt –0.034** –0.007 –0.038*** –0.012 –0.018*** –0.004 –0.021*** –0.006
(–2.59) (–0.48) (–3.40) (–0.96) (–2.97) (–0.51) (–4.01) (–0.98)
Control No No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes
Year FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
State FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Observations 31,652 30,132 31,652 30,132 31,652 30,132 31,652 30,132
Adjusted R2 0.025 0.027 0.094 0.077 0.031 0.032 0.102 0.082

Table 10. Firm risk
This table presents the results regarding the impact of bank branch deregulation on future stock price crash risk conditional on firm riskiness. In Panel A, the sample is partitioned
based on the median value of earnings volatility (VOL) for each year. In Panel B, the sample is partitioned based on the median value of leverage (LEV) for each year. To
economize on space, all the control variables (see Table 3) are suppressed. The standard errors in the regressions are clustered at the state level. All variables except dummies
are winsorized at the 1% and 99% levels. The numbers reported in parentheses are t-statistics. ***, **, and * denote statistical significance at the 1%, 5% and 10% levels,
respectively. See Appendix 1 for other variable definitions.

Panel A. Earnings volatility

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
High risk Low risk High risk Low risk High risk Low risk High risk Low risk
(VOL ≥ Med.) (VOL < Med.) (VOL ≥ Med.) (VOL < Med.) (VOL ≥ Med.) (VOL < Med.) (VOL ≥ Med.) (VOL < Med.)
BRANCHt –0.033** –0.012 –0.036** –0.017 –0.017** –0.008 –0.019** –0.011*
(–2.15) (–0.80) (–2.25) (–1.40) (–2.12) (–1.19) (–2.28) (–1.90)
Control No No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes
Year FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
State FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Observations 23,875 23,865 23,875 23,865 23,875 23,865 23,875 23,865
Adjusted R2 0.027 0.026 0.082 0.084 0.032 0.030 0.087 0.088

Panel B. Leverage
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
High risk Low risk High risk Low risk High risk Low risk High risk Low risk
(LEV ≥ Med.) (LEV < Med.) (LEV ≥ Med.) (LEV < Med.) (LEV ≥ Med.) (LEV < Med.) (LEV ≥ Med.) (LEV < Med.)
BRANCHt –0.031*** –0.007 –0.040*** –0.011 –0.013*** –0.008 –0.017*** –0.010
(–2.96) (–0.52) (–4.04) (–0.87) (–2.69) (–1.18) (–3.79) (–1.65)
Control No No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes
Year FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
State FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Observations 30,898 30,886 30,898 30,886 30,898 30,886 30,898 30,886
Adjusted R2 0.026 0.025 0.074 0.096 0.031 0.031 0.079 0.104

Appendix 1. Variable definition

Crash risk variables

NCSKEW is the negative skewness of firm-specific weekly returns over the fiscal year.

DUVOL is the log of the ratio of the standard deviations of down-week to up-week firm-

specific weekly returns.

For both crash risk variables, the firm-specific weekly return (W) is equal to ln (1 + residual),

where the residual is from the following expanded market model regression:

𝑟𝑗,𝜏 = 𝛼𝑗 + 𝛽1,𝑗 𝑟𝑚,𝜏−1 + 𝛽2,𝑗 𝑟𝑖,𝜏−1 + 𝛽3,𝑗 𝑟𝑚,𝜏 + 𝛽4,𝑗 𝑟𝑖,𝜏 + 𝛽5,𝑗 𝑟𝑚,𝜏+1 + 𝛽6,𝑗 𝑟𝑖,𝜏+1 + 𝜀𝑗,𝜏 ,

where rj,τ is the return on stock j in week τ, rm,τ is the return on CRSP value-weighted market

index, and ri,τ is the Fama and French value-weighted industry index in week τ.

Bank branch deregulation variables

BRANCH is a dummy variable that equals one after a state implemented intrastate branching

deregulation and zero otherwise. The years each state relaxed the restrictions on

intrastate branching are shown in Table 1.

DERINDEX is a bank branch deregulation index, which equals zero if a state does not permit

branching via M&As, de novo branching, or the formation of multibank holding

companies; otherwise, the index equals the sum of the number of ways that banks may

expand within a state.

Control variables

DTURN is the average monthly share turnover over the current fiscal year minus the average

monthly share turnover over the previous fiscal year, where monthly share turnover is

calculated as the monthly trading volume divided by the total number of shares

outstanding during the month.

SIGMA is the standard deviation of firm-specific weekly returns over the fiscal year.

RET is the mean of firm-specific weekly returns over the fiscal year, times 100.

MB is the market value of equity (csho×prcc_f) divided by the book value of equity (market-


SIZE is the natural logarithm of total assets (at) at the end of the fiscal year.

LEV is total debt (dltt+dlc) divided by total assets (at).

ROA is income before extraordinary items (ib) divided by total assets (at).

Other variables

Before2+ is an indicator variable that takes one for observations with two years or more prior

to deregulation and zero otherwise.

Before1 is an indicator variable that takes one for observations with one year prior to

deregulation and zero otherwise.

After1 is an indicator variable that takes one for observations with one year post-deregulation

and zero otherwise.

After2+ is an indicator variable that takes one for observations with two years or more post-

deregulation and zero otherwise.

EXDEP is external financial dependence ratio defined as investment (capital expenditure

(capx) + R&D expenses (xrd) + acquisitions using cash (aqc)) minus operating income

before depreciation (oibdp), divided by investment.

NCC is net change in capital defined as net change in equity and debt normalized by total


TANG is asset tangibility defined as the proportion of tangible assets (ppegt) to total assets.

VOL is earnings volatility defined as the standard deviation of the ratio of earnings,

excluding extraordinary items and discontinued operations, to lagged total equity during

the past five years.

Appendix 2. Robustness tests: Different windows

This table presents the regression results of robustness tests using extended sample with different windows. In
Panel A, we present the regression results based on the sample of three years post-deregulation. In Panel B, we
present the regression results based on the sample of ten years post-deregulation. To economize on space, all
the control variables (see Table 3) are suppressed. The standard errors in the regressions are clustered at the
state level. All variables except dummies are winsorized at the 1% and 99% levels. The numbers reported in
parentheses are t-statistics. ***, **, and * denote statistical significance at the 1%, 5% and 10% levels,
respectively. See Appendix 1 for variable definitions.

Panel A. Three-year windows

(1) (2) (3) (4)
3 years post 3 years post 3 years post 3 years post
BRANCHt –0.017* –0.009** –0.019** –0.011**
(–1.80) (–2.06) (–2.29) (–2.62)
Constant –0.182 –0.142 –0.610*** –0.336***
(–1.29) (–1.67) (–4.24) (–3.94)
Control No No Yes Yes
Year FE Yes Yes Yes Yes
State FE Yes Yes Yes Yes
Observations 73,078 73,078 73,077 73,077
R-squared 0.021 0.026 0.081 0.087
Panel B. Ten-year windows
(1) (2) (3) (4)
10 years post 10 years post 10 years post 10 years post
BRANCHt –0.019* –0.010** –0.016** –0.009**
(–2.01) (–2.12) (–2.08) (–2.26)
Constant –0.194 –0.146* –0.649*** –0.351***
(–1.39) (–1.73) (–4.46) (–4.07)
Control No No Yes Yes
Year FE Yes Yes Yes Yes
State FE Yes Yes Yes Yes
Observations 95,959 95,959 95,958 95,958
R-squared 0.024 0.030 0.087 0.094

Chapter 5

Conclusion and suggestions for future research

This thesis is an effort to advance our understanding of the impact of three corporate

financing issues on shareholders’ wealth collapse probability, namely stock price crash risk.

First, I examine whether short-term debt affects stock price crash risk. The empirical

evidence shows that financing from short-term debt holders mitigates stock price crash risk,

which is consistent with the notion that short-term creditor monitoring acts as an effective

corporate governance mechanism in curbing borrowers’ opportunistic behavior. Second, I

find that high levels of supplier financing lead to lower stock price crash risk, consistent with

the monitoring view that trade credit suppliers can effectively monitor buyers and constrain

their bad-news-hoarding behavior. Third, I investigate the influence of staggered U.S. bank

branching deregulation laws on stock price crash risk. The results show that the stock price

crash risk of nonfinancial firms decreases significantly following intrastate branching

deregulation. This chapter contributes to the broader literature on how laws affect finance.

All the three issues are closely related to corporate financing policy whereas at the

same time inherently intertwined. Firms usually receive external financial indebtedness in

the form of loans and bonds while trade credit provides firms with an informal source of

short-term financing. However, to the extent that debt maturity structure and trade credit are

firm-level financial policies, examining how they determine firm-level stock price crash risk

has to address challenging endogeneity concerns. The third topic employs staggered

deregulation laws in the banking sector to allow for a causal interpretation of the link

between corporate financing and stock price crash risk. Also, it complements the first topic

on debt maturity structure by providing additional evidence on creditor monitoring

mechanisms. I provide below a summary of the findings of this thesis, together with a

discussion of my contributions and suggestions for future research.

5.1. Summary of results

In Chapter 2, I examine how corporate debt maturity policy affects stock price crash

risk. Using a sample of 53,052 firm-year observations from 1989 through 2014, I find that

firms using more short-term debt have lower future stock price crash risk, measured as the

conditional skewness of stock return distribution. This finding is consistent with managers

being less likely to conceal and hoard bad news in the presence of external monitoring by

short-term debt lenders. The empirical results are robust to several tests addressing

endogeneity issues and those using alternative measures of stock price crash risk and short-

term debt. Since the primary measure of short-term debt is based on financial statements, I

follow Guedes and Opler (1996) and Brockman, Martin, and Unlu (2010) and employ an

incremental approach in which I use a sample of new debt issues. I find that the maturities

of newly issued debt are positively associated with future stock price crash risk, which

further strengthens the main inference of the relationship between the maturities of new debt

issues and crash risk.

Furthermore, I examine whether the mitigating effect of short-term debt on crash risk

is conditional on corporate governance, information asymmetry, and firm riskiness. The

results support the hypotheses that the negative association between short-term debt and

stock price crash risk is more pronounced among firms with lower shareholder rights and

less (non-transient) institutional ownership, those with less efficient analyst monitoring and

higher asymmetric information, as well as highly levered or unrated firms. Overall, the

findings are in line with Stulz’s (2001) argument that short-term debt can act as an effective

substitute for governance mechanisms in disciplining managerial opportunistic behavior and

future stock price crash risk.

In Chapter 3, I examine whether stock price crash risk is affected by an alternative

source of external financing, namely trade credit. Unlike the focus on short-term debt

financing in Chapter 2, I study a different setting in which firms finance inputs from their

suppliers in the form of trade credit. I develop two competing hypotheses based on the

monitoring and concession roles of trade creditors. On one hand, the monitoring view posits

that trade credit suppliers, with their information and liquidation advantage, are able to

effectively monitor buyers (Biais and Gollier, 1997; Fabbri and Menichini, 2010), thereby

refraining the latter from hoarding bad news. On the other hand, the concession view argues

that suppliers tend to be lenient and willing to grant concessions to buyers, especially when

the latter are financially distressed (Wilner, 2000; Cuñat, 2007); in this case, buyers are more

prone to withholding bad news and experiencing a stock price crash in the future. Using a

sample of U.S. public firms from 1990 to 2013, I find that firms’ usage of trade credit

financing is negatively associated with future stock price crash risk. This negative relation

is robust to a set of robustness checks. The findings are consistent with the monitoring view

that suppliers are able to monitor their customers more effectively using trade credit, which

reduces customers’ bad-news-hoarding behavior and future crash risk.

Furthermore, I conduct several additional analyses conditioning on governance, bank

monitoring, market power, and financial distress. The results show that the negative

association between trade credit and crash risk is more pronounced for firms with weaker

governance or bank monitoring, and those with weaker market power or higher distress risk.

These findings further support the monitoring view by suggesting that supplier monitoring

serves as a substitute for formal governance mechanisms in disciplining customers’


A potential limitation of this chapter is that, while my trade credit measure is

conventional in the literature (e.g., Petersen and Rajan, 1997; Fisman and Love, 2003, Cuñat,

2007), it is based on financial statement information and thus may not be able to capture the

incremental effect of trade credit on crash risk. The reason is that trade credit is frequently

used in business activities and so it is difficult for me to collect data or conduct tests based

on new trade credit contracts. Also, due to data and time constraints, my research has not

examined the extent to which the results are affected by supplier-buyer relationships. Recent

studies have used supplier-buyer pairwise data from 10-K disclosures to analyze supplier-

buyer relationships (e.g., Murfin and Njoroge, 2015). Identifying firms’ major suppliers is a

part of my future research agenda, which will enable me to better capture supplier monitoring

mechanisms and examine how they affect stock price crash risk.

In Chapter 4, I test whether the deregulation of bank branch restrictions affects stock

price crash risk for nonfinancial firms. Between the 1970s and 1990s most states in the U.S.

removed branching restrictions in the banking sector by allowing banks to open branches or

undertake M&A activities within or out of states. Using a sample of 61,784 firm-year

observations from 1962 to 1994, I find that the passage of intrastate branching deregulation

laws leads to lower stock price crash risk for nonfinancial firms. I address the potential

endogeneity concerns by estimating a dynamic specification and performing falsification

tests. I also control for related deregulatory events and estimate long-window samples to

ensure the robustness of the results. My findings are consistent with the argument that, after

the passage of intrastate deregulation, banks can monitor their borrowers more effectively

and help constrain their bad-news-hoarding behavior. Furthermore, I show that the negative

relation between bank deregulation and crash risk is more pronounced for firms with high

external financial dependence and risk-taking behavior, suggesting that external financial

dependence and firm riskiness are the two mechanisms explaining the results.

5.2. Contributions and suggestions for future research

Taken together, the three chapters of this thesis conclude that corporate financing

policies significantly affect the likelihood of extreme collapses in firm value. Understanding

what drives or constrains the perceived crash risk has the potential to make a significant

contribution toward an understanding and knowledge of extreme equity value decreases.

Managers would learn some new determinants of stock price crash risk from my findings

and act to avoid extreme unfavorable outcomes, such as compensation reduction, executive

dismissal, and infamous lawsuits (see the cases of Enron or Tyco). For equity investors, the

first and second essay would enable them to make better portfolio investment decisions by

predicting future crash risk based on the information about debt maturity and supplier

financing policies. The third essay would be important for policy makers in banking industry

to take nonfinancial firms’ stock price crash risk into considerations. Thus, I argue that my

results have important practical implications for managers, shareholders, debtholders, and

suppliers by providing insights on how to moderate firms’ crash risk using corporate

financing policies.

My thesis also contributes to academic research on corporate financing and stock

price crash risk. First, it adds to the literature on stock price crash risk by suggesting three

new determinants of crash risk. The existing literature has examined a number of

determinants, mainly including corporate governance factors that are related to financial

reporting, corporate disclosure (e.g., Hutton, Marcus, and Tehranian, 2009; Kim, Li, and

Zhang, 2011a, b), and managerial characteristics (e.g., Callen and Fang, 2015; Andreou,

Louca, and Petrou, 2016; Kim, Wang, and Zhang, 2016). Very few studies have paid

attention to the role of corporate financing in influencing stock price crash risk. In this thesis,

I propose three distinct factors that are associated with crash risk, namely debt maturity,

trade credit, and bank deregulation laws. Second, my thesis provides new and exciting

research insights on the links between the interests of various finance suppliers and those of

shareholders. Chapters 2 and 3 imply that short-maturity debt and trade credit allow creditors

and suppliers to restrict managers’ misconduct, which in turn is mutually beneficial to

shareholders’ wealth through the reduction of stock price crash risk. Chapter 4 shows that

state-level deregulation laws in the banking sector reduce nonfinancial firms’ crash risk, thus

implying that shareholders’ value also benefits from the improved bank monitoring

efficiency driven by bank reform.

Future research can investigate new facets of stock price crash risk. First, it remains

fruitful to continue uncovering new determinants of stock price crash risk. However, a key

challenge with this strand of research is to address endogeneity concerns or enhance the

identification of causal effects. Atanasov and Black (2016) argue that shock-based designs

(or natural experiments) can often create a stronger basis for reasonable causal inference

than the best available non-shock designs. Thus, it is promising for future research to

investigate the association between stock price crash risk and exogenous events due to

regulatory changes. Second, while a bulk of research on the causes of stock price crash risk

has emerged over the past decade, studies on the consequences of stock price crashes are

surprisingly scarce. Crash incidence has disastrous consequences for shareholders’ wealth

but may also implicitly alter certain corporate policies or exert different pressures on

stakeholders. This will be another interesting avenue for future research.


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