August 13-17

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Daily Lesson Log Teaching Dates and August 13-17, 2018 Quarter 1st Quarter


I. OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson, the learners At the end of the lesson, the learners must be able to: At the end of the lesson, the learners
must be able to: must be able to:
• Create a visual-based presentation (infographics) using design principles and
• Identify the different types of visual elements. • Identify the different types of audio
content. • Evaluate the visual-based presentation (infographics) through design principles and content.
• Describe the purposes of visual media elements. • Describe the purposes of audio media
and information. and information.
• Analyze the design principles and • Analyze the design principles and
elements used in a given visual media. elements used in a given audio media.
• Critique the effectiveness of visual • Critique the effectiveness of particular
information. audio information.

A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate a familiarity The learners demonstrate an understanding of the different sources of media and The learners demonstrate an
with visual media and gains information, their design principles and elements, and their selection criteria. understanding of audio media and
comprehensive knowledge on how to information, and gain comprehensive
effectively evaluate them. knowledge on how to effectively evaluate

B. Performance Standards The learners shall produce a visual- The learners produce a visual-based presentation anchored in design principles and The learners shall be able to produce an
based presentation anchored on design elements. audio-based presentation anchored on
principles and elements design principles and elements

C. Learning Competencies/ • Describe the different dimensions of • Comprehend how visual information and media are formally and informally • Describe the different dimensions of
Objectives visual information and media produced, organized, and disseminated. audio information and media.
MIL-11/12VIM-IVc-7 MIL11/12VIM-IVc-8 MIL-11/12AIM-IVd-11
• Comprehend how visual information • Produce and evaluates a creative visual-based presentation using design principles • Discuss how audio information and
and media is/are formally and informally and elements. media is/are formally and informally
produced, organized and disseminated. MIL11/12VIM-IVc-10 produced, organized, and disseminated.
MIL11/12-VIM-IVc-8 MIL11/12-AIM-IVd-12
• Evaluate the reliability and validity of
• Evaluate the reliability and validity of audio information and media and their
visual information and media and its/ sources using selection criteria.
their sources using selection criteria. MIL11/12-AIM-IVd-13
MIL11/12-VIM-IVc-9 • Produce and evaluate a creative audio-
• Produce and evaluates a creative based presentation using design
visual-based presentation using design principles and elements. MIL11/12-AIM-
principles and elements. IVd-14

II. CONTENT Lesson 13: Visual Media and Information Lesson 13: Visual Media and Information Lesson 14: Audio Media and Information

A. The Power of Visual Content A. The Power of Visual Content A. Audio Information (definition, types,
B. Visual Media and Information B. Visual Media and Information (definition, types, purpose, production, others) category, storage, formats, others)
(definition, types, purpose, production, C. Visual Design Elements B. Hearing VS Listening
others) D. Visual Design Principles C. Sound Characteristics and Purposes
C. Visual Design Elements E. Visual-based Presentation (analysis, design, development and evaluation) D. Elements and Principles of Sound
D. Visual Design Principles Design
E. Visual-based Presentation (analysis, E. Audio-based Presentation (analysis,
design, development and evaluation) design, development and evaluation)

III. LEARNING RESOURCES computer with presentation software and computers with Internet connection, references and resources, printed activity sheet various examples of audio media,
projector, different example son visual projector and computer with presentation
media and information, pictures, printed software, magazine cutouts with visual
log activity information, audio player— computer,
mobile phone, other sound recorder

A. References
1. Teachers Guide Media and Information Literacy Media and Information Literacy Media and Information Literacy
Visual Information and Media Visual Information and Media Audio Information and Media
(Lecture) – Page 121 – 126 (Laboratory) – Page 127 – 130 (Lecture) – Page 131 – 134

2. Learners Guide Pages

3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources Composition and the Elements of Visual Robins, W. (2008). The Non-Designer’s Design Book: Design and Typographic Heinich, R., Molenda, M., Russel, J. &
Design. Retrieved from http:// Principles for the Visual Novice. Peachpit Press. Smaldino, S. (1999). Instructional Media and Technologies for Learning, 6th ed.
Composition_and_the_Elements_of_Vis NJ: Prentice Hall, Inc.
ual_Design.htm Wilson, Carolyn; Grizzle, Anton; Tuazon,
Marvin Bartel. Retrieved from Ramon; Akyempong; Kwane; Cheung, Chi-Kim (2011). Media and Information
elements2.htm Literacy: Curriculum for Teachers.
Some Ideas about Composition and UNESCO Press ISBN 978-92-3-104198-
Design Elements, Principles and Visual 3 (EN); 978-959-18-07; 978-959-18-
Effects. Retrieved from 0787-8 (ES)
The Power of Visual Content
[Infographic]. Retreived from http://

A. Reviewing previous lesson or
presenting the new lesson
B. Establishing a purpose for the
new lesson
C. Presenting examples instances
of the lesson

D. Discussing new concepts and

practicing new skills#1
E. Discussing new concepts and
practicing new skills#2
F. Developing mastery
(Lead to formative
G. Finding practical application of
concepts and skills in daily
H. Making generalization and
abstraction about the lesson
I. Evaluating Learning
J. Additional activities for
application or remediation

VI. REFLECTION Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students’ progress this week. What works? What else needs to be done to help the students
learn? Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant questions.
A. No of learners who earned in ____ out of ____ students earned 80% ____ out of ____ students earned 80% on formative assessment ____ out of ____ students earned 80%
the evaluation on formative assessment on formative assessment
B. No. of learners who require ____ learners need activities for ____ learners need activities for remediation ____ learners need activities for
additional activities for remediation remediation
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lesson works? ____ learners have caught up after the ____ learners have caught up after the remedial ____ learners have caught up after the
No of learners who have remedial remedial
caught up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue
require remediation
E. Which teaching strategies I related the topic/ concept with I related the topic/ concept with student’s personal experiences I related the topic/ concept with student’s
worked well? Why this these student’s personal experiences personal experiences
F. What difficulties did I encounter Dealing with absenteeism of slow Dealing with absenteeism of slow learners which affects the time for their remedial Dealing with absenteeism of slow
which my principal or learners which affects the time for their learners which affects the time for their
supervisor can help me solve? remedial remedial
G. What innovation or localized Relating concepts with student’s Relating concepts with student’s experiences Relating concepts with student’s
materials dis I use/discover experiences experiences
which I wish to share with other

Submitted to:

Principal I

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