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uottpa /¢- Aer STI UTM: 011- 25686914 Uhr ase FereRITS Fe: [email protected] dase wat fer ae, feeett ort aig feeett - 110010 2araortiaa eaarararay| ds 24 gers 2022 yer yer qerea amdinase rhea s3) satin ase nea ad) wh yer afta Saex-49-3h, ase ERI 99 SAI STE a fe - 160047 fH - 900885 GRI 56/99 SA STAR LIST OF APPROVED CONTRACTORS FOR THE CYCLIC PERIOD 2022-2027 1 Refer this HQ letter No 24149/DGBR/Enlistment/Gen/68/E8 dated 20 Oct 2021 and 24149/DGBR/Enlistment/Gen/107/E8 dated 31 Mar 2022 2. The list of approved contractors after renewal process for the cyclic period 2022 to 2027 consisting of 59 contractors is enclosed as Appendix-'A’. Please note that enlistment letters of contractors as contained in Appendix-'A’ issued after start of renewal process through letter under reference shall only be valid and any old enlistment letter shall not be valid 3. The renewal/upgradation of 13 contractors as per Appendix-'B' is under consideration and will be finalized in due course and intimation will be given to all concerned accordingly. WaaaeSiai. wetg — : Please upload the letter and its enclosures on BRO website for wider publicity. {SING [index [Name and postal address of [Constitution Phone No email address | Present] Remark | No |contractor lof the firm status 7 SeoT | Pata rags ema Renewed | 2414010GBRIVG | 0124-4056363 —he@vclmmaunin U04/E8 dated 15 Feb 2022 Proprietorship | 1011-41729279/ |faoodatutacom Renewed |24149/0GERIP. 011-49786211 ‘3 Mar 2022. | | (b\i) & 9419006500 ehincoostuctescomsan | Upgraded | 24149/DGBRINC | jaiky180015 | 8 | $8-23 [M/s Pawansut infra Projects Pvt Lid, Pvt Ltd 441182, Sukharia Shopping Cen |Sriganganagar (Raj), PIN-335001 Partnership ‘eunaicon CIO8IES dated 15 sul 2022 Puli ) & | 014-202101677 |uinuacoin Renewed | 24149/06BR/TR | 017-41638957 |GI08/E8 dated 27 | | Jun 2022 lPvttta | 03192-245604) tshientorsit com Renewed |24149/DGBRVE | 0484-4078900 | | stmenRDSIO7/E| B dated 05 Apr | 20220 j © | $8-19 [M/s Chaudhary Construction Putlid 011-22471112/ |romtesmatcon Renewed | 24149/DGBRICC | ‘Company Pvt Ltd, D-587/A, First | etodse7ag) | |ciowe8 dated 31 7, West Vinod Nagar, Delhi- | 9313245640 Mar 2022 62 | 7 | 88-22 |Mis A.K. Engineers & Contractors ivi Ltd [2)& (oxi) | ovor-2sea72a fieontsemtcan | Renewed ae 0191-2467265 |" eacpLiosiea | | dated 19 May } i 2022 0154-2488312/ |newanatsteanallcon, 19587015312). etmntwanuti@mnalcom 9587015314/ 9687016315 | * Renewed |24149/DGBRIPIP PLIOSIES dated | 46 Mar 2022 © | $8-26 [Mis Tar i Pvt Ltd (b) 01982-258785/ tunsitemientrionsen} Renewed |24149/DGBRTE (98 (0) "| o1992-250520/ jaumtmsstemaln PLIOAIES dated | | saigizedta | 12 Apr 2022 ! x | zeoz L0z 6re-puEyyeEHA| WW LE paren @ UnPesyOR: HsIC 'ysary /POFO>AUOUNS | byrosoztre 1 “BGeN YsoInysy “9 AaLlereSeLo |“ fa)) diysioioudorg (09 9 seumy) J9pUBBoA 5) pameuay et Leeosoztve eO! UnpeAuEC ‘OLY, MIVRIGDOIGYLZ _pomouoy reREATITH! /LBOPEKE-SELO | diysioroudore ‘sroUo1g FeaueBy Sm) 9-5 | GL ze0z | zrseogzor5 "dy ZL poep | | isstbevzor6 PL Lo6s-usaperg jeyoe. B3/p0/SUOg reouspoaeve Suawe) 180 7181q Buod TVEEDA6HLZ — pemouay ssigo0z-zeze0 lysio}audos | ASUS RAT SW! ses gy ze0z 22/1 OL patep @ | Syez/neugnuauns, +0081 | *Weseley sewester ‘Auojoo suka, NERIGOOGPLYZ pomouoy | ere) LESLIE YG Aiusiojoudold} — uefesen er aze‘nsucg neg SIA cog ZL ' SLLO6z-ysepedg jeyseunsy, 2202 Hay “Buowey som :n8Iq “echy : ge eh Pap earbo at HEN EOu0L : Oa "ebua|) UAIOUEPLYZ| PemauEs | soreussuayom) GaPRLLELOD a), etyssoyouctoses “sospdiaiuy uve, les ob zee sey | 20 Pare B=VPOKO si OOSLELELYG 401095 ‘ys ON STRIBOUErLN. pomauoy I6BSLELGL PG “roysnig auas tuxey rer sy) Zze-g Gy 2202 404 Loorrs-uewseley| 12 peep B3/60/N} 8er00e6 | sewieg e6eN KpUED ‘peoy IpuEyy! VLMBOUIGY LZ | pomauayy wessez-znez0 | siysseunieg| NNSeD| ‘UeYNoYD YBUIS UeL S/H] OzS pL 2202 JW Le peiep eameoria vseoere-rei0 (a) 9 ‘peoy 634 OWETOMIErLYZ) pomeuny TRUTEESAMGN L9GRLHE-HOLO wd Siz sos EL zeoz mr { 80 POP B3y90K9) S080zzL1h6 (Pp) e | BORMAOGGHLYZ | amour reLztost-eaLo ouysiounreg | 0S zh zzoe se te O14 L6z-usaperg eyoounsy! Pare BarbOVAA wurpenens| OOSLPE-ROEO ‘unBepeyeny so}oag-y) ALIOGIPLYZ | pamouay ' /O9PLSEZ-O9ED | fiorandoigy SHOM UoNOUgeS EWE SW ZO-S EL zoe Ae e | i i | -uefser ‘ssedkg “yy. i to Sone ©) PE Mal “HIN PHT i uononusueD UeUPY SIA_10-S op Pai = | smeis 20ys910m 40} way oxp yo so}enu09] oN - Sueur] wosaia | ssompe nue] on ouoda souoboiw9| uo} 40 Sso1ppe isjsod puw owen) repay | ows) Woe 3016 'SINo] Index [Name and postal address of |Categories [Phone No jemail address Present Remarks | No. |contractor lof works for status lwhich lenlisted ‘Wis Mech Fab Engnooring Industrial |PutLid (0361-25501787 | Renewed | 24140/DGBRIMe Pvt Ltd, Industrial Area, 9361-2652499 | atcha | ch Fab/0s/E8 |Bamunimaidan, Guwahati-781024 | miseries | dated 31 Mar | | 2022 Proprietorship 01982-251087) | sikininesmilien | Renewed |24%49/DGBRIE 9419178637! | stmentTST/O4/E8) 9906087888 | | dated 07 Apr | \ 2022 1 Proprietorship 9419184999 limnistonssnusbed@er | Renewed /24149/DGBRIEnIi = | istmenVJLRB/O4/E| | Bdated 10 Mar 24 | S-64 [M/s TLGonste Company, Paldan [Partnership _(b o1902- Renewed Complex, Old Bus Stand, Leh & | 255711(0) | Ladakh (18K)-194101 419178535. | | | 8 dated 08 Jul | 2022 25 Mis Gee Kay Traders, NH Bye [Proprietorship ), | 9419197333/ |etazrAeniahcom | Renewed (24149/DGBRVEnIi 0192-4253343 | stmenGKT/OSIE | | 8 dated 31 Mar | 2022 0622174044) hushuturoweanatsen| Renewed |24149/DGBRIHG/) | 07780806754 | | | OS/E8 dated 09. | | May 2022 (Udhampur (J&K)-182101 | $-61 Mis Prabhudan Dehta & Co, 81, Indra. Proprietorship | 02992-250066) jwichadiatoacem Renewed |94140/GBR/EnI Colony, Jaisalmer, Rajasthar 3001 | 9419150066 stmentPDD/OS/E \ 8 dated 05 Apr } 2022 5-68 M/S SGF Infrastructure Pvt Ltd, 4 Pvt Lid 98585232300/ |selinmmuonailsam Renewed |24149/DGBRIEnii ‘Gusha Bakshi Nagar, Jammu (J&K) | o191-2481434 ‘stment/SGF/06/E | 8 dated 06 Jul | | |___2022 5-69 |M/s VK Gupta & Associates, Partnership (a) & (c) | 0172-4638790/ jtabconi@emalsan, | Renewed |24149/DGBRIEnii |SCO-3, Sector-16, | 646144973 wabeniliceesnasom | stmenvVKG/08/E | 8 dated 08 Jul | | i | | Seen & OWMBOGIErLEZ pamouoy zeoz ly 24 aiep g=vvoynpus! PAORIGDUIGELYZ) pomoued 2202 sdy 82 polep 83 /S0v) aURNBOAI6yiyZ | pemouDy 2202 dy Re pare 3/50 + Leevioseae /LAMHEOOIGULYZ | pamouoy sRe0s0zL 6 zz0z 19 62 Parep g HONDO ANUOLUNS AMGOCIOVLYZ paMOLOY —vmasHicrAT byzezoseas zeoz seadeezeoe, 2dy 20 parep | + -zegeo Sara UUS cl IMBRMBOOIbLYE pamouay 160 reoeeLessse de beep SVL sLoreLeasse rooogeezas6 BbEEZe-LELLO jenszzz-az60 pSorze-Z6L10 ANEOCIGhLEZ — pamouoy AVIMBOOIOHLYZ — pomouoy, 2202 sy 62 ehavazeive , (eoszZzLeeLo pemouoy, ze07 4 pomauay Pamouoy (2)) diyssaro diyssoqoudore yss0}0udosg diyssoreuidory siyssoroudosg, anfepe 46 “uodary aysoddg ‘ay@1s3 ‘sz 9HoM si90u (crapes-useperg reyoeunsy| ! “deiLL 981g "eSUOyY,04} “sezeq esu0ys 29 on “eemuedy ey si) gz-y vozsre, -(pueyxesenn) usar | unpewued 'yiso} ‘suepeay lemuseg UYEL “Hoy DI 1unYy "8D, USPHeD| ‘og UoHONSUOD uBR s/py Lorzes-weyas ‘yoi5uep, POM Sd IeleqUELOW SIA GI-y zissee ueyseley ‘up yebuewnuey “Auo}eD| OHA ZUE ‘YeheL eT PUEN SIN) 20-¥ z1ZeLH{aH) uejos| ‘peg jeyy ‘uemeyg rewy| DIiAg Siaiowoud seury sy) Sow Looor- gefung} edo ‘peoy voley Yous’ 2uland “A'Y'G eu'Sodde “s0914 154 “sunauaidenus EUR S/W) Loy (in) wesipuedo) “wouy feuisnpuy 'Z aseue ‘pzLE ONTId "PH Ad MNSIOT AST SIN) Le-g Lo0P61-N peUPET) ery INYO ny) ynyobuy 1wse 5) ee BE a oe se be smes Seu | yuosesg ssouppe jew ON ou0yg 40}9e}N00] on, 49 Ss8ippe [eisod pue eweN| xopuy ons | 506 ‘SINo| Index |Name and postal address of [Constitution [Categories [Phone No email address Present Remarks No |contractor lof the firm orks for status Ly ‘A-55_(ls Talib Hussain Chaaihi Parnership [Saale |~Renewed "| 24740DGBR/TH | Noona Bandi , Distt :Poonch | \CIDGIES dated 31 | (sek) | Mar 2022 | 42 | A-60 [Mis ‘Asem & Co 1354. Block Sri Proprietershi 0154-2480105) | Renewed |24149/DGBR/Ass | |Ganganagar, Rajasthan-335001 9414094099 | em & Co/d4/Eg | | dated 10 Mar | | ° | 2022 ' 43 | A-62_|M/s Shivam Build Con Associates, Proprietership | 0191-2471313 |madiwmueymaiicom Renewed | 24149/DGBRISB | 206, 8-2, South Block, Bahu | ' i CAIOA/EB dated | Mammu (J&K), PIN-180004 12 Apr 2022 44 Kt ‘Shop No 07, Gole Market, | ‘Gandhi Nagar, Jammu (J&K) 9419188364) stebmeuriZ@enulse| Renewed | 24149/DGBR/ATI 0191-2457386, Ss 047E8 dated 12. | | Apr 2022 | IN-18001 : 145 | A-83. [Mis Tsa0 Steel & Construction [Proprietorship 9419178813) | mduktneanaisn | Renewed |2414/0GBI Company, | asosortit | | WTSC i | E8 dated 07 Apr \ 7 | 2022 146 AST Proprietorship 9412029030/ | Renewed | 24149/DGBR/KM t 9756813313 | ‘TIO4IES dated 19 } | ; ‘Apr 2022 47 | A83 ichuk, Housing [Proprietorship 01982-254723/ Renewed |24149/0GBR/Son | 18 Group Na.C, Leh \ 94198344722 ‘aM/O5/ES dated | | \Ladakh-194' 28 Apr 2022. | 484-05. |Mis Hardware House, Main Markel, | Propricorshi | 76409100017 |uutocimusniseanet| Renewed |24149GRRMMar | Bomdia, 7640910802) a0 | dware/04ie8 | | 7640910803) | dated 12 Apr i 7640910805 | 2022 | 40 | 4.90 |e Associated Conirators: Partnership | cay 14 7028 ascnseamaistm Roneed [2400GBREA \Old Airfield Road, Ranoreth, i 9419001198 lao stmenvACH5/E8 | 'Budgam, Srinagar (J8&IK) { | | »J 08 Jul 2022 | IPIN-190007 | | | 50 | A-105 |Mis Vikas Construction Co, |Parmership 1774) assiesteac| Renewed | 24140/9GBRIVC | # 518A, VPO: Shahpur, 9815169774/ Los | |CIO7IES dated 27 \ ‘Ambala (Haryana}-t33004 | oar7sz8000 | stun 2022 81 IMs Popu Entorproes Propitos! b)a)8 | eiseoHso49 | tamtmmsn | Renened 2edbbcae) Sector, Naharlagun, O7/EB dated 27 junachal Pradesh), | Jun 2022, PIN-791110 : | oes! | 9436897487 € zzz une leezeesaoe j 22 paiep ea/9010 i GUMBOC/6rlpz | pamauey DOT TTRRAT ITI /LLZOLOSErE (P)-3 WX), diyssoyaucdouy, 6S 2202 unr o2 rep ezyoozu sezze6z206 (0) SHEAOAIGr LZ pamausy — maryEMaTOMRTITE | /GEGRPEBLEE (q)) diyssoyaudorg 8S | “Uizztecere 2202 Key | 19826269066 0 Pap 83/90 a sess0z66006 FAVSBOOIOPLYZ pomouys —evemmrarasrwoseuR | /ORSEZLELYS drysiauped 15 z20z un Lz Palen 8=v90/0v sosezozess WORBOOIGrLPZ poMaUE | come /HBLESE-2ESEO aiyssoreudore 06 zz0z Int go parep 93/90/16 L69SSOL196 UOTMEOCIGPLEZ — pamauey van) PLSGOOS-ZLLO- diyssojauidosey ao 207 dy ez pane eas svestezees (p) OLABOCIGYIYZ powouT — oxmeum@rRrew 11. L1¢02-26Se0 15 zeoz une 22 paiop eayzone ‘wo, grogcza00. YORMBOAIELYZ pomouoy —sooyeKDgGor-aH6| jevogseez06 6 | Sh0081-Nid “rer zzoz unr uiwep 'eAGueg “uonerg any ddl 2z paep @3790/0 eueesteive IS JPON ‘Komi jeuodey ‘BLINBOG/rLeZ _pamauoy Iesezeteire pring Hind IEGOID EUs DALI SIN) BIW ze _Snewey | wosoia | ssompoyewo] on ououd| — sounboreo| woo] ___40-ssexppe wrsod pue owri| xopU | ons 919 tof MIST OF C_NTRACTORS WHO APPLIED FOR RENEWAL/UPGRADATION BEFORE 30 APR 2022 BUT RENEWAL LETTERS NOT ISSUED PENDING VERIFICATIONS [SINo| index [Name and postal address of [Phone No Jemailaddress [Application Pras: ] No contractor | | received for | I renewal or | not. | T SS-0F WISRVR Prgjacis PIL FO1820 — GS125570677 aE Yes Changein ‘CBM Compound Visekhapatnam 2573023) SthuEwiiecssam constitution involved 530003 9010204129 Police verification fe Engineering Construction Projects Lid, Plot No-32, Street No 02, Sagar Socisty,Road No 2, Banjara hit Hyderabad-s00034 040-23553316) 049-23655963 0136-2430130 “S-11” Ns Fillways Construction Compar Pvt Lid 34, Adarsh Gram, Dehradun Road, Rishikesh, Dehradun (Uttarakhand) PIN-248204 nis Mis Sunshine Oversees Pui Lid, 404, 4th Floor, Narbada Building, Chatribari, Guwchati (Assam)-781001 y S7 (0389-231 1635) 0389-2311638 ‘$-25 "Mis Nidhi Creative Infrastructure Pvt Ute, Pangram Part-I, PO-Chandighat, Udharbond, Distt-Cachar, Silchar (Assam}-788030 6 S80 Mis Aanuj Infra Project PviLtd F-10 Nendjyct Industrial Estate, Kurla Road, Safec Pooi, Andheri), ~ 040-23553316) 03842-2640817 n involved, ‘radtioenshaseiaggersie ification Upgradation case approv Bond to secure performance awaited, ‘Work varlicaiion asked Yes 2 ~~ Case approved. ed 7 aie 03842-265609 Letter to bei shortly, "Change in constitution invai Police verification )- 180085, ~ p5--Munbal-so0a72 jut - ya 28k ‘$-62 M/s Walia Constr Co, I-R, Abrol 9646300005! watlconstrecvoncoBvsheo Yes ‘Change i Nagar, Pathankot. Purjab-145001 _9asa00006/ constitiion involved 2646300007) Palice venfcation 9646300009, ___asked "8 $72 “Mls GPANCO Industries & Const Lid (0194-2311519/ aciadaiesemaiicon Yes Renewal of enlistment HO. Biamethana, LadhekhKergit0791-2403106) bjected by CE(P) 184103 (J&K) 01985-234007 Beacon, Reasons are boing established S75 Mis Vij Engineers & Consults Pui Lid, 011-42567003 ~ Yes ‘Change in 8.88, Soami Nagar (North), Near constitution involved Chirag, Police verication Delhi Fly over Outer Ring Road, aeked _____Newbet a en Piel “10-71 Mis GRRB Assc 8811092714 ‘Yes Work verification HiNo 08/623, Gyan Villa, asked Manav Kalyan Roed, Opp Brahma Kumari Ashram Lene, ——Tinsukia, Assam, PINT8612 pals i chal Suppliers & 707034350 Yes Under seratiny Contractors, H/No 77, Vill- 9785253453 San Balkunthapur, PO-Laimekur. PS- ia Jonai, Distt-Dhemaji (Assam) a eee a - iz Mis MBR Associsied Contactors & 622987700 —‘waamailaaiioa’ Yes —~ Undersea Builders 13 "M/s Ganpati Enterprises, 184. Top 8417020784) “meietarnecomeesiatawen Under scrutiny | Floor, Phase-l, SAS Nagar, Mohali «9781376122 alsa | XS

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