Creative Writing - 1stQ Exam

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


Grade 12- Creative Writing
S.Y. 2022-2023

Name: __________________________________________ Date: ____________________________

Score: __________________________________________

Read the statements carefully. Identify if the statement is TRUE or FALSE. Write your answers on the space
_______1. Creative writing is non-fiction writing.
_______2. Technical writing is good for specific audiences.
_______3. Creative writing is a writing that uses imagery, diction, and rhythmic patterns.
_______4. The following are examples of creative writing: Haiku, vignettes, legends, epic, myth and folklore.
_______5. The sensory experience involves the five senses of the reader.
_______6. It was a cold night when the lady suddenly appeared from nowhere. The italicized word depicts the sense
of touch.
_______7. It is quiet on the prairie. The sentence depicts the sense of sight.
_______8. The sweet aroma of cappuccino makes me feel at home. The italicized words depict the sense of smell.
_______9. Creative writing involves relating on experiences.
_______10. The genre of horror explored themes related to death, demons, evil spirits and the afterlife.
Directions: Read the statements carefully. Identify what is being defined in each number. Choose the letter of the
correct answer and write your answers on the space provided.
_______11. It is a thing that suggests more than its literal meaning. It uses objects to signify another level of meaning.
a. Insight c. Symbol
b. Moral d. Point-of-View
_______12. It is the kind of writing that follows the standards of writing, such as the use of punctuation marks,
indentions, and jargons.
a. Creative Writing c. Prose
b. Technical writing d. None of the choices
_______13. Speeches, journalism, blogging, and free writing are examples of what type of writing?
a. Technical writing c. Poetry
b. Imaginative writing d. None of the choices
_______14. It is written to inform and sometimes to trigger the person reading into making an action beneficial to the
a. Imaginative writing c. Journal
b. Technical writing d. All of the above
_______15. Creative writing or imaginative writing is a writing that tries to share ________.
a. Facts c. Human experience
b. History d. All of the above
_______16. Which of the following is an example of creative writing?
a. Book reports c. Play
b. Research Paper d. News article
_______17. What are sensory details?
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a. details that involve the five senses- sight, hearing, taste, feel and smell
b. details that require common sense
c. details that involve sense and sensibility
d. details that involve sight
_______18. What are literary tools?
a. tools that help us get in touch with our emotions
b. language devices that help you write better and creatively
c. tools that help us sleep better at night
d. tools that allow us to have fun
_______19. Any writing that is original and self-expressive is known as _______.
a. Technical writing c. News article
b. Creative writing d. All of the above
_______20. Who is the person with which the main character has conflict with?
a. Protagonist c. bad guy
b. Antagonist d. principal
_______21. His mouth is filled with the sweet, coppery taste of blood. What sense is used in the sentence?
a. Touch c. Smell
b. Sight d. Taste
_______22. Which of the following is written in a formal diction?
a. “The adventurers rode thru the forest with their swords drawn”.
b. “We shouldn’t have to do this kind of junk, anyway”.
c. “Steve and Adam will be out of town this weekend”.
d. “I would be very pleased to snag a job at W. Brown development office.”
_______23. What is jargon?
a. the diction of a specific field or profession
b. modern-day vernacular
c. using too many words in a single sentence
d. an overly complex diction
_______24. What does diction mean?
a. a writer’s reason for writing c. an author’s choice of words and their use
b. the use of a word that imitates a sound d. none of the above
_______25. It involves choosing words that are polite and proper.
a. Informal diction c. Colloquialism
b. Formal diction d. Jargon
_______26. Its language is highly informal and may include regional expressions and spelling that reflect dialect and
non-standard pronunciation.
a. Formal diction c. Informal diction
b. Jargon d. Colloquialism
_______27. What figure of speech is used in this statement: “His lips is as soft as rose petals. Softly dry my tear,
drenched my face”?
a. Simile c. Personification
b. Metaphor d. Hyperbole
_______28. It refers to naming a thing or an action by imitating the sound associated with it.
a. Simile c. Metaphor
b. Onomatopoeia d. Consonance
_______29. It is the use of exaggeration to express strong emotion.
a. Hyperbole c. Metaphor
b. Simile d. Consonance
_______30. It refers to the repetition of vowel sounds within words in a line.
a. Simile c. Assonance
b. Metaphor d. Consonance
_______31. It is a figure of speech which gives human qualities to non-living things.
a. Simile c. Metaphor
b. Personification d. Consonance
_______32. Is an element of a short story or prose which is the vantage point, perspective, or angle from which the
story is told.
a. Point of view b. character
c. plot d. setting
_______33. Is a type of character who is central to the story with all major events having some importance to this
a. narrator c. protagonist
b. antagonist d. reader
_______34. Is the series of events of a story. Freytag’s Pyramid is the other term for this. It is planned, logical series of
events having a beginning, middle, and end.
a. point of view c. plot
b. character d. setting
_______35. It is a kind of plot where the story starts with an introduction of characters and setting and involves the
development of story.
a. modular/ episodic c. linear
b. verbal d. dramatic
_______36. It is an abrupt ending that leaves the plot incomplete, without denouement, it often leaves characters in a
precarious or difficult situation which hint at the possibility of a sequel.
a. Deus ex Machina c. Twist Ending
b. Happy Ending d. Cliff Hanger
_______37. It is the general emotional weather of the literary piece.
a. irony c. tone
b. dramatic premise d. theme
_______38. The character’s Struggle takes place in his/her own mind. It is usually has something to do with a choice
(choosing between right or wrong), or it may have to do with overcoming emotions or mixed feelings.
a. Major Conflict c. Internal
b. Minor Conflict d. External
_______39. Literature in the form of prose, especially short stories and novels, that describes imagery events and
a. non-fiction c. genre
b. fiction d. plot
_______40. It is the general emotional weather of the poem.
a. tone c. genre
b. theme d. motifs
_______41. A technique that shapes narrative to produce an effect on the reader.
a. plot device c. techniques
b. literary device d. vision
______42. A finale when everything ends in the best way for the hero.
a. cliff-hanger c. happy ending
b. twist ending d. deus ex machina
_______43. A story that is typically set in the future or on other planets.
a. mystery fiction c. realistic fiction
b. science fiction d. historical fiction
_______44. A story that is imaginative but could never really happen. The setting may be of another world.
a. magic c. fantasy
b. adventure d. mystery
_______45. A story that takes place in a historically accurate time and setting. The characters and some events are
a. mystery fiction c. realistic fiction
b. science fiction d. historical fiction
_______46. A story that seems real or could happen in real life. It is set in present day and includes modern day
problems and events.
a. mystery fiction c. realistic fiction
b. realistic fiction d. historical fiction
_______47. A brief story that is meant to tell a lesson or a moral.
a. fable c. legend
b. fairy tale d. tall tale
_______48. A story usually about a national or folk hero.
a. fable b. fairy tale
c. legend d. tall tale
_______49. A story that is often based on a historical event that is meant to serve as an explanation for some
phenomenon of nature or human behavior. Characters are usually gods.
a. myth c. legend
b. fairy tale d. fable
_______50. A humorous story with extreme exaggerations. The main character, or hero, usually does impossible
things with ease.
a. fable c. legend
b. fairy tale d. tall tale

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Subject Teacher

Checked by:



Principal I

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