Report To The Court Clerk of The Special Prosecuting Attorney

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Filed: 1/13/2023 9:47 AM

St. Joseph Superior Court 8

St. Joseph County, Indiana


) SS:

COUNTY OF ST. JOSEPH ) CAUSE NO. 71D08-2211-MC-002989

In Re: The Matter of A )

Criminal Investigation )

into Election Matters )



The St. Joseph County Prosecuting Attorney Kenneth Cotter filed a Petition for

Appointment of a Special Prosecuting Attorney concerning a criminal investigation into election

matters on November 1, 2022 “…to avoid the appearance of impropriety or appearance of

conflict of interest…” Judge Elizabeth Hurley of the St. Joseph Circuit Court granted the

petition by the Court’s Order Appointing Special Prosecutor of November 14, 2022. The Court

subsequently appointed Senior Prosecuting Attorney Christopher Gaal as special prosecutor in

this matter by the Court’s Amended Order Appointing Special Prosecutor of December 14,

2022. The special prosecutor filed his Acceptance, Affidavit for Designation as a Senior

Prosecutor, and Appearance on December 15, 2022.

Report To The Court Is A Public Record

The Petition for Appointment of Special Prosecutor specifically referred an investigation

by the Indiana State Police “…involving the sitting St. Joseph County Clerk, Rita Glenn”

Indiana Code 33-39-10-2(f) requires:

If the target of an investigation by the special prosecutor is a public servant (as defined
in IC 35-32.5-2-261), the court shall order the special prosecutor to file a report of the
investigation with the court at the conclusion of the investigation. A report filed under
this subsection is a public record under IC 5-14-3.

Under IC 35-31.5-2-261 a “public servant” means a person who:

(1) is authorized to perform an official function on behalf of, and is paid by, a
governmental entity

Based on the independent investigation conducted by the Indiana State Police (ISP),

the special prosecutor has determined that the target of this investigation was the St. Joseph

County Clerk, and as such was authorized to perform an o cial function on behalf of, and paid

by, a governmental entity. Therefore, the individual was a “public servant” within the meaning

of IC 35-31.5-2-261(1). The special prosecutor has thus prepared this Report To The Court Of

The Special Prosecuting Attorney as required by IC 33-39-10-2(f) to be led as a public record.

The special prosecutor has included su cient detail in this report to generally inform the public

as to the nature of the allegations and the results of the investigation.

Initiation of the Investigation

The special prosecutor contacted Brooks Johnson, District Investigative Commander,

Indiana State Police (ISP) Bremen Post, to request information concerning this investigation.

District Commander Johnson indicated that the ISP investigation was assigned to Senior

Trooper Detective P. O’Keefe. District Commander Johnson provided the ISP case reports, and

a link to digital evidence consisting of video and audio recordings of witness interviews,

photographs, videos, and documents. The special prosecutor conducted an initial review of all

available reports and evidence, and then met with Detective O’Keefe for further review of the

evidence to ensure that the investigation was complete.

The special prosecutor hereby reports to the Court that the investigation into this matter

is now complete, and the results of said investigation have been reviewed by the special

prosecutor. The information that follows in the “Preliminary Facts” section of this report is

intended as a general summary of the evidence, and not as a complete record.

Preliminary Facts

Detective O’Keefe received a copy of a complaint that originated from a private citizen

that was sent to the O ce of the Indiana Secretary of State regarding the possible violation of

Indiana election laws by o cials in St. Joseph County, Indiana. The complaint concerned

election o cials possessing and using multiple keys to access a secure absentee ballot

storage area during the Primary Election of 2022 in St. Joseph County. The matter was referred

by the Indiana Secretary of State’s o ce to the Indiana State Police for an investigation of any

potential violations of criminal law.

Detective O’Keefe conducted several interviews with witnesses who had knowledge of

events during the 2022 Primary Election in St. Joseph County, including but not limited to the

following individuals:

Rita Glenn, County Clerk.

Benjamin Horvath, Election Board

Penny Stratton, Election Clerk

Kimberly Riskovitch, Voter Registration

Helen Jojo, Clerk’s O ce employee

Brian Davidson, Building Engineer

Rita Glenn interview

St. Joseph County Clerk Rita Glenn met with Detective O’Keefe and provided a lengthy

voluntary interview statement along with a physical tour of the Clerk’s o ce that included the

room that was used for absentee ballot storage during the 2022 primary election, and other

rooms that were previously used for such storage in prior elections.

Detective O’Keefe observed that the storage room used for the 2022 primary was

secured by a wooden door with with a “Best Brand” lock on the door handle, and also a “Yale”

metal deadbolt-style lock. A second entrance to the room had an accordion door blocked on

both sides by metal shelving.

Glenn stated that she was aware state law required two locks for an absentee ballot

storage area, and that the room was typically secured by a second lock at the time the rst

absentee ballots were placed inside the room. The room was then double-locked during non-

business hours for the duration of the absentee voting period. The room was not double-

locked in such manner year-round. During the absentee-voting period, each lock would

typically be unlocked at the beginning of the business day by the election board member from

each party (Republican/Democrat), or their designee. The door would then be accessed during

the day by Clerk’s o ce employees who were working on processing absentee ballots. At the

end of the work day both locks would again be secured by each party’s key-holder, or their


Glenn stated that at an election board meeting on March 25, 2022, members of the

board were informed that the business hours for the Clerk’s o ce during the absentee voting

period would be from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm every day. The Republican board member was

Benjamin Horvath, and the Democrat member was Catherine Fanello. Glenn stated that both

Horvath and Fanello were present at the March 25 board meeting. According to Glenn the

board discussed that if the party board member were not able to be present to unlock and/or

lock their party’s lock, then it was their responsibility to designate someone else to do so.

Fanello designated her key to Glenn.

Glenn stated that on the day the Republican lock was installed she was given two keys.

Glenn provided one key to Horvath, and the other key to Election Clerk Penny Stratton to hold

onto as a spare key. Glenn stated that Stratton was in possession of spare keys for both party

locks throughout the 2022 primary absentee voting period.

Glenn stated that County Building Engineer Brian Davidson also had keys to both locks.

Glenn believed Davidson maintained keys in case he may have needed access for the

maintenance of computer server stacks and utilities that were also located in the room. She

had not spoken to Davidson about a speci c procedure if such maintenance access were

required while the room was being used to store absentee ballots, but that situation did not

arise during the primary.

Glenn described an issue that arose on Monday May 2, 2022, the day before the

primary election, when Horvath did not show up to unlock the Republican lock. Glenn made

several attempts to contact Horvath by text message, email, and phone. Initially, she did not

receive any response. Glenn also sent messages to other members of the Republican Party to

request information about Horvath’s status, and to ask for their direction to enter the room.

Glenn stated that due to her knowledge of the statutory requirements, she sought a Republican

who might open the lock using the spare key. Glenn then had a conversation with an employee

of the Clerk’s o ce, Helen Jojo, who identi ed herself to Glenn as a Republican and o ered to

unlock the door using the spare key. Unable to reach Horvath, and having not received a

response from other Republicans whom she had attempted to contact, Glenn decided to

accept Jojo’s o er. However, Glenn did not take any action to verify Jojo’s party status. Glenn

obtained the spare “Republican” key from Stratton, and then Glenn and Jojo went together to

unlock the door.

Glenn provided Detective O’Keefe printed copies of emails sent out on the morning of

May 2, 2022. These records show that at 8:40 am Glenn sent an email to Horvath and others

with a “High” priority label stating: “Hey Ben, we need to get into the locked ballot room so that

we can get our work going!!” No reply was shown. A second email that included Republican

party chair Zachary Potts and Kimberly Riskovitch was sent at 9:10 am with “High” priority

stating: “Good morning. If anyone can please assist in reaching Ben, I would be most

appreciative. Hoping everything is ok with him, but the ballots are still locked in the room and

we need to get moving on them. Thanks, Rita.” At 9:30 am Glenn sent another email to several

people including Potts and Riskovitch stating: “After numerous attempts to contact Ben, I

called for a master key and had a Republican from my o ce assist to open the door so that we

may do our job. It’s all on tape if needed. Thanks, rg.”

Glenn also provided Det. O’Keefe copies of texts that included the following messages.

At 8:47 am Glenn sent a text to Horvath stating “HELP!!! need the door opened..have to get

busy.” At 9:49 Glenn received a reply text from Horvath stating “texting with Kim, @ a job

interview but she can come pick up key & have a break at 10:15 …..sorry did not know it was

urgent.” At 9:59 Glenn sent Horvath a text stating “No worries now, got the master key and had

a republican clerk open it with me…have all the ballots from the weekend to check & get in

order for Central Count.” Horvath replied at 10:19, “Ok, I apologize! Sorry. I would have come

before but didn’t know.”

Glenn stated that the Election Board then met on the afternoon May 2, 2022. The use of

a spare key was not discussed at that time. At the end of the meeting Glenn observed Horvath

attempt to secure his lock on the door to the absentee ballot storage area. Glenn informed him

that clerks were still processing ballots and work for that day was not yet complete. Glenn

agreed to notify Horvath when they were done so he could come back later and lock the door.

Glenn recalled that work on processing absentee ballots that evening was completed at around

5:45 pm. Glenn then sent Horvath a text to notify him that the room was ready to be locked.

On the morning of May 3, 2022 (Election Day), Glenn and Horvath met to unlock the

door. Glenn unlocked the “Democrat” lock rst and was then able to open the door without

Horvath unlocking the “Republican” lock. Glenn stated she asked Horvath if he had locked his

door the previous night, and Horvath informed her he had tried to gain entry to the building at

around 7:00 pm the night before, but was unable to access the building and secure his lock.

Glenn stated that she was aware of a meeting that occurred in the building on the previous

night, and believed the building was occupied by county sta the entire night. Thus, she

believed Horvath should have been able to gain access inside the building.

Glenn also described how she subsequently contacted the Clerk’s association for

additional guidance on how multiple keys to secure absentee ballot storage areas are managed

by various Indiana counties. Glenn received several email responses, and provided those to

Detective O’Keefe. These emails from the other counties polled suggested that there was not a

uniform policy regarding the management of spare keys for absentee ballot storage areas. In

six of the counties polled the Clerk maintained duplicate keys to both Republican and

Democrat locks. One county advised that all keys were maintained in the Clerk’s o ce and that

election board members were not permitted to take them home at all.

Benjamin Horvath Interview

Detective O’Keefe interviewed Republican Election Board member Benjamin Horvath.

The 2022 primary election was the rst during which Horvath had served as an Election Board

member. Horvath recalled the meeting on March 25, 2022 prior to the primary during which the

board discussed that they were not in compliance with state law requiring two locks on the

new room for absentee ballot storage. According to Horvath, there was also some discussion

of di erent rooms used in past elections. The meeting determined that Glenn would lead

e orts to have another lock placed on the door to be in compliance. He also recalled that the

Clerk’s o ce would require the possessor of the key to the party lock to appear every morning

to unlock, and evening to lock, the ballot storage area during the absentee voting period, and

that the o ce generally conducted business from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm. Horvath stated Fanello

verbally designating the Democrat key to Glenn during the meeting, and that he stated his

intention to retain the Republican key. Horvath was later noti ed that his key was available to

pick up, and he received a key from Glenn at the Clerk’s o ce. Horvath recalled Glenn

showed him the absentee ballot storage area, demonstrated the use of the lock, showed him

the location of the video camera in the hallway, and may also have mentioned who had

installed the lock. At the time he picked up the key he was not aware of the existence of any

duplicate keys.

Horvath stated that he executed his duties during April by coming to unlock the door on

his way to work between 7:00-7:30 am. He would then return after work at approximately 5:30

pm to lock the door. This was a part of his routine for the twenty-eight day absentee voting

period prior to primary election day. He did not recall being late to open the door on any day

other than the day before primary election day on May 2, 2022.

Horvath stated he had a four-hour job interview on May 2, 2022 from 8:00 am to noon.

He did not notify Glenn, or anyone else involved with the Election Board, about the interview

appointment despite regular contact with them during the absentee voting period. His last

contact with Glenn was on the previous Friday. He stated that he was focused on the job

interview due to its importance, and that he had received no feedback about the opening and

closing of the door and did not see that duty as urgent. He stated that he did not initially

understand the reason for the urgent need to enter the room that morning, but that such

urgency then became apparent when he began receiving communications about the door

being closed. He recalled the rst such contact at around 9:00 am, and that he then received

calls and texts from several individuals. Horvath returned a text message to Kimberly

Riskovitch to arrange to have her come and get the key. He chose Riskovitch to pick up the

key because he was familiar with her from Election Board meetings. He remembered being

initially relieved when he heard that Glenn had another key and was able to open the door

without his assistance. He later became concerned about election security after learning of the

presence of another key, and later raised the issue at an Election Board meeting. He stated

that he was not certain if anything “nefarious" had occurred during the election, but would

guess that nothing “nefarious” had happened. At the time of his interview with Detective

O’Keefe, Horvath believed that in addition to his key, Stratton and Davidson also had copies of

the Republican key.

On September 16, 2022 Horvath provided ISP with digital les of video footage from a

security camera in the Clerk’s o ce that he had obtained from a request to the O ce of the St.

Joseph County Attorney. ISP copied the digital les and included them as evidence in the


Penny Stratton interview

Detective O’Keefe interviewed Penny Stratton, the St. Joseph County Election Clerk

during the 2022 primary. Stratton stated that she suggested to Glenn that the absentee ballot

storage room be moved because the old “supply room” storage area was managed by a

Clerk’s o ce employee who was also on the ballot. She and Glenn together selected a new

room, and then Glenn arranged to have the split door replaced with a more secure solid door.

After the new door was installed Glenn received two keys and gave one to Stratton. Stratton

referred to this key as the “Democrat key.” A couple of weeks later, a contractor installed a

deadbolt lock on the door. Stratton recalled that St. Joseph County Building Engineer

Davidson gave Glenn two keys to this lock. Glenn gave one key to Horvath, and gave the

second key to Stratton for storage. Stratton referred to this key as the “Republican” key.

Stratton placed both the Republican and Democrat keys on a ring and stored them.

Stratton described that during the absentee voting period clerks would access the room

throughout the day using Glenn’s key to unlock the door handle. Stratton did not use the spare

keys she kept for storage. By the time Stratton arrived at the Clerk’s o ce each day, the

Republican deadbolt lock would already be unlocked. During the 2022 primary absentee voting

period she only remembered seeing Horvath on one occasion at approximately 7:55 am. 

The deadbolt would then remain unlocked throughout the day. At the end of the day the door

would be locked by the door handle lock, and the deadbolt would remain unlocked until

Horvath returned to lock it.

On the day prior to the primary election, Stratton stated there was an elevated sense of

urgency to access the absentee ballot storage area. She described a backlog of incoming

ballots from the nal weekend of absentee voting that had to be processed. These absentee

ballots needed to be sorted by precinct and placed with envelopes for “Central Count.”

Processing this backlog on the day before election day typically required workers to stay

longer than normal. Stratton recalled that when she attempted to access the absentee ballot

storage area that morning she was unable to do so. She then informed Glenn that the room

was still locked and that clerks needed urgent access. Stratton did not participate in

conversations about the locked door, or attempt to communicate with Horvath or anyone else.

She stated that there had been a recent death in her family and that most of her conversations

that day were personal in nature. Stratton left early that day due to her personal needs.

Stratton recalled that Glenn and Jojo came to her desk to retrieve the spare keys, however she

did not accompany them to the door.

Stratton also explained that there were multiple reports to account for ballots that had

been received by absentee voting before being given to the Clerk’s o ce for processing. She

explained that the voting machines produce a spool of paper that produce ballots and reports

from the machine. Stratton also stated that she no longer maintains spare keys to the

absentee ballot storage area.

Kimberly Riskovitch interview

Detective O’Keefe also interviewed Kimberly Riskovitch who worked in voter

registration during the 2022 primary election. Riskovitch’s duties included attendance at all

meetings of the St. Joseph County Election Board, though she was not a voting member.

Riskovitch stated that approximately ve years ago, the then chair of the Republican party

Murray Winn had given her a key and advised her that if she ever needed to use it he would tell

her what it was for. Recently Winn informed her that the key was for the Republican lock on the

old absentee ballot storage room. She was never asked to use the key. (Detective O’Keefe

con rmed that Winn had given Riskovitch a spare key in a separate interview with Winn.)

Riskovitch attended the Election Board meeting where Glenn, Horvath, and Fanello

discussed general expectations for the absentee voting period. She recalled a conversation

regarding Horvath’s responsibility to open the door and the discussion of daily times to meet.

On the day prior to the 2022 primary, Riskovitch received a call from a “panicked”

Glenn who informed her that Horvath had not opened the Republican lock to the absentee

ballot storage area and that she could not get a hold of him. Riskovitch then made several

attempts to contact Horvath. Later that morning she received a text from Horvath that he was

at a job interview and would come afterwards to unlock the storage area. She pressed the

importance of opening the door and arranged to meet him to obtain the key as a representative

for the Republicans. Riskovitch informed Glenn that she had arranged to get the key.

Riskovitch then learned from Glenn that she did not need to do so because Glenn had a

“master key” that she had already used to open the door “to get her job done.” Riskovitch

asked Glenn who had opened the door, and was informed that Helen Jojo had done so as a

Republican. Riskovitch stated that she was surprised since she was not aware that Jojo was a

Republican. Riskovitch did know other Republicans who worked in the Clerk’s o ce whom she

believed could have been used to open the door. Riskovitch looked up Jojo’s voting history in

voter registration records, discovered that Jojo had previously voted in Democrat primaries,

and shared that information with others.

Riskovitch described the day before the election as “a crazy madhouse.” She stated

that she had known Glenn for a long time, and was able to identify that Glenn was in an

elevated emotional state when she called that morning about the locked door. She further

described Glenn as a person of integrity, and stated that she did not think Glenn would open

the ballot storage door with a malicious intent.

Riskovitch described how the absentee ballot processing system would be very di cult

to manipulate because every absentee ballot that is sent out to voters is documented. When

the ballot is returned, it is scanned and identi ed as being returned in a state computer system.

The ballot is placed in an envelope marked by name and precinct. The envelope does not

identify political party in any way. The envelope is then sent to the Clerk’s o ce where it is

sorted and placed into the storage area. To remove a ballot, a person would have to have

known the voter intimately enough to know how they had voted. A missing ballot would also

have to be removed from the state system. On the day of the election, a report is generated for

Central Count identifying the ballots returned by voter name. Central Count compares local

and state reports of ballots returned. Any missing ballots would be identi ed and searched for

by Central Count.

Helen Jojo interview

Detective O’Keefe interviewed Helen Jojo regarding her involvement. Jojo recalled that

on the day before the election Glenn came into the o ce and stated that “Ben” had not

unlocked the absentee ballot storage area door. This was the rst time Jojo learned that the

door required two keys. Jojo stated that she never saw Horvath until the day after the election.

Jojo advised Glenn that she would help to open the door if needed since she was a

Republican. Glenn did not accept her o er at rst. Glenn later returned and advised her that

Ben had still not come to unlock the door. Jojo again volunteered to open the door as a

Republican. Glenn provided Jojo with a key to the Republican lock, and they both went to the

absentee ballot storage area to unlock the door. At rst Jojo was unable to open the door with

the key provided, but was eventually able to do so after a few minutes of trying.

Jojo stated that she identi ed as a Republican because she “likes Trump.” In response

to questioning, Jojo stated that she believed she had previously registered as a Republican,

generally voted for people and rather than for a party, and admitted a mixed voting history that

included voting in both Democrat and Republican primaries. Jojo stated that she did not think

it was a big deal for her to open the Republican lock.

Jojo stated that in her work in the Clerk’s o ce the door to the absentee ballot storage

room was normally locked during the day and she would gain access by Glenn unlocking the

door handle. The door to the room was then propped open while she worked in the storage

area, and then upon leaving the room she would lock the door using the lock on the inside of

the door handle. During the 2022 primary election, Jojo’s duties included sorting absentee

ballots in the absentee ballot storage room. Prior to the 2022 primary she had not previously

been involved with elections.

Brian Davidson interview

Detective O’Keefe interviewed Brian Davidson, Building Engineer for St. Joseph County.

Davidson was responsible for overseeing daily operations in all of the County’s buildings,

including the maintenance of facilities and the routine movement of supplies. As such, he had

access to all rooms in the building where the Clerk’s o ce was located, including the absentee

ballot storage room. He did not have access to a vault in the Clerk’s o ce. He described a

recent situation in which a leaking pipe had caused thousands of dollars in damage because

he was restricted from accessing that area until a Clerk’s o ce representative opened the vault

so that he could gain access.

Davidson recalled that sometime in early February of 2022 Glenn contacted him to

assist in selecting a new room for absentee ballot storage because the “supply closet” room

that had previously been used was located close to the desk of a worker in the Clerk’s o ce

who was on the 2022 primary ballot, and who also managed and distributed the supplies from

the room for the o ce. Glenn selected a new storage room that would not be readily accessed

by a candidate on the ballot. The new room was largely unused, but also housed computer

server racks and an air conditioner. Davidson stated that the condensing unit on the air

conditioner was capable of failure that may have required his immediate response for repair to

prevent potential water damage and/or to prevent computer servers from overheating. At the

time of the move, the main entrance to the room was a door that was cut in half allowing the

top and bottom to be opened independently - which was a possible security concern.

Davidson secured bids and selected a contractor to replace the split door. On February 28,

2022 the split door was replaced by a solid wood door. At that time, the contractor installed a

door handle, and then Davidson installed a “Best Lock” system similar to the locking system

used throughout St. Joseph County buildings. Davidson believed this system would best serve

the security of the door since it made duplicating keys more di cult. Davidson was the only

person in the county able to purchase additional keys for “Best Locks.” At the time Davidson

installed the lock, he provided two keys to the Clerk’s o ce. He did not keep a third key for

himself because he was in possession of a “grandmaster” key capable of unlocking any Best

Lock in the county. According to Davidson, this grandmaster key was accessible to himself,

his maintenance sta , security o cers, and technical assistance personnel. He could not

identify a speci c number of individuals with such access.

After the door to the new absentee ballot storage room was installed, Davidson

understood that a second lock was needed for the Republican party. Approximately two weeks

later the contractor procured and installed a “Yale” brand deadbolt style lock and provided

three keys to Davidson. A di erent brand of lock was required in order to meet the timeline for

absentee voting. Normally the lock would come with two keys, but Davidson requested a third

key so that he could retain access to the room for the purpose of emergency maintenance and

repairs while still providing two keys to the Clerk’s o ce. He also believed his key could

provide access in case someone was unavailable to open the door in a time of need. Davidson

was aware that the room was to be secure, so he kept his copy of the “Yale” lock key at his

residence. Davidson was not aware of any requirement that duplicate copies of the keys were

not permitted. Davidson stated that he had not entered the room from the time that it was

initially secured with two locks through the date of the primary election. He also stated that in

the event he would have had to enter the room during that period of time to check the air

conditioner, he would have been in touch with both political parties before entering. At the

time of the interview Davidson was still in possession of keys for both party locks to the

absentee ballot storage room.

Other evidence

Detective O’Keefe reviewed Election Board minutes. Minutes from March 25, 2022

con rmed that the board discussed the requirement of using two locks, and that further

discussion was suggested after researching the law requiring two locks. Minutes re ect that

Fanello designated her key to Glenn, and Horvath designated his key to himself. The minutes

also mentioned that the second lock was to be installed on the next Wednesday following the

meeting. The board met on May 2, 2022 but the minutes did not re ect further discussion of

the issue. There was no additional discussion regarding the security of absentee ballot storage

until May 3, 2022 following the incident involving the use of a spare key. The issue was

discussed again at the election board meeting on May 13, 2022. Det. O’Keefe also obtained a

copy of the St. Joseph County ballot procedures.

The absentee ballot storage room used for the 2022 primary was subject to outside

video monitoring. The previous “supply room” ballot storage area was not subject to such

video monitoring.

Detective O’Keefe reviewed the video provided by Horvath and created a timeline

summary of signi cant events that he was able to observe. These events included Glenn

checking the locked door to the absentee storage room on the morning of May 2, 2022 at

video timestamps of 7:42 am, 8:15 am, 8:20 am, and then eventually returning with Jojo at 9:31

am and unlocking the door at 9:33 am. The room is then accessed several times during the day

by Clerk’s o ce employees transporting boxes lled with yellow envelopes on a wheeled cart,

carrying boxes, and carrying rolls of white paper. At 4:00 pm Horvath is seen entering the

Clerk’s o ce and departing at 4:37 pm. After Horvath departs, Clerk’s o ce employees

continue to access the absentee ballot storage room.

At 4:52 pm Glenn exits the Clerk’s o ce with a white plastic bag, walks down the

hallway, and enters the absentee ballot storage room. Glenn exits the room fourteen seconds

later still carrying the bag. After exiting, Glenn checks the door handle and then opens a blue

trash bin located outside the door. She removes what appear to be white rolled papers from

the bag, and checks each item as she places them into the blue bin. This process takes about

one and a half minutes. Glenn then carries the white plastic bag to a trash pile outside the

Clerk’s o ce door and places it with its remaining contents in the pile before returning to the

Clerk’s o ce.

Clerk’s o ce employees continue to access the absentee ballot room transporting carts

with storage bins containing yellow envelopes. At 5:26 pm Glenn and Horvath appear to have a

brief conversation outside the absentee ballot storage room before entering the Clerk’s o ce.

Employees from the Clerk’s o ce continue to enter and exit the absentee ballot storage room

transporting several storage bins. At 5:50 pm Glenn can be seen locking the door to the

absentee ballot storage room as Clerk’s o ce employees appear to leave for the day. Glenn

checks the door again at 5:51 pm, and it appears to be locked. The video does not show

Horvath appear to lock the second lock that evening, and no one else is seen approaching the

absentee ballot storage room until the next morning.

The next morning, May 3, 2022 (primary election day), Glenn arrives at the Clerk’s o ce

at 4:19 am. Horvath arrives at 5:15 am and visually checks the absentee ballot storage area

door before entering the Clerk’s o ce. At 6:04 am Glenn and Horvath approach the absentee

ballot storage room door together. Glenn uses a key to unlock the door and is then able to

open the door. Horvath does not appear to use a key or touch the door.

Two video clips appeared in the media showing Glenn with the white trash bag. The

rst clip showed Glenn entering the absentee ballot storage room, and the second clip showed

Glenn leaving the room. These videos appeared to be clips from the 4:52 pm events observed

by Det. O’Keefe in his review of the video. The Indiana Election Commission, O ce of the

Indiana Secretary of State, forwarded the news article containing the video clips to Glenn, and

o ered her an opportunity to respond. Glenn provided an emailed response, which was then

forwarded to the ISP and made a part of Detective O’Keefe’s investigation le. In the email,

Glenn states as follows:

…The day at question, May 2nd, 2022 @4:52, there were NO BALLOTS in the
room where the ballots are stored, with the 2 separate locks. Those ballots were in a

separate room and being separated for Central Count, Election Day. I was destroying
the ‘end of the rolls of paper’ that come out of the Unisyn Freedom Votes. The
Freedom Votes, sound an alarm when the paper is almost out. The absentee board,
removes, those rolls and replaces them with a new roll, as not to run out while the voter
is voting. These thermos rolls, were then destroyed to protect the integrity of the
election since they have the ‘court seal & box for the bipartisan initials’. If everyone
recalls, the voter places their ballot (themselves in our county) and seals them in them in
a yellow envelope. I then reached in the bin and scrunched the thermos paper to mark
it permanently.

Then in a follow up email Glenn adds:

ps. I forgot to mention that the empty card board rolls, that the paper is on, could not
go in the recycle bin, therefore, what you seen was me placing them in the trash pile.

Potentially applicable statutes

The following Indiana Code statutes are potentially applicable to the present


Election Code:

IC 3-11-10-10. Storage of ballots by county election boards.

During the period that absentee ballots are being received, each county election board shall
keep the ballots in cabinets, boxes, or a room upon which there are two (2) locks, one (1) for
each of the appointed members of the board. Each day the absentee ballots shall be placed in
the cabinets, boxes, or room under the direction of the appointed members of the board. If an
appointed member cannot be present each day, then that member shall designate someone
from the member’s political party to be present with the key to the lock at the time the ballots
are secured and at the time the lock is opened the next day. The key of each appointed
member of the board shall be kept secure in the manner determined by that appointed

Criminal Code:

IC 3-14-2-26. Tampering with ballots, ballot boxes, voting materials and records.

A person who:

(1) during the progress of an election or within the time for preparation required under this title,
knowingly breaks open or violates the seal or lock of a ballot box, envelope, container, bag, or
voting system component in which ballots have been deposited;

(2) knowingly obtains a ballot box, envelope, container, bag, or voting system component that
contains ballots and cancels, withholds, or destroys a ballot;

(3) knowingly increases or decreases the number of ballots legally deposited in a ballot box,
envelope, container, bag, or voting system component; or

(4) knowingly makes a fraudulent erasure or alteration on a tally sheet, poll book, list of voters,
or election return deposited in a ballot box, envelope, bag, or voting system component;

commits a Level 6 felony.

IC 3-14-4-3. Knowing omission of o cial duty.

A precinct election o cer or public o cial upon whom a duty is imposed by this title who
knowingly omits to perform the duty commits a Level 6 felony.

IC 35-41-2-2 Culpability
(a) A person engages in conduct “intentionally if, when he engages in the conduct, it is his
conscious objective to do so.

(b) A person engages in conduct “knowingly” if, when he engages in the conduct, he is aware
of a high probability that he is doing so.

Standards for the charging decision

The Indiana Rules of Professional Conduct RULE 3.8 Special Responsibilities of a

Prosecutor states as follows: “The prosecutor in a criminal case shall (a) refrain from

prosecuting a charge that the prosecutor knows is not supported by probable cause.” The

Comments for RULE 3.8 further state “[1] A prosecutor has the responsibility of a minister of

justice and not simply that of an advocate. This responsibility carries with it speci c obligations

to see that the defendant is accorded procedural justice and that guilt is decided upon the

basis of su cient evidence.”

The American Bar Association Criminal Justice Standards For The Prosecutor

Function include the following provisions:

Standard 3-4.3 Minimum Standards For Filing And Maintaining Criminal Charges

(a) A prosecutor should seek or le criminal charges only if the prosecutor reasonably
believes that the charges are supported by probable cause, that admissible evidence
will be su cient to support conviction beyond a reasonable doubt, and that the
decision to charge is in the interests of justice.

Standard 3-4.4  Discretion in Filing, Declining, Maintaining, and Dismissing

Criminal Charges

(a) In order to fully implement the prosecutor’s functions and duties, including the
obligation to enforce the law while exercising sound discretion, the prosecutor is not
obliged to le or maintain all criminal charges which the evidence might support.
Among the factors which the prosecutor may properly consider in exercising discretion
to initiate, decline, or dismiss a criminal charge, even though it meets the requirements
of Standard 3-4.3, are:


(xvi) whether the public’s interests in the matter might be appropriately vindicated by
available civil, regulatory, administrative, or private remedies.

Determinations of the special prosecutor

The special prosecutor, having reviewed the evidence available from the o cial

independent investigation conducted by ISP Senior Trooper Detective O’Keefe, now makes the

following determinations:

1. That the special prosecutor has attempted to fairly and impartially review the statements of

each witness with the presumption that each was truthful, and has further attempted not to

disregard any statement without careful consideration and good reason.

2. That the statements of the witnesses are generally in agreement as to the facts of what


3. That there exists additional evidence in the form of text messages, emails, and video

surveillance footage that corroborates the credibility of witness statements and provides a

reliable timeline for events such that the special prosecutor is able to determine the facts

with a high degree of con dence.

4. That St. Joseph County Clerk Rita Glenn had an o cial duty to perform the functions of her

o ce, which included the fair and e cient administration of the 2022 primary election.

5. That such duties speci cally included the secure storage and processing of absentee

ballots as required by Indiana Code and according to local election procedures.

6. That Glenn was aware of the statutory requirement of IC 3-11-10-10 that absentee ballots

be secured by “…two locks, one for each of the appointed members of the board.”

7. That IC 3-11-10-10 imposed a duty on election board members that “If an appointed

member cannot be present each day, then that member shall designate someone from the

member’s political party to be present with the key to the lock at the time the ballots are

secured and at the time the lock is opened the next day.”

8. That on the morning of May 2, 2022, the day before the primary election, Republican

Election Board member Benjamin Horvath failed to appear or designate someone to unlock

the absentee ballot storage room door in a timely manner.

9. That Helen Jojo identi ed herself to Glenn as a Republican.

10. That Glenn designated Jojo to unlock the Republican lock using a spare key without the

presence of Republican election board member Horvath or his designee, without his

direction to do so, and without attempting to verify Jojo’s party status.

11. That Horvath was unaware of the existence of a spare key.

12. That had Glenn waited for election board member Horvath to appear, or for Horvath to

respond to messages and approve the use of a spare key by his designee or Glenn’s

designee, then the present controversy could have been avoided.

13. That had Glenn waited for election board member Horvath to appear, or for Horvath to

respond to messages and approve the use of a spare key by his designee or Glenn’s

designee, then the delay could also have compromised the e cient reporting of election

results, and would have likely placed a signi cant additional burden on employees of the

Clerk’s o ce who would have been required to stay later and perform additional hours of

work to process the backlog of absentee ballots from the nal weekend of absentee voting

immediately prior to primary election day. These likely and foreseeable consequences

presented exigent circumstances.

14. That Glenn acted knowingly to open the door under the exigent circumstances then


15. That on the morning of May 2, 2022, Horvath violated the duty imposed on him by IC

3-11-10-10 as an election board member by failing to appear or communicate a designee,

and thus bears responsibility for creating the exigent circumstances then present and


16. That Horvath stated in his interview with Detective O’Keefe that he was not certain that

anything “nefarious” had happened, but would guess that nothing “nefarious” had


17. That Riskovitch, who initially raised a concern about Jojo’s voting record, described Glenn

as a person of integrity who would not open the absentee ballot storage door with a

malicious intent.

18. That there is insu cient evidence that Glenn acted knowingly to commit a criminal act.

Rather, the available evidence supports a reasonable belief that Glenn knowingly acted

under exigent circumstances in good faith to fairly and e ciently perform the duties

imposed upon her o ce in a timely manner by attempting to seek out a Republican to open

the door.

19. That among Indiana counties there does not appear to be a consistent policy regarding the

management of duplicate keys to secure absentee ballot storage areas. However practices

seem to commonly include the maintenance of duplicate keys in case of exigent


20. That the previous Republican election board member in St. Joseph County made use of a

duplicate key.

21. That IC 3-11-10-10 “Storage of ballots by county election boards” concerns the regulation

and/or administration of elections and does not provide for a criminal o ense.

22. That the matter of any potential violation of IC 3-11-10-10 based upon the maintenance of

duplicate keys is a matter of public policy in which the public’s interest is more

appropriately vindicated by an available regulatory and/or administrative remedy provided

through the O ce of the Indiana Secretary of State and/or the St. Joseph County Election

Board, and as such under the circumstances merits the exercise of prosecutorial discretion

as described in ABA Standard 3-4.4(xvi).

23. That under the circumstances known to the State based upon the independent o cial

investigation conducted by the ISP in this matter, the credible and admissible evidence is

not su cient to support a reasonable belief that there exists probable cause, and/or to

prove beyond a reasonable doubt that a criminal o ense has occurred. As such, the

special prosecutor will not le criminal charges in this matter.


The special prosecutor has determined that under the circumstances known to the

State based upon the o cial investigation conducted by the ISP investigator in this matter, the

credible and admissible evidence does not support the ling of criminal charges. As such, the

special prosecutor has determined that no criminal charges shall be led, that the criminal

investigation into this matter should now be closed, and that no further action will be taken.

Having discharged his duties in this cause, the special prosecutor now requests that his

appointment in the matter of the investigation under this cause be terminated.

Respectfully submitted,

/s/ Christopher Gaal


Christopher G. Gaal, 20130-53

Special Prosecuting Attorney

Christopher Gaal

Senior Prosecutor
PO Box 1355

Bloomington, IN 47402

(812) 325-8109


I certify that a copy of this pleading was delivered to Kenneth Cotter, O ce of the St.
Joseph County Prosecuting Attorney, by means of electronic ling this day 13th day of
January, 2023.

/s/ Christopher Gaal


Christopher G. Gaal 20130-53

Senior Prosecuting Attorney


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