Bomag BMP8500Service Manual Complete - Watermark

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The document discusses technical manuals for heavy machinery and covers topics like electrical systems, maintenance, and repair procedures.

Circuit diagrams are used to understand electrical systems and their components. They show the connections between different electrical elements using standardized symbols.

The manual discusses different electrical components like diodes, relays, fuses, batteries, generators, starters, sensors and more along with their working principles.



Service - Manual

BMP 8500
S/N 101 720 11 ....

Multi-purpose compactor

Catalogue number.
008 915 77 01/2010
Table of Contents

General 5
1.1 Introduction 6
1.2 Safety regulations 7
1.3 General repair instructions 11
1.4 Tightening torques 21
Technical data 25
2.1 Technical data 26
Maintenance 31
3.1 General notes on maintenance 32
3.2 Fuels and lubricants 33
3.3 Table of fuels and lubricants 35
3.4 Running-in instructions 36
3.5 Maintenance table 37
Caddy wiring diagrams 39
4.1 Understanding circuit diagrams 40
4.2 Circuit symbols in the circuit diagram 45
E-Plan wiring diagrams 47
5.1 Understanding wiring diagrams 48
5.2 Circuit symbols in the circuit diagram 57
Electrics 61
6.1 Designation of components in the wiring diagram 63
6.2 Terminal designations in wiring diagram 64
6.3 Battery ground and analog ground 66
6.4 Processor signals 66
6.5 Current and voltage 67
6.6 Resistance 69
6.7 Series / parallel connection 71
6.8 Ohm's law 73
6.9 Electrical energy 73
6.10 Formula diagram 74
6.11 Metrology 75
6.12 Diodes, relays, fuses 79
6.13 Inductive proximity switches 82
6.14 Plug connectors 83
6.15 Deutsch plug, series DT and DTM 84
6.16 Batteries 90
6.17 Battery service 92
6.18 Generator 93
6.19 Generator repair 99
6.20 Electric starter 103
6.21 Repair of starter 110
6.22 Glow plugs 114
6.23 Engine governor rod positioning solenoid 116
6.24 Engine shut-down solenoid 118
6.25 Oil pressure and low oil pressure circuitry 121
6.26 Coolant temperature and power reduction 124

008 915 77 BOMAG 3
Table of Contents

6.27 Wiring looms 126

6.28 BLM - Power/Logic Module 129
6.29 Checking the voltage supply for the control unit 131
6.30 Diagnostics concept 139
Electronic control 143
7.1 Training 145
7.2 Logic 177
Service Training 185
8.1 General 187
8.2 Travel system 190
8.3 Vibration 197
8.4 Control valve block 202
8.5 Hose connection centre frame 205
8.6 Hydraulic lines 206
Repair overview for drum 213
9.1 Repair overview for drum 214
Travel system 215
10.1 Special tools 216
10.2 Repairing the travel system 217
Exciter unit 225
11.1 Special tools 226
11.2 Repairing the exciter unit. 227
Suppliers documentation 237
12.1 Travel motor 239
Circuit diagrams 253
13.1 Hydraulic diagram 724 301 06 255
13.2 Wiring diagram 724 002 09 263
13.3 Wiring diagram 724 002 29 279

4 BOMAG 008 915 77

1 General

008 915 77 BOMAG 5
1.1 Introduction

1.1 Introduction
This manual addresses the professionally qualified
personnel or the after sales service of BOMAG, and
should be of help and assistance in correct and effi-
cient repair and maintenance work.
This manual describes the disassembly, dismantling,
assembly, installation and repair of components and
assemblies. The repair of components and assem-
blies is only described as this makes sense under due
consideration of working means and spare parts sup-

For the BOMAG machines described in this manual
the following documentation is additionally available:
1 Operating and maintenance instructions
2 Spare parts catalogue
3 Wiring diagram*
4 Hydraulic diagram*
5 Service Information

Use only genuine BOMAG spare parts.

Spare parts needed for repairs can be taken from the
spare parts catalogue for the machine.
These repair instructions are not subject of an updat-
ing service; for this reason we would like to draw your
attention to our additional "Technical Service Bulle-
In case of a new release all necessary changes will be
In the course of technical development we reserve the
right for technical modifications without prior notifica-
Information and illustrations in this manual must not
be reproduced and distributed, nor must they be used
for the purpose of competition. All rights according to
the copyright law remain expressly reserved.


These safety regulations must be read and ap-

plied by every person involved in the repair /main-
tenance of this machine. The applicable accident
prevention instructions and the safety regulations
in the operating and maintenance instructions
must be additionally observed.
Printed in Germany
Copyright by BOMAG
* The applicable documents valid at the date of print-
ing are part of this manual.

6 BOMAG 008 915 77
Safety regulations 1.2
Important notes Block the articulated joint with the articulation lock.
1.2 Safety regulations

These safety regulations must be read and ap-

Use protective clothes like hard hat, safety boots
plied by every person involved in the repair /main- and gloves.
tenance of this machine. The applicable accident l
Keep unauthorized persons away from the machine
prevention instructions and the safety regulations during repair work.
in the operating and maintenance instructions l
Tools, lifting gear, lifting tackle, supports and other
must be additionally observed.
auxiliary equipment must be fully functional and in
Repair work shall only performed by appropriately safe condition.
trained personnel or by the after sales service of l Use only safe and approved lifting gear of sufficient
BOMAG. load bearing capacity to remove and install parts or
components from and to the machine.
Workshop equipment and facilities as well as the
use and waste disposal of fuels and lubricants, l Do not use easily inflammable or harmful substanc-
cleaning agents and solvent as well as gases and es, such as gasoline or paint thinners for cleaning.
chemicals are subject to legal regulations, which l
Do not smoke or use open fire and avoid sparks
are intended to provide a minimum on safety. It is when cleaning or repairing a tank.
obviously your own responsibility to know and
adhere to these regulations.
When performing welding work strictly comply with
the respective welding instructions.
This manual contains headers like "Note", "Attention",
"Danger" and "Environment", which must be strictly
complied with in order to inform about and avoid dan- Transport work with cranes and lifting
gers to persons, property and the environment. tackle

i Note i Note
Paragraphs marked like this contain technical infor- Cranes must only be operated by instructed persons
mation for the optimal economical use of the machine. who had been trained in handling cranes.
Follow the operating instructions of the manufactur-
! er when working with cranes.
Paragraphs marked like this highlight possible l
Follow the operating instructions of the operator
dangers for machines or parts of the machine. when working with cranes.
Always comply with the applicable accident preven-
tion instructions when working with cranes and lift-
ing tackle.
Paragraphs marked like this highlight possible
dangers for persons.
Precautions and codes of conduct for
welding work
Welding work must only be carried out by properly
Paragraphs marked like this point out practices
trained personnel.
for safe and environmental disposal of fuels and
lubricants as well as replacement parts.
Observe the regulations for the protection of the
environment. Electric shock!
Sparks, fire hazard, burning of skin!
General Infrared or ultraviolet radiation (arc), flashing of
For repair and maintenance work move the ma- eyes!
chine on a firm base and shut it down. Health hazard caused by welding work on highly
Always secure the machine against unintended roll- alloyed work pieces, metal coatings, paint coat-
ing. ings, plastic coatings, oil containing dirt deposits,
grease or solvent residues, etc.!
Secure the engine reliably against unintentional
l Check welding equipment and cables for damage
before use (also the validity of inspection stickers).
l Mark a defective machine and a machine under re-
pair by attaching a clearly visible warning label to
Ensure good conductivity between ground cable
the dashboard. and workpiece, avoid joints and bearings.

008 915 77 BOMAG 7
1.2 Safety regulations

l Start the extraction fan before starting work and gine oils contain potentially hazardous contaminants,
guide with the progressing work as required. which could cause skin cancer. Appropriate skin pro-
tection agents and washing facilities must therefore
Always isolate the burner when laying it down (re-
move possible electrode residues). be provided.
l Wear protective clothes and safety gloves, if possi-
Protect cables from being damaged, use cables
with insulated couplings. ble.
l If there is a risk of eye contact you should protect
Ensure sufficient fire protection, keep a fire extin-
your eyes appropriately, e.g. chemistry goggles or
guisher at hand.
full face visor; a facility suitable for rinsing the eyes
l Welding work in areas where there is a risk of fire or should also be available.
explosion, must only be carried out with welding l Avoid longer and repetitive contacts with oils. In
case of open incisions and injuries seek medical ad-
l Remove any combustible materials from the weld- vice immediately.
ing area or cover such items appropriately. l
Apply protective cream before starting work, so that
Name a fire watch during and after welding work. oil can be easier removed from the skin.
Place welding rod holders and inert gas welding l
Wash affected skin areas with water and soap (skin
guns only on properly insulated bases. cleansers and nail brushes will help). Lanolin con-
Place the inert gas bottles in a safe place and se- taining agents will replace natural skin oils that were
cure them against falling over. lost.
Use a protective screen or hand shield with welding
Do not use gasoline, kerosene, diesel, thinner or
filter, wear welding gloves and clothes. solvents to wash the skin.
Switch the welding unit off before connecting weld-
Do not put oil soaked cloths into your pockets.
ing cables. l Avoid clothes getting soiled by oil.
Check electrode holders and electric cables at reg- l
Overalls must be washed at regular intervals. Dis-
ular intervals. pose of non-washable clothes environmentally.
Behaviour in case of faults l
If possible degrease components before handling.
l In case of faults on the welding unit switch of the
welding unit immediately and have it repaired by ex- Environment
pert personnel. It is strictly prohibited to drain off oil into the soil,
l In case of failure of the extraction system switch the the sewer system or into natural waters. Old oil
system off and have it repaired by expert personnel. must be disposed of according to applicable envi-
ronmental regulations. If in doubt you should con-
Maintenance; waste disposal sult your local authorities.
Replace damaged insulating jaws and welding rod
holders immediately. Hydraulics
Replace the welding wire reels only in de-energized l
Always relieve the pressure in the hydraulic system
state. before disconnecting any lines. Hydraulic oil escap-
ing under pressure can penetrate the skin and
What to do in case of accidents; First Aid
cause severe injury.
l Keep calm. l
Always make sure that all screw fittings have been
Call first air helpers. tightened properly and that hoses and pipes are in
Report the accident. mint condition before pressurizing the system
In case of an electric accident: Interrupt the power
supply and remove the injured person from the
Hydraulic oil leaking out of a small opening can
electric circuit. If breathing and heart have stopped hardly be noticed, therefore please use a piece of
apply reactivation measures and call for an emer- cardboard or wood when checking for leaks. When
gency doctor. injured by hydraulic oil escaping under pressure
consult a physician immediately, as otherwise this
may cause severe infections.
Old oils
l Do not step in front of or behind the drums, wheels
Prolonged and repetitive contact with mineral oils will or crawler tracks when performing adjustment work
remove the natural greases from the skin and causes in the hydraulic system while the engine is running.
dryness, irritation and dermatitis. Moreover, used en- Block drums, wheels or crawler tracks with wedges.

8 BOMAG 008 915 77
Safety regulations 1.2
Reattach all guards and safety installations after Synthetic rubber
all work has been completed.
Many O-rings, hoses, etc. are made of synthetic ma-
terial, a so-called fluorocarbon elastomer. Under nor-
Environment mal operating conditions this material is safe and does
It is strictly prohibited to drain off oil into the soil, not impose any danger to health.
the sewer system or into natural waters. Oil oil However, if this material becomes damaged by fire or
must be disposed of according to applicable envi- extreme heat, it may decompose and form highly
ronmental regulations. If in doubt you should con- caustic hydrofluoric acid, which can cause severe
sult your local authorities. burns in contact with skin.
If the material is in such a state it must only be
Fuels touched with special protective gloves. The protec-
tive gloves must be disposed of according to appli-
!Danger cable environmental regulations immediately after
Repair work shall only performed by appropriately
trained personnel or by the after sales service of
l If the material has contacted the skin despite these
BOMAG. measures, take off the soiled clothes and seek
medical advice immediately. In the meantime cool
Follow the valid accident prevention instructions when and wash the affected area of skin over a sufficient
handling fuels. time with cold water or lime water.
The following notes refer to general safety precau-
tions for danger free handling of fuel. Poisonous substances
Fuel vapours not only are easily inflammable, but also Some of the fluids and substances used are toxic and
highly explosive inside closed rooms and toxic; dilu- must under no circumstances be consumed.
tion with air creates an easily inflammable mixture.
The vapours are heavier than air and therefore sink Skin contact, especially with open wounds, must be
down to the ground. Inside a workshop they may eas- avoided.
ily become distributed by draft. Even the smallest por- These fluids and substances are, amongst others,
tion of spilled fuel is therefore potentially dangerous. anti-freeze agents, hydraulic oils, fuels, washing addi-
tives, refrigerants, lubricants and various bonding
l Fire extinguishers charged with FOAM, CO2 GAS agents.
or POWDER must be available wherever fuel is
stored, filled in, drained off, or where work on fuel
systems is performed. Engine
The vehicle battery must always be disconnected,
BEFORE work in the fuel system is started. Do not Danger

disconnect the battery while working on the fuel Do not work on the fuel system while the engine is
system. Sparks could cause explosion of the fuel running. (Danger to life!)
Once the engine has stopped wait approx. 1 min-
Wherever fuel is stored, filled, drained off or where utes for the system to depressurize. The systems
work on fuel systems is carried out, all potential ig- are under high pressure. (Danger to life!)
nition sources must be extinguished or removed.
Keep out of the danger zone during the initial test
Search lights must be fire proof and well protected
rung. Danger caused by high pressure in case of
against possible contact with running out fuel.
leaks. (Danger to life!)
When performing work on the fuel system make
Hot fuels sure that the engine cannot be started uninten-
Please apply the following measures before draining tionally during repair work. (Danger to life!)
of fuel to prepare for repair work: l
Maintenance and cleaning work on the engine must
Allow the fuel to cool down, to prevent any contact only be performed with the engine stopped and
with a hot fluid. cooled down. Make sure that the electric system is
Vent the system, by removing the filler cap in a well switched off and sufficiently secured against being
ventilated area. Screw the filler cap back on, until switched on again (e.g. pull off ignition key, attach a
the tank is finally emptied. warning label).
l Observe the accident prevention regulations for
electric systems (e.g. -VDE-0100/-0101/-0104/-

008 915 77 BOMAG 9
1.2 Safety regulations

0105 Electric precautions against dangerous con- l Always ensure an adequate supply of fresh air
tact voltages). when refuelling in closed rooms.
Cover all electric components properly before wet l
Dispose of used filters in accordance with applica-
cleaning. ble environmental regulations.
When performing repair and maintenance work col-
Battery lect oils and fuels in suitable containers and dispose
Always wear goggles and protective clothing to of in compliance with applicable environmental reg-
service or clean batteries! Battery acid can cause ulations.
severe injury by cauterization when coming in con- l
Do not heat up oils higher than 160 °C because they
tact with skin. may ignite.
l Work only well ventilated rooms (formation of oxy- l
Wipe off spilled or overflown oil using suitable
hydrogen gas). cleaning means and dispose of in accordance with
Do not lean over the battery while it is under load, applicable environmental regulations.
being charged or tested (danger of explosion). l
Dispose of old batteries according to applicable en-
Keep ignition sources away from the battery. Burn- vironmental regulations.
ing cigarettes, flames or sparks can cause explo-
sion of the battery
l There is a danger of scalding when draining off en-
gine or hydraulic oil at operating temperature! Allow
l Use battery chargers etc. only in strict compliance
engine and hydraulic system to cool down to a suf-
with the operating instructions.
ficient level.
After an accident with acid flush the skin with a suf- l Do not exceed the max. permissible tire pressure.
ficient amount of water and seek medical advice.
l Do not allow children access to batteries.
When mixing battery fluid always pour acid into wa-
ter, never vice-versa.

Special safety regulations

Use only genuine BOMAG spare parts for repair
and maintenance work. Genuine spare parts and
original accessories were specially developed, test-
ed and approved for the machine.
The installation and use of non-genuine spare parts
or non-genuine accessories may therefore have an
adverse effect on the specific characteristics of the
machine and thereby impair the active and/or pas-
sive driving safety. The manufacturer explicitly ex-
cludes any liability for damage caused by the use of
non-original parts or accessories.
Unauthorized changes to the machine are prohibit-
ed for safety reasons.
l Do not perform any cleaning work while the engine
is running.
If tests on the articulated joint need to be performed
with the engine running, do not stand in the articu-
lation area of the machine (danger of crushing!).
If tests must be performed with the engine running
do not touch rotating parts of the engine (danger of
Always ensure an adequate supply of fresh air
when starting in closed rooms. Exhaust gases are
highly dangerous!
Refuel only with the engine shut down. Ensure strict
cleanliness and do not spill any fuel.

10 BOMAG 008 915 77
General repair instructions 1.3
General Electrics
1.3 General repair instructions

l Before removing or disassembling parts, assem- General

blies, components or hoses mark these parts for
easier assembly. Due to the fast technical development electric and
electronic vehicle systems become more intelligent
Before assembling and installing parts, assemblies and more comprehensive day by day, and can hardly
or components oil or grease all movable parts or be dispensed with in hydraulic and mechanical vehicle
surfaces as required and in compliance with the systems.
compatibility of materials.
Diagnostics according to plan
Well structured trouble shooting procedures can save
time and money.
Random tests have revealed that purely electronic
components or control units only very rarely are the
actual cause of failures:
In approx. 10 % of the examined cases the prob-
lems were caused by control units.
l In approx. 15 % sensors and actuators were the
cause of the problems.
By far the highest proportion of all faults could be
traced back to wiring and connections (plugs, etc.).

Before changing any expensive components, such
as control units, you should run a systematic trouble
shooting session to eliminate any other possible
fault sources. Knowledge in basic electrics is re-
quired for this purpose. If a fault was diagnosed
without having pulled the plug of the control unit or
inspected the wiring, this should be done before
changing any parts.
l Check for good cable and ground contacts, there-
fore keep all mechanical transition points between
electric conductors (terminals, plugs) free of oxide
and dirt, as far as this is possible.
l Always use the machine related wiring diagram for
testing. If one or more faults were detected, these
should be corrected immediately.
l Do not disconnect or connect battery or generator
while the engine is running.
Do not operate the main battery switch under load.
Do not use jump leads after the battery has been re-
l Sensors and electric actuators on control units must
never be connected individually or between exter-
nal power sources for the purpose of testing, but
only in connection with the control unit in question.
l It is not permitted to pull plugs off while the voltage
supply is switched on (terminal 15 "ON")! Switch the
voltage supply "OFF" first and pull out the plug.
l Even with an existing polarity reversal protection in-
correct polarity must be strictly avoided. Incorrect
polarity can cause damage to control units!

008 915 77 BOMAG 11
1.3 General repair instructions

l Plug-in connectors on control units are only dust Battery

and water tight if the mating connector is plugged
on! Control units must be protected against spray Rules for the handling of batteries
water, until the mating connector is finally plugged When removing a battery always disconnect the mi-
on! nus pole before the plus pole. When installing the bat-
Unauthorized opening of control electronics (Micro- tery connect the minus pole after the plus pole to avoid
controller MC), modifications or repairs in the wiring short circuits.
can cause severe malfunctions. Fasten the terminal clamps with a little force as possi-
Do not use any radio equipment or mobile phones ble.
in the vehicle cab without a proper aerial or in the vi- Always keep battery poles and terminal clams clean to
cinity of the control electronics! avoid high transition resistances when starting and
the related development of heat.
Electrics and welding
Make sure the battery is properly fastened in the vehi-
Before starting welding work you should discon-
nect the negative battery pole or interrupt the
electric circuit with the main battery switch, dis-
connect the generator and pull the plugs off all
control units in order to protect the electrical sys-
tem of the machine.
l Disconnect the minus pole of the battery or interrupt
the electric circuit with the main battery switch.
Isolate the generator and all control units from the
electric circuit.
Always fasten the earth clamp of the welding unit in
the immediate vicinity of the welding location.
When choosing the location for the earth clamp
make sure that the welding current will not pass
through joints or bearings.

12 BOMAG 008 915 77
General repair instructions 1.3
Generator Starter motor
Before removing the generator you must disconnect So-called jump starting (using an additional external
the ground cable from the minus pole of the battery battery) without the battery connected is dangerous.
while the ignition is switched off. Do not disconnect When disconnecting the cables from the poles high in-
the generator while the engine is running, because ductivities (arcs, voltage peaks) may occur and de-
this may cause extremely high voltage peaks in the stroy the electrical installation.
vehicle wiring system ("Load Dump"), which could For purposes like e.g. purging the fuel systems, start-
possibly damage control units, radios or other elec- ers may be operated for maximum 1 minute without
tronic equipment. interruption. Then you should wait for at least 30 min-
When disassembling the battery cable, the B+-nut un- utes (cooling down) until trying again. During the 1
derneath on the generator side may also be loosened. minute starting period this process should not be inter-
This nut must in this case be retightened. rupted.
When connecting e.g. the battery cable to the terminal Starter motors must not be cleaned with high pressure
of the generator you must make sure that the polarity steam cleaning equipment.
is correct (generator B+ to the + pole of the battery). The contacts on starter terminals 30, 45, 50 must be
Mixing up the polarities by mistake causes short cir- protected against unintended shorting (jump protec-
cuit and damage to the rectifier elements - the gener- tion).
ator will be out of function.
When replacing the starter the ring gear on the engine
The generator can only be operated with the battery flywheel must be checked for damage and its number
connected. Under special conditions emergency op- of teeth - if necessary replace the ring gear.
eration without battery is permitted, the lifetime of the
generator is in such cases especially limited. Always disconnect the battery before starting assem-
bly work in the starter area of the engine or on the
Plus and minus cables must be disconnected during starter itself.
rapid charging of the battery or electric welding on the
When cleaning the generator with a steam or water jet
make sure not to direct the steam or water jet directly
on or into the generator openings or ball bearings. Af-
ter cleaning the generator should be operated for
about 1 - 2 minutes to remove any deposits of water
from the generator.

008 915 77 BOMAG 13
1.3 General repair instructions

Hydraulic system l Perform measurements at operating temperature of

the hydraulic oil (approx. 40 ¯C).

After changing a component perform a high and
charge pressure test, if necessary check the speed
Repair work on hydraulic elements shall only per-
of the exciter shaft.
formed by appropriately trained personnel or by
the after sales service of BOMAG. l
The operating pressure of the exciter shaft to a
great extent depends on the base under the vibrat-
Please note ing drum. On hard ground place the drums on a suit-
able base and check the drum pressure. Do not
i Note activate the vibration on a hard, concreted base,
danger of bearing damage.
Cleanliness is of utmost importance. Dirt and other
contaminations must strictly be kept out of the system. l After the completion of all tests perform a test run
and then check all connections and fittings for leaks
Connections and screw fittings, filler neck covers
with the engine still stopped and the hydraulic sys-
and their immediate surrounding areas must be
tem depressurized.
cleaned before removal.
Before loosening hoses, pipe lines etc. relieve all Before commissioning
pressure from the system. l Fill the housings of hydraulic pumps and motors
During repair work keep all openings closed with with hydraulic oil. Use only hydraulic oils according
clean plastic plugs and caps. to the specification in the maintenance instructions.
Never run pumps, motors and engines without oil or
After changing a component flush the hydraulic sys-
hydraulic oil. tem as described in the flushing instructions.
l When cleaning hydraulic components take care not Taking into operation
to damage any fine machine surfaces. l
Bleed the hydraulic circuits.
Chemical and rubber soluble cleansing agents may l
Start up the hydraulic system without load.
only be used to clean metal parts. Do not let such
substances come in contact with rubber parts.
Check the hydraulic oil level in the tank, if neces-
sary top up with hydraulic oil as specified in the op-
Rinse of cleaned parts thoroughly, dry them with erating and maintenance instructions or drain oil off
compressed air and apply anti-corrosion oil immedi- into a suitable container.
ately. Do not install parts that show traces of corro-
sion. After taking into operation
Avoid the formation of rust on fine machined caused l
Check fittings and flanges for leaks.
by hand sweat. l
After each repair check all adjustment data, system
Use new O-rings or seal rings for reassembly. pressures, rotational speeds and nominal values in
l Use only hydraulic oil as sliding agent when reas- the hydraulic system, adjust if necessary.
sembling. Do not use any grease! l
Do not adjust pressure relief valves and control
Use only the specified pressure gauges. Risk of valves to values above their specified values.
damaging the pressure gauges under too high pres-
Check the hydraulic oil level before and after the
Fill in only clean oil as specified in the maintenance
Check the hydraulic system for leaks, if necessary
find and rectify the cause.
l Before taking new hydraulic components into oper-
ation fill these with hydraulic oil as specified in the
operating and maintenance instructions.
l After changing a hydraulic component thoroughly
flush, refill and bleed the complete hydraulic sys-

14 BOMAG 008 915 77
General repair instructions 1.3
Fuel hoses Gaskets and mating surfaces
Leaking sealing faces can mostly be traced back to in-
correct assembly of seals and gaskets.
Before assembling a new seal or gasket make sure
that the sealing surface is free of pitting, flutes, cor-
rosion or other damage.
Inappropriately stored or handled seals (e.g. hang-
ing from hooks or nails) must under no circumstanc-
es be used.
Assemble seals and gaskets only with sealing com-
pound, grease or oil, if this is specifically specified
Fig. 1 in the repair instructions.
If necessary remove any old sealing compound be-
! Caution fore assembling. For this purpose do not use any
tools that could damage the sealing surfaces.
All fuel hoses have two layers of material, a rein-
forced rubber coating outside and an internal Vi- l
Sealing compound must be applied thin and evenly
ton hose. If a fuel hose has come loose one must on the corresponding surfaces; take care that the
make absolutely sure that the internal Viton layer compound does not enter into oil galleries or blind
has not been separated from the reinforced outer threaded bores.
layer. In case of a separation the hose needs to be l
Examine the contact faces for scratches and burrs,
replaced. remove these with a fine file or an oilstone; take
care that no grinding dust and dirt enters into
tapped bores or enclosed components.
Blow out lines, ducts and gaps with compressed air,
replace any O-rings and seals that have been dis-
lodged by the compressed air.

Assembly of radial seals

Fig. 2
Lubricate the sealing lips (2) (Fig. 2) with clean
grease; in case of double seals fill the space be-
tween the sealing lips with a generous amount of
Slide the seal over the shaft, with the lip facing to-
wards the fluid to be sealed.

i Note
If possible, use an assembly sleeve (1 (Fig. 2)), to
protect the lip from being damaged by sharp edg-
es, threads or splines. If no assembly sleeve is avail-

008 915 77 BOMAG 15
1.3 General repair instructions

able, you should use a plastic tube or adhesive tape Feather keys and keyways
to prevent the sealing lip from being damaged.
l Lubricate the outer rim (arrow 3 (Fig. 2)) of the seal Caution
and press it flat on the housing seat.
Feather keys may only be reused if they are free of

Fig. 3
Press or knock the seal into the housing, until it is
flush with the housing surface.

i Note
Fig. 4
If possible, use a "bell" (1 (Fig. 3)), to make sure that
the seal will not skew. In some cases it may be ad-
Clean and thoroughly examine the feather key.
visable to assemble the seal into the housing first, be- l Deburr and thoroughly clean the edges of the key-
fore sliding it over the shaft. Under no circumstances way with a fine file before reassembling.
should the full weight of the shaft rest on the seal.
If you have no proper service tools at hand, use a suit-
able drift punch with a diameter which is about 0,4 mm
smaller than the outer diameter of the seal. Use VERY
LIGHT blows with the hammer if no press is available.

16 BOMAG 008 915 77
General repair instructions 1.3
Ball and roller bearings l Check shaft and bearing housing for discolouration
or other signs of movement between ball or roller
bearing and seats.
l Make sure that shaft and housing are free of burrs
Ball and roller bearings may only be reused if they
before assembling the ball or roller bearing.
are free of damage and do not show any signs of
wear. l
Always mark the individual parts of separable ball or
roller bearings (e.g. taper roller bearings) to enable
correct reassembling. Never assemble the rollers to
an outer race that has already been used, replace
the complete ball or roller bearing instead.

Fig. 6

When assembling the ball or roller bearing to the
shaft load must only be applied to the inner race 1
(Fig. 6).
When fitting the bearing into the housing load
must only be applied to the outer race (2).

Fig. 5
If a ball or roller bearing of a bearing pair shows de-
fects, both ball or roller bearings need to be re-
l Remove any lubricant residues from the ball or roll-
er bearing to be examined by washing it with gaso-
line or any other appropriate degreasing agent.
Ensure strict cleanliness.
l Check balls or rollers, running surfaces, outer faces
of outer races and inner faces of inner races for vis-
ible damage. Replace the ball or roller bearing if
Check the ball or roller bearing for clearance and re-
sistance between the inner and outer races, replace
if necessary.
l Lubricate the ball or roller bearing with the recom-
mended type of grease before assembly or reas-
l On greased bearings (e.g. wheel bearings) fill the
space between ball or roller bearing and outer seal
with the recommended type of grease before as-
sembling the seal.

008 915 77 BOMAG 17
1.3 General repair instructions

Screws and nuts Strength classes, metric screws

The strength classes (from 3.6 to 12.9) are specified
Tightening torque
for all strength classes from a nominal diameter of
5mm. The corresponding identification can be found
!Caution where allowed for by the shape of the screw.
Tighten nuts or screws with the tightening tor-
ques specified in the following tables of tighten-
ing torques. Tightening torques deviating from
the ones in the table are specially mentioned in
the repair instructions.
Damaged screws must under no circumstances
be used any longer. Recutting threads with thread
cutters or taps adversely affects the strength and
leak tightness of the screw joint. Damaged or cor-
roded thread pitches can cause incorrect torque
value readings.
Self-locking nuts must generally be replaced after
The use of screws with too high strength can
cause damage!
Nut of a higher strength can generally be used in-
stead of nuts of a lower strength classification.
When checking or retightening screw joints to the
specified tightening torque you should first relieve
Fig. 7 Identification of screws
by a quarter turn and then tighten to the correct
torque. Example: A screw is identified with 12.9.
Before tightening you should lightly oil the thread, in The first number corresponds with 1/100 of the nomi-
order to ensure low friction movement. The same nal tensile strength (minimum tensile strength) in N/
applies for self-locking nuts. mm2.
l Make sure that no oil or grease will enter into blind l
The nominal tensile strength is 12 X 100 N/mm2 =
tapped bores. The hydraulic power generated when
1200 N/mm2.
turning in the screw could cause breakage of the ef-
fected part. The second number specifies 10-times the ration be-
tween lower yield point and nominal tensile strength
(yield point ratio).

i Note
When exceeding the lower yield point, the material will
return to its original shape when being relieved (plas-
tic deformation).
When exceeding the upper yield point the material will
not restore its original shape after being relieved.
The lower tensile strength is 9/10 X 1200 N/mm2 =
1080 N/mm2.

i Note
However, these values are by no means identical with
the tightening torques, which are to be set on a torque
wrench. The corresponding calculation requires a
higher effort and, in the end, depends on the materials
to be bolted together.

18 BOMAG 008 915 77
General repair instructions 1.3
Strength classes of metric nuts Identification in clock system
Nuts are differentiated by three load groups. Each
load group has a special designation system for the
strength class assigned, so that the load group can be
clearly identified.

Nuts for screw joints with full load capability (4, 5,

6, 8, 10, 12)

Fig. 9 Identification of nuts in clock system

For small nuts (Fig. 9) the clock system can be used
for identification.
The 12 o'clock position is identified by a dot or the
manufacturer's symbol.
Fig. 8 Identification of nuts l
The strength class is identified by a dash (b).
In a connection with a screw, these nuts 1 (Fig. 8)
must be able to bear the full pre-load at the yield point.
Nut height above 0.8 d (d = nominal dimension).

Strength class of Strength class of associated

nut screw
4 3.6, 4.6, 4.8
5 3.6, 4.6, 4.8
5.6, 5.8
6 6.8
8 8.8
9 9.8
10 10.8
12 12.8

Nuts for screw joints with limited load factor (04,

The preceding "0" indicates that, due to their low
height, nuts 2 (Fig. 8) in this group are only able to
withstand the force of a screw to a limited extent.
Nut height below 0,8 d (d = nominal dimension).

Nuts for screw joints without specified load factor

(11H, 14H, 17H, 22H)
This standard contains strength classes (hardness
classes) for nuts 3 (Fig. 8), for which no load values
can be specified, e.g. because of their shape and di-
mensions, but which can only be classified by their
Nut height below 0,5 d (d = nominal dimension).

008 915 77 BOMAG 19
1.3 General repair instructions

Identification of UNF-threads Cotter pins

Fig. 11
In places where cotter pins are used, these must be
reassembled. Cotter pins must generally be renewed
after disassembly.
Cotter pins must be assembled as shown in the illus-
tration, unless specified differently.
Fig. 10

The screw head is marked with a stamped in, round
cavity 3 (Fig. 10).

An uninterrupted series of stamped in circles parallel
to the axis of the nut on a hexagon area (2).

Studs and brake rods

At the outmost end a short end of the component is re-
duced to its core diameter (1).

20 BOMAG 008 915 77
Tightening torques 1.4
The values specified in the table apply for screws:
1.4 Tightening torques

black oiled
with surface protection A4C
with surface protection DACROMET

i Note
DACROMET is a surface protection that mainly consists of zinc and aluminium in a chromium oxide matrix. DAC-
ROMETIZATION provides excellent corrosion protection for metal surfaces by applying a mineral coating with
metallic-silver appearance.

Tightening torques for screws with metric unified thread1

Tightening torques Nm
Screw dimension
8.8 10.9 12.9
M4 3 5 5
M5 6 9 10
M6 10 15 18
M8 25 35 45
M10 50 75 83
M12 88 123 147
M14 137 196 235
M16 211 300 358
M18 290 412 490
M20 412 578 696
M22 560 785 942
M24 711 1000 1200
M27 1050 1480 1774
M30 1420 2010 2400
1 Coefficient of friction P tot. = 0,14

Tightening torques for screws with metric unified fine thread1

Tightening torques Nm
Screw dimension
8.8 10.9 12.9
M8 x 1 26 37 48
M10 x 1.25 52 76 88
M12 x 1,25 98 137 126
M12 x 1.5 93 127 152
M14 x 1.5 152 216 255
M16 x 1.5 225 318 383
M18 x 1.5 324 466 554
M20 x 1.5 461 628 775
M22 x 1.5 618 863 1058
M24 x 2 780 1098 1294
M27 x2 1147 1578 1920
M30 x 2 1568 2254 2695
1 Coefficient of friction P tot. = 0,14

008 915 77 BOMAG 21
1.4 Tightening torques

Tightening torques for screws treated with anti-seizure paste OKS 2401 (copper paste)

Tightening torques Nm
Screw dimension
8.8 10.9 12.9
M16 169 240 287
M16 x 1.5 180 255 307
M18 232 330 392
M18 x 1.5 260 373 444
M20 330 463 557
M20 x 1.5 369 502 620
M22 448 628 754
M22 x 1.5 495 691 847
M24 569 800 960
M24 x 2 624 879 1036
M27 840 1184 1520
M27 X 2 918 1263 1536
M30 1136 1608 1920
M30 x 2 1255 1804 2156
3/4“ - 10 UNC 276 388 464
3/4“ - 16 UNC 308 432 520
1 Anti-seizure paste (copper paste) is used for the assembly of screw connections, which are exposed to high temperatures and corrosive
effects. Prevents seizure and corrosion.

Tightening torques for wheel nuts (fine thread) 1 2

Tightening torques Nm
Thread diameter
M12x1.5 100
M14x1.5 150
M18x1.5 300 - 350
M20x1.5 400 - 500
M22x1.5 500 - 600
1 Coefficient of friction P tot. = 0,14
2 These values result in a 90% utilization of the yield point

22 BOMAG 008 915 77
Tightening torques 1.4
The values specified in the table apply for screws:
black oiled
with surface protection A4C
with surface protection DACROMET

i Note
The difference between Withworth and UNF/UNC threads is the fact that UNF and UNC threads have 60° flanks,
as the metric ISO-thread, whereas Withworth has a flank of only 55°.
DACROMET is a surface protection that mainly consists of zinc and aluminium in a chromium oxide matrix. DAC-
ROMETIZATION provides excellent corrosion protection for metal surfaces by applying a mineral coating with
metallic-silver appearance.

Tightening torques for screws with UNC thread, 1 UNC Unified Coarse Thread Series, American Unified
Coarse Thread

Tightening torques Nm
Screw dimension
8.8 10.9 12.9
1/4“ - 20 11 15 19
5/16“ - 18 23 32 39
3/8“ - 16 39 55 66
7/16“ - 14 62 87 105
1/2“ - 13 96 135 160
9/16“ - 12 140 200 235
5/8“ - 11 195 275 330
3/4“ - 10 345 485 580
7/8“ - 9 560 770 940
1“ - 8 850 1200 1450
1 1/8“ - 7 1200 1700 2000
1 1/4“ - 7 1700 2400 2900
1 3/8“ - 6 2200 3100 3700
1 1/2“ - 6 3000 4200 5100
1 Coefficient of friction P tot. = 0,14

Tightening torques for screws with UNF thread, 1 UNF Unified National Fine Thread Series, American
Unified Fine Thread

Tightening torques Nm
Screw dimension
8.8 10.9 12.9
1/4“ - 28 13 18 22
5/16“ - 24 25 35 42
3/8“ - 24 45 63 76
7/16“ - 20 70 100 120
1/2“ - 20 110 155 185
9/16“ - 18 155 220 260
5/8“ - 18 220 310 370
3/4“ - 16 385 540 650
7/8“ -14 620 870 1050

008 915 77 BOMAG 23
1.4 Tightening torques

Tightening torques for screws with UNF thread, 1 UNF Unified National Fine Thread Series, American
Unified Fine Thread

Tightening torques Nm
Screw dimension
8.8 10.9 12.9
1“ - 12 930 1300 1600
1 1/8“ - 12 1350 1900 2300
1 1/4“ - 12 1900 2700 3200
1 3/8“ - 12 2600 3700 4400
1 1/2“ - 12 3300 4600 5600
1 Coefficient of friction P tot. = 0,14

24 BOMAG 008 915 77

2 Technical data

008 915 77 BOMAG 25
2.1 Technical data

2.1 Technical data

Fig. 12

Dimensions in A D H K L S W
BMP 8500 1000 520 1275 222 1897 25 850 (610)

BMP 8500

Basic weight kg 1585
Operating weight (CECE) kg 1595
mean axle load kg 797

Travel characteristics
(soil dependent)
Travel speed 1 km/h 0 to 1.3
Travel speed 2 km/h 0 to 2.5

Max. gradability
without/with vibration % 55/45

Engine manufacturer Kubota
Type D 1005
Cooling Water
Number of cylinders 3
Rated power ISO 9249 kW 14.5
Rated speed rpm 2600
Battery V/AH 12/70
Drive system hydrostatic
Driven drums front + rear

Service brake hydrostatic
Parking brake mechanical

26 BOMAG 008 915 77
Technical data 2.1
BMP 8500

Type of steering Articulated joint
Steering operation hydrostatic

Vibration system
Drive system hydrostatic
Frequency Hz 42
Amplitudes mm 1.12/0.56
Centrifugal force kN 72/36

Filling capacities
Fuel (diesel) l 24
Hydraulic oil l 17
Engine oil l 4.7
Coolant l 4.5
Vibration housing l 2x 1,7

Radio remote control

Manufacturer Co. HETRONIC D-84085 Langquaid

Frequency band F-band
Transmitting frequency MHz 868 / 916
Number of channels 1
Reach, depending on en- approx.. 30 m
Current draw approx. 10 mA
Weight approx. 1.6 kg

Receiver frequency range MHz 868 / 916
Current draw approx. 10 mA

Transmitter power pack

Voltage 3.6 V
Capacity 1,2 Ah

Battery charger
Operating voltage 110 / 230 V AC / 12 - 24 V DC
1 The right for technical modifications remains reserved

008 915 77 BOMAG 27
2.1 Technical data

Additional engine data

Combustion principle 4-stroke diesel
Low idle speed rpm 850 ±50
High idle speed rpm 2750 ±50
Specific fuel consumption g/kWh 255
Valve clearance intake mm 0.145 to 0.185
Valve clearance exhaust mm 0.145 to 0.185
Starter power kW 1.2
Injection pressure 13.73 MPa (140.0 kgf/cm2, 1991 psi)

Travel pump
Type AZPFFB-12-8+5,5+4R
System Triple gear pump
Max. displacement cm3/rev. 5.5
High pressure limitation bar 250

Travel motors
Type 2000 Series
Quantity 2
System Geroller hydraulic motor
Displacement (stage 1) cm3/rev. 306.6

Steering/charge/vibration pump
Type AZPFFB-12-8+5,5+4R
System Triple gear pump
Max. displacement cm3/rev. 8
Starting pressure bar 250
Operating pressure (soil dependent) bar 80 - 150

Vibration motor
Type HY/MZFS11/8
Quantity 2
System Gear motor
Displacement cm3/rev. 8

Steering valve
Type 90 SBV
System Control valve

Valve block, working hydraulics

Type 90 SBV
System Control valve

28 BOMAG 008 915 77
Technical data 2.1
The following noise and vibration values according to the EC-directive for machines, edition (91/368/
EEC) were measured at nominal engine speed and with the vibration switched on. The machine was
standing on an elastic base.

During operation these values may vary because of the existing operating conditions.

Noise value
The sound level according to enclosure 1, paragraph 1.7.4. f of the EC-machine regulation is

sound pressure level on the operator’s stand:

LpA = 86 dB(A)

sound capacity level:

LWA =105 dB(A)
These sound values were determined according to ISO 6081 for the sound pressure level (LpA) and ISO 3744,
DIN 45635 for the sound capacity level (LwA).

008 915 77 BOMAG 29
2.1 Technical data

30 BOMAG 008 915 77

3 Maintenance

008 915 77 BOMAG 31
3.1 General notes on maintenance

3.1 General notes on maintenance Notes on the performance of the engine

On diesel engines both combustion air and fuel injec-
When performing maintenance work always comply
tion quantities are thoroughly adapted to each other
with the appropriate safety regulations.
and determine power, temperature level and exhaust
Thorough maintenance of the machine guarantees far gas quality of the engine.
longer safe functioning of the machine and prolongs
If your engine has to work permanently in "thin air" (at
the lifetime of important components. The effort need-
higher altitudes) and under full load, you should con-
ed for this work is only little compared with the prob-
sult the customer service of BOMAG or the customer
lems that may arise when not observing this rule.
service of the engine manufacturer.
l Always clean machine and engine thoroughly be-
fore starting maintenance work.
Notes on the hydraulic system
For maintenance work stand the machine on level
During maintenance work on the hydraulic system
cleanliness is of major importance. Make sure that no
Always remove the main battery switch for all main- dirt or other contaminating substances can enter into
tenance work. the system. Small particles can produce flutes in
valves, cause pumps to seize, clog nozzles and pilot
Perform maintenance work only with the motor
bores, thereby making expensive repairs inevitable.
switched off.
If, during the daily inspection of the oil level the hy-
Relieve hydraulic pressures before working on hy-
draulic oil level is found to have dropped, check all
draulic lines.
lines, hoses and components for leaks.
Before working on electric parts of the machine dis-
connect the battery and cover it with insulation ma-
Seal leaks immediately. If necessary inform the re-
terial. sponsible customer service.

The terms right/left correspond with travel direction

If possible use the filling and filtering unit (BOMAG
forward. part-no. 007 610 01) to fill the hydraulic system.
This unit is fitted with a fine filter to clean the hydraulic
During maintenance work catch all oils and fuels
oil, thereby prolonging the lifetime of filter and hydrau-
and do not let them seep into the ground or into the
lic components.
sewage system. Dispose of oils and fuels environ-
mentally. l Clean fittings, filler covers and the area around such
parts before disassembly to avoid entering of dirt.
Catch and dispose of biodegradable oils separately.
Do not leave the tank opening unnecessarily open,
but cover it so that nothing can fall in.
During maintenance work catch all oils and fuels
and do not let them seep into the ground or into
the sewage system. Dispose of oils and fuels en-

Frequent causes of faults

Operating errors
Incorrect, insufficient maintenance
If you cannot locate the cause of a fault or rectify it
yourself by following the trouble shooting chart, you
should contact the service departments at our branch
offices or dealers.

Notes on the fuel system

The lifetime of the diesel engine depends to a great
extent on the cleanliness of the fuel.
Keep fuel free of contaminants and water, since this
will damage the injection elements of the engine.

32 BOMAG 008 915 77
Fuels and lubricants 3.2
3.2 Fuels and lubricants
API Low sulphur High sulphur
Engine oil fuel1 fuel2
CF recommended recommended
In order to assure perfect cold starting it is import to
chose the viscosity (SAE-class) of the engine oil ac- CF-4 recommended not recommend-
cording to the ambient temperature. ed
CG-4 recommended not recommend-
CH-4 recommended not recommend-
CI-4 recommended not recommend-
1 < 0,05%
2 0,05 - 0,5%

With respect to the percentage of sulphur the fuel

used in the engine must comply with all relevant ex-
haust emission regulations in the are of use of the en-
It is highly recommended to use a fuel with a sulphur
Fig. 13 content of less than 0,10%.
Lubrication oil with a too high viscosity index causes
starting difficulties, the temperature when starting the Lubrication oil change intervals
engine is therefore of highest importance when The longest permissible time a lubrication oil should
choosing the viscosity of engine oil for winter opera- remain in an engine is 1 year.
If the following oil change intervals are not reached
over a period of 1 year, the oil change should be per-
Oil viscosity formed at least once per year, irrespective of the op-
Since lubrication oil changes its viscosity with the tem- erating hours reached.
perature, the ambient temperature at the operating lo- API: CF or better= 250 operating hours
cation of the engine is of utmost importance when
choosing the viscosity class (SAE-class) (see dia-
gram). ! Caution
Occasional falling short of the temperature limit (e.g. These intervals apply only when using a diesel
use of SAE 15W/40 down to -15°C) may effect the fuel with maximum 0,5% sulphur by weight and for
cold starting ability of the engine, but will not cause ambient temperatures higher than -10 °C.
any engine damage. When using lubrication oil of API-specification CF-4,
Temperature related lubrication oil changes can be CG-4, CH-4 or CI-4 in connection with diesel fuel with
avoided by using multi-purpose oils. The following oil a sulphur content of more than 0,05% or a diesel fuel
change intervals apply also when using multi-purpose with more than 0,5%, the oil change intervals must be
oils. halved.

Oil quality Fuel quality

Lubrication oils are classified according to their per- With respect to the percentage of sulphur the fuel
formance and quality class. Oils according to other used in the engine must comply with all relevant ex-
comparable specifications may be used. haust emission regulations in the are of use of the en-
Engine oil of classification CF-4 and CG-4 have been
specially developed for use with low sulphur fuels.
For operation of an engine with high sulphur fuels it is Caution

recommended to use an engine oil of classification CF Do not use any fuels with a sulphur content of
or higher with a total base number of at least 10. more than 1,0%.
Since KUBOTA diesel engines with a rated power of
less than 56 kW comply with the exhaust emission
standard of EPA1-stage 4, the use of low or ultra-low

1 Environmental Protection Agency

008 915 77 BOMAG 33
3.2 Fuels and lubricants

sulphur fuel is mandatory for these engines, if the en- As a protection against frost, corrosion and boiling
gines are operated within the validity area of the EPA point anti-freeze agents must be used under any cli-
standard. matic conditions.
The following fuel specifications are permitted: DIN/ The proportion of cooling system protection agent
EN 590; Nato Codes: F-54, F-75; BS 2869: A1 and must be between min. 35% and max. 45% to the wa-
A2; ASTM D 975-78: 1-D and 2-D. ter.
You should only use commercially available brand
diesel fuel with a sulphur content below 0,1% and en- ! Caution
sure strict cleanliness when filling in.
Do not mix different coolants and additives of any
The fuel level should always be topped up in due time other kind.
so that the fuel tank is never run dry, as otherwise filter
and injection lines need to be bled.

Winter fuel
For winter operation use only winter diesel fuel, to
avoid clogging because of paraffin separation. At very
low temperatures disturbing paraffin separation can
also be expected when using winter diesel fuel.
In most cases a sufficient cold resistance can also be
achieved by adding flow enhancing fuel additives.
Consult the engine manufacturer.

Hydraulic oil
The hydraulic system is operated with hydraulic oil HV
32 (ISO) with a kinematic viscosity of 32 mm2/s at 40
°C. For topping up or for oil changes use only high-
quality hydraulic oil, type HVLP according to DIN
51524, part 3, or hydraulic oils type HV according to
ISO 6743/3. The viscosity index (VI) should be at least
150 (observe information of manufacturer).

Bio-degradable hydraulic oil

On request the hydraulic system can also be filled with
synthetic ester based biodegradable hydraulic oil (Pa-
nolin HLP Synth. 32). The biologically quickly degra-
dable hydraulic oil meets all demands of a mineral oil
based hydraulic oil according to DIN 51524.
In hydraulic systems filled with Panolin HLP Synth. 32
always use the same oil to top up. When changing
from mineral oil based hydraulic oil to an ester based
biologically degradable oil, you should consult the lu-
brication oil service of the oil manufacturer for details.
Check the filter more frequently after this change.

Lubrication grease
For lubrication use only EP-high pressure grease, lith-
ium saponified (penetration 2).

For coolant mixtures use only soft tap water (drinking
water) with a water hardness between 3 and 12 °dGH.
The water should not contain more than 100 mg/dm3
of chlorine and sulphate. The ph-value should be be-
tween 6.5 and 8.5.

34 BOMAG 008 915 77
Table of fuels and lubricants 3.3
3.3 Table of fuels and lubricants

Assembly Fuel or lubricant Quantity approx.

Summer Winter Attention

Observe the level marks

Engine Engine oil API-CD-CE-CF4 or CCMC-D4-D5-PD2 with oil filter

4,7 litres


(+5°C to +30°C) (-5°C to -30°C)

SAE 15W/40

(-10°C to +40°C)


Diesel Winter diesel fuel* (down 24 litres

to -12°C)

Coolant 50% water +50% anti-freeze agent total 4,5 Liter

Vibration housing Engine oil SAE 15W/40 1.7 litres x 2

Lubrication grease for L21M as required

travel gear

Hydraulic system Hydraulic oil (ISO), HV46, kinem. viscosity

46 mm2/s at 40 °C approx. 17 litres

008 915 77 BOMAG 35
3.4 Running-in instructions

3.4 Running-in instructions

i Note
The maintenance plan inside the engine hood of the
machine assists you when servicing the machine!

Maintenance after 50 operating hours

On new or overhauled machines you should general-
l Change the engine oil
Change the engine oil filter
Check the engine for leaks
l Check fastening of air filter and other attachment
Retighten the fastening screws of the engine


Do not retighten the cylinder head fastening of the


Maintenance up to approx. 250 operating hours

New engines normally have a higher oil consump-
tion. It is therefore recommended to check the oil
level twice a day during the running-in phase.
After the running-in phase it is quite sufficient to
check the oil level once every day.
Check screw connections on the machine, retighten
as necessary.
Check for leaks.

36 BOMAG 008 915 77
Maintenance table 3.5
3.5 Maintenance table

every 10 operating hours, daily

Running-in instructions
after 50 operating hours

every 1000 oper. hours

every 2000 oper. hours

every 3000 oper. hours

every 250 oper. hours

every 500 oper. hours

No. Maintenance work Comment

as required
5.6 Check the engine oil level Dipstick mark X
5.7 Check the hydraulic oil level Inspection glass X
5.8 Check the fuel level X
5.9 Fuel filter, draining off water X
5.10 Check the coolant level X
5.11 Check the air intake hose X
5.12 Change engine oil and oil filter car- min. 1 x per year, X X
tridge1 see foot note
5.13 Check, tension, replace the V-belt X
5.14 Clean radiator cooling fins X
5.15 Change the oil in the vibrator shaft min. 1x per year X
5.16 Change the main fuel filter X
5.17 Battery service pole grease X
5.18 Drain the fuel tank sludge X
5.19 Check the rubber buffers X
5.20 Check, adjust the valve clearance 0.145 ... 0.185 mm X
5.21 Change hydraulic oil and filter2 at least every 2 X
5.22 Change the coolant X
5.23 Change the fuel lines X
5.24 Check the injection pressure X
5.25 Check the fuel injection pump X
5.26 Check the fuel injection timing X
5.27 Check, clean, change the combus- min. 1x per year X
tion air filter
5.28 Adjust the scrapers X
5.29 Bleed the fuel system X

008 915 77 BOMAG 37
3.5 Maintenance table

every 10 operating hours, daily

Running-in instructions
after 50 operating hours

every 1000 oper. hours

every 2000 oper. hours

every 3000 oper. hours

every 250 oper. hours

every 500 oper. hours

No. Maintenance work Comment

as required
5.30 Tightening torques X
5.31 Engine conservation X
1 With a fuel sulphur content of more than 0,5% the oil change intervals must be halved.
2 Also in case of repair in the hydraulic system.

38 BOMAG 008 915 77

4 Caddy wiring diagrams

008 915 77 BOMAG 39
4.1 Understanding circuit diagrams

4.1 Understanding circuit diagrams

Wiring diagrams are graphical representations of circuitry conditions, related to the electrical system. They do
not contain any information about the actual type of wiring, they only serve the purpose of visualizing the circuitry
The wiring diagram is indispensable for effective and systematic trouble shooting in the vehicle wiring system.
This plan provides the following information:
Number and type of individual elements in the examined electric circuit, such as plug connectors, fuses,
switches, consumers, relays, ...
The sequence in which current flows through the individual elements in the electric circuit.
Connections between the examined, faulty electric circuit and other circuits in the vehicle wiring system.
l Pin assignment of plug-and-socket connections.

Table of contents (Fig. 14)
Function groups (Fig. 15)
l List of components (Fig. 17)

40 BOMAG 008 915 77
Understanding circuit diagrams 4.1
Table of contents (Fig. 14)
The table of contents lists all function groups.

Fig. 14 Table of contents

Function group "Warning systems“, drawing number XXX XX can be found on page no. 8.

008 915 77 BOMAG 41
4.1 Understanding circuit diagrams

Function groups (Fig. 15)

On the individual pages the electric circuits are combined to function groups.

Arrangement of current paths

The individual current paths must be read as follows:
From top (plus potential) to bottom (minus potential).
l From left to right.
From function group to function group.
l Via cross references for potentials and relays.

Fig. 15 Function groups

Potential cross references

Potential cross references serve the purpose of tracking signals, which are transmitted from one function group
to another.

Potential "15" on page no. 6 is continued to the left on page no. 4 in current path "10" and to the right on page
no. 8 in current path "1“.

Relay cross reference

Relay cross references serve the tracking of signals, which need to be tracked for components with outgoing
A mimic diagram with information about the contact types of a relay and their positions in the wiring diagram is
additionally attached to the bottom of each contactor coil.

The coil of relay (K99) is located on page no. 8 in current path "6".
The mimic diagram under the relay informs that a change-over switch with contact types 30, 87 and 87a is trig-
The changeover contact can be found on page no. 8 in current path "3".

42 BOMAG 008 915 77
Understanding circuit diagrams 4.1
Current paths
The pages of a circuit diagram are sub-divided into current paths (Fig. 16) (0 ..... 20).

Fig. 16 Current paths

008 915 77 BOMAG 43
4.1 Understanding circuit diagrams

List of components (Fig. 17)

Here you find all components used in alphabetical order, related to the name of the component (A01, A02....).

Fig. 17 List of components

Component cross references

The warning horn "B 11" is located on page no. 8 in current path 3.

44 BOMAG 008 915 77
Circuit symbols in the circuit diagram 4.2
4.2 Circuit symbols in the circuit diagram
Circuit symbol
l Circuit symbols are standardized representations for electrical appliances. They serve the purpose of a sim-
plified representation of complete systems, from which, however, the function can be clearly identified. This
standardization is in compliance with the globally valid regulations of the IEC (International Electrical Commis-
sion). The standardization serves the purpose of global understanding and fault free connection of appliances,
especially in automobile repairs. Since the wiring diagram is intended to show only the most essential aspects,
the circuit symbol only shows as much of the function, as is needed for easy recognition and for the avoidance
of mistakes.

Fig. 1 Example: Circuit symbol

1 Current source
2 Conductor
3 Switch
4 Ground
5 Filament lamp
6 Filament lamp with two luminous elements
7 Voltmeter
8 Amperemeter
9 Resistance
10 Backup
11 Line connection (fixed)
12 Line connection (separable)

008 915 77 BOMAG 45
4.2 Circuit symbols in the circuit diagram

46 BOMAG 008 915 77

5 E-Plan wiring diagrams

008 915 77 BOMAG 47
5.1 Understanding wiring diagrams

5.1 Understanding wiring diagrams

Electric circuit diagrams

Electric circuit diagrams are graphic presentations of control logical conditions in the electric system. They do
not contain any information on the type of wiring, their purpose is solely the clarification of control logics.
The wiring diagram is indispensable for effective and systematic trouble shooting in the vehicle wiring system.
This plan provides the following information:
l Number and type of individual elements in the examined electric circuit, such as plug connectors, fuses,
switches, consumers, relays, etc.
The sequence in which current flows through the individual elements in the electric circuit.
l Connections between the examined electric circuit and other circuits in the vehicle wiring system.
Pin assignment of plug-and-socket connections.

Structure of a wiring diagram

Cover sheet, see section "Cover sheet"
Table of contents, see section "Table of contents"
Structuring symbol overview, see section "Structuring symbol overview"

i Note
The structuring symbol overview is NOT present in circuit diagrams, which are sorted by systems and local iden-
Sheets with illustration of function, see section"Sheets with illustration of function"
l List of fuels and lubricants, see "List of fuels and lubricants"
Terminal strip overview, see section "Terminal strip overview"
l Plug overview, see section "Plug overview"
Pin overview, see section "Pin overview"

48 BOMAG 008 915 77
Understanding wiring diagrams 5.1
Cover sheet
The cover sheet, see example (Fig. 2), contains general information.

Fig. 2 Example: Cover sheet

008 915 77 BOMAG 49
5.1 Understanding wiring diagrams

Table of contents
The table of contents, see example (Fig. 3), lists the individual functions and identifies the corresponding sheets
in the wiring diagram.

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? > ; D K J < @ E L
)%#‚$*+‚,‚+-.'("/%0( €‚
9$‚€/‚: A=-F‚$(‚$ I 7H9> ;
B$!/‚++/ D>=?>=;??E M/€&%+%5‚$-N-O‚"P"+‚$- 6€&+‚-0.-"0(/‚(/! 3(+€‚
1'(2/%0( II 7H9
,0( L<
;<=>?=;??@ A)->;J 4(#€+/!,‚$5‚%"#(%! A0'(/%(-+0"€/%0(
B%(&€'0$/ G

Fig. 3 Example: Table of contents

50 BOMAG 008 915 77
Understanding wiring diagrams 5.1
Sheets with representations of functions
l The main reading direction is sheet by sheet, from top to bottom and from right to left.
All sheets are successively numbered.
l BOMAG used the resolved type of representation. In this case parts and components with different functions,
which belong to the same components (e.g. relay coil and relay contact), can be represented on different
sheets. Cross-references, which refer to the sheet and current path, serve as linkage between these partial
components (Fig. 4).

Structuring symbols
Relay cross-reference Potential cross-reference

5S: $#L# 3#E% Z B0@TSL# "; BH08AL#!"#

R# U+'„ :$ 5Q!# :$ UB Z
59# U+'„ 5Q#FE B0@TSL#:"$
R <8OT BH08AL#!" ;% ;%/ ;% ;%/
5S: $#L 92='2,(),-H*(2(),
S#YF Z B0@TSL# "$
S#Y: Z B0@TSL# "$

# ;!
S#Y Z B0@TSL# "$
S#Y# Z B0@TSL# "$
5M#$ 5Q!#
$-T€N M./?
/.*2)/*'2-R‚+*/*+') M./+=
5S: # E ! 5S F
Q##Y;% Z B0@TSL# "$

59$! <8OT-L-&M-%E! ;%
U+'„ #
U+'„ 5Q## >2N/))*-=(>>.?-1/**2?
BH08AL#!"# :$ „/(2€/7*-92='2,(),-@/**2+
5S #
:$ Z B0@TSL# "$
5S :G
S!E8 Z DDT&3B8@L::"$
S!!8 Z DDT&3B8@L::"$

5S!; G #
5S!: 8 @ 5S! 8 @ 5S!F 8 @ 5S!E 8 5S!! 8


:# Z
B0@TSL# "$
B0@TSL#:"$ S%FYF Z DDT&3B8@L:%"$ 53$$ 53$# 53:G
S%FY: Z DDT&3B8@L:%"$ :E8
BH08AL#!"# 3(=-N/+) 3(=-N/+) 3(=-N/+)
BM03ML#%"$ S%FY# Z DDT&3B8@L:%"$ 4/(>*=+‚€2(), 4/(>*=+‚€2(), 4/(>*=+‚€2(),
DD0[O\B0@TSL#;"$ S%FY Z DDT&3B8@L:%"$
DDUM\9BH08AL :"# %$NNW


DD&\JJBH08AL %"F 5O# @/**2+
DD&\JJB3M3ML ;"# # 9L#$ 8€ 5
:# DD&\JJBM03ML G"# %$NNW B8@
DD&\JJBM03ML G"E =(>>.?-‚/1+)-5
DDU8A8B3M3ML:$"$ B
@/**2? 92='2,(),-Q/1+)-5
DDU8A8B3M3ML:#"# 5O: @/**2+
E$ :$ !NNW
DDT&3BM03ML: ": @B UB # 9L#$ 8€ 5 Q:# Z
O 5&$# : DDT&3B8@L:!"$
DD\JI&BM03ML:G"$ H*/2*2 DDT&3B8@L:%"$
DD<UTHD<UCB0@TSLF$"$ ;9-L-#F$8
5H:$ B0@TS5S!E @ B0@TS5S!! @
DD<HCMD<UCB4TULF#"$ O)2/*'2 :# U+=‚'))‚*-=V+*‚€-@/**2?
@5 < F
DD@UTHD@UCB0@TSLFF"# O)2/*'2 @/**2+*2))=‚€/.*2 %$NNW !NNW !NNW

:# :# :# :# :# :# :# :# :#
,2'()„-51'R ,2'()„-‚€/==+=-72')* ,2'()„-‚€/==+=-72')* ,2'()„-‚/1+)
&/==-H‚€/.*ƒ/=*) &/==-M/€N)-6'2) &/==-M/€N)-6'2) &/==-Q/1+)

;%/ :$ LF"F

$ # : F E ! % ; G
4+,€25.6.-7()‚*+') C/,
2/*„ &"-<2)2 D &C4 F
02=*..* :#"$#" $$; H*/1+.+K2-L-M‚?‚.2- ,)2/*+),-=(>>.?-6'.*/, 8)./,
3()ƒ*+') DD HICJ
6') G!
!"#$" $$% &C4-# E 02K(,(),-92='2,(),-H>/))(), &'()*+),-.'‚/*+')
0+)1/('2* B @8A EG:- $$- F

Mimic diagram of relay Current paths

Fig. 4 Example: Sheet with functions

Current paths (Fig. 4)

Current paths are successively numbered from 0 to 9.

Potential cross references (Fig. 4)

Potential cross references serve the purpose of tracking signals, which are transmitted from one representa-
tion of a function to another. Potential cross-references may additionally have structuring symbols assigned
to them.
Example: Potential o 15_54 a +SEAT/16.1 (on sheet 4, current path 8) continues to the right on sheet 16,
current path 1. +SEAT is the structuring symbol.

008 915 77 BOMAG 51
5.1 Understanding wiring diagrams

Relay cross references (Fig. 4)

Relay cross references serve the tracking of signals, which need to be tracked for components with outgoing
contacts. A mimic diagram with information about the contact types of a relay and their positions in the wiring
diagram is additionally attached to the bottom of each contactor coil.
Example: The relay cross-reference (-K61/4.2) (on sheet 4, current path 4) indicates that the relay coil on sheet
4 is found in current path 2.

52 BOMAG 008 915 77
Understanding wiring diagrams 5.1
List of component
The list of components, see example (Fig. 5), is the first evaluation list that follows the representation of function.
This list contains all components used in the wiring diagram, except terminal strips and plugs.

B6+‚-*/, M/, M/*€ &'()*+),-.'‚/*+') 7()‚*+') ‚€/2/‚*2+@*+‚@
N&U N./** M7/„ 0+)1/('2*
3()‚*+')-*V* 3()ƒ*+')@*V* T‚€)"5U)),2YZ)

8# :E : A8N D&M4 K/„+' K/„+'

8F; #; $ A0NC[ D&M4 0),+)5‚')*2'..2-0&K:-]0B%^ &'*'2@*(2,2_*-0&K:-]0B%^
8!! E F A0NC[ D&M4 „2+6-‚')*2'..2 3/€2)-H*(2(), M+)-'626+R-55S
8% :! $ A8N D&M4 ')*2'..2-/+2-‚')„+*+')+),-4/*+),-Q)+* K,.2-?(7*-8(712+*(),-4+I(),-0+)€+*
8%G F$ $ A0NC[ D<BM 2/„+),@-‚')62*2 &ZR2*(=7'2=2
8;$ :$ F A0NC[ D&M4 „/*/-‚'..‚*'2 B/*)-H/==.2 M+)-'626+R-55S
8;# #! E AH08T D&M4 ?5„+@>./L ?B58)I+, M+)-'626+R-55S
8;: F! # A0NC[ D<BM „'@/,-‚')*2'..2 B'@+2(),-H*(2(), M+)-'626+R-55S
8GE F% # AN8T DNBM 9/.(-T2/)@7'2=2 &ZR2*(=7'2=2
8G; FG # AK03K DNBM 6/.6-='„(.-N?&- 9)*+.-&'„(.-N?&- M+)-'626+R-55S
8GG #% AK03K D&M4 ‚')*2'..2-='„(.-R/*2-N?&# H*(2(),-&'„(.-</@@2-N?&# M+)-'626+R-55S
8#$F FG # AK03K DNBM 6/.6-='„(.-N?&-: 9)*+.-&'„(.-N?&-: M+)-'626+R-55S
8#$% :% A8N D&M4 @>.+**2-N'V 92*+.2-N'V
N$: :$ F A3K3K D&M4 9/‚((=-@R+*‚€ Q)*2„2(‚ƒ@‚€/.*2
N$F :$ % A3K3K D&M4 >2@@(2-@R+*‚€-‚€/2,->2@@(2-# B2(‚ƒ@‚€/.*2-H>+@„2(‚ƒ-#
N$E :# E A3K3K D&M4 M2@@(2-„+772)*+/.-@R+*‚€-O/25N'V-'+. B+772)I„2(‚ƒ@‚€/.*2-O*2+1Y.
N## :E F A8N D&M4 </2)+),-€'2) H+,)/.€'2)
N#G :$ A3K3K D&M4 &/,)*+‚-@)@'2-‚')*/=+)/*+') =/,)*+@‚€2-H‚€=(*I@)@'2
N # :$ ; A3K3K D&M4 B+772)*+/.->2@@(2-@R+*‚€-# B+772)I„2(‚ƒ@‚€/.*2-#
N :$ G A3K3K D&M4 B+772)*+/.->2@@(2-@R+*‚€- B+772)I„2(‚ƒ@‚€/.*2-
N : :$ ! A3K3K D&M4 ?6.-@R+*‚€-€L„2/(.+‚-'+. 3P..@*/)„@@‚€/.*2-4L„2/(.+ƒY.
N E :$ : A3K3K D&M4 B+772)*+/.->2@@(2-@R+*‚€-2*(2)-7.'R-3+.*2 B+772)I„2(‚ƒ@‚€/.*2-KP‚ƒ./(77+.*2
N ; :E E A8N D&M4 </2)+),-€'2) H+,)/.€'2)
N G :! E A8N D&M4 T=>2/*(2-@R+*‚€-4/*+), T=>2/*(2-H‚€/.*2-4+I(),
N:: F$ ; A3K3K D<BM R/*2-./‚ƒ-@)@'2 </@@2-&/),.-H)@'2
NF :$ G A3K3K D&M4 B+772)*+/.->2@@(2-@R+*‚€-: B+772)I„2(‚ƒ@‚€/.*2-:
NF! ! % AK03K D&M4 H)@'2- -@*2+),-8V. H)@'2- -.)ƒ)-8‚€@
NF% ! ! AK03K D&M4 H)@'2-#-@*2+),-8V. H)@'2-#-.)ƒ)-8‚€@
NF; ; ; AK03K D&M4 H)@'2-2'@@5H.'>- H)@'2-X(2)+,(),-
NFG ; % AK03K D&M4 H)@'2-2'@@5H.'>-# H)@'2-X(2)+,(),-#
NE# :E : A8N D&M4 ?'(„@>/ƒ2 ?/(*@>2‚€2
NE :$ A3K3K D&M4 M2'V+=+*L-@R+*‚€-?(12+‚/*+')->+@*') W)+*+/*'2-H‚€=+2ƒ'.1)
NE :E A8N D&M4 ?'(„@>/ƒ2 ?/(*@>2‚€2
NEE :$ E A3K3K D&M4 H)@'2-''./)*-R/*2-.6. H)@'2-UP€.=+**.-</@@2-3P..@*/)„
N!E E F AK03K D&M4 H)@'2-@*2+),-N(‚ƒ.+),5.+)ƒ H)@'2-.)ƒ)-U)+‚ƒ,.)ƒ
N;; #G ; A&CT D&M4 0&K-),+)-'+.->2@@(2 0&K-&'*'2-\.-B2(‚ƒ
N#$: :! F A8N D&M4 T=>2/*(2-@R+*‚€-‚')„+*+')2 T=>2/*(2-H‚€/.*2-U.+=//)./,

$ # : F E ! % ; G
4+,€25.6.-7()‚*+') M/,
2/*„ D BC EE
02@*..* :#"$#" $$; '=>'))*5?+@*+), 8)./,
3()ƒ*+') DD BC 6') G!
!"#$" $$% &M4-# E N/(*+..+@* &'()*+),-.'‚/*+')
0+)1/('2* A
EG:- $$- F

Fig. 5 Example: List of components

An electric component is a part, assembly or device in an electrical installation.
Components are marked with a combination of letters and numbers. The identification with letters follows the
standard DIN - EN 61346 T1-T2. A component identification (BMK), e.g.: “S04“ always identifies the same
component. In this context the term "component" is always considered a function specific assignment and
does not represent a parts or article number. This ensures that the component with the designation "S04" al-
ways refers to the "Brake Switch", irrespective of whether the abbreviation is used in a wiring diagram for a
single drum roller, a tandem roller, a finisher or a milling machine.
The component identifications are alphabetically sorted in the list of components. Each component has the
corresponding cross-references assigned, identifying where it can be found in the wiring diagram, which in-
stallation location it is assigned to and to which part of the system it belongs to. Moreover, the functions (func-
tion text) and the technical characteristics are also described.

i Note
Component identifications are used in both the electrical and the hydraulic documentation and are identical.

008 915 77 BOMAG 53
5.1 Understanding wiring diagrams

Overview of terminal strips

The overview of terminal strips, see axample (Fig. 6), contains all terminal strips used in the circuit diagram.
Each terminal strip starts on a new page and can be localized via the cross-reference in the wiring diagram.

B# J+‚€2(),)U-<8QE-J‚€R*K
D6+‚-*/, O/, O/*€ D6+‚-*/, O/, O/*€
P&S P./** O7/„ P&S P./** O7/„
B#T#8 # # B#T G8 # :
B#T#0 # # B#T G0 # :
B#T 8 # # B#T !8 # H
B#T 0 # # B#T !0 # H
B#T:8 # B#T %8 # H
B#T:0 # B#T %0 # H
B#TH8 # B#T ;8 # G
B#TH0 # B#T ;0 # G
B#TG8 # : B#T I8 # G
B#TG0 # : B#T I0 # G
B#T!8 # H B#T:$8 # !
B#T!0 # H B#T:$0 # !
B#T%8 # H B#T:#8 # !
B#T%0 # H B#T:#0 # !
B#T;8 # G B#T: 8 # %
B#T;0 # G B#T: 0 # %
B#TI8 # G B#T::8 # ;
B#TI0 # G B#T::0 # ;
B#T#$8 # ! B#T:H8 # ;
B#T#$0 # ! B#T:H0 # ;
B#T##8 # !
B#T##0 # !
B#T# 8 # %
B#T# 0 # %
B#T#:8 # ;
B#T#:0 # ;
B#T#H8 # ;
B#T#H0 # ;
B#T #8 # #
B#T #0 # #
B#T 8 # #
B#T 0 # #
B#T :8 #
B#T :0 #
B#T H8 #
B#T H0 #
$ # : H G ! % ; I
4+,€25.6.-7()‚*+') O/,
2/*„ &"-<2)2 F DE !!
02?*..* :#"$#" $$; J*/1+.+K2-L-M‚N‚.2- =2>+)/.-?*2+@-'626+A-B# 8)./,
3()ƒ*+') FF DE
6') I!
€‚ƒ„ &"-9',*
Q@2R7* !"#$" $$% &O4-# G S.>>.+?*)R12?+‚€*-B# &'()*+),-.'‚/*+')
0+)1/('2* C GI:- $$- H

Fig. 6 Example: Terminal strip overview X1

54 BOMAG 008 915 77
Understanding wiring diagrams 5.1
Overview of plugs
The overview of plugs, see example (Fig. 7), contains all plugs used in the circuit diagram.
The following information is listed for each plug:
l Contact numbering
Structuring symbols
Function text
Use in wiring diagram.

@M+,)/*+') &'()*+),-.'‚/*+') 3()‚*+')-*V* @M+,)/*+') &'()*+),-.'‚/*+') 3()‚*+')-*V*
LG+‚€)(), 0+)1/('2* 3()ƒ*+')M*V* LG+‚€)(), 0+)1/('2* 3()ƒ*+')M*V*
‚'))‚*'2-@2+6-‚')*2'..2 ‚'))‚*'2-@2+6-‚')*2'..2
Q$ B&=4?0LAQ F*‚ƒ2-8)*2+1-F*(2(), Q$ B&=4?0LAQ F*‚ƒ2-8)*2+1-F*(2(),
')*/‚* =/, =/*€ SJO ')*/‚* =/, =/*€ SJO
T')*/ƒ* L./** =7/„ SJO 8&=-R=S-!;5O'.+, T')*/ƒ* L./** =7/„ SJO 8&=-R=S-!;5O'.+,
# C D C; #: :
! CE #: D
: D !$ #: C
D # # !# D :
C # ! D
; #: ; !: ;
E C C !D D C
## : D !C #:
# D ! !! #: :
#D !% #: D
#C : !; #: C
#! % ! Q$$ BL@=?=U& '))‚*'2-SKO2/*(2-F)M'2
#% : D ')*/‚* =/, =/*€ SJO
$ ; D T')*/ƒ* L./** =7/„ SJO @(*M‚€-@S- 5O'.+,
# ! : # C: D
! D C: D
: C : F'‚ƒ*-2/2-72/K
D : : QF# B&=4?I03I L'2„M*‚ƒ„'M-€+)*)-I/€K)
')*/‚* =/, =/*€ SJO
C C T')*/ƒ* L./** =7/„ SJO &2+*
! $ # ?H5 # D
% $ $ F'‚ƒ*-51'V
; #: % QF B&=4?0LAQ L'2„M*‚ƒ„'M-F‚€/.*ƒ/M*)
:# D ')*/‚* =/, =/*€ SJO
T')*/ƒ* L./** =7/„ SJO &2+*
:: $ #
:D D D ?H5 # D
:C D ; Q@ "# B&=4?&AS F*‚ƒ2-&'*'2-F*(2(),-5-3/€2G(,
:! :# D ')*/‚* =/, =/*€ SJO
:% :# C T')*/ƒ* L./** =7/„ SJO LAF4-0@%-;E5O'.+,
:E % % #; #
D ; : : #; #
D: C ! C #;
DD C % ! #;
DC : C ; #; #
D! D ! E #;
D% D % #$ #; :
D; D ; ## #; :
DE D D #D #; !
C$ : : #C #; !
C: $ $ D$ #; C
CD #: ! C #; D
CC #: # C: #; D
C! #: # ;E #; C
C% #:

$ # : D C ! % ; E
4+,€25.6.-7()‚*+') =/,
2/*„ &"-<2)2 B @A %#
02M*..* :#"$#" $$; F*/1+.+G2-H-I‚J‚.2- =.(,-'626+> 8)./,
3()ƒ*+') BB @A
6') E!
!"#$" $$% &=4-# C F*‚ƒ2P12M+‚€* &'()*+),-.'‚/*+')
0+)1/('2* ? CE:- $$- D

Fig. 7 Example: Plug overview X0

008 915 77 BOMAG 55
5.1 Understanding wiring diagrams

Overview of pins
The overview of pins, see example (Fig. 8), informs about the type of inputs and outputs of the electronic controls
(E-BOX) used in the machine, as well as their signals and potentials.

F!! +'.;(&39<*'9//('
6.< 6)=( 6)*E €(@3'.B*.9<
,.=<)/ ,.=<)/
J9<*)K* >/)** 68)+ >(@3E'(.-I<=
R$ S % ƒ… ‡ FAP€ $L&M2(8N&89'&6OP&ƒ"Q $L&M2(8N&89'&6OP&ƒ"Q
R$ S ƒ ƒƒ ! €TU 2(/).@&79'< 2(/).@&79'<
R$ S " ƒƒ ‡ €TU >I00('&5)/8I<3*.9< >I00('&5)/8I<3*.9<
R$ S ‡ ƒ% % @('.(//&% 2V€1% 2V€1%
R$ S … ƒ% ƒ @('.(//&% UV€1% UV€1%
R$ S † %" † €OP ,.=<)/&€ ,.=<)/&€
R$ S ƒ… … FOP ,.=<)/&,*(('.<=&,(<@9' ,.=<)/&,*(('.<=&,(<@9'
R$ S %% "ƒ ‡ €TU W9G('&‚)-.< W9G('&‚)-.<
R$ S %ƒ ƒ‡ ! HOP 2B:&,.=<)/&GE((/&8'9<*&'.=E* 2B:&,.=<)/&GE((/&8'9<*&'.=E*
R$ S %‡ ƒƒ ƒ €OP ,.=<)/&,(<@9'&F':&'(@*&/(8* ,.=<)/&,(<@9'&F':&'(@*&/(8*
R$ S %… ƒƒ " €OP ,.=<)/&,(<@9'&F':&'(@*&'.=E* ,.=<)/&,(<@9'&F':&'(@*&'.=E*
R$ S %! ƒ# ! €OP ,.=<)/&5.//.<=XU99/&(V3E)<=( ,.=<)/&5.//.<=XU99/&(V3E)<=(
R$ S %# ƒ" ‡ €OP ,.=<)/&Y94@*.3K&>U,&>')K( ,.=<)/&Y94@*.3K&>U,&>')K(
R$ S ƒ$ ƒ† ‡ 6Z5 29*9'&6I:B&ƒ 29*9'&6I:B&ƒ
R$ S ƒ% ƒ! " €TU L)/;(&,*(('.<=&FV/(&/(8* L)/;(&,*(('.<=&FV/(&/(8*
R$ S ƒƒ ƒ! ‡ €TU L)/;(&,*(('.<=&FV/(&'.=E* L)/;(&,*(('.<=&FV/(&'.=E*
R$ S ƒ" ƒ… " †[…L †[…L&I* †[…L&I*
R$ S ƒ‡ "ƒ " €TU W.8*&‚)-.< W.8*&‚)-.<
R$ S ƒ… ƒƒ … €TU 2(/).@&(<=.<(&@EI*X988 2(/).@&(<=.<(&@EI*X988
R$ S ƒ! ƒ$ % ‚FP ‚FP&%W ‚FP&%W
R$ S ƒ# ƒ$ $ ‚FP ‚FP&%7 ‚FP&%7
R$ S ƒ† %" # 69*(<*.)/&%… 5).<&69G('&,IBB/4 5).<&69G('&,IBB/4
R$ S "% ƒ‡ ƒ FOP ,.=<)/&6'(@@I'(&*');(/&6I:B ,.=<)/&6'(@@I'(&*');(/&6I:B
R$ S "" ƒ$ % ‚FP ‚FP&ƒW ‚FP&ƒW
R$ S "‡ ƒ‡ ‡ HOP 2B:&,.=<)/&GE((/&8'9<*&/(8* 2B:&,.=<)/&GE((/&8'9<*&/(8*
R$ S "… ƒ‡ † HOP 2B:&,.=<)/&FV/( 2B:&,.=<)/&FV/(
R$ S "! "% ‡ €OP ,.=<)/&6'(@@I'(&A()'X-9V ,.=<)/&6'(@@I'(&A()'X-9V
R$ S "# "% … €OP €.88NX6'(@@I'(&H./*('&A()'X-9V €.88NX6'(@@I'(&H./*('&A()'X-9V
R$ S " ƒ# # €OP ,.=<)/&*I'<&29*9' ,.=<)/&*I'<&29*9'
R$ S ‡ƒ ƒ† " 6Z5 29*9'&6I:B&% 29*9'&6I:B&%
R$ S ‡" ƒ… ! 6Z5 L)/;(&>I3K/.<=X/.<K&/(8* L)/;(&>I3K/.<=X/.<K&/(8*
R$ S ‡‡ ƒ… # 6Z5 L)/;(&>I3K/.<=X/.<K&'.=E* L)/;(&>I3K/.<=X/.<K&'.=E*
R$ S ‡… "ƒ … €TU W93K.<=&‚)-.<&69@.*.9< W93K.<=&‚)-.<&69@.*.9<
R$ S ‡! ƒ‡ ! 6Z5 L)/;(&ZE((/&8'9<*&/(8* L)/;(&ZE((/&8'9<*&/(8*
R$ S ‡# ƒ‡ # 6Z5 L)/;(&ZE((/&8'9<*&'.=E* L)/;(&ZE((/&8'9<*&'.=E*
R$ S ‡† ƒ‡ † 6Z5 L)/;(&FV/( L)/;(&FV/(
R$ S ‡ ƒ‡ ‡ 6Z5 U');(/&6I:B&89'G)'+ U');(/&6I:B&89'G)'+

$ % ƒ " ‡ … ! # †
4+,€25.6.-7()‚*+') 6)=(
‚'()*(+ „ €‚ƒ †‡
?'@*(//* :#"$#" $$; =+)-'626+>-8!! 8)./,
3()ƒ*+') „„ €‚ ;9< !
!"#$" $$% 567&%ƒ… 6.<&D-('@.3E*&F!! &'()*+),-.'‚/*+')
… "&ƒ$$&ƒ‡

Fig. 8 Example: Overview of pins, control A66

56 BOMAG 008 915 77
Circuit symbols in the circuit diagram 5.2
5.2 Circuit symbols in the circuit diagram

Circuit symbols
Circuit symbols are standardized representations for electrical appliances. They serve the purpose of a simpli-
fied representation of complete systems, from which, however, the function can be clearly identified. This stand-
ardization is in compliance with the globally valid regulations of the IEC (International Electrical Commission).
The standardization serves the purpose of global understanding and fault free connection of appliances, espe-
cially in automobile repairs. Since the wiring diagram is intended to show only the most essential aspects, the
circuit symbol only shows as much of the function, as is needed for easy recognition and for the avoidance of

Fig. 9 Example: Circuit symbol

1 Current source
2 Conductor
3 Switch
4 Ground
5 Filament lamp
6 Filament lamp with two luminous elements
7 Voltmeter
8 Amperemeter
9 Resistance
11Terminal strip
Different symbols are used to simplify the differentiation of terminal strips 11 (Fig. 9) and plugs (12) in a wiring

i Note
Plugs are mainly used to connect two wiring looms or to connect a wiring loom with a component with cable
connection and mating plug.

008 915 77 BOMAG 57
5.2 Circuit symbols in the circuit diagram

Representation of electric devices

Electronic devices and components are increasingly used in the construction equipment industry. Controls with
software, control elements (e.g. joysticks and man/machine interface (e.g. screens, LC Displays) are frequently
used to represent and control machine functions. The internal construction of such components is in most cases
protected or just too complex to be illustrated in the wiring diagram within the context of the actual machine func-
tion. There are two different ways to simplify the representation of such devices in the diagram.

Black-Box representation(Fig. 10)

The Black-Box representation shows the device as a Box with the connections required for the machine function.
Connections which are not needed do not need to be represented.
The Black-Box representation is mainly used when no differentiated information (e.g. signals on pins) is availa-

Fig. 10 Example: Central lubrication system

Identification of externally supplied documentation (Fig. 11)

In industrial technology of today it is quite common to integrate externally supplied electric sub-systems into the
projecting of machines. These systems may be composed of various components and wirings. For easier differ-
entiation of BOMAG designation and manufacturer identification the latter appears under the BOMAG designa-
tion with a text frame and a reduced character height.

Fig. 11 Example: Identification of externally supplied documentation

PLC representation(Fig. 12)

The PLC-Box representation of connecting pins uses a table with associated connecting plugs, which are used
in connection with the machine functions. The table symbols can be arranged in a line, if necessary. Connections

58 BOMAG 008 915 77
Circuit symbols in the circuit diagram 5.2
which are not needed do not need to be represented. The PLC-Box representation enables the representation
of further reaching functional descriptions to the individual component connections.

Fig. 12 PLC representation

The PLC-Box representation is mainly used for controls with BOMAG software, or for electronic devices which
were specified accordingly, and where information on the assignment of signals is available.

Identification of similar, adjacent switching symbols

In wiring diagrams you will frequently find the situation that symbols of the same type appear in a line or are
arranged just next to each other. In such cases it is common practice to reduce the identification on the subse-
quent symbol to the criteria, which are different to the previous symbol to the left.

Example: -X0 36 and -X0 37 (Fig. 12)

In the example illustrated here the component identification "-X0" for the left plug symbol is also valid for the right
plug symbol.

008 915 77 BOMAG 59
5.2 Circuit symbols in the circuit diagram

60 BOMAG 008 915 77

6 Electrics

008 915 77 BOMAG 61

Simple servicing due to excellent accessibility .....

Fig. 13

62 BOMAG 008 915 77
Designation of components in the wiring diagram 6.1
6.1 Designation of components in the wiring diagram
The designation of components in the wiring diagram groups several electrical parts of the machine in one
group. The components can be identified by the following table.

Component designa- Meaning

A Interval switch, indicator relay, modules, electronic component
B Pressure, pressure differential, temperature switches and sensors, transducers
C Capacitor
E Headlights, heater, air conditioning condenser
F Fuses
G Battery, generator
H Control lights, warning buzzer, warning light
K Relays
M Starter, pumps, motors
P Operating hour meter, general gauges
R Transducers, resistors
S Switches, momentary contact switches
V Diode
X Terminal
Y Solenoid valves

008 915 77 BOMAG 63
6.2 Terminal designations in wiring diagram

6.2 Terminal designations in wiring diagram

l For easier connection work almost every connection on a consumer or switch used in a motor vehicle has a
terminal designation. In Germany the designation of the individual connection terminals is determined by the
standard DIN 72552. The following table shows some examples from this DIN standard.

Terminal designation Meaning

15 Switch plus (after battery) : Output of ignition switch

15a Output from dropping resistor to ignition coil and starter

17 Preheating starter switch, preheating

19 Preheating starter switch, starting

30 Battery plus direct

30a Battery changeover relay 12V / 24V, input from battery 2 plus

31 Battery minus direct or ground

31a Battery changeover relay 12V / 24V return line to battery 2 minus
31b Return line to battery minus or ground via switch or relay (switched minus)
31c Battery changeover relay 12V / 24V return line to battery 1 minus

49 Input flasher relay

49a Output flasher relay
49b Flasher relay output 2nd flasher circuit
49c Flasher relay output 3rd flasher circuit

50 Starter, starter control

50a Battery changeover relay, output for starter control

53 Wiper motor input (+)

53a Wiper motor (+) end limit shut down
53b Wiper shunt winding

56 Head light
56a Head light, travel light and travel light control
56b Head lights, dimmed head light
56d Head lights, flash light

57 Parking light for motor cycles (abroad also for cars and trucks)
57a Parking light
57L Parking light left
57R Parking light right

58 Side lights, tail light, number plate light, dashboard light

58b Tail light changeover for single axle trailers
58c Trailer plug for single core wired and trailer fused tail light
58d Adjustable dashboard light, tail light and side light
58L Side light, left
58R Side light, right

61 Generator control

75 Radio, cigarette lighter

76 Loudspeaker

87 Relay contact on breaker and two-way contact, input

64 BOMAG 008 915 77
Terminal designations in wiring diagram 6.2
Terminal designation Meaning
87a Relay contact on breaker and two-way contact, output 1 (breaker side)
87b Relay contact on breaker and two-way contact, output 2
87c Relay contact on breaker and two-way contact, output 3
87z Relay contact on breaker and two-way contact, input 1
87y Relay contact on breaker and two-way contact, input 2
87x Relay contact on breaker and two-way contact, input 3

88 Relay contact for maker

88a Relay contact on maker and two-way contact, (maker side) output 1
88b Relay contact on maker and two-way contact, (maker side) output 2
88c Relay contact on maker and two-way contact, (maker side) output 3
88z Relay contact on maker, input 1
88y Relay contact on maker, input 2
88x Relay contact on maker, input 3

B+ Battery positive
B- Battery minus
D+ Dynamo Plus
D- Dynamo Minus
DF Dynamo field (generator excitation current)
DF1 Dynamo field 1 (generator excitation current)
DF2 Dynamo field 2 (generator excitation current)

008 915 77 BOMAG 65
6.3 Battery ground and analog ground

6.3 Battery ground and analog 6.4 Processor signals

GND, battery ground Analog signals
The term "ground" (abbreviated GND) describes a Process states are continuous (analog) when they
conductive body which is normally defined with the can be mapped by means of a real number, e.g. tem-
potential of "Zero" Volt and represents the reference perature = 65.5 °C. The sensor converts a continuous
potential for operating voltages. process status into an analog signal. If the control unit
The positive pole of the supply voltage (symbol + ) and needs the numerical value of the analog signal, an an-
all other electric voltages and electical signals in an alog-digital conversion is required.
electrical circuitry refer to the ground potential. Analog signals are needed to control, display or mon-
On motor vehicles and also on motorbikes and bicy- itor limit values. Checking the limit values of physical
cles the ground potential is represented by the chas- quantities leads to the binary information: Limit value
sis or the frame. As a conductive part, which covers reached/not reached.
the entire vehicle, it also serves a return conductor for
the vehicle wiring system - the consumers only need Binary signals
to be wired up. Process states are bivalent (binary) if they have only
2 possible states of truth, such as e.g. button pressed/
Terminal designation for GND = terminale 31 not pressed, object present/not present. The two
states of truth are mapped by means of defined states
AGND, analog ground of an information carrier, e.g. not-
Apart from the "normal" battery ground there is also pressed'equals0V,'pressed'equals24V.Thesestate-
the analog ground, which is solely reserved for sen- saredescribedwith{0,1}or{false,true}'

66 BOMAG 008 915 77
Current and voltage 6.5
6.5 Current and voltage The following statements concerning electric volt-
age can be made
electric voltage is the pressure or force applied to
free electrons.
If one wants to describe electric current, this can most l
the electric voltage is the cause of electric current
simply be accomplished by means of a comparison:
electric voltage is a result of the equalization at-
One simply compares electric current with water. tempt of electric charges.
Voltage is measured with a Voltmeter.
Unit, Volt

The electric voltage (U) is measured in Volt (V).

Fig. 1
1 (Fig. 1) Charge
2 Voltage
3 Current
The equalization attempt between different electric
charges is referred to as electric voltage.
Voltage sources have two poles of different charge.
On the one side we have the plus pole with a lack of
electrons, on the opposite side the minus pole with a
surplus of electrons. This electric "pressure" is known
as electric voltage.

Fig. 2
If there is a connection between these two poles a dis-
charge will take place, resulting in the flow of an elec-
tric current.
Plus pole= lack of electrons
Minus pole = excess of electrons

008 915 77 BOMAG 67
6.5 Current and voltage

Current Types of current

Electric current generally describes the directed Direct current (D.C.)
movement of charge carriers.
The charge carriers may either be electrons or ions.
Electric current can only flow if there is a sufficient
amount of free moving charge carriers.
The higher the number of electrons flowing through
a conductor per second, the higher the amperage.
Current is measured with an ammeter.

Unit, Ampere Fig. 1 Direct current (D.C.)

The electric amperage (I) is measured in Ampere Direct current flows with steady voltage and amper-
(A). age from the plus to the minus pole.
Pure D.C.-voltages are only delivered by accumula-
The technical flow direction is specified from
tors or batteries.
The voltage in the vehicle wiring system is no pure
D.C.-voltage. Even without the generator running, but
i Note the consumers switched on, the voltage is not con-
Current actually flows from minus to plus, because the stant, but drops gradually according to the battery
current flow is made up of negatively charged elec- charge condition.
The internal resistance of the battery also causes per-
But since this was only discovered after the poles of a manent changes in the vehicle voltage, as soon as
current source had already been designated, the as- consumers are switched on or off.
sumption that current flows from plus to minus was
maintained for historic reasons. Alternating current (A.C.)


Fig. 2 Alternating current (A.C.)

Fig. 3 Circuit Alternating current not only changes its direction, but
also its amperage.
A simple circuit consists of a current source 1 (Fig. 3),
a consumer (3) and the connecting wiring.
When the circuit is closed, current can flow.
The circuit can be interrupted or closed with a switch
The system is protected by a fuse (4).

68 BOMAG 008 915 77
Resistance 6.6
6.6 Resistance l The cleaner the contacts, the better the current.
l The quality of the ground cable is of the same im-
portance as the supply line.
Resistance and voltage drop
While current flows through a conductor the current
Unnecessary resistances
flow is more or less inhibited by the conductor, this in-
hibitation is referred to as Resistance. Unnecessary resistances are frequently caused by
mechanical connections, even clean ones, but mainly
soiled and oxidizes terminals, too thin cables, material
with poor conductivity or bent open cable lugs.


Fig. 1 Various size resistors

Fig. 1 Screw-type terminals
Each conductor has its specific resistance, which is
characteristic for the corresponding material. A good Copper wires are squashed and thus become faulty.
conductor has a low resistance, a poor conductor has
a high resistance.

Fig. 2 Spring clamps

Connecting clamps for flexible conductors
BOMAG No. 057 565 72
Ampacity up to 20 Amp.
Cable cross-section 0.08 to 2.5 qmm
Fig. 2 Potentiometer, infinitely adjustable resistor
The resistance can only be measured with a Multime-

Symbol, R

Unit, Ohm :

The electric resistance (R) is measured in Ohm :.

Rule of thumb:
The thicker the cable cross-section, the lower the
voltage loss.
The shorter the cable, the better the current.

008 915 77 BOMAG 69
6.6 Resistance

Sometimes the flanks of flat plugs bend open. If these

are closed again with the help of pliers the flanks will
be excessively strained at the bend and will definitely
break sooner or later. It is better to place a small nail
under the bottom of the cable lug before bending.

Fig. 3
In many cases it is better to replace the contact. Soiled
or oxidized contacts should be cleaned with Ballistol
(Fig. 4) and subsequently wetted with copper paste.
Copper paste is a heat resistant grease, which has
been mixed with copper powder. The paste protects
electric contacts against oxidation. Copper paste
keeps water away.

Fig. 5
Hint for practice:
A tool you cannot buy. The pliers were converted, the
nail is permanently present.

Fig. 4 Balistol oil

70 BOMAG 008 915 77
Series / parallel connection 6.7
6.7 Series / parallel connection l In series connection the plus pole of the first battery
must be connected with the minus pole of the sec-
Series connection ond battery.
In a series circuit the resistors (consumers) are lined l
The sum of all individual voltages is applied to the
up one after the other and the same current (I) passes free poles.
through each of the consumers However, series con- l
The total capacity (Ah) is identical with the capacity
nection of consumers is not suitable in practice, as of the individual battery.
each resistance causes a voltage drop. In the vehicle
wiring system all consumers are designed for the
same vehicle voltage (e.g. 12 Volt).

Fig. 1 Series connection

In series connection the current is identical at every
Itotal = I1 = I2 = I3

The sum of all partial voltages is identical with the total
Utotal = U1 + U2 + U3

The sum of all partial resistances is identical with the
total resistance.
Rtotal = R1 + R2 + R3

Series connection of batteries

Fig. 2
In order to achieve a vehicle voltage of 24 V two bat-
teries of the same type and capacity must be connect-
ed in series mode.

008 915 77 BOMAG 71
6.7 Series / parallel connection

Parallel connection l In parallel connection the plus pole of the first bat-
In parallel connection all resistances (consumers) are tery is connected with the plus pole of the second
connected between feed and return line. battery and the minus pole of the first battery with
the minus pole of the second battery.
All resistances (consumers) are supplied with the
same voltage.
l Plus and minus poles have the voltage of the single
battery applied.
Each of the resistances (consumers) draws as
much current as required.
The total capacity (Ah) is identical with the sum of
all battery capacities.
The disadvantage of a parallel connection becomes
apparent, by equalizing currents flowing between par-
allel batteries, if the batteries have different states of

Fig. 3 Parallel connection

The total current is the sum of all currents.
Itotal = I1 + I2 + I3

The voltage values are identical at every resistance
Utotal = U1 = U2 = U3

The total resistance is less than the lowest individual

Parallel connection of batteries

Fig. 4
By connecting 2 batteries of same type and capacity
in parallel mode the capacity can be doubled, be-
cause the individual capacities add up to the total ca-

72 BOMAG 008 915 77
Ohm's law 6.8
6.8 Ohm's law 6.9 Electrical energy
In a closed electric circuit voltage, current and resist-
ance must always be considered in close relation.
This relation is represented by Ohm's Law.

Fig. 1
In a closed electric circuit current and voltage gener-
ate energy.
Fig. 1 If a current of 1 Ampere flows at a voltage of 1 Volt,
According to this law a voltage of 1V is required to let energy of 1 Watt is produced.

ance of 1 (Ohm :).

1A (ampere) flow through a conductor with a resist-
By means of this triangle the formula can be easily re-
Advice arranged, the value you are looking form must just be
By means of this triangle the formula can be easily re- blanked off with a finger.
arranged, the value you are looking form must just be
Energy P = I multiplied with U
blanked off with a finger.
Amperage I = P divided by U
Voltage U = I multiplied with R
Voltage U = P divided by I
Resistance R = U divided by I
U = Voltage in Volt
Amperage I = U divided by R
I = Current in Ampere
U = Voltage in Volt
P = Power in Watt
I = Current in Ampere
R = Resistance in OHM :

008 915 77 BOMAG 73
6.10 Formula diagram

6.10 Formula diagram

Select the desired value from the inner circle.
l Determine the formula variables in the quarter circle

P = 150 Watt
U = 24 Volt
Sought for = Current in Ampere
I = P : U = 150 W : 24 Volt = 6.25 Ampere

Fig. 1 Formula diagram

Resistance, R Ohm :

Voltage, U Volt

Current, I Ampere

Power, P Watt

74 BOMAG 008 915 77
Metrology 6.11
6.11 Metrology Multimeter
This tester is a multimeter and can be used to meas-
Test lamps ure e.g. current, voltage and resistance. Depending
on the design it may also be suitable for transistor and
Test lamp frequency.

Fig. 1 Multimeter
In order to avoid damage:
Fig. 1 Test lamp
the range selector switch must be correctly set for
the corresponding measurement.
! Caution l
the test cable must be plugged into the correct
This type of tester must not be used for testing on socket.
electronic components. The high power con- l
the voltage type (AC/DC) must be set.
sumption of the test lamp may destroy electronic l
In case of direct voltage the correct polarity must be
components in the control units.
Diode test lamp l
the measuring range should be chosen higher at
This instrument is used for simple voltage measure- the beginning of the test.
ments. The test lamp consists of two test points. The l
In order to avoid any influence on the circuitry to be
negative measuring cable is connected to ground and measured, the internal resistance of the voltage
the positive measuring cable to the corresponding tester should be as high as possible.
measuring location.

Fig. 2 Diode test lamp

If voltage is present, the corresponding light emitting
diode will light up.

008 915 77 BOMAG 75
6.11 Metrology

Resistance and continuity measurement with mul- Voltage and voltage drop measurement with mul-
timeter timeter

Fig. 2
The continuity tester of the multimeter can be used to Fig. 4 Measuring voltage
measure whether there is a connection between 2 l Measurement at the voltage source measures the
measuring points. currently available Voltage.
The meter is always connected parallel to consum-
er, component or power source.

Fig. 3
The following information should be observed when
measuring resistance and continuity: Fig. 5 Voltage measurement
The component to be measured must not be con- l A measurement at the consumer measures the volt-
nected to the power supply during the measure- age drop at this component.
At least one side of the component to be measured
must be disconnected from the circuitry, as other-
wise the measuring result may be influenced by
parallel components.
Polarity is of no significance.

76 BOMAG 008 915 77
Metrology 6.11
Current measurement with the multimeter Clip-on measuring instrument
The clip-on measuring instrument can be used to
measure current, voltage and resistance.

Fig. 6 Measuring current

The meter is connected in series with the consum-
er. Fig. 1 Clip-on measuring instrument
During the measurement the current must be able
to flow through the meter, i.e. the electric circuit
must be opened.

Fig. 2
For measuring current the individual conductor
must be fully enclosed by the measuring tongs, the
actual measurement takes place without contact.
Fig. 7 Current measurement

If the electric circuit is difficult to access and the inter-
nal resistance of the consumer is known, the voltage
may also be measured at the consumer.
The current value can then be calculated with the help
of Ohm's law.

008 915 77 BOMAG 77
6.11 Metrology

Magnet tester Power measurement

The electric power of a module within a circuit can be
indirectly determined (calculated) by separate meas-
uring of current and voltage.
However, there are also pure power meters with 4
connections available. The power meter has a electro-
dynamic measuring mechanism. The current circuit
must be opened for measuring. Take care when per-
forming power measurements: Voltage or current path
may already be overloaded during the measurement,
even though the end stop in the meter has not yet
been reached.

Fig. 1 Magnet tester

The magnet tester is used to test solenoid valves and
magnetic coils.
The test lamp responds to the magnetic fields of A.C-
voltage, D.C.-voltage and permanent magnets.
The component to be tested does not need to be re-
The magnetic coil can also be tested under a pro-
tective cap.

Fig. 2

78 BOMAG 008 915 77
Diodes, relays, fuses 6.12
6.12 Diodes, relays, fuses Diode logics and free-wheeling diode


Fig. 1
A diode consists of two different semi-conductors,
which are connected by a separating layer. The max.
conducting state current must not be exceeded.
Plus-voltage on diode:
At 0.6 – 0.7 Volt (silicium diode) the diode becomes
Negative voltage on diode:
The diode does not allow current to pass through.

Fig. 2 Marking of the cathode

Diodes are used:
For rectifying A.C. voltage.
For absorbing voltage peaks (free-wheeling diode).
For construction of logical circuits.

Fig. 3 Diode circuitry

The solenoid valve Y48 (Fig. 3) is supplied with
electric current when switch S34 is switched to po-
sition "1" or "2".
Solenoid valve Y20 is supplied, if the switch is in po-
sition "1".
l Solenoid valve Y21 is supplied, if the switch is in po-
sition "2".
The three diodes V02 serve as free-wheeling diodes
with the function of of eliminating voltage peaks.

008 915 77 BOMAG 79
6.12 Diodes, relays, fuses

Light emitting diodes Relays

Fig. 1 Relays
Relays are commonly used to realize switching proc-
Fig. 4 LED
A free-wheeling diode prevents induction voltage from
The light emitting diode, also referred to as LED, is a
flowing back from the coil into the vehicle wiring sys-
semi-conductor diode, which generates (emits) light
tem, which would cause interference with electronic
during operation in forward direction. A semi-conduc-
components (control units).
tor crystal thereby emits a light signal, which is con-
verged or scattered by the lenticular shape of the With the possibility of using breaker - maker contacts
head. Light emitting diodes are available in various the effect of an information can be reversed.
colours, sizes and shapes. They are for this reason
used as signal lamps. This component is constructed
of different semi-conductor crystals, depending on its
colour. It works like any other semi-conductor diode.

Fig. 2 Relay circuitry

The windscreen wiper and washer motors can only be
operated via switches S20 and S21, when relay K32
is supplied with electric current (Fig. 2).
86 = Positive supply for coil

80 BOMAG 008 915 77
Diodes, relays, fuses 6.12
85 = Ground supply for coil Fuses
30 = Supply voltage
87 = Normally open contact
87a= Normally closed contact

Fig. 1
Fuses are used to protect lines and equipment against
overloads and short circuit. If the fuse is overloaded
the fusible wire heats up with increasing current, until
it finally melts.

! Caution
Fuses must not be repaired or bridged.
The melting time at 23 °C is:
approx. 1 hour with 1.5 times the rated current
approx. 1 minute with 2.5 times the rated current.
A 5 Amp fuse loaded with 1.5 times the rated current
(7.5 Amp) will finally melt after approx. 1.5 hours.
Yellow = 5 A
Brown = 7.5 A
White = 8 A
Red = 16 A
Blue = 25 A

008 915 77 BOMAG 81
6.13 Inductive proximity switches

6.13 Inductive proximity switches NPN circuitry

In all automated sequences the use of sensors as a
source of information for the electronic control is indis-
pensable. The sensors deliver the necessary signals
about positions, end positions, filling levels or serve as
pulse transducers for counting tasks or speed detec-
tion. In industrial applications inductive and capacitive Fig. 4 NPN circuitry
proximity switches are today indispensable. Com-
pared with mechanical switches, they offer almost ide- On sensors with NPN-circuitry the output stage con-
al prerequisites: non-contact, wear free operation, tains a NPN-transistor, which switches the load
high switching frequencies and switching accuracies, against the negative operating voltage. The load is
as well as high protection against vibration, dust and connected between the output and the positive oper-
moisture. Inductive sensors detect all metals without ating voltage.
contact, capacitive sensors detect almost all solid and Breaking and making contacts
liquid media, such as metal, glass, wood, plastic, wa-
ter, oil, etc.

Working principle

Fig. 2
The working principle is based on the principle of the
dampened LC-oscillator. The coil of the oscillation cir-
cuit forms a high-frequency magnetic stray field. Fig. 5

This stray field leaks out from the active area of the Proximity switches are used as breaking or making
proximity switch. If metal or non-ferrous metal enters contacts. Depending on the design the switching dis-
into the response range energy is absorbed. The os- tances are 2 or 4 mm. The maximum amperage is 300
cillator is thus dampened and the resulting change in mA.
current consumption is evaluated. The LED (Fig. 5) lights up, when the initiator has de-
tected metal in its stray field.
PNP circuitry

Fig. 3 PNP circuitry

On sensors with PNP-circuitry the output stage con-
tains a PNP-transistor, which switches the load
against the positive operating voltage. The load is
connected between the output and the negative oper-
ating voltage. The switch is designed with a normally
open contact, i.e. the contact closes when the initiator
comes in "contact" with metal.

82 BOMAG 008 915 77
Plug connectors 6.14
6.14 Plug connectors
Duties and requirements
Electric plug connectors must provide a reliable con-
nection between different system components and
thus ensure the safe function of the systems under
any operating condition. There design ensures that
they will withstand the applied loads throughout the
lifetime of the machine.
Examples for these loads are:
Vibration acceleration
Temperature fluctuations, high and low tempera-
Micro movements of the contact with resulting fric-
tion corrosion.
These loads may increase the transition resistances
of the contacts, up to total interruption. Even the insu-
lation resistances may drop and thus cause short cir-
cuits in neighbouring lines. Electric plug connectors
must therefore have the following properties:
Low transition resistances of the conductive parts.
High insulation strength between conductive parts
Fig. 6 Circuit diagram, making contact
with different voltage potentials.
The circuit diagram (Fig. 6) shows a proximity switch l Excellent leak tightness against water and mois-
with normally open contact. ture.
Brown = voltage supply
Blue = ground supply
Black = switching output
The initiator switches the relay (K05)

008 915 77 BOMAG 83
6.15 Deutsch plug, series DT and DTM

6.15 Deutsch plug, series DT and DT Series


Plug connectors DT and DTM have a wedge to hold
the pins and sockets in their position. This wedge can
be removed and replaced, without having to cut any

Fig. 1 DT plug connection

Fig. 7 Crimp connections

Fig. 2 DT Series

Do not crimp more than one lead per pin or per

Sockets and pins must not be soldered to leads,
they may only be crimped (see special tools for
When connecting sockets and plugs these must
engage with a noticeable click when both halves
The plug connection should not be separable
(without loosening the interlock).
Fig. 3 Sectional drawing
Pulling test
This pulling test ensures that the lead is perfectly
crimped and the contact has correctly engaged in the
l Perform a pull test on each lead, each of the termi-
nals and connections must withstand a pulling force
of 45 N without any difficulties.

84 BOMAG 008 915 77
Deutsch plug, series DT and DTM 6.15
Installing DT contacts

Fig. 4
l Insert the contacts through the rubber grommet until
they click into place.
Insert the orange wedge in direction of arrow.


Perform a pull test on each lead, each of the termi-

nals and connections must withstand a pulling
force of 45 N without any difficulties.

i Note
Use the same method when assembling the socket.

008 915 77 BOMAG 85
6.15 Deutsch plug, series DT and DTM

Disassembling DT contacts

Fig. 5
l Pull the orange wedge out with long nose pliers.
Slightly pull the lead and unlock the interlocking
hook with a screw driver.
Pull the contact out of the socket.

i Note
Use the same method when assembling the socket.
In this case the interlock disassembly tool (see special
tools for electrics) serves as an aid to remove the

86 BOMAG 008 915 77
Deutsch plug, series DT and DTM 6.15
DTM Series

Fig. 1 DTM plug connection

Fig. 2 DTM Series

Fig. 3 Sectional drawing

008 915 77 BOMAG 87
6.15 Deutsch plug, series DT and DTM

Installing DTM contacts

Fig. 4
l Insert the contacts through the rubber grommet until
they click into place.
Insert the orange wedge, until it clicks into place.


Perform a pull test on each lead, each of the termi-

nals and connections must withstand a pulling
force of 45 N without any difficulties.

i Note
Use the same method when assembling the socket.

88 BOMAG 008 915 77
Deutsch plug, series DT and DTM 6.15
Disassembling DTM contacts

Fig. 5
i Note
Pull the orange wedge (interlock) out with long nose Use the same method when assembling the socket.
In this case the interlock disassembly tool (see special
Slightly pull the lead and unlock the interlocking tools for electrics) serves as an aid to remove the
hook with a screw driver. wedges.
l Pull the contact out of the socket.

008 915 77 BOMAG 89
6.16 Batteries

6.16 Batteries Battery maintenance

Battery – accumulator
i Note
Maintenance free batteries are gaining more and
more significance, this freedom from maintenance,
however, is only limited to the fact that no water needs
to be added.
If the battery is not charged and discharged over a
longer period of time, the battery will slowly discharge
by itself.
The accumulator may only be discharged down to a fi-
nal discharging voltage of 10.5 Volt, as otherwise
there is a risk of sulphation, i.e. the generated lead
sulphate forms increasingly coarser crystals, which
will finally not react at all or only very sluggishly during
Fig. 1 a subsequent charging process.
In vehicles batteries are used to start the engine. The In the worst case the accumulator can only be dis-
ability to start the engine depends on the charge con- posed of after such an exhaustive discharge.
dition of the batteries. The following therefore applies for longer downtimes:
Lead collectors or accumulators are secondary ele- l
Remove the battery and store it in a cool, dry and
ments, i.e they can be recharged after discharging frost protected room.
electric current. l
Check the open circuit voltage on the battery at reg-
The basic element of a lead accumulator is the cell. It ular intervals (at least once every month).
contains the plate blocks consisting of positive and l
Recharge immediately if the open circuit voltage
negative plates. These plates are separated from has dropped to 12.25 Volt (no rapid charging).
each other by separators.
All positive plates are arranged parallel to the plus
pole, the negative plates parallel to the minus pole of i Note
the cells. The open circuit voltage of batteries occurs approx. 10
h after the last charging or approx. 1 h after the last

Battery test in general

Is the battery leaking? Can traces of impact, shock
or compression be found in the leaking area?
Check for e.g. incorrect fastening, foreign bodies on
the battery mounting surface and similar.

Fig. 2
All cells are filled with a conductive fluid, the electro-
lyte. For a 12 Volt battery 6 cells are connected in se-

is a synonym for the amount of current taken up and
discharged by a battery over a specified period of

90 BOMAG 008 915 77
Batteries 6.16
Batteries with screw plugs Checking the electrolyte density

Checking the electrolyte level

Fig. 4
Fig. 3 The cells are filled with diluted sulphuric acid as elec-
1 Upper filling level mark trolyte (approx. 25 Vol% sulphuric acid in distilled wa-
ter), also referred to as accumulator acid, which has a
2 Lower filling level mark
density of 1.285 kg/dm3 at a temperature of +27° Cel-
If the electrolyte level only reaches up to the lower sius. This means that one litre of electrolyte has a
filling level mark (2), fill distilled water into the corre- weight of 1.285 kg. As the cell is being discharged
sponding cells. lead sulphate (PbSO4) will form on both electrodes
and the electrolyte will increasingly change to water.
Since water has a lower specific weight than diluted
sulphuric acid, the density of the electrolyte will also
drop during the discharge and with a fully discharged
cell and a temperature of 27°C it will only be 1.18 kg/
With a lead cell the acid density is therefore a meas-
ure for the charge condition. This characteristic is
used to determine the charge condition of a lead bat-
tery. The so-called electrolyte tester (densimeter) is
used for this purpose.

Fig. 5 Checking the electrolyte density:

1) correct
2) poor
3) poor

i Note
(Hold the pipe of the electrolyte tester vertically, with-
out taking it out of the electrolyte.

008 915 77 BOMAG 91
6.17 Battery service

Do not draw too much electrolyte into the pipe. 6.17 Battery service
Make sure that the float is not obstructed in its move-
ment and hold the electrolyte tester at eye level.
! Danger
The electrolyte tester must be read at the highest
Danger of cauterisation !
electrolyte level.
If the electrolyte temperature deviates from the When working on the battery do not use open fire,
electrolyte tester calibration temperature, the indi- do not smoke!
cated value for the specific electrolyte weight must Do not let acid come in contact with skin or
be corrected acc. to the formula (reference) below. clothes!
Reference Wear protective clothing!
The specific weight varies slightly with temperature. Do not lay any tools on the battery!
To be exact, the specific weight drops by 0.0007 per 1 For recharging remove the plugs (if present) from
°C temperature increase (by 0.0004 per 1 °F) and in- the battery to avoid the accumulation of highly ex-
creases by 0,0007 per 1 °C temperature reduction (by plosive gases.
0,0004 per 1 °F) . If e.g. a temperature of 20 °C (68 °F)
is used as reference, the indicated value of the specif-
ic weight must be corrected acc. to the following for- Environment
mula. Dispose of the old batteries environmentally.
l Specific weight at 20 °C = measuring value + l
Open the maintenance flap and remove the battery
0,0007 × (electrolyte temperature: 20 °C) cover.
Specific weight at 68 °F = measuring value + 0,0004
× (electrolyte temperature: 68 °F)

Acid density at 27 °C in kg/dm3

l 1.25 -1.28, open-circuit voltage approx. 12.7 Volt.
Battery is charged.
1.20 -1.24, open circuit voltage approx.12.4 to 12.5
Volt, is 50% discharged. Charging is necessary.
1.19 and less, open circuit voltage less than 12.3
Volt. Battery is insufficiently charged. The battery
needs to be recharged immediately.
l If there is a deviation of the specific weight of more
than 0.05 between any of the cells, the battery
needs to be replaced. Fig. 6
l If the current consumption during charging is not 1/ l
Remove the battery (Fig. 6) and clean the battery
20 of the nominal capacity (example 100 Ah battery:
100Ah x 1/20 = 5 A) or full recharging of the battery
results in a final electrolyte density of only 1.24 kg/ l Clean the outside of the battery.
dm3 or less, the battery shows normal wear by ag- l
Clean battery poles and pole clamps and grease
ing. The battery was insufficient charging or ex- them with pole grease or corrosion protection wax
haustive discharge. spray.
Check the fastening of the battery.

92 BOMAG 008 915 77
Generator 6.18
6.18 Generator Three-phase generator
The AC-generator first of all produces AC-voltage /
The generator should be of light weight, have a high
rate of efficiency and supply all consumers in the ve- Why does AC-current need to be rectified?
hicle with electric current at a steady voltage already There are a few components for which can either be
at idling speed. operated with alternating current or direct current, be-
cause they work independently from the current flow
Terminal designations
l B61, L = charge control This includes :
B+, B = battery plus, also with the designation "30" l
Incandescent lamps
B- = battery minus, also with the designation "31" l
Fluorescent lamps
D+ = dynamo plus corresponds with terminal "61" l
Glow lamps
and "L" l Electric heating elements.
D- = dynamo minus (this designation is only found There are also a few components that could be oper-
on D.C. generators or A.C. generators with regula- ated either with alternating current, direct current or
tor removed) three-phase current, if the components were designed
DF = dynamo field (this designation is only found on
D.C. generators or A.C. generators with regulator This includes :
removed). Note: The designation DF is also found l
Electric motors
on older alternators with externally arranged regula- l
tor on the connection of the exciting coil to the reg-
ulator or on the regulator itself Finally, a variety of important components solely re-
quire direct current. These will under no circumstanc-
DF1 = dynamo field 1 es work with alternating or three-phase current.
DF2 = dynamo field 2 This includes :
l IG = "15" ignition switch l Accumulators
Control units
l All electronics
Communication equipment.

Design and function

Fig. 7
1 Fan
2 Holding plate
3 Stator core
4 Stator winding
5 Brush

008 915 77 BOMAG 93
6.18 Generator

6 Brush holder
7 Rectifier
8 Bearing cover
9 Rotor winding
11V-belt pulley

Fig. 10 3-phase current

Fig. 8 Rotor with claw poles The wiring diagram (Fig. 10) shows the 3 windings in
Y-connection and the 6 associated rectifier diodes (D1
In the generator the armature windings are located in-
to D6).
side the stationary stator (Fig. 9), whereas the exciter
winding is arranged on the internally revolving rotor The diodes D1, D2, D3 are also referred to as minus
(Fig. 8). diodes, because they have B- as common connection
(minus plate). The other diodes are the plus diodes.
The rectifier diodes have the effect that the negative
half-wave is suppressed and only the positive section
of the wave is allowed to pass, resulting in a pulsating
D.C. voltage.

Fig. 9 Stator
The three stator windings (Fig. 9) are electrically offset
to each other by 120°. The excitation of the magnetic
field requires direct current, which is fed to the rotor
via two carbon brushes and slip rings.

94 BOMAG 008 915 77
Generator 6.18
Charge control light Any other behaviour would indicate a defect on the
The charge control light has two duties: generator (rectifier, carbon brushes, regulator) or a
defect on the lamp, presumed the on-board battery is
Indication of the correct generator function not discharged.
External excitation of the generator during the start- A far more important function of the lamp is the transi-
ing phase tion and provision of field current. At standstill there is
no magnetic field in the de-energized generator. Since
this is necessary for the generation of electric current,
the rotor must be supplied with current, so that a weak
field can build up.
The current flows from the ignition switch via the
charge control light through the generator winding
against ground (terminal 31) and is limited to approx.
300 mA by the light bulb (4 W) (without the lamp the
current flow would be 2 to 5 A). While the rotor is ro-
tating current is induced into the stator winding,
whereby a small part (2–5 A, depending on speed)
flows through the charge regulator into the field wind-
ing of the rotor and the major part flows to the output
terminals (B+), where it can be tapped as useful cur-
rent. If the charge control light is defective or no bat-
Fig. 11 plus controlled charging regulator tery is available or the battery is discharged, external
(Fig. 11) shows the current flow with the ignition excitation is no longer possible at standstill and no
switched on, engine stopped. voltage will be generated, even when the generator is
With used, older generators a weak permanent mag-
netic field may have developed over the lifetime,
which does even exist when no voltage is applied.
This type of machines can even start without charge
control light and produce current during operation.
However, this is an unintended effect and you should
not presume that a generator without charge control
light or external excitation can be started up.

Fig. 12 plus controlled charging regulator

(Fig. 12) shows the current flow with the ignition
switched on, engine running.
1 Battery
2 Charge controller
3 Ignition switch
4 Charge control light
5 Rectifier
6 Rotor
7 Sliprings / carbon brush
8 Auxiliary rectifier
Normally the charge control light lights with the engine
stopped and the ignition switched on and goes out at
low engine speed, but at the latest after a single,
short-term increase in engine speed from idle speed,
because there is no longer a voltage difference on the

008 915 77 BOMAG 95
6.18 Generator

Charge controller Checking the generator

The charge controller has the following functions
To regulate the voltage generated by the generator !Caution
l To protect against overloads caused by too high Before removing the generator you must discon-
output current nect the ground cable from the minus pole of the
battery while the ignition is switched off. Do not
Protection against reverse current disconnect the generator while the engine is run-
If the output voltage or the output current of the gen- ning, because this may cause extremely high volt-
erator exceeds the determined maximum values, the age peaks in the vehicle wiring system ("Load
field current and thus the electric power is reduced. Dump"), which could possibly damage control
units, radios or other electronic equipment.
Electronic charge regulator
When disassembling the battery cable, the B+-nut
underneath on the generator side may also be
loosened. This nut must in this case be retight-
When connecting e.g. the battery cable to the ter-
minal of the generator you must make sure that
the polarity is correct (generator B+ to the + pole
of the battery). Mixing up the polarities by mistake
causes short circuit and damage to the rectifier el-
ements - the generator will be out of function.
The generator can only be operated with the bat-
tery connected. Under special conditions emer-
gency operation without battery is permitted, the
lifetime of the generator is in such cases especial-
ly limited.
Fig. 13 Regulator, Kubota engine
Plus and minus cables must be disconnected dur-
In AC-generators the electrically generated exciter ing rapid charging of the battery or electric weld-
field of the generator rotor is influenced by an at- ing on the vehicle.
tached electronic charge regulator. Together with the
holder for the carbon brushes this regulator forms a When cleaning the generator with a steam or wa-
unit, which transfers the field current to the sliprings of ter jet make sure not to direct the steam or water
the rotor. jet directly on or into the generator openings or
ball bearings. After cleaning the generator should
The regulator compares the rectified actual current of be operated for about 1 - 2 minutes to remove any
the generator with the a stable reference voltage in deposits of water from the generator.
the regulator and matches the strength of the exciter
field (field current) by increasing or reducing the cur- First one must check whether the generator is actually
rent flow (PWM, switching controller) in such a way, defective.
that the actual voltage of the generator remains con- l
This can be easily found out by checking whether
stant, irrespective of load and speed. The generator the charge control light in the dashboard lights up. If
voltage is thereby regulated, the generator current, the light does not go out, even at higher speeds,
however, is not measured, but limited by the construc- there must be a defect on the generator, the regula-
tion dependent internal resistance of the stator coils or tor, the wiring or the V-belt.
thermal monitoring. l
When the engine is at rest, the charge control light
must light up. If not, the lamp may probably be de-
fective. Defects on generator or wiring are obviously
also possible.
The following points allow to contain faults in the volt-
age supply within certain limits.
Cable connections on the generator OK?
l V-belt OK?
Generator ground (engine ground) OK?
l Pre-excitation from vehicle electronics OK?
Only if all criteria mentioned above are OK, the fault
must be in the generator itself. In this case it must be

96 BOMAG 008 915 77
Generator 6.18
replaced or the following trouble shooting procedure Measuring the charge current
must be performed. l All plug-and-socket connectors must be free of cor-
rosion and intermittent contact.
l The generator ground connection must be OK.
During the measurement switch on as many con-
sumers as possible.
1 Attach the clip-on ammeter around the B+ line.
2 Gradually increase the engine speed.
3 The generator current must be at least as high as
the total current of all consumers.

008 915 77 BOMAG 97
6.18 Generator

Checking the regulator voltage with the generator Checking the regulator voltage with the multime-
tester ter
The battery and generator tester comes with an 8-line
LC display with background illumination and is able to
print out test results via an (optional) thermal printer.

Fig. 15
l All plug-and-socket connectors must be free of cor-
rosion and intermittent contact.
Fig. 14 l
The generator ground connection must be OK.
The generator test assesses the regulator voltage and l The battery should be in good condition – the idle
the ripple factor of the generator voltage. speed voltage of the battery should be at least 12.6
All plug-and-socket connectors must be free of cor- Volt.
rosion and intermittent contact. l
If possible switch off all consumers.
The generator ground connection must be OK. l
Perform the measurement at raised engine speed.
The battery should be in good condition – the idle l
The voltage (B+) should adjust itself at 13 to 14 Volt.
speed voltage of the battery should be at least 12.6
If possible switch off all consumers.
Perform the measurement at raised engine speed.

98 BOMAG 008 915 77
Generator repair 6.19

Fig. 1

1 V-belt pulley l
Disassemble the holding plate (5).
2 Drive bearing plate l Use a press and a suitable device to press the bear-
3 Stator ing (4) out of the drive bearing plate (2).
4 Bearing
To protect the rotor against damage clamp it lightly
in vice and extract the bearing (7) with a puller.
5 Holding plate
6 Rotor Assembly
7 Bearing
8 Rear bearing plate i Note
9 Rectifier V-belt pulley tightening torque 58.4 to 78.9 Nm.
10 IC-regulator
11 Brush holder
12 Rear covering

Remove the V-belt pulley (1).
l Remove the rear covering (12).
Disassemble the brush holder (11).
Disassemble the IC-regulator (10).
Unscrew the four stator cable fastening screws.
Take off the rectifier (9).
l Take off the rear bearing plate (8).
Press the rotor (6) out of the drive bearing plate (2).

008 915 77 BOMAG 99
6.19 Generator repair

Bearing Stator

Fig. 2 Fig. 3
Check whether the bearing rotates without obstruc- l
Use the resistance range of the continuity tester to
tion. measure the resistance between the individual lines
Replace the bearing if it does not rotate properly. of the stator winding.
l If the measuring value does not comply with the fac-
tory specification, replace the stator.
Use the resistance range of the continuity tester to
check the continuity between the individual stator
windings and the core.
l Replace the stator if no infinite value is indicated.

i Note
Factory specification for resistance: Less than 1:.

100 BOMAG 008 915 77
Generator repair 6.19
Rotor Slipring

Fig. 4 Fig. 5
Measure the resistance between the sliprings. l
Check the slipring for score marks.
If the resistance does not comply with the factory l
If score marks are found rework the slipring with
specification, replace the rotor. emery cloth or on a lathe.
Use the resistance range of the continuity tester to l
Measure the outer diameter of the slipring with a
check the continuity between slipring and core. vernier caliper.
Replace the rotor if no infinite value is indicated. l
Replace if the measuring value is below the permis-
sible limit.
i Note
Factory specification for resistance: 2.9:. i Note
Outer slipring diameter: 14.4 mm.
Permissible limit: 14.0 mm.

008 915 77 BOMAG 101
6.19 Generator repair

Wear on carbon brushes Rectifier

Fig. 6 Fig. 7
Measure the brush length with a vernier caliper. l
Use the resistance range of the continuity tester to
Replace if the measuring value is below the permis- check the continuity between the individual rectifier
sible limit. diodes.
Make sure that the brush is light moving.
l The rectifier is in good working order when the rec-
tifier diode conducts to one direction and block in
A defective carbon brush must be replaced.
the other direction.

i Note
Brush: 10.0 mm.
Permissible limit: 8.4 mm.

Fig. 8

102 BOMAG 008 915 77
Electric starter 6.20
Regulator 6.20 Electric starter
Combustion engines need to be started by means of
a special device, because they are not able to start by
themselves. Considerable resistances caused by
compression and friction must thereby be overcome.
The starter converts the electric energy stored in the
battery into mechanical energy. The starter can only
generate its power when a battery with appropriate
capacity is available.
Duties of the starter:
to accelerate the combustion engine to start speed
with lowest possible current consumption.
l establish the gear connection between starter and
Fig. 9
combustion engine.
Use the resistance range of the continuity tester to l
to maintain this connection.
check the continuity between terminal B (2) and ter-
minal F (1) on the IC-regulator. l to switch on the starter current.
The IC-regulator is in good working order when it After starting the engine:
conducts current to one direction, but not in the oth- l
to return the starter pinion to initial position.
er direction. l
to switch off the starter current.

008 915 77 BOMAG 103
6.20 Electric starter

2 Ring gear
Starter with spur gear reducer
3 Pinion
The starter is a heat and vibration proof geared motor
4 Freewheeling clutch
with a small, fast running electric motor, the armature
of which drives the pinion with a reduction ration of ap- 5 Holding winding
prox. 1:3 to increase the torque. 6 Pick-up winding
7 Ignition switch
8 Battery
9 Armature

Pinion meshes with the ring gear

Fig. 10 with spur gear reducer

1 Drive gear
2 Armature
3 Exciting winding
4 Brush
Fig. 12
5 Intermediate gear
When the pinion (1) meshes with the flywheel mount-
6 Pinion ed ring gear (4) and the magnetic switch is closed, a
7 Freewheeling clutch strong current flows from the battery (7) directly into
8 Magnetic switch the exciting winding (6) and the armature winding, but
not into the pick-up winding (6). This causes the arma-
9 Armature
ture (3) to rotate with high speed and drives the pinion
Working principle of the starter (1), which in turn drives the ring gear (4) with a speed
of 200 to 300 rpm.
Starter switch in position "START"
1 Pinion
2 Exciting winding
3 Armature
4 Ring gear
5 Holding winding
6 Pick-up winding
7 Battery

Fig. 11
With the starter switch (7) in "START" position current
flows from the battery (8) through the holding winding
(5) and the pick-up winding (6). The armature (9) is
magnetically picked up and presses the pinion (3) out-
1 Armature

104 BOMAG 008 915 77
Electric starter 6.20
Engine running 4 Holding winding
5 Pick-up winding
6 Ignition switch
7 Battery
8 Armature

Fig. 13
Once the engine is running and drives the pinion (1)
via the ring gear (3), the freewheeling clutch (4) will
open and prevent the armature (2) from being driven
by the engine.
1 Pinion
2 Armature
3 Ring gear
4 Freewheeling clutch

Releasing the starter switch

Fig. 14
When releasing the starter switch (6) it will return from
position "START" to "ON" and interrupt the starter cur-
rent circuit. Current will now flow from the battery (7)
through the contact plate in the pick-up winding (5)
and the holding winding (4).
Since both coils generate opposed magnetic fields,
the magnetic field will collapse and the resetting
spring (3) takes the armature (8) back to its initial po-
sition. This opens the current circuit on the contact
plate and the pinion (1) is pulled back from the ring
gear (2) and stops.
1 Pinion
2 Ring gear
3 Resetting spring

008 915 77 BOMAG 105
6.20 Electric starter

Magnetic switch Freewheeling clutch

Fig. 1 Direct acting electric motor Fig. 1 Freewheeling clutch

The freewheeling clutch is designed in such a way,
that the flow of force is automatically interrupted if the
pinion (5) of the clutch rotates faster than the free-
wheeling ring (1) at higher engine speeds.
This makes sure that the armature will only drive the
ring gear, but can never be driven by the engine.
1 Freewheeling ring
2 Roller
3 Roller spring
4 Splined shaft
5 Pinion
6 Pinion

Fig. 2 Geared motor

Armature (4), contact plate (3) and armature guide (6)
form a closed unit. When the ignition switch is turned
to "START", the armature is picked up and causes the
pinion of the clutch to disengage.
This causes the pinion and the ring gear to mesh,
while the contact plate establishes a connection be-
tween the contacts, which enable the main current to
flow into the armature. Once the ignition switch is
opened, the resetting spring (5) will pull the armature
back to initial position.
1 Holding winding
2 Pick-up winding
3 Contact plate
4 Armature
5 Resetting spring
6 Armature guide

106 BOMAG 008 915 77
Electric starter 6.20
Trouble shooting "Starter" l Ignition switch OK?
l Travel lever in correct position?
l Emergency stop not actuated?
So-called jump starting (using an additional exter- l
Battery sufficiently charged?
nal battery) without the battery connected is dan- l
Battery poles OK?
gerous. When disconnecting the cables from the l
Main battery fuse OK?
poles high inductivities (arcs, voltage peaks) may l
Main battery switch closed?
occur and destroy the electrical installation.
l Main starter cable (terminal 30) OK?
For purposes like e.g. purging the fuel systems, l
Starter control cable (terminal 50) OK, voltage
starters may be operated for maximum 1 minute
without interruption. Then you should wait for at
least 30 minutes (cooling down) until trying again. l Ground cable OK?
During the 1 minute starting period this process l
Switching of magnetic switches OK?
should not be interrupted. The sequence of these tests is generally of no signifi-
Starter motors must not be cleaned with high cance. It mainly depends on:
pressure steam cleaning equipment. l
the experience of the specialist
The contacts on starter terminals 30, 45, 50 must l the failure probability of the component to be tested
be protected against unintended shorting (jump and the testing effort for the respective part.
Only if all criteria mentioned above are OK, the fault
When replacing the starter the ring gear on the en- must be in the starter itself. In this case it can be re-
gine flywheel must be checked for damage and its paired or replaced.
number of teeth - if necessary replace the ring
Always disconnect the battery before starting as-
sembly work in the starter area of the engine or on
the starter itself.

i Note
The most frequent fault is definitely a fully discharged
If the starter rotates too slowly, either the brushes
are partly worn off, or parts of the exciter or armature
winding is shorted. In some cases oxidized electric
contacts or a soiled ground connection causing ex-
tremely high voltage losses in the overall starter sys-
tem are the cause of problems.
If the starter only emits a clicking sound,- either
the magnetic switch is defect / soiled (dismantle and
clean))- the main contacts on the magnetic switch are
worn off / soiled (scrape off carefully with a file and
clean)- the starter motor is defective / soiled (remove
armature and clean), cover cleaned, moveable parts
with grease.
Frequently a jammed return mechanism is the reason
for a starter failure.
Occasionally worn contacts are found on the magnetic
return switch
Defects on the actual starter motor including pinion
and carbon brushes are very rare.
With a trouble shooting chart the faults in the starter
system can be narrowed down. The starter system
can only work when many conditions are fulfilled at
the same time.
Immobilizer deactivated?

008 915 77 BOMAG 107
6.20 Electric starter

Testing and measuring the starter Testing and measuring the starter
Function control with the starter removed
i Note
The highest current flows when the starter is blocked!
(Short circuit current in starter). This is the case when
the pinion is engaged and the starter has the duty to Fasten the starter to make sure that it will not
accelerate the flywheel to starting speed. come loose during the test.

Function control with the starter installed

Initiate the starting process and measure the volt-
age on the pickup solenoid switch (50a). At least
10.8 Volt should be applied.
l When operating the starter switch the magnetic
switch must engage in the flywheel ring gear (no-
ticeable clicking sound) and release the starting
current to the starter. On most magnetic switches
the voltage can be measured with the multimeter. If
this does not happen even though voltage is ap-
plied, replace the magnetic switch.

Fig. 2
Connect a jumper lead between start terminal (1)
and battery plus (2).
l Connect a jumper cable instantaneously between
starter housing and battery minus (3).

i Note
If the motor does not start, the starter is defective. Re-
pair or replace the starter.

Checking the magnetic switch

Fig. 3
l Connect a jumper lead between start terminal (1)
and battery plus (2).
Connect a jumper cable instantaneously between
starter housing and battery minus (3).

i Note
If the pinion does not disengage, the magnetic switch
is defective. Repair or replace the starter.

108 BOMAG 008 915 77
Electric starter 6.20
Continuity test for the magnetic switch

Fig. 4
Use a continuity tester to check for continuity be-
tween terminal (1) and terminal (29 while holding
the pin depressed.
Replace the magnetic switch if no continuity is de-

008 915 77 BOMAG 109
6.21 Repair of starter

Fig. 1

1 Through bolt l
Separate the armature (5) from the starter frame
2 Brush (4).
3 Terminal nut C
l Disassemble the housing (13).
4 Starter frame
Disassemble intermediate gear (7) and freewheel
5 Armature
l Remove the magnetic switch cover (9).
6 Freewheel
Disassemble the piston (11).
7 Intermediate gear
8 Housing cover
9 Brush holder
Do not damage carbon bushes or collector.
10 Magnetic switch cover
11 Piston Assembly
12 Terminal nut B l
Apply some grease to intermediate gear and free-
13 Housing wheel. Tightening torque for terminal nut (12): 5.88
to 11.8 Nm
l Unscrew the terminal nut (3) and take off the con-
necting cable.
Disassemble the two through bolts (1).
l Take off the motor.
Disassemble the housing cover (8).
Compress the spring and take the carbon brush off
the brush holder.
Disassemble the brush holder (9).

110 BOMAG 008 915 77
Repair of starter 6.21
Freewheel Collector and mica capacitor

Fig. 2
l Check the pinion, replace the complete freewheel if Fig. 3
signs of wear or damage are found. l
Check the contact surface of the collector for wear
Make sure that the pinion rotates freely in the free- and rework it with sanding paper if it is slightly worn.
wheeling direction and does not slip in starting di-
If the pinion slips or does not rotate to both direc-
tions, replace the freewheel assembly.

i Note
Do not wash the grease in the freewheel out with
chemicals or oils.

Fig. 4
Measure the outer diameter of the collector at sev-
eral points with an outside micrometer.
l If the smallest outside diameter is below the permis-
sible limit, the rotor must be replaced.

i Note
Factory specification, collector outside diameter:
30.0 mm.
Permissible limit: 29.0 mm.

Fig. 5
If the difference between the outer diameter meas-
uring values exceeds the permissible limit have the

008 915 77 BOMAG 111
6.21 Repair of starter

collector reworked to the factory specifications on a Wear on carbon brushes


i Note
Factory specification, difference of outer diameter
measurements: Less than 0.02 mm.
Permissible limit: 0.05 mm.

Fig. 7
If the contact area of the carbon brush is dirty or
dusty, clean it with emery cloth.
l Measure the brush length (A) with a vernier caliper.
If the length is shorter than the permissible limit, the
brush holder must be replaced.
Fig. 6
1 Segment i Note
2 Counterdraft Factory specification, brush length: 16.0 mm.
3 Collector Permissible limit: 10.5 mm.
a) correct
b) not correct
Measure the counterdraft on the collector.
l If the counterdraft falls short of the lower limit value,
correct it with a saw blade and bevel the segment

i Note
Factory specification, collector counterdraft: 0.5 to 0.8
Permissible limit: 0.2 mm.

112 BOMAG 008 915 77
Repair of starter 6.21
Brush holder Armature coil

Fig. 9
Fig. 8 l Use the resistance range of the continuity tester to
Use a continuity tester to check the continuity be- check the continuity between collector and arma-
tween brush holder and holder carrier. ture coil.
l If continuity is found replace the brush holder. l
If continuity is found replace the armature.

Fig. 10
Use the resistance range of the continuity tester to
check the continuity between the collector seg-
If no continuity is found replace the armature.

008 915 77 BOMAG 113
6.22 Glow plugs

Field coil 6.22 Glow plugs

Measuring the glow plug voltage (R02)
During the starting process the glow plugs are ener-
gized. They are also switched on for 10 seconds when
switching on the ignition.

Fig. 11
1 Replace the
2 Brush
3 Stator
Use the continuity tester to check the continuity be-
tween line (1) and brush (2).
l If no continuity is found replace the stator frame.
Fig. 1
l Switch on the ignition and check the voltage (within
10 seconds) between cable terminal and engine
block with a line tester.

i Note
If the voltage deviates from the battery voltage you
should measure the voltage on terminal X3:38 (BLM
power module) under the same conditions.
If battery voltage is present on terminal X3:38, either
the wiring loom or the relay K14 is defective.
Fig. 12
If battery voltage is not present on terminal X3:38, the
l Use the continuity tester to check the continuity be- BLM module must be faulty.
tween brush (2) and stator (3).
If continuity is found replace the stator frame. Continuity test

Fig. 2
l Disassemble the glow plug.
Use a continuity tester to measure the resistance
between glow plug connection and glow plug body.
l If the measured value does not correspond with the
factory specification, the glow plug is defective.

114 BOMAG 008 915 77
Glow plugs 6.22
i Note
Factory specification for resistance approx. 0.9 :.

008 915 77 BOMAG 115
6.23 Engine governor rod positioning solenoid

Fig. 1 winding (3) connected in series. The holding winding

has a far higher resistance than the pickup winding.
Positioning solenoid
The "aux"-connection is connected between the two
The positioning solenoid for the governor rod (throttle windings.
regulation) has a pickup winding (4) and a holding

Fig. 2 This bridging has the effect, that the "aux"-terminal

The solenoid is has an integrated limit switch (2), has the same potential as the "Plus"-terminal. If the
which is mechanically connected with the governor bridge is open, the "aux"-terminal has almost the
rod (1) on the diesel engine. This switch bridges the same potential as the "Minus" terminal, because of
holding winding until the end position of the governor the low resistance of the pick-up winding and the high
rod is reached (high engine speed) resistance of the holding winding. The BLM-module

116 BOMAG 008 915 77
Engine governor rod positioning solenoid 6.23
(terminal X3:4) evaluates this signal for monitoring Adjusting the positioning solenoid

i Note
If the "aux" signal is not correct despite the switched
on control solenoid, the positioning solenoid will be
de-energized (down to idle speed) by the BML-mod-
ule via relay K97.

Fig. 3
Switch the ignition on.
Set the tumbler switch (Fig. 3) to position "MAX".

i Note
When switching on, the solenoid plunger is pulled
against the stop. The limit switch then switches the
pick-up and holding winding in series. The current flow
is reduced from approx. 70 A to approx. 3.5 A.

Fig. 4
Measure the gap between stop screw (1) and throt-
tle lever (2).

i Note
Adjustments must only be made on the clevis head

! Caution
The gap should be min. 0.1 mm and max. 0.5 mm.
If the gap is too small, the limit switch in the sole-
noid may not be able to operate and the "aux" sig-
nal will report this condition to the BLM-module
In case of a too wide gap the engine will not reach
its maximum speed.

008 915 77 BOMAG 117
6.24 Engine shut-down solenoid

Fig. 1

Fig. 2 (2) back to initial position and the governor rod (3) is
1 Engine shut-down solenoid Y13 blocked in position "No fuel injection".
2 Armature
3 Governor rod
The battery voltage has the effect that the shut-down
solenoid (1) engages the armature (2) to the left, so
that the governor rod can move freely. When switch-
ing off the battery current a spring will pul the armature

118 BOMAG 008 915 77
Engine shut-down solenoid 6.24

Fig. 3
1 Injection pump
2 Engine shut-down solenoid
3 Starter
4 BLM-module
5 Starter battery

Starting the engine

When the starter switch (S131) is operated, current
flows from terminal X3:10 (BLM-module) into the hold-
ing winding (H). At the same time relay K39 is exciter
through terminal X6:3 (BLM-module) and the starter
(terminal 50) is energized.
If the main contact of the starter closes, current will Fig. 4 Terminal C on starter
flow from terminal C on the starter to the pickup wind-
ing (P) and magentize this winding. The magnetic
forces overcome the force of the armature field and
pick up the armature.
If the starter switch is released after the engine has
been started, current will no longer flow from terminal
C on the starter and the pickup winding (P) will no
longer have any magnetic power. The holding winding
(H) still hold the armature in this position.

Shutting down the engine

When the starter switch is switched off, the current
flow from terminal X3:10 (BLM-module) into the hold-
ing winding is interrupted. The spring is now able to
pull back the armature, the governor rod of the injec-
tion pump is pushed back and the fuel supply is inter-

008 915 77 BOMAG 119
6.24 Engine shut-down solenoid

Testing the function !Caution

For inspection do not apply current to the pick-up
winding for longer than two seconds.

i Note
P: Terminal for pick-up winding, resistance approx.
H: Terminal for holding winding, resistance approx.
Disassemble the shut-down solenoid.
l Connect bridging cables between terminal P of the
pick-up winding and switch (4), as well as between
Fig. 5 switch (4) and battery plus.
Connect bridging cables between terminal H of the
! holding winding and switch (3), as well as between
Danger of burning! switch (3) and battery plus.
Connect a bridging cable between the housing of
The shut-down solenoid gets very hot during the the shut-off solenoid and battery minus (ground
stating process. supply).
Remove the shut-down solenoid, leave the plug on l
Switch the switch (4) on and off.
the solenoid.
Connect the housing of the solenoid to engine
ground (ground supply). i Note
l Start the engine for a moment. When switching the switch (4) on the pin is retracted
and it moves out again when the switch (4) is switched
i Note
Switch the switch (3) on first and switch (4) after -the
During the starting process the pin is retracted and it pin is retracted into the body of the solenoid and re-
extends again when the ignition is switched off. mains in this position when switch (4) is switched
Testing the shut-off solenoid off.

Fig. 6
1 Plug
2 Battery
3 Switch for holding winding (H)
4 Switch for pick-up winding (P)

120 BOMAG 008 915 77
Oil pressure and low oil pressure circuitry 6.25

Fig. 1
The oil pressure switch is mounted on the cylinder
block and is connected to the lubrication oil channel.
If the oil pressure drops below a specific value for
longer than 8 seconds
the warning buzzer will sound
the engine will be shut down
a fault code is emitted

008 915 77 BOMAG 121
6.25 Oil pressure and low oil pressure circuitry

With sufficiently high pressures

Fig. 2 The pressure building up after starting the engine will

1 Terminal press the diaphragm (4) up. This lifts the contact rivet
2 Insulator (5) and interrupts the electric circuit between BLM-
module (A70) and engine ground.
3 Spring
4 Diaphragm
5 Contact rivet
6 Contact
7 Oil switch housing
8 BLM-module (A70)
9 Holding winding for engine shut-down solenoid
10 Display module (P18)
11 Warning buzzer (H11)

122 BOMAG 008 915 77
Oil pressure and low oil pressure circuitry 6.25
With insufficient oil pressure, 49 kPa (0.5 kgf/cm2,
7 psi) or lower

Fig. 3
With dropping oil pressure the diaphragm (4) will re-
turn, until the contact rivet (5) contacts again and the
electric circuit is closed.

008 915 77 BOMAG 123
6.26 Coolant temperature and power reduction

Fig. 1
The temperature switch is arranged in the coolant cir-
cuit of the engine in such a way, that its tip is surround-
ed by coolant.
If the temperature rises over a specific value for longer
than 8 seconds
the warning buzzer will sound
l vibration is shut down
the travel speed is limited. travel range 1
a fault code is emitted

Normally open contact: Closes at 105 °C and opens at
98 °C.

124 BOMAG 008 915 77
Coolant temperature and power reduction 6.26

Fig. 1
H07, Warning buzzer
B53, Coolant temperature switch
Y03, Solenoid valve 2nd speed
Y57, Vibration high amplitude
Y56, Vibration low amplitude

008 915 77 BOMAG 125
6.27 Wiring looms

6.27 Wiring looms

1 Wiring loom, engine

2 Wiring loom, supply central electrics
3 Wiring loom, battery (+) - starter
4 Wiring loom, battery (-) - main battery switch
5 Wiring loom, engine ground - main battery switch

126 BOMAG 008 915 77
Wiring looms 6.27

1 Wiring loom, safety bow

2 Proximity switches

008 915 77 BOMAG 127
6.27 Wiring looms

1 Wiring loom, Hytos solenoid valves

2 Spiral cable

128 BOMAG 008 915 77
BLM - Power/Logic Module 6.28
Control unit
6.28 BLM - Power/Logic Module

Fig. 1 CAN-bus, Controller Area Network

Control units (ECU = electronic control unit or ECM = created by Bosch at the end of the eighties for auto-
electronic control module) are electronic modules mobile applications.
which are mainly installed in places where something
needs to be controlled or regulated. Control units are Development objectives:
used in almost any electronic sector in the automotive Real-time critical, robust and low price communication
industry, but also to control machines, plants and oth- of control units, such as transmission and engine con-
er technical processes. trol, but also less time critical applications in the field
Control units generally work according to the IPO- of convenience electronics, such as air conditioning.
principle. IPO stands for Input-Processing-Output.
Sensors are available for input. These determine a
physical parameter like e.g. speed, pressure, temper-
ature etc. This value is then compared with a calculat-
ed or fixed nominal value that had been entered into
the control unit. If the measured value does not match
the stored value, the control unit regulates the physi-
cal process by means of actors, so that the measured
actual values match the setpoint again. This means
that the actors correctively interfere with the ongoing
In current vehicles control units are linked via various
system buses (CAN, LIN, MOST, Flexray). The units
exchange information about operating states and oth-
er relevant data in vehicle across the system. Further- Fig. 2
more, the on-board diagnostic or the diagnostic
system of the vehicle is connected via such busses Why CAN?
(and possible K-lines). Furthermore, external diag- l Networking of control units for the realization of
nostic devices (alternatively Personal Computers or complex functions.
Notebooks plus matching Interface) can communicate l
Reduction of the extend of wiring and plug connec-
with the control units. In this case the system will be tions.
interrogated to find out whether the permanent self l Better diagnostic possibilities (central diagnostics
tests of the control unit has revealed and registered
any faults in itself or on the connected sensors.

008 915 77 BOMAG 129
6.28 BLM - Power/Logic Module

Characteristics of CAN
It is a kind of serial data transmission. The individual
bits are transmitted one after the other, only 2 lines are
CAN lines are twisted together 30 to 40 times per me-
tre. Electromagnetic interferences therefore always
occur simultaneously in both lines, the software is
thus able to filter out interfering signals more easily.
Wire (+) = cable colour blue
Wire (-) = cable colour yellow

Measuring on the CAN

Signals transmitted through the bus line can generally
not be measured with simple measuring instruments.
Testing is therefore quite complicated for the user.
Correct connection of lines can only be checked by
means of a continuity test. BOMAG display modules
are connected to the BUS to give engineers and user
the possibility to detect faults or to receive information
from the BUS.

130 BOMAG 008 915 77
Checking the voltage supply for the control unit 6.29
6.29 Checking the voltage supply for the control unit

Power supply for a control unit, general

All electronic switching and control units require an electric power supply to be able to work. If the plus or minus
supply is faulty, the control unit will work incorrectly or fail.

i Note
(Fig. 3) shows a simplified representation of how the control unit (ESX, 68 pole) is connected. The complete rep-
resentation can be found in the wiring diagram of the machine.

Fig. 3 Circuitry example

A70 = BLM - locig power module
F00 = Main fuse
F67 = Fuses potential 30
G01 = Battery
S30 = Main battery switch
W = Cable remote control
W02 = Radio receiver
Pin 14 = Voltage supply potential 30
Pin 28 = Voltage supply potential 30
Pin 42 = Voltage supply potential 30
Pin 1 = Ground supply for control
Pin 15 = Ground supply for control
Pin 37 = Activation input cable remote control, micro-controller starts.
Pin 39 = Activation input radio remote control, micro-controller starts.

008 915 77 BOMAG 131
6.29 Checking the voltage supply for the control unit

Fault in current supply, general

Clear interruptions in the plus or minus supply are relatively easy to detect. However, the plus and minus sides
of control units are in most cases connected to the vehicle mains supply via several cables, so that several par-
allel current branches exist. Checking the power supply is therefore slightly more difficult than expected. Another
point is the fact that every current branch has several plug connections, which could corrode over the years.
Corroded points are transition resistances and thus cause undesired voltage drops. In case of undesired voltage
drops the control unit is supplied with a lower voltage. This can lead to faulty reactions or even failure of the
control unit.

Fig. 4 Circuitry example

The arrows point to the contact locations, which may be the cause if a control unit only receives a reduced supply
The following faults may occur:
Line interruption in a plus supply line
l high voltage drop in a plus supply line
line interruption on the minus side

Measuring principle for line testing

When a line conducts an electric current, a voltage drop will occur in the line (UV). The size of this voltage drop
UV depends on:
the available amperage (I) and
the electric resistance (Rline) of the current branch being checked.
In order to have reliable comparison possibilities at hand one should always work with the same amperage. Iden-
tical marginal conditions are therefore used in all of the following examples:
12 Volt – vehicle battery as voltage source or 24 Volt in a 24 Volt vehicle network.
12 V / 21 W – lamp as load in a 12 Volt vehicle network.

Test steps
1. Switch off the ignition.

132 BOMAG 008 915 77
Checking the voltage supply for the control unit 6.29
2. Unplug the control unit from wiring loom.
3. If available connect the Pinbox to the plug of the wiring loom, do not connect the control unit with the Pinbox.
If no Pinbox is available, provide measuring cables with appropriate plug-in contacts, e.g. spade-type plugs.
4. Check with multimeter. If a setpoint is not reached, proceed step by step to identify the weak spot. Repair as
necessary. Repeat the measurement.

! Caution
The plug must not be pulled off or plugged on while the ignition is switched on. Switch off the ignition
first and then pull off or plug on the plug.
Only plug the wiring loom onto the control unit, when the actual value corresponds with the setpoint.

008 915 77 BOMAG 133
6.29 Checking the voltage supply for the control unit

General measuring setup to check a supply line (plus side)

Fig. 5 Measuring arrangement 12 Volt

1 = Supply line, plus side
2 = Plug contact in wiring loom plug of control
E = Lamp, 12V / 21 Watt
P = Multimeter
G01 = Battery as voltage source, 12V
UV = Voltage drop caused by the lamp current

The voltage drop UV should not exceed 0.5 V => USetpoint d 0.5 V.

134 BOMAG 008 915 77
Checking the voltage supply for the control unit 6.29
General measuring setup to check a return line (minus side)

Fig. 6 Measuring arrangement 12 Volt

1 = Return line, minus side
2 = Plug contact in wiring loom plug of control
E = Lamp, 12V / 21 Watt
P = Multimeter
G01 = Battery as voltage source, 12V
UV = Voltage drop caused by the lamp current

The voltage drop UV should not exceed 0.5 V => USetpoint d 0.5 V.

008 915 77 BOMAG 135
6.29 Checking the voltage supply for the control unit

Connection example to check the plus line between battery and plug pin 28

Fig. 7
X = Unplug the control unit from the wiring loom.
P = Multimeter
E = Setpoint : E is bright. UV max. 0.5 Volt

136 BOMAG 008 915 77
Checking the voltage supply for the control unit 6.29
Connection example to check the minus line between battery and plug pin 1

Fig. 8
P = Multimeter
X = Unplug the control unit from the wiring loom.
S30 = Main battery switch closed
E = Setpoint : E is bright. UV max. 0.5 Volt

008 915 77 BOMAG 137
6.29 Checking the voltage supply for the control unit

Test protocol for control

E lamp 12V / 21W in 12V vehicle network, to load the current branches.
G01, battery
P multimeter, measuring range: DC

Plug pin Note Setpoints

37, (39) Ignition ON
E between plug pin 37, (39) and battery minus E is bright.
P between battery plus and plug pin 37, (39) UV max. 0.5 Volt
37, (39) Ignition OFF
E between plug pin 37, (39) and battery plus E is dark.
P between battery minus and plug pin 37, (39) UV = 0 Volt
1, (15) Ignition OFF, main battery switch closed
E between plug pin 1, (15) and battery minus E is bright.
P between battery plus and plug pin 1, (15) UV max. 0.5 Volt
14, (28), (42) Ignition OFF
E between plug pin 14, (28), (42) and battery minus E is bright.
P between battery plus and plug pin 14, (28), (42) UV max. 0.5 Volt

i Note
If one or several setpoint(s) is (are) exceeded, one must make considerations which are related to the wiring

Example 1:
In all supply lines to the pins 14, 28 and 42 the voltage drop is too high. There are two possible reasons. Either
all contacts are corroded, or the supply line between battery and fuse F67 has poor contact.

Example 2:
Only one measuring value exceeds the setpoint. In this case the fault must be located between the last branch
and the corresponding plug pin.

138 BOMAG 008 915 77
Diagnostics concept 6.30
6.30 Diagnostics concept

A correct and reliable diagnose is a general prerequisite for the detection of faults in system. For this to count
as a rule several points must be fulfilled. One of these points is the ability of the engine to run a systematic trouble
shooting procedure. However, this is only possible when a diagnostics concept is available and in practice. Trou-
ble shooting can generally be performed in various ways.

Fault description and questioning of the customer

After the customer has explained his complaint(s) the engineer has to ask further questions to track down the
cause of the fault. If the complaint is additionally related to electric/electronic components, the visual examina-
tion and a possible test drive must be subsequently followed by an interrogation of the error log. The further pro-
cedure in this case depends on the outcome of this interrogation.

Description of fault,
Questioning of customer

Visual inspection,
possible test drive

Interrogation of error log

Fault memorized in
error log
No fault memorized in
error log

Fig. 9

(1) Fault memorized in error log

Clear cause?
If the fault message leaves no doubt, repair work may be started immediately.

008 915 77 BOMAG 139
6.30 Diagnostics concept

Line or component?

Fig. 10
In most cases the fault message does not clarify whether the fault is in the sensor or actor, or in one of the
connecting lines (2) between control unit and the mentioned component (1). For this purpose it makes sense
to check the component and the connecting lines between control unit and component separately.
l Checking the voltage supply for the control unit
Checking the sensor lines
Checking the actor lines

Sequence after the fault is found

Fault found

Replace component or
repair the connecting line

Delete the error log, test drive

Read out the error log again

No fault memorized in
error log
Prepare the hand-over of the vehicle
Fault memorized in
error log
Check all work again,
rectify the fault

Fig. 11

140 BOMAG 008 915 77
Diagnostics concept 6.30
(2) No fault memorized in the error log at the time of initial questioning
Even if the fault is in the electric/electronic part of the vehicle, a control unit will very often not detect a fault. Right
from the start you should be aware of the fact that a high proportion of faults is caused by contacts. This even
gets worse in case of older and neglected vehicles.
In order to examine the electric/electronic part of an electronic system it is recommended to check the incoming
sensor information and outgoing command values on a control unit. This requires profound knowledge of system
and components.

Consideration, when the error log has not recorded a fault

What could be the cause of the complaint?
Which measuring possibilities are available?

008 915 77 BOMAG 141
6.30 Diagnostics concept

142 BOMAG 008 915 77

7 Electronic control

008 915 77 BOMAG 143

Simple servicing due to excellent accessibility .....

Bild 12

144 BOMAG 008 915 77

7.1 Training

008 915 77 BOMAG 145
7.1 Training

Simple servicing due to excellent accessibility .....

Bild 13

146 BOMAG 008 915 77
Training 7.1

Service Training
BMP 8500
CAN - Bus Remote Control and
BLM Module

P/N 008 097 56

Author: VKS
Status: 12.01.2010

008 915 77 BOMAG 147
7.1 Training

Table of contents

Table of contents

TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................. 2

1 CONFIRMATION OF CHANGES ......................................................................... 4

2 FUNCTIONS OF THE BLM CONTROL ............................................................... 5

2.1 Description of the Display Module............................................................................................ 5

2.2 Input of code numbers ............................................................................................................... 5

2.3 Display CtO ................................................................................................................................. 6

2.4 Checking and setting the transfer rate..................................................................................... 6

2.5 Showing stored faults ................................................................................................................ 6

2.6 Delete all stored faults ............................................................................................................... 6

2.7 Setting the machine type ........................................................................................................... 7

2.8 Adjusting the type of remote control........................................................................................ 8

2.9 Driving against the brake........................................................................................................... 8

3 DESCRIPTION OF THE SIGNALS ON THE BML CONTROL ............................ 9


4.1 Overview .................................................................................................................................... 11

4.2 Fault codes of travel functions ............................................................................................... 12

4.3 Fault codes of work functions................................................................................................. 15

4.4 Fault codes of remote control ................................................................................................. 16

4.5 General fault codes diesel engine, machine.......................................................................... 17

4.6 Faults in parameterization ....................................................................................................... 21

5 INPUT CODES FOR BLM CONTROL ............................................................... 22

5.1 Outputs for travel functions .................................................................................................... 22

5.2 Outputs for work functions ..................................................................................................... 24

5.3 Inputs logic and power module............................................................................................... 25

5.4 Diesel engine, machine electrics ............................................................................................ 26

5.5 Checking the function of the remote controls....................................................................... 28

5.6 Driving against the brake......................................................................................................... 29

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148 BOMAG 008 915 77
Training 7.1

Table of contents
5.7 System information .................................................................................................................. 29

5.8 Setting the remote control type .............................................................................................. 29

5.9 Fault log..................................................................................................................................... 29

5.10 Reading out the operating hour meter ................................................................................... 30

5.11 Setting the machine type......................................................................................................... 30

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008 915 77 BOMAG 149
7.1 Training

Confirmation of changes

1 Confirmation of changes
No. Date Description of changes resp.
1 19.06.2002 Creation of version 1.00 Ch. Fondel
2 09.10.2002 Revision of version 1.00 Ch. Fondel
3 31.05.2005 Version 1.03 from software version 1.11 Ch. Fondel
4 07.12.2006 Version 1.04 from software version 1.21 Ch. Fondel
5 11.01.2010 BMP 8500 J.Kob

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150 BOMAG 008 915 77
Training 7.1

Functions of the BLM control

2 Functions of the BLM control

During normal and trouble-free operation the so-called BMFSA display module informs about the
operating hours the machine has performed with the engine running. During the first 2 seconds after
starting the machine the so-called machine type code (7101 for BMP 851)is displayed. Then the
display automatically changes to the operating hours. The operating hours are registered in the central
control and cannot be deleted or manipulated.

2.1 Description of the Display Module

The display module consists of a 4-digit display and two keys, F1 and F2.
The display module is used for the output of fault codes and display values as well as for the input of
code numbers.
An occurring fault is indicated by flashing. If several faults are detected, the displayed fault codes will
change in a 3 second cycle.
Display values such as machine type code and operating hours are permanently displayed.
Values ranging from 0 0 0 0 ...9 9 9 9 can be displayed. Higher values will trigger the display "9999".
Negative values are indicated by the "Minus LED" lighting up. The display module can only show
values when the potential 15 (relay K11) in the machine is switched. If the ignition is switched
on, the warning horn sounds in intervals and the module remains dark, potential 15 is not
applied. See also fault 5060 ff.
The following description describes the input of code numbers.

2.2 Input of code numbers

For the display of operating states and for the diagnose of control inputs and outputs various code
numbers must be entered on the display module of the control. The input of a code number is
performed as follows:

1. Press both keys (F1 and F2) on the display module for 2 seconds.
 The value 0 0 0 0 will be displayed, with the 1st digit flashing.
2. The value of the flashing digit can be increased by pressing the left hand key (F1). When the figure
9 is displayed and the left hand key (F1) is pressed again, the display will return to the value 0 .
3. When pressing the right hand key (F2) the flashing digit will move one digit to the right. When the
4th digit is flashing, the right hand key (F2) is pressed once again to confirm the input. The desired
function is then executed or the desired value is displayed respectively.

In order to terminate a display function you must either enter code number 0 0 0 0 or switch the
ignition off.

NOTE: To verify work- and driving funktion with codes, the horn button needs to be pushed

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008 915 77 BOMAG 151
7.1 Training

Functions of the BLM control

2.3 Display CtO

If the display module shows the inscription 0 C t O , there is a fault in CAN Bus communication
between BLM-control and display module. The display value 0 C t O is not generated by the BLM-
control, but by the display itself.
This may have one of two possible reasons:
1. The CAN Bus communication line between display module and BLM-control is faulty, has been
mixed up by mistake or is interrupted. Refer to the wiring diagram.
2. The value for the transfer rate has been incorrectly set in the display module. In this case check
the transfer rate and, if necessary, set it to 100 KBaud.

2.4 Checking and setting the transfer rate

Switch off the ignition to check the transfer rate. Press both control buttons together before switching
the ignition back on Switch the ignition on with the buttons depressed. The currently set baud rate is
displayed. For correct operation the value 0 1 0 0 should be displayed. The value can be changed by
pressing the right hand button. All possible values are displayed one after the other. Keep pressing the
right hand button until the display shows 0 1 0 0 . This process is quit by pressing the left hand button.

2.5 Showing stored faults

The ten latest faults are stored in the central control.

Switch on function „Show stored faults“:
Enter code number 0 7 0 0 . This code number enables the function „Show stored faults“.

Switch off function „Show stored faults“:

Enter code number 0 7 0 I . This code number disables the function „Show stored faults“.

Note: Apart from the stored faults the current faults are also displayed.

2.6 Delete all stored faults

Execute the function „Delete all stored faults“:

The engine must not be running!
Enter code number 0 7 1 0 . This code number deletes all stored faults.
Switch the ignition off

Note: The stored faults can only be deleted when the engine is not running.

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152 BOMAG 008 915 77
Training 7.1

Functions of the BLM control

2.7 Setting the machine type

Since this control is used on two machines with CAN - Bus remote control it is necessary to adjust the
central control to the corresponding machine type or remote control when switching it on for the first
time. On new machine this adjustment is made during production. This adjustment is only required
when replacing a central control unit in the field.
The machine type can be checked by entering the code 7010. If no machine type is adjusted the fault
code 7011 will be displayed when switching on the first time.

The following machine types can be adjusted:

Machine type Machine type code

BMP 851 7101
BPH 80/65 S 7102
BMP 8500 7103

Note: Parameter adjustments can only be performed when the engine is not running!

Enter code number 7 0 1 0 . This code number activates the function "Adjusting machine type“.

The display module now permanently shows the code 7 0 1 0 .

Select and enter the machine from the table above.

The display module now permanently shows the entered code. (e.g. 7 1 0 1 )

Enter code number 7 0 1 1 . This code number confirms the entered machine type.

After confirming the machine type the control switches off and back on again. The machine type is
thereby displayed for 3 seconds (e.g. 7 1 0 1 ). Hereafter the machine type is always displayed for 3
seconds when switching on the ignition.

Attention: A machine must not be operated with a wrong type setting, because in such a
case the correct function of the control cannot be assured!

On new controls the machine type is not adjusted. The warning 7010 appears in the display.

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008 915 77 BOMAG 153
7.1 Training

Functions of the BLM control

2.8 Adjusting the type of remote control

Since this machine may be equipped with two different types of wireless remote controls the machine
control needs to be informed about the control type presently used
The remote control type can be checked by entering the code 0665.

The following machine types can be adjusted:

Remote control type Type code

Radio remote control 0662
Infrared remote control 0663

Note: Parameter adjustments can only be performed when the engine is not running!

Enter code number 0660. This code number activates the function "Adjusting remote control type“.

The display module now permanently shows the code 0 6 6 0 .

select and enter the remote control type from the table above.

The display module now permanently shows the entered code. (e.g. 0662)

Enter code number 0 6 6 1 . This code number confirms the entered remote control type.

After confirming the remote control type the control switches off. The control automatically switches on
again is now ready for starting.

Attention: A machine must not be operated with a wrong type adjustment, because in such
a case the correct function of the control cannot be assured!

On new controls the remote control type 0662 (radio remote control) is set as default.

2.9 Driving against the brake

After entering code 5 0 0 the brake will not be opened any more. When moving a travel lever forward
or reverse, the travel motors will be activated and the machine drives against the brake. At the same
time the display shows code 500 and the warning buzzer is activated.

To desactivate this function and to open the brake again you have to enter code 501 or shutt off the
ignition once.

Note: This function can only be activated / desactivated when the travel lever is in
neutral position.

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154 BOMAG 008 915 77

Description of the signals on the BML control

008 915 77
3 Description of the signals on the BML control

Wherever the value of 12 V is mentioned in the following text, it refers to the current battery
voltage under due consideration of voltage drops in the lines.

BML terminal Signal description Nominal values (voltage / current)

X3:01 Supply, ground
X3:02 Input signal L from generator regulator, active low Regulator switches to potential free when machine is running,
otherwise to ground
X3:03 Input oil pressure switch, active low, B 06 The ground signal is applied as long as no oil pressure is present
X3:04 Input signal Aux from solenoid for rotary speed regulation The Aux signal (ground) is applied when the pin is fully retracted.
X3:05 Input cooling water temperature sensor B 53 When temperature is too high, connected to ground.
(on +115°C, off +108 °C)
X3:06 Output relay K39, starter Relay on  12 V
Relay off  0 V, no consumer connected 2.9 V
X3:07 Output relay K11, changeover potential 30 to 15 Relay on  12 V
Relay off  0 V, no consumer connected 2.9 V
X3:08 Output 1 horn, see also X3:36, H 07 Horn on  12 V
Horn off  0 V, no consumer connected 2.9 V

X3:09 Output relay K 114, solenoid for rotary speed regulation Relay on  12 V
Relay off  0 V, no consumer connected 2.9 V
X3:10 Output, holding coil shut off solenoid, Y 13 solenoid on  12 V
solenoid off  0 V, no consumer connected 2.9 V
X3:11 Output hydraulic valve 2nd gear, Y 03 Valve on  12 V
Valve off  0 V, no consumer connected 2.9 V
X3:12 Output small amplitude vibration, Y 56 Valve on  12 V
Valve off  0 V, no consumer connected 2.9 V
X3:13 Output big amplitude vibration, Y 57 Valve on  12 V
Valve off  0 V, no consumer connected 2.9 V

X3:14 Input voltage supply 12 V against ground

X3:15 Supply, ground
X3:16 Serial interface RS 232 RxD Measurement not possible!!
X3:17 Serial interface RS 232 TxD Measurement not possible!!
X3:18 not used
X3:19 Output hydraulic valve steering left, Y 237 Valve on  12 V
Valve off  0 V, no consumer connected 2.9 V

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Description of the signals on the BML control

BML terminal Signal description Nominal values (voltage / current)

X3:20 Control potential 15
X3:21 Output hydraulic valve steering right, Y 238 Valve on  12 V
Valve off  0 V, no consumer connected 2.9 V
X3:22 Output hydraulic valve driving forward, Y 16 Valve on  12 V
Valve off  0 V, no consumer connected 2.9 V
X3:23 Input inclination sensor, active high, B 56 Positive signal (+12V) , is applied when machine is not inclined.
X3:24 Output hydraulic valve driving reverse, Y 17 Valve on  12 V
Valve off  0 V, no consumer connected 2.9 V
X3:27 Input proximity switch for safety bow backkward B 41 Switch sends positive signal, as long as the bow is not operated.
X3:28 Input voltage supply 12 V against ground
X3:29 Serial interface RS 232 BSL Measurement not possible!
X3:30 CAN - Bus, CAN - Measurement not possible!
X3:31 CAN - Bus, CAN + Measurement not possible!
X3:32 Serial interface RS 232 BSL Measurement not possible!
X3:34 Input proximity switch for safety bow forward B189 Switch sends positive signal, as long as the bow is not operated.
X3:36 Output 2 horn, see also X3:08, H 07 Horn on  12 V
Horn off  0 V, no consumer connected 2.9 V
X3:37 Activation input, cable remote control, S 101 Set selector switch for remote control type to cable, switch on remote

control, switch on ignition, emergency stop not operated  12 V
X3:38 Output relay K 14, pre-glow Relay on  12 V
Relay off  0 V, no consumer connected 2.9 V
X3:39 Activation input, IR- or radio remote control, S 101 Set selector switch for remote control type to wireless, switch on
remote control, switch on ignition, emergency stop not operated ฀ 12
X3:40 Output hydraulic valve brake Y 04 Valve on  12 V
Valve off  0 V, no consumer connected 2.9 V
X3:41 Input engine speed Measurement not possible!
X3:42 Input voltage supply 12 V against ground

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008 915 77
Fault codes and warning messages of the BMP 8500 control

008 915 77
4 Fault codes and warning messages of the BMP 8500 control
4.1 Overview

Fault code : Function Group : Remark:

1000 – Travel system only 4-digit
2500 – Remote controls only 4-digit
5000 – Diesel engine only 4-digit
7000 – Input codes for machine parameterization only 4-digit
7500 - Operating hour meter, load spectrum (input codes) only 4-digit
8000 – severe software fault only 4-digit
9000 - External IO nodes, joysticks, data collectors (CAN communication and hardware defects ) only 4-digit
9999 Unknown fault, display value higher than +- 10000, is automatically displayed by the BMFSA only 4-digit


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Fault codes and warning messages of the BMP 8500 control

4.2 Fault codes of travel functions

Code Fault reaction Fault description Possible cause Terminal Input-

on BLM code for
10I0 Output is switched off, function no Output valve steering left,  Excessive current flow in current path, X3:19 -
longer possible Y 237 probably because of a defective coil or
The current flow from this output is too high a short circuit to ground
output  was switched off!
1011 Output is switched off, function no Output valve steering left,  Short circuit to ground in current path X3:19 -
longer possible Y 237  Lines rubbed through
Short circuit current flowing from this output  Valve defective
 output was switched off!
1012 Output is switched off, function no Output valve steering left,  Wire breakage in current path X3:19 1010
longer possible Y 237  Current path connected to +12V 1011
No or too low current flow out of this output 1012
1013 Engine is shut down Output valve steering left, Y 237  Current path connected to +12V X3:19 1010
Although the output is switched off, voltage 1011
is present 1012

1020 Output is switched off, function no Output valve steering right,  Excessive current flow in current path, X3:21 -
longer possible Y 238 probably because of a defective coil or
The current flow from this output is too high a short circuit to ground
output  was switched off!
1021 Output is switched off, function no Output valve steering right,  Short circuit to ground in current path X3:21 -
longer possible Y 238  Lines rubbed through
Short circuit current flowing from this output  Valve defective
 output was switched off!
1022 Output is switched off, function no Output valve steering right,  Wire breakage in current path X3:21 1020
longer possible Y 238  Current path connected to +12V 1021
No or too low current flow out of this output 1022

1023 Engine is shut down Output valve steering right,  Current path connected to +12V X3:21 1020
Y 238 1021
Although the output is switched off, voltage 1022
is present

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008 915 77
Fault codes and warning messages of the BMP 8500 control

008 915 77
Code Fault reaction Fault description Possible cause Terminal Input-
on BLM code for
1030 Output is switched off, function no Output valve driving forward, Y 16  Excessive current flow in current path, X3:22 -
longer possible The current flow from this output is too high probably because of a defective coil or
output  was switched off! a short circuit to ground
1031 Output is switched off, function no Output valve driving forward, Y 16  Short circuit to ground in current path X3:22 -
longer possible Short circuit current flowing from this output  Lines rubbed through
 output was switched off !  Valve defective
1032 Output is switched off, function no Output valve driving forward, Y 16  Wire breakage in current path X3:22 1030
longer possible No or too low current flow out of this output  Current path connected to +12V 1031
1033 Engine is shut down Output valve driving forward, Y 16  Current path connected to +12V X3:22 1030
Although the output is switched off, voltage 1031
is present 1032
1040 Output is switched off, function no Output valve driving reverse, Y 17  Excessive current flow in current path, X3:24 -
longer possible The current flow from this output is too high probably because of a defective coil or
output  was switched off! a short circuit to ground
1041 Output is switched off, function no Output valve driving reverse, Y 17  Short circuit to ground in current path X3:24 -
longer possible Short circuit current flowing from this output  Lines rubbed through

 output was switched off !  Valve defective
1042 Output is switched off, function no Output valve driving reverse, Y 17  Wire breakage in current path X3:24 1040
longer possible No or too low current flow out of this output  Current path connected to +12V 1041
1043 Engine is shut down Output valve driving reverse, Y 17  Current path connected to +12V X3:24 1040
Although the output is switched off, voltage 1041
is present 1042

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Fault codes and warning messages of the BMP 8500 control

Code Fault reaction Fault description Possible cause Terminal Input-

on BLM code for
1050 Output is switched off, function no Output valve 2nd gear, Y 03  Excessive current flow in current path, X3:11 -
longer possible The current flow from this output is too high probably because of a defective coil or
output  was switched off! a short circuit to ground
1051 Output is switched off, function no Output valve 2nd gear, Y 03  Short circuit to ground in current path X3:11 -
longer possible Short circuit current flowing from this output  Lines rubbed through
 output was switched off !  Valve defective
1052 Output is switched off, function no Output valve 2nd gear, Y 03  Wire breakage in current path X3:11 1050
longer possible No or too low current flow out of this output  Current path connected to +12V 1051
1053 Output is switched off, engine runs Output valve 2nd gear, Y 03  Current path connected to +12V X3:11 1050
only with idle speed Although the output is switched off, voltage 1051
is present 1052
1060 Output is switched off, function no Output braking valve, Y 04 Excessive current flow in current path, X3:40
longer possible The current flow from this output is too high probably because of a defective coil or
output  was switched off! a short circuit to ground
1061 Output is switched off, function no Output brakingvalve, Y 04  Short circuit to ground in current path X3:40

longer possible Short circuit current flowing from this output  Lines rubbed through
 output was switched off !  Valve defective
1062 Output is switched off, function no Output braking valve, Y 04  Wire breakage in current path X3:40 1060
longer possible No or too low current flow out of this output  Current path connected to +12V 1061
1063 Output is switched off, engine runs Output braking valve, Y 04  Current path connected to +12V X3:40 1060
only with idle speed Although the output is switched off, voltage 1061
is present 1062

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008 915 77
Fault codes and warning messages of the BMP 8500 control

008 915 77
4.3 Fault codes of work functions

Code Fault reaction Fault description Possible cause Terminal Input-

on BLM code for
1305 Output is switched off, function no Output vibration small amplitude, Y 56  Excessive current flow in current path, X3:12 -
longer possible The current flow from this output is too high probably because of a defective coil or
output  was switched off! a short circuit to ground
1306 Output is switched off, function no Output valve small amplitude, Y 56  Short circuit to ground in current path X3:12 -
longer possible Short circuit current flowing from this output  Lines rubbed through
 output was switched off !  Valve defective
1307 Output is switched off, function no Output small amplitude, Y 56  Wire breakage in current path X3:12 1305
longer possible No or too low current flow out of this output  Current path connected to +12V 1306
1308 Output is switched off, engine runs Output small amplitude, Y 56  Current path connected to +12V X3:12 1305
only with idle speed, 2nd gear is Although the output is switched off, voltage 1306
locked is present 1307
1310 Output is switched off, function no Output big amplitude, Y 57  Excessive current flow in current path, X3:13 -
longer possible The current flow from this output is too high probably because of a defective coil or
output  was switched off! a short circuit to ground

1311 Output is switched off, function no Output big amplitude, Y 57  Short circuit to ground in current path X3:13 -
longer possible Short circuit current flowing from this output  Lines rubbed through
 output was switched off !  Valve defective
1312 Output is switched off, function no Output big amplitude, Y 57  Wire breakage in current path X3:13 1310
longer possible No or too low current flow out of this output  Current path connected to +12V 1311
1313 Output is switched off, engine runs Output big amplitude, Y 57  Current path connected to +12V X3:13 1310
only with idle speed, 2nd gear is Although the output is switched off, voltage 1311
locked is present 1312

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Fault codes and warning messages of the BMP 8500 control

4.4 Fault codes of remote control

Code Fault reaction Fault description Possible cause Terminal Input-

on BLM code for
2500 Engine is stopped, all functions are Operation of two remote control system  A remote control with cable and a
locked, horn sounds at the same time wireless remote control are operated at
the same time.

2600 Engine stopped, emergency stop Remote control emergency stop  Emergency stop on remote control
relay in the control is switched off, all operated
outputs on control are switched off
2601 Engine stopped, emergency stop Fault in data transfer between remote  Battery empty
relay in the control is switched off, all control sender and receiver  Radio or infrared transmission
outputs on control are switched off disturbed
 Distance between sender an machine
too big
2605 Engine stopped, emergency stop Receive signal too weak  Radio or infrared transmission
relay in the control is switched off, all disturbed

outputs on control are switched off  Distance between sender an machine
too big
2611 Engine is shut down. CANopen – fault in bus communication CANopen Slave cable control has not
sent a node guarding answer
2612 Engine is shut down CANopen – fault in bus communication CANopen Slave radio remote control has
not sent a node guarding answer
2613 Engine is shut down CANopen – fault in bus communication CANopen Slave infrared remote control
has not sent a node guarding answer

Output of error code 2605 only with software version older than 1.11!

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008 915 77
Fault codes and warning messages of the BMP 8500 control

008 915 77
4.5 General fault codes diesel engine, machine

Code Fault reaction Fault description Possible cause Terminal Input-

on BLM code for
5015 Only warning, horn sounds, display Potential 15 missing  Fuse F 103 defective X3:20 not
module is dark Control has switched relay K11, no voltage  Relay K11 defective possible
 Cable breakage in wiring loom
5016 Only warning Battery voltage too low  Battery acid level too low 0561
Battery voltage already below 11 Volt when  Battery defective
switching on  Battery discharged
5020 Only warning, horn sounds Input engine oil pressure, B 06  The oil pressure switch has measured X3:03 5020
Oil pressure switch delivers the signal „no a too low oil pressure. The engine may
engine oil pressure“ be shut down.

Should this message be displayed

even though the engine is not running,
the following faults should be
 Current path has short circuit to ground

 Engine oil level not correct
 Engine oil pump defective
 Pressure relief valve after engine oil
filter soiled
 Oil pressure switch defective
5021 Engine shut down by too low oil Input engine oil pressure, B 06  see fault code 5 0 2 0 X3:03 5020
pressure Fault 5 0 2 0 present longer than 8 seconds
 Engine is shut down

Faults or warning 5020 and 5021 are only evaluated and displayed when the engine is running.

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Fault codes and warning messages of the BMP 8500 control

Code Fault reaction Fault description Possible cause Terminal Input-
on BLM code for
5025 Engine running No rotary speed signal from the  Generator regulator defective X3:41 5010
generator regulator  Line between regulator and control
Only warning interrupted
5031 Machine standing Engine stopped or stalled  Lack of fuel
 Engine stopped even though the BLM
control did not submit a corresponding
5040 Output is switched off, engine stops Output holding coil shut off solenoid,  Excessive current flow in current path, X3:10 -
Y 13 probably because of a defective coil or
The current flow from this output is too high a short circuit to ground
output  was switched off!
5041 Output is switched off, engine stops Output holding coil shut off solenoid,  Short circuit to ground in current path X3:10 -
Y 13  Lines rubbed through
Short circuit current flowing from this output  Valve defective
 output was switched off !
5042 Output is switched off, engine stops Output holding coil shut off solenoid,  Wire breakage in current path X3:10 5040
Y 13  Current path connected to +12V 5041

No or too low current flow out of this output
5043 Output is switched off, engine stops Output holding coil shut off solenoid,  Current path connected to +12V X3:10 5040
Y 13 5041
Although the output is switched off, voltage 5042
is present
5050 Output is switched off, engine runs Output relay K 114,  Excessive current flow in current path, X3:09 -
only with idle speed Engine speed solenoid probably because of a defective coil or
The current flow from this output is too high a short circuit to ground
output  was switched off!
5051 Output is switched off, engine runs Output relay K 114,  Short circuit to ground in current path X3:09 -
only with idle speed Engine speed solenoid  Lines rubbed through
Short circuit current flowing from this output

 output was switched off !

5052 Output is switched off, engine runs Output relay K 114,  Wire breakage in current path X3:09 5050
only with idle speed Engine speed solenoid  Current path connected to +12V 5051
No or too low current flow out of this output 5052
5053 Output is switched off, engine runs Output relay K 114,  Current path connected to +12V X3:09 5050
only with idle speed Engine speed solenoid 51051
output is switched off, but voltage present 5052

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008 915 77
Fault codes and warning messages of the BMP 8500 control

008 915 77
Code Fault reaction Fault description Possible cause Terminal Input-
on BLM code for
5060 Output switched off, no potential 15 Output relay K 11, changeover of  Excessive current flow in current path, X3:07 -
on machine, control is working, engine potential 15 probably because of a defective coil or
is stopped or cannot be started The current flow from this output is too high a short circuit to ground
output  was switched off!
5061 Output switched off, no potential 15 Output relay K 11, changeover of  Short circuit to ground in current path X3:07 -
on machine, control is working, engine potential 15  Lines rubbed through
is stopped or cannot be started Short circuit current flowing from this output
 output was switched off !
5062 Output switched off, no potential 15 Output relay K 11, changeover of  Wire breakage in current path X3:07 5060
on machine, control is working, engine potential 15  Current path connected to +12V 5061
is stopped or cannot be started No or too low current flow out of this output 5062

5063 Output switched off, no potential 15 Output relay K 11, changeover of  Current path connected to +12V X3:07 5060
on machine, control is working, engine potential 15 5061
is stopped or cannot be started Although the output is switched off, voltage 5062
is present
5070 Output switched off, engine cannot be Output relay K 39, starter  Excessive current flow in current path, X3:06 -
started The current flow from this output is too high probably because of a defective coil or

output  was switched off! a short circuit to ground
5071 Output switched off, engine cannot be Output relay K 39, starter  Wire breakage in current path X3:06 -
started Short circuit current flowing from this output  Current path connected to +12V
 output was switched off !  Lines rubbed through

5072 Output switched off, engine cannot be Output relay K 39, starter  Wire breakage in current path X3:06 5070
started No or too low current flow out of this output  Current path connected to +12V 5071
5 0 7 3 All outputs switched off, engine Output relay K 39, starter  Current path connected to +12V X3:06 5070
stopped, safety relay switched off Although the output is switched off, voltage 5071

is present 5072
No display for fault codes 5060 to 5063, because the display module is not supplied with voltage. The horn sounds if these faults occur. These faults are only
stored and serve only for internal processing in the control.

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Fault codes and warning messages of the BMP 8500 control

Code Fault reaction Fault description Possible cause Terminal Input-
on BLM code for
5080 Output switched off, horn cannot Output horn, H 07  Excessive current flow in current path, X3:08 -
5085 sound The current flow from this output is too high probably because of a defective coil or X3:36
output  was switched off! a short circuit to ground
5081 Output switched off, horn cannot Output horn, H 07  Short circuit to ground in current path X3:08 -
5086 sound Short circuit current flowing from this output  Lines rubbed through X3:36
 output was switched off !  Horn defective
5082 Output switched off, horn cannot Output horn, H 07  Wire breakage in current path X3:08 5080
5087 sound No or too low current flow out of this output  Current path connected to +12V X3:36 5081

5083 Horn may sound continuously Output horn, H 07  Current path connected to +12V X3:08 5085
5088 Although the output is switched off, voltage X3:36 5086
is present 5087
5090 Machine does not start Input inclination switch B56  Wire breakage in current path X3:23 1405
The machine cannot be started, because  Switch defective
the input does not receive a signal from the  The switch is in actuated state
inclination switch (incorrect installation position)
5091 1405

Shut down of diesel engine Input inclination switch B 56  Wire breakage in current path X3:23
The diesel engine is shut down because the  Switch defective
input on the control does not receive a  The switch is in actuated state
signal from the inclination sensor (machine has turned over) The
machine must first be shut down after it
has been placed in correct position.
5100 Horn sounds, just warning Input cooling water temperature B 53  deficit of cooling water X3:05 5100
Cooling water temperature is too high  cooler broken
 sensor broken
5101 2nd gear and vibration is stopped Input cooling water temperature B 53  deficit of cooling water X3:05 5100
Cooling water temperature is too high for a  cooler broken
longer period

 sensor broken

Due to the higher operating current two outputs are switched parallel for operation of the horn.

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008 915 77
Fault codes and warning messages of the BMP 8500 control

008 915 77
4.6 Faults in parameterization

Code Fault reaction Fault description Possible cause Terminal Input-

on BLM code for
7010 Machine cannot be started, module is No machine type set Module is new, parameters were deleted 0725
not completely initialized

When reading out the error log this error is usually present.


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Input codes for BLM control

5 Input codes for BLM control

5.1 Outputs for travel functions

Input code Description of display function Display values

1010 Output valve steering left, Y 237 Display value = output voltage in Volt
Voltage at output
1011 Output valve steering left, Y 237 Display value = output current in Amperè
Current at output
1012 Output valve steering left, Y 237 0000 = Output not triggered
Logic level of control 0001 = Output triggered
1015 Valve control, steering 0100 = steering, left
0010 = valve not triggered
0011 = steering, right
1020 Output valve steering right, Y 238 Display value = output voltage in Volt
Voltage at output
1021 Output valve steering right, Y 238 Display value = output current in Amperè
Current at output
1022 Output valve steering right, Y 238 0000 = Output not triggered

Logic level of control 0001 = Output triggered
1030 Output valve driving forward, Y 16 Display value = output voltage in Volt
Voltage at output
1031 Output valve driving forward, Y 16 Display value = output current in Amperè
Current at output
1032 Output valve driving forward, Y 16 0000 = Output not triggered
Logic level of control 0001 = Output triggered
1035 Valve control, driving forward 0100 = Driving, forward
0010 = Drum stopped
0011 = Driving, reverse
1040 Output valve driving reverse, Y 17 Display value = output voltage in Volt

Voltage at output
1041 Output valve driving reverse, Y 17 Display value = output current in Amperè
Current at output
1042 Output valve driving reverse, Y 17 0000 = Output not triggered
Logic level of control 0001 = Output triggered

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008 915 77
Input codes for BLM control

008 915 77
Input code Description of display function Display values
1050 Output valve 2nd gear, Y 03 Display value = output voltage in Volt
Voltage at output
1051 Output valve 2nd gear, Y 03 Display value = output current in Amperè
Current at output
1052 Output valve 2nd gear, Y 03 0000 = Output not triggered
Logic level of control 0001 = Output triggered
1060 Brake valve Y 04 Display value = output voltage in Volt
Voltage at output
1061 Brake valve Y 04 Display value = output current in Amperè
Current at output
1062 Brake valve Y 04 0000 = Output not triggered
Logic level of control 0001 = Output triggered


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Input codes for BLM control

5.2 Outputs for work functions

Input code Description of display function Display values

1305 Output valve vibration small amplitude, Y 56 Display value = output voltage in Volt
Voltage at output
1306 Output valve vibration small amplitude, Y 56 Display value = output current in Amperè
Current at output
1307 Output valve vibration small amplitude, Y 56 0000 = Output not triggered
Logic level of control 0001 = Output triggered
1310 Output valve vibration big amplitude, Y 57 Display value = output voltage in Volt
Voltage at output
1311 Output valve vibration big amplitude, Y 57 Display value = output current in Amperè
Current at output
1312 Output valve vibration big amplitude, Y 57 0000 = Output not triggered
Logic level of control 0001 = Output triggered


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008 915 77
Input codes for BLM control

008 915 77
5.3 Inputs logic and power module

Input code Description of display function Display values

1400 Input signal L from generator regulator 12 V > Generator stopped
Ground, 0 V > Generator running
1401 Input oil pressure switch, B 06 12 V > No oil pressure
Ground, 0 V > Oil pressure
1402 Input limit switch engine speed solenoid, Aux 12 V > Solenoid retracted
0V Ground > Solenoid not in end position
1405 Input inclination sensor, B 56 12 V > Inclination less than 45°
0V Ground > Inclination higher than 45°
1407 Input limit switch for safety bow, backward, B 41 12 V > Bow not operated
Ground , 0V > Bow operated
1408 Input limit switch for safety bow, forward, B189 12 V > Bow not operated
Ground, 0V > Bow operated
1409 Activation input, cable remote control, S 101 12 V > Operating mode cable remote control
1410 Activation input radio or infrared remote control, S 101 12 V > Operating mode wireless


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Input codes for BLM control

5.4 Diesel engine, machine electrics

Input code Description of display function Display values

5010 Engine speed Display value = revolutions per minute (rpm)
5020 Engine oil pressure, B 06 0000 = No engine oil pressure
Shows status of input engine oil pressure 0001 = Engine oil pressure OK
5030 Inclination sensor, B 56 0000 = No signal, machine inclined more than 45°, or switch
Shows the switching state of the inclination switch defective
0001 = OK, inclination of machine less than 45°
5040 Output holding coil shut off solenoid, Y 13 Display value = output voltage in Volt
Voltage at output
5041 Output holding coil shut off solenoid, Y 13 Display value = output current in Amperè
Current at output
5042 Output holding coil shut off solenoid, Y 13 0000 = Output not triggered
Logic level of control 0001 = Output triggered
5050 Output relay K 114, engine speed solenoid Display value = output voltage in Volt
Voltage at output
5051 Output relay K 114, engine speed solenoid Display value = output current in Amperè

Current at output
5052 Output relay K 114, engine speed solenoid 0000 = Output not triggered
Logic level of control 0001 = Output triggered
5055 ECO mode deactivation temporarily ECO mode is deactivated as long as the engine is running
5056 Change ECO mode constantly
5057 ECO mode off Type in 5056 before !
5058 ECO mode on Type in 5056 before !
5053 Status diesel engine 0000 = Engine OFF
Shows the status of the diesel engine. The state is determined on 0001 = Engine ON
basis of signal L from generator, oil pressure and engine speed

5060 Output relay K 11, potential changeover Display value = output voltage in Volt
Voltage at output
5061 Output relay K 11, potential changeover Display value = output current in Amperè
Current at output
5062 Output relay K 11, potential changeover 0000 = Output not triggered
Logic level of control 0001 = Output triggered

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008 915 77
Input codes for BLM control

008 915 77
Input code Description of display function Display values
5070 Output relay K 39, starter Display value = output voltage in Volt
Voltage at output
5071 Output relay K 39, starter Display value = output current in Amperè
Current at output
5072 Output relay K 39, starter 0000 = Output not triggered
Logic level of control 0001 = Output triggered
5080 Output horn, H 07 Display value = output voltage in Volt
Voltage at output
5081 Output horn, H 07 Display value = output current in Amperè
Current at output
5082 Output horn, H 07 0000 = Output not triggered
Logic level of control 0001 = Output triggered
5085 Output 2 horn, H 07 Display value = output voltage in Volt
Voltage at output
5086 Output 2 horn, H 07 Display value = output current in Amperè
Current at output
5087 Output 2 horn, H 07 0000 = Output not triggered
Logic level of control 0001 = Output triggered
5100 Cooling water temperature B 53 0000 = excess temperature
0001 = temperature alright

Due to the higher operating current two outputs are switched parallel for operation of the horn.

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Input codes for BLM control

5.5 Checking the function of the remote controls

Input code Description of display function Display values

2500 Actuation of hand travel lever on remote control, S 138 0100 = Travel lever shifted forward
0010 = Travel lever not moved
0001 = Travel lever shifted backward
2501 Actuation of joystick steering on remote control, S 137 0100 = Joystick shifted left
0010 = Joystick not moved
0001 = Joystick shifted right
2502 Position of switch for vibration, S 36 0100 = Switch operated to forward, vibration big amplitude
0010 = Switch not operated
0001 = Switch operated to backward, vibration small amplitude
2503 Position of switch for type of vibration, S 132 0100 = Switch operated to forward, automatic vibration
0010 = Switch not operated, manual operation
2504 Position of switch for fast speed, S 133 0100 = Switch operated to forward, fast speed selected
0010 = Switch not operated, fast speed disabled
2505 Position of switch for engine speed, S 134 0100 = Switch operated to forward, high speed
0010 = Switch not operated, idle speed

2506 Position of button for horn, S 03 0000 = Button not operated
0001 = Button operated

With the input codes listed above it is possible to check the transfer of the individual switching signals from the remote controls to the central control unit. For this
purpose start the machine or press the horn button to bring the remote control sender in operating mode for this function test.

For testing the spiral cable switch the operating mode switch to cable operation, connect the spiral cable to the sender and start the machine. If the engine starts,
the spiral cable is OK!

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008 915 77
Input codes for BLM control

008 915 77
5.6 Driving against the brake

Input code Description of display function Display values

0500 Driving against the brake Input code 500 desactivates the brake. The display shows code 500
to remind that the function „driving against the brake“ is active. To
desactivate this function and to open the brake again you have to
enter code 501 or shutt off the ignition once.

5.7 System information

Input code Description of display function Display values

0555 Software Version 3-digit version number
Shows the software version number.
056I Supply voltage Display value = voltage in V
Shows the voltage value

5.8 Setting the remote control type

Input code Description of display function Display values

0660 Switches on function "Set remote control type" see adjustment instructions (page 7)!
0661 confirms the entered remote control type see adjustment instructions (page 7)!
0662 Preselect radio remote control, default setting see adjustment instructions (page 7)!
0663 Preselect infrared remote control see adjustment instructions (page 7)!

5.9 Fault log

Input code Description of display function Display values

0700 Switch on function „Show stored faults“ see adjustment instructions (page 6)
0701 Switch off function "Show stored faults" see adjustment instructions (page 6)
0710 Delete all stored faults see adjustment instructions (page 6)

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Input codes for BLM control

5.10 Reading out the operating hour meter

Input code Description of display function Display values

7500 Display of hours, operating hour meter The full hours are displayed
7501 Display of minutes, operating hour meter The minute digits of the operating hour meter are displayed

5.11 Setting the machine type

Input code Description of display function Display values

7101 Preselect machine type BMP 851 see adjustment instructions (page 7)!
7102 Preselect machine type BPH 80/65s see adjustment instructions (page 7)!
7010 Switches on function "Set machine type" see adjustment instructions (page 7)!
7011 Confirms entered machine type see adjustment instructions (page 7)!
7103 Preselect machine type BMP 8500 See adjustment instructions (page 7)!


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008 915 77

7.2 Logic

008 915 77 BOMAG 177
7.2 Logic

178 BOMAG 008 915 77

Kob, 12.01.2010

LOGIC Hetronic control with BLM modul (A 70) for BMP 8500

008 915 77
For (see below) The following is necessary (see below)
2 Ignition on (K11) Power supply X3:14, X3:28, X3:42
3 Ground on X3:1, X3:15
4 Aktivation signal X3:39 or X3:37 (12 V from transmitter)
6 Display on Ground on monitoring module (P18 : 6)
7 Voltage on monitoring module (P18 : 7)

8 Communication between A 70 and P18 through Can - and Can + o.k. [digital>>no constant voltage]
10 Display shows CTO Ground on monitoring module (P18 -)
11 Voltage on monitoring module (P18 + )
12 No communication between A 70 and P18 through Can - and Can + [digital>>no constant voltage]
14 Engine start Power supply X3:14, X3:28, X3:42

15 Ground on X3:1, X3:15
16 Aktivation signal X3:39 or X3:37 (12 V from transmitter)
17 Initializing program finished ( 2sec after Aktivation signal X3:39 or X3:37 (constantly 12 V)) >> Horn
18 Travel levers in neutral
19 Slope sensor signal 12 V (X3:23)
20 First starting after ignition on (start repeat lock)
Engine not turning >> at least two of the following signals must have the mentioned status >> X3:2
21 [L] on ground, X3:41 [W] lower than 100 Hz, X3:3 [p] on ground

22 Key switch start signal through Can - and Can + [digital>>no constant voltage]
23 code for machine type needs to be adjusted
Holding coil of shutt
off solenoid Y13
energized before
25 starting Power supply X3:14, X3:28, X3:42
26 Ground on X3:1, X3:15

Kob, 12.01.2010
LOGIC Hetronic control with BLM modul (A 70) for BMP 8500

For (see below) The following is necessary (see below)

27 Aktivation signal X3:39 or X3:37 (12 V from transmitter)
28 Initializing program finished ( 2sec after Aktivation signal X3:39 or X3:37 (constantly 12 V)) >> Horn
Holding coil of shutt
off solenoid Y13
energized after
31 starting Power supply X3:14, X3:28, X3:42
32 Ground on X3:1, X3:15
33 Aktivation signal X3:39 or X3:37 (12 V from transmitter)
34 Engine oil pressure signal is not disapearing (ground) longer than 8 sec.
35 Slope sensor signal 12 V (X3:23) is not disapearing longer than 1 sec
Engine turning >> at least two of the following signals must have the mentioned status >> X3:2 [L]
36 potential free, X3:41 [W] higher than 100 Hz, X3:3 [p] potential free.

38 Travel forward Power supply X3:14, X3:28, X3:42
39 Ground on X3:1, X3:15
40 Aktivation signal X3:39 or X3:37 (12 V from transmitter)
Starter switch must have been turned to start position or horn button pushed at least once after
41 ignition on and initializing phase >>> horn

42 Travel lever S 138 in forward position (signal through Can - and Can + [digital>>no constant voltage])

proximity switch safety bar in front 12 V (X3: 34)

45 Travel revers Power supply X3:14, X3:28, X3:42
46 Ground on X3:1, X3:15
47 Aktivation signal X3:39 or X3:37 (12 V from transmitter)
Starter switch must have been turned to start position or horn button pushed at least once after
48 ignition on and initializing phase >>> horn
49 Proximity switch revers protection bow 12 V (X3:27)

008 915 77
Kob, 12.01.2010

LOGIC Hetronic control with BLM modul (A 70) for BMP 8500

008 915 77
For (see below) The following is necessary (see below)
50 Travel lever S138 in revers position (signal through Can - and Can + [digital>>no constant voltage])
56 high engine rpm Power supply X3:14, X3:28, X3:42
57 Ground on X3:1, X3:15
58 Aktivation signal X3:39 or X3:37 (12 V from transmitter)
Starter switch must have been turned to start position or horn button pushed at least once after
59 ignition on and initializing phase >>> horn
60 Switch S 134 on (signal through Can - and Can + [digital>>no constant voltage])
61 code 0500 must not be activated
During starting of the engine the engine rpm solenoid is generally activated (K114) as long as the
62 NOTE >>> starter is activated.

If there is no signal to travel, vibration or steering for more than 20 seconds, the rpm
63 NOTE >>> falls down (ECO mode)
65 2nd speed travel Power supply X3:14, X3:28, X3:42
66 Ground on X3:1, X3:15
67 Activation signal X3:39 or X3:37 (12 V from transmitter)
Starter switch must have been turned to start position or horn button pushed at least once after
68 ignition on and initializing phase >>> horn

69 Switch S 133 on 2nd speed (signal through Can - and Can + [digital>>no constant voltage])
70 code 0500 must not be activated
71 cooling water temperature sensor must not be connected to ground.
72 Note >>>> 2 sec delay
74 steering right power supply X3:14, X3: 28, X3: 42
75 Ground on X3:1, X3:15
76 Activation signal X3:39 or X3:37 (12 V from transmitter)

Kob, 12.01.2010
LOGIC Hetronic control with BLM modul (A 70) for BMP 8500

For (see below) The following is necessary (see below)

Starter switch must have been turned to start position or horn button pushed at least once after
77 ignition on and initializing phase >>> horn
steering lever S137 held to the right hand side (signal through Can - and Can + [digital>>no constant
78 voltage]
80 steering left power supply X3:14, X3: 28, X3: 42
81 Ground on X3:1, X3:15
82 Activation signal X3:39 or X3:37 (12 V from transmitter)
Starter switch must have been turned to start position or horn button pushed at least once after
83 ignition on and initializing phase >>> horn
steering lever S137 held to the left hand side (signal through Can - and Can + [digital>>no constant
84 voltage]
Vibration low

86 amplitude power supply X3:14, X3: 28, X3: 42
87 Ground on X3:1, X3:15
88 Activation signal X3:39 or X3:37 (12 V from transmitter)
Starter switch must have been turned to start position or horn button pushed at least once after
89 ignition on and initializing phase >>> horn
90 cooling water temperature sensor must not be connected to ground.
91 toggle switch S36 switched to low amplitude
Vibration high

93 amplitude power supply X3:14, X3: 28, X3: 42

94 Ground on X3:1, X3:15
95 Activation signal X3:39 or X3:37 (12 V from transmitter)
Starter switch must have been turned to start position or horn button pushed at least once after
96 ignition on and initializing phase >>> horn
97 cooling water temperature sensor must not be connected to ground.
98 toggle switch S36 switched to high amplitude

008 915 77
Kob, 12.01.2010

LOGIC Hetronic control with BLM modul (A 70) for BMP 8500

008 915 77
For (see below) The following is necessary (see below)


7.2 Logic

184 BOMAG 008 915 77

8 Service Training

008 915 77 BOMAG 185

Simple servicing due to excellent accessibility .....

Fig. 14

186 BOMAG 008 915 77
General 8.1
8.1 General chine by a cable. The operator can thus operate the
machine from without the danger zone.
The toughest application for multi-purpose compac-
Apart from this the machine can also be operated with
tors is the operation in trenches for sewage lines,
a radio remote control. This type of control is de-
pipeline construction, drainage systems, etc. Due to
scribed in the chapter "Electrics".
their compact design, their freedom of lateral over-
hang and their excellent manoeuvrability these rollers With a tumbler switch the operator can choose be-
are particularly suitable for this type of work. tween low and high amplitude. The tumbler switch is
linked with a 4/3-way valve, which reverses the sense
All drive components inside the machine are excep-
of rotation of the hydraulic motor. In combination with
tionally well protected against damage caused by col-
change-over weights, two amplitudes are realized this
lision with trench walls and by falling down stones, etc.
Since the hydraulic oil flows through deep drilled bore
For reasons of safety the machine is fitted with a back-
holes in the central frame down to the flanged on trav-
up protection. This feature switches the travel drive off
el motors, there was no necessity to route any hoses
if the operator is trapped between the machine and an
in this particularly endangered area between the
obstruction. By shifting the travel lever forward the
machine can then be moved away from the obstruc-
The entire installation space for engine and drive com- tion.
ponents is well protected against the entering of dirt.
A strong single-point lifting hook is mounted to the
front of the rear frame. With this lifting hook the ma-
chine can be easily lowered into and lifted out of the
The machine is equipped with four drums. The ma-
chine is driven by two travel motors. Once travel motor
each drives the two front and the two rear drums as
The two travel motors per machine side are connect-
ed in series, whereby slippage between front and rear
drums is avoided.
Unlike the previous model, this machine is equipped
with an articulated joint. The steering system is hy-
draulically operated. The steering angle is set by ex-
tending a hydraulic cylinder next to the articulated
In contrast to the previous model BMP 8500 this ma-
chine is now equipped with
two travel motors
an articulated joint
two amplitudes
For enhanced traction the drums are provided with
The vibration system works with two exciter units. One
exciter unit per axle. Both exciters are hydraulically
driven by means of a common gear pump and one
gear motor each.
When driving without vibration this oil flow is also
available for the travel system.
The machine is operated via two travel levers, one for
steering and one for travel direction, a tumbler switch
to choose the vibration mode (high/low amplitude) and
a tumbler switch for high and low travel speed range.
In dangerous areas the control unit can be removed
from the machine, but remains connected with a ma-

008 915 77 BOMAG 187
8.1 General

Fig. 15 Overview

188 BOMAG 008 915 77
General 8.1
1 Steering pump 10 Hydraulic control valve block
2 Travel pump 11 Hydraulic oil tank
3 Vibration pump 12 Air filter
4 Exhaust system 13 Single point lifting facility
5 Diesel engine 14 Air filter service indicator
6 Cooler 15 Fuel filter
7 Fuel tank 16 Coolant compensation container
8 Central electrics 17 Engine oil filter
9 Battery 18 Hydraulic oil filter

008 915 77 BOMAG 189
8.2 Travel system

8.2 Travel system control valve block. When the travel lever is not actu-
ated, the oil flows back to the tank.
The multi-purpose compactor BMP 8500 works with a l
When the travel lever is actuated, the travel direc-
hydrostatic travel system. The travel circuits are open tion control valves are controlled according to the
hydraulic circuits and consist mainly of chosen travel direction. The two travel motors re-
l Travel pump ceive an hydraulic oil flow that is determined by the
Travel motors position of the control valves.
Control valve block When working without vibration the oil flow delivered
by the vibration pump is also directed to the travel cir-
and the connecting pressure hoses. The machine is
cuits through a 4/2-way valve. This increases the trav-
equipped with two hydraulic motors connected in se-
el speed of the machine. This "2nd travel speed
ries. One motor each drives the two drums of an axle.
range" is normally used for quick transportation of the
This series connection avoids slipping of only one machine between different locations of use on a con-
drum under severe soil conditions. struction site.
Both travel motors are supplied from a travel pump. Vibration can only be switched on in 1st speed range.
Together with the vibration pump and the steering The oil flow to the vibration motors is then interrupted
pump this travel pump forms a triple pump unit. by the 4/2-way valve and guided to the vibration motor
This pump combination is directly driven by the engine through the 4/3-way solenoid valve.
with full engine speed. Pressure relief valves limit the pressure in the travel
The travel pump draws the hydraulic oil through a suc- circuits to 250 bar.
tion filter in the hydraulic oil tank and delivers it to the

Fig. 1 Hydraulic diagram

190 BOMAG 008 915 77
Travel system 8.2

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‰I K‚€!* @Bˆ

 €€  ‚ ƒ „ … … †€‡ ‡ ˆ‰Š‹ Œ „ ‡ …   Ž € 
Fig. 2

008 915 77 BOMAG 191
8.2 Travel system

Fig. 3

1 Travel motor 4 Gear

2 Cylinder roller bearing 5 Cylinder roller bearing
3 Drive shaft 6 Pinion travel motor

The travel motor (1) is hydraulically driven. The pinion

(6) is directly connected with the travel motor and
drives the gear (4). This gear is fitted to the drive shaft
(3) by means of a feather key. Both ends of the drive
shaft rest in cylinder roller bearings (2) in the cover of
the centre frame.

192 BOMAG 008 915 77
Travel system 8.2
Travel pump

Fig. 1 Travel pump, cross-section

1 Cover 6 Gear (driven)

2 Seals and gaskets 7 Shaft
3 Housing 8 Flange
4 Gear (driving) 9 Bearing plate
5 Displacement chamber 10 Bearing plate

The travel pump is a directly driven gear pump. To- The travel pumps deliver the hydraulic oil from the
gether with the vibration pump and the steering pump tank through the control valve block to the travel mo-
this travel pump forms a triple pump unit. tors and back to the tank.
The drive gear is connected with the upstream gear
pump by means of a coupling (i.e. indirectly with the
diesel engine).

Fig. 2

008 915 77 BOMAG 193
8.2 Travel system


Fig. 3
The increasing volume caused by a tooth exiting a
tooth gap results in a vacuum in the suction chamber.
The pressure fluid is transported into the pressure
chamber. There the meshing of teeth and tooth gaps
displaces the pressure fluid into the upper supply line.

194 BOMAG 008 915 77
Travel system 8.2
Travel motor With a given oil flow and a given pressure the dis-
placement of the motor (nominal size of motor) deter-
The drums are the BMP 8500 are driven by two Eaton
mines both the speed and the torque.
Geroller hydraulic motors. Geroller motors are slow
running hydraulic motors with high torque. The series This means:
2000 enables torques of up to 845 Nm, the approved a) that the speed is determined by the supplied oil flow
design is reliable and suitable for a long service life. and
b) the torque depends on the available pressure.

Fig. 1
The plate or distributor valve is arranged on the side
of the drive set. The distributor valve is driven syn-
75 l/min. continuous
chronously with the gear set, so that filling and empty- l
115 l/min. intermittent
ing of the individual chambers takes place precisely
Speed up to 1042 rpm.
and without losses. This valve is separated from the
drive shaft and is separately driven by a short univer- Pressure difference:
sal shaft. l
200 bar continuous
300 bar intermittent
l 845 Nm continuous
930 Nm intermittent

008 915 77 BOMAG 195
8.2 Travel system

Fig. 2
The drive sets of the hydraulic motors consist of a
housing section with internal gearing and a gear
wheel, the centre of which during rotation orbits
around the centre of the ring gear.
Geroller hydraulic motors are characterized by a
very robust and compact design.
Applications are mainly found in areas where high
torques with relatively low rotary speeds are re-
The housing contains a fixed, integrated ring gear.
l Long service life.
l Highly power output.
Excellent volumetric and mechanical rate of effi-
ciency due to the fixed integrated ORBITAL unit.
l Suitable for short-term operation with medium pres-
Excellently suitable for permanentb operation at
medium pressure.

196 BOMAG 008 915 77
Vibration 8.3
8.3 Vibration
The vibration system of the machine is also hydrauli-
cally driven. The vibration system consists of:
a vibration pump
two vibration motors
two exciters
l a 4/2-way valve to select the travel speed range
a 4/3-way valve for amplitude control.
The design of the vibration control system enables
perfect adaptation of the vibration to all possible re-
Each axle has a separate exciter unit, which is carried
by the centre frame. The two vibration motors are con-
nected in series and drive the exciter shafts directly .
An exciter unit ((Fig. 3)) consists of two exciter shafts
with an eccentric (5) and a change-over weight (4).
The exciter shaft is driven by the coupling (3) of the vi-
bration motor (6). The two gears (1) drive the second
exciter shaft to opposite direction.
The entire exciter unit (7) rest in cylinder roller bear-
ings (2) in the centre frame.

008 915 77 BOMAG 197
8.3 Vibration

Fig. 3 Exciter unit

1 Gear 5 Eccentric
2 Cylinder roller bearing 6 Vibration motor
3 Coupling, vibration motor 7 Exciter unit
4 Change-over weight

198 BOMAG 008 915 77
Vibration 8.3
By reversing the sense of rotation, two amplitudes can
be realized.

high amplitude
The exciter shaft rotates clockwise. Both eccentrics
add up and generate a higher resultant centrifugal

Fig. 4 high amplitude

low amplitude
The exciter shafts rotate anti-clockwise. The eccentric
weight (2) swings over. The centrifugal forced gener-
ated by the two eccentrics are subtracted from one
another resulting in a lower resultant centrifugal force

Fig. 5 low amplitude

008 915 77 BOMAG 199
8.3 Vibration

Vibration pump

Fig. 1 Cross-sectional view of vibration pump

1 Cover 6 Gear (driven)

2 Seals and gaskets 7 Shaft
3 Housing 8 Flange
4 Gear (driving) 9 Bearing plate
5 Displacement chamber 10 Bearing plate

The vibration pump is a directly driven gear pump. To- The drive gear of the steering pump is connected with
gether with the vibration pump and the steering pump the auxiliary drive of the diesel engine via a coupling.
this travel pump forms a triple pump unit. The vibration The vibration pump transports the hydraulic oil from
pump is the first pump section, viewed from the drive the tank through the control valve block to the vibra-
side. tion motor and from there back to the tank.

Fig. 2

200 BOMAG 008 915 77
Vibration 8.3
Function Vibration motor
The vibration motors are gear motors. Both vibration
motors are connected to the corresponding exciter
shaft in the two centre frames via curved tooth cou-
plings and drive the exciter shafts with output speed.
The design of these vibration motors is almost identi-
cal with the design of the vibration pump.

Vibration control
The vibration control elements are integrated in the
same valve block as the control elements for the travel
system. The vibration control is linked with the travel
system control as follows:
l If the machine is driven with high travel speed, a 2/
4-way solenoid valve will cut off the oil flow to the vi-
bration motor and directs it additionally to the travel
Fig. 3
The increasing volume caused by a tooth exiting a When the vibration is switched on, the oil flow from the
tooth gap results in a vacuum in the suction chamber. vibration pump must first start rotation of the resting
The pressure fluid is transported into the pressure exciter shaft. The pressure (starting pressure) caused
chamber. There the meshing of teeth and tooth gaps by this high starting resistance of the resting exciter
displaces the pressure fluid into the upper supply line. shaft is limited to max. 250 bar by a pressure relief
valve inside the control valve block.
Once the final speed of the exciter shafts is reached,
the resistance of the exciter shafts becomes lower
and the pressure drops down to a value (operating
pressure) which is influenced by external effects (de-
gree of compaction, soil condition, etc.).
The sense of rotation of the vibration motors can be
reversed by actuation of a 4/3-way valve. This way the
amplitude adjustment is realized.

008 915 77 BOMAG 201
8.4 Control valve block

8.4 Control valve block With the engine shut down no pressure is applied to
the brake cylinder. Due to the internal springs the
The control valve block contains all control and safety brake cylinder is in this case extended and thus pre-
elements needed in the both travel and vibration cir- vents rolling of the machine. When the engine is start-
cuits. ed the steering pump will direct a hydraulic oil flow
These are: through Y04 to the brake cylinder and open the brake.
1 pressure relief valve (250 bar) for the travel circuit The ports on the control valve block are numbered
and can thereby easily assigned to the respective
l 1 pressure relief valve (250 bar) for the vibration cir-
consumer ports.
1 3/2-way solenoid valve to operate the brake
l 1 4/2-way solenoid valve to switch the travel speed
2 load lowering valves
l 1 4/3-way solenoid valve for travel circuit control
1 4/3-way solenoid valve to control the vibration.
1 4/3-way solenoid valve to operate the steering cyl-
1 pressure relief valve (100 bar) for the steering
1 pressure relief valve (20 bar) for the brake pres-

Fig. 1 Control valve block

When starting the engine with all control valves set to
initial position, hydraulic oil will flow from the travel
pump to the travel direction valve and from there back
to the tank.
When switching the travel speed range selector valve
to high travel speed, the pump flow from the vibration
pump is also fed to both travel motors. However, in
this case the machine cannot be operated with vibra-
tion. The line between the 4/2-way valve and the trav-
el direction valve is fitted with a check valve. This
valve prevents oil flowing out of the travel circuit into
the vibration circuit.

202 BOMAG 008 915 77
Control valve block 8.4

Fig. 2 Overview of ports on control valve block 3.2 Pressure relief valve for brake
1.1 Pressure relief valve for travel circuit (250 bar) 3.3 3/2-way solenoid valve for brake
1.3.1 Load lowering valve rear 3.5 4/3-way solenoid valve for steering
1.3.2 Load lowering valve front 3.6 Pre-loaded check valve
1.2 Travel direction valve (4/3-way solenoid valve) L1 Leak oil travel control
2.1 Pressure relief valve for vibration circuit L2 Leak oil vibration
2.2 Valve 2nd gear (4/3-way solenoid valve) A1 to rear travel motor port A
2.3 Vibration valve (4/3-way solenoid valve) B1 to front travel motor port B
2.4 Pre-loaded check valve A2 to rear vibration motor port A
3.1 Pressure relief valve for steering B2 to front vibration motor port B

008 915 77 BOMAG 203
8.4 Control valve block

A3 to steering cylinder port A

B3 to steering cylinder port B
BR to port on brake cylinder
P1 Connection travel pump
P2 Connection vibration pump
P3 Connection steering pump
T1 Return flow to tank via oil cooler
T2 Return flow to tank, direct

204 BOMAG 008 915 77
Hose connection centre frame 8.5
8.5 Hose connection centre frame Inside the centre frame hydraulic hoses connect the
deep drilled holes with the travel motors, the vibration
In order to be able to work without routing the hydrau- motors and the brake cylinder.
lic hoses through the endangered area between the
drums, the hydraulic oil is directed through deep
drilled holes in the centre frame.

Fig. 3 Connection overview centre frame

008 915 77 BOMAG 205
8.6 Hydraulic lines

8.6 Hydraulic lines

206 BOMAG 008 915 77
Hydraulic lines 8.6

008 915 77 BOMAG 207
8.6 Hydraulic lines

208 BOMAG 008 915 77
Hydraulic lines 8.6

008 915 77 BOMAG 209
8.6 Hydraulic lines

210 BOMAG 008 915 77
Hydraulic lines 8.6

008 915 77 BOMAG 211
8.6 Hydraulic lines

i Note
The brake is located in the rear tarverse on the right hand side.

212 BOMAG 008 915 77

9 Repair overview for drum

008 915 77 BOMAG 213
9.1 Repair overview for drum

Fig. 1

1 Travel motor 7 Vibrator shaft

2 Middle frame 8 Gear exciter shaft
3 Drum 9 Drive shaft
4 Cover/flange 10 Cylinder roller bearing
5 Cylinder roller bearing 11 Gear drive shaft
6 Vibration motor 12 Pinion travel motor

214 BOMAG 008 915 77

10 Travel system

008 915 77 BOMAG 215
10.1 Special tools

10.1 Special tools

1. Pressing mandrel

Fig. 1
2. Puller

BOMAG part-no.: 720 028 04

Fig. 2

216 BOMAG 008 915 77
Repairing the travel system 10.2
10.2 Repairing the travel system

Catch running out oil and dispose of environ-

! Danger
Danger of injury!
Do not step under suspended loads.
1. Enter input code 500 (see chapter 7) and drive
the machine, until the brake engages.

2. Lift the machine up and support it safely.
3. Unscrew the fastening screws and remove the
drums on both sides.

Fig. 1
4. Unscrew fastening screw 1 (Fig. 2) and replace it
with a grub screw.

Fig. 2
5. Remove backing ring 1 (Fig. 3) and seal (2).

Fig. 3

008 915 77 BOMAG 217
10.2 Repairing the travel system

6. Attach a puller (Fig. 4) and extract the hub.

i Note
At the rear always remove the left hand hub,
when viewed in travel direction.
At the front always remove the right hand hub,
when viewed in travel direction.

Fig. 4

i Note
Disassemble drum and cover on the opposite
machine side as described under 1. - 6.
7. Unscrew the fastening screw 1 (Fig. 5) from the
8. Turn the fastening screws into the bores (2) and
force off the cover.

Fig. 5
9. Check the Nilos ring 1 (Fig. 6) for damage, re-
place if necessary.

Fig. 6
10. Pull out the drive shaft 1 (Fig. 7).

Fig. 7

218 BOMAG 008 915 77
Repairing the travel system 10.2
11. Loosen the hydraulic hoses and disassemble the
travel motor 1 (Fig. 8).

Fig. 8
12. Remove circlip 1 (Fig. 9).
13. Pull the bearing (2) out of the cover.
14. Take out the Nilos ring (3).

Fig. 9
15. Remove circlip 3 (Fig. 10) dfrom the drive shaft.
16. Pull off the gear (4) and remove the feather key
(2) from the keyway.

Fig. 10

008 915 77 BOMAG 219
10.2 Repairing the travel system

1. Assemble pinion 1 (Fig. 1) with copper paste to
the travel motor.
2. Turn in the threaded socket.

Fig. 1
3. Install the travel motor 1 (Fig. 2) and connect the
hydraulic hoses.

Fig. 2
4. Place the Nilos ring 1 (Fig. 3) into the cover.
5. Knock in the bearing (2).
6. Assemble circlip (3).

Fig. 3
7. Fill the bearing with grease (Fig. 4).

Fig. 4

220 BOMAG 008 915 77
Repairing the travel system 10.2
8. Pull the bearing shell 1 (Fig. 5) over the hub (2).

Fig. 5
9. Fill the radial seal with grease (Fig. 6).

Fig. 6
10. Place the radial seal 1 (Fig. 7) into the cover.

Fig. 7
11. Assemble hub 1 (Fig. 8).

! Caution
Clean the hub thoroughly.
The inner ring must be free of grease!

Fig. 8

008 915 77 BOMAG 221
10.2 Repairing the travel system

12. Assemble the circlip 3 (Fig. 9) to the shaft (2).

13. Insert the feather key (1) into the keyway and
slide the gear (4) over the shaft.

Fig. 9
14. Insert the drive shaft into the hub.
15. Apply some grease to the gear (Fig. 10).

Fig. 10
16. Turn in fastening screw 3 (Fig. 11) with washer
(1) and spring washer (2).

Fig. 11
17. Clean the sealing face and apply a coat of OMNI-
FIT FD10 (P/N 009 700 16) and assemble the
new O-ring.
18. Assemble cover and drive shaft and insert a new
sealing ring (Fig. 12).

Fig. 12

222 BOMAG 008 915 77
Repairing the travel system 10.2
19. Turn in the fastening screw 1 (Fig. 13) and tight-
en with 900 Nm.
20. Reassemble the drums.

Fig. 13
21. Assemble the backing ring 1 (Fig. 14) with a new
seal (2).

Fig. 14

008 915 77 BOMAG 223
10.2 Repairing the travel system

224 BOMAG 008 915 77

11 Exciter unit

008 915 77 BOMAG 225
11.1 Special tools

11.1 Special tools

1. Pressing mandrel

Fig. 1
2. Puller

BOMAG part-no.: 720 028 04

Fig. 2

226 BOMAG 008 915 77
Repairing the exciter unit. 11.2
11.2 Repairing the exciter unit.

Catch running out oil and dispose of environ-

! Danger
Danger of injury!
Do not step under suspended loads.
1. Enter input code 500 (see chapter 7) and drive
the machine, until the brake engages.

2. Lift the machine up and support it safely.
3. Unscrew the fastening screws and remove the
drums on both sides.

Fig. 1
4. Unscrew fastening screw 1 (Fig. 2) and replace it
with a grub screw.

Fig. 2
5. Remove backing ring 1 (Fig. 3) and seal (2).

Fig. 3

008 915 77 BOMAG 227
11.2 Repairing the exciter unit.

6. Attach a puller (Fig. 4) and extract the hub.

i Note
At the rear always remove the left hand hub,
when viewed in travel direction.
At the front always remove the right hand hub,
when viewed in travel direction.

Fig. 4

i Note
Disassemble drum and cover on the opposite
machine side as described under 1. - 6.
7. Unscrew the fastening screw 1 (Fig. 5) from the
8. Turn the fastening screws into the bores (2) and
force off the cover.

Fig. 5
9. Check the Nilos ring 1 (Fig. 6) for damage, re-
place if necessary.

Fig. 6
10. Pull out the drive shaft 1 (Fig. 7).

Fig. 7

228 BOMAG 008 915 77
Repairing the exciter unit. 11.2
11. Loosen the hydraulic hoses and disassemble the
vibration motor 1 (Fig. 8).

Fig. 8
12. Unscrew the locking cap 1 (Fig. 9) from the centre

Fig. 9
13. Unscrew the fastening screws 1 (Fig. 10) from the
14. Turn the fastening screws into the bores (2) and
force off the cover.
15. Also disassemble the cover from the opposite

Fig. 10
16. Pull the exciter shafts out of the housing.

Fig. 11

008 915 77 BOMAG 229
11.2 Repairing the exciter unit.

17. Remove circlip 2 (Fig. 12) and knock the bearing

(1) out of the housing.

Fig. 12
18. Pull the bearing 1 (Fig. 13) out of the flange.

Fig. 13

230 BOMAG 008 915 77
Repairing the exciter unit. 11.2
1. Press the bearing (Fig. 1) into the centre frame.

Fig. 1
2. Assemble the circlip 1 (Fig. 2).

i Note
Repeat steps 1. - 2. on the opposite side of the
centre frame.

Fig. 2
3. Assemble gear 3 (Fig. 3) with feather key (2) to
the exciter shaft.
4. Pull the bearing shell (1) over the shaft end.

Fig. 3
5. Fasten coupling 1 (Fig. 4) with fastening screws
(2) to the exciter shaft on the motor side.

Fig. 4

008 915 77 BOMAG 231
11.2 Repairing the exciter unit.

6. Align the exciter shafts in such a way (Fig. 5), that

the eccentrics are hanging down.
7. Mark the position of the gears.

Fig. 5
8. Insert the exciter shaft without coupling.

Fig. 6
9. Fill 1.7 l of engine oil into the exciter housing.

Fig. 7

! Danger
Danger of squashing!
10. Guide the exciter shaft 1 (Fig. 8) on the motor
side into the exciter housing using a suitable tube

Fig. 8

232 BOMAG 008 915 77
Repairing the exciter unit. 11.2
11. Check the correct positioning of the gears.

Fig. 9
12. Press bearing 1 (Fig. 10) into the flange.
13. Assemble the new O-ring (2).
14. Clean the sealing face (3) and apply a coat of
OMNIFIT FD10 (P/N 009 700 16).

Fig. 10
15. Assemble the flange and tighten the fastening
screws 1 (Fig. 11).

i Note
repeat steps 12. - 16. with the second flange.

Fig. 11
16. Knock the locking cap 1 (Fig. 12) into the housing.

Fig. 12

008 915 77 BOMAG 233
11.2 Repairing the exciter unit.

17. Insert the circlip 2 (Fig. 13) into the curved tooth

Fig. 13
18. Plug the curved tooth coupling (Fig. 14) on the vi-
bration motor.
19. Assemble the new O-ring.
20. Clean the sealing face and apply a coat of OMNI-
FIT FD10 (P/N 009 700 16).

Fig. 14
21. Install the vibration motor 1 (Fig. 15).

! Caution
The coupling should engage!
22. Connect the hydraulic hoses.

Fig. 15
23. Clean the sealing face and apply a coat of OMNI-
FIT FD10 (P/N 009 700 16) and assemble the
new O-ring.
24. Assemble cover and drive shaft and insert a new
sealing ring (Fig. 16).

Fig. 16

234 BOMAG 008 915 77
Repairing the exciter unit. 11.2
25. Turn in the fastening screw 1 (Fig. 17) and tight-
en with 900 Nm.
26. Reassemble the drums.

Fig. 17
27. Assemble the backing ring 1 (Fig. 18) with a new
seal (2).

Fig. 18

008 915 77 BOMAG 235
11.2 Repairing the exciter unit.

236 BOMAG 008 915 77

12 Suppliers documentation

008 915 77 BOMAG 237

238 BOMAG 008 915 77

12.1 Travel motor

008 915 77 BOMAG 239
12.1 Travel motor

240 BOMAG 008 915 77
Travel motor 12.1
® No. 7-124
Char-Lynn July, 1999

Hydraulic Motor

Repair Information

2000 Series
Disc Valve Geroler Motor 006

008 915 77 BOMAG 241
2000 Series Disc Valve Motors Travel motor


Splined Geroler
Face Seal Seal
Bearing and Plate
Bearing Back-up
Housing Washer Valve
Drive O-ring/
Seal Plug S/A
Exclusion Housing Tie
Dash Pot
Seal Spring Bolt
Outer Spring
Face Seal
Seal Piston
Valve Poppet
Dash Pot
O-ring/ O-ring/
Plug S/A Plug S/A
Face Seal Shuttle Vave Option

Tools required for disassembly and reassembly.

Torque wrench 57Nm [500 lb-in] capacity

300-450 [12-16]* breaker bar
9/16 socket
Small screwdriver 150-200 x 6,5 [6-8 x 1/4] blade
3/16 Allen wrench
* Unless indicated otherwise, measurements
are given in mm [inches]
** Shaft seal installation tool (600496)
** Bullet (600465) for 1 diameter shafts
The following tools are not necessary for disassembly and reassem-
bly, but are extremely helpful.
Alignment studs (2)

Alignment studs (2)

200,0 [8.00]

Approx. 13,0 [.50] 25,0 [1.00]

9,5 [.375] Dia. Steel Rod

8,0 [.312]
3/8-24 UNF thread
Grind flat spots on each side

242 BOMAG 008 915 77
2000 motor
Series Disc Valve Motors 12.1

Cleanliness is extremely important when repairing a hydraulic motor. 2 Remove 4 bolts from motor.
Work in a clean area. Before disconnecting the lines, clean the port
area of the motor thoroughly. Use a wire brush to remove foreign
material and debris from around the exterior joints of the motor.
Check the shaft and key slot, remove all nicks, burrs or sharp edges
that might damage the bearing housing seals when installing the shaft
and bearing assembly. Before starting the disassembly procedures,
drain the oil from inside the motor.

Figure 3

3 Lift valve housing straight up. If done carefully the pins, springs,
balance ring assembly, and valve will remain on the valve plate.

Figure 1

1 Place the motor in a vise with the output shaft down. Clamp
across the mounting flange of the motor not the housing. Excessive
clamping pressure will cause distortion. When clamping, use some
protective device on the vise, such as special soft jaws, pieces of hard
rubber or board.
Although not all drawings show the motor in a vise, we recommend Seal Seal Case Drain Plug
that you keep the motor in the vise during disassembly and reas-
sembly. Follow the clamping procedures explained throughout the Figure 4

4 Carefully remove 76,0 [3.00] diameter seal from valve housing.

5 Remove case drain plug—with seal, from valve housing.
6 Remove 2 pins and 2 springs from balance ring assembly, see
Figure 5.

Tie Bolts

Figure 2

008 915 77 BOMAG 243
2000 Series Disc Valve Motors Travel motor


15 Remove the 76,0 [3.00] diameter seal from wear plate,

Outer Face Seal
see Figure 7.

Bearing Seal Wear

Housing Plate

Pin (2) and

Spring (2)
Face Seal
Shaft Face Seal
Valve Balance Ring

Figure 5 Figure 8

7 Remove balance ring assembly. 16 Remove the wear plate.

8 Remove inner and outer face seals from balance ring. 17 Remove the shaft face seal from the wear plate.
9 Remove the valve. 18 Remove the 76,0 [3.00] diameter seal from bearing housing.

Valve Drive Bearing


Shaft and
Seal Valve Plate

Figure 9
Figure 6

19 You may need a press to remove shaft and bearing assembly from
bearing housing. (Key must be removed before removing shaft.)
10 Remove the valve plate.
11 Remove the 76,0 [3.00] diameter seal from valve plate.
12 Remove the valve drive. Bearing Housing Shaft Seal


Back-up Washer

Seal Geroler
Figure 10

Figure 7 20 Use a small screwdriver to remove shaft seal, back-up washer and
exclusion seal from bearing housing, see Figure 10. Do not damage
13 Remove the Geroler. Be sure to retain the rollers in the outer ring bore of housing.
if they are loose. Note: Individual parts of shaft and bearing assembly are not sold
14 Remove the drive. separately. Replace as a unit.

244 BOMAG 008 915 77
2000 motor
Series Disc Valve Motors 12.1
Check all mating surfaces. Replace any parts that have scratches or 26 Alignment studs can be very helpful in reassembly of the motor.
burrs that could cause leakage. Clean all metal parts in clean solvent. See special tool listing page 2. If you use studs, install 2 studs
Blow dry with air. Do not wipe dry with cloth or paper towel because diagonally opposed in the bearing housing.
lint or other matter can get in the hydraulic system and cause damage. 27 Install the shaft face seal in the wear plate as shown in Figure 11.
Do not use a coarse grit or try to file or grind these parts. Check Do not distort seal.
around the keyway and chamfered area of the shaft for burrs, nicks or
sharp edges that can damage the seals when reassembling the bearing 28 Install the wear plate, see Figure 11.
housing. 29 Apply a light film of petroleum jelly to the 76,0 [3.00] diameter seal
Note: Lubricate all seals (prior to installation) with petroleum jelly such and install seal in the wear plate.
as Vaseline. Use new seals when reassembling this motor. Refer to 30 Install the drive into the output shaft.
parts list (6-129) for proper seal kit number.
31 Align the notch on the outside of the Geroler with the notch on the
21 Use a press to install exclusion seal in outer bore of bearing wear plate. Install the Geroler against the wear plate. Be sure to retain
housing. Lip of seal must face outward. See Figure 11. If a press is the rollers in the outer ring if they are loose.
not available use a plastic or rubber hammer, being careful not to
damage or cock seal in the bore. 32 Install the valve drive in the Geroler.
Note: Installation at this time involves 3 steps in the timing of the
motor. Timing determines the direction of rotation of the output shaft.
Timing parts include:
Shaft Face
1. Geroler
Shaft Seal Shaft Face 2. Valve Drive
Seal 3. Valve Plate
4. Valve

Wear Plate


Exclusion Seal
Geroler Valve Plate Valve
Shaft and Drive Drive Rotate
Bearing Valve
Assembly Clockwise
1/2 tooth max.
to Engage Spline

Figure 11
Anyone of
22 Place back-up washer into seal bore. Place shaft seal onto Largest Alignment 6 Ports Open
installation tool (600496) and press seal into seal bore of the Open Pocket Ref. Only to Ouside of Vave
23 Clamp housing in vise, see Figure 1. Figure 12 Timing Alignment
24 Place protective bullet (see note below) over shaft. Apply
petroleum jelly to inside diameter of dust and shaft seal. You may
need a press to install shaft and bearing assembly. Do not distort
Timing Step # 1 — Locate the largest open pocket in the Geroler and
shaft seal. Damage to this seal will cause leakage.
mark it on the outside edge of the Geroler.
Note: Bullet (600465), for 1inch dia. shafts, available— by special
33 Apply a light film of petroleum jelly to the 76,0 [3.00] diameter
order. Use tape over other shafts to prevent cutting the seals.
seal. Install seal in groove of valve plate.
25 Apply petroleum jelly to the 76,0 [3.00] diameter seal. Install
seal into the bearing housing.

008 915 77 BOMAG 245
2000 Series Disc Valve Motors Travel motor

34 Align the notch on the outside of the valve plate with the notch on
the Geroler as shown in Figure 12.
Important: Install face seals in the positions shown in Figure 15, or the
Timing Step # 2 — Locate the slot opening in the valve plate which is motor will not operate properly. Do not force or bend the face seals.
in line with the largest open pocket of the Geroler. Any damage to these seals will affect the operation of the motor.
Timing Step # 3 — Locate any one of the side openings of the valve
and align this opening with the open slot of the valve plate that is in Outer Seal Inner Seal Pin Notch
line with the largest open pocket of the Geroler. Install the valve by
rotating it clockwise until the spine teeth engage (1/2 spine tooth
max.). This will provide the proper rotation when pressurized as
shown in Figure 13.

Balance Ring
Figure 15

38 Align pin notches in balance ring with pins in bore of valve housing.
Install balance ring assembly in valve housing.


Counter Ring

Figure 13 Valve

Figure 16

Spring and Pin

Seal Housing

Figure 14 Valve

35 Install 2 springs and 2 pins in the holes located in the bore of the
valve housing, as shown in Figure 14. Figure 17
36 Apply a light film of petroleum jelly to the 76,0 [3.00] diameter
seal. Install seal in the valve housing.
37 Apply petroleum jelly to inner and outer face seals. Install seals 39 Insert your finger through port of valve housing. Apply pressure
on balance ring as shown in Figure 15. to side of balance ring as shown in Figure 16. Hold ring in position
until valve housing is in place against valve plate (see Figure 17).
Note: After installing the valve housing on the valve plate check for
proper placement. Push down on the valve housing. You should
get a slight spring action.

246 BOMAG 008 915 77
2000 motor
Series Disc Valve Motors 12.1

40 Install tie bolts. If you use alignment Studs, install 2 bolts opposite
the studs. Finger tighten the bolts. Remove the alignment studs and Tie Bolts
replace with the two remaining bolts. Torque all four bolts alternately
to 50 Nm [450 lb-in].
41 Install seal on case drain plug then install in valve housing. Torque Case Drain Plug with Seal
to 6 Nm [50 lb-in.]
Figure 18

Wheel Motor Shaft and Bearing

Shaft Seal

Bearing Housing

Shaft Face Seal

Castle Nut

Back-up Washer

Exclusion Seal
Figure 19

On wheel motors, a different bearing housing is used, see Figure 19.

Other than this the parts are the same as the standard motor and the
same disassembly and reassembly procedures apply.

Housing with Seal Guard Groove

Exclusion Seal

Seal Guard

Wheel Motor
with Seal Guard 4,40[.177]
Installation of Seal Guard:
After completing assembly of the shaft and bearing assembly into the
bearing housing, press the seal guard onto the shaft with a tool that
will provide an even push over the seal. This tool must bottom out
against the bearing housing and provide a 4,5 mm [.177 inch] stop for
the seal guard.

008 915 77 BOMAG 247
12.1 Travel motor

248 BOMAG 008 915 77
2000 motor
Series Disc Valve Motors 12.1
Reassembly —
Speed Sensor

1 Rotate the motor shaft until a (gear/target)

tooth is centered in the speed sensor port. If
this is not done, the sensor may be damaged
during the operation of the motor.

2 Make sure the lock nut and its threads are

clean and dry for the proper torque. Position
the lock nut against the alignment nut as
shown in Figure 22.

3 Move the washer and the o-ring up against

Speed Sensor Installation
the speed sensor body threads as shown in
Figure 22. Speed Sensor Body
4 By hand, lightly thread the speed sensor Alignment Nut
body into the housing until the sensor
Lock Nut
touches against the motor (gear/target) tooth.
Do not force the sensor against the (gear/
target) tooth, damage may occur. Make sure Washer
the o-ring or the washer do not touch the
housing — see Figure 23. O-ring
5 Turn the speed sensor body out one quarter Speed Sensor Port
Figure 22 Figure 23
turn (CCW) plus the additional amount (CCW)
needed to make the alignment notches
perpendicular to the motor shaft centerline
(90° +/-5 degrees from the motor shaft
centerline — Figure 24 and 25). Housing

6 Maintain the speed sensor body alignment

(Figure 25), and tighten the lock nut to 8,5-14
Nm [75-125 lb-in.] (torque values are for
clean dry threads). Gear/Target
7 Check the speed sensor body for correct
alignment (Figure 25), reinstall the sensor if it
is not correct.
Alignment Notch

Alignment Notchs ft
Perpendicular to Sha
Centerline of Motor l e l with Motor
l f
Alignment Notch Para erline o
Ce n
Alignment Nut
Figure 24 Figure 25 9/16 inch
90° Hex Head

Back out
Lock Nut
11/16 inch
Hex Head Alignment Notch

008 915 77 BOMAG 249
2000 Series Disc Valve Motors Travel motor

Product Identification

For Additional Literature Contact Eaton Corp. Hydraulics Char-Lynn ® Date Code
Division 15151 Highway 5 Eden Prairie, MN 55344. Product number 00 00
Specifications and performance data, Catalog No. 11-878
Week of Last
Replacement part numbers and kit information — Parts Eaton Corp. Hydraulics Div. Year 01 Number(s)
Eden Prairie, MN 55344
Information No. 6-129 Thru 52 of Year
Product Number
How to Order Replacement Parts 000 0000 000

Each Order Must Include the Following: Product Line Product Engineering
1. Product Number 4. Part Number Identification Identification Change
2. Date Code 5. Quantity of Parts Number Number Code
3. Part Name

Product Numbers—2000 Series Use digit prefix —104-, 105-, or 106- plus four digit number from charts 104-1007
for complete product number—Example 106-1039.
Displacement cm3/r [ in3/r ] and Product Number
80 100 130 160 195 245 305 395 490
Mounting Shaft Ports [ 4.9] [ 6.2] [ 8.0] [ 9.6] [11.9] [14.9] [18.7] [24.0] [29.8]
7/8-14 O-ring Staggered 104-1001 -1002 -1003 -1004 -1005 -1006 -1007 -1143 —
1 inch Straight
1-1/16—12 O-ring 180° Apart 104-1037 -1038 -1039 -1040 -1041 -1042 -1043 -1044 —
2 Bolt 7/8-14 O-ring Staggered 104-1022 -1023 -1024 -1025 -1026 -1027 -1028 -1228 -1420
SAE A 1-1/4 Inch Straight
Flange 1-1/16—12 O-ring 180° Apart 104-1061 -1062 -1063 -1064 -1065 -1066 -1067 -1068 -1421
1-1/4 Inch 7/8-14 O-ring Staggered 104-1029 -1030 -1031 -1032 -1033 -1034 -1035 -1229 -1422
14 T Splined 1-1/16—12 O-ring 180° Apart 104-1087 -1088 -1089 -1090 -1091 -1092 -1093 -1094 -1423
1-1/4 Inch Straight 7/8-14 O-ring Staggered 104-1200 -1201 -1202 -1203 -1204 -1205 -1206 -1207 —
2 Bolt
SAE B 1-1/4 In. Involute SAE C Splined 7/8-14 O-ring Staggered 104-1208 -1209 -1210 -1211 -1212 -1213 -1214 -1215 —
Flange 1 Inch SAE 6B Splined 7/8-14 O-ring Staggered 104-1193 -1194 -1195 -1196 -1197 -1198 -1199 — —
7/8 Inch SAE B Splined 7/8-14 O-ring Staggered 104-1216 -1217 -1218 -1219 -1220 — — — —
Standard 32 mm Straight G 1/2 (BSP) 104-1384 -1385 -1386 -1387 -1388 -1389 -1390 -1391 —
with 4 Bolt
Square 1-1/4 Inch
Flange G 1/2 (BSP) 104-1376 -1377 -1378 -1379 -1380 -1381 -1382 -1383 —
14 T Splined
7/8-14 O-ring Staggered 105- — — — — — — — — -1148
1-1/4 Inch Straight
1-1/16—12 O-ring 180° Apart 105- — — — — — — — — -1149
32 mm Straight G 1/2 (BSP) 105-1134 -1135 -1136 -1137 -1138 -1139 -1140 -1141 —
Motor 1-1/4 Inch 7/8-14 O-ring Staggered 105-1001 -1002 -1003 -1004 -1005 -1006 -1007 -1060 -1152
1-1/16—12 O-ring 180° Apart 105-1071 -1072 -1073 -1074 -1075 -1076 -1077 -1078 —
1-1/4 Inch 7/8-14 O-ring Staggered 105-1029 -1030 -1031 -1032 -1033 -1034 -1035 -1096 —
14 T Splined 1-1/16—12 O-ring 180° Apart 105-1079 -1080 -1081 -1082 -1083 -1084 -1085 -1086 —
7/8-14 O-ring Staggered 106-1008 -1009 -1010 -1011 -1012 -1013 -1014 -1015 -1047
G 1/2 (BSP) 106-1038 -1039 -1040 -1041 -1042 -1043 -1044 -1045 —


250 BOMAG 008 915 77
2000 motor
Series Disc Valve Motors 12.1



008 915 77 BOMAG 251
2000 Series Disc Valve Motors Travel motor

Eaton Corporation Eaton Ltd. Eaton B.V. Sumitomo Eaton Hydraulic Co.
Hydraulics Division Hydraulics Division Boeing Avenue 11 8 Temasek Blvd.
15151 Hwy. 5 Glenrothes, Fife 1119 PC Schiphol-Rijk 42-01 Suntec Tower Three
Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Scotland, KY7 4NW The Netherlands Singapore 03988
Telephone: 612/937-7254 Telephone: [+44] (0)1592-771-771 Telephone: [+31] (0)20-655 6776 Telephone: [+65] 832-7727 ACCREDITED BY
Fax: 612/937-7130 Fax: [+44] (0)1592-773-184 Fax: [+31] (0)20-655 6800 Fax: [+65] 832-7733 FOR CERTIFICATION
Reg. No. 24


Sumitomo Eaton Eaton Ltd. Eaton Hydraulics (Shanghai) Co. Ltd. Jining Eaton Hydraulic Co. Ltd. DET NORSKE VERITAS INDUSTRY BV, THE NETHERLANDS

Hydraulic Company Ltd. 7th Floor, Woo Duk Building 388 Aidu Road, Waigaogiao FTZ 6 Ji Da Road
Qualitiy System Certified
Ooi-Cho Kameoka-Shi 832-2 Yeoksam-Dong, Kangnam-Ku Pudong New Area Jining City Products in this catalog are manufactured
621-0017 Kyoto Soeul 135-750 Shanghai 200137 Shandong Province 272131 in an ISO-9001-certified site.
Japan Korea Peoples Republic of China Peoples Republic of China
Telephone: [+81] 771-22-9601 Telephone: [+82] 2-557-0595 Telephone: [+86] 21-5046 0758 Telephone: [+86] 537-2221288
Fax: [+81] 771-29-2020 Fax: [+82] 2-557-1634 Fax: [+86] 21-5046 0767 Fax: [+86] 537-2221557
Copyright Eaton Corporation, 1985, 1988, 1994, 1996, 1997 and 1999
All Rights Reserved
Form No. 7-124 Printed in USA

252 BOMAG 008 915 77

13 Circuit diagrams

008 915 77 BOMAG 253

254 BOMAG 008 915 77

13.1 Hydraulic diagram 724 301 06

008 915 77 BOMAG 255
13.1 Hydraulic diagram 724 301 06

256 BOMAG 008 915 77


008 915 77

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008 915 77
Hydraulic diagram 724 301 06

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008 915 77
Hydraulic diagram 724 301 06


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13.1 Hydraulic diagram 724 301 06

260 BOMAG 008 915 77

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13.1 Hydraulic diagram 724 301 06

262 BOMAG 008 915 77

13.2 Wiring diagram 724 002 09

008 915 77 BOMAG 263
13.2 Wiring diagram 724 002 09

S/N Wiring diagram 724 00 209

S/N 101 720 111 001 œ 101 720 111 009 BMP 8500

264 BOMAG 008 915 77

Inhaltsverzeichnis: BMP 8500 Feldtest

008 915 77
table of contents: BMP 8500 field test
Blatt Nr.: Zeichnungsnummer
Funktionsgruppe function unit
sheet no.: drawing A no.
001 724 002 09 Stromlaufplan Circuit Diagram
002 724 002 09 Stromlaufplan circuit diagram
003 724 002 09 Stromlaufplan circuit diagram
004 724 002 09 Stromlaufplan circuit diagram
005 724 002 09 Stromlaufplan circuit diagram
Wiring diagram 724 002 09

101 724 002 09 Bauteilliste component listing

201 724 002 09 Zentralelektrik EABox


Nallin 001 001 724 002 09

circuit diagram 001
Rau 2002

15 3:1

F X8:5 X8:1
1 10A F103 F67 X10:8
W 15SGPS 5:15

2:11 V05 25A 6

X9:9 2
1 X6:A X7:A B56
X9:6 R09

82 Ohm 2:10
X8:6 X8:2

X12:3 2 87 87a

signal pot 15

cable activation

radio activation


Signal Pot 15
B41 BL/BU B189
IG BL/BU B53 B06



BS X6:C X6:B X7:C X7:B

B+ t P

G01 X10:11 X10:7 X9:11 X9:10


Funk Aktivierung
Kabel Aktivierung
RS 232 Rx
RS 232 Tx

RS 232 gnd
X9:4 X9:2

31 31
slope sensor

X3:2 X3:32 30 31 39 37 4 X3:20 29 16 17 41 X3:14 28 42 X3:27 X3:34 X3:23 X3:5 X3:3


engine running: 12V

Sicherheitsbügel hinten Sicherheitsbügel vorn Kühlmitteltemperatur
engine off: gndSpotential
Motor läuft: 12V
Security bow rear Security bow rear collant temperature

Motor steht: Masse geschaltet
E A70 Modul Logik/Leistung Motoröldruck
A70 Modul, logic/power engine oil pressure
F05 30Laden

5 3:3
30 K 3:7
S 12V

F54 4

X3:1 15



X11:A F119






20A F14
50 5:4 5:5
1 3 25A 2:2 A115:5 A115:7
F00 1 30


80A 30 X9:12
2 2:8 30 K14




87 87a 2:9 2:7 A115:6 A115:8
2 2 1 5:4 5:6
+ X13:3 87 87a 87 87a X9:8
X10:9 X10:10
50 X9:7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
G01 X13:1 2 V01 1 AW HW
S 2
3 30 50 2:11 2:8 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2


M01 86 86 86 86

S30 R02



4 S 2 + Y46 K14 K39 K97 K11 V03

3x12A 10s
MS V04
X:Massepunkt 2:5 1 S 2:2 MS 85 85 85 85 X10:11 X10:12 X9:11
X11:B X13:4 31 3:1

2:5 2:3 2:4 2:6 Motorabschaltung Vibration klein Fahren rechts Bremse Fahren vorwärts Signalhorn
Batterie Starter Motordrehzahl engine shut off vibration low traveling rh. brake traveling forw. signal horn
battery starter engine rpm

Motorstart Umschaltung Pot 30/15 Vibration, groß 2. Gang Fahren links Fahren rückwärts
engine start switch pot.30/15 vibration, high 2nd speed range traveling lh traveling backw.
Glühen Motordrehzahl
glowing engine rpm

008 915 77
Wiring diagram 724 002 09

Nallin Stromlaufplan
25.09.08 2002 circuit diagram 002
2:20 15 15 5:1

2:7 CAN + CAN + 5:1

008 915 77
2:6 CAN E CAN E 5:1

2:6 BSL

2:10 RS 232 Rx

2:10 RS 232 Tx
30 K
2:3 RS 232 gnd

2 2:19 30S
Wiring diagram 724 002 09

S101 Antenne
W05 antenna
R1 Umschalter Kabel/Drahtlos
switch, cable / wireless 1 3


(3) (8)
CanE P18 Can+
Kabel Aktivierung Funk Aktivierung
2:8 2:7

nur ZA/NS Funk

only option radio
radio activation nicht belegt (IR)

F1 F2


E +
Kabelsteuerung W02 Empfänger Funk Diagnose (6) (7)
cable control receiver Radio diagnostics
oder / or in ( ) Belegung
ZA / option Rundanzeige

Spiral cable

2:20 31 31 5:1

monitoring module

Nallin Stromlaufplan 724 002 09


25.09.08 2002 circuit diagram 003
Vibration man/auto
Vibration man/auto
Motordrehzahl Vibr. klein/0/groß Signal Horn
engine rpm Vibr. auto/0/auto signal horn

Lenkhebel (li.) 2. Gang NOTNSTOP Fahrhebel v/r (r) Schlüsselschalter

steering lever 2nd speed range emergency off travel lever Key switch

Fernsteuerung , Kabel/Funk
Gelbes Gehäuse
R0V Remote Control, Cable/Radio
R0V R0V Yellow Body
a0a 0 1 S131
0 0 01

S55 S08 S42 S127 S01 S36 S75 S03

ignition on (K11)
Zündung ein (K11)
Engine start


Fernsteuerung , Kabel
grün/green: Datentransfer ok / Data transfer ok
Blaues Gehäuse H77
Remote Control, Cable LED gn + rd bei drahtlosem Betrieb / with wireless operation
Blue Body rot/red: Akku Warnung / battery warning

H78 Warnsummer radio
warning buzzer A69 Elektronik CANNBus
A69 elektronic CANNbus G05

N +


Can N
Can N
Can +
Can +


Akku laden
battery charging

Achtung: Laden des Akkus ist nur möglich
bei angestecktem Spiralkabel und

eingeschaltetem Batteriehaupschalter
Attention: charging of the battery is only possible
3:5 with connected spiral cable and
battery disconnect switch in position "on"
Spiral cable


008 915 77
Wiring diagram 724 002 09

Nallin Stromlaufplan 724 002 09

25.09.08 2002 circuit diagram 004
3:20 15
3:19 CAN +
3:19 CAN A

008 915 77



X115:1 3 4

1 3 4

antenna, front
antenna, back
Antenne hinten



Antenne vorne
9 11

Modul RFID A115 A92
10 2 12
Wiring diagram 724 002 09

A116 A117 Tastatur

5 6 7 8
at the moment zur Zeit in


zur Zeit in Entwicklung


under way Entwicklung
at the moment under way

Brücke/bridge Brücke/bridge

X115:5 6 X115:7 8

A115:5 A115:7

2:17 2:19

A115:6 A115:8 zur Zeit in

2:17 2:19

at the moment
under way

3:20 31

ZA Diebstahlschutz
option burglary protection

Nallin Stromlaufplan 724 002 09


2002 circuit diagram 005
Name Bl. Pf. Benennung
title TYP

13.2 A67
Elektronik CANJBus
Modul Logik/Leistung
Electronic CANJBus
Modul Logic/power
Wiring diagram 724 002 09
A92 005 15 GPS Receiver GPS receiver
A115 005 4 Modul Personenschutz RFID Modul, operator protection RFID
A116 005 1 RFID Antenne vorn RFID antenna front
A117 005 8 RFID Antenne hinten RFID antenna rear

B06 002 20 Druckschalter Motoroel Pressure switch, engine oil 12V 5W NC

B41 002 14 Naeherungsinitiator Sicherheitsbuegel hinten Proximity switch, security bow, back
B53 002 19 Temperaturgeber Kuehlmittel Temperature switch, collant NO
B56 002 18 Neigungsschalter Slope sensor
B189 002 16 Naeherungsinitiator Sicherheitsbuegel vorn Proximity switch , security bow, front
29. 9. 8

F00 002 1 Hauptsicherung Batterie Fuse, main, battery 80A

F05 002 1 Sicherung Steckdose Fuse, socket 10A
F14 002 4 Sicherung Hubmagnet Motor Fuse, shut off solenoid, engine 25A
F54 002 3 Sicherung Kabelsteuerung Fuse, cable control 5A
F67 002 12 Sicherung Steuerung (Potential 30) Fuse, controller (pot.30) 25A
F103 002 6 Sicherung Potential 15 fuse, potential 15 10A
F119 002 3 Sicherung Motor Fuse, motor 20A

G01 002 1 Batterie Battery 12V/61Ah

G01 002 2 Batterie Battery
G05 004 18 Akku Recharchable Battery NiJMH3,6V/1,2AhAkku

H07 002 20 Warnsummer Betriebsstoerung Warning buzzer, breakdown 4A

H77 004 6 Meldeleuchte Datentransfer/Akku leer Indicator light data transfer/battery low LED gn + rd
H78 004 6 Warnsummer Sender Warning buzzer transmitter

K11 002 10 Relais Klemme 30 auf 15 Relay, terminal 30 to 15 BOSCHW

K14 002 7 Relais Vorgluehen Relay, glow plug system BOSCHW
K39 002 8 Relais Anlasser Relay, starter BOSCHW
K97 002 9 Lastrelais load relay BOSCHW

M01 002 2 Starter Starter Aw45A/HW10A

P18 003 18 Diagnose Diagnostics

R02 002 5 Gluehkerze Glow plug 3x12A 10s

R09 002 4 Vorwiderstand Dropping resistor 82 Ohm

S01 004 6 Schalter NOT AUS Switch, emergency off

component listing

S03 004 11 Taster Signalhorn Push button, warning horn

S08 004 4 Vibrationsschalter man./autom. Switch, vibration, man./autom.

S30 002 1 Batterietrennschalter Switch, battery disconnect

S36 004 7 Vibrationsschalter Switch, vibration
S42 004 4 Stufenumschalter schnellJlangsam Speed range selector, fastJslow
S55 004 2 Schalter Fahrhebel Switch, travel control lever
S75 004 9 Schalter Fahrhebel Switch, travel control lever
S101 003 7 Schalter KabelJ/Fernsteuerung Switch cableJ/remote control
S127 004 5 Schalter Motordrehzahl Switch, engine rpm
S131 004 16 Schalter Start Switch, start
S181 004 15 Schalter Zündung switch ignition

V01 002 10 Diode Diode FE5B

V03 002 19 Diode Diode FE5B
V04 002 3 Diode Diode FE5B
V05 002 4 Diode Diode FE5B

W02 003 8 Empfaenger Funk Receiver Radio

W05 003 13 Antenne Antenna
W07 004 17 Fernsteuerung, Kabel/Funk Remote Control, Cable/Radio

X2:1 004 3 Spiralkabel Spiral cable

X2:2 004 2 Spiralkabel Spiral cable
X2:3 004 4 Spiralkabel Spiral cable
X2:4 004 1 Spiralkabel Spiral cable
X2:5 004 4 Spiralkabel Spiral cable
X2:6 004 6 Spiralkabel Spiral cable
X2:AJx 004 3 Spiralkabel Spiral cable
X3:1 002 6 Modul A70 Modul A70
X3:2 002 4 Modul A70 Modul A70
X3:3 002 20 Modul A70 Modul A70
X3:4 002 8 Modul A70 Modul A70
X3:5 002 19 Modul A70 Modul A70
X3:6 002 8 Modul A70 Modul A70
X3:7 002 10 Modul A70 Modul A70
X3:8 002 20 Modul A70 Modul A70
X3:9 002 9 Modul A70 Modul A70
X3:10 002 11 Modul A70 Modul A70
X3:11 002 14 Modul A70 Modul A70

X3:12 002 13 Modul A70 Modul A70

X3:13 002 12 Modul A70 Modul A70
X3:14 002 12 Modul A70 Modul A70
X3:15 002 6 Modul A70 Modul A70
X3:16 002 10 Modul A70 Modul A70

X3:17 002 10 Modul A70 Modul A70

X3:19 002 15 Modul A70 Modul A70
X3:20 002 9 Modul A70 Modul A70
X3:21 002 15 Modul A70 Modul A70
724 002 09

X3:22 002 17 Modul A70 Modul A70

X3:23 002 17 Modul A70 Modul A70
X3:24 002 19 Modul A70 Modul A70
X3:27 002 14 Modul A70 Modul A70
X3:28 002 12 Modul A70 Modul A70

X3:29 002 9 Modul A70 Modul A70

X3:30 002 6 Modul A70 Modul A70
270 X3:31 002 7 Modul A70 BOMAG
Modul A70 008 915 77
Name Bl. Pf. Benennung
title TYP

Wiring diagram 724 002 09
X3:34 002
Modul A70
Modul A70
Modul A70
Modul A70
Modul A70
Modul A70
X3:37 002 8 Modul A70 Modul A70
X3:38 002 7 Modul A70 Modul A70
X3:39 002 7 Modul A70 Modul A70
X3:40 002 16 Modul A70 Modul A70
X3:41 002 11 Modul A70 Modul A70
X3:42 002 12 Modul A70 Modul A70
X6:A 002 14 B41 B41
X6:B 002 14 B41 B41
X6:C 002 13 B41 B41
X7:A 002 16 B09 B09
X7:B 002 16 B09 B09
29. 9. 8

X7:C 002 15 B09 B09

X8:1 002 18 B56 B56
X8:2 002 18 B56 B56
X8:5 002 17 B56 B56
X8:6 002 17 B56 B56
X9:1 002 3 G01 G01
X9:2 002 20 Deutsch Deutsch
X9:3 002 8 Motorsignale engine signals
X9:4 002 19 Deutsch Deutsch
X9:5 002 11 Deutsch Deutsch
X9:6 002 2 Deutsch Deutsch
X9:7 002 4 Deutsch Deutsch
X9:8 002 20 Deutsch Deutsch
X9:9 002 5 Deutsch Deutsch
X9:10 002 16 Deutsch Deutsch
X9:11 002 1 Deutsch Deutsch
X9:11 002 15 Deutsch Deutsch
X9:11 002 20 Deutsch Deutsch
X9:12 002 11 Deutsch Deutsch
XS 002 1 Steckdose Socket
X10:1 002 14 Deutsch Deutsch
X10:2 002 13 Deutsch Deutsch
X10:3 002 12 Deutsch Deutsch
X10:4 002 15 Deutsch Deutsch
X10:5 002 15 Deutsch Deutsch
X10:6 002 16 Deutsch Deutsch
X10:7 002 14 Deutsch Deutsch
X10:8 002 14 Deutsch Deutsch
X10:9 002 17 Deutsch Deutsch
component listing

X10:10 002 19 Deutsch Deutsch

X10:11 002 12 Deutsch Deutsch

X10:11 002 13 Deutsch Deutsch

X10:12 002 16 Deutsch Deutsch
X11:A 002 1 MTA MTA
X11:B 002 1 MTA MTA
X12:2 002 1 G01 G01
X12:3 002 2 G01 G01
X13:1 002 5 Starten starting unit
X13:2 002 5 Starten starting unit
X13:3 002 2 Starten starting unit
X13:4 002 4 Deutsch Deutsch
X22:1 003 4 Spiralkabel Spiral cable
X22:1M6 003 4 Spiralkabel Spiral cable
X22:2 003 4 Spiralkabel Spiral cable
X22:3 003 5 Spiralkabel Spiral cable
X22:4 003 3 Spiralkabel Spiral cable
X22:5 003 5 Spiralkabel Spiral cable
X22:6 003 3 Spiralkabel Spiral cable
X22:7 003 1 Spiralkabel Spiral cable
X22:8 003 2 Spiralkabel Spiral cable
X23:3 003 11 Empfänger Receiver
X23:4 003 8 Empfänger Receiver
X23:5 003 12 Empfänger Receiver
X23:6 003 9 Empfänger Receiver
X23:8 003 8 Empfänger Receiver
X23:9 003 10 Empfänger Receiver
X23:10 003 11 Empfänger Receiver
X23:11 003 9 Empfänger Receiver
X23:12 003 10 Empfänger Receiver
X24:1 003 17 Diagnose diagnostics
X24:2 003 14 Diagnose diagnostics
X24:3 003 14 Diagnose diagnostics
X24:4 003 15 Diagnose diagnostics
X24:5 003 15 Diagnose diagnostics
X24:6 003 16 Diagnose diagnostics
X24:7 003 17 Diagnose diagnostics
X24:8 003 16 Diagnose diagnostics
X26:1 003 13 Antenne Antenna

X67:1 005 11 weiß white

X67:2 005 12 braun brown
X67:3 005 11 grün green
X67:4 005 12 gelb yellow
X114:1 005 2

X114:2 005 2
X114:3 005 7
X114:4 005 7
X115:1 005 4 Deutsch Deutsch
724 002 09

X115:3 005 5 Deutsch Deutsch

X115:4 005 5 Deutsch Deutsch
X115:5 005 4 Deutsch Deutsch
X115:6 005 4 Deutsch Deutsch
X115:7 005 5 Deutsch Deutsch

X115:8 005 6 Deutsch Deutsch

X115:9 005 3 Deutsch Deutsch
008 915 77
X115:10 005 3 Deutsch BOMAG
Deutsch 271
13.2 Name
X115:11 005
Bl. Pf.
Wiring diagram 724
TYP 002 09

X115:12 005 7 Deutsch Deutsch

X116:1 005 2
X116:2 005 2
X117:1 005 8
X117:2 005 8
X:Massepu 002 1 Schraube screw

Y03 002 14 Magnetventil Fahrstufenumschaltung Solenoid valve, speed range selector 2,9A
Y04 002 16 Magnetventil Bremse Solenoid valve, brake
Y13 002 11 Hubmagnet Motor Shut off solenoid, engine AW HW
Y16 002 17 Magnetventil Fahrtrichtung vorwaerts Solenoid valve, travel direction forw.
Y17 002 19 Magnetventil Fahrtrichtung rueckwaerts Solenoid valve, travel direction backw.
Y46 002 4 Magnetventil Regelstange Motor Solenoid valve, governor rod, engine m.60A 1s, 0.8A
29. 9. 8

Y56 002 13 Vibration klein Vibration low

Y57 002 12 Vibration gross Vibration high
Y237 002 15 Magnetventil Fahrtrichtung r Solenoid valve, travel direction rh
Y238 002 15 Magnetventil Fahrtrichtung li Solenoid valve, travel direction lh
component listing

272 BOMAG 008 915 77

008 915 77
S101 F119
123 F103 K11
X24 F05 K97
Wiring diagram 724 002 09



X67 S101

in Entwicklung
on the way A70


Nallin Zentralelektrik 724 002 09

Kneip E8Box 201

R02 R02 R02




008 915 77
Wiring diagram 724 002 09

Nallin Elektrik Motor, links 724 002 09

Rau electric, engine left side 202
Wiring diagram 724 002 09 13.2

724 002 09
electric, engine, front
Elektrik, Motor, vorn



008 915 77 BOMAG 275




008 915 77
Wiring diagram 724 002 09

Nallin Elektrik, Motor, rechte Seite 724 002 09

Rau electric, engine, right side 204
008 915 77
Wiring diagram 724 002 09


Nallin Elektrik, Hinterrahmen 724 002 09


Rau 2002 electric, rear frame 205
13.2 Wiring diagram 724 002 09

724 002 09
solenoid valve block



278 BOMAG 008 915 77

13.3 Wiring diagram 724 002 29

008 915 77 BOMAG 279
13.3 Wiring diagram 724 002 29

S/N Wiring diagram 724 00 229

S/N 101 720 111 010 œ 101 720 111 ... BMP 8500

280 BOMAG 008 915 77

008 915 77

Wiring diagram 724 002 29


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@A X/‚0/%‚U*‚"%"‚Q*0. W(‚0,%#.$*6&$&0Q*0‚#.$‚*S‚%$‚
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008 915 77
Wiring diagram 724 002 29

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008 915 77
3* /
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Wiring diagram 724 002 29

ƒ ƒC T

3* 3* 3*
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CRM &"…"!CM…"8 &"…"!,!‚>N€>„
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008 915 77
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008 915 77
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