LaxamanaLingad 02 Independent Study Guide 1 - ARG

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Names: February 20, 2021


1. With your partner, research the topics inside the table to add more information to what has
been discussed in this session. Only bulleted information is required. Use this template for
your output.
2. Include the reference(s) you used at the bottom of the table.
3. Upload your output in the 02 Independent Study Guide 1 – ARG Dropbox. The file name
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Province Tourist Destinations Festivals
Abra Casa Real Kawayan Festival
 The fort built by Spain, made of bricks  The Kawayan Festival is to showcase the arts,
still standing today. crafts and culture of the locals and
indigenous people. It is a way to preserve
 The upper part of the facade clearly and promote the wealth of the community.
shows a Spanish Coat of Arms, a symbol
that reminds people of the golden years
 There is also a showcase of the dance
of Bucay.
performance of a group of men. They used
bamboo sticks. An exhibition of taekwondo
 The fort was associated with the creation stunts was performed by international
of Abra in 1846 as a province separate champions.
from Ilocos with Bucay as its capital.
Dapil Festival
Boliney Hot Spring  It is a four-day festival wherein it takes place
 It is located at Bani, Boliney Abra. from the 20th to the 23rd of February each
 Improvements to the Bani hot spring
include the concreteness of the road  It aims to restore the essence of
from the road down to the hot spring "Panagdapil" as a convention of excellence
and towards the picnic table and that reflects the rich culture and traditions of
cottage overlooking the river. the People of Bangued.

Tugot ni Angalo Arya Abra Festival

 It’s located at Kabaruyan, San Quintin,  The cultural festival “Arya Abra” has become
Abra. a traditional annual festival aimed not only
for outsiders but also Abra natives.
 It is considered by the people of San
Quintin as their greatest tourist  It is a great week of exercise, not only to
attraction that tourists may not want to attract tourists but also to enlighten all
see due to the distance and the lack of Abreños to take a pride in their heritage and
knowledge of tourists about the Ilocano rich culture of their province.
mythology that exists in this Cordillera
province of Abra.

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Apayao Apayao River Apayao Day

 The Apayao River has been dubbed "one  They celebrate this to commemorate with joy
of the cleanest rivers in the country". the very important contributions of EKB that
made possible the separation of a province of
 It originates from a vast natural body Kalinga-Apayao.
located on the western side of the
Cordillera Mountain Range and travels  The celebration is in accordance with a
through the center of Apayao, passing Provincial Ordinance adopted in 2017 by the
through the towns of Calanasan, Sangguniang Panlalawigan ng Apayao.
Kabugao, Luna, Pudiol, Flora, and Coner
until it reaches coastal town of Abulug in Say-am-Talip-Tadoc Festival
Cagayan. At that point, the river meets  This festival celebrates in every 14th day of
the Pacific Ocean. February.

Lussok Crystal Cave  It is in celebration of the anniversary of the

 Lussok Cave metamorphosed in one of founding of the province and the greatest
Luna's beloved attractions. festival or celebration of Isnag A festival that
features and begins with Isnag's traditional
 Upon entering the cave, glimmering way of thanking the Unseen Supreme Being
limestone formations loom over the called "ALAWAGAN" performed and started
pitch black river. with rituals accompanied by pep songs, folk
chants and dances called "TALIP and TAD-
Bayugao Falls DO".
 The cool clean waterfall of Bayugao is a
refreshing tourist attraction, about 4 km
away from Poblacion.

 These natural pools provide clean, cool

mountain spring water for all to enjoy

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Province Tourist Destinations Festivals

Benguet Itogon Hot Springs Strawberry Festival
 The Association of Swimming Pool  It has won numerous tourism awards and
Owners and Livelihood of Itogon owned even achieved a Guinness World Record.
and operated these pools.
 The Strawberry Festival is an avenue for local
 It’s located in Barangay Poblacion in government and its partners to uplift the
Itogon municipality. community.

Mount Pulag  Former Mayor Hilarion Pawid founded the

 It is a 17.4 kilometer moderate first Strawberry Festival in 1981.
trafficking out and back trail located near
Kabayan, Benguet that offers the Adivay Festival
opportunity to see wildlife and is rated as  This festival is a celebration for the
poor. The trail is mainly used for hiking. province’s abundant blessings and gratitude
for a safer year from disasters and calamities,
 It is the third highest mountain in the and an occasion to pray for better years to
Philippines. come for Benguet and its people.

Kennon Road  Adivay Festival is an Ibaloi word which means

 It is the one of major access roads “Coming together and having fun”.
leading to the Benguet Province.
 It is an annual event in Agri-tourism
 It provides the shortest route from dedicated to the rediscovery of the creative
Rosario to Baguio City with a total length talent of the people of Benguet, their rich
of 33.7 km. history, culture, art, goods and industry.

Ifugao Philippine War Memorial Shrine Imbayah Festival

 The shrine is carefully protected and  Imbayah is a cultural festival celebrating the
cared for by the people of the province well-established conventions of the Ifugao
so that the spirit of fellowship, courage Indigenous tribes of Banaue, Philippines.
and tenacity will live on every visitor to
the area.  Imbayah praises the collection and merging of
 It is located at Linda, Kiangan. customs with gratitude to mollify the deep
 It is a tribute to Filipinos and Americans world for arranging a good harvest.
who gave their lives during World War II.
Tungoh and Hungduan Festival
Pula and Cambulo Native Village  It is a cultural festival celebrated annually
 It was a reasonably strenuous walk every third week of April, lasting about 3-4
through the jaw-dropping wonderful days.
rice-terraces view.
 They also offer homestays if you want  “Hungdu” means “a stopping place” for
to spend a truly immersive night or two travelers.
in the village.

Banaue Rice Terraces  This festival is held to promote the tourism

 Ifugao Rice Terraces reflects the perfect industry of Hungduan, Ifugao, along with
mix of physical, socio-cultural, economic, various tourist spots.
religious, and political environments. In
fact, it is a living cultural scene with  In this festival, you will experience the rich
unparalleled beauty. and unique traditions and cultural skills of
 Ifugao Rice Terraces represents an the people.
indefinite description of an ancient
civilization that overcame the various
challenges and obstacles posed by
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Province Tourist Destinations Festivals

Kalinga Mabilong Weavers Village Ullalim Festival
 standing next to the street, is the focus  It is a cultural festival that showcases the life
of the region’s unique ethnic weaving and culture of Kalinga through sports, art and
industry. indigenous food.
 The village of Mabilong in the town of  The Ullalim Festival is a celebration of the
Lubuagan is a weaving community of beauty and uniqueness of Kalinga's flawless
Kalinga that faithfully maintains the culture that has attracted a large number of
cultural expression of the display of tourists - foreign and domestic since its
traditional artwork as their noble source inception in 1995.
of income, livelihood, and work.
Unoy Festival
Buscalan Village  It usually celebrated on March 22-24 in
 This village has about 126 households commemoration of the bountiful harvest of
and a voting 668 population. red rice.
 Buscalan is a small village located in a  This festival shows the best of the Tinglayano
some kind of a laid back town of and describes their cultural identity and
Tinglayan. uniqueness as a Kalinga Tribe.
 Tourists often visit this village just to see  "UNOY" is a word that means the "BEST", best
and tattoo their bodies on the legendary products, best customs and traditions and
Apo Whang-Od. best practices.

Palan-ah Falls and Hot Springs Matagoan Festival

 It is one of the best attractions in  It is a cultural festival showcasing the different
Kalinga. cultures, traditions as well as the indigenous
 It’s located at Tulgao, West Tinglayan. and modern products of the various
 It is a unique attraction, because they indigenous communities of Tabuk City.
are close together. You can enjoy the  It is celebrated in commemoration of the
cold water in the waterfalls and relax establishment of the City anniversary in June
together in the hot springs. at Dagupan Centro, Tabuk City.

Bontoc Village Museum Lang-ay Festival

Mountain  The Bontoc Village Museum (Bontoc) is  Lang-ay Festival features food festivals where
Province located within the Catholic Sister's everyone can share local food for free.
Convent and Saint Vincent's Elementary  "Lang-ay" which means sharing with the
School. people was developed as a celebration in 2005
 Inside the museum, one you can to promote the province as an eco-tourism
appreciate the unique richness of Igorot destination.
life.  It celebrates the culture of sharing.
 In 2018 Lang-ay Festival also offers an avenue
Hanging Coffins for the people of Mountain Province to
 Sagada Hanging Coffins is definitely one benefit from government projects that include
of the most popular tourist destinations training programs, scholars, and livelihoods of
in Mountain Province. the Technical Education and Skills
 The elders carved their own coffins from Development Authority.
the hollow logs.
Begnas Festival
Kiltepan Viewpoint  It is a thanksgiving festival of the Maeng
 It is a popular tourist destination in Tribe.
Sagada where travelers will have the  In this festival Tubo’s people were enjoy, rest
opportunity to experience a good from work and thank Apo Kabunian for a
morning in the municipality. prosperous year.
 This attraction became famous because
of the hit Filipino movie “That Thing
Called Tadhana”.

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