UT Dallas Syllabus For Mis6324.001.11f Taught by Syam Menon (sxm021300)

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The University of Texas at Dallas

School of Management MIS 6324 BI Software and Techniques Syllabus Oce Phone E-mail Class Hours Oce Hours Prerequisites Outline SOM 3.421 (972) 8834779 [email protected] Mondays, 1:00 p.m. 3:45 p.m. (SOM 2.803) Mondays, 4:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. and by appointment MIS 6326. Some background in probability and statistics will be helpful. Most organizations are data rich and information poor. For instance, Walmart captured 20 million transactions per day in 2003. The rate at which data has been accumulating has only increased since, with newer sources like social networks and RFID. These large volumes of data potentially could reveal useful information about the target of interest customers, in most business contexts. The primary objective of this course is to introduce you to various techniques available to extract useful information (business intelligence) from the large volumes of data an organization might possess. At the end of the semester, you will not only appreciate the substantial opportunities that exist in the business intelligence realm, but also learn techniques that will allow you to exploit these opportunities. The course will cover general concepts in the BI eld, along with many popular BI techniques like association rules, decision trees, neural networks, classication and clustering. The focus will be on how the techniques are to be used, and the details of the methodologies will be covered only to the extent necessary to understand when and how each technique can be used. Students will also gain experience using BI/DM software. We will use XLMiner (a convenient add-on to MS-Excel) and SAS Enterprise Miner over the course of the semester. To gain a general understanding of business intelligence / data mining, and to appreciate the data rich environment of todays global economy. To gain a practical understanding of many key methods integral to data mining. To gain an understanding of when to use which technique. To become aware of some current trends in the use of BI. To gain the intellectual capital required to provide business analytics services. 1) Data Mining for Business Intelligence: Concepts, techniques, and applications in Microsoft Oce Excel with XLMiner, 2e, by Galit Shmueli, Nitin Patel and Peter Bruce. Wiley, ISBN-10: 0470526823, ISBN-13: 978-0470526828 2) Data Mining Techniques: For Marketing, Sales, and Customer Relationship Management, 2e, by Michael Berry and Gordon Lino. Wiley, ISBN-10: 0471470643, ISBN-13: 978-0471470649 This class involves many group projects and presentations. Groups should comprise 3-5 students, and should be formed as soon as possible. Once formed, altering the groups will not be possible except in very special circumstances. The course involves 3 5 group homework assignments. Two closed-book, closed-notes examinations will be given in class; each will be worth 25% of the nal grade. Tentatively, the rst will be on October 17, 2011, while the second will be on December 05, 2011. Syam Menon Autumn 2011

Learning Objectives

Recommended Books


Homework Examinations

MIS 6324 Business Intelligence Software and Techniques Syam Menon Term Paper

Autumn 2011 page 2

15% of the nal grade will be determined by your performance on a group term paper. The primary objective of the term paper is to encourage you to explore and think about potential applications of the techniques you will learn in this class. For those of you who are working, please consider working on projects that could be benecial to your company. For those of you who are not working, you may choose a BI application or method that is relevant to this class. Study the topic in detail and write-up a report. Your report will consist of a brief introduction of the application you picked, an explanation of the key underlying technology, identifying the industries/rms that are using the technology, your analysis of the application in the industry, problems existing in the industry using the technology and your recommendation of solutions. While evaluating these reports, I will pay particular attention to the quality of your analysis and the nature of answers you provided. A 1-page proposal is due on or before October 24, 2011 and must be approved by me; failure to submit a proposal in time will result in a grade of zero for the paper. The nal paper is due on or before November 28, 2011. The paper should be in 12-point font, double-spaced, and between 10-12 pages in length. It should include a minimum of ve appropriate references and citations (Wikipedia is not an appropriate research source). A professional paper in terms of style and mechanics (spelling, etc.) is expected. The grade for the project will be determined primarily on (i) the relevance of the topic, (ii) the quality and originality of the ideas and the extent of analysis presented, (iii) evidence to support (iv) the organization and presentation, and (v) other factors (input from Turnitin, professionalism, grammar, spelling, proper referencing, etc.) (Selected) groups will be asked to present their paper on November 28, 2011. 5% of the nal grade will be based on class participation. This has multiple components. Attendance, while not mandatory is very likely to aect your performance in class. If you have to miss a lecture, please make arrangements with other students to ensure that you are upto-date. There will be additional readings assigned throughout the semester. Student groups are expected to make 20-minute presentations of many of these readings. These presentations will form an important part of the class participation grade. Another important component is the actual participation itself students should discuss the assigned readings both in class, and on the discussion board in eLearning. Regular, useful participation is encouraged. The default schedule for grade assignment is: ( 90%) A, ( 87.5% & < 90%) A, ( 85% & < 87.5%) B+, ( 80% & < 85%) B, ( 77.5% & < 80%) B, ( 75% & < 77.5%) C+, ( 65% & < 75%) C, (< 65%) F . The nal cut-os may be adjusted downward at the end of the semester based on the degree of diculty of the graded material. You are responsible for any announcements made in class (including alterations to the schedule). You are also responsible for material distributed in class and through eLearning. Academic dishonesty will result in disciplinary proceedings as noted in the student catalog at http://www.utdallas.edu/dept/graddean/CAT2010/appendices/appendix1.htm

Class Participation



MIS 6324 Business Intelligence Software and Techniques Syam Menon

Autumn 2011 page 3

Tentative Course Outline (The sequence and some of the topics might change) Week 01 02 03 04 Date 29-Aug-11 05-Sep-11 12-Sep-11 19-Sep-11 Overview, Introduction I Labor Day Introduction I, II; Association Rules Association Rules; Intro to XLMiner; Intro to Enterprise Miner; Association Rules and XLMiner; Association Rules and Enterprise Miner Introduction to Clustering Hierarchical Clustering; Clustering and XLMiner; Clustering and Enterprise Miner Review Exam I Classication I: Fundamentals & Decision Trees; Classication II: Neural Networks Classication III: Logistic Regression; Classication IV: PCA & LDA; Classication and XLMiner; Classication and Enterprise Miner Evaluating Classiers; Recommendation Systems and Collaborative Filtering Web/Text Mining; Text Mining and Enterprise Miner; Presentations(?) Web/Text Mining; Text Mining and Enterprise Miner; Customer Relations Management; Presentations(?) Presentations Exam II Topics

05 06 07 08 09 10

26-Sep-11 03-Oct-11 10-Oct-11 17-Oct-11 24-Oct-11 31-Oct-11

11 12 13

07-Nov-11 14-Nov-11 21-Nov-11

14 15

28-Nov-11 05-Dec-11

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