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Tube-Tech ME 1B Manual

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User Manual

Tube-Tech ME 1B

Rev. Jun 28, 2013

Softube User Manual
© 2007-2013. Amp Room is a registered trademark of Softube AB, Sweden. Softube is a registered trade-
mark of Softube AB, Sweden. All visual and aural references to the Valley People Dyna-mite, Tonelux and
Tilt are trademarks being made with written permission from PMI Audio. The Tonelux and Tilt logo, the
Valley People, Dyna-mite and associated logos, are trademarks of PMI Audio Group, used under license.
All specifications subject to change without notice. All Rights Reserved.
Other company and product names mentioned herein are trademarks of their respective companies. Men-
tion of third-party products is for informational purposes only and constitutes neither an endorsement
nor a recommendation. Softube assumes no responsibility with regard to the performance or use of these
Softube products are protected by patents SE526523 and SE525332, and related patents/patent ap-
plications, including WO06054943, US11/667360, US2004­0258250, EP1492081, EP1815459, and
Your rights to the software are governed by the accompanying software license agreement (End User Li-
cense Agreement).

Every effort has been made to ensure that the information in this manual is accurate. However, there are a
chance that we have made mistakes, and we hope that you understand that we are only humans. Please let
us know about the mistake, and we’ll fix it in the mix (or in the next version of this manual).

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1 User Interface 5
Menu Row. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Key Commands. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

2 Tube-Tech ME 1B Midrange Equalizer 7

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
User Interface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Filter Graphs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Buying Recommendations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Credits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
iv |  Table of Contents
  | 5

1 User Interface

Softube plug-ins are “what you see is what you

get” products. You should be able to intuitively learn Enable Enable/Activate the plug-in.
the products within minutes, so that you can work Set to off for bypass.
fast and efficient with them. There are a couple of
things that remain the same for all of our plug-ins,
Setup Changes global options for all
such as the menu row. These will be explained in
instances of that plug-in.
this chapter. For detailed information of a particular
plug-in, please see its chapter.

Menu Row
In the bottom of the plug-in interface, you will see
a thin black row with some buttons. We’ll use the
Dyna-mite plug-in as example, but the same goes
for all plug-ins.
About Box Opens the “About” Box with When the Enable switch is set to on (I), the plug-
version info. in is active and will process audio. When set to off
(0), it will be bypassed and not process any audio. It
Value Display Displays the knob value when will take considerably less CPU when it is bypassed.
the mouse is hovering over a

“About” Box Value Display Enable Setup


Setup Key Commands

In the Setup window you can change settings that All numbers and labels in the plug-in are clickable.
will affect all instances of that particular plug-in. If This allows you to easy select a setting by clicking
you for example de-select the “Show Value Display” on the wanted value. Hovering above a label will
option in the Bass Amp Room plug-in the value turn the mouse pointer into a pointing hand.
display will be off for all Bass Amp Rooms on your
system until you select that option again.
The different options vary between Windows and
Mac, and also different formats and plug-ins. The
most common options are: Up/Down or
Mouse Wheel Change a parameter, such as a
Show Value Display: Enables the parameter and knob or a switch.
value display in the bottom row of the plug-in.
Reverse Mouse Wheel Direction: (Mac OS
Only) Changes if the a knob is turned up or down
when the mouse wheel is turned up or down. (Mac
OS Only) Fine Adjust ⌘ (Mac) or Ctrl (Win),
while changing the parameter
You need to restart your host software (DAW) before the value.
changes to fully take effect!
Reset to Default Alt, while clicking on the
If you messed something up and manually need to knob or fader.
set these options, you’ll find them in text format in
the following locations:
Mac OS: ~/Library/Application Support/
Plug-In Specific Key Commands
Softube In many plug-ins, you can shift-click on a knob or
a switch to get some extra functionality
Windows: username\Application Data\
Metal Amp Room
Shift-click and drag a mic will move both mics

All Amp Rooms

Shift-click in the cabinet background will change
cabinet (or amp) without any animations
  | 7

2 Tube-Tech ME 1B Midrange

“Why do I need another eq?” Well...
That is certainly not a new ques-
tion. But for some reason the Pultec
design of equalizers have managed
to survive through the decades. The
original Pultecs were built in the fif-
ties and Tube-Tech has been making
their Pultec clones since the mid
eighties. Since the first Pultecs came
out there have been tons of inven-
tions that could have rendered this
design useless: transistors, op-amps, doesn’t adjust. On its own it’s a great tool to shape
circuit board designs, fully parametric designs, total the mid- range of any audio material, and together
recall, and the list goes on. But for some reason, the with the PE 1C it becomes a versatile and full
Pultec character is still desired in pro studios all featured equalizer.
over the world.
The focus of the PE 1C, “program equalizer”, is the
So do you need another eq? There are certainly stuff shelving filters and the mid-range boost. It cannot
going on in the Tube-Tech ME 1B that is unique, attenuate the mids, and you don’t have the ability to
but its biggest mojo is that it is so well-designed get bell shaped filter curves in the lows and highs.
that almost whatever setting you use, it will sound The ME 1B solves all these drawbacks by offering
good. And that is good product design, and prob- the user three bands of equalization: low frequency
ably the reason to why everybody needs a Pultec boost (200–1000Hz), an almost full range sweep-
style equalizer. able cut (200–7000Hz) and a high frequency boost
About the ME 1B Together they are strong.
Just like the PE 1C Pultec equalizer, the Tube-Tech
ME 1B is a passive, tube-based equalizer. It was
designed to accompany the PE 1C equalizer, and
provide control over the frequencies that the PE 1C

User Interface
The user interface of the ME 1B is pretty straight forward. You have three different sections, the Low
Frequency Peak, Mid Frequency Dip and the High Frequency Peak. The only confusing thing is that the
mid section never boosts, but always attenuate the selected frequency. The other two sections, low and high
frequency, boost the frequencies. But as soon as you start to use the ME 1B in conjunction with the PE 1C
you’ll find that these sections will complement the PE 1C.
In addition to this you get an Output Gain control. It isn’t included in the original hardware, but is useful
in a plug-in.

Low Freq. Low Peak Mid Freq. Mid Dip High Freq. High Peak

Output Gain

Low Frequency Section Mid Frequency Section High Frequency Section

Low Frequency Section

The low frequency section consists of a sweepable bell shaped peak filter and a gain knob.

Low Frequency Sets the center frequency of the peak filter. The frequency settings are 200 Hz, 300
Hz, 500 Hz, 700 Hz and 1 kHz. All these frequencies overlap with settings in the
Mid Frequency.

Low Peak The right hand knob adjusts the amount of gain in the peak filter. Adjustable from 0
dB to about 10 dB.

Mid Frequency Section

The mid frequency section consists of a sweepable and attenuating bell shaped filter and a gain knob. With
the gain set at 10 you get full attenuation (about -10 dB) from the mid filters.

Mid Frequency Sets the center frequency of the dip filter. The frequency settings are 200, 300, 500,
700, 1000 Hz (overlaps the low frequency section), 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 5 kHz (overlaps the
high frequency section) and finally 7 kHz.

Mid Dip Sets the amount of attenuation at the selected frequency. Ranges from 0 dB to about
-10 dB.

High Frequency Section

The high frequency section consists of a sweepable bell shaped peak filter and a gain knob.

High Frequency Sets the center frequency of the peak filter. The frequency settings are 1.5, 2, 3, 4, and
5 kHz.

High Peak Sets the amount of gain in the peak filter. Adjustable from 0 dB to about 8 dB. The
exact gain depends on the frequency setting.

Output Section
Output Gain The output gain wasn’t included in the original ME 1B, but it is pretty useful to have a
gain control, especially when you want to A/B between bypassed and engaged mode.
Ranges from -10 dB to +10 dB.

Filter Graphs 10
High Frequency Boost (1.5 kHz)

Here are some examples of the filter curves for dif-
ferent gain settings.

It is worth to note that the exact shape of these 2
curves depend on three things:

1. What other knobs are set at (they depend on −2

100 1000 10k
each other). Mid Frequency Dip (500 Hz)
2. The frequency of the peak or dip filter. 0

3. The output impedance of the amplifier that is −2

driving (inserted before) the real ME 1B. −4

In order to satisfy most setups, we chose to model −8
the impedance so that you can get a little bit more −10
gain or attenuation from the filters. That way you −12
can always back it off a bit, if you need the plug-in 100 1000 10k

to match exactly to your hardware setup. 12

Low Frequency Boost (500 Hz)


Buying Recommendations 8


The best way to get as close as possible to the 4

original Pultec Midrange EQ sound in hardware is 2
to get the ME 1B from Tube-Tech. They make great 0
gear. Period. Every time we get to borrow Tube- −2
Tech stuff we immediately fall in love and want to 100 1000 10k

keep it.

Niklas Odelholm – modeling, Arvid Rosén –
modeling. Torsten Gatu – framework program-
ming. Oscar Öberg – framework programming.
Ulf Ekelöf – 3D rendering. Original hardware was
designed by John G. Petersen at Tube-Tech/Lyd-
kraft ApS, Denmark.
Softube AB, S:t Larsgatan 10c, 582 24 Linköping, Sweden. www.softube.com

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